International deployments Logistics and mobility

Post on 28-Mar-2022

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Hope afterDisastersThe Rapid Deployment UnitUrban Search & Rescue(SEEBA)

International deploymentsThe SEEBA proved their tactical quality and profession-alism in many earthquake missions, such as:

Bhuj, India 2001Bam, Iran 2003Muzzafarabad, Pakistan 2005

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Contact and information:

Technisches Hilfswerk (THW)Headquarters Fon: +49-228-994500Provinzialstraße 93 Fax: +49-228-994501520D – 53127 Bonn E-Mail:

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Logistics and mobilityA well-considered equipment cache is the foundationof the SEEBA:Pre-packed equipment in lightweight boxes enablethe use of normal passenger air planes. SEEBA as aHEAVY USAR Team with over 60 team members is self-sufficient in a mission. The main components:

Base of Operations

Technical search equipment

Biological (K9) search

Heavy rescue tools, such as concrete chainsaws, plasmacutters, hydraulic jaws of life etc.

A team management incl. trained Liaison Officers forthe “On Site Operation and Coordination Centre”(OSOCC) of the UN.

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A classified unitThe “International Search and Rescue Advisory Group”(INSARAG) of the United Nations defined the “INSARAGGuidelines” for those USAR Teams responding in inter-national missions after earthquakes. These guidelinesinclude the basic standards for USAR Teams. For example:A so-called HEAVY Team must be able to work nonstopfor up to ten days on two different sites. Only by meetingthe standards is a team able to deliver quick and efficientrelief after earthquakes and other disasters.

The SEEBA successfully undertook the “INSARAGExternal Classification” (IEC) in August 2007 as a HEAVYUSAR Team. THW is the only German organization witha HEAVY USAR Team.

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After earthquakes, explosions or a structural collapse,people are trapped under debris. They can be rescued ifthey are detected and excavated quickly. For this specialtask the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief(THW) has developed the Rapid Deployment Unit UrbanSearch & Rescue (SEEBA).

Speed is importantEvery hour counts when victims are buried under debris,esp. when they are injured and there is no food and water.There is a fair survival chance only within 120 hours.

Therefore the SEEBA isready for deploymentwithin six hours afterbeing alarmed.

The SEEBA is deployedby order of the GermanMinistry of the Interiorand the Foreign Office.

Training qualifiesThe SEEBA was built up on the experience of several earth-quake missions. Therefore – based on their national SARtraining – the SAR specialists of SEEBA have specific expertiseincl. theory and practical lessons related to internationalUrban Search and Rescue, as well as cultural awareness andother aspects of foreign missions. The Team Management,such as the Team Leader and Liaison Officers, get additionaltraining in preparation for a foreign mission. All teammembers must be able to speak English.

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