Introduction to acidified foods NCDA - Mulch...

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Introduction to Acid, Acidified Introduction to Acid, Acidified d F t d F dd F t d F dand Fermented Foodsand Fermented Foods

Fletcher Arritt

NC State University

Raleigh, NC

Lesson ObjectivesAt end of this module, you will be able to:

Identify factors that affect the presence y pand growth of microorganisms

Identify an Acidified Food

Identify the characteristics of Clostridium botulinum and the public health concern

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of C. botulinum and other pathogens in Acid, Acidified and Fermented foods

Identify causes for spoilage in Acid, Acidified and Fermented foods


Characteristics and Behavior of Characteristics and Behavior of MicroorganismsMicroorganisms

All raw foods normally contain ymicroorganisms that will eventually cause spoilage unless they are controlled or destroyed

Food preservation is a competition


p pbetween the human species and microorganisms

We attempt to preserve the food that microorganisms attempt to utilize

Characteristics and Behavior of Characteristics and Behavior of MicroorganismsMicroorganisms

Food preservation requires that microorganisms be controlled or destroyed

Need to know what they are and how


they behave


Characteristics and Behavior of Characteristics and Behavior of MicroorganismsMicroorganisms

The microorganisms of primary concern to the food processor are molds, yeasts, and bacteria

They can grow in food or the processing


environment under suitable conditions

General Microbiology

• Helpful bacteria include:

– Lactic acid bacteria that ferment:

• Pickles and sauerkraut

• Cheese and yogurt

l f l d ld • Helpful yeasts and molds include:

– Beer and wine yeasts

–Molds in blue cheese


Types of Microorganisms Associated With Food

Those which canreproduce in the


Those which cannot reproduce in food


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Fungi ( Yeast & Mold)


What are top AF concerns?

To destroy all microorganisms of public health significancehealth significanceTo destroy all microorganisms of non-health significance that could spoil the product under normal conditions of storage and distribution

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Why does the FDA care if the product

is spoiled?


Spoilage vs. Illness

Spoilage causes changes in a food

Illness is caused by pathogenic changes in a food

which make it: UnwholesomeUnattractiveUnsalableMay affect quality

pathogenic microorganisms and/or their toxic by products

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Where Do Microbes Come From?

Ubiquitous in nature (most spoilage, some pathogens)

Sources of fecal contamination (mostly pathogens

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Humans (poor hygiene practices)


Where Do Microbes Come From?

Waterborne contamination (transport or rinse t ) water)

Airborne contamination (dust, moisture)


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Contaminated raw productProcessing equipment and utensils

Most bacteria are harmless and many are helpful to

humansCoccus or Cocci

Bacillus or Bacilli


Introduction to bacteria

• Microbes were mostly unknown til th l t 1800 b th until the late 1800s, because they

are so small

• Most bacteria DO NOT cause food-borne infections!

Some Microorganisms Cause Some Microorganisms Cause DiseaseDiseaseTh j it f l b t di d f The majority of laboratory-diagnosed cases of bacterial foodborne illnesses are caused by just a few microorganisms

Salmonella spp.Campylobacter


pyShigella spp.Clostridium perfringensStaphylococcus aureus


Food Poisonings & Infections• Food poisoning (intoxication)

results from eating a toxinresults from eating a toxin

– some bacteria produce toxins or poisons when they grow in foods

– the poison, not the bacteria, causes disease

• Food infection results from eating live bacteria

– some bacteria only make you sick when you eat the live cells

Clostridium botulinum

Gram + sporeforming anaerobe found environmentallyenvironmentallyHow did it get there in the first place?Classified by the type of toxin produced (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)A, B, E are the proteolytic Group I –“terrestrial”

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te est aB, E, F are the non-proteolytic Group II –“marine”


Clostridium botulinum cont

G I G IIGroup IpH 4.6aW 0.93min. growth temp. 10C (50F)

Group IIpH 5.0aW 0.97min growth temp 3 3C (38F)

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10C (50F)D-value 0.2 min

3.3C (38F)

Clostridium botulinum cont

3 types of illnessI f t

2. What types of products are commonly Infant



1. How does it affect

4. Other uses?

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3. Recent examples?

5. Why do we have a 12D process?



Other food pathogensStaphylococcus aureus

Makes a heat resistant toxinBut, unlike C-BOT, Staph does not make spores

SalmonellaCauses food-borne infections Does not make toxins or sporesoes ot a e to s o spo es

Escherichia coli O157:H7Acid resistantSerious food infections

Logarithmic Review

100 = 1

101 = 10 = 1 log10 = 10 = 1 log102 = 100 = 2 log

103 = 1,000 = 3 log 104 = 10,000 = 4 log

105 = 100,000 = 5 log


g106 = 1,000,000 = 6 log

Remember you can’t subtract exponents


Exponential (log) growth of bacteria










Number of Bacteria






Bacterial Growth Curve

a. Lag phase


r of b



a. Lag phase

b. Exponential phase

c. Stationary phase

d. Death phase



a b c d


Vegetative cells, Sporeformers, & Toxins

Vegetative cells are metabolically active cells Vegetative cells are metabolically active cells and spores exist in dormant stateVegetative cells of yeasts, molds, bacteria, viruses, parasites and heat-labile toxins are easily inactivated by heatSpores and some heat stable toxins can be very

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Spores and some heat stable toxins can be very heat resistantExamples: Bacillus spores and toxin, Clostridialspores, and Staphylococcal toxin, thermophilicspores

Heating or cooking foods

C-BOT toxin is destroyedyVegetative cells are destroyedHowever:

Staph toxin is heat resistantSpores are heat resistant

NOTE: Eating C-BOT sporeswill not hurt you, but if the

spores germinate in foods… TROUBLE!TROUBLE!


Microbial Death Curve

Microbial death is ft l ith i

Cell death vs. Time

often a logarithmic function. This means that the number (but not the proportion) of












organisms that die is dependent upon the initial number of organisms present.

Time (hr)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 161e+0




What do we mean by logarithmic cell death?

Th i t 1 l

Cell Death vs. Time





1 2 3 4

Ti ( i )




There exists a 1 log difference in the population between points 1 and 2 min.

By calculation:



Time (min.)

900/1000 = 90% Death

Therefore it takes 1 minute to achieve a 1 log (90%) reduction in bacterial count


Concept Expanded

E N b L % T t % L dExp. count

Number Log #

% red.

Tot. % red.

Log red.

100 1 0 90 99.9999 6 101 10 1 90 99.999 5 102 100 2 90 99.99 4 103 1,000 3 90 99.9 3 104 10 000 4 90 99 2


10 10,000 4 90 99 2 105 100,000 5 90 90 1 106 1,000,000 6 0 0 Initial load

Common Examples

4 log (4D) reduction in Salmonella for raw g ( )almonds (99.99% reduction)

5 log (5D) reduction in Juice pasteurization (99.999%)

12 log (12D) reduction in C. botulinum in


g ( )LACF (99.9999999999%)

One more fun example - Lysol


Where do Spores Come From?

SoilSoilIngredients that originated from or near the soilFecal contamination

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AF: Microorganisms of Concern

Pathogens Spoilage organismsPathogensClostridium botulinumE. coli O157:H7Bacillus cereus? St h l

Spoilage organismsB. stearothermophilusB. coagulans and others C. thermosaccharolyticumC. butyricumD lf l

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Staphylococcus aureus?

DesulfotomaculumnigrificansYeasts, Molds and non-sporeforming bacteria


Factors that Affect Growth

At h (A b b )Atmosphere (Aerobe vs. anaerobe)Temperature (mesophile vs. thermophile)TimepH (acid tolerant sporeforming spoilage organisms – not a LACF issue but may be a

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g ycritical factor)aW (amount of available water, can be a critical factor but usually not an important factor in LACF spoilage and safety)

Aerobe vs. AnaerobeAerobic growth nor microaerophilic growth are of concern in properly canned unopened are of concern in properly canned unopened productsAnaerobic growth is a concern due to the preparation of the product – steam tunnels, blanching and cappers are designed to remove

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residual air for a proper vacuum sealIs a properly sealed can anaerobic?What does facultatively anaerobic mean?


Mesophile vs. ThermophilePsychrotrophs (32 - 70°F)

Capable of growing at refrigeration p g g gtemperatures

Mesophiles (70 - 110°F)Optimum growth at temperatures similar to human and animal body temperaturesMost pathogens are in this groupSome sporeforming spoilage bacteria

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p g p gThermophiles (110 - 130°F)

Grow at higher temperaturesProblems usually arise in canned foods not cooled, stored or distributed properly


Under “normal” processing, storage and distribution storage and distribution conditions, if properly retorted, temperature is not a concernHowever, elevated storage and distribution temperatures may

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result in thermophilic spoilage



If delays occur after 1) sealing before processing or 2) in cooling after processing: processing or 2) in cooling after processing:

Growth of spoilage organisms or outgrowth of mesophilic or thermophilicsporeforming spoilage organisms may occur

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Temperature and time abused LACF spoilage concerns

If product is held too long before thermally processing, after sealing the container, growth of microorganisms may cause spoilage before the thermal processThis type of spoilage is referred to as

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This type of spoilage is referred to as “incipient spoilage”


Temperature & time abused AF spoilage concerns

The aforementioned sporeformingthermophiles may grow in equipment that contacts food if the temperature is within their growth rangeMicroorganisms that grow under these

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Microorganisms that grow under these elevated temperatures create spores that are even more resistant to heat

Temperature & time abused AF spoilage concerns cont.

Th l t d i d t d t Thermal processes are not designed to destroy an indefinite number of these spores, therefore….

Products and containers should always be held at 170ºF or higher or at room t t t t th th f

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temperature to prevent the growth of thermophilesContainers should be rapidly cooled below 105ºF after thermal processing as well as stored and distributed below 95ºF


Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Some flat-sour facultative aerobes, such as Bacillus stearothermophilus, are thermophiles

• Proper cooling after thermal processing and avoiding high temperatures during storage are essential since the thermal process for acid food is not sufficient to destroy their


acid food is not sufficient to destroy their spores

Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Spoilage by the thermophilic anaerobe Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum has been seen in canned tomato products in the pH range 4.1 to 4.5

• The thermal process for acidified foods is not adequate to destroy the spores of the


adequate to destroy the spores of the organism; however, the problem will not occur if the product is properly cooled and stored at temperatures below 95°F


Temperature• Refrigeration slows down food

spoilage but does not stop it! spoilage, but does not stop it!

• Cold temperatures slow microbial growth, although…

• Some bacteria grow at refrigeration temperaturesg p

• Listeria monocytogenes

– Grows at refrigeration temperatures

pH and Acidity

• Most food pathogens don’t grow in Most food pathogens don t grow in acid or acidified foods

• At or below pH 4.6 Clostridium botulinum, (a.k.a. C bot) can NOT PRODUCE deadly botulism toxin.

• Maintaining proper pH is critically important for acidified foods!


pH is important!An acidified food with improper pH control can:improper pH control can:

Appear normalTaste normal…

pH RequirementspH Requirements

I l H f t th d f idit • In general pH refers to the degree of acidity or alkalinity• The pH of a food influences the types of

microorganisms that will grow in it• In general, yeast and mold grow at a lower pH

d ith b t i


compared with bacteria• All bacteria have an optimum pH range for

growth - generally around neutral pH


pH RequirementspH Requirements

• All bacteria have a minimum below which they will not grow and a maximum above which they cannot grow• The pH of foods can be adjusted to help

control microbial growthh f f d i l i i h


• The pH of a food is extremely important with respect to the control of Clostridium botulinum

Effect of pH on Effect of pH on C. C. botulinumbotulinum GrowthGrowth

• Spores of C botulinum and other spoilage Spores of C. botulinum and other spoilage types can be found in both acid and low-acid foods

• In acid or acidified products, the pH is a critical factor for control, with a finished


equilibrium pH of 4.6 or less, so that growth and toxin formation will not occur even if the spores of C. botulinum are present


Effect of pH on Required Heat Effect of pH on Required Heat TreatmentTreatment• The application of mild heat destroys all

bacteria that are non-sporeformers or all vegetative cells in either low-acid or acid foods, including the vegetative cells of C. botulinum

• In low-acid foods, high heat must be applied


In low acid foods, high heat must be applied to kill the spores of C. botulinum or the spores of other food spoilage organisms

Effect of pH on Required Heat Effect of pH on Required Heat TreatmentTreatment

• Thus, these foods must be heat processed , punder pressure

• In acid foods, there is no concern with the spores of C. botulinum

• These spores are prevented from germinating


and growing because the pH is 4.6 or below


Effect of pH on Required Heat Effect of pH on Required Heat TreatmentTreatment

• Since only the vegetative cells must be destroyed in acid foods, boiling water cooks or hot-fill and hold procedures may be used


Approximate pH Rangefor Selected Foods

Lemon JuiceApples


2.0 - 2.63.1 - 4.03 1 3 3

TunaSweet Potatoes

O i

5.2 - 6.15.3 - 5.65 3 5 8Blueberries

SauerkrautOrange Juice

Pineapple, cannedApricots

Tomatoes, cannedPeaches, canned

Pears, cannedBananas

3.1 - 3.33.3 - 3.63.3 - 4.23.4 - 4.13.3 - 4.03.5 - 4.73.7 - 4.24.0 - 4.14 5 - 5 2

OnionsWhite Potatoes


Peas, cannedCorn, canned

Soy BeansMushrooms


5.3 - 5.85.4 - 5.95.5 - 6.85.6 - 6.55.7 - 6.05.9 - 6.56.0 - 6.66.0 - 6.76 0 - 7 1


BananasBeets, canned

Asparagus, cannedBeef

CarrotsPeppers, green


4.5 5.24.9 - 5.85.0 - 6.05.1 - 7.04.9 - 5.25.2 - 5.95.2 - 6.0


Coconut milkMilk

Garbanzo BeansChicken

Eggs, whole

6.0 7.16.1 - 6.36.1 - 7.06.4 - 6.86.4 - 6.86.5 - 6.77.1 - 7.9


Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• A idifi d f d d t i • Acidified foods do not require a severe thermal process to assure product safety

• Therefore, a variety of spoilage-causing, acid-tolerant sporeformers may survive the process



• A thermal process for acidified foods is designed to inactivate a certain level of these sporeformers

Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Their survival is typically a result of excessive pre-processing contamination

• Sometimes underprocessing, either due to an inadequate process or to process deviations, may also result in the survival of these acid-tolerant sporeformers


tolerant sporeformers

• Butyric acid producing anaerobes

• Aciduric flat-sour sporeformers


Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• The butyric acid producing anaerobes, such as Clostridium butyricum and Clostridiumpasteurianum, are mesophilic sporeformers

• The spores are capable of germination and growth at pH values as low as 4.2-4.4 and consequently are of spoilage significance in


consequently are of spoilage significance in acidified foods, particularly if the pH is above 4.2

Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Spoilage by butyric acid anaerobes may be controlled either by lowering the pH of the product to below 4.2 or by increasing the thermal process

• Growth of these organisms in foods is characterized by a butyric odor and the


characterized by a butyric odor and the production of large quantities of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas


Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Aciduric flat-sours bacteria are facultative anaerobic sporeformers that seldom produce gas in spoiled products

• The ends of spoiled cans remain flat; hence the term “flat sour”

S il d d t h ff fl th t h


• Spoiled products have an off-flavor that has been described as “medicinal” or “phenolic”

Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• These organisms (Bacillus coagulans) have caused spoilage in acid foods such as tomato products

• It is necessary to ensure that the thermal process is adequate to inactivate an expected number of spores


number of spores

• The load of flat-sour spores is determined through bacteriological surveys


Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Pinpointing the ingredient that is contributing the most to the total spore load may prove beneficial in process control

• For example, proper handling of fruits and vegetables prior to use, such as washing and culling may also help to reduce spore loads


culling, may also help to reduce spore loads

Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• Alicyclobacillus spp., such as A. acidoterrestrisand A. acidocaldarius, are flat-sour sporeformers that can grow at a pH as low as 3 in shelf stable juice and other beverage products

• Spoilage caused by Alicyclobacillus spores has


• Spoilage caused by Alicyclobacillus spores has been reported in a variety of juices and beverages (in particular apple juice products), especially when the product packaging allows oxygen transmission


Spoilage by AcidSpoilage by Acid--Tolerant Tolerant SporeformersSporeformers

• The spoilage can be minimized by multiple approaches

• Treating a selected ingredient with an intensified thermal process (at temperatures above 212°F)

P d t f l ti


• Product formulation

• Limiting oxygen availability

• Rapid cooling of finished products

Control of Bacteria by Water Activity Control of Bacteria by Water Activity

• For thousands of years people have dried y p pfruits, meats and vegetables as a method of food preservation

• It was also discovered that the addition of sugar would allow preservation of foods such

di d j lli


as candies and jellies

• Salt preservation of meat and fish has been practiced over the ages


Control of Bacteria by Water Activity Control of Bacteria by Water Activity

• The measure of the availability of water in a • The measure of the availability of water in a food is made by determining the water activity

• Water activity is usually designated with the symbol “aw.”


Control of Bacteria by Water Activity Control of Bacteria by Water Activity

• When substances are dissolved, there is ,substantial reaction between the substance and the water

• A number of the molecules of the water are bound by the molecules of the substances di l d



• All of the substances dissolved in the water reduce the number of unattached water molecules


Control of Bacteria by Water Activity Control of Bacteria by Water Activity

• Thus if some ingredient – such as sugar salt • Thus, if some ingredient – such as sugar, salt, raisins, dried fruits, etc. – is added to food, it competes with the microorganism for available water

• The water-binding capacity of a particular


ingredient influences the amount of water left for the growth of microorganism

Minimum aw Requirements for Microorganism Growth

Most molds (e g Aspergillus) 0 751Most molds (e.g., Aspergillus) 0.75Most yeasts 0.882

C. botulinum 0.93Staphylococcus aureus3 0.85Salmonella3 0 93


Salmonella 0.93

1 some strains – 0.612 some strains – 0.62

3 Non-sporeforming food-poisoning bacteria readily destroyed by heat.


Control of Bacteria by Water Activity Control of Bacteria by Water Activity • Examples of foods preserved with this

method aremethod are

• Some cheese spreads

• Peanut butter

• Honey

• S rups


• Syrups

• Jams and jellies

• Canned breads

• Confectionery preparations - toppings

Water activity of some common foods

Liverwurst 0.96Cheese Spread 0.95Caviar 0.92Fudge Sauce 0.83Semi-moist Pet Food 0.83Salami 0.82S S 0 80


Soy Sauce 0.80Peanut Butter – 15% total moisture 0.70Dry Milk – 8% total moisture 0.70


Control of Bacteria by Water Activity Control of Bacteria by Water Activity

• A f C b t li i d t • As far as C. botulinum is concerned, a water activity of 0.85 provides a large margin of safety

• Studies with this organism show that an accurate water activity of 0.93 plus a mild


y pheat treatment will give commercial sterility

Regulatory Requirements Related to Regulatory Requirements Related to Water Activity Water Activity

• Under the FDA regulation 21 CFR Part 113, a canned food with a water activity greater than 0.85 and a pH greater than 4.6 is considered a low-acid food, and its minimum heat process will have to be filed by the individual packer


• If reduced water activity is used as an adjunct to the process, the maximum water activity must also be specified


Regulatory Requirements Related to Regulatory Requirements Related to Water Activity Water Activity

• If the pH of the product has been adjusted to If the pH of the product has been adjusted to 4.6 or less and the water activity is greater than 0.85, the product is covered by the acidified food regulation (21 CFR Part 114) and requires only enough heat to destroy vegetative bacterial cells



Regulatory Requirements Related to Regulatory Requirements Related to Water Activity Water Activity

• Any non-meat containing food, regardless of y g , gthe pH, with an water activity of 0.85 or less is not covered by the regulations for either the low-acid food (21 CFR Part 113) or the acidified food (21 CFR Part 114)• However, these products are covered by FDA’s


, p yCurrent Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) regulation (21 CFR Part 110


Methods for Determining aMethods for Determining aww

• One commonly used method is an electric hygrometer with a sensor to measure hygrometer with a sensor to measure equilibrium relative humidity (ERH)• The instrument was actually devised by

weathermen, and the sensors are the same as those used to measure relative humidity in air




Methods for Determining aMethods for Determining aww

• A single measurement of water activity on a food provides information as to which types food provides information as to which types of microorganisms are most likely to cause spoilage and how close the water activity is to the safety limits



Molds are widely distributed in nature, both in the soil and in the dust carried by airthe soil and in the dust carried by airUnder suitable conditions of moisture, air and temperature, molds will grow on almost any foodThe black or green discoloration that appears on moldy bread is a common example of mold on moldy bread is a common example of mold growth




Molds are also able to survive on a wide variety of substances not normally thought suitable for supporting life

These include concentrated solutions of some acidsWater containing minute quantities of

t i ltcertain saltsCertain pastes used in labeling



Mold spoilage of food in closed, processed containers is rare but not impossiblepMost molds have little heat resistance and cannot survive the thermal processes for low-acid canned foodsTherefore, if present, it is the result of serious underprocessing or post-processing

i icontaminationSince molds need oxygen to grow, only slight growth can occur unless the food container has an opening to the outside environment




Improperly Sealed jar lid

Air leaks in

Aerobic mold growsand raises the pH

Anaerobic conditionsin the bottom of the Jar

C-BOT grows and toxin formed


Another microorganism of importance to food g ppreservation is yeastYeasts are single cell microscopic living bodies, usually egg-shapedThey are smaller than molds but larger than bacteria




Yeasts are widely found in nature and are yparticularly associated with liquid foods containing sugars and acidsThey are quite adaptive to adverse conditions such as acidity and dehydrationLike molds, yeasts are more tolerant of cold , ythan of heat



Most yeast forms are destroyed on heating to y y g170ºF Spoilage may result from the presence of yeast in canned food, but if this happens, severe underprocessing or leakage must be suspectedUsually the growth of yeasts results in the y g yproduction of alcohol and large amounts of carbon dioxide gasThe gas will swell the container



Introduction to Acidified FoodsIntroduction to Acidified FoodsIntroduction to Acidified FoodsIntroduction to Acidified FoodsThe preservation of foods using acid is older than recorded history (ex. yogurt and y ( y gsauerkraut)The naturally formed acid serves as a preservative for the food and extends its shelf-life, but the nutritional quality of the food is relatively unchanged


relatively unchanged

Introduction to Acidified FoodsIntroduction to Acidified FoodsIntroduction to Acidified FoodsIntroduction to Acidified Foods

It is not necessary to allow foods to ferment in d t thorder to preserve them

The same preservative effect can be achieved by adding acids, such as vinegar, to low-acid ingredients, such as vegetablesThese products are called acidified or


These products are called acidified or acidified low-acid foods


Definition of Acidified FoodsDefinition of Acidified FoodsDefinition of Acidified FoodsDefinition of Acidified FoodsAn "acidified food" is defined by FDA in 21 CFR114 3 (b)114.3 (b)

A low-acid food to which acid(s) or acid food(s) are added to produce a product that has a finished equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below and a water activity greater than 0.85

Examples of acidified foods include:


pAcidified artichoke hearts, bean salads, peppers or pimentos;Marinated beets or mushrooms;Fresh-pack pickles

Definition of Acidified FoodsDefinition of Acidified FoodsDefinition of Acidified FoodsDefinition of Acidified FoodsCertain foods have been excluded

Carbonated beverages;Carbonated beverages;Jams, jellies and preserves; Acid foods such as dressings and condiment sauces containing small amounts of low-acid food(s) that have a resultant finished product equilibrium pH that does not significantly


q p g ydiffer from that of the predominant acid or acid food (sometimes called “formulated acid foods”) Fermented foods



Anaerobic catabolism in which an organic compound serves as an electron donor and another serves as an electron acceptor with ATP being produced by substrate level phosphorylation




phosphoglucose isomerase




, p p

dihydroxyacetone phosphatealdolase



Piglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase


ATP3-phosphoglycerate kinase



2-phosphoglycerateOH2O enolase


ATPpyruvate kinase



NADlactic acid

lactate dehydrogenase



pyruvate decarboxylase



alcohol dehydrogenase

Homofermentativelactic acid bacteria

Saccharomyces and similar yeasts



SummaryTwo primary types of fermentation organisms

Bacteria: Lactic acid bacteria-produce acidsYeasts-produce ethanol

Foods are fermented toPreserveNutritionNutritionUniquenessSensory propertiesEconomics

Three ways to start a fermentation

NaturalBacksloppingStarter culture


Natural fermentationODODETOHETOH

•• MetschnikowiaMetschnikowia sp.sp.•• PichiaPichia sp.sp.

•• CandidaCandida sp. sp. •• KluveromycesKluveromyces sp.sp.•• HanseniasporaHanseniaspora spsp..

•• MetschnikowiaMetschnikowia sp.sp.•• PichiaPichia sp.sp.

•• CandidaCandida sp. sp. •• KluveromycesKluveromyces sp.sp.•• HanseniasporaHanseniaspora spsp..

•• acetic acid bacteriaacetic acid bacteria•• lactic acid bacterialactic acid bacteria•• acetic acid bacteriaacetic acid bacteria•• lactic acid bacterialactic acid bacteria




SugarSugar•• SaccharomycesSaccharomyces•• SaccharomycesSaccharomyces MoldsMolds•• Botrytis & othersBotrytis & others•• Botrytis & othersBotrytis & others

Natural Fermentation

Vegetable fermentationsSome winesSome cheeses


Natural Fermentation

PositivesPositivesDistinct flavorsLess expensive in the short term

ProblemsInconsistent end productInconsistent end productLimited control of fermentationScale issues in some industries


Using a previously successful Using a previously successful fermentation to start the nextStill used in brewing industry and in sourdough bread making and small operationsSimilar positives and negatives to natural fermentation


Starter cultures

AdvantagesgConsistent productConsistent productionIncreased scale

DisadvantageLoss of some exceptional productcosts


(Hutkins, 2006)



(Hutkins, 2006)

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)• Gram (+), non-spore forming, anaerobic, cocci or rods

• Ubiquitous: plants animal products GI tract of man or animals• Ubiquitous: plants, animal products, GI tract of man or animals

• Major role in food fermentation – preservation & organoleptic

Sugars Lactic acid + other products

• Exhaust carbon source → exhaust nutrients

• Lower pH → out-compete

• Other products (EtOH, bacteriocins, H2O2) ↔ anti-microbial

• Un-stable raw material → Stable product


Two Types of LAB

• Homofermentative• Homofermentative

• > 85% of products is lactic acid

H f i• Heterofermentative

• 50% prod. = lactic acid;

• 50% others = ethanol, acetic acid, CO2, …

The magic of organic acids

Dependant on the pH and the pKapH lower than pKa – most of the acid undissociated [HA]Neutral molecules diffuse into the cellOnce inside pH is higher than pKa and acid dissociatesacid dissociatesIn an attempt to maintain homeostasis cell exhausts itself and dies


Spoilage issuesTemperature too high or too much salt

Inhibits growth of L mesenteroidesInhibits growth of L. mesenteroidesMay lead to growth of Rhodotorula

Causes pinkingTemperature too low or salt to low

Allow Flavobacterium or Pseudomonas to grow These produce pectinolynic enzymes causing soft kraut

L. mesenteroides producing dextrans

Destem and crush Ferment

Add yeast


Add SO2


Add SO2

Age in Barrels

Transfer to new BarrelsSettle

Filter Bottle and age


(Hutkins, 2006)

Other fermentations

O 3 500 t dOver 3,500 types consumedProvide 20-40 % of the worlds food supplyResponsible for production of 20-30 billion dollars worth of food products


General Guidelines

Known organism (preferably LAB)Known organism (preferably LAB)Rapid and continuous pH reduction- below 4.6 in less than 24h

Firm should be:(1) evaluating the hazards that could affect

food safety – based on science not faithy(2) specifying what preventive steps, or

controls, will be put in place to significantly minimize or prevent the hazards

(3) specifying how the facility will monitor these controls to ensure they are workingthese controls to ensure they are working

(4) maintaining routine records of the monitoring

(5) specifying what actions the facility will take to correct problems that arise.



“Although it's technically done after two g ymonths, my ferment takes six months to hit its prime. The longer miso ferments the better it tastes, and as far as I know misohas an indefinite shelf life. I have no knowledge as to when my miso hits a 4.6 knowledge as to when my miso hits a 4.6 pH….. I really know nothing about the pH of miso.”