Introduction, Yoga Sutras & Ethics · Yoga Sutras are split into 4 chapters: Chapter 1 - Yoga &...

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Introduction, Yoga Sutras & Ethics

Presenter:Amy Cleghorn

Learning objectives

Set a SankalpaRecognize how the Yamas & Niyamas relate to teaching & living yoga Recall & Memorise the Yamas & NiyamasRecall & Memorise the 8 Libs of Yoga Recognize & discuss how the Yoga Australia Statement of Ethics & Code of Conduct need to be upheld

Learning activities

Participation in group activity Participation & discussion in lecture Role play conversation


In class observationSuccessful completion in class activityAbility to work in a groupTeaching skills

(Sanskrit: सकं$प) means conception or idea or notion formed in the heart or mind, solemn vow or determination to perform, desire, definite intention, volition or will.


the practice of sankalpa, or resolve. A sankalpa practice starts from the radical premise that you already are who you need to be to fulfil your life’s dharma. All you need to do is focus your mind, connect to your most heartfelt desires, and channel the divine energy within.kalpa means vow, or the rule to be followed above all other rules.San, refers to a connection with the highest truth. Sankalpa, then, is a vow and commitment we make to support our highest truth.


A sankalpa should honour the deeper meaning of our life. A sankalpa speaks to the larger arc of our lives, our dharma—our overriding purpose for being here. The sankalpa becomes a statement you can call upon to remind you of your true nature and guide your choices.


Yoga Sutras are split into 4 chapters:Chapter 1 - Yoga & it’s AimsChapter 2 – Yoga & it’s PracticeChapter 3 – PowersChapter 4 – Liberation

8 Limbs of yoga sit in the 2nd Chapter V28-55

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga

Social codes, self regulating behaviours that affect our interactions with others (& the world around us)Ahimsa: non-violenceSatya: truthfulnessAsteya: non-stealingBrahmacharya: non-excess (often celibacy)Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-greed


Personal practices (that relate to our inner worldSoucha: puritySantosha: contentmentTapas: self-discipline, training your sensesSvadhyaya – self study, inner explorationIshvara Pranidhana: surrender (to God)


Yoga Austrlalia Code of Conduct

Yoga Australia Statement of Ethics