Introduction to Groups

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  • 8/14/2019 Introduction to Groups



    toGroups, Invariantsand

    ParticlesFrank W. K. Firk, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Yale University


  • 8/14/2019 Introduction to Groups

















    12. ISOSPIN 115




    15. BIBLIOGRAPHY 163

  • 8/14/2019 Introduction to Groups


    1 3


    The noti on of geom etric al symmetr y in Art a nd in Natu re is a

    fam iliar one. In Moder n Phy sics, this noti on ha s evo lved to in clude

    sym metri es of an a bstra ct ki nd. These new symme tries play an e ssential

    par t in the t heori es of the micro struc ture of ma tter. The basic sym metri es

    fou nd in Natu re se em to orig inate in t he ma thema tical stru cture of t he la ws

    the mselvesla ws th at go vern the m otion s of the g alaxi es on the onehan d and the motio ns of quar ks in nucl eons on th e oth er.

    In the N ewton ian e ra, t he la ws of Natu re we re de duced from a sm all

    num ber o f imperfec t obs ervat ions by a small numb er of reno wned

    sci entists an d mat hemat ician s. I t was not until the Einst einia n era ,

    how ever, that the signi fican ce of the symme tries asso ciated wit h the laws

    was full y app reciated. The disco very of sp ace-time symmet ries has led to

    the wide ly-he ld be lief that the l aws o f Nat ure c an be deri ved f rom

    sym metry , or invar iance , pri ncipl es. Our i ncomp lete knowledge of th e

    fun damen tal intera ctions mea ns th at we are not y et in a po sitio n to confi rm

    thi s belief. We t heref ore u se ar gumen ts ba sed o n emp irica lly established

    laws and rest ricte d sym metry prin ciple s to guide us i n our sear ch fo r the

    fun damen tal symmet ries. Fre quent ly, i t is impor tant to un derst and w hy

    the symm etry of a system is obser ved t o be broke n.

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    In Geome try, an ob ject with a def inite shap e, si ze, location, a nd 4

    ori entat ion c onstitutes a st ate w hose symme try p roper ties, or i nvari ants,

    are to b e stu died. Any tran sform ation that leav es th e sta te un chang ed in

    for m is calle d a s ymmet ry tr ansformati on. The g reate r the numb er of

    sym metry tran sform ations tha t a s tate can u nderg o, th e hig her i ts

    sym metry . If the numbe r of conditions that define th e sta te is redu ced

    the n the symm etry of th e sta te is incr eased. Fo r exa mple, an o bject

    cha racte rized by o blateness alone is s ymmet ric u nder all transformat ions

    exc ept a chan ge of shap e.

    In descr ibing the symme try o f a sta te of the most gener al kind (n ot

    simply g eomet ric), the algebraic struc ture of th e set of s ymmet ry op erato rs

    mus t be given; it is no t suf ficie nt to give the numbe r of opera tions, and

    not hing else. The law of c ombin ation of the opera tors must be st ated. It

    is the alg ebrai c gro up th at fu lly charac terizes th e sym metry of t he ge neral

    sta te.

    The The ory o f Gro ups ca me ab out u nexpe ctedly. G alois show ed

    tha t an equat ion o f deg ree n , whe re n is an inte ger g reate r tha n or equal to

    fiv e can not, in ge neral, be solve d by algebraic means . In the cours e of this

    gre at wo rk, h e dev eloped the idea s of Lagra nge, Ruffi ni, and Ab el an d

    int roduc ed th e con cept of a gro up. Galoi s discussed the func tional

    rel ationships amon g the root s of an eq uation, an d sho wed t hat t he

    rel ationships have symm etrie s associated wi th th em un der p ermut ations of

    the root s.

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    The oper ators that tran sform one funct ional rela tions hip i nto 5

    ano ther are e lemen ts of a se t tha t is chara cteri stic of th e equ ation ; the set

    of opera tors is ca lled the G alois grou p of the e quati on.

    In the 1 850s , Cay ley showed that ever y finite g roup is is omorp hic

    to a cer tain permu tatio n gro up. The g eomet rical symm etries of cryst als

    are desc ribed in t erms of fi nite group s. T hese symme tries are discu ssed in

    man y sta ndard work s (see bib liography) and there fore, they will not be

    discussed in this book.

    In the b rief perio d bet ween 1924 and 1 928, Quant um Me chanics

    was deve loped. Alm ost i mmedi ately, it was r ecogn ized by Weyl, and by

    Wig ner, that certa in pa rts o f Gro up Th eory could be u sed a s a p owerf ul

    ana lytic al to ol in Quan tum P hysic s. T heir ideas have been deve loped over

    the deca des in man y are as th at ra nge f rom t he Th eory of So lids to Pa rticl e

    Phy sics.

    The esse ntial role play ed by grou ps th at ar e cha racte rized by

    par amete rs th at va ry co ntinu ously in a give n ran ge wa s first em phasi zed

    by Wigne r. T hese group s are know n as Lie Gro ups. They have becom e

    increasingly impor tant in ma ny br anche s of conte mpora ry ph ysics ,

    par ticul arly Nuclear an d Par ticle Phys ics. Fift y yea rs af ter G alois had

    int roduc ed th e con cept of a group in t he Th eory of Eq uations, L ie

    int roduc ed th e con cept of a continuous tran sform ation grou p in the T heory

    of Diffe renti al Eq uations. Lies theo ry un ified many of t he di sconn ected

    met hods of so lving diff erent ial e quations t hat h ad ev olved over a pe riod of

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    two hund red y ears. Inf inite simal unit ary t ransformat ions play a key role in 6

    discussi ons o f the fund ament al co nserv ation laws of P hysic s.

    In Class ical Dynam ics, the i nvari ance of th e equ ations of motio n of a

    par ticle , or system of parti cles, unde r the Gali lean trans forma tion is a basic

    par t of every day r elati vity. The sear ch fo r the tran sform ation that leav es

    Max well s equ ations of Elect romag netism unc hange d in form (inva riant )

    und er a linea r tra nsfor mation of the s pace-time coord inates, le d to the

    discover y of the L orent z tra nsfor matio n. T he fu ndame ntal impor tance of

    thi s tra nsfor matio n, an d its rela ted i nvari ants, cann ot be over state d.

    This int roduc tion to Gr oup T heory , wit h its emph asis on Li e Gro ups

    and thei r app licat ion t o the stud y of symme tries of t he fu ndame ntal

    con stituents of ma tter, has its o rigin in a one- semester c ourse that I ta ught

    at Yale University for more than ten y ears. The cour se wa s dev eloped for

    Sen iors, and advan ced J unior s, ma joring in the P hysic al Sc ience s. T he

    stu dents had gener ally completed the c ore c ourse s for thei r maj ors, and

    had take n int ermed iate level cour ses in Lin ear A lgebr a, Re al an d Com plex

    Ana lysis , Ord inary Line ar Di fferential Equa tions, and some of t he Sp ecial

    Fun ctions of Physics. Group Theo ry wa s not a ma thema tical requ ireme nt

    for a de gree in th e Phy sical Scie nces. The majo rity of ex istin g

    und ergra duate text books on G roup Theor y and its appli cations in Phys ics

    ten d to be ei ther highl y qua litat ive o r hig hly m athem atical. The pu rpose of

    thi s int roduc tion is to stee r a m iddle cour se th at pr ovides the stud ent w ith

    a s ound mathe matical ba sis f or st udying the symm etry prope rties of t he

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    fun damen tal p artic les. It i s not gene rally appr eciated by Phys icist s tha t 7

    con tinuo us tr ansformati on gr oups originated in t he Th eory of Differential

    Equ ations. T he in finit esima l gen erato rs of Lie Group s the refor e have

    forms that involve differential operators and their commutators, and these

    operators and their algebraic properties have found, and continue to find, a

    natural place in the development of Quantum Physics.

    Guilford, CT.

    June, 2000

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    2 8


    In the early 19th - century, Abel proved that it is not possible to solve the

    general polynomial equation of degree greater than four by algebraic means.

    He attempted to characterize all equations that can be solved by radicals.

    Abel did not solve this fundamental problem. The problem was taken up and

    solved by one of the greatest innovators in Mathematics, namely, Galois.

    2.1. Solving cubic equations

    The main ideas of the Galois procedure in the Theory of Equations,

    and their relationship to later developments in Mathematics and Physics, can

    be introduced in a plausible way by considering the standard problem of

    solving a cubic equation.

    Consider solutions of the general cubic equation

    Ax3 + 3Bx2 + 3Cx + D = 0, where A - D are rational constants.

    If the substitution y = Ax + B is made, the equation becomes

    y3 + 3Hy + G = 0


    H = AC - B2


    G = A2D - 3ABC + 2B3.

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    The cubic has three real roots if G2 + 4H3 < 0 and two imaginary roots if G2 9

    + 4H3 > 0. (See any standard work on the Theory of Equations).

    If all the roots are real, a trigonometrical method can be used to obtain

    the solutions, as follows:

    the Fourier series of cos3u is

    cos3u = (3/4)cosu + (1/4)cos3u.


    y = scosu in the equation y3 + 3Hy + G = 0

    (s > 0),


    cos3u + (3H/s2)cosu + G/s3 = 0.

    Comparing the Fourier series with this equation leads to

    s = 2 (-H)


    cos3u = -4G/s3.

    If v is any value of u satisfying cos3u = -4G/s3, the general solution is

    3u = 2n 3v, where n is an integer.

    Three different values of cosu are given by

    u = v, and 2/3 v.

    The three solutions of the given cubic equation are then

    scosv, and scos(2/3 v).

    Consider solutions of the equation

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    x3 - 3x + 1 = 0. 10

    In this case,

    H = -1 and G2 + 4H3 = -3.

    All the roots are therefore real, and they are given by solving

    cos3u = -4G/s3 = -4(1/8) = -1/2


    3u = cos-1(-1/2).

    The values of u are therefore 2/9, 4/9, and 8/9, and the roots are

    x1 = 2cos(2/9), x2 = 2cos(4/9), and x

    3 = 2cos(8/9).

    2.2. Symmetries of the roots

    The roots x1, x2, and x3 exhibit a simple pattern. Relationships among

    them can be readily found by writing them in the complex form 2cos = e i +

    e-i where = 2/9 so that

    x1 = ei + e -i ,

    x2 = e2i + e-2i ,


    x3 = e4i + e-4i .

    Squaring these values gives

    x12 = x2 + 2,

    x22 = x3 + 2,


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    x32 = x1 + 2. 11

    The relationships among the roots have the functional form f(x1,x2,x3) = 0.

    Other relationships exist; for example, by considering the sum of the roots we


    x1 + x22 + x2 - 2 = 0

    x2 + x32 + x3 - 2 = 0,


    x3 + x12 + x1 - 2 = 0.

    Transformations from one root to another can be made by doubling-the-

    angle, .

    The functional relationships among the roots have an algebraic

    symmetry associated with them under interchanges (substitutions) of the

    roots. If is the operator that changes f(x1,x2,x3) into f(x2,x3,x1) then

    f(x1,x2,x3) f(x2,x3,x1),

    2f(x1,x2,x3) f(x3,x1,x2),


    3f(x1,x2,x3) f(x1,x2,x3).

    The operator 3 = I, is the identity.

    In the present case,

    (x12 - x2 - 2) = (x2

    2 - x3 - 2) = 0,

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    2(x12 - x2 - 2) = (x3

    2 - x1 - 2) = 0. 12

    2.3. The Galois group of an equation.

    The set of operators {I, , 2} introduced above, is called the Galois

    group of the equation x3 - 3x + 1 = 0. (It will be shown later that it is

    isomorphic to the cyclic group, C3).

    The elements of a Galois group are operators that interchange the

    roots of an equation in such a way that the transformed functional

    relationships are true relationships. For example, if the equation

    x1 + x22 + x2 - 2 = 0

    is valid, then so is

    (x1 + x22 + x2 - 2 ) = x2 + x3

    2 + x3 - 2 = 0.

    True functional relationships are polynomials with rational coefficients.

    2.4. Algebraic fields

    We now consider the Galois procedure in a more general way. An

    algebraic solution of the general nth - degree polynomial

    aoxn + a1x

    n-1 + ... an = 0

    is given in terms of the coefficients ai using a finite number of operations (+,-

    ,,,). The term "solution by radicals" is sometimes used because the

    operation of extracting a square root is included in the process. If an infinite

    number of operations is allowed, solutions of the general polynomial can be

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    obtained using transcendental functions. The coefficients ai necessarily belong 13

    to afieldwhich is closed under the rational operations. If the field is the set

    of rational numbers, Q, we need to know whether or not the solutions of a

    given equation belong to Q. For example, if

    x2 - 3 = 0

    we see that the coefficient -3 belongs to Q, whereas the roots of the equation,

    xi = 3, do not. It is therefore necessary to extendQ to Q', (say) by

    adjoining numbers of the form a3 to Q, where a is in Q.

    In discussing the cubic equation x3

    - 3x + 1 = 0 in 2.2, we found

    certain functions of the roots f(x1,x2,x3) = 0 that are symmetric under

    permutations of the roots. The symmetry operators formed the Galois group

    of the equation.

    For a general polynomial:

    xn + a1xn-1 + a2x

    n-2 + .. an = 0,

    functional relations of the roots are given in terms of the coefficients in the

    standard way

    x1 + x2 + x3 .. .. + xn = -a1

    x1x2 + x1x3 + .. x2x3 + x2x4 + ..+ xn-1xn = a2

    x1x2x3 + x2x3x4 + .. .. + xn-2xn-1xn = -a3



    x1x2x3 .. .. xn-1xn = an.

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    It can be solved by writing x3 = y, y2 = 3 or 15

    x = (3)1/3.

    To solve the equation, it is necessary to calculate square and cube roots

    not sixth roots. The equation x6 = 3 is said to be compound (it can be

    broken down into simpler equations), whereas x2 = 3 is said to be atomic.

    The atomic properties of the Galois group of an equation reveal

    the atomic nature of the equation, itself. (In Chapter 5, it will be seen that a

    group is atomic ("simple") if it contains no proper invariant subgroups).

    The determination of the Galois groups associated with an arbitrary

    polynomial with unknown roots is far from straightforward. We can gain

    some insight into the Galois method, however, by studying the group

    structure of the quartic

    x4 + a2x2 + a4 = 0

    with known roots

    x1 = ((-a2 + )/2)1/2 , x2 = -x1,

    x3 = ((-a2 - )/2)1/2 , x4 = -x3,


    = (a 22 - 4a4)


    The field F of the quartic equation contains the rationals Q, and the

    rational expressions formed from the coefficients a2 and a4.

    The relations

    x1 + x2 = x3 + x4 = 0

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    are in the field F. 16

    Only eight of the 4! possible permutations of the roots leave these

    relations invariant in F; they are

    x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4{ P1 = , P2 = , P3 = ,

    x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x4 x3 x2 x1 x3 x4x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4

    P4 = , P5 = , P6 =x2 x1 x4 x3 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x2 x1x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4

    P7 = , P8 = }.x4 x3 x1 x2 x4 x3 x2 x1

    The set {P1,...P8} is the Galois group of the quartic in F. It is a subgroup of

    the full set of twentyfour permutations. We can form an infinite number of

    true relations among the roots in F. If we extend the field F by adjoining

    irrational expressions of the coefficients, other true relations among the roots

    can be formed in the extended field, F'. Consider, for example, the extended

    field formed by adjoining (= (a22 - 4a4)) to F so that the relation

    x12 - x3

    2 = is in F'.

    We have met the relations

    x1 = -x2 and x3 = -x4

    so that

    x12 = x2

    2 and x32 = x4


    Another relation in F' is therefore

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    x22 - x4

    2 = . 17

    The permutations that leave these relations true in F' are then

    {P1, P2, P3, P4}.

    This set is the Galois group of the quartic in F'. It is a subgroup of the set


    If we extend the field F' by adjoining the irrational expression

    ((-a2 - )/2)1/2 to form the field F'' then the relation

    x3 - x4 = 2((-a2 - )/2)1/2

    is in F''.

    This relation is invariant under the two permutations

    {P1, P3}.

    This set is the Galois group of the quartic in F''. It is a subgroup of the set

    {P1, P2, P3, P4}.

    If, finally, we extend the field F'' by adjoining the irrational

    ((-a2 + )/2)1/2 to form the field F''' then the relation

    x1 - x2 = 2((-a2 - )/2)1/2 is in F'''.

    This relation is invariant under the identity transformation, P1 , alone; it is

    the Galois group of the quartic in F''.

    The full group, and the subgroups, associated with the quartic equation

    are of order 24, 8, 4, 2, and 1. (The order of a group is the number of

    distinct elements that it contains). In 5.4, we shall prove that the order of a

    subgroup is always an integral divisor of the order of the full group. The

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    order of the full group divided by the order of a subgroup is called the index 18

    of the subgroup.

    Galois introduced the idea of a normal or invariant subgroup: if H is a

    normal subgroup of G then

    HG - GH = [H,G] = 0.

    (H commutes with every element of G, see 5.5).

    Normal subgroups are also called either invariant or self-conjugate subgroups.

    A normal subgroup H is maximal if no other subgroup of G contains H.

    2.5. Solvability of polynomial equations

    Galois defined the group of a given polynomial equation to be either

    the symmetric group, Sn, or a subgroup of Sn, (see 5.6). The Galois method

    therefore involves the following steps:

    1. The determination of the Galois group, Ga, of the equation.

    2. The choice of a maximal subgroup of Hmax(1). In the above case, {P1, ...P8}

    is a maximal subgroup of Ga = S4.

    3. The choice of a maximal subgroup of Hmax(1) from step 2.

    In the above case, {P1,..P4} = Hmax(2) is a maximal subgroup of Hmax(1).

    The process is continued until Hmax = {P1} = {I}.

    The groups Ga, Hmax(1), ..,Hmax(k) = I, form a composition series. The

    composition indices are given by the ratios of the successive orders of the


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    gn/h(1), h(1)/h(2), ...h(k-1) /1.

    The composition indices of the symmetric groups Sn for n = 2 to 7 are found

    to be:

    n Composition Indices

    2 2

    3 2, 3

    4 2, 3, 2, 2

    5 2, 60

    6 2, 360

    7 2, 2520

    We shall state, without proof, Galois' theorem:

    A polynomial equation can be solved algebraically if and only if its

    group is solvable.

    Galois defined a solvable group as one in which the composition indices are

    all prime numbers. Furthermore, he showed that if n > 4, the sequence of

    maximal normal subgroups is Sn, An, I, where An is the Alternating Group

    with (n!)/2 elements. The composition indices are then 2 and (n!)/2. For n >

    4, however, (n!)/2 is not prime, therefore the groups Sn are not solvable for n

    > 4. Using Galois' Theorem, we see that it is therefore not possible to solve,

    algebraically, a general polynomial equation of degree n > 4.

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    3 20


    Although algebraic invariants first appeared in the works of Lagrange and

    Gauss in connection with the Theory of Numbers, the study of algebraic

    invariants as an independent branch of Mathematics did not begin until the

    work of Boole in 1841. Before discussing this work, it will be convenient to

    introduce matrix versions of real bilinear forms, B, defined by

    m nB = aijxiyj

    I=1 j=1


    x = [x1,x2,...xm], an m-vector,

    y = [y1,y2,...yn], an n-vector,

    and aij are real coefficients. The square brackets denote a

    column vector.

    In matrix notation, the bilinear form is

    B = xTAy


    a11 . . . a1n

    . . . .

    A = . . . . .

    . . . .

    am1. . . amn

    The scalar product of two n-vectors is seen to be a special case of a

    bilinear form in which A = I.

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    Ifx = y, the bilinear form becomes a quadratic form, Q: 21

    Q = xTAx.

    3.1. Invariants of binary quadratic forms

    Boole began by considering the properties of the binary

    quadratic form

    Q(x,y) = ax2 + 2hxy + by2

    under a linear transformation of the coordinates

    x' = Mx


    x = [x,y],

    x' = [x',y'],


    | i j | M = .

    | k l |

    The matrix M transforms an orthogonal coordinate system into an

    oblique coordinate system in which the new x'- axis has a slope (k/i), and the

    new y'- axis has a slope (l/j), as shown:

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    y 22



    [0,1] [1,1]x


    [0,0] [1,0] x

    Fig. 1. The transformation of a unit square underM.

    The transformation is linear, therefore the new function Q'(x',y') is a

    binary quadratic:

    Q'(x',y') = a'x'2 + 2h'x'y' + b'y'2.

    The original function can be written

    Q(x,y) = xTDx


    | a h | D = ,

    | h b |

    and the determinant ofD is

    detD = ab - h2, called the discriminant of Q.

    The transformed function can be written

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    Q'(x',y') = x'TD'x' 23


    a' h'

    D' = ,h' b'


    detD' = a'b' - h'2, the discriminant of Q'.


    Q'(x',y') = (Mx)TD'Mx

    = xTMTD'Mx

    and this is equal to Q(x,y) if

    MTD'M = D.

    The invariance of the form Q(x,y) under the coordinate transformation M

    therefore leads to the relation


    detD' = detD


    detMT = detM.

    The explicit form of this equation involving determinants is

    (il - jk)2(a'b' - h'2) = (ab - h2).

    The discriminant (ab - h2) of Q is said to be an invariant

    of the transformation because it is equal to the discriminant (a'b' - h'2) of Q',

    apart from a factor (il - jk)2 that depends on the transformation itself, and not

    on the arguments a,b,h of the function Q.

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    3.2. General algebraic invariants 24

    The study of general algebraic invariants is an important branch of


    A binary form in two variables is

    f(x1,x2) = aox1n + a1x1

    n-1x2 + ...anx2n

    = aix1n-ix2


    If there are three or four variables, we speak of ternary forms or quaternary


    A binary form is transformed under the linear transformation M as


    f(x1,x2) => f'(x1',x2') = ao'x1'n + a1'x1'

    n-1x2' + ..

    The coefficients

    ao, a1, a2,.. ao', a1', a2' ..

    and the roots of the equation

    f(x1,x2) = 0

    differ from the roots of the equation

    f'(x1',x2') = 0.

    Any function I(ao,a1, of the coefficients of f that satisfies

    rwI(ao',a1',') = I(ao,a1,

    is said to be an invariantof f if the quantity r depends only on the

    transformation matrix M, and not on the coefficients ai of the function being

    transformed. The degree of the invariant is the degree of the coefficients, and

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    the exponent w is called the weight. In the example discussed above, the 25

    degree is two, and the weight is two.

    Any function, C, of the coefficients andthe variables of a form f that is

    invariant under the transformation M, except for a multiplicative factor that is

    a power of the discriminant ofM, is said to be a covariant of f. For binary

    forms, C therefore satisfies

    rwC(ao',a1','; x1',x2') = C(ao,a1,; x1,x2).

    It is found that the Jacobian of two binary quadratic forms, f(x1,x2) and

    g(x1,x2), namely the determinant

    f/x1 f/x2

    g/x1 g/x2

    where f/x1 is the partial derivative of f with respect to x1 etc., is a

    simultaneous covariant of weight one of the two forms.

    The determinant

    2f/x12 2f/x1x2

    , 2g/x2x1


    called the Hessian of the binary form f, is found to be a covariant of weight

    two. A full discussion of the general problem of algebraic invariants is outside

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    the scope of this book. The following example will, however, illustrate the 26

    method of finding an invariant in a particular case.


    To show that

    (aoa2 - a12)(a1a3 - a2

    2) - (aoa3 - a1a2)2/4

    is an invariant of the binary cubic

    f(x,y) = aox3 + 3a1x

    2y + 3a2xy2 + a3y


    under a linear transformation of the coordinates.

    The cubic may be written

    f(x,y) = (aox2+2a1xy+a2y

    2)x + (a1x2+2a2xy+a3y


    = xTDx


    x = [x,y],


    aox + a1y a1x + a2y D = .

    a1x + a2y a2x + a3y

    Let x be transformed to x': x' = Mx, where

    i j M =

    k l

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    then 27

    f(x,y) = f'(x',y')


    D = MTD'M.

    Taking determinants, we obtain

    detD = (detM)2detD',

    an invariant of f(x,y) under the transformation M.

    In this case, D is a function of x and y. To emphasize this point, put

    detD = (x,y)and

    detD'= '(x',y')

    so that

    (x,y) = (detM)2'(x',y'

    = (aox + a1y)(a2x + a3y) - (a1x + a2y)2

    = (aoa2 - a12)x2 + (aoa3 - a1a2)xy + (a1a3 - a2


    = xTEx,


    (aoa2 - a12 ) (aoa3 - a1a2)/2

    E = .

    (aoa3 - a1a2)/2 (a1a3 - a22 )

    Also, we have

    '(x',y') = x'TE'x'

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    = xTMTE'Mx 28


    xTEx = (detM)2xTMTE'Mx

    so that

    E = (detM)2MTE'M.

    Taking determinants, we obtain

    detE = (detM)4detE'

    = (aoa2 - a12)(a1a3 - a2

    2) - (aoa3 -a1a2)2/4

    = invariant of the binary cubic f(x,y) under the transformation

    x' = Mx.

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    4 29


    4.1 . Gal ilean inva rianc e.

    Eve nts o f fin ite e xtens ion a nd du ratio n are part of t he ph ysica l

    wor ld. It will be conv enient to intro duce the n otion ofide al ev ents th at

    hav e nei ther exten sion nor d urati on. Ideal even ts ma y be repre sente d as

    mat hemat ical point s in a spa ce-ti me ge ometr y. A part icula r eve nt, E, i s

    des cribed by the f our c ompon ents [t,x, y,z] where t is the time of th e eve nt,

    and x,y, z, ar e its thre e spa tial coord inates. The tim e and spac e coo rdina tes

    are refe rred to ar bitra rily chose n ori gins. The spat ial mesh n eed n ot be

    Car tesia n.

    Let an e vent E[t, x], r ecord ed by an o bserv er O at th e ori gin o f an x-

    axis, be reco rded as th e eve nt E'[t ',x'] by a seco nd ob serve r O', movi ng at

    con stant spee d V a long the x -axis . We supp ose t hat t heir clocks are

    syn chron ized at t = t' = 0 w hen t hey c oinci de at a co mmon origin, x = x' =


    At time t, we writ e the plau sible equa tions

    t' = t


    x' = x - V t,

    whe re Vt is t he di stanc e tra velle d by O' in a ti me t. The se eq uations ca n

    be writt en

    E' = GE

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    whe re 30

    1 0 G = .

    -V 1

    G is the opera tor o f the Gali lean trans forma tion.

    The inve rse e quations a re

    t = t'


    x = x ' + V t'


    E = G-1E'

    whe re G-1 is the inver se Ga lilea n ope rator . (I t und oes t he ef fect ofG).

    If we mu ltipl y t a nd t' by t he co nstan ts k and k ', re spect ively , whe re

    k a nd k' have dime nsions of velocity t hen a ll terms h ave d imensions of


    In space-spac e, we have the Pytha gorea n for m x 2 + y2 = r2, a n

    inv ariant und er ro tatio ns. We ar e the refor e led to a sk th e que stion: is

    (kt )2 + x2 in variant un der t he op erato r G in spac e-tim e? C alcul ation give s

    (kt)2 + x2 = (k't ')2 + x'2 + 2Vx't ' + V 2t'2

    = (k't' )2 + x'2 o nly if V = 0.

    We see, there fore, that Gali lean space-time is n ot Py thago rean in its

    algebraic for m. W e not e, ho wever , the key role played by acc elera tion in

    Galilean -Newtonian phys ics:

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    The velo citie s of the e vents acco rding to O and O' ar e obt ained by 31

    dif feren tiati ng th e equ ation x' = -Vt + x w ith r espect to time, giving

    v' = -V + v,

    a p lausi ble r esult, bas ed up on ou r exp erien ce.

    Dif feren tiati ng v' with resp ect t o tim e giv es

    d v'/dt ' = a ' = d v/dt = a

    whe re a and a ' are the accel erati ons i n the two frame s of refer ence. The

    classica l acceleration is inv arian tun der t he Ga lilea n tra nsfor matio n. I f the

    rel ationship v' = v V is used to desc ribe the m otion of a puls e of light ,mov ing in emp ty sp ace a t v = c 3 x 108 m/ s, it does not fit t he fa cts. All

    stu dies of ve ry hi gh sp eed p artic les t hat e mit e lectr omagn etic radiation

    sho w tha t v' = c f or all va lues of th e rel ative spee d, V.

    4.2 . Lor entz invar iance and Einst ein's spac e-tim e

    sym metry .

    It was E instein, above all others , who adv anced our under stand ing o f

    the true natu re of spac e-tim e and rela tive motio n. W e sha ll se e tha t he

    mad e use of a symm etry argum ent t o find the chan ges t hat m ust b e mad e

    to the G alilean tr ansformati on if it i s to accou nt fo r the rela tive motio n of

    rap idly movin g obj ects and o f bea ms of light. H e rec ognized an

    inconsis tency in t he Ga lilea n-Newtonian equ ations, ba sed a s the y are , on

    eve ryday expe rience. H ere, we sh all restrict th e discussi on to non-

    acc elerating, or s o cal led inerti al, f rames

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    We have seen that the c lassi cal equations r elati ng th e eve nts E an d 32

    E' a re E' = GE, a nd th e inv erse E = G-1E'

    whe re

    1 0 1 0 G = an d G-1 = . V 1 V 1

    The se eq uations ar e con necte d by the s ubstitutio n V V; this is an

    algebraic sta temen t of the N ewton ian p rinci ple o f rel ativi ty. Einst ein

    incorpor ated this princ iple in his the ory. He a lso r etained th e lin earit y of

    the classical equa tions in t he ab sence of a ny ev idence to the c ontra ry.

    (Eq uispa ced i nterv als of tim e and dist ance in on e ine rtial fram e rem ain

    equ ispac ed in any other iner tial frame ). H e the refor e sym metri zedth e

    spa ce-ti me eq uations as foll ows:

    t' 1 -V t= .

    x' -V 1 x

    Not e, ho wever , the inco nsist ency in th e dim ensio ns of the time- equat ion

    tha t has now been intro duced :

    t' = t Vx .

    The term Vx h as dimensions o f [L] 2/[T], an d not [T]. Thi s can be

    cor recte d by intro ducing the inva riant spee d of light , ca postu late in

    Ein stein's th eory that is consist ent w ith e xperi ment:

    ct' = ct Vx /c

    so that all terms now h ave d imensions of length.

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    Ein stein went furt her, and i ntrod uced a dim ensio nless quan tity 33

    instead of th e sca ling facto r of unity that appe ars i n the Gali lean equat ions

    of space-time . Th is fa ctor must be co nsist ent w ith a ll observa tions. Th e

    equ ations the n bec ome

    ct ' = ct x

    x ' = -ct + x, where =V/ c.

    The se ca n be writt en

    E' = LE,

    whe re

    - L = , and E = [ct,x ]


    L is the opera tor o f the Lore ntz t ransformat ion.

    The inve rse e quation is

    E = L-1E'

    whe re

    L-1 = .

    This is the i nvers e Lor entz trans forma tion, obta ined from L by chan ging

    (o r ,V V); it h as th e effect o f und oing the t ransf ormat ion L.

    We can t heref ore w rite

    LL-1 = I


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    - 1 0 34= .

    - 0 1

    Equ ating elem ents gives

    222 = 1

    the refor e,

    = 1/(1 2) ( taking the posi tive root) .

    4.3 . The inva riant inte rval.

    Pre viously, i t was show n tha t the spac e-tim e of Galileo an d New ton

    is not P ythag orean in f orm. We n ow as k the ques tion: is E insteinian spac e-

    tim e Pyt hagor ean i n for m? D irect calculati on le ads t o

    ( ct)2 + (x)2 = 2(1 + 2)(c t')2 + 42x'c t'

    +2(1 + 2)x'2

    (c t')2 + (x')2 if > 0.

    Not e, ho wever , tha t the dif feren ce of squa res is an

    inv ariant und er L:

    (ct)2 (x )2 = (ct')2 (x ')2

    bec ause

    2(1 2) = 1.

    Spa ce-ti me is said to b e pse udo-E uclid ean.

    The nega tive sign that chara cteri zes L orent z inv ariance ca n be

    included in t he th eory in a gener al wa y as follo ws.

    We intro duce two k inds of 4- vecto rs

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    x = [x0, x1, x2, x3], a con trava riantve ctor, 35


    x = [x0, x1, x2, x3], a cov arian tve ctor, wher e

    x = [x0,-x1,-x2,-x3].

    The scalar pr oduct of t he ve ctors is d efine d as

    x Tx = (x0, x1, x2, x3)[x0,-x1,-x2,-x3]

    = (x 0)2 (( x1)2 + (x2)2 + (x3)2)

    The even t 4-v ector is


    = [ct, x, y, z] a nd th e cov ariant for m is

    E = [ct,- x,-y, -z]

    so that the L orent z inv arian t sca lar p roduc t is

    ETE = (ct)2 (x2 + y2 + z2).

    The 4-ve ctor x tr ansforms a s follows:

    x' = Lx

    whe re

    - 0 0- 0 0

    L = .0 0 1 00 0 0 1

    This is the o perat or of the Loren tz tr ansformati on if the motio n of O' is

    along th e x-a xis o f O's fram e of refer ence.

    Imp ortan t con seque nces of th e Lor entz trans forma tion are t hat

    int ervals of time measu red i n two diff erent iner tial frame s are not the s ame

    but are relat ed by the equat ion

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    t' = t 36

    whe re t i s an inter val m easur ed on a cl ock a t res t in O's f rame, and

    distance s are give n by

    l' = l/

    whe re l is a l ength meas ured on a ruler at r est i n O's fram e.

    4.4 . The ener gy-mo mentu m inv arian t.

    A d iffer ential time int erval, dt, cann ot be used in a Lore ntz-i nvari ant

    way in k inematics. We must use t he pr oper time diffe renti al interva l, d,

    def ined by

    ( cdt)2 - dx2 = (cdt' )2 - dx'2 (c d)2.

    The Newt onian 3-ve locit y is

    vN = [dx/d t, dy /dt, dz/dt],

    and this must be r eplac ed by the 4-vel ocity

    V = [d(ct )/d, d x/d, d y/d, d z/d]

    = [ d(ct)/dt, dx/dt , dy/ dt, d z/dt] dt/d

    = [c,vN] .

    The scalar pr oduct is t hen

    VV = (c)2 - (vN)


    = (c)2(1 - (vN/c)2)

    = c2.

    (In form ing t he sc alar produ ct, t he tr anspo se is unde rstoo d).

    The magn itude of t he 4- velocity is V = c, th e inv ariant spe ed of light.

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    In Class ical Mechanics, the conce pt of mome ntum is im porta nt be cause 37

    of its r ole a s an invar iant in an isol ated system. W e the refor e int roduc e the

    con cept of 4- momen tum i n Rel ativi stic Mechanics in or der t o find

    pos sible Lore ntz i nvari ants invol ving this new q uantity. The c ontra variant

    4-m oment um is defined a s:

    P = mV

    whe re m is th e mas s of the p artic le. ( It is a Lo rentz scalar, t he ma ss

    mea sured in t he fr ame i n whi ch th e par ticle is a t res t).

    The scalar pr oduct is

    P P = (mc)2.

    Now ,

    P = [mc, mvN]

    the refor e,

    P P = (mc)2 (mvN)


    Wri ting

    M = m, the r elati visti c mas s, we obta in

    PP = (Mc)2 (M vN)

    2 = (mc)2.

    Multiply ing t hroug hout by c2 gi ves

    M2c4 M2vN2c2 = m2c4.

    The quan tity Mc2 ha s dim ensio ns of ener gy; w e the refor e wri te

    E = Mc2

    the tota l ene rgy o f a f reely movi ng pa rticl e.

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    This leads to the fun damen tal i nvari ant o f dyn amics 38

    c2PP = E2 (p c)2 = Eo2

    whe re

    Eo = mc2 is the rest energ y of the p artic le, and

    p is its rel ativi stic 3- momen tum.

    The tota l ene rgy c an be writ ten:

    E = Eo = Eo + T,

    whe re

    T = Eo

    ( 1) ,

    the rela tivis tic k ineti c ene rgy.

    The magn itude of t he 4- momen tum i s a L orent z inv ariant

    P = mc.

    The 4- m oment um tr ansforms a s follows:

    P' = LP.

    For rela tive motio n alo ng th e x-a xis, this equat ion is equ ivale nt to the

    equ ations

    E' = E cpx


    cpx = -E + cpx .

    Usi ng th e Pla nck-E instein eq uations E = h an d

    E = pxc f or ph otons , the ener gy eq uation bec omes

    ' =

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    = (1 ) 39

    = (1 )/( 1 2)1/2

    = [(1 )/(1 + )]1/2 .

    This is the r elati visti c Dop pler shift for the f reque ncy', measu red i n an

    inertial fram e (pr imed) in t erms of th e fre quenc y me asure d in anoth er

    inertial fram e (un prime d).

    4.5 . The freq uency -wavenumbe r inv arian t

    Par ticle -Wave dual ity, one o f the most prof ound

    discover ies i n Phy sics, has its o rigins in Loren tz in variance. It w as

    pro posed by d eBrog lie i n the earl y 192 0's. He u sed t he fo llowing

    arg ument .

    The disp lacement o f a w ave c an be writ ten

    y(t ,r) = Acos (t - kr)

    whe re = 2 (t he an gular freq uency ), k = 2/ (t he wa venum ber),

    and r = [x, y , z] (the position v ector ). T he ph ase (t kr) c an be

    wri tten ((/c) ct kr), and t his h as th e for m of a Lor entz invar iant

    obt ained from the 4-vectors

    E[ct , r], and K [/c, k]

    whe re E is the event 4-ve ctor, and K is the "freq uency -wavenumbe r" 4-

    vec tor.

    deB roglie not ed th at th e 4-m oment um P is conn ected to t he ev ent 4 -

    vec tor E th rough the 4-vel ocity V, a nd th e fre quenc y-wavenumb er 4-

    vec tor K is conn ected to t he ev ent 4 -vector E th rough the Loren tz

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    inv ariant pha se of a wa ve ((/c) ct k r). He t heref ore p ropos ed th at a 40

    dir ect c onnec tion must exist betw een P an d K; it is illu strat ed

    in the f ollow ing d iagram:

    E[ct ,r]

    ( Einst ein) PP=in v. EK=in v. (d eBrog lie)

    P [E/ c,p] K[/c,k]

    (deB roglie)

    Fig . 2. The coup ling betwe en P an d K vi a E.

    deB roglie pro posed that the conn ection is the

    simplest poss ible, name ly, P an d K ar e pro porti onal to ea ch ot her. He

    rea lized that ther e cou ld be only one value for the c onsta nt of

    pro porti onali ty if the Planck-Einstein resu lt for pho tons E = h/2 is but a

    spe cial case of a gener al re sultit must be h /2, w here h is Plancks

    con stant . Th erefo re, d eBrog lie propos ed th at

    P K


    P = (h/2)K.

    Equ ating the elements o f the 4-ve ctors give s

    E = (h/2)


    p = (h/2)k .

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    In these rema rkabl e equ ations, ou r not ions of pa rticl es an d wav es ar e 41

    for ever merge d. T he sm allne ss of the value of P lanck's co nstan t pre vents

    us from obser ving the d ualit y dir ectly; how ever, it i s clearly obser ved a t

    the mole cular, ato mic, nuclear, a nd pa rticl e lev el.

    4.6 . deB rogli e's i nvari ant.

    The inva riant form ed fr om th e fre quenc y-wavenumb er 4- vecto r is

    KK = (/c, k)[/c, - k]

    = (/c)2 k2 = (o/c)2, w here o is the prope r

    ang ular frequ ency.

    Thi s inv arian t is the w ave v ersion of Einst ein's

    ene rgy-m oment um in varia nt; it giv es th e dispersion re latio n

    o2 = 2 (k c)2.

    The rati o /k is th e pha se ve locit y of the w ave, v.

    For a wa ve-packet, the group velo city vG is d/dk ; it can b e obt ained by

    dif feren tiati ng th e dispersion eq uation as follo ws:

    d kc2dk = 0

    the refor e,

    vG = d/dk = kc2/.

    The deBr oglie inva riant invo lving the produ ct of the phase and group

    velocity is t heref ore

    vvG = (/k) .(kc2/) = c2.

    Thi s is the w ave-equivalent of Ei nstein's f amous

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    E = M c2. 42

    We see t hat

    vvG = c2 = E/M


    vG = E/Mv = Ek/M = p/M = vN, t he pa rticl e


    This res ult p layed an i mport ant p art i n the deve lopment of Wave

    Mec hanics.

    We shall find in l ater chapt ers, that Loren tz tr ansformati ons f orm a

    gro up, a nd th at in variance p rinci ples are r elated dir ectly to s ymmet ry

    tra nsfor matio ns an d the ir as socia ted g roups .

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    5 43


    5.1 Some concrete examples

    The elements of the set {1, i}, where i = -1, are the roots of the

    equation x4 = 1, the fourth roots of unity. They have the following special


    1. The product of any two elements of the set (including the same two

    elements) is always an element of the set. (The elements obey closure).

    2. The order of combining pairs in the triple product of any elements

    of the set does not matter. (The elements obey associativity).

    3. A unique element of the set exists such that the product of any

    element of the set and the unique element (called the identity) is equal to the

    element itself. (An identity element exists).

    4. For each element of the set, a corresponding element exists such

    that the product of the element and its corresponding element (called the

    inverse) is equal to the identity. (An inverse element exists).

    The set of elements {1, i} with these four properties is said to form

    a GROUP.

    In this example, the law of composition of the group is multiplication; this

    need not be the case. For example, the set of integers Z = {.., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,

    ...} forms a group if the law of composition is addition. In this group, the

    identity element is zero, and the inverse of each integer is the integer with the

    same magnitude but with opposite sign.

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    In a different vein, we consider the set of 44 matrices: 44

    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0{M} = 0 1 0 0 , 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 , 0 0 1 0 .

    0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

    If the law of composition is matrix multiplication , then {M} is found to obey:

    1 --closure


    2 --associativity,

    and to contain:

    3 --an identity, diag(1, 1, 1, 1),


    4 --inverses.

    The set {M} forms a group under matrix multilication.

    5.2. Abstract groups

    The examples given above illustrate the generality of the group

    concept. In the first example, the group elements are real and imaginary

    numbers, in the second, they are positive and negative integers, and in the

    third, they are matrices that represent linear operators (see later discussion).

    Cayley, in the mid-19th century, first emphasized this generality, and he

    introduced the concept of an abstract group, Gn which is a collection of n

    distinct elements ( for which a law of composition is given. If n is finite,

    the group is said to be a group of order n. The collection of elements must

    obey the four rules:

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    1. If gi, gj G then gn = gjgi G gi, gj G (closure) 45

    2. gk(gjgi) = (gkgj)gi [leaving out the composition symbol] (associativity)

    3. e G such that gie = egi = gi gi G (an identity exists)

    4. If gi G then gi-1 G such that gi

    -1gi = gigi-1 = e (an inverse exists).

    For finite groups, the group structure is given by listing all

    compositions of pairs of elements in a group table, as follows:

    e . gi gj . (1st symbol, or operation, in pair)e . . . .. . . . .

    gi . . g igi g igj .

    gj . gjgi gjgj .

    gk . gkgi gkgj ...

    If gjgi = gigj gi, gj G, then G is said to be a commutative or abelian

    group. The group table of an abelian group is symmetric under reflection in

    the diagonal.

    A group of elements that has the same structure as an abstract group is

    a realization of the group.

    5.3 The dihedral group, D3

    The set of operations that leaves an equilateral triangle invariant under

    rotations in the plane about its center, and under reflections in the three

    planes through the vertices, perpendicular to the opposite sides, forms a

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    group of six elements. A study of the structure of this group (called the 46

    dihedral group, D3) illustrates the typical group-theoretical approach.

    The geometric operations that leave the triangle invariant are:

    Rotations about the z-axis (anticlockwise rotations are positive)

    Rz(0) (123) (123) = e, the identity

    Rz(2/3)(123) (312) = a

    Rz(4/3)(123) (231) = a2

    and reflections in the planes I, II, and III:

    RI (123) (123) = b

    RII (123) (321) = c

    RIII (123) (213) = d

    This set of operators is D3 = {e, a, a2, b, c, d}.

    Positive rotations are in an anticlockwise sense and the inverse rotations are in

    a clockwise sense., so that the inverse of e, a, a2 are

    e-1 = e, a-1 = a2, and (a2)-1 = a.

    The inverses of the reflection operators are the operators themselves:

    b-1 = b, c -1 = c, and d-1 = d.

    We therefore see that the set D3 forms a group. The group

    multiplication table is:

    e a a2 b c de e a a2 b c da a a2 e d b ca2 a2 e a c d bb b c d e a a2

    c c d b a2 e ad d b c a a2 e

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    In reading the table, we follow the rule that the first operation is written on 47

    the right: for example, ca2 = b. A feature of the group D3 is that it can be

    subdivided into sets of either rotations involving {e, a, a2

    } or reflections

    involving {b, c, d}. The set {e, a, a2} forms a group called the cyclic group

    of order three, C3. A group is cyclic if all the elements of the group are

    powers of a single element. The cyclic group of order n, Cn, is

    Cn = {e, a, a2, a3, .....,a


    where n is the smallest integer such that an = e, the identity. Since


    n-k= a

    n= e,

    an inverse an-k

    exists. All cyclic groups are abelian.

    The group D3 can be broken down into a part that is a group C3, and a

    part that is the product of one of the remaining elements and the elements of

    C3. For example, we can write

    D3 = C3 + bC3 , b C3

    = {e, a, a2} + {b, ba, ba2}

    = {e, a, a2} + {b, c, d}

    = cC3 = dC3.

    This decomposition is a special case of an important theorem known as

    Lagranges theorem. (Lagrange had considered permutations of roots of

    equations before Cauchy and Galois).

    5.4 Lagranges theorem

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    The order m of a subgroup Hm of a finite group Gn of order n is a 48

    factor (an integral divisor) of n.


    Gn = {g1=e, g2, g3,} be a group of order n, and let

    Hm = {h1=e, h2, h3,} be a subgroup of Gn of order m.

    If we take any element gkof Gn which is not in Hm, we can form the set of


    {gkh1, gkh2, gkh3, ...gkhm} gkHm.

    This is called the left cosetof Hm with respect to gk. We note the important

    facts that all the elements of gkhj, j=1 to m are distinct, and that none of the

    elements gkhjbelongs to Hm.

    Every element gkthat belongs to Gn but does not belong to Hm

    belongs to some coset gkHm so that Gn forms the union of Hm and a number

    of distinct (non-overlapping) cosets. (There are (n - m) such distinct cosets).

    Each coset has m different elements and therefore the order n of Gn is

    divisible by m, hence n = Km, where the integer K is called the index of the

    subgroup Hm under the group Gn. We therefore write

    Gn = g1Hm + gj2Hm + gk3Hm + ....gKHm


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    gj2 Gn Hm, 49

    gk3 Gn Hm, gj2Hm


    gnK Gn Hm, gj2Hm, gk3Hm,, K-1Hm.

    The subscripts 2, 3, 4, ..K are the indices of the group.

    As an example, consider the permutations of three objects 1, 2, 3 ( the

    group S3) and let Hm = C3 = {123, 312, 231}, the cyclic group of order

    three. The elements of S3 that are not in H3 are {132, 213, 321}. Choosing

    gk= 132, we obtain

    gkH3 = {132, 321, 213},

    and therefore

    S3 = C3 + gk2C3 ,K = 2.

    This is the result obtained in the decomposition of the group D3, if we make

    the substitutions e = 123, a = 312, a2 = 231, b = 132, c = 321, and d = 213.

    The groups D3 and S3 are said to be isomorphic. Isomorphic groups have

    the same group multiplication table. Isomorphism is a special case of

    homomorphism that involves a many-to-one correspondence.

    5.5 Conjugate classes and invariant subgroups

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    If there exists an element v Gn such that two elements a, b Gn are 50

    related by vav-1 = b, then b is said to be conjugate to a. A finite group can

    be separated into sets that are conjugate to each other.

    The class of Gn is defined as the set of conjugates of an element a

    Gn. The element itself belongs to this set. If a is conjugate to b, the class

    conjugate to a and the class conjugate to b are the same. If a is not conjugate

    to b, these classes have no common elements. Gn can be decomposed into

    classes because each element of Gn belongs to a class.

    An element of Gn that commutes with all elements of Gn forms a class

    by itself.

    The elements of an abelian group are such that

    bab -1 = a for all a, b Gn,

    so that

    ba = ab.

    If Hm is a subgroup of Gn, we can form the set

    {aea-1, ah2a-1, ....ahma

    -1} = aHma-1 where a Gn .

    Now, aHma-1 is another subgroup of Hm in Gn. Different subgroups may be

    found by choosing different elements a of Gn. If, for all values of a Gn

    aHma-1 = Hm

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    (all conjugate subgroups of Hm in Gn are identical to Hm), 51

    then Hm is said to be an invariant subgroup in Gn.

    Alternatively, Hm is an invariant in Gn if the left- and right-cosets

    formed with any a Gn are equal, i. e. ahi = hka.

    An invariant subgroup Hm of Gn commutes with all elements of Gn.

    Furthermore, if hi Hm then all elements ahia-1 Hm so that Hm is an

    invariant subgroup of Gn

    if it contains elements of Gn

    in complete classes.

    Every group Gn contains two trivial invariant subgroups, Hm = Gn and

    Hm = e. A group with no proper (non-trivail) invariant subgroups is said to

    be simple (atomic). If none of the proper invariant subgroups of a group is

    abelian, the group is said to be semisimple.

    An invariant subgroup Hm and its cosets form a group under

    multiplication called thefactor group (written Gn/Hm) of Hm in Gn.

    These formal aspects of Group Theory can be illustrated by considering

    the following example:

    The group D3 = {e, a, a2, b, c, d} ~ S3 = {123, 312, 231, 132, 321, 213}.

    C3 is a subgroup of S3: C3 = H3 = {e, a, a2} = {123, 312, 231}.


    bH3 = {132, 321, 213} = H3b

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    If we now consider Hm = {e, b} an abelian subgroup, we find 53

    aHm = {a,d}, Hma = {a.c},

    a2Hm = {a2,c}, Hma2 = {a2, d}, etc.

    All left and right cosets are not equal: Hm = {e, b} is therefore not an

    invariant subgroup of S3. We can therefore write

    S3 = {e, b} + {a, d} + {a2, c}

    = Hm + aHm + a2Hm.

    Applying Lagranges theorem to S3 gives the orders of the possible

    subgroups: they are

    order 1: {e}

    order 2: {e, d}; {e, c}: {e, d}

    order 3: {e, a, a2} (abelian and invariant)

    order 6: S3.

    5.6 Permutations

    A permutation of the set {1, 2, 3, ....,n} of n distinct elements is an

    ordered arrangement of the n elements. If the order is changed then the

    permutation is changed. the number of permutations of n distinct elements is


    We begin with a familiar example: the permutations of three distinct

    objects labelled 1, 2, 3. There are six possible arrangements; they are

    123, 312, 231, 132, 321, 213.

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    These arrangements can be written conveniently in matrix form: 54

    1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 31 = , 2 = , 3 = ,

    1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1

    1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 34 = , 5 = , 6 = .

    1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3

    The product of two permutations is the result of performing one arrangement

    after another. We then find

    23 = 1


    32 = 1


    45 = 3


    54 = 2.

    The permutations 1, 2, 3 commute in pairs (they correspond to the

    rotations of the dihedral group) whereas the permutations do not commute

    (they correspond to the reflections).

    A general product of permutations can be written

    s1 s2 . . .sn 1 2 . . n 1 2 . . n= .

    t1 t2 . . .tn s1 s2 . . sn t1 t2 . . tn

    The permutations are found to have the following properties:

    1. The product of two permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, ...} is itself a

    permutation of the set. (Closure)

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    2. The product obeys associativity: 55

    (kj)i = k(ji), (not generally commutative).

    3. An identity permutation exists.

    4. An inverse permutation exists:

    s1 s2 . . . sn

    -1 = | |1 2 . . . n

    such that -1 = -1 = identity permutation.

    The set of permutations therefore forms a group

    5.7 Cayleys theorem:

    Every finite group is isomorphic to a certain permutation group.

    Let Gn ={g1, g2, g3, . . .gn} be a finite group of order n. We choose any

    element gi in Gn, and we form the products that belong to Gn:

    gig1, gig2, gig3, . . . gign.

    These products are the n-elements of Gn

    rearranged. The permutation i,

    associated with gi is therefore

    g1 g2 . . gn i = .

    gig1 gig2 . . gign

    If the permutation j associated with gj is

    g1 g2 . . gn

    j = ,gjg1 gjg2 . . gjgn

    where gi gj, then

    g1 g2 . . gn ji = .

    (gjgi)gi (gjgi)g2 . . (gjgi)gn

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    This is the permutation that corresponds to the element gjgi of Gn. 56

    There is a direct correspondence between the elements of Gn and the n-

    permutations {1,

    2, . . .n}. The group of permutations is a subgroup of

    the full symmetric group of order n! that contains all the permutations of the

    elements g1, g2, . . gn.

    Cayleys theorem is important not only in the theory of finite groups

    but also in those quantum systems in which the indistinguishability of the

    fundamental particles means that certain quantities must be invariant under

    the exchange or permutation of the particles.

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    6 57



    Although the field of continuous transformation groups (Lie groups)

    has its origin in the theory of differential equations, we shall introduce the

    subject using geometrical ideas.

    6.1 Coordinate and vector rotations

    A 3-vector v = [vx, vy, vz] transforms into v = [vx, vy, vz] under a

    general coordinate rotation R about the origin of an orthogonal coordinatesystem as follows:

    v = R v,


    i.i j.i k.i


    =i.j j.j k.j i.k j.k k.kcosii . .

    = cosij . . cosik . coskk

    where i,j, k, i,j, k are orthogonal unit vectors, along the axes, before and

    after the transformation, and the cosiis are direction cosines.

    The simplest case involves rotations in the x-y plane:

    vx = cosii cosjivxvy cosij cosjj vy

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    = cos sin = R c()v 58-sin cos

    where R c() is the coordinate rotation operator. If the vector is rotated in a

    fixed coordinate system, we have so that

    v = R v()v,where

    R v() = cos -sin .sin cos

    6.2 Lies differential equation

    The main features of Lies Theory of Continuous Transformation

    Groups can best be introduced by discussing the properties of the rotation

    operator R v() when the angle of rotation is an infinitesimal. In general,

    R v() transforms a point P[x, y] in the plane into a new point P[x, y]:

    P = R v()P. Let the angle of rotation be sufficiently small for us to put

    cos() 1 and sin() , in which case, we have

    R v() = 1 1


    x = x.1 - y = x - y

    y = x + y.1 = x + y

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    Let the corresponding changes x x and y y be written 59

    x = x + x and y = y +y

    so that

    x = -y and y = x.

    We note that

    R v() = 1 0 + 0 -1 0 1 1 0

    = I + iwhere

    i = 0 -1 = Rv(/2).

    1 0

    Lie introduced another important way to interpret the operator

    i = R v(/2), that involves the derivative ofR v() evaluated at the identity

    value of the parameter, = 0:




    sin cos


    0 -1

    = i

    =0 cos sin 1 0 = 0

    so that

    R v() = I + dR v()/d ., = 0

    a quantity that differs from the identity I by a term that involves the

    infinitesimal, : this is an infinitesimal transformation.

    Lie was concerned with Differential Equations and not Geometry. He

    was therefore motivated to discover the key equation

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    dR v()/d = 0 -1cos -sin 601 0 sin cos

    = iR v() .This isLies differential equation .

    Integrating between = 0 and = , we obtain

    R v()

    dR v()/R v() = id I 0

    so that

    ln(R v()/I) = i,or

    R v() = Iei

    , the solution of Lies equation.

    Previously, we obtained

    R v() = Icos + isin.

    We have, therefore


    = Icos + isin .This is an independent proof of the famous Cotes-Euler equation.

    We introduce an operator of the form

    O = g(x, y, /x, /y),

    and ask the question: does

    x = Of(x, y; ) ?

    Lie answered the question in the affirmative; he found

    x = O(x) = (x/y y/x)x = y


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    y = O(y) = (x/y y/x)y = x . 61

    Putting x = x1 and y = x2, we obtain

    xi = Xxi , i = 1, 2


    X = O = (x1/x2 x2/x1), the generator of rotations in the plane.

    6.3 Exponentiation of infinitesimal rotations

    We have seen that

    R v() = ei,

    and therefore

    R v() = I + i, for an infinitesimal rotation,

    Performing two infinitesimalrotations in succession, we have

    R v2() = (I + i)2

    = I + 2i to first order,

    = R v(2).

    ApplyingR v() n-times gives

    R vn() = R v(n) = e

    in= e


    = R v() (as n and 0, the

    product n).

    This result agrees, as it should, with the exact solution of Lies differential


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    A finite rotation can be built up by exponentiation of infinitesimal 62

    rotations, each one being close to the identity. In general, this approach has

    the advantage that the infinitesimal form of a transformation can often be

    found in a straightforward way, whereas the finite form is often intractable.

    6.4 Infinitesimal rotations and angular momentum operators

    In Classical Mechanics, the angular momentum of a mass m, moving in

    the plane about the origin of a cartesian reference frame with a momentum p


    Lz = rp = rpsinnz

    where nz is a unit vector normal to the plane, and is the angle between r

    and p.

    In component form, we have

    Lzcl = xpy ypx, where px and py are the cartesian

    components ofp.

    The transition between Classical and Quantum Mechanics is made by


    px by i(h/2)/x (a differential operator)

    and py by i(h/2)/y (a differential operator),where h

    is Plancks constant.

    We can therefore write the quantum operator as

    LzQ = i(h/2)(x/y y/x) = i(h/2)X

    and therefore

  • 8/14/2019 Introduction to Groups


    X = iLzQ/(h/2), 63


    xi = Xxi = (2iLzQ/h)xi, i = 1,2.

    Let an arbitrary, continuous, differentiable function f(x, y) be

    transformed under the infinitesimal changes

    x = x - y


    y = y + x .

    Using Taylors theorem, we can write

    f(x, y) = f(x + x, y + y)

    = f(x y, y + x)

    = f(x, y) + ((f/x)x + ((f/y)y)

    = f(x, y) + (y(/x) + x(/y))f(x, y)

    = I + 2iLz

    /h)f(x, y)

    = e2iLz/h

    f(x, y)

    = R v(2Lz/h) f(x, y).

    The invatriance of length under rotations follows at once from this result:

    If f(x, y) = x2 + y2 then

    f/x = 2x and f/y = 2y, and thereforef(x, y) = f(x, y) + 2xx + 2yy

    = f(x, y) - 2x(y) + 2y(x)

    = f(x, y) = x2 + y2 = invariant.

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    This is the only form that leads to the invariance of length under rotations. 64

    6.5 3-dimensional rotations

    Consider three successive counterclockwise rotations about the x, y,

    and z axes through angles , , and , respectively:

    zz y

    about xy y

    x x, x

    z y z y, y about y

    x x xz z

    y y about z

    x x xThe total transformation is

    R c(, , ) = R c()R c()R c()

    coscos cossinsin + sincos cossincos + sinsin= sincos sinsinsin + coscos sinsincos + sinsin

    sin cossin coscos

    For infinitesimal rotations, the total rotation matrix is, to 1st-order in the s:

    1 R c(, , ) = 1 . 1

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    The infinitesimal form can be written as follows: 65

    1 0 1 0 1 0 0 R c(, , ) = 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

    0 0 1 0 1 0 1

    = I + Y3I + Y2I + Y1


    0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0

    Y1 = 0 0 1 , Y2 = 0 0 0 , Y3 = -1 0 0 .0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

    To 1st-order in the s, we have

    R c(, , ) = I + Y1 + Y2 + Y3 .

    6.6 Algebra of the angular momentum operators

    The algebraic properties of the Ys are important. For example, we find

    that their commutators are:

    0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0[Y1, Y2] = | 0 0 1|| 0 0 0| | 0 0 0|| 0 0 1|

    0 -1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0

    = Y3 ,

    [Y1, Y3] = Y2 ,



    , Y3

    ] = -Y1


    These relations define the algebra of the Ys. In general, we have

    [Yj, Yk] = Yl = jklYl ,

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    x = x - x = y - z 67

    y = y - y = -x + z

    z = z - z = x - y .

    Introducing the classical angular momentum operators: Licl, we find that

    these small changes can be written 3

    xi = kXkxi k = 1

    For example, if i = 1

    x1 = x = (z/y - y/z)x

    + (-z/x + x/z)x

    + (y/x - x/y)x = -z + y .

    Extending Lies method to three dimensions, the infinitesimal form

    of the rotation operator is readily shown to be

    3R c(, , ) = I + (R c/i)| i .

    i= 1 All is = 0

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    7 68


    In the p revio us ch apter , we discu ssed the p roper ties of infinit esima l

    rot ations in 2- an d 3-d imensions, and we fo und t hat t hey a re re lated

    dir ectly to t he an gular mome ntum opera tors of Qu antum Mech anics .

    Imp ortan t al gebra ic pr opert ies of the matr ix re prese ntati ons o f the

    ope rator s also wer e int roduc ed. In th is chapter , we shall cons ider the

    sub ject in ge neral term s.

    Let xi, i = 1 to n be a set o f n v ariables. They may be co nside red t o

    be the c oordi nates of a poin t in an n- dimensiona l vec tor s pace, Vn. A set

    of equat ions invol ving the x is is ob tained by the t ransformat ions

    x i = fi(x1, x2, . ..xn: a1, a2, ., i = 1 to n

    in which the set a1, a2, . co ntains r-indepe ndent para meter s. T he se t Ta,

    of trans forma tions maps x x . We shall write

    x = f(x; a) or x = Tax

    for the set o f fun ctions.

    It is assumed that the funct ions fi ar e differen tiabl e wit h res pect to

    the xs and t he a s to any r equir ed or der. Thes e fun ctions nec essarily

    dep end o n the esse ntial para meter s, a. Thi s mea ns th at no two

    tra nsfor matio ns with di fferent nu mbers of p arame ters are t he sa me. r is

    the smallest numbe r req uired to c harac teriz e the tran sform ation,

    com pletely.

    The set of fu nctio ns fi fo rms a fini te co ntinu ous g roup if:

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    1. The result of two s uccessive trans forma tions x x x is equivalent 69

    to a single t ransf ormat ion x x :

    x = f( x; b) = f(f( x; a); b)

    = f(x ; c)

    = f(x ; (a; b))

    whe re c is th e set of p arame ters

    c = (a ; b) , = 1 to r,


    2. To e very trans forma tion there corr espon ds a uniqu e inv erse that

    belongs to th e set :

    a such that x = f (x; a) = f(x; a)

    We have

    TaTa-1 = Ta

    -1Ta = I, the i dentity.

    We shall see that 1) is a hi ghly restr ictiv e req uirem ent.

    The tran sform ation x = f(x; a0) is the iden tity. Without loss of

    gen erali ty, w e can take a0 = 0. T he es sential po int o f Lie s th eory of

    con tinuo us tr ansformati on gr oups is to cons ider that part of th e gro up th at

    is close to t he id entit y, an d not to c onsider th e gro up as a wh ole.

    Suc cessi ve in finit esima l cha nges can b e use d to build up t he finite chang e.

    7.1 One- param eter group s

    Con sider the trans forma tion x x unde r a f inite chan ge in a si ngle

    par amete r a, and t hen a chan ge x + dx . T here are t wo pa ths f rom x

    x + dx ; the y are as s hown:

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    x 70an infi nitesimal

    aa , a f inite para meter chan ge

    x + dx a + daa di fferential

    x (a = 0)

    We have

    x + d x = f(x; a + d a)

    = f (f(x; a); a) = f(x ; a)

    The 1st- order Taylor ex pansi on is

    dx = f (x; a)/a a u( x) a a = 0

    The lie group cond ition s the n dem and

    a + da = (a; a).


    (a; 0) = a, (b = 0)

    the refor e

    a + da = a + (a; b)/b a b = 0

    so thatd a = (a; b)/b a

    b = 0


    a = A(a)da.

    The refor e

    dx = u (x)A (a)da ,

    leading to

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    x2 = 2x2a. 72

    In the l imit, thes e equ ations giv e

    dx1/x1 = dx2/2x2 = da.

    The se ar e the diff erent ial e quations t hat c orres pond to th e infinite simal

    equ ations abo ve.

    Int egrat ing, we ha ve

    x1 a x2 a

    dx 1/x1 =

    da and

    dx 2/2x2 = da ,

    x1 0 x2 0

    so that

    lnx1 - ln x1 = a = ln (x1/x1)


    ln (x2/x2) = 2a = 2ln(x1/x1)


    U = (x2/x12) = U = ( x2/x1

    2) .

    Put ting V = lnx1, w e obt ain

    V = V + a and U = U, th e tra nslat ion g roup.

    7.2 Det ermin ation of t he fi nite equat ions from the i nfini tesim al

    for ms

    Let the finit e equ ations of a one -para meter grou p G(1) be

    x1 = (x1, x2 ; a)


    x2 = (x1, x2 ; a),

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    and let the i dentity co rresp ond t o a = 0. 73

    We consi der t he tr ansformati on of f(x1, x2) t o f(x1, x2). We expan d

    f(x1, x2) in a Macla urin series in the p arame ter a (at defin ite v alues of x 1

    and x2):

    f(x1, x2) = f (0) + f (0)a + f (0) a2 /2! + ...

    whe re

    f(0) = f(x1, x2)| a=0 = f(x1, x2),


    f(0) = (df(x1, x2)/ da| a=0

    = {(f/x1)( dx1/d a) + (f /x2)( dx2/d a)}| a= 0

    = {(f/x1)u(x1, x2) + (f/x2)v(x1, x2)}|a=0

    the refor e

    f (0) = {( u(/x1) + v(/x2))f }|a=0

    = Xf(x1, x2).Con tinui ng in this way, we h ave

    f (0) = {d2f(x1, x2)/ da2}|a=0 = X

    2f(x1, x2), etc....

    The func tion f(x1, x2) can b e exp anded in t he se ries

    f(x1, x2) = f (0) + af (0) + ( a2/2! )f( 0) + ...

    = f(x1, x2) + aXf + (a2/2! ) X2f + .. .


    f is the symb ol for ope ratin g n-t imes in su ccess ion o f f w ith X.

    The fini te eq uations of the group are there fore

    x1 = x1 + aXx1 + (a2/2! ) X2x1 + ...

    andx2 = x2 + aXx2 + (a

    2/2! ) X2x2 + = ...

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    If x1 a nd x2 ar e def inite valu es to whic h x1an d x2 r educe for the i dentity 74

    a=0 , the n the se eq uations ar e the seri es so lutio ns of the diffe renti al

    equ ations

    dx1/u (x1, x2) = d x2/v (x1, x2) = d a.

    The grou p is referred t o as the g roupXf.

    For exam ple, let

    Xf = (x1/x1 + x2/x2)f

    the n

    x1 = x1 + aXx1 + (a2/2! ) X2f . ..

    = x1 + a(x1/x1 + x2/x2)x1 + ...

    = x1 + ax1 + (a2/2! )(x 1/x1 + x2/x2)x1 +

    = x1 + ax1 + (a2/2! )x 1 + ...

    = x1(1 + a + a2 /2! + ...)

    = x1ea


    Also, we find

    x2 = x2ea.

    Put ting b = ea, w e hav e

    x1 = bx 1, a nd x2 = bx2.

    The fini te gr oup i s the grou p of magni ficat ions.

    IfX = (x/y - y/x ) we find, for examp le, that t he finite group is t he

    gro up of 2-dimensional rotat ions.

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    7.3 Inv arian t fun ction s of a gro up 75


    Xf = (u/x1 + v/x2)f defin e a o ne-paramet er

    gro up, a nd le t a=0 give the identity. A fu nction F(x1, x2) is ter med a n

    inv arian tun der t he tr ansformati on gr oup G (1) if

    F( x1, x2) = F (x1, x2)

    for all values of the p arame ter, a.

    The func tion F(x1, x2) can b e exp anded as a seri es in a:

    F(x1, x2) = F(x 1, x2) + aXF + (a2

    /2! ) X(XF) + . ..


    F(x1, x2) = F (x1, x2) = in variant fo r all valu es of a,

    it is necessa ry fo r

    XF = 0,

    and this mean s tha t

    {u( x1, x2)/x1 + v(x 1, x2)/x2}F = 0 .

    Con seque ntly,

    F(x1, x2) = co nstan t

    is a solution of

    dx1/u( x 1, x2) = dx2/v( x 1, x2) .

    This equ ation has one s oluti on th at de pends on o ne ar bitra ry co nstan t, an d

    the refor e G(1) ha s onl y one basic inv arian t, an d all othe r pos sible inva riant s

    can be g iven in te rms o f the basic inv ariant.

    For exam ple, we no w rec onsider th e the inva riant s of rotat ions:

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    The infi nitesimal trans forma tions are given by 76

    Xf = (x 1/x2 - x2/x1),

    and the diffe renti al eq uation tha t giv es th e inv ariant fun ction F of the

    gro up is obta ined by so lving the chara cteri stic diffe renti al eq uations

    dx1/x2 = d, a nd dx 2/x1 = -d,

    so that

    dx1/x2 + dx2/x1 = 0.

    The solu tion of th is equation is


    + x22

    = cons tant,

    and ther efore the invar iant funct ion is

    F (x1, x2) = x12 + x2


    All func tions of x 12 + x2

    2 ar e the refor e inv ariants of the 2-dimensio nal

    rot ation grou p.

    This met hod c an be gene raliz ed. A gro up G (1) in n-va riabl es de fined

    by the e quation

    xi = (x1, x2, x3, . ..xn; a ), i = 1 to n ,

    is equivalent to a uniq ue in finit esima l tra nsfor matio n

    Xf = u1(x1, x2, x3, . ..xn)f /x1 + ... un(x1, x2, x3, . ..xn)f /xn .

    If a is the g roup param eter then the i nfini tesimal tr ansformati on is

    x i = xi + u i(x1, x2, . ..xn)a (i = 1 t o n),

    the n, if E(x1, x2, . ..xn) is a f unction th at ca n be diffe renti ated n-times with

    res pect to it s arg ument s, we have

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    E (x1, x2, ...xn) = E (x1, x2, . ..xn) + aXE + (a2/2! ) X2E + . 77

    Let (x1, x2, . ..xn) b e the coor dinates of a po int in n-s pace and l et a be a

    par amete r, in depen dent of th e xis. As a var ies, the p oint (x1, x2, . ..xn) w ill

    des cribe a tr ajectory, start ing from t he in itial poin t (x1, x2, . ..xn). A

    nec essary and sufficien t con ditio n tha t F(x 1, x2, . ..xn) b e an invar iant

    fun ction is t hat XF = 0. A cur ve F = 0 i s a t rajectory and t heref ore a n

    inv ariant cur ve if

    XF(x1, x2, x3, . ..xn) = 0.

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    8 78


    The change of an n-variable function F(x) produced by the

    infinitesimal transformations associated with r-essential parameters is:n

    dF = (F/xi)dxii = 1


    dxi = ui(x)a , the Lie form. = 1

    The parameters are independent of the xis therefore we can write r n

    dF = a{ ui(x)(/xi)F} =1 i = 1 r

    = aX F = 1

    where the infinitesimal generators of the group are n

    X ui(x)(/xi) , = 1 to r. i = 1

    The operator

    r I + Xa = 1

    differs infinitesimally from the identity.

    The generators X have algebraic properties of basic importance in the

    Theory of Lie Groups. The Xs are differential operators. The problem is

    therefore one of obtaining the algebraic structure of differential operators.

    This problem has its origin in the work of Poisson (1807); he

    introduced the following ideas:

    The two expressions

    X1f = (u11/x1 + u12/x2)fand

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    X2f = (u21/x1 + u22/x2)f 79

    where the coefficients ui are functions of the variables x1, x2, and f(x1, x2)

    is an arbitrary differentiable function of the two variables, are termed

    linear differential operators.

    The product in the order X2 followed by X1 is defined as

    X1X2f = (u11/x1 + u12/x2)(u21f/x1 + u22f/x2)

    The product in the reverse order is defined as

    X2X1f = (u21/x1 + u22/x2)(u11f/x1 + u12f/x2).

    The difference is

    X1X2f - X2X1f = X1u21f/x1 + X1u22f/x2

    - X2u11f/x1 - X2u12f/x2.

    = (X1u21 - X2u11)f/x1 + (X1u22 - X2u12)f/x2

    [X1, X2]f.

    This quantity is called the Poisson operatoror the commutatorof the

    operators X1f and X2f.

    The method can be generalized to include = 1 to r essential parameters

    and i = 1 to n variables. The ath-linear operator is then

    Xa = uiaf/xi n

    = uiaf/xi , ( a sum over repeated indices). i = 1

    Lies differential equations have the formxi/a = uik(x)Ak(a) , i = 1 to n, = 1 to r.

    Lie showed that

    (ck/a)uik = 0

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    in which 80

    ujui/xj - ujui/xj = ck(a)uik(x),

    so that the cks are constants. Furthermore, the commutators can be


    [X, X] = ( ckujk)/xj

    = ckXk.

    The commutators are linear combinations of the Xks. (Recall the earlier

    discussion of the angular momentum operators and their commutators).

    The cks are called the structure constants of the group. They have the


    ck = -ck ,

    cc + cc + cc = 0.

    Lie made the remarkable discovery that, given these structure constants,

    the functions that satisfy

    xi/a = uikAk(a) can be found.

    (Proofs of all the above important statements, together with proofs of

    Lies three fundamental theorems, are given in Eisenharts

    standard workContinuous Groups of Transformations, Dover Publications,


    8.1 The rank of a groupLet A be an operator that is a linear combination of the generators

    of a group, Xi:

    A = iXi (sum over i),

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    and let 81 X = xjXj .

    The rank of the group is defined as the minimum number of commuting,

    linearly independent operators of the form A.

    We therefore require all solutions of

    [A, X] = 0.For example, consider the orthogonal group, O+(3); here

    A = iXi i = 1 to 3,and

    X = xjXj j = 1 to 3

    so that[A, X] = ixj[Xi, Xj] i, j = 1 to 3

    = ixjijkXk .

    The elements of the sets of generators are linearly independent, therefore

    ixjijk = 0 (sum over i, j,, k = 1, 2, 3)

    This equation represents the equations

    -2 1 0 x1 03 0 -2x2 = 0 .0 -3 2 x3 0

    The determinant of is zero, therefore a non-trivial solution of the xjs

    exists. The solution is given by

    xj = j (j = 1, 2, 3)

    so that

    A = X .

    O+(3) is a group of rank one.

    8.2 The Casimir operator of O+(3)

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    The generators of the rotation group O+(3) are the operators. Yks, 82

    discussed previously. They are directly related to the angular momentum

    operators, Jk:

    Jk = -i(h/2)Yk(k = 1, 2, 3).

    The matrix representations of the Yks are

    0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0

    Y1 = 0 0 1, Y2 = 0 0 0 , Y3 = -1 0 0 .0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

    The square of the total angular momentum, J is

    3J2 = Ji2


    = (h/2)2 (Y12 + Y2

    2 + Y32)

    = (h/2)2(-2I).

    Schurs lemma states that an operator that is a constant multiple ofI

    commutes with all matrix irreps of a group, so that

    [Jk, J2] = 0 , k = 1,2 ,3.

    The operator J2 with this property is called the Casimir operator of the

    group O+(3).

    In general, the set of operators {Ci} in which the elements commute

    with the elements of the set of irreps of a given group, forms the set of

    Casimir operators of the group. All Casimir operators are constant multiples

    of the unit matrix:

    Ci = aiI.

    The constants ai are characteristic of a particular representation of a group.

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    9 83


    Mat rix r epres entat ions of li near opera tors are i mport ant i n Lin ear

    Algebra; we s hall see t hat t hey a re eq ually impo rtant in G roup Theor y.

    If a gro up of m m matri ces

    Dn(m) = {D1

    (m)(g1),. ..Dk(m)(gk), ...Dn


    can be f ound in wh ich e ach e lement is associated with the corre spond ing

    element gkof a gr oup o f ord er n

    Gn = {g1,...gk,},

    and the matri ces o bey


    (m)(gi) = Dji(m)(gjgi),


    D1(m)(g1) = I, t he id entit y,

    the n the matr ices Dk(m)(gk) a re sa id to form an m -dime nsional

    rep resen tatio n of Gn. If th e ass ociation is one -to-one we have an

    isomorph ism and th e rep resen tatio n is said to be fai thful .

    The subj ect o f Gro up Re prese ntations f orms a ver y lar ge bra nch o f

    Gro up Th eory. The re ar e man y sta ndard work s on this topic (see the

    bib liography), eac h one cont ainin g num erous definitio ns, lemmas and

    the orems . He re, a rath er br ief accoun t is given of s ome o f the more

    imp ortan t res ults. The read er sh ould delve into the deepe r asp ects of th e

    sub ject as th e nee d ari ses. The subje ct wi ll be intr oduce d by consi derin g

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    rep resen tatio ns of the rotat ion g roups , and thei r cor respo nding cycl ic 84

    gro ups.

    9.1 The 3-di mensi onal repre senta tion of ro tatio ns in the plane

    The rota tion of a vecto r thr ough an an gle in the plane is

    cha racte rized by t he 2 x 2 m atrix

    c os -sin R v() = .

    s in cos

    The grou p of symme try t ransformat ions that leave s an equil atera l

    tri angle inva riant unde r rot ations in the p lane is of orde r thr ee, a nd ea ch

    element of th e gro up is of d imension t wo

    Gn ~ R 3(2) = {R (0), R (2 /3), R (4 /3)}

    = 1 0 , -1 /2 -3/2 , -1/2 3 /2 .0 1 3/2 -1/ 2 , -3 /2 -1 /2

    { 123, 312, 231} = C3.

    The se ma trice s for m a 2 -dime nsional re prese ntati on of C3 .

    A 3 -dime nsional re prese ntati on of C3 ca n be obtained a s follows:

    Con sider an e quila teral tria ngle located in the plane and let t he

    coo rdina tes o f the thre e ver tices P1[x, y], P2[x , y] , and P3[x , y] be

    wri tten as a 3-vector P13 = [P1, P2, P3], in no rmal order . We intr oduce

    3 3 matri x ope rator s Di(3) th at ch ange the o rder of th e elements ofP13,

    cyc lically. The identity is

    P13 = D1(3) P13, w here D1

    (3) = diag (1, 1 , 1).

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    The rear range ment 85

    P13 P23[P3, P1, P2] i s giv en by

    P23 = D2(3) P13,

    whe re

    0 0 1 D2

    (3) = 1 0 0 ,0 1 0

    and the rearr angem ent

    P13P33[P2, P3, P1] i s giv en by

    P33 = D3(3) P13

    whe re

    0 1 0 D3

    (3) = 0 0 1 .1 0 0

    The set of ma trice s {Di(3) } = {D1

    (3) , D2(3) , D3

    (3) } i s said to form a 3-

    dim ensio nal r epresentat ion of the original 2 -dime nsional re prese ntati on

    {R 3(2) }. The elements Di

    (3) ha ve th e sam e gro up mu ltipl icati on ta ble a s

    tha t ass ociated wi th C3.

    9.2 The m-di mensi onal repre senta tion of sy mmetr y

    tra nsfor matio ns in d-di mensi ons

    Con sider the case in wh ich a grou p of order n

    Gn = {g1, g2, . ..gk, .}

    is repre sente d by

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    R n(m) = {R 1

    (m) , R 2(m) , . ....R n

    (m) 86

    whe re




    ~ Gn,

    and R k(m) is an m m matri x rep resen tatio n of gk. Let P1d be a ve ctor in

    d-d imensional spac e, wr itten in n ormal orde r:

    P1d = [P1, P2, . ..Pd],

    and let

    P 1m = [P1d, P2d, . ...Pmd]

    be an m- vecto r, wr itten in n ormal orde r, in whic h the comp onent s are each

    d-v ector s. I ntrod uce t he m m matri x ope rator Dk(m)(gk) s uch t hat

    P 1m = D1(m)(g1)P 1m

    P 2m = D2(m)(g2)P 1m



    P km = Dk(m)(gk)P 1m , k = 1 to m , the numb er of

    symme try o perat ions,

    whe re P km is the kth ( cycli c) pe rmuta tion ofP 1m , and Dk(m)(gk)

    is call ed

    the m-d imensional repr esent ation of g k.

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    Infinite ly ma ny re prese ntati ons o f a g iven repre senta tion can b e 87

    fou nd, f or, i fS is a ma trix repre senta tion, and M is any defin ite m atrix

    wit h an inver se, w e can form T(x) = MS(x)M-1, x G. Sin ce

    T(xy ) = MS(xy )M-1 = MS(x)S(y)M-1 = MS(x)M-1MS(y)M-1

    = T(x)T(y),

    T is a re prese ntation of G. The n ew re prese ntation si mply invol ves a

    cha nge o f var iable in t he co rresp ondin g sub stitutions. Re prese ntati ons

    rel ated in th e man ner o fS an d T ar e equ ivale nt, and a re no t reg arded as

    dif feren t rep resen tatio ns. All repres entat ions that are e quivalent to S ar e

    equ ivale nt to each othe r, an d the y for m an infin ite c lass. Two equi valent

    rep resen tatio ns wi ll be writ ten S ~ T.

    9.3 Dir ect s ums

    IfS is a re prese ntati on of dime nsion s, a nd T is a re prese ntation of

    dim ensio n t o f a g roup G, th e mat rix

    S(g) 0 P = , (g G)

    0 T(g)

    of dimension s + t is c alled the dir ect s um of the matri ces S(g) and T(g),

    wri tten P = ST. There fore, give n two repr esent ations (th ey ca n be the

    sam e), we can obta in a third by a dding them dire ctly. Alt ernat ively , let P

    be a rep resen tatio n of dimension s + t ; we suppo se th at, f or al l x G, the

    mat rix P(x) is o f the form

    A(x) 0

    0 B(x)

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    whe re A(x) and B(x) are s s and t t matri ces, respe ctively. (The 0s 88

    are s t and t s zero matri ces). Def ine t he ma trice s S an d T as foll ows:

    S(x) A(x) and T(x) B(x), x G.

    Sin ce, b y the grou p pro perty , P(xy ) = P(x)P(y),

    A(xy ) 0 A(x) 0 A(y) 0=

    0 B(xy ) 0 B(x) 0 B(y)

    A(x)A(y) 0= .

    0 B(x)B(y)

    The refor e, S(xy ) = S(x)S(y) and T(xy ) = T(x)T(y), so that S an d T ar e

    rep resen tatio ns. The r epres entat ion P is said to b e dec ompos able, w ith

    com ponen ts S an d T. A rep resen tation is indecompos able if it cann ot be

    dec ompos ed.

    If a com ponen t of a dec ompos able repre senta tion is it self

    dec ompos able, we c an co ntinu e in this manne r to decom pose any

    rep resen tatio n int o a f inite numb er of inde compo sable comp onent s. ( It

    sho uld b e not ed th at th e pro perty of i ndeco mposa blity depe nds o n the fiel d

    of the r epres entat ion; the r eal field must somet imes be ex tende d to the

    com plex field to c heck for i ndeco mposa bilit y).

    A w eaker form of d ecomp osabi lity arises whe n we consi der a

    mat rix o f the form

    A(x) 0 P(x) =

    E(x) B(x)

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    whe re A(x), and B(x) are matri ces o f dimensio ns s s and t t 89

    res pectively and E(x) is a matr ix th at de pends on x , and 0 is the s t zero

    mat rix. The matri x P, a nd an y equ ivale nt fo rm, i s said to be red ucibl e.

    An irr educi blerep resen tatio n is one t ha