Introduction to · What is React ? React is a...

Post on 23-Jul-2020

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Introduction to




What is React ?

React is a JavaScript library created by


React is a tool for building UI components.

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for

building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

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Sites build with React


Whatsapp Web



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How does React Work ? React creates a VIRTUAL DOM in memory.

Instead of manipulating the browser's DOM directly, React creates a virtual DOM in memory, where it does all the necessary manipulating, before making the changes in the browser DOM.

React only changes what needs to be changed.

React finds out what changes have been made, and changes only what needs to be changed.

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Benefits from React

Build Reusable Components (Not templates)

Reactive Updates (React auto updates UI when data


Performance (Virtual DOM)

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React JSX

JSX stands for JavaScript XML.

JSX allows us to write HTML in React.

JSX makes it easier to write and add HTML in React.

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Three Important Terminologies




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Components let you split the UI into independent,

reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation.

Conceptually, components are like JavaScript functions.

They accept arbitrary inputs (called "props") and return

React elements describing what should appear on the


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Create a Component

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State React components has a built-in state object.

The state object is where you store property values that belongs to

the component.

When the state object changes, the component re-renders.

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Using the state Object Refer to the state object anywhere in the component by using the

this.state.propertyname syntax:

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Props Props are arguments passed into React components.

React Props are like function arguments in JavaScript and attributes in HTML.

Props are also how you pass data from one component to another, as parameters.

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React Events Just like HTML, React can perform actions based on user events.

React events are written in camelCase syntax:

onClick instead of onclick.

React event handlers are written inside curly braces:

onClick={shoot} instead of onClick="shoot()".

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