Introduction to computers

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The presentation given at MSBTE sponsored content updating program on 'PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting' for Diploma Engineering teachers of Maharashtra.Venue: Government Polytechnic, NashikDate: 17/01/2011Session-1: Introduction to Computers.


Introduction to Computers

Tushar B Kute,Department of Information Technology,

Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik.

Tushar B Kute,Department of Information Technology,

Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik.

How is a computer defined?

What is a Computer?

Produces and stores results

Electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory

Processes data into informationinformation

Data that is organized, meaningful, and useful

Accepts datadataRaw facts, figures, and symbols

What is a Computer?

What is the information processing cycle? Input Process Output Storage Communication

The Components of a Computer

What is an input device? Hardware used

to enter dataand instructions

The Components of a Computer

What is an output device? Hardware that

conveys information to one or morepeople

The Components of a Computer

What is the system unit? Case

containingelectroniccomponentsused to processdata

The Components of a Computer

What are two main components on the motherboard?

Central Processing Unit (CPU)Central Processing Unit (CPU)Also called a processor

The electronic component that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer

MemoryMemoryConsists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions

The Components of a Computer

What is storage?

Storage mediaStorage mediaPhysical material on which data, instructions, and information are stored

Storage mediaStorage mediaPhysical material on which data, instructions, and information are stored

Storage deviceStorage deviceRecords and retrieves items to and from a storage medium

Storage deviceStorage deviceRecords and retrieves items to and from a storage medium

Holds data, instructions, and information for future use

The Components of a Computer

What is storage media?





Portable, thin memory cards used in:

Portable, thin memory cards used in:

The Components of a Computer

What is a floppy disk? Thin, circular,

flexible disk enclosed in rigid plastic shell

The Components of a Computer

What is a USB flash drive? Provides much

greater storage capacity than a floppy disk or Zip® disk

Small and lightweight enough to be transported on a keychain or in a pocket

The Components of a Computer

What is a hard disk? Provides greater storage

capacity than a floppy disk, Zip disk, or USB flash drive

Most are housed inside of the system unit

The Components of a Computer

What is a compact disc? Flat, round, portable metal disc


The Components of a Computer

What is a communications device?

Hardware component that enables a computer to

send and receive data, instructions, and information

Hardware component that enables a computer to

send and receive data, instructions, and information

Occurs over cables, telephonelines, cellular radio networks,

satellites, and other transmission media

Occurs over cables, telephonelines, cellular radio networks,

satellites, and other transmission media

Storage Communications

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

What are the advantages of using computers?

Speed Reliability Consistency

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

What are the disadvantages of using computers?

Violation ofPrivacy

Impact onEnvironment

Impact onLabor Force

Health Risks

Categories of Computers

What are the categories of computers?

Personal Computers(desktop)

Mobile Computers andMobile Devices

Midrange Servers



Embedded Computers

Personal Computers

What are the two most popular series of personal computers?

PC and compatibles use the Windows operating system

Apple Macintosh uses the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS)

Personal Computers

What is a desktop computer? Designed so all of the components fit entirely on

or under a desk or table

Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat is a notebook computer? Portable, small enough

to fit on your lap Also called a laptop

computer Generally more

expensive than a desktop computer

Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat is a Tablet PC?

Especially useful for taking notes

Resembles a letter-sized slate Allows you to write on the

screen using a digital pen

Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat are mobile devices? Small enough to carry in a

pocket Internet-enabled

telephone is a “smart phone”

Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat is a handheld computer?

Used by mobile

employees such as meter readers and

delivery people

Small enough to fit

in one hand

Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat is a personal digital assistant (PDA)? Provides personal organizer functions

Calendar Appointment book Address book Calculator Notepad

Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat are smart phones and smart watches?

A smart watch isan Internet-enabled

watch that automaticallyadjusts to time zone changes

and stores personal information

A smart phone isan Internet-enabled

telephone that usuallyprovides PDA capabilities


What types of servers are there?

Midrange server Powerful, large computer that supports up to a few thousand computers

Mainframe Very powerful, expensive computer that supports thousands of computers

Supercomputer The fastest, most powerful, most expensive computer. Used for applications requiring complex mathematical calculations

Embedded Computers

What is an embedded computer? A special-purpose computer that functions as a

component in a larger product

Desktop Microcomputer

A microcomputer that fits on a desk and runs on power from an electrical wall outlet.

The CPU can be housed in either a vertical or a horizontal case.

Has separate components (keyboard, mouse, etc.) that are each plugged into the computer.

Laptop Computer

A portable, compact computer that can run on an electrical wall outlet or a battery unit.

All components (keyboard, mouse, etc.) are in one compact unit.

Usually more expensive than a comparable desktop.

Sometimes called a Notebook.

Mainframe Computer

Large expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users.

Used to store, manage, and process large amounts of data that need to be reliable, secure, and centralized.

Usually housed in a closet sized cabinet.


Mostly built between 1963 and 1987

Smaller and less powerful than a mainframe, typically about the size and shape of a wardrobe, mounted in a single tall rack.

Were often used in applications such as industrial control, permanently assigned to one application.

These days they have been largely replaced by PCs.

History of Computers

Pre-Mechanical Computing

From Counting on fingers to hash marks in sand to pebbles to hash marks on walls to hash marks on bone

Mechanical computers

From The Abacus c. 4000 BCE

to Charles Babbage and his Difference Engine (1812 CE)

Mechanical computers:The Abacus (c. 4000 BCE)

Abacus The earliest device that qualifies as a computer is the abacus. The abacus was invented 5,000 years ago in Asia Minor and is still in use today. This device allows user to calculate, by sliding beads arrangement on rack.

Napier’s Bones and Logarithms (1617)

Oughtred’s (1621) and Schickard‘s (1623) slide rule

Blaise Pascal’s Pascaline (1645)

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) In 1642 Blaise Pascal, the 18 year old son of a French tax collector, invented a numerical wheel calculator to help his father in calculation. This device was known as “Pascaline” and was only able to add two numbers.

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz’sStepped Reckoner (1674)

• Invented by a German Baron, Gottfried von Leibnitz.•Developed through Pascal’s ideas.• It can add, subtract, divide and

multiply.• Square roots are performed by

series of stepped additions.

Joseph-Marie Jacquard and his punched card controlled looms (1804)

Preparing the cards with the pattern for the cloth to be woven

Charles Babbage (1791-1871)The Father of Computers

Charles Babbage (1791-1871) An English mathematician, Professor Charles Babbage made a “difference Engine” in 1833, which was powered by steam to solve mathematical equations. After 10 years, in 1842, he made a general purpose computer named “Analytical Engine”. This analytical engine could add, subtract, multiply and divide in automatic sequence at a rate of 60 additions per second.

Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine

Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine

Lady Augusta AdaCountess of Lovelace

Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace (1816-1852)

Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace was an English woman. Charles Babbage was her ideal. She studied and translated his works, adding her extensive footnotes. She was called as a first programmer because of her suggestion that punched cards could be prepared to instruct Babbage’s engine to repeat certain operations.

Electro-mechanical computers

From Herman Hollerith’s 1890 Census Counting Machine

to Howard Aiken and the Harvard Mark I (1944)

Herman Hollerith and hisCensus Tabulating Machine (1884)

Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) In 1890, an American Herman Hollerith applied the idea of punchboards in the form of punch cards in computers for input and output. He invented a punched card tabulating machine.

A closer look at the Census Tabulating Machine

The Harvard Mark I (1944) aka IBM’s Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC)

Electronic digital computers

From John Vincent Atanasoff’s 1939 Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

to the present day

John von Neumann

Designed the Von Neumann Computer Architecture, which is still used in today’s computers.

The Turing Machine Aka The Universal Machine 1936

Allen Turing (1912-1954)

John Vincent Atanasoff (1903-1995)

Physics Prof at Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Clifford Berry (1918-1963)

PhD student of Dr. Atanasoff’s

1939: The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

1943: Bletchley Park’s Colossus

The Enigma Machine

John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) and John Mauchly (1907-1980) of the University of Pennsylvania Moore School of Engineering

1946: The ENIAC

The ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and ComputerENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was made by Dr. John W. Mauchly collaborated with J. Presper Eckert, Jr. at the University of Pennsylvania. It was 1000 times faster than Mark I. It occupied 15000 square feet of floor spacing and weighs 30 tons. The ENIAC could do 5000 additions per minute. John Von Neumann designed the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer).


Proposed by Mauchly and Eckert in August 1944.

Stands for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.

Its conceptual design was completed by 1946 but it became fully operational by 1952.

Contained approximately 4000 vacuum tubes and 10,000 crystal diodes.


First commercially available computer. Stands for Universal Automatic Computer. It was based on the EDVAC design. The development started on 1948 and the first unit was

delivered on 1951, which therefore predates EDVAC’s becoming fully operational.

Generations of Computers

A term which refers to the different advancements of computer technology characterized by the way computers operate resulting to miniaturization, speed, power, and proportionally increased memory.

1st Generation (1940 – 1956)

Computers are huge, slow, expensive, and often undependable.

They used vacuum tubes for circuitry.

They used magnetic drums for memory.

2nd Generation (1956 – 1963)

• Transistors (1947) were already used and replaced vacuum tubes.

• Transistors allow computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient, and more reliable.

• One transistor is equivalent to 40 vacuum tubes.• Heat generation problem that could inflict damage to

computer is still existing.

3rd Generation (1964 – 1971)

• The emergence of integrated circuits was the hallmark of the 3rd generation of computers.• Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips,

called semiconductors.• Computer’s speed drastically increased as well as its efficiency.• Computers became accessible to the mass since it is smaller

and cheaper.

4th Generation (1971 – Present)

• The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.

• Computers are now very small.• Microprocessors was intended for calculators but applied to

computers later.• Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), mouse and handheld

devices are introduced.

5th Generation (Present and Beyond)

• Artificial Intelligence is still under development although voice recognition are being used today.

• Quantum computation, and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come.

• The goal is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and capable of learning and self-organization.

Thank You