International Relations Quiz- Finals

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Rules30 questions(+10/-10) PounceWindow of 10 seconds+10 on direct, +5 on passQuizmasters decision is final and binding


This organization was founded in 1997 by Eric Prince. They were involved in the Fallujah, the Najaf and the Baghdad incident. In spite of the illegitimacy and illegality of their actions, they were granted full immunity by the Coalition Provision Authority for their actions. Identify the organization and the present name of the same.

Blackwaters Inc., a.k.a Academi


X had run a laundry business for a while, which went bankrupt. The Y team followed X's son's trail and was led to Garibaldi Street in the San Fernando section of Buenos Aires. "They surveyed the house constantly, photographing it from every angle with a telephoto lens, making notes about its lack of a fence, its fiberboard door, its unplastered walls. They observed the habits of the balding, bespectacled man who lived there with his family. They felt certain he must be X."But they still didn't have the proof.

On March 21, 1960, "the agents got their proof." On that evening Ricardo Klement got off the bus "and walked slowly toward Xs home. In his hands was a bouquet of flowers." Klement gave the bouquet to the woman who greeted him at the door. Their children were dressed for a special occasion. Later they heard the sound of laughter, of people in a celebratory mood.March 21 was the date of the X's silver wedding anniversary.There were no more doubts in the minds of the Y now.

Identify X and Y.

Adolf Eichmann and Mossad

3This entity is not a member of the United Nations (not having applied for membership) but was granted permanent observer state (i.e., non-member state) status on 6 April 1964. From 1999, the non-governmental organization, Catholics for Choice, lobbied against the participation of this entity in the United Nations. Supporters of this campaign argued that the entity was not a state, and that, therefore, it should not have the right to participate, in a position analogous to that of states.

Identify the state with its official UN name.

The Holy See

4There was a time in the United Nations when the delegate of the Soviet Union offered the United States of America aid under the Soviet Program of technical assistance to backward nations.

Identify the event which provoked this quip.

The launch of Sputnik and the subsequent failure of the launch of US Vanguard space program

5The Nuremberg Trials were a series of tribunals held by Allied forces after World War 2, to prosecute members of the Nazi party for their role in the Holocaust and other war crimes. Though Martin Bormann, a prominent member, was tried in abstentia, there were three key figures of the Nazi party who were not included within the indictment. One was, of course, Adolf Hitler himself.

Name the other two missing members, and state the reason for their absence.

Hermann Goering and Joesef Goebbels, committed suicide

6X is a stalwart of American diplomacy, who served as Secretary of State under two U.S. Presidents. Famous for his diplomatic overtures to China, his policies on the Vietnam War, his role in the Chilean coupe, his apparently anti-Semitic nature, and his comments during the Bangladesh-Pakistan war of 1971, where he told President Nixon that Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was a bitch and a witch and the Indians were bastards. X is also allegedly part of the shady Bilderberg group, a group of members pursuing to replace the world politic with a New World Order.

Identify X.

Henry Kissinger


The U.S. Army marching in the red square in 2010 marked the celebrations of the 55th anniversary of an event. This diplomatic overture also saw the armies of UK and France march in Moscow. Identify the event of which this was the 55th anniversary.

The Victory day parade of 1945

8The excerpt is from Xerxes speech, as he invades Greece, taken from Herodotus Histories in 480 B.C. This is believed to be the origin of an adage used originally by Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries and then by Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It has now been metaphorically transferred to USA. Identify the saying.

more lately, when we made a landing upon their coast under Datis and Artaphernes, how roughly they handled us ye do not need to be told. For these reasons, therefore, I am bent upon this war; and I see likewise therewith united no few advantages. Once let us subdue this people, and those neighbors of theirs who hold the land of Pelops the Phrygian, and we shall extend the Persian territory as far as God's heaven reaches. The ________________ ______________; for I will pass through Europe from one end to the other, and with your aid make of all the lands which it contains one country.

The Sun will never set on our empire

9Gambler and other "lowlifes", also messengersCity guard or policemanInnkeeperMerchant/MoneychangerDoctorWeaver/ClerkBlacksmithWorker/Farmer

Where in the world of sports would you come across practitioners of the aforementioned occupations in that order, from left to right?



Identify the purpose of this video.

American psychological propaganda against the Vietcong

11In 1940, X was nearly bankrupt. It used its proximity to nearby military producer Lockheed to win a contract to produce 32 short propaganda films for the United States government. Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi is one such film which depicts how the Hitler Youth were bred to fight right from their childhood. Xs popularity in the American market helped the U.S. Government to gain popularity through its propaganda videos. From 1940-45, over 90% of Xs employees were devoted to making propaganda movies.

Identify X.

Walt Disney

12X effect is a theory in political science and media studies that postulates that the development of 24 hour international television had a major impact on the conduct of states foreign policy. The saturation coverage of events such as the Tiananmen Square protests, the fall of Communism, the Gulf War and the Battle of Mogadishu would bring images and issues quickly to the forefront of political consciousness, and thus would force policy makers to have a stand on such issues. X in the X effect is an adage to the pioneering role played by X in this field.

Identify X.


13Jules and Gedeon Naudet are American filmmakers of French origin, whose first film, Hopes, Gloves and Redemption, released in 2000, focused on young boxers of East Harlem. They rose to fame while shooting a documentary on members of the Engine 7, Ladder 1 firehouse in Lower Manhattan. Jules video camera is now on display in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. To what do they owe their rise to such fame?

Capturing the only footage of American Airlines Flight 11 hitting the North tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.

14Overnight, we had 38 aircraft with a total of 6,656 people drop by for coffee, then stay for three or four days, reports a resident of the sleepy town of Gander, Canada. What event?

Closing of airspace over U.S.A. following 9/11, invoking SCATANA

15It has been described as the Red Telephone. The first message sent over this phone read The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs back 1234567890 in 1963. It has been used at momentous occasions in 1967, 1971, 1973 and 1979. Identify one of the most famous phone lines in the world.

The Washington-Moscow Hotline


Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq


Operation Fast and Furious


What does this map signify?

The power of the passports, ranked by the travel freedom the passport holder enjoys.

19This war was started by President Nixon against a specific organized crime and involved a campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid, and military intervention, with the stated aim being to reduce the illegal activity. A part of this war was Plan Columbia and Operation Just Cause.

Identify the war.

The War on Drugs

20This is a is a malicious computer worm believed to be a jointly built American-Israeli cyber weapon. The worm was developed during the Obama administration to sabotage Irans nuclear program with what would seem like a long series of unfortunate accidents.

Identify the worm.


21This entity's English translation means "Party of God". It was allegedly conceived by Muslim clerics and funded by Iran primarily to harass the Israeli occupation.It was a part of the March 8 Alliance within Lebanon, in opposition to the March 14 Alliance.

Identify the entity


22X was born in 1944 and is the current chief administrative officer of an organization that was established on the 24th of October, a year after his birth. He took up his first job in India instead of the United States of America so that he could save more money and could send it to his family.

Who is X?

Ban Ki Moon

23North Korea, independent since 1948, is not recognised by two UN members which reside in the same region. One is of course Republic of Korea. Identify the other.

(Hint) The Bombardment of Yeonpyeong in November, 2010, and the sinking of the ROKS Cheonan in 2011 have contributed to the continuing deterioration of the relationship.


24This Agreed Framework was signed on October 21, 1994. The objective of the agreement was the freezing and replacement of X's indigenous nuclear power plant program with more nuclear proliferation resistant light water reactor power plants. On October 2002, Y called off the deal due to suspected Uranium Enrichment on behalf of X.

Identify X and Y