into his nostrils the soul of life. (Bereishis 2:7) · 2020. 10. 14. · on the other hand he has...

Post on 22-Oct-2020

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  • Shabbos Bereishis – the First Test: Can we go back to life as usual, but infused with the kedusha of YomimNoraim?

    And Hashem Elokim created man from the dust and dirt of the earth and blew into his nostrils the soul of life. (Bereishis 2:7)

    The Alter Zutshka notes that the Hebrew spelling of created in our pasuk, is spelled unusual-ly with two yuds. This hints at the entire makeup of man - who is comprised of two opposing forces - on the one hand he is dust and ashes formed from gahsmiyus and physical matter, on the other hand he has great potential due to his spiritual side, the lofty Divine soul that Hashem blew into him, granting him life.

    The reason that man was created in such a manner – with a dual make-up, is all in order to raise form above matter, to use the spiritual side of the soul to defeat and conquer the phys-ical side of the body.

    The power of the kedushah of the soul is so lofty and infinitely high because the soul is a portion of G-dliness from on High and also a portion of the Torah itself. This is because we know (Zohar parshas Achrei Mos III 73a) that Hashem, the Torah and the Jewish people are united as one. What this means is that a Jew’s entire essence is Divine! And his essence is attached and connected to the essence of the holy Torah! He only just has to reveal this by serving Hashem with avodas haKodesh.He just needs to refine himself and reveal that good-ly portion within himself, then the kedusha can conquer and defeat the base physical matter of the body.

    This Shabbos is known as “Shabbos Bereishis,” because now is truly the beginning – the Bereishis of the new year. Until now we had amazing wondrous days – sweet days filled with teshuva, returning to Hashem both out of fear, and love. Until now we were on a spiritual high. The Yomim Noraim – the Days of Awe brought us to do teshuvah out of fear and awe, whereas the holidays of Sukkos brought us to do teshuvah out of love.

    A great loss for Am Yisroel,With deep sadness we dedicate this issue to

    the Tzadik Rav Avrohom Schlager,ben Rav Yechiel Michel

    the Bukshevitz Rav of Montreal who we lost on 24 Tishrei תשפ”א

    and we extend our condolences to his son haGaon Rav Eliezer Dovid,

    the son in law of the Monsey Rebbe

    Dedicated in loving memory ofHa’Gaon Rav Avrohom Genechovsky

    ben Eliyahu MosheRosh Yeshiva Tchebin Kochav M’Yaakov

    25 Tishrei תשע”ג

  • The kedushah of these days is filled with an abundance of shefa and berachah that is won-drous indeed. These lofty days showered us with shefa, so much so that we didn’t even need to recite tachanun at all, all month long because we almost did not even have any nisyanos to sin. We did not need to recite tachanun because we were surrounded with unlimited im-measurable kedushah.

    But now we begin the year as usual, back to normal, so to speak and here begins the first test and the first trial. But the sanctity of Shabbos Kodesh pours forth an abundance of shefa and blessings that influence this beginning; sending hope, help and heavenly aid to help us suc-ceed even now in the normal mundane days that form the upcoming year to serve Hashem sincerely with all our heart and soul.

    This Shabbos is what empowers us to keep on going all year long and sustain this high and keep those blessings. That is why it is called Shabbos Bereishis.

    Let us hope and pray that we accept and recieve the shefa of blessing from above from this Shabbos to help us be faithful servants all year long and all the days of our lives, Amen.

    Segulos for Sanctity and Purity - Kedusha and Taharah

    These are various Segulos that the Zutshka Rebbe wrote down himself and asked to be published to merit others:1. Gaze upon and look at the letters in the Torah scroll and if possible especially the Divine Name itself2. Recite the following “I am hereby making myself a merkava - a vehicle for the Divine Presence the Shecinah” even a thousand times a day3. Recite the pasuk Lev Tahor Bara Li Elokim veRuach Nachon Chadesh BeKirbi Tehillim 51:12 י ִקְרבִּ ש בְּ ָרא ִלי ֱאלִהים ְורוַח ָנֹכון ַחדֵּ .ֵלב ָטֹהור בְּ4. Light a candle (olive oil or regular wax) for the elevation of the soul of Rabbi Meir Baal haNess and say - Elaka deMeir Aneni – 3 אלקא דמאיר ענני times5. Recite Tehillim Chapter 23 Mizmor leDovid Hashem Roi6. Recite Tehillim 27 LeDovid Hashem Ori daily

    The following is a translation of the Mesiras Modaah - an announcement and affirmation against the evil one – It is good to recite this even daily and even alone to yourself:

    I hereby affirm to you that any evil or negative thoughts I have and wrong willful desires in my heart or mind especially when they occur in the middle of davening or learning & stud-ying Torah, if they are in any way shape or form against the will of the Creator blessed is His name or against His honor,

    from now on I hereby cancel those thoughts and nullify the desires of the heart that were against Hashem’s will. A total and complete and utter cancellation and nullification like a broken earthenware vessel like a shattered ceramic pot, how much more so if it was a nega-tive or forbidden word or speech I said, from now on may them all be canceled and nullified.

  • I hereby reveal my mind and will to you with all my heart: My entire being is full of will and desire to only serve our Creator, the G-d of Avraham, the G-d of Yitzchok and the G-d of Yis-roel, to serve Him truly and sincerely, completely and fully with temimus and in perfection, in though speech and action, with fear, awe, love, joy as is proper to do. Any thought, speech or act that is against the will of Hashem, is from now on canceled and null and void because they all come from the yetzer hara the evil one and are nothing but hevel and vanities. In this way and manner all of our avodas Hashem in thought, speech and action is all done to give Hashem a nachas ruach and satisfaction davka, without any ulterior motives at all.

    All I do is done to unify haKadosh Baruch Hu and Shechina - Leshem Yichud Kudsha Bir-ichHu veShechintay - with fear and awe and love and with love and fear and awe - to unite the Name Yud and Hay with Vav and Hay a complete and total unity - in the name of all Kol Yisroel - according to the intentions and understandings of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and his son Rabbi Elazar and according to the Arizal -Rav Yitzchok Luria Ashkenazi – Rav Yisroel Baal Shem Tov and his disciples (the names of other tzadikim may be recited here and add-ed) may Hashem haMakom in His mercy aid and help us for the sake of the honor and glory of His name from now on to forever more Amen - may the words of my mouth be desired and the thoughts of my heart before You Hashem My rock and redeemer Amen and Amen

    נוסח מסירת מודעה נגד הצר הצורר הוא היצר מספר עבודת הקודש

    ֲהֵריִני מוֵסר מוָדָעה ִלְפֵניֶכם ֶׁשָּכל ַמֲחָׁשָבה ָרָעה ְוִהְרהּור ַרע ּוְרעּוָתא ְדִלָּבא ִאם ַיֲעֶלה ְּבִלִּבי ּומִחי ּוִבְפָרט ְּבֵעת ַהְּתִפָּלה ְוַתְלמּוד ּתוָרה ְּבֵאיֶזה ַצד ָואֶפן ֶׁשֵאינו ִלְכבוד ּוְרצון ַהּבוֵרא ִיְתָּבַרְך, ֵמַעְכָׁשיו ֲאִני ְמַבֵּטל אוָתן ַמֲחָׁשבות ְוִהְרהּוִרים ָרִעים ּוְרעּוָתא ְדִלָּבא ֲאֶׁשר ֵהם ֶנֶגד ְרצון ַהָּקדוׁש ָּברּוְך הּוא ִּבּטּול ָּגמּור ְּכֶחֶרס ַהִּנְׁשָּבר, ּוִמָּכל ֶׁשֵּכן ִאםַוֲאִני ְוַעָּתה ֲאִני ְמָבֵרר ּוְמָפֵרׁש ַבֵאר ֵהיֵטב ִיְהיּו ַהּכל ְּבֵטִלים ּוְמֻבָּטִלים. ֲאַדֵּבר ֵאיֶזה ִּדּבּור ַרע ְוִאּסּור ֵמַעְכָׁשיו ְוִישָרֵאל ִיְצָחק ַלֲעבד ֶאת ּבוְרֵאנּו ֱאלֵהי ַאְבָרָהם ֱאלֵהי ְוַכָּוָנִתי ּוַמֲאָוִיי ְרצוִני ִּכי ִלִּבי ְּבָכל ּוְרצוִני ַּדְעִּתי ְמַגֶּלה ְוָכל ַמֲחָׁשָבה ְּבִיְרָאה ְוַאֲהָבה ְושְמָחה ַּכָּדת ַמה ַּלֲעשות, ְוִדּבּור ּוַמֲעשה ֲעבוָדה ְׁשֵלָמה ֲעבוָדה ַּתָּמה ְּבַמֲחָׁשָבה ְוִדּבּור ּוַמֲעשה ֶנֶגד ְרצונו ִיְתָּבַרְך ֵמַעְכָׁשו ְּבֵטִלים ּוְמֻבָּטִלים, ִּכי ֵהם ִמַּצד ֵיֶצר ָהָרע ְוַהּכל ָהֶבל, ְּבאֶפן ֶׁשָּכל ֲעבוָדֵתנּו ַלּבוֵרא ִיְתָּבַרְך ְּבַמֲחָׁשָבה ְוִדּבּור ּוַמֲעשה ַהּכל הּוא ַלֲעשות ַנַחת רּוַח ְלָפָניו ַּדְוָקא ְּבִלי ׁשּום ְּפִנָּיה ְּכָלל ְוִעָּקר, ְוַהּכל הּוא ְלֵׁשם ִיחּוד ֻקְדָׁשא ְּבִריְך הּוא ִּבְדִחילּו ּוְרִחימּו ּוְרִחימּו ּוְדִחילּו ְלַיֲחָדא ֵׁשם י"ה ְּבו"ה ְּבִיחּוָדא ְׁשִלים ְּבֵׁשם ָּכל ִישָרֵאל, ְלַדַעת ַרִּבי ִׁשְמעון ֶּבן יוַחאי ְוַרִּבי ֶאְלָעָזר ְּבנו, ּוְלַדַעת ָהַרב ַרִּבי ִיְצָחק לּוְרָיא ַאְׁשְּכַנִּזי. ּוְלַדַעת ָהַרב ַרִּבי ִישָרֵאל ַּבַעל ֵׁשם טוב ְוַתְלִמיָדיו, ַהָּמקום ְּבַרֲחָמיו ַיְעְזֵרנּו ַעל ְּדַבר ְּכבוד ְׁשמו ֵמַעָּתה ְוַעד עוָלם: ִיְהיּו ְלָרצון ִאְמֵרי

    ִפי ְוֶהְגיון ִלִּבי ְלָפֶניָך ה' צּוִרי ְוגוֲאִלי:

    24 Holy Customs that the Zutshka Rebbe kept and taught others:

    1. Immerse yourself in the mikva daily.2. Study Torah as much as you can before davening.3. Recite Pasach Eliyahu and the Tefillah of the Rebbe Elimelech before davening.4. Exert effort to concentrate and recite with proper kavanah when you say Shema since it is the acceptance of the yoke of Heaven and a great avodah and influences the entire day.

  • 5. After davening recite Tehillim 23 - Mizmor leDovid Hashem is my shepherd, Tehillim 67 LaMenatzeyach BeNeginos, Parshas haYirah, Parshas haTeshuva, Parshas haMan, the 13 artciles of Faith Ani Maamin, and the 6 Zechiros.6. Study Iggeres haRamban at least once a week.7. When you eat have in mind that you are eating to have strength to serve Hashem.8. Before Bentshing Birkas haMazon study the Mishnah 6 of Chapter 4 from Zevachim.9. Accustom yourself to recite pesukim dealing with yichud Hashem and Emunah and say “I hereby accept the yoke of the kingship of Heaven with love and the first Ani Maamin by heart all the time.10. Try to fulfill the mitzvah of sanctifying Hashem’s Name as it appears in the Rebbe Elimel-ech’s Tzetzel Katan where you imagine yourself willingly giving up your life to sanctify G-d’s name.11. Accustom yourself to recite blessings of food and drink with concentration and true ka-vana and that there ius nothing else but Hashem - Ayn Od Milvado אין עוד מלבדו.12. Study the Gate of Yiras Shomayim from Orchos Tzadikim and Shaar Kedushah in Reishis Chochma and the Rebbe Elimelech’s tzetel katan.13. Even during those days that you are extremely busy and stressed, not one day should pass without Torah study as it says if you leave me from one day I leave you for two, heaven save us.14. Not a day should go by without mussar that heals the soul, it Is good to study Orchos tzadikim since it contains many various topics and is written in clearly.15. A segulah for purifying your thoughts is to be immersed in Torah since it is the main antidote against the yetzer hara, as is known that the Rambam says (Hilchos Issurei Biya) no evil thoughts can grow strong and conquer and defat us except when our hearts are empty of wisdom.16. Safeguard yourself very much from forbidden sights, remember the words of the Ram-bam (Hilchos Teshuvah 4:4) whoever gazes upon and looks at arayos believing that there is nothing wrong with just looking fails to understand that looking with your eyes leads to the forbidden sins themselves as it says due not stray after your hearts and your eyes.17. Do not allow negative thoughts to form and take hold of your mind, do not allow them to spread and recite pesukim that are a segulah to purify the minds and depict and imagine your father or rebbe’s image and attach and connect yourself to them. Lower yourself and say reciting by heart, who am I and what is my life I am lowly and how can I be so arrogant? When you lower and humble yourself you will merit a pure heart.18. Here are some pesukim that are a segulah to purify the mind and thought: Ohr Zarua laTzadik, Seifim Sanesi, Horeni Hashem derech chukecha, lo sasuru achrei levavchem, vehiskadishtem vehayisem kedoshim. Tehillim 97:11 ֵרי ֵלב ִשְׂמָחה יק וְלִיְשׁ דִּ .אור ָזרוַע ַלצַּTehillim 119:113 י ֶקב׃ Tehillim 119:33 ֵסֲעִפים ָשֵׂנאִתי; ְותוָרְתך ָאָהְבתִּ ה עֵֽ ֶרנָּ יך ְוֶאצְּ הוֵרִני ה' ֶדרך ֻחקֶּBamidbar 15:39 ם ם ֹזוִנים ַאֲחֵריהֶֽ ר־ַאתֶּ יֵניֶכם ֲאֶשׁ תורו ַאֲחרי ְלַבְבֶכם ְוַאֲחֵרי עֵֽ ם VaYikra 20:7ְוֽלא־תָּ תֶּ ְשׁ ְוִהְתַקדִּים ִוְהִייֶתם ְקֹדִשׁ

  • 19. Shevisi Hashem (Tehillim 16:8) י ָתִמיד יִתי ה ְלֶנְגדִּ וִּ placing G-d’s name before your eyes – ִשׁis an important foundation for safeguarding our minds and thoughts. Imagine and depict the Divine Name with the Nikud of the word Yirah (chirik, sheva, kamatz) or BiBris (chirik, sheva, chirik).20. Tell your rebbe and teachers about the thoughts you have that are contrary to G-d’s will this itself breaks the power of the yetzer hara as the Rebbe Elimelech suggests in tzetel katan.21. Remember that there is no greater sin than the pegam of kedusha since it can cause many disasters, pain and distress and tzaros - more so than other sins, heaven save us.22. Be very careful to safeguard against sadness and depression since they distance us from Hashem and ruin our kedusha, more so than other sins. If you have worry in your heart talk about with others and put it out of your mind in order to cancel sadness because depression is the major cause of loss that can lead to losing everything you achieved.23. Be careful to recite the bedtime Shema with proper kavana.24. Always daven and pray to Hashem begging Him to merit to serve Him in purity and sanc-tity, pray for the welfare and sake of others regarding this matter for those who daven for others when they need them same things Hashem answers them first.

    Rav Avrohom Ganochovski at the bris of Yitzchok Isaac the Rebbe’s son

    Photos in honor of the Yahrzeits of Rav Avrohom Ganochovski and the Berditchever, 25 Tishrei

    The Zutshka Rebbe Shlita alongside Shlomo Nash davening at the kever of Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev

    The Komarno Rebbe ztzl alongside his brother in law the Zutshka Rebbe Zatzal and the Zutshka Rebbe Shlita

    The Rebbe during Hoshanos