Interrobang 2017 BizSciTech Quiz Prelims+Answers

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Prelims with answers30 questions35 points11-20 starred26-30 two pointers

Q1. Who directed his efforts? (or) What did he feed the specimens?In August 1897, following a trip to Ooty, he captured twenty prime specimens that needed feeding on his return to Begumpet. After mounting a search, he found a volunteer named Hussein Khan who met his requirements.Khan was ordered to feed the specimens, and paid the princely sum of one anna for each specimen that survived. Khan was able to successfully nourish eight of the specimens, and earned eight annas for his efforts.

Sir Ronald ross (or) his own blood

Q2. what innovative technology was battle-tested in the 1952 Presidential election, and remains an integral part of campaigns today?

The teleprompter

Q3. What vital discovery is credited to American attempts at chemical warfare in WWII?Although it was outlawed under the Geneva Conventions, over 2,000 nitrogen mustard bombs 100 tonnes of the poison were secretly stockpiled on the SS John Harvey, anchored off Italy when it was blown up in a German air raid. The secret cargo detonated, causing untold death and suffering.A chemical warfare expert arrived to confront the aftermath, and the autopsies he ordered showed something startling: people who had succumbed to the poison had very few lymph and bone marrow cells.

Cancer chemotherapy (specifically leukaemia)

Q4. conspiracy theories over the meaning of what?Historians believe the circle that encases the branding, and the antenna-type symbol on top was an early European symbol for quality adopted by the products designers when they created it in 1952.Conspiracy theorists, however, believe that the antenna symbol is actually a Cross of Lorraine, a symbol identified with the famed Knights Templar. The four-leaf clovers that surround the branding has also been interpreted as the cross pattee - a geometric pattern of four triangles radiating outwards that is also associated with the Knights Templar and the Freemasons.

The embossing on oreo cookies

Q5. How does virtualis prevent vR users from becoming sick?Virtualis LLC is a startup founded by a professor at Purdue University. Its primary offering is a patented method of altering virtual reality simulations to mitigate motion sickness (also known as "simulator sickness") among VR users, thus ensuring its success with mainstream consumers.

Adds a nose VR headsets block the nose from the field of vision, and deprive users of a fixed reference point.

Q6. Who is letterman interviewing?

Q7. what were these stirring spoons used for?In the 1970s, when McDonalds launched its McCafe brand of hot beverages, its stores handed out long plastic stirring spoons to customers who wanted to mix in extra sugar. However, the spoon only survived for a few months before McDonalds decided to stop issuing them to customers, with a spokesperson commenting, It has been brought to our attention that people are using them illegally and illicitly for purposes for which they are not intended.

Measuring cocaine for snorting

Q8. what organisation does naret head?"We say it's a little like the CIA," says inspector "M," with a laugh. She asked that her identity not be revealed. "My whole life is staying under the radar, staying away from cameras, using fake names, trying to sneak in and out unnoticed."Along with their boss, Jean Luc Naret, the director, about 90 inspectors around the world decide which establishments will win the industry equivalent of an Oscar, a Nobel Prize and Megamillions jackpot all at once."Very simple," Naret said. "There's no different type. There's only two types -- the good one and the bad one. We only recommend the good one."

The Michelin guide.

Q9. who gives his name to the process by which bromine is extracted from brine?He patented the process in 1891, and set up the company that bore his name to manufacture bromine. When the Bromkonvention, a German cartel, realised that his price (27 cents/lb) undercut theirs (45 cents/lb), they dumped the US market with large quantities of the chemical at a predatory price (15 cents/lb).In a stroke of genius, he survived the threat by secretly procuring thousands of pounds of bromine through an agent, repackaging it with his brand and exporting it back to Germany, forcing the Bromkonvention out of business and ensuring the survival of his own company.

Herbert henry dow

Q10. why were rabbits brought to okunoshima?

Okunoshima Island is a tiny, uninhabited landmass that is today a tourist site in the south of Japan. Rabbits are not native to the island, but about 200 were brought into it in 1932. Okunoshima was chosen for the rabbits since it was surrounded by three larger, mountainous islands.

To test chemical weapons.

Q11. What is elbakyans claim to fame?Natures 10 is an annual list released by the science magazine containing ten personalities who mattered in the preceding year. This years list includes Gabriela Gonzalez (gravitational waves), Demis Hassabis (AlphaGo developer) and Celina Turchi (Zika specialist), among others.Also on the list is Alexandra Elbakyan, a Kazakh graduate student currently pursuing a masters degree in science history. Her biggest opponents include the Dutch company Elsevier, which sued her for millions of dollars in 2015. Undeterred, she says she feels a moral responsibility to keep her website afloat because of the users who need it to continue their work. Is there anything wrong or shameful in running it? I think no, therefore I can be open about my activities, she says.

She created sci-hub.

Q12. ID the characters played by Viggo Mortensen and Michael Fassbender

Sigmund freud; Carl jung.

Q13. Who were Titans customers?Titan Process House, a textile unit in Chaudhawadi (near Malegaon in Maharashtra) received its largest ever order in June 2016. The order was for the dying of seven lakh metres of white cloth received from Bhilwara.

Pants for the rss.

Q14. origins of what product?In 1941, Forrest Mars developed the product and set up headquarters in Newark, having secured a patent March 3. The ______ Plain Chocolate Candies, as they were called, hit the consumer market that same year. Within months, though, the U.S. entered World War II, and ________ became reserved for military use. Since the sugar coating prevented the candy from melting in warm climates like the Pacific, _______ were issued as part of soldiers C-Rations. Tubes were also sold in post exchanges and ships service stores. The Newark factory located at 200 North 12th Street produced 200,000 pounds of _______ per week, most of it going to the military. As the advertisements of the period maintained, _______ were 100% at War.

Q15. who issued this 1970 board game?Two to four players compete at exploring for oil, building platforms, and laying pipelines to bring the offshore oil back to the player's home company. Players take on the roles of companies in their quest for oil. As with other games focusing on offshore oil exploitation (e.g. Omnia's North Sea Oil), there is also the risk that storms will reduce production on, or eliminate, one's oil platforms. The first player to make $120,000,000 in cash is the winner.

Q16. Which town?______ _____, New Hampshire is an area that was until 1944 known as a resort town, surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest. The area, in 1945 was used as the location for a particular event that is said to have changed the course of international trade and business, until its eventual collapse in 1971.

Bretton woods.

Q17. Where does this store source its inventory?The store stocks about 7,000 items a day: from nail clippers, art, to Sully masks from Monsters, Inc.The store differs from a normal thrift store in the way that it sources its items; the shelves here are full of things people wanted, not junk they threw away. You might find a wedding dress at a thrift store," spokeswoman Branda Cantrell said, "but you wouldnt find a Vera Wang wedding dress. And weve had several of those.The store also has a dedicated museum to the wacky things theyve discovered, from a 19th-century Victorian fan to a 6ft papier-mch Tinker Bell, to a Jim Henson Hoggle puppet used in the David Bowie classic Labyrinth. On more than one occasion, they've turned up live rattlesnakes.

Q18. who was the subject of the study?A 2011 British Medical Journal paper studies three phases in the subjects life: 1798-1800, 1805-1810, and 1824-1826.Most cases of hearing loss commence with the inability to perceive higher frequency sounds, and gradually progress down the frequency range. The study counted occurrences of frequencies higher than 1568Hz in the subjects work, and found that they steadily decreased over the first two periods but increased in the third.They concluded that the subject was searching for an auditory feedback loop in his work in the beginning of his hearing loss. Towards the third phase, he had lost all but his inner ear, and was compelled to work according to instinct, thus explaining the resurgence of higher frequencies.

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Q19. Whose new logo?

Juventus FC

Q20. what is martin rieses occupation?Martin Riese, Americas only certified professional in the field, is a part of a rather small community. He has made a living from tasting, analyzing, judging and educating individuals regarding the many different flavours that we are often unaware of. He has also created a menu containing 44 pages of different varieties of the beverage at the Ray and Stark in Los Angeles.

He is a water sommelier.

Q21. what double-positive activity is the prime example of an ideomotor response?The term "ideomotor response" is most commonly used in reference to the process whereby a thought or mental image brings about a seemingly "reflexive" or automatic muscular reaction, often of minuscule degree, and potentially outside of the awareness of the subject. This leads to the body sometimes reacting reflexively to ideas alone without the person consciously deciding to take action. This has been seen as the explanation for phenomena such as automatic writing.

q22. Who operates under these restrictions?According to Andy Wilman, they arent allowed to have a handwritten leaderboard and they cant call their news segment The News. Theyve had debates over whether or not they can still say cock.This year, they went to Namibia to film. The lawyers had a sit down with them and told them that because they had previously called the scenery beautiful earlier, they now had to watch that you dont do that.So now, they had to say, For legal reasons, this scenery is shit.We also learn thatthe new contract with Amazon runs for the next three years. That means, Wilman muses, he has got to get into a low-slung car in three years time, and get out of it. I wanna be there just to seethat.Big puddle of piss in the seat.

The cast of top gear/the grand tour.

q23. Whose new logo?The new logo is written with the ill replaced by a colon and two slashes, just as displayed in a conventional URL. Creative director Tim Murray explained the decision to Wired: Because it has a portion of URL embedded in the middle of the logo, you know this must be some kind of internet company.

Q24. which company?In 2011, this company announced a $25000 cash donation to the Dian Fossey Fund International, becoming an official corporate partner. The donation was to support the organisation's ongoing conservation and habitat protection efforts to conserve in Africa."We are very excited to give back to the animals that inspired our tough yet beautiful product," said an executive of the company.

Corning (part points for gorilla glass).

Q25. what did the project aim to preserve?In 1964, the governments aid request resulted in a multinational task force of historians, mathematicians and engineers gathering on the Azores islands to discuss various stabilization methods, although it was important to keep the destabilization intact as well.After two decades of discussion, steps were taken to resolve some of the issues. Apartments and homes in the vicinity were vacated for safety concerns and 50 cubic yards of soil were removed from underneath. After a decade of corrective efforts, the results were finally seen, with those working on the project stating that it would not be an issue for another 300 years.

The angle of the leaning tower of pisa.

Q26. (a) which company?Began life in 1916 as an import arm of the British Chloride Electric Storage Co. Went through several name changes, doing business as Chloride International Ltd., Chloride India Ltd., Chloride Industries Ltd., etc. before embarking on a collaboration with Japans Shin Kobe Electric Machinery Co. and settling on its current name.Currently holds about 33% market share in its core business areas, but is under fierce competition from Hyderabads Amara Raja Group

Q26. (b) What application?This companys core business areas are in the automotive, industrial and domestic sectors. They are also the sole suppliers of this product to a certain institution, meaning that about 800 products each are in continuous use in 15 stations. Each of these stations represents a unique challenge for the company. 13 of these stations are either Kilo-class or Type 209, meaning that the companys products must endure an environment rich in diesel fumes and therefore be fire-proof. The other two stations are in environments in which human beings cannot safely enter, so must be built to endure lengthy periods without maintenance.

(a) exide; (b) submarines in the indian navy

Q27. (a) what feature of Morton salt is being advertised through its logo and motto?

Q27. (a)

Q27. (b) what additive did Morton add to achieve this feature?

(a) anti-clumping (when it rains, the salt pours); (b) Magnesium Carbonate

Q28. (a) who spearheaded this campaign, designing the logo on the next slide for it?In late 2007, Greenpeace decided to name a whale in an effort to protect it from Japanese whaling expeditions. The poll to decide upon a name was hacked to ensure that the leading contender was Mr. Splashy Pants.Greenpeaces decision to disregard the hackers votes enraged an online community, which collectively decided to ensure that Mr. Splashy Pants won the poll. (It eventually garnered 78% of the vote.)

Q28. (b) poem by whom?

(a) Alexis ohanian; (b) serena williams

Q29. (a) what device? (b) what profession?These locations typically contain devices which generate strong electromagnetic fields and radio waves. Measures are taken to prevent interference with these devices, meaning that cellular tower signals are significantly weakened in the immediate vicinity. The alternative, preferred by most professionals in the field, allows only for one-way communication of small messages. Because of this, it can function perfectly well in locations where radio signal strength is weak, or where radio networks are overloaded by traffic or interference.

(a) pagers; (b) doctors/hospital workers

Q30. (A) What company did raj Narayan set up?(b) who was x, instrumental to its success?G Raj Narayan joined HAL in Bangalore after his Master's degree in electronics engineering, and worked on avionics for about a decade. In 1970, he began pursuing his hobby full time, and started a company in his garage to manufacture products such as the Dhruva, Saarang, and Swaroopini to serve a niche market. The company initially found it difficult to sell its products in the market, but found an early adopter in a famous radical X in 1979, who took to their products immediately. Narayan remarks that this was the turning point for his company, which now boasts of a state-of-the-art facility in Bangalore's Electronics City. X himself knew this, telling Narayan that he was "more of a salesman and promoter" than a mere customer, since Narayan's company was able to set up stalls to sell the product every year without fail when legends like X provided live demonstrations of its capabilities.

(a) Radel electronics; (b) balamuralikrishna

Stand by for the finals.Ten minutes from now.