Internet Marketing 101

Post on 29-Oct-2014

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An introduction to Internet Marketing. Clearing up some concepts regarding Website promotion on Search Engines and other media.


Internet Marketing 101

Leon Kadoch Hardie:.Information Architect / Web consultant

Panama City, Republic of /

In ter net⋅ ⋅

– a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide (usually prec. by the). The Internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols.

mar ket ing⋅ ⋅– the act of buying or selling in a market. – the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the

producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.

Internet Marketing

• Part of marketing that defines:– Planning– Pricing,– Promotion– Distribution – Online services.

Internet Marketing Strategies

• Website Design• Content (Images, Videos, and Text)• Link Exchange Programs• Directory Listings• Advertising Campaigns• Search Engine Optimization• Email Marketing

Your Audience

Easy comes, easy goes

• There’s NO easy money• Internet is Full of Scam, hence• Don’t believe all miraculous methods of making easy

money online

Key for Success !

• Build TRUST• A Good Business Model• Product MUST be good• GREAT web design• Strategy according to Budget

Website Development• 1st Step of the Online Strategy• Elaborate good content• User friendly website• Too many websites on the internet

– Users should find the website• Search Engines• Directory Listings

Search Engines• #1 Resource for Finding Information Online

– 98% of Internet users use them

Search Engines

• 60% of Internet users search using Google• 60% of Internet users search using Google

Understanding Search Engines

• Search engines index billions of websites and rank them according to complex algorithms that assess a page’s accessibility, its relevance based on specific search terms or keywords, and importance indicated by the number of sites that link to it

Search Engine Optimization• Work done to a website to let it get noticed and ranked (highly) by search

engines.• Studies show most search engine users don’t scroll past the first page of

results.• Goal: First page of search results

• Building a website using “search engine friendly” coding techniques that minimize the use of Flash and frames

• Researching appropriate search terms – called “keywords” or “keyword phrases” – that fit the target market

• Incorporating keyword-rich content into a website’s domain name, meta tags,title tags, alt tags, headings and overall content, and ensuring that content is updated regularly.

• Submitting the website address to search engines• Developing a reciprocal linking strategy with other websites to grow quality

inbound links to the site

Types of Search Engines

• Crawler-based search engines– Usage of “Crawlers” to define the existence and relevancy of the

submitted site. – They ‘crawl’ relevant content, keywords and links. – Patterns of repetition will define the purpose of your site

• Human-powered directories– Better known as “Directories” and require you to submit your URL and

wait for the editors results. – Results will depend on the perception and relevancy of your site. – Some are PAID submissions , and others are FREE

Growing Inbound Links

• The more quality inbound links your website has, the more likely it is to be labeled as “relevant” or “important” by the search engines.

• An SEO package should include the development of a quality linking strategy

Online Advertising• Graphical banner advertisements, pop-ups and text based ads

– Ads on third party websites designed to encourage users to click through to your site to learn more and, ultimately, to buy. These ads can be set up for a fee – pay-per-click, payper-lead, pay-per-sale – or they can be part of a reciprocal ad exchange with an online “partner,” where you place your partner’s ad on your website in exchange for your partner doing the same.

• Paid advertising in search engines – Search Engines made possible the availability to buy guaranteed search engine listings

through the purchase of keywords.• Google Adwords• Google Sponsored Links

• Publishing on Third-Party Websites. – Another, often overlooked, but cost-saving method of marketing your business online is by

publishing editorials in third-party e-zines, e-newsletters and on information-based websites. Just as editorials in offline media can help position you as an expert in your field and drive readers to your website, providing articles written (or ghost-written) by you to targeted online media can also drive traffic to your website, often with no out-ofpocket expense. Just remember to include a short biography that outlines what you do and a link to your website at the bottom of each article you publish.

• Permission-based Email Marketing– Low Cost and Effective– Send messages to your target market, directly.– Drives Traffic to your website / phone line– Send Sales Letters, or newsletters

Negative Part• SPAM

– Spam filters, good option.– Unsolicited Advertising– Filtering Legitimate Marketing Mails, problem.

• Ensuring High Delivery Rates– Permission Based Emails = Solution– Spam filters are filtering HTML emails – Text-based messages with a text link , will do better

Other Resources

Leon Kadoch Hardie:.Information Architect / Web consultant

Panama City, Republic of /