Introduction to the Schoolteam system 2/2000 Intranet Differences between Internet and Intranet ...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Introduction to the Schoolteam system


Intranet Differences between Internet and Intranet

Usually, when we want to visit web pages, we are through the Internet to access.

Intranet is also part of the Internet since it is just web pages on web.

However, unlike usual web pages which are open to all public, the Intranet is of limited access to a group of people. So, it does not open for public and only those who have the accounts set could get inside.

That is the reason why when we visit an Intranet, it asks for the user ID and the respective password.

SchoolteamThe Schoolteam system is an Intranet. It serves those who have the accounts

opened inside. In our school, we rent the services

provided by Schoolteam (CSL) and all our staffs and students have accounts opened inside.

Schoolteam functionsWhat we can use inside the

Schoolteam system? Email Calendar Notice board Chat room Game …

How to access SchoolteamUse a web browser (MS Internet

Explorer 4.0 or above, Netscape Communicator 4.0 or above)

Type in the following web page address:

Type in your User ID and Password

Press the login button

After a while …

Desktop – put your favorite bookmarks here

Email – send and receive email here

Calendar – put your dates and reminders here

File cabinet – upload/download files from here

When you press on this

There are “boxes” (18 for teachers and 6 for students) on the desktop where you could put in your favorite settings

Press here to modify

Modify the desktop …

You can select among a lot of options

And you choose your own colours

To read/send email, at anywhere you could press here

Read/send email …

To read received email,You could click on the receivedEmail title

Read email …

The upper part of the screenshows the information of the email

The lower part of the screenshows the content of the email

Move the read email into trash can (you could later get it back if you want)

Reply to sender Delete the email forever

Compose your email to be sent off by clicking on here

Send email …1. Write down the email address of the receiver in here

2. Write down the email title in here

3. Put the content of the email in here

4. Then press here to send off

If you don’t know the receiver’s email address,type in his/her name here and press the button

To use the calendar, press in here

Calendar …

Press on the dates to see what is stored inside

If you want to write in events, press on here

Then put in the details

Finally, press the button

File cabinet …

You could upload/download file by pressing in here

Then choose which kind of file cabinet that you want

Personal file cabinet …You could see the files stored after entering the file cabinet

To download files (get files) To upload files (store files)

Uploading files …Press here to select files. Up to 6 files at a time

Then press the button to upload and wait for the process to finish. It takes time to move the local files from your computer to the Schoolteam server.

School place …

Press on the blue bar to enter into the school place.

You could visit the chat room and game room or the notice board.

Try on them by yourself, see what are the things inside!

Enjoy working on the Schoolteam system!
