Intro and structure of presentation

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A comparison of policy transfer processes: different transport concepts transferred to and from different countries Tom Rye, Transport and Roads, LTH, Lunds Universitet K2 Swedish National Public Transport Knowledge Centre. Intro and structure of presentation. Policy transfer – what is it?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



A comparison of policy transfer processes: different transport concepts transferredto and from different countries

Tom Rye, Transport and Roads, LTH, Lunds UniversitetK2 Swedish National Public Transport Knowledge Centre

Trivector TrivectorNr.Many of us spend our time working in projects that aim to transfer transport policies and measures from one country or city to another. I was very interested to understand what makes this process of policy transfer work and when I became aware of the EPOMM+ projects policy transfer experiments they seemed a perfect living laboratory for studying this question.1Intro and structure of presentation

Nr. TrivectorNr.In my Pecha Kucha I define policy transfer and what the scientific literature already says about it. Then I introduce the actual cases of policy transfer from the EPOMM+ project, explain how I reviewed them and then present my findings. This is my first ever Pecha Kucha on a topic that doesnt lend itself to the format, so please bear with me!

2Policy transfer what is it?

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Nr. TrivectorNr.Policy transfer is a process in which knowledge about policies, administrative arrangements, institutions in one time and/or place is used to develop them somewhere else although EU sustainable transport projects often try to transfer measures as well as policies.

3What the literature says

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Nr. TrivectorNr.Policy transfer more likely to work if:A problem to solve but no obvious local solution Champion (person) to promote the policy in the adopting countryEase of understanding of the policy Cultural and legal similarities between the exporting and adopting country

4What makes it work?


Nr. TrivectorNr.I am sure that we can think of many situations where we have tried to transfer ideas to a new city or country and these conditions from the literature have not been met the problem may be defined in a different way than we define it, or there may be no recognition of a problem at all, or the solution offered may be too complicated to explain (like SUMP?), or there is simply no-one interested.

5Empirical casesLTSISENLBGFR

Nr. TrivectorNr.SI to LT, national platform for SUMPs.BE to SI, Traffic Snake Game, MM measure to cut % of kids driven to school.NL to SE, MM at roadworks on major roads.DE to NL, MM measures for different target groups, like new residents moving to large cities.UK to BG, park and ride for bus and metro.UK to FR, HEAT tool to value health benefits from cycling.

6Empirical casesLTSISENLBGFR

Nr. TrivectorNr.SI to LT, national platform for SUMPs.BE to SI, Traffic Snake Game, MM measure to cut % of kids driven to school.NL to SE, MM at roadworks on major roads.DE to NL, MM measures for different target groups, like new residents moving to large cities.UK to BG, park and ride for bus and metro.UK to FR, HEAT tool to value health benefits from cycling.




Nr. TrivectorNr.The research was based on-depth interviews with the exporters and importers of each transfer.The interview questions were structured around points from literature:What was transferred?Their personal role, and the role of other actorsWhether they judged transfer to be successful and whySuccess and barrier factorsHow transfer could be more successful in future

8Organised via EPOMM+ EU project


Nr. TrivectorNr.Policy transfer was organised as one part of the EPOMM+ IEE STEER project although it was only one aspect of project Most partners consultants, researchers, NGOs so NOT in position of implementerThe policy transfer process (co-ordinated by partner Eurocities):Request from partners for interest in policies to transferFace to face meeting of partners, sometimes implementersWork in receiving country to interest implementersSite visits, including implementers

9what happened as result of transfers?10

Nr. TrivectorNr.DE to NL, mobility management measures for different target groups no definable progress because no clear market for this measure in NLUK to BG, bus based park and ride this led to a change in location of P&R on Sofia metroUK to FR, HEAT economic evaluation tool to value health related benefits of investment in cycling no definable progress no clear champion in Ministry in France, and the tool is quite difficult to explain

10what happened as result of transfers?11

Nr. TrivectorNr.SI to LT, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans no definable progress more inspiration, showed that a national SUMP platform can work BE (Flanders) to SI, Traffic Snake Game, programme of Game in schools, Ministry publication on Game produced for schoolsNL to SE, mobility management at roadworks on major roads Trafikverket guidance document on topic, 2012

11problems barriers (1)12

Nr. TrivectorNr.At the start of the project some partners had no clear idea of what they wanted to transfer to their country.There were more exporters than importers of ideas supply, unusally, exceeded demand! In certain cases also there was a poor definition of what was to be transferred for example, the SUMP platform, or the SUMP concept in its entirety?

12problems barriers (2)13

Nr. TrivectorNr.A key issue was to get access to possible implementing agencies and to interest them in the idea. The HEAT tool was an example of this, as was the MM measures from Germany to NL. This was because exporters and importers in the EPOMM+ project were not usually themselves working in implementing agencies. Steps were of course taken to interest Ministries (inviting them to initial meetings, for example), but this did not always work. No champion within implementing agenciesLack of funds from implementing agenciesHard to find space in policy landscape in receiving country for new policy idea

13problems barriers (3)14

Nr. TrivectorNr.A related problem was that there was not always a champion within implementing agencies, the SUMP export to Lithuania and the HEAT transfer tool to France being examples of this. Sometimes funds were not available to test the new measure, or to continue its funding even with the traffic snake game, this was an issue. And sometimes, as in MM export from DE to NL, it was hard to find space in policy landscape in receiving country for the new idea.

14success factors (1)15

Nr. TrivectorNr.Of the 6 cases reviewed, 3 were judged to be a success by at least one interviewee: these were the traffic snake game (BE to SI), park and ride (UK to BG), and MM at road works (NL to SE). Why were these successful, then? A good relationship built between exporters, importers and the implementing agency was crucial.

15success factors (2)16

Nr. TrivectorNr.More important was a very clear idea of what was to be transferred it should be easy to understand and communicate, preferably, have some direct physical result and, also preferably, have been discussed prior to project. Contact with and interest from implementing agencies especially in the importing country is important, and similar agencies were important in one case (NL to SE). Site visits also helped!


Nr. TrivectorNr.The scientific literature talks about non-coercive policy transfer, where the new idea is only suggested by people such as partners in the EPOMM+ project, rather than required by international bodies like the EU. This research shows that such transfer can work, even when not led by end users/policy implementers. But what are the crucial success factors, beyond those already in the literature?

17Clear idea to be transfered18

Nr. TrivectorNr.Clearer concepts are obviously easier to export. The more successful cases considered in this presentation MM at roadworks, the traffic snake game and park and ride are all sustainable transport measures that are easy to explain and that result in something visible. In contrast, SUMP or the HEAT tool are difficult to explain.18Right people19

Nr. TrivectorNr.The issue of the right people came up in successful cases. This means people who have good connections with implementing agencies, especially in importing countries; and who relate well to and understand one another. Where there is a champion in the importing country, this can be especially helpful for successful transfer.19Need for20RELATED PROBLEMSNEW SOLUTIONS

Nr. TrivectorNr.The literature highlights the need for a problem and desire for new solutions in the importing country, but the idea to be transferred needs to fit into the existing policy landscape there as well. The lack of a history of MM with residents made it difficult to find a policy home for this measure in the Netherlands, for example.20Acknowledgements

Patrick AuwerxLies LambertKristina GauceJesper Johansson

Friso MetzMelanie LeroyAljaz PlevnikJamie RobertsonLucia IlievaPaul CurtisLuka MladenovicPolona Demsar-MitovicMatej OgrinMuriel Marotto

21Photo credits: Kaeferliiii

TrivectorNr.Im not allowed to have 21 slides but here are all the people I would like to thank for their help.21