Introduction -…  · Web viewIDU stands for...

Post on 17-Jun-2020

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Reference List

International Baccaleaurate Organisation. (2014). Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP. Cardiff: International Baccaleaurate Organisation (UK) Ltd.


IntroductionWhat is an IDU?IDU stands for Interdisciplinary Unit. Here, the word ‘discipline’ means subject area. Interdisciplinary means different subjects are working together. This is different than a thematic unit. In a thematic unit, everyone is studying the same topic (like war). However, with an interdisciplinary unit, all the subjects are dependent on each other. The IB says it is, “…the process by which students come to understand bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing from two or more disciplines or subject groups and integrate them to create new understandings” (IBO, 2014, p.3). This means that you take everything you’ve learned from different subjects and you synthesize it to come up with new, even deeper understandings.

Why are IDUs important?If students only learn in individual topics, then they might not realize that knowledge is vast and can be related across many different subject areas. The IB gives three very good reasons for doing interdisciplinary reasons. They are:

1. So that you understand the topic inside really big contexts (and not just the context of your own subject)2. So that you gain a better understanding of topics that are very interesting and engaging3. So that you can solve problems using different perspectives (IBO, 2014, p.4)

There are many, many more reasons for doing interdisciplinary units. They are supposed to be interesting and fun. By the end of this interdisciplinary unit, we hope that you will have a better understanding of why this type of learning is really valuable.

What is this IDU?Topic: ConflictKey Concept: ConflictStatement of Inquiry: Conflict is essential and inevitable: Conflict is central to relationships. The way in which we respond to them is both personally and culturally specific. Inquiry Questions Used Throughout Disciplines: (but not in all)Factual  What is conflict?  What examples of conflict are there?  What causes conflict?  What are the common elements of conflict?  

Conceptual   How are conflicts essential to relationships and their development?  How are the responses to conflict specifically cultural?  How do our own, personal lenses influence the way we respond to conflict?  Are there assumptions about the way people respond to conflict?  What different perspectives of conflicts exist?  Why are conflicts significant?  Why are conflicts needed?  Debatable   To what extent is conflict necessary?  To what extent is conflict a force for change?  Conflict should be made illegal.  Why is the theme of conflict of value for study?  Is conflict inherent to the human condition?

What is Our Schedule?Date: Block Topic: Activities

Friday, March 25 3 The Problem Introduction – What is Interdisciplinary learning? How will it be assessed? What prompts will help

guide your learning?

4 Brainstorming Gallery walk to explore possible topics.

5 Approval Panel Present your project idea to teachers for approval.

Monday, March 28 3 Taking Action Working on your project.

4 Continue working on your project.

5 Feedback Seek out, respond to, and act upon feedback given by your peers and teachers.

Tuesday, March 29 3 Polishing Finalising your project.

4 Project


Final presentation of your project. This may be a concert, a gallery walk, an oral presentation, etc.


Wednesday, March 30 -- Reflection Student Led Conferences: Take your parents through the Performing Arts Centre; explain how the

IDU was conducted and show them your product. Complete a reflection.


What Will Our Prompts / Stimuli Be?

These prompts are meant to be thought-provoking. They are supposed to make you think, and to think deeply and critically. In your IDU, you will need to pick one of these prompts and explore it by combining several subject disciplines (Languages A & B, Humanities, Drama and/or Music). Which will you choose?

Conflict is essential Conflict is inevitable but combat is optional Max Lucado War creates change both positive and negative Creativity comes from conflict (Creativity comes from conflict of ideas -

Donatella Versace) Personal conflicts inspire great art Avoiding conflict ruins relationships Conflict builds character Children are the cause of all family conflicts Cultures are improved by conflict Conflict comes in many forms


The Inquiry CycleInvestigating

To be completed for homework after Friday’s session.Who is in your group?

What prompt are you using?

What sources are you using for your research?

What is your final product or presentation going to be?

How are you going to show that you understand the

concept of conflict?


Which subject disciplines are you using?

How Will I Present my Investigation Proposal?

Names of Pitch Member(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Devise a research question that you will be exploring that is based on the gallery walk.

What is your end product?

What is your message to the audience?

Explain which subject disciplines you will be incorporating and how?



PlanningTo be completed for homework after Friday’s session.

How will you know if you have succeeded?

What tasks do you need to complete?

Who is going to do what?

What are you planning to have achieved by

Friday 3pm?Monday 3pm?

Tuesday Lunchtime?


Taking ActionTo be completed for homework after Tuesday’s session.

Describe how your group has created the final product.

You should mention:

What you found out from the research

How you overcame problems

How you used your communication skills

How you used your self management


Describe your final product


ReflectingTo be completed during the Student Led Conference

How successful was your final product?

What have you found enjoyable or useful during

the IDU time? Explain why.

What things have not worked well and how would you

improve them?

In what ways do you think that learning about conflict is

helped by having an IDU?

In what ways do you think it is better to learn about conflict through single

subjects in class?


Conflict IDUalliance: a union between people, groups, countries, etc. : a relationship in which people agree to work togetherannex: to add (an area or region) to a country, state, etc. : to take control of (a territory or place)armistice: an agreement to stop fighting a warassassination: to kill (someone, such as a famous or important person), usually for political reasonsbarrage: artillery fire laid on a line close to friendly troops to screen and protect thembillet: an official order directing that a member of a military force be provided with board and lodging (as in a private home)bombardment: the attacking (of a place) with bombs, large guns, etc.canteen: a store in a camp, school, etc., in which food, drinks, and small supplies are soldcourt-martial: a trial in a military courtde-louse: to remove lice from (someone or something)esprit de corps: feelings of loyalty, enthusiasm, and devotion to a group among people who are members of the groupgrub: foodIron Cross: a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire (1870–1918) and Nazi Germany (1939–1945)Kaiser: the title of the ruler of Germany from 1871 to 1918latrine: an outdoor toilet that is usually a hole dug in the groundlieutenant: an officer in the army, navy, or air force with a fairly low rankmoor: a broad area of open land that is not good for farmingmortuary: a place in which dead bodies are kept until burialmunition: military equipment and supplies for fightingnon-commissioned officer: an officer (such as a sergeant or corporal) who has a low rank in the army, air force, or marine corpsoffensive: a large military attackoppression: the unjust or cruel exercise of authority or powerparapet: a wall, rampart, or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiersplatoon: a group of soldiers that includes two or more squads usually led by one lieutenantration: a food allowance for one dayregiment: a military unit that is usually made of several large groups of soldiers (called battalions)reinforcements: people and supplies that are sent to help or support an army, military force, etc.terrorist: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goalwasteland: an ugly and often ruined place or area


How Will You Be Assessed?Criterion B: Synthesizing

Students should be able to:   synthesize disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding.  


Task Specific Clarification Product

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. Product:* Written*Performance* Presentation* Audio / Video* Display

1-2 The final product makes superficial connections between subjects to demonstrate understanding of the concept of conflict. 

3-4 The final product connects together adequate knowledge from multiple subjects to demonstrate understanding of the concept of conflict. 

5-6 The final product brings together consistent and thorough knowledge and understanding from multiple subjects to demonstrate understanding of the concept of conflict. 

7-8 The final product brings together thorough and insightful knowledge and understanding from multiple subjects to demonstrate understanding of the concept of conflict. 


Criterion C: Communicating

Students should be able to:   • use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary understanding    effectively   • document sources using recognized conventions.  



Task Specific Clarification Product

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

Style:* Effectively performed, written, or spoken* Consistently organized * Consistently cites sourcesCiting Sources:* Uses APA Referencing System* Must provide a reference list for all sources used to produce the exhibition

1-2 • communicates limited interdisciplinary understanding by creating a product from the list below and following the style rules below in a limited way.  •   No sources listed or sources listed with limited organisation

3-4 •  communicates some interdisciplinary understanding by creating a product from the list below and following the style rules below. •   Lists sources.

5-6 •  communicates interdisciplinary understanding by creating a product from the list below and following the style rules below that is beginning to be effective.  •   documents well-chosen sources using APA.  

7-8 •  communicates interdisciplinary understanding effectively by creating a product from the list below and following the style rules below  


•   consistently documents well-chosen sources using APA.Criterion D: Reflection Students should be able to:   • use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary understanding effectively   • document sources using recognized conventions.  



Task Specific Clarification Product

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. Final Reflection & Evaluation1-2 •   demonstrates limited reflection on his or her development of interdisciplinary

understanding   •   describes superficially the limitations or benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations.

3-4 •   demonstrates adequate reflection on his or her development of interdisciplinary understanding   •   describes some benefits and limitations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations.

5-6 •   demonstrates significant reflection on his or her development of interdisciplinary understanding.   •   explains the limitations and benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations.  

7-8 •   demonstrates thorough and nuanced reflection on his or her development of interdisciplinary understanding   •   evaluates thoroughly and with sophistication the limitations and benefits of


disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and ways of knowing in specific situations.