Introduction to the Renaissance. The Renaissance The Renaissance was a “rebirth” of classical...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Introduction to the Renaissance

The Renaissance

The Renaissance was a “rebirth” of classical antiquity. (this means mostly of Greece and Rome.)

The Renaissance lasted from ca. 1350-1550

The Renaissance began in Italy and gradually spread to the rest of Europe

Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance

Marked b an Urban Society: Powerful city-states: Florence, Venice, Milan

Centers of politics, economics and social life

An Age of Recovery Recovery from the Black Death, Political disorder, Economic


Emphasis on Individual ability High regard for human worth and the development of a new

social idea – the well-rounded person Ex. Leonardo da Vinci

Renaissance man:

a man who has a wide range of accomplishments and intellectual interests



focusing on human concerns and disregarding religious matters.


Art and architecture

During the Renaissance, there was an outburst of creativity that stressed order, harmony and balance

“The Last Supper” by Leonardo DiVinci

Middle Ages Art

Most of the art was created for the Catholic Church

Most subjects were of the holy family and saints

Human faces in paintings were very flat, unrealistic, and looked alike

Human and animal body parts were disproportionate

Had not yet learned perspective

Characteristics of Renaissance art

Realism – subjects of art were familiar and life like

Glorification of the Human Body Non-religious themes Appreciation of beauty for beauty’s



Renaissance art utilized perspective This means that they made distant

objects smaller than those in the foreground to create an illusion of depth on a flat canvas

This adds an element of three-dimensionality

“The School of Athens” -- Rafael

Stations You will be completing stations on the Renaissance Working with a partner, you will rotate between five

different stations. Because some stations are longer than others, you

will rotate when you are finished. You will have 40 minutes to complete the stations,

which is about 8 minutes per station. Voices should be at a 10 inch level. Students should

only be talking with their partner To rotate stations you will WALK, SILENTLY, with your


Crash Course World History