Introduction to Gradle - JUGS · • A general purpose build system • It comes with a Groovy DSL...

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Introduction to Gradle

Hans Dockter - Gradle Inc.Jan 21, 2010

• A general purpose build system• It comes with a Groovy DSL and a Java core.• Provides build-in support for Java, Groovy,

Scala, Web, OSGi projects.• Gradle provides exciting solutions for many of the

big pain points you often have with current builds.


What is Gradle?

What is Gradle?

Gradle is declarative

You specify the WHAT

Gradle figures out the HOW

Source Set Sample

apply: ʻjavaʼ

dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7' integrationTestCompile 'commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2'}

sourceSets { integTest { java.srcDir file('src/int-test/java') resources.srcDir file('src/int-test/resources') compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.classes + sourceSets.test.classes + configurations.integrationTestCompile runtimeClasspath = classes + compileClasspath }}


apply ʻjavaʼ

dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7' integrationTestCompile 'commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2'}

sourceSets {

> gradle classes

> gradle test

> gradle assemble


usePlugin(ʻjavaʼ)configurations { integrationTestCompile.extends testRuntime }dependencies { compile 'org.springframework:spring-core:3.0' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7' integrationTestCompile 'commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2'}sourceSets { integTest { java.srcDir file('src/int-test/java') resources.srcDir file('src/int-test/resources') compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.classes + sourceSets.test.classes + configurations.integrationTestCompile runtimeClasspath = classes + compileClasspath }}

The how for the source set

> gradle integTestClasses

sourceSets { integTest { java.srcDir file('src/int-test/java') resources.srcDir file('src/int-test/resources') compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.classes + sourceSets.test.classes + configurations.integrationTestCompile runtimeClasspath = classes + compileClasspath }}


sourceSets { integTest { java.srcDir file('src/int-test/java') resources.srcDir file('src/int-test/resources') compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.classes + sourceSets.test.classes + configurations.integrationTestCompile runtimeClasspath = classes + compileClasspath }}

> gradle -t:integTestClasses -> :classes, :testClasses

Typed Tasks

sourceSets { integTest { ... }}

task integrationTest(type: Test, dependsOn: jar) { testClassesDir = sourceSets.integTest.classesDir classpath = sourceSets.integTest.runtimeClasspath options.systemProperties['jar.path'] = jar.archivePath}

> gradle -t:integrationTest -> :classes, :integrationTestClasses, :jar, :testClasses

SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

Gradle is


being rigid

The Build Language

Source Sets





Custom Tasks


• Many source dirs per project• Dependencies per source dir• JDK per source dir• Many artifacts per project• Multiple projects per source directory


Build Language Examples

Deep API

tasks.withType(Jar).allObjects { jarTask -> jarTask.manifest.mainAttributes(Provider: "Gradle Inc.") }

tasks.withType(Compile).allObjects { compile -> compile.options.fork.executable = “$pathToJavac” }

sourceSets.allObjects { sourceSet -> // add task with name obfuscate + // task with name classes + depends on obfuscate // obfuscate depends on compile +}

dependencies.allObjects { dependency -> throwExceptionIfDependencyIsGPL(dependency) }

Extensible Domain Objects

tasks.withType(Jar).allObjects { jarTask ->jarTask.osgi = new DefaultOsgiManifest()jarTask.doFirst { task -> importOsgiManifestIntoManifest(task) }

}...task myJar(type: Jar) { osgi.include(...) }

dependencies.allObjects { dependency ->dependency.maven = new DefaultMavenDescriptor()

}...dependencies { compile(“commons-lang:commons-lang:3.2”) { maven.optional = true }}

Rich API

usePlugin ʻjavaʼ

test {whenTestFails { test -> println(ʻTest Failed:ʼ +}


task analyzeFailedTests(dependsOn: test) << {List failedTests = test.failedTests // do something


Custom Tasks

task hello(type: HelloTask)

task greeting(type: HelloTask) { greeting = 'greetings from HelloTask'}

class HelloTask extends DefaultTask { def String greeting = 'hello from HelloTask'

@TaskAction def printGreeting() { println greeting }}

Custom Plugins

class GreetingPlugin implements Plugin { def void use(Project project) { project.task('hello') << { println "Hello from the GreetingPlugin" } project.greetingDate = new Date() }}

apply type: org.gradle.GreetingPlugin

apply url: ʻʼ

task hello << { println "Hello from the GreetingPlugin"}project.greetingDate = new Date()

Custom Declarative Elements

usePlugin ʻeditionsʼ

productEditions {enterprise core, plugins, powerAddonspublic core, plugins, openApi


> gradle enterpriseEditionZip> gradle publicEditionTar

SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

ExtensibleBuild Language

instead of a Build Framework

XML and the What

It does not matter muchwhether a build systemuses XML or Groovy for

declaring things.

SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

Often not all

aspectsof a build

can be solved with the default

declarative elements.

Simple Imperative Examples

apply id: ʻjavaʼ

task date << { println “Today is ${new Date()}” }

task someTask(dependsOn: compile) << { println ʻCount the number of compiled classesʼ}

compile.doFirst { println ʻCompilation will start nowʼ}

> gradle dateToday is Tue Oct 20 15:27:03 CDT 2009


usePlugin ʻgroovyʼ

task ide << { copy { from configurations.runtime into ʻmyLibDirʼ }}

task sources << {sourceSets.test.allGroovy.matching {include '**/*Demo*' }.files.each {

println “$it.absolutePath”}


SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.


messybuild scripts

SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.


• Evaluate the build scripts– They configure the WHAT and HOW of the build.

• Build a DAG of tasks to be executed – Includes test, compile, compileTests, ... tasks

• Execute the tasks of the DAG


Build Lifecycle

> gradle test

• Hooks for customizing all phases of the lifecycle• The DAG is exposed to the build script

Deep Execution API

version = ʻ1.0ʼgradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->

if (!graph.hasTask(“release”)) { version += ʻ-ʼ + System.currentTimeMillis()}

}compile.doFirst { compileTask -> println build.taskGraph.allTasks if (gradle.taskGraph.hasTask(ʻcodeGenerationʼ)) { compileTask.include ʻsomePackageʼ } }build.taskGraph.beforeTask { task -> println(“Free memory: “ + Runtime.runtime.freeMemory())}build.taskGraph.afterTask { task, exception -> if (task instanceof Jetty && exception != null) { // do something }}


Smart Exclusion

> gradle A -x B Executes A and E





E depends on


Smart Merging

> gradle clean compile; gradle test




> gradle clean compile test

depends on

Camel Case Execution

task myNameIsPrettyLong << { println 'Long name'}

task someOtherTask(dependsOn: myNameIsPrettyLong) << { println "Other task"}

> gradle sOtherT -x myNaIPOther task


tasks.addRule("Pattern: uploadTo<ID>") { String taskName -> if (taskName.startsWith("uploadTo")) { task(taskName) << { // add task println "Uploading to: " + (taskName - 'uploadTo') } }}task groupPing(dependsOn: [uploadTo1, uploadTo2])

> gradle uploadTo545Uploading to 545

> gradle groupUploadUploading to 1Uploading to 2

SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

Performanceis one of the

biggestpain points

of complex builds.

• No clean required for a reliable build• Based on the input, output and task state, Gradle

decides whether to execute a task or not• This is a generic service that can be easily made

use of by custom tasks.


Incremental Builds

jar input: ʻbuild/classesʼjar state: compression ratejar output: ʻbuild/libs/classes.jarʼ

• Specify number of threads• Specify fork frequency• Pipelines for multiple process configurations

(jdk14, jdk15)• Remote Listeners


Native Multi-Process Test Runners

SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.



Using Ant tasks

ant { taskdef name: "groovyc", classname: "org.groovy.ant.Groovyc" groovyc srcdir: "src", destdir: "${webinf}/classes", { classpath {# fileset dir: "lib" {# include name: "*.jar" }# pathelement path: "classes" } javac source: "1.5", target: "1.5", debug: "on" }}

Deep Integration withAnt Builds

> gradle helloHello, from Gradle...Here comes Ant...[ant:echo] Hello, from Ant

<project> <target name="hello" depends="intro"> <echo>Hello, from Ant</echo> </target></project>

ant.importBuild 'build.xml'

hello.doFirst { println 'Here comes Ant' }task intro << { println 'Hello, from Gradle'}

• Integration with Maven repositories

– autogeneration of pom.xml

– install to local Maven repo

– deploy to any remote Repo

– full maven metadata generation

• Integration of Maven builds in the future


Integrating with Maven

Dependency Management


configurations { allJar.extends runtime}

dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2" runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6” testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" allJar "commons-io:commons-io:1.4"}

task jarAll(type: Jar) { merge(configurations.allJar.files)}

Dependency Management

dependencies { compile("org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2") { exclude module:cglib }}

• Transitive Dependencies• Excludes per configuration or dependency• Very flexible repository handling• Based on Apache Ivy• Powerful API

• Arbitrary Multiproject Layout• Configuration Injection• Separate Config/Execution Hierarchy• Partial builds


Multi-Project Builds

Gradle GUI

> gradle --gui

Gradle Wrapper

>./gradlew assemble

• Very active community (mailing-list, patches, issues)• Apache v2 license.• Excellent user’s guide (200+ pages) + many samples• Frequent releases, multiple commits per day• Quality is king:

– 2800 unit tests, Many hundreds of integration test– Healthy codebase– low defect rate

• Commiter -> Steve Appling, Hans Dockter, Tom Eyckmans, Adam Murdoch, Russel Winder


Project Background


Commercial Support: