Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology. Anatomy is …. the structure of body parts Physiology is …...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy is ….

the structure of body parts

Physiology is …

the function of body parts

Principle of Complementary of Structure and Function

What a structure can do depends on its specific form

There is organization in the body

Chemical level

Cellular level

Tissue level

Anatomical Position

Stand erect facing observer

Head level, eyes facing forward

Feet flat on floor, directed forward

Arms at side, palms turned forward

Prone – body lying face down

Supine – body lying face up

Regional terms to designate specific body areas

Body Planes

Superior – (cranial) upper or above or toward the head

Inferior – (caudal) lower or below or toward feet

Anterior or Ventral – front or in front of

Posterior or Dorsal – back or in back of

Median – toward the midline

Lateral – toward the side of the body or away from the midline

Proximal – toward or nearest the trunk or nearest the point of origin of one its parts

Distal – away from the trunk or farthest from the point of a body part attachment

Superficial – nearest the surface

Deep – farther away from the surface

Plantar – sole of foot

Palmar – palm of hand

Directional Movement Reference Words

Abduction – move away from body midline

Adduction – move closer to body midline

Directional Movement Reference Words

Extension – increase joint angle between articulating elements

Flexion – reduce joint angle between articulating elements

Body Cavities

Ventral CavityThoracic cavityAbdominopelvic cavity

Abdominal cavityPelvic cavity

Dorsal CavityCranial cavitySpinal cavity (Vertebral canal)


The way you cut it makes a difference!

Transverse Plan Frontal or Sagittal Plane Oblique Plane