Introduction to Web Dev

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An Introduction to Web Doc


Introduction to Web Dev

Introduction to Web DevelopmentRenato Butch R. BituonanGreatest milestone in the development of computer technology is the InternetThe Internet or Interconnection of Networks or Interconnected Networks is composed of various resourcesInternet provides an infrastructure by which the computers it connects (called hosts) can communicate.Internet cannot store info or provide services. Thus, for info and services to be accessible via the Internet, they must be stored or implemented on, or accessed via, the hosts or SERVERSThe idea that computers request resources and others provide them is referred to as Client/Server ArchitectureThe Internet and the WebInternet supports various types of servers:Gopher ServersFile Transfer Protocol(FTP)

Electronic mail(E-mail)

Web serversTelnetUsenet groupsChat and Instant Messaging

The Internet and the WebA web site is a collection of electronic pages generally formatted in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that can contain text, graphic images, and multimedia effects such as sound files, video and/or animation files, and other programming elements such as Java and JavaScript.The web uses the Internet to provide facilities for storing information, finding and retrieving information, storing and executing computer programs, inputting and manipulating informationAnyone with access to web can add any document and link it to any other existing document enabling the web to form a global, inter-linked information sourceWeb is used for publicity, commercial and non-commercial purposesWeb servers are computers that provide information and services that can be accessed on the Web (i.e. Apache, Microsofts Internet Information Services or IIS, Zeus, Sambar, iPlanet, Roxen, Jigsaw, etc.)The Internet and WebWebsites classified by functiona personal websitea commercial websitea government websitea nonprofit organization websiteThe Internet and WebWebsites classified by natureStatic WebsiteIs a website that is written entirely using HTML. Each web page is a separate document and there are no databases or external files that are drawn upon.This means that the only way to edit this type of website is to go into each page and edit the HTML

Dynamic WebsiteIs written using more complex code such as PHP or ASP and has a greater degree of functionality. For instance, many dynamic websites can be controlled by a content management system. Each page of a dynamic website is generated from information stored in a database or external file. And the content management system that you may use to maintain your website directly modifies this stored information.The Internet and WebTypes of websites (examples)Archive siteBlogCelebrity websiteCorporate websiteDating websiteE-commerce siteForum websiteGallery websiteGovernment websiteGaming/Gambling websiteInformation websiteMedia sharing websiteNews websitePersonal websitePorn website

Q&A websiteReligious websiteReview websiteSchool websiteSearch engine websiteSocial networking websiteWeb mailWeb portalWiki websiteThe Internet and WebQ&A websiteReligious websiteReview websiteSchool websiteSearch engine websiteSocial networking websiteWeb mailWeb portalWiki websiteWeb Development: DefinedWeb development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. A more comprehensive list of tasks to which web development commonly refers, may include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. Among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building web sites: writing markup and coding.Typical Areas for Web DevelopmentWeb Development can be split into many areas and a typical and basic web development hierarchy might consist of:Client-side coding - HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Microsoft Silverlight, HTML5, CSS3Server-side coding - PHP, ASP/ASP.Net, J2EE, Ruby, Perl, CGI, Client-side + server-side - Database technology - MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle

Others: Web server - Apache (52.05%), Microsoft IIS (32.90%), GWS (5.32%), nginx (1.87%), lighttpd (1.61%), Others (6.26%) (Source: Netcraft, January 2009)Web browser MS Internet Explorer (39.6%), Firefox (46.6%), Google Chrome (7.1%), Safari (3.6%), Opera (2.2%)

Considerations for Web AdministrationWeb Planning - Before creating and uploading a website, it is important to take the time to plan exactly what is needed in the website. Thoroughly considering the audience or target market, as well as defining the purpose and deciding what content will be developed, are extremely important.Domain registration P400 to P1,700/year (i.e., hosting P1,200/year for 500GB/mo, 5GB to 20GB bandwidth/mo

Web Scripting LanguagesClient-side scripting languageIs a programming language that is interpreted by another program at runtime rather than compiled by the computer's processor as other programming languages (such as C and C++) are.

Two categories of web scripting languagesClient-side scripting language Server-side scripting languageWeb Scripting LanguagesClient-side scripting languageIs about "programming" the behavior of a browser (or browser scripting).A client-side script is a program that may accompany an HTML document or be embedded directly in it. The program executes on the client's machine when the document loads, or at some other time such as when a link is activated. HTML's support for scripts is independent of the scripting language. Examples include JavaScript, Microsofts Jscript, VBScript, PerlScript, etc.

Scripts offer authors a means to extend HTML documents in highly active and interactive ways. For example:Scripts may be evaluated as a document loads to modify the contents of the document dynamically.Scripts may accompany a form to process input as it is entered. Designers may dynamically fill out parts of a form based on the values of other fields. They may also ensure that input data conforms to predetermined ranges of values, that fields are mutually consistent, etc.Scripts may be triggered by events that affect the document, such as loading, unloading, element focus, mouse movement, etc.Scripts may be linked to form controls (e.g., buttons) to produce graphical user interface elements.

Web Scripting LanguagesServer-side scripting languageIs about "programming" the behavior of the serverServer-side scripting is a web server technology in which a user's request is verified by running a script directly on the web server to generate dynamic web pages. Server-side scripting is a web technology that allows custom HTML to be delivered to a client machine where the code that generates the custom HTML is processed on the web server before the HTML is sent to the user's machine over the internet.The primary advantage to server-side scripting is the ability to highly customize the response based on the user's requirements, access rights, or queries into data stores.From a security point of view, server-side scripts are never visible to the browser as these scripts are executed on the server and emit HTML corresponding to user's input to the page. Examples include ASP (*.asp, *.aspx), C via CGI (*.c, *.csp), ColdFusion Markup Language (*.cfm), Java via JavaServer Pages (*.jsp), JavaScript using Server-side JavaScript (*.ssjs, *.js), Lua (*.lp *.op), Perl CGI (*.cgi, *.ipl, *.pl), PHP (*.php), Python via Django (*.py), Ruby i.e. Ruby on Rails (*.rb, *.rbw), SMX (*.smx), Lasso (*.lasso), WebDNA (*.dna,*.tpl), Progress WebSpeed (*.r,*.w), etc.Web Site Development Process by Benny Alexander

Web Site Development Process by Lynch and Horton ModelSite definition and planning Define the overall goals for the websiteInformation architecture Focus on the organization and content for the websiteSite design Focus on page design and overall graphical designSite construction Code, fill pages with content, and test for errorsSite marketing Publicize the site through advertisements and search enginesTracking, evaluation and maintenance Monitor, update, and improve the websiteLazars User-Centered Web Development Lifecycle

Define the mission of the website and the user populationCollect the user requirements for the websiteCreate the conceptual design of the websiteCreate the physical design of the websitePerform usability testing on the websiteImplement and market the websiteEvaluate and improve the websiteSTEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationDiscover the clients basic idea of the intended web siteShould the web site provide information?Should it provide entertainment?Should it allow users to purchase products?How will the web site support the organizational mission?

Why must the mission of the web site be established?Needed to establish boundaries with requirements gathering from the usersDecide on the project scope (i.e. what it is and what it is not)Will it include forum, chat rooms, search engines, contact forms, email subscriptions, etc.

STEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationSchneidermans taxonomy of web site missionsGoal ExamplesSell products (e.g. publishers, airlines, department stores)Advertise products (e.g. auto dealers, real estate agents, movie studios)Inform and announce (e.g. universities, museums, cities)Provide access (e.g. libraries, newspapers, scientific organizations)Offer services (e.g. governments, public utilities)Create discussions (e.g. public interest groups, magazines)Nurture communities (e.g. political groups, professional organizations)STEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationNavarro and Khan's taxonomy of web site missionsGoal ExamplesInform or educate (e.g. universities, schools, charitable foundations, non-profit organizations, government, businesses, political organizations, personal home pages)Entertain (e.g. magazines, galleries, museums, media clubs, organizations, personal home pages)Market, sell, or persuade (e.g. businesses, political organizations, non-profit organizations, universities, schools, personal resumes)STEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationExamples of Website Goals:To advertise our products, with the goal of increased salesTo help keep our community members informed, with the hope that the attendance at community meetings will increaseTo help increase awareness about the need for recycling in our communitySTEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationDetermine user interactionWhat do clients want to do when users access the web site?Does the client want the user to purchase a product?Provide address information to be added to a mailing list?Complete an online survey? or just read the information to stay informed

Evaluation of Site GoalsIdentify how success will be measuredIn terms of page visits? By Products sold? Satisfied customers? Larger turnouts at organizational meetings? By a higher public recognition of the organization?

STEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationThe Targeted User PopulationIdentify the users of the site also known as audience definitionOnly a few specific types of web sites, such as search engines (Altavista, Yahoo, and so forth), and news services (such as CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post) are targeted to the entire population of web users. Most other web sites have a very specific targeted population of users. These are known sets of users, with demographic information available about them, and potential access to them for requirements gathering. Web sites and their targeted user population can be widely diverse:The Association for Information Systems web site is targeted towards researchers, teachers, and students who study information systems.The Hava Nashira web site is targeted towards Jewish song leaders and educators.The INFORMS web site is targeted towards people who are interested in operations research and management science.The National Academic Quiz Tournaments web site is targeted towards high school students and college students who play a sport called quiz bowl.The St. John's Lutheran Church of Blenheim web site is targeted towards current church members, as well as potential members of the church near Baltimore, MD.STEP 1: Define the mission of the web site and the user populationAdvantages of Knowing a Targeted PopulationIdentify the users to meet their needsIdentify the users to make a site that is both easy to use and usefulThe focus in information systems is on designing for functionality (i.e. the ability to perform tasks that are needed) and usability (i.e. ease of use). Consider a website as a consumer product - companies would not develop a product without first determining who the target consumers of that product are.

Targeting Different User GroupsA website may have different user groupsIdentify the needed information and other considerations for each type of user group such as access to technology, etc.Create a user profile for each target user group

Audience-SplittingCan be used if there are different groups of users within the target population for a website, information on the website can be presented for these different user groups

History of InternetThe Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that use the TCP/IP set of network protocols to reach billions of users. The Internet began as a U.S Department of Defense network to link scientists and university professors around the world. A network of networks, today, the Internet serves as a global data communications system that links millions of private, public, academic and business networks via an international telecomunications backbone that consists of various electronic and optical networking technologies.

Internet Timeline1957 USSR launches Sputnik into space. In response, the USA creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA ) with the mission of becoming the leading force in science and new technologies.1962 J.C.R. Licklider of MIT proposes the concept of a Galactic Network. For the first time ideas about a global network of computers are introduced. J.C.R. Licklider is later chosen to head ARPA's research efforts.1962 - Paul Baran, a member of the RAND Corporation, determines a way for the Air Force to control bombers and missiles in case of a nuclear event. His results call for a decentralized network comprised of packet switches.1968 - ARPA contracts out work to BBN. BBN is called upon to build the first switch.1969 ARPANET created - BBN creates the first switched network by linking four different nodes in California and Utah; one at the University of Utah, one at the University of California at Santa Barbara, one at Stanford and one at the University of California at Los Angeles.1972 - Ray Tomlinson working for BBN creates the first program devoted to email.1972 - ARPA officially changes its name to DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.1972 - Network Control Protocol is introduced to allow computers running on the same network to communicate with each other.

Internet Timeline1973 - Vinton Cerf working from Stanford and Bob Kahn from DARPA begin work developing TCP/IP to allow computers on different networks to communicate with each other.1974 - Kahn and Cerf refer to the system as the Internet for the first time.1976 - Ethernet is developed by Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe.1976 SATNET, a satellite program is developed to link the United States and Europe. Satellites are owned by a consortium of nations, therby expanding the reach of the Internet beyond the USA.1976 Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, sends out an email on 26 March from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) in Malvern. 1976 - AT& T Bell Labs develops UUCP and UNIX.1979 - USENET, the first news group network is developed by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin.Internet Timeline1979 - IBM introduces BITNET to work on emails and listserv systems.1981 - The National Science Foundation releases CSNET 56 to allow computers to network without being connected to the government networks.1983 - Internet Activities Board released.1983 - TCP/IP becomes the standard for internet protocol.1983 - Domain Name System introduced to allow domain names to automatically be assigned an IP number.1984 - MCI creates T1 lines to allow for faster transportation of information over the internet.1984- The number of Hosts breaks 1,0001985- 100 years to the day of the last spike being driven on the Canadina Pacific Railway, the last Canadian university was connected to NetNorth in a one year effort to have coast-to-coast connectivity 1987 - The new network CREN forms.1987- The number of hosts breaks 10,0001988 - Traffic rises and plans are to find a new replacement for the T1 lines.1989- The Number of hosts breaks 100 0001989- Arpanet ceases to exist

Internet Timeline1990 - Advanced Network & Services (ANS) forms to research new ways to make internet speeds even faster. The group develops the T3 line and installs in on a number of networks.1990 - A hypertext system is created and implemented by Tim Berners-Lee while working for CERN.1990- The first search engine is created by Mcgill Univeristy, called the Archie Search Engine1991- U.S greenlight for commerical enterprise to take place on the Internet1991 - The National Science Foundation (NSF) creates the National Research and Education Network (NREN).1991 - CERN releases the World Wide Web publicly on August 6th, 1991 1992 The Internet Society (ISOC) is chartered1992- Number of hosts breaks 1,000,0001993 - InterNIC released to provide general services, a database and internet directory.Internet Timeline1993- The first web browser, Mosaic (created by NCSA), is released. Mosaic later becomes the Netscape browser which was the most popular browser in the mid 1990's.1994 - New networks added frequently.1994 - First internet ordering system created by Pizza Hut.1994 - First internet bank opened: First Virtual.1995 - NSF contracts out their access to four internet providers.1995 - NSF sells domains for a $50 annual fee.1995 Netscape goes public with 3rd largest ever Nasdaq ipo share value 1995- Registration of domains is no longer free.1996- The WWW browser wars are waged mainly between Microsoft and Netscape. New versions are released quarterly with the aid of internet users eager to test new (beta) versions.Internet Timeline1996 Internet2 project is initiated by 34 universities1996 - Internet Service Providers begin appearing such as Sprint and MCI.1996 - Nokia releases first cell phone with internet access.1997- (Arin) is established to handle administration and registration of IP numbers, now handled by Network Solutions (IinterNic)1998- Netscape releases source code for Navigator. 1998-Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) created to be able to oversee a number of Internet-related tasks 1999 - A wireless technology called 802.11b, more commonly referred to as Wi-Fi, is standardized. 2000- The dot com bubble bursts, numerically, on March 10, 2000, when the technology heavy NASDAQ composite index peaked at 5,048.62 2001 - Blackberry releases first internet cell phone in the United States.Internet Timeline2001 The spread of P2P file sharing across the Internet2002 -Internet2 now has 200 university, 60 corporate and 40 affiliate members2003- The French Ministry of Culture bans the use of the word "e-mail" by government ministries, and adopts the use of the more French sounding "courriel"2004 The Term Web 2.0 rises in popularity when O'Reilly and MediaLive host the first Web 2.0 conference.2004- Mydoom, the fastest ever spreading email computer worm is released. Estimated 1 in 12 emails are infected.2005- Estonia offers Internet Voting nationally for local elections2005-Youtube launches2006- There are an esitmated 92 million websites online2006 Zimbabwe's internet access is almost completely cut off after international satellite communications provider Intelsat cuts service for non-payment2006- Internet2 announced a partnership with Level 3 Communications to launch a brand new nationwide network, boosting its capacity from 10Gbps to 100GbpsInternet Timeline2007- Internet2 officially retires Abilene and now refers to its new, higher capacity network as the Internet2 Network2008- Google index reaches 1 Trillion URLs2008 NASA successfully tests the first deep space communications network modeled on the Internet. Using software called Disruption-Tolerant Networking, or DTN, dozens of space images are transmitted to and from a NASA science spacecraft located about more than 32 million kilometers from Earth2009 ICANN gains autonomy from the U.S government2010- Facebook announces in Februrary that it has 400 million active users.2010 The U.S House of Representatives passes the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act (H.R. 4061)Internet Timeline