Internet not connected in windows 10

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Fix "Windows sockets registry entries required for network connectivity are

missing" error in Windows 10





About the issue Error occurs because of Issue Methods to Solve the Error Conclusion

About the Issue

After upgrading to Windows 10 sometime user face problem when they try to connected internet. This occurs in Windows system because of router, DNS server or system drivers and sometime registry configuration may also generate this issue. If you are unable to connect to the internet then there is a chance that the network registry entries are damaged or missing.

Error occurs because of Issue“One or more network protocols are missing on this computer”“Windows Sockets registry entries required for network

connectivity are missing.”

Steps to Solve the Error Remove Winsock Registry and Reinstall TCP/IPStep 1: Open run dialog box by pressing + R keys and type regedit in the Run dialog box. Registry Editor will open.

Step 2: From the left pane of Registry Editor, go to the below given registry key:


Steps to Solve the Error

Steps to Solve the Error

Step 3: Here, right click on the WinSock2 key and choose Export. Save the registry entry backup to an appropriate location. After it again right click on the same registry key, and choose Delete.

Steps to Solve the Error

Step 4: From the left pane of Registry Editor, go to the below given registry key:WinSock(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock) And perform step 3 with this registry key as well.After it close the Registry Editor.

Steps to Solve the Error

Step 5: Click on the start menu and open the Control Panel, navigate to the Network and Internet > Network Connections. Right click on Local Area Connection or Ethernet connection and choose Properties.

Steps to Solve the Error Step 6: At the Local Area Connection or Ethernet connection property, click on Install.

Step 7: After it, choose Protocol present under Select Network Feature Type and click Add.

Step 8: Then click on the Have Disk in Select Network Protocol window.

Step 9: In the “Install From Disk” window, enter C:\Windows\inf for Copy manufacturer’s files from section. Click OK.

*Substitute C: with your system root drive.Step 10: At last, at the Select Network Protocol window, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) – Tunnels. Click OK. Close Network and Sharing Center, reboot your machine.


So, by applying the given steps you can easily Fix the "Windows sockets registry entries required for network connectivity are missing" error in Windows 10 and connect your computer to the internet without any issue.

The End




