Into to Web Analytics – What Google Analytics Can Do For You

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How to Webinar: Intro to Web AnalyticsWhat Google Analytics Can Do For You

May 2012


Arden Kaley, Digital Marketing Strategist

Google Analytics Certified

Agenda• Intro to Google Analytics • Overview of Standard Reporting

• Audience Reports• Traffic Sources Reports

• How to Use Custom Tracking URLs• Content & Conversion Reports• How to Set Up Goals & Funnels

• Arden’s Top 5 Reports you Have to Read• Overview of Administration

• How to Track Site Searches• How to Use Custom Tracking URLs & Code

Variations • Arden’s Top 5 Settings You Must Set Up • Analytics Best Practices• Q&A



Intro to Google Analytics

What Google Analytics Can Do For You

Understand Your Audience• Who are they?• Where did they come

from?• What do they want to


Gain Insights That Matter• How do visitors behave?• What distinguishes converting

visitors from non-converting visitors?

• What segments are most likely to convert?

Customize Reports • What reports best address

my business needs?• What metrics can I bring

together to see the full picture?


Getting Started

Getting Started

When deciding whether or not to use subdomain or cross domain tracking, consider all the web properties (individual websites) that your brand has.

Learn more about @googleanalytics sub and cross domain tracking:

Tracking Code

Getting Started

The Home tab shows you a list of all your dashboards, the Intelligence Events, as well as Real Time tracking.

On the custom tab, you can create a custom report that connects two pieces of data that are listed in separated reports under in the Standard Reporting.

Home vs. Custom Tab

Custom Reporting Tab

Visitors Overview

Visitors Overview

Standard Reporting

New vs. Returning Visitors

Location Demographics

Engagement Behavior

Audience Reports give you a clear picture of who your audience is, answering the question “What do they look like?”

Audience Reports

Have you ever seen your own site as a referring source for itself? This can help you figure out why:

Traffic Sources Overview

Standard Reporting

The Traffic Sources section is where you can begin to answer the question “How are people finding your site?” by either source or medium.

Traffic Sources Reports

Where are your visitors coming from: how to understand and optimize the Traffic Sources reports.

All Traffic Sources

Social: Pages

Custom Tracking URLs

Anytime your digital or offline marketing assets drive visitors back to your website, use the URL Builder to create custom tracking links for each asset for better attribution of marketing leads.

Custom URL Tracking

If you’re sending out links back to your site, use the custom GA tracking codes. It’s too simply not to!

Tool: URL Builder

Standard Reporting

The Content section helps you to understand what content on your site visitors are interacting with and how they navigate between that content.

Content Reports

Develop a converting visitor profile to optimize your site for conversions!

Pages Report

Navigation Summary

Should you be using Event Tracking on your website? Probably – here’s why:

Standard Reporting

All the reports in this section answer the question you want to know – are people doing what I want them to on my website?

Conversion Reports Goal Set Up

What match type fits your goals? Learn more from @googleanalytics

Assisted Conversions

Multi Channel Funnels

Admin Overview

When visitors use the Site Search, they are telling you exactly what they are looking for – listen to them!

Site Search

Listen to your web visitors by enabling site search in your #analytics data

Admin Overview

Establish what it is visitors on your site should be doing, then begin to track this data using URL destination, time on site, pages per visit, or event tracking goals.

Goals & Funnels

Understand goal types in @googleanalytics

Arden’s Top 5

Reports You Have to Read

Traffic Sources• Utilize the Visitors with Conversion segment to better understand the most profitable traffic sources and

leverage these sources to gain more qualified visitors

Site Search• These visitors are telling you exactly what they’re looking for! Listen to what your visitors are telling you and

optimize pages accordingly

Mobile Devices• We’re seeing increasing numbers of visits from mobile devices, but not an increase in conversions from mobile

devices. Ensure your website is optimized for mobile visitors to convert.

Top Conversion Paths• Found in the Multi-Channel Funnels section, this report will give insight into how often visitors have to come to

your website before converting as well as how they are connecting with you.

Content Pages• Like with the Traffic Sources, look at the top content pages but then compare this data with the top content

pages from Visitors with Conversions. You may find that converting visitors are highly interested in a particular piece of content on your website that you need to draw out onto top tier pages. You can also learn a lot about your visitors by examining how they navigate the site through the Navigation Summary.

Arden’s Top 5

Settings You Have to Set Up

Annotations• These are essential in understanding the peaks and valleys in your data. Although you can operate without

them, having them directly in your charts will be a quick time saver when analyzing your data.

Event Tracking• Somewhere on your site, there is a micro conversion that you can’t track just through pageviews. Use event

tracking to better understand how visitors engage with your site.

Filtered Profile• Get rid of your employees’ visits to the site! We want to know how people outside of your company are

engaging with the site.

Goals• What do you want people to do when they get to your website? Figure that out, then track it!

Advanced Segments• By far my favorite feature to use, Advanced Segments can be set up for anything and everything – mobile

visitors with conversions, mobile non-branded visitors who came through an interior page from organic search, banner ad visitors who spent more than 10 seconds on the site, etc. Learn how these custom segments navigate your site to better understand each audience.

Arden’s Top 5

Analytics Best Practices

Use Annotations to Dictate When You Make Changes

• This is a Arden’s Top 5 setting because it’s a best practice. If you include these dates within you’ll be able to start seeing how your digital marketing efforts are affecting your website traffic.

Have at Least 3 Profiles per Web Property

• When you create a web property you should have the following 3 profiles• Unfiltered: no changes, no goals, no filters, just data• Test Profile: include all your filters and goals, and use this profile to test if they are working before

moving them to the…• Reporting Profile: after checking the filters and goals are accurately set up on the test profile, copy them

to this profile which will always be the profile you use when pulling any report

Use utm Tracking Links on Every Inbound Link

• This allows you to control the cleanliness of your data and accurately attribute web traffic to your marketing efforts so that you can better understand what is bringing you the best ROI

Arden’s Top 5

Analytics Best Practices

Create a Converting Visitor Profile

• Understand what it takes to get a visitor to convert on your website, then optimize the way you reach potential customers as well as the user experience on your website to direct them to the appropriate content that is likely to result in conversions.

Keep Digging!

• When you are looking through the Standard Reporting, there’s nothing you can do to edit, delete, or change the data that you’re working with. So slice and dice away! This is your playground so don’t be afraid to dig in and drill down as much as you possibly can. Draw conclusions from the data you see, identify trends, and test other theories. You can never ruin the data that’s been collected – so go nuts!

Questions & Answers

Connect With Me

Arden Kaley, Digital Marketing Strategist

Google Analytics Certified



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