Introducing Authorea, an online collaborative platform for ... · Introducing Authorea, an online...

Post on 22-May-2020

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Introducing Authorea, an online collaborative platform for creating and sharing dynamic articles that are built

for the modern web

Nathan Jenkins, Alberto Pepe



DOB: January 2012

Initial idea focused on modernizing the article

Figures should be more than figures

Data should be easy to find, easy to share

For a given figure, the relevant data should live alongside, or inside, that figure.

Same goes for analysis

Share everything


Platform Choice

Extending the PDF format would be hard

Web is great for text + dynamic content, sharing is easy

Could have built off of an existing platform

Could have reimplemented the standard desktop workflow on the web

Decided to start from a clean slate.


The Fun Stuff

Authorea is built in Ruby on Rails, a rather amazing web framework built in about the best language ever, Ruby.

A slew of other open source technologies have been invaluable:


Design Considerations

Article format should be as simple as possible

Article, including versioning, is completely contained within a folder

Everything specified in text files

Things should be easy by default

No Latex compiler needed

Easy to add figures

Version control should just work


Demo Time

Wish Me Luck !


One click submit to a variety of journals in XML

WYSIWIG Markdown editor

Full Git push/pull access

Generalized executable figures using virtual machines

PDF Export

Word Import

Coming Soon (1 month)

New Features

Harder, but possible (6 months)


Figures For the Near Future

Tools like Mathematica's CDF have given us executable figures, but limited to a specific language

Hard to generalize

Three ways to accommodate:

For the javascripters, possibility to embed figures directly into article, leverage toolkits such as d3.js

For the pythonistas, linking between figures and the amazing Ipython

For everyone else, virtual machines


Figures With Virtual Machines

Authorea creates a blank virtual machine

Author configures machine

Snapshot this machine

A third party reader will now see a 'Launch Analysis' button.

Spin up a new instance


Thanks For Listening!