Intro to Social Media Strategy

Post on 10-May-2015

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An introduction to Social Media Strategy.


Intro to

Social Media Strategy

According to Spain’s Internet Marketing and Business Solutions:

Social Media “is not a fad.

It’s a fundamentalchange in the way we


What can Social Media do for us?

Search Engine Rankings

Site Traffic




Search Engine RankingsWhat can Social Media do for us?

Search Engine RankingsWhat can Social Media do for us?

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB):

“If you are not on a social networking site, you

are not on the Internet.”

What can Social Media do for us?

Customer Touch & CRM

Branding & PR – “thought leaders,” “authority”

Connect with influencers & also influence others

Show that you are a trustworthy global company

Take Facebook for instance…

Facebook – 700 Million people. 8.93% of ALL web traffic.All of Google’s sites COMBINED get 9.85% – beating Facebook by less than 1%


What about Twitter?

Almost as many people as the United States – and GROWING.

Reaching Gen-YWhat can Social Media do for us?

Paul Adams, who has done user experience research for both Facebook AND Google, says:

“Think outside in”

“Social media is about rethinking how you make plans when

your customers are in the center

and in control.”





Fun, Rewards

Public referrals

What can Social Media do for us?

Sharing of information via word-of-mouth(hype / viral)

Shorter attention.

Thirst for Information.

“If you want a sense of where the world’s media habits are

headed… watch what kids are doing.”

-Generation M2:

Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds,

Kaiser Family Foundation

(January 2010)

Need info quick, brief.

Over ½ the world’s population is under 30.

They’ve never known life without the Internet.

According to Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics:

“We don’t have a choice in

whether we do social media. The question is how well

we do it.”