Introspect - User Manual English)

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INTROSPECT GUIDE MANUAL (english)Bio-Resonance Device from RUSSIA





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MOSCOW - 2011


"INTROSPECT" - Bio-Resonance NLS Device


1. Ââåäåíèå................................................................................................3

2. Íà÷àëî ðàáîòû.......................................................................................4

3. Ãëàâíîå ìåíþ........................................................................................4

4. Íàñòðîéêè ïðîãðàììû............................................................................5

5. Àäìèíèñòðàòîð....................................................................................... 7

6. Íà÷àëî èññëåäîâàíèÿ............................................................................9

7. Ïîèñê êàðòî÷êè êëèåíòà.......................................................................9

8. Êàðòî÷êà íîâîãî êëèåíòà.....................................................................10

9. Ïîäãîòîâêà ê èññëåäîâàíèþ.................................................................10

10. Ãëàâíûå îêíà ïðîãðàììû.....................................................................11

11. Ðåçåêöèè..............................................................................................12

12. Âûáîð õàðàêòåðà èññëåäîâàíèÿ...........................................................1 3

13. Âûáîð ïëàíà îáñëåäîâàíèÿ................................................................. 14

14. Ñõåìà èññëåäîâàíèÿ............................................................................ 15

15. Ïèêòîãðàììû....................................................................................... 16

16. Íà÷àëî òåñòèðîâàíèÿ.......................................................................... 18

17. Óðîâåíü ôóíêöèîíàëüíîé àêòèâíîñòè îðãàíà....................................... 19

18. Îöåíêà ñîñòîÿíèÿ............................................................................... 21

19. Ãðàôèêè.............................................................................................. 22

20. Òåêóùèé àíàëèç.................................................................................. 26

21. Î÷àãè.................................................................................................. 27

22. Îêíî ýòàëîíîâ.................................................................................... 29

23. Ñïåêòðàëüíàÿ ñõîæåñòü....................................................................... 31

24. Êîýôôèöèåíò ñïåêòðàëüíîé ñõîæåñòè................................................. 32

25. Âèðòóàëüíàÿ àêòèâèçàöèÿ................................................................... 33

26. Ãðàôèêè ýòàëîíà è îáúåêòà................................................................ 34

27. Ýòàëîí – îáúåêò................................................................................. 35

28. Èìïåðàòèâíàÿ è àáñîëþòíàÿ ìîäåëè.................................................. 36

29. Ýëèìèíàöèÿ........................................................................................ 36

30. Ýíòðîïèéíûé àíàëèç.......................................................................... 37

31. Ñòåïåíü çðåëîñòè ïðîöåññà................................................................ 38

32. Âåðà – òåñò........................................................................................ 38

33. Ïå÷àòü ýïèêðèçà................................................................................ 39

34. Áèîõèìè÷åñêèå ïîêàçàòåëè (NLS - àíàëèç)......................................... 39

35. Äðóãèå ýòàëîíû................................................................................. 41

36. Âíóòðåííèé âåãåòîòåñò...................................................................... 41

37. Ñðàâíèòåëüíûé àíàëèç...................................................................... 42

38. Âíåøíèé âåãåòîòåñò.......................................................................... 42

39. Ïå÷àòü èññëåäîâàíèé........................................................................ 43

40. Çàïèñü íà äèñê.................................................................................. 44

41. Íàïèñàíèå çàêëþ÷åíèÿ...................................................................... 44

42. Êîððèãèðóþùèå ìåòîäèêè.................................................................. 45

43. Ïðèãîòîâëåíèå ïðåïàðàòà.................................................................. 45

44. Ìåòà-êîððåêöèÿ................................................................................... 49

The given device is the device for the nonlinear analysis of a functional

condition of a human body (bioresonant testing).

The equipment allows to track any conditions of biological object

(body, a fabric, separate cages and even separate chromosomes) from

norm to a deep pathology on change of wave characteristics of fabrics,

and also to estimate change of vortical magnetic fields of an organism.

In a method of the nonlinear analysis the estimation of a condition of

body is spent directly at the expense of resonant strengthening of

radiation of investigated body and removal of indicators by a contactless

way with use of trigger gauges.

Training program NLS - the analysis, devoted to development of initial

skills of work with the device is represented to your attention.



Introspect program


In the given program for brevity statements are used the following

conditional Spectral similar processes are the most probable diagnoses of

diseases or pathological processes;

Client – the same with patient

To enter into the program it is necessary to PUT on EAR-PHONES, differently

on the computer screen the inscription «can be highlighted There is no signal!

The program will be finished».




Reception of pacients

When you were included into the program, before you there is an overall

picture named further the Main menu. Here we see three windows:

1. Research

2. Program adjustment

3. Developers of the program and the Exit

Main Menu

Beginning of the work

Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå


At the beginning of the work the section is very important.Settings


At the FIRST inclusion of the device the FIRST research is desirable for

spending in slow rate that will allow to adapt the program better. You can spend

all further researches in any rate convenient for you.

Certainly you adjust at once the program on the Language necessary to you

(English, Russian), and also is advised to put more convenient Big font.




Reception of pacients


Usually we work with the switched off sound because the constant pulsation

of a picture before eyes in a combination to sound loading can tyre investigated

(further, for brevity, "patient").

Besides, at once adjust Colour, differently pictures will be black-and-white.

The button in a card file (the card file is filled in the course of research)

allows to allocate Colour with different colours:

- Bodies and systems as much as possible amazed - they will be allocated

after research by brown colour;

- Bodies and systems with moderate changes - red colour and, at last,

- Bodies and systems without the expressed changes - green colour.

Introspect program



Moving a triangular label on a scale Correction of deviation of the processor,

you can arrange a ball estimation of points on a body projection in the given

processor in relation to similar points of body in the processor chosen for the

standard. However, practically we seldom recustomize the processor as fine

tuning goes

Already in the course of work


The key the Operator allows to choose from the list of operators of the one

who carries out the given research. To enter into the program a surname of the

new expert, it is necessary to enter into section the Manager and to press the

button the Choice of the operator. The window in which you can choose the

necessary operator will open or enter the new. CAUTIOUSLY - if you have

casually removed a surname of the operator in a card file cards surveyed these

the expert of patients automatically leave. Therefore before removing a surname

of the operator, translate all examinees on other operator, having opened a

window the Exchange of examinees.

Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå


Besides, in a window the Manager if it is necessary, you can:

- To establish or change the password of access by means of a key to

Replace the password;

- To open or close a card file investigated for other users by means of a key

to Close a card file;

- To include or switch off a mode fixing payment, brought by the patient,

having pressed a key to Consider payment.

The key to Remove by date will allow to remove all researches spent this day.

The key to Remove a card will remove a card investigated entirely, and the key

to Remove research — only one research of the given concrete body or a fabric.

Introspect program


The research beginning

Search of a card of the client

At first it is necessary to fill a card of the patient For this purpose we use

buttons: New or has undressed Search. If the patient has come to you

repeatedly you choose its card in the list. For this purpose translate an arrow in

a window near to a word search or a choice, click the left key of a mouse and

enter a surname of the patient. On the screen there is a necessary card.

Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå




Reception of pacients

Now we are ready to begin the study. To do this, press the button Reception

and opens the window Cartoteca.

If you have not found a card investigated in a card file, but precisely know

that it there is, that, probably, you have forgotten to change a surname of the

operator and are in not in the card file.


Card for new client

If it is necessary for you to get a card on the new patient, you press the

button New, the questionnaire thus opens. Here you specify a surname, a name,

a patronymic, necessarily age and a floor. The address and phone are specified if

necessary. You also necessarily should specify a blood type and a Rhesus factor

(and if they are unknown specify – Are unknown) It important as the program

considers modern representations that people with different blood types have

essential distinctions at selection of optimum structure of foodstuff.

Further press a key OK. the Card it is filled.

Preparation for testing

Introspect program


If ear-phones with magnetogenerators are put already on investigated, and

it is in a radiator zone in the right bottom corner red colour will highlight a key

Research. If the window Research does not light up, the person means drops

out of a zone of work of the device and the program does not see the examinee.

We remind: the radiator (transmitter) is established symmetrically

concerning the patient on distance no more than metre. Besides, watch, that

marks of the parties of ear-phones (L – left, R – right) corresponded to the

parties of the patient.

Having pressed the button Research, you get to section the research Scheme.

Now from four main windows of the program we know two: the Card file

(from above at the left) and the research Scheme (from above on the right).

Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Main windows of the program

Scheme of investigationcard-index

Remember two more: a window the Current analysis or viewing of results

(from below at the left) and the Window of standards (from below on the right).

To these windows all of us time will come back.


So, a window the research Scheme. We will consider it more in detail.


Òåêóùèé àíàëèçCurrent analysis Window of etalons

Introspect program


Before the beginning of testing you can enter into the computer the data about the operations transferred by the patient. For this purpose we press the Resection button, then the window will open, in which you see a figure of the person, where red points allocate areas of the most frequent operations (see also the following page).

Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

We bring an arrow to a point corresponding to area of operation, during this

moment the necessary body is highlighted. Having clicked the left key of a

mouse (thus the red point becomes green), you confirm the choice. Further at

testing of the given body for a base picture operation will be considered.

Further you should choose Character of research necessary in this case.

Selecting the type of research


Having pressed the given button, we will see that research can be Standard,

Detailed (which allows to estimate structure of all biological formations entered

into the program) and Express research which will help to spend screening (or

search). inspection. Use the express- and standard researches is more often.

At once at inclusion of the program we see that in the research scheme

already there are tags, which from the point of view of composers are desirable

for surveying programs always to have general idea about an organism

condition. Usually the button the Program choice is thus in gear, and the

computer automatically includes in investigation of all organs and systems which

have any disturbances all bodies and systems in which in the course of express

inspection any infringements are revealed. For beginning operators it is good

secure not to pass the pathological centres.

Choice of the plan of inspection

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

If you do not want, that for you the program solved, you can press the

button the Independent choice and then, establishing tags in the windows which

are to the left of the name of a picture, you can independently designate those

bodies and systems which need to be surveyed. If you accept a program choice

the button to Restore a choice will return the program plan of research.

In the scheme of research the bodies concerning one system, are usually designated by one colour and gathered. For example, digestive organs pink,

vascular system – dark blue, system of respiratory organs - blue etc. In each system are the separate pictures allocated dark green are histologic cuts. To work on systems it is more convenient, but in case of need by means of the button Alphabetically it is possible to place all pictures alphabetically.

Investigation Scheme



At the very beginning of the list dark blue colour designates the

topographical cuts covering large areas of an organism: cuts of a head, a thorax,

bodies organs of retroperitoneal space, bodies of a small basin etc. Having

tested only these areas, plus in addition necessarily intestines and a liver, and

also a skeleton and brushes of hands (at women - in connection with prevalence

of an osteoporosis), we at can preliminary allocate the most problem zones. For

their detailed inspection it is possible to use not only buttons the Program or

Independent choice, but also the Pictogram window.

By pressing of the button of the Pictogram in a picture interesting us there

are badges – a microscope, a magnifier, a scalpel, a blood drop, a nervous cage.

- A badge the magnifier designates body;

- A scalpel – a topographical cut of a body;

- A microscope – a histologic cut;

- A blood drop – a blood vessel etc.

If to bring the cursor to any of these badges under a badge there is a

description, and in the right bottom corner that area which will be surveyed by


Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

For example, at inspection of a cut of a thorax at level of an ascending aorta the pathology in a bilious bubble is revealed. Having pressed the button of the Pictogram and having guided the cursor at a magnifier in the field of a bilious

bubble, we click the left key of a mouse. Research of a bilious bubble begins.

In this window also there is a button the Preparation, however, about it we

will talk later when we will prepare a preparation for the investigated.

The key the Current analysis is highlighted only when you have carried out at

least one research at the given person.

So, we are ready to research. If the button Research is active (burns with red

colour) we press it to start research. If the button Research is not highlighted,

means ear-phones are put on incorrectly not included) or investigated is out of a

radiator zone.

pressing the left key of a mouse will be highlighted.


After pressing of the button Research opens a following window where we


At the left - a pulsing picture of body,

On the right - the schedule of resonant frequency of modulation of system is


Below - the image logarithmic polychromatic scales of Flejndlera.

Buttons pause/resume give opportunity to stop investigation.

Button *exit/next* allows to return to the scheme of investigation or

continue it.

Investigation beginning

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Let's address to a picture at the left. At inspection on it badges of different

colours and according to different degree of the importance are highlighted.

These badges give the chance to us to see level of functional activity of the

given body, its ability to adaptation at present, its power reserves. There are 6

kinds of the badges corresponding to a various mark estimation of results of the


1. Level of latent functional activity.

2. Level of optimum regulation.

3. Displacement of characteristics on higher level, a pressure condition

regulation systems.

4. Asthenic condition of regulation processes

5. The compensated infringements of mechanisms of adaptation.

The level of the organ functional activity


As a whole it is considered that indicators 2 and 3 is a normal state of a

fabric, 4 — boundary (that is an exhaustion of reserves), 5 and 6

decompensation. The indicator 1 often is regarded by many experts as «sleeping

cages» as on power level correspond to power of cages of newborns.

Mark indicators most changeable as power reserves of fabrics vary depending

on a fabric food at present,innervation, conditions of vessels, emotional or

physical stress.

For example, the person in a condition of strong stress can have an indicator

at level 5 and 6 practically in all pictures in the absence of any serious pathology.

And on the contrary, the person having many of chronic problems can have high

6. Decompensationthe adaptation mechanisms, the expressed destructive


Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

enough power indicator (2,3 points). Such picture often happens at use BUD

which well lift power at the expense of a good food of a cage. Thus, as we will

see further, indicators coefficient spectral similarity (ÊÑÑ) all the same will

highlight presence of chronic diseases.

To be sure in results of diagnostic and to give to the patient right

recommendations and right interpretation of diagnosis we must use several

results and tests together:

• Level of functional activity

• diagram

•coefficient of spectral similarity (CSS)

• Vegetotest

• Coefficient of entropy analysis

If and at repeated research there are centres with roughly broken power

further at the picture analysis it is necessary to carry out obligatory research

this separately taken centre (in this case in heart).

Estimation of a condition


Now we will address to the schedule on the right. It is presented by two

lines – red and dark blue. From the point of view of device work the red line

designates an entering signal, dark blue – proceeding. However, it is much more

interesting to us physiological aspects of this schedule.

In norm any fabric is constantly updated, both destruction process and

updatings (anabolism) are in certain balance. The dark blue line reflects

processes of anabolism of a fabric in the schedule, and red – katabolism. In

norm these processes go in parallel, thus the dark blue line can prevail a little

over the red. At a pathology can occur dissociation these processes, and on the

schedule we will see a divergence of dark blue and red lines.


Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

In sharp cases we see sharp increase in amplitude of the schedule (the schedule at the left). At process synchronisation amplitude the drawing decreases. Prevalence of a red line over dark blue and absence at them points of intersection can mean probability of oncology (the schedule on the right).

Let's return to the schedule: - On the bottom horizontal axis standard frequencies from 1,8 to 8,2 Hz

are postponed;

- The right vertical axis – a relative scale of noise level with system in decibels;

- The left vertical axis – the logarithmic scale, allowing to standardise

level of infringement of noise; - The top horizontal scale is a scale of porosity of an impulse of a measured signal in percentage. In practical work for us scales are most important bottom horizontal and right vertical.


So, the right vertical axis reflects noise in decibels. Noise level measurement

in system is the extremely important. Our organism, all cages and which

molecules are in a constant oscillative motion as makes noise which is fixed by

the device. Level of this noise can be a sign of "correctness" of functioning of

body or an organism as a whole as noise in some measure is an equivalent of

level of oxidation-reduction processes in a fabric. The size 266,6 (the maximum

decibels; figure of a vertical axis) represents that critical noise level in system

after which excess the system ceases to be functional, that is noise completely

hammers in control paths system.

Etalon Exit

Etalon Exit

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

The bottom horizontal axis reflects frequency characteristics of fabrics. Each cage and a fabric as a whole possesses own, frequency characteristics inherent only in them which are displayed in the form of the schedule. On the bottom horizontal axis own frequencies of fabrics which lie in following standard spectra of frequencies are postponed. 1,8 Hz - bone system. 2,6 Hz - a rough connecting fabric, joints, valves of heart, an artery and a vein. 2,6-3,4 Hz - a friable connecting fabric, cross-section-striped muscles, a heart muscle.

4,2 Hz - single-layered flat epitheliuma digestive path and urinogenital system. 4,9 Hz - multilayered flat andprismatic epithelium. A liver with channels. 4,9-5,8 Hz – epithelium fabrics of a kidney and reproductive bodies. 5,8 Hz - a lymphatic ring drinks, the top department of respiratory ways, a spleen, spleen, ovaries, prostate. 6,6 Hz - lymphatic system, peripheral and vegetative nervous system, epithelium bronchial tubes, adrenal glands, a thyroid gland. 7,4 Hz - the central departments of touch analyzers, except visual, subcrustal structures of a brain, parenchyma lungs. 8,2 Hz - a bark of cerebral hemispheres, an eye retina, an optic nerve.



When the device has stopped to test all planned bodies, automatically there

is a return to a window the Scheme of research and the Research window is

highlighted are finished. We press ÎÊ and we pass in the Current analysis .

Current analysis

The window where we see results of research of the given concrete body

opens. Let's lay aside buttons Meta-CORRECTION and Reprinter who be required

to us later for preparation preparation, and we will begin the analysis.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Firstly we will be engaged in a picture at the left. From above at the left

there is a button the Text, by pressing on which in a picture there are green

daggers. If to bring the cursor to a dagger, the name of anatomic structure will

be highlighted and if to click the left key of a mouse, there is a window the

Description .

Near to the button the Text is available the Pictogram button, which

appointment to us it is already known.

If at the analysis we see the centres where the power in points is obviously

lowered then the analysis of this centre makes sense to carry out. For this



purpose we press the button Localization, we bring the cursor to centre edge,

we click the left key of a mouse and we lead round area interesting us on

perimetre. Repeated pressing the left key of a mouse finishes centre allocation.

We press the button to Estimate the centre and beginsafter investigation the

centre. To remove from a picture the allocated centres we press the button the

Centers which is highlighted on the top horizontal of a picture.

So, we already know about level of functional activity of body at present on

six-point system, and we can pass to the schedule on the right. We increase the

schedule, having pressed the button the Spectrum (by the way, in all windows of

the program where the button the Spectrum will be highlighted, we will appear

in this picture). We already spoke About value of horizontal and vertical axes of

the schedule above.

If to press the button the Test or simply to put the cursor on the schedule

and to click, we will appear in a following window (the Window of standards)

where work with the schedule will be continued.

Introspect program

Window of etalons


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

So, we are in the new window – the window of etalons.

Each body and each cage possess own, inherent only to them, specific

fluctuations which, thanks to the computer, can be displayed in the form of the

certain schedule reflecting conditions of an information exchange of this body

(the schedule at the left-frequency fluctuations of a healthy brain). On the other

hand, any pathological process also has the individual schedule inherent only in

it (the schedule on the right - an ischemic stroke).

The significant amount of standards of pathological processes is entered into

the program.

Taking into account degree of their expressiveness, and also taking into

account age of investigated, its floor etc. At testing frequency characteristics of

Diagram of healthy brain Diagram of patient with ischemic stroke


investigated body automatically are compared on size of spectral similarity to

reference processes thanks to what we can reveal the closest pathological

process or the tendency to its occurrence (illness npreclinical stage).

In the top left corner the basic groups of standards to which wave

characteristics we will compare the data of the patient are listed. To reveal at

investigated processes, spectrums similar to any pathology, we put a tag before

group of standards Pathomorphology then in the bottom window corresponding

diagnoses are highlighted.

Accordingly, if we wish to check up an organism on presence of the infectious

agent the heading undertakes the standard microorganisms and Helminths if we

wish to compare a condition of bodies investigated with healthy fabrics

Organopreparation if it is necessary to pick up necessary for correction of the

given condition alloopathy preparation, that, accordingly, we put a tag

beforealloopathy. So with all other standards, except a biochemical homeostasis

about which we will talk later.

Introspect program

Spectral similarity


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

On an example pathomorphology we will disassemble testing of a pathology at the investigated. In Pathomorphology standards frequency characteristics of various pathological processes are put, and the device automatically compares them to frequency characteristics investigated (that is spectral similarity is established). Than more the schedule of the examinee is similar to the standard schedule (that is their distinction comes nearer to 0,00) the given process at the patient is especially probable.


Factor of spectral similarity

Therefore, if the factor of spectral similarity (SSC) on the given disease at

the examinee is in a zone from 0,00 to 0,425 (this zone is usually highlighted by

red colour) we speak about process spectrally similar to the given disease

(further for brevity – the diagnosis), and probability degree here comes nearer

to 95 %.

If SSC on the given disease is in a zone from 0,425 to 0,999 the probability

of presence of the given disease at the examinee approximately makes 65 %.

Accordingly, the pathological processes having spectral similarity above 1,00,

at given investigated are improbable. However, the processes connected with

oncology, should be considered up to a zone 1,500.

Introspect program

Virtual activization


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

In the right bottom corner there is two keys a Virtual activization and to Make active all. We already said that there is zone SSC from 0,425 to 1,000, where probability of a pathology approximately 65%. This zone is extremely interesting to us because in it diseases, with which the investigated are collected: - Already suffers, but they now are in a remission condition (out of an aggravation), - And also those diseases, which else are on preclinical level. In fabrics already there are pathological changes, but they still were short generated, and consequently SSC is high enough. For specification of depth of process we use activization (it is virtual provocation) the given disease and we look how has thus changed SSC.

Usually, at diagnostics we work at once with two kinds of standards in gear Pathomorphology and microorganisms and Helminths (by the way if you have forgotten that is meant the certain diagnosis or an infection can press the button the standard Description, the detailed explanation there is offered). Some experts consider, it is necessary what to work only with one open window, then reliability above. However, by our experience reliability at two windows in gear does not suffer, and helps to see not only a pathology at investigated, but also communication of this pathology with an infection more likely.


If SSC decreases significantly and even passes to the red area so this

diagnosis is reliable (in this case by the example dyskinesia of gall bladder : at

the left – before Adjustment , at the right – after Adjustment ).

At this point it is very important to understand that the organism at the

certain period of time can’t be occupied with all problems at once, therefore

those diseases with which the organism is occupied in that moment appear in

the red area (without activation).

For example, a patient could have been suffering apparent varicose of vein

for many years and cholecystitis. But at the moment of investigation he doesn’t

have ache in the veins, and have aggravation of cholecystitis. So cholecystitis

will be within the reliability area from 0.000 to 0.425, and varicose of vein — out

of reliability area but not more than 1.000. The index of varicose of vein will

considerably decreased after Adjustment.

Diagrams of etalon and object

Other acknowledgement of reliability of the diagnosis is comparison of the

schedule of investigated (object) to the standard schedule. Pay attention that on

this page the schedule of investigated (object) is designated violet and yellow by

colours (at testing dark blue and red), and the standard schedule is designated

by red and dark blue lines.

If both buttons – Object and the Standard schedules accumulate are pressed,

and we can see, they are similar or not.

Before Adjustment After Adjustment

Object Etalon

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Schedules of the standard and object after activization. Usually standards

from a reliability zone have low ÊÑÑ and the maximum similarity with the

schedule of the investigated. However, to check up reliability of disease, we,

having allocated the diagnosis in the list of standards, we press the button

Virtual activization. Thus the schedule of the examinee will start to move in

relation to the standard schedule and if it moves on the same noise level (in

decibels) on which there is a standard the probability of the given disease is very



To estimate, what diseases pathogenic are connected with disease interesting

us at the given patient, we use a key the Standard-object.

We allocate the diagnosis interesting us, having brought to it the cursor and

having clicked the left key, then we press the Standard-object, and to the

diagnosis it is automatically appropriated SSC equal 0,000 then the diagnoses

subsequent to it (first two are especially important), are built on importance

degree in pathogenesis diseases.

Before adjustment After adjustment


Function activization Absolute model allows to estimate degree of the

importance of this or that diagnosis in formation of model of a pathological

condition investigated (to the left of the diagnosis there is a figure reflecting

individual share of each diagnosis in pathological process).

The imperative model differs from absolute that you can add any way one

more diagnosis to learn its role in a pathology of the given patient.

Imperative and absolute models


Pressing button Elimination will begin multivariate analysis which allows to

reveal pathologic processes. It is very important for revealing of latent oncology.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

In a window of standards there is button Entropijnyj the analysis by which

pressing the given window opens. The entropijnyj analysis allows to spend 2

factorial analysis pathologists process. Thus the program builds mathematical

spatial model of pathological process, taking for an initial stage a healthy fabric,

and for final — clinically expressed form of the given pathology.

Entropy analysis

Such model can be presented both in the form of lines (at the left), and in

the form of surfaces (on the right). Besides, having pressed the button Object

we can compare it to the schedule of the investigated.


On this page at the beginning of training we first of all are guided by degree

of a maturity of process (from 1 to 7) which will be designated in the bottom

part of the small schedule. Thus entropy a maturity indicator

1-2 testifies about initial stages of a pathology or to absence of the

tendency in development of the given process;

3-4 about presence of the given pathology on preclinical level;

5-7 about a process maturity.

Thus, than above figure, especially mature process, the diagnosis is

especially authentic.

The same figure then will be highlighted near to the diagnosis in the list of

standards when we will return on the previous page.

Process maturity degree


The key Vera-test cleans spatial model and allows to see the schedule having

the maximum spectral similarity with the schedule of the investigated.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Let's return to the previous window.

So, we have revealed at investigated probable pathological processes. We

need to bring them in epicrisis. For this purpose it is necessary to press at first

the button In the press, and then – Epikriz. The window where in the course of

research we bring all register all etalon*s processes with low CSS and also the

preparations necessary for correction of given processes will open.

Print of the epicrisis

Biochemical indicators (NLS-analysis)

Again we come back in a window of standards.

Here there is a button NLS - the analysis which is used only at work with a

biochemical homeostasis. We press the button to Clear, we put a tag before a

biochemical homeostasis, and in the list of standards biochemical indicators

which we can test at investigated by means of this program open.


The arrow marks the indicator necessary to us (for simplification of search I

advise to use the button to Sort which builds standards in alphabetic order),

press button NLS – the analysis and get to a corresponding window.

In the top left corner (on a light background) norms of the given indicator

are specified, and in the top left corner of the schedule the red figure reflects

size of an indicator investigate.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Besides, we can estimate indicators on figures in the bottom of the small

schedule. Within norm indicators from 2 to 6 are considered. 1 is below norm,

7 – above norm.

The principle of action of the list of standards is already clear:

If we have opened allergens, in a red zone the substances most dangerous

to the given patient causing an allergy;

If have opened, allopathy in a red zone the most suitable to correction of

the given pathology preparations;

If have opened foodstuff, in a red zone – the most useful to health given

investigated products, in a zone from 0,425 to 1,000 neutral, and above 1,000 –


Other etalons

Internal vegetotest

On the right from above the third button Vegetotest. In this window it is spent so-called internal vegetotest at which on own electromagnetic fluctuations of investigated body electromagnetic fluctuations of standards are imposed and virtual deterioration or improvement from use of the

Window of etalons Current analysis


given preparation-standard is predicted. The preparation interesting us is for this purpose marked in the list of standards and we press button Vegetotest. Joins additional examination with the given preparation. Spent vegetotest we can see result, if we leave the given window in a window the Current analysis and we will press the button the Comparative analysis.

The comparative analysis

Here we see a card file of the spent researches, and more low two pictures. That picture in a card file before which there is a tag, will be the core, and other pictures will be compared to it. We press Autosearch, and the computer automatically selects and compares pictures, drawing the conclusion about strengthening or easing compensatory reactions, increase or reduction of the area of defeat at use of the given preparation.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Let’s return to the window Current analysis again. There also is the button

Vegetotest. However here we work with external vegetotest.

As it is impossible to include into the program the etalons of all existing

medications so with the help of resonance camera we can check the action of

those medications that are absent in etalons. Press button Vegetotest and a

window appears where we write the name of the medication, put medication

into resonance camera and press OK. Testing begins. Further actions are similar

to those during internal vegetotest.

By the way, the Comparative analysis can be used also when it is necessary

to estimate dynamics of a condition of body in time at repeatedly surveyed


External vegetotest


In the top left window all researches which we have spent are listed. If we

bring the cursor to the necessary research, but we will not put a tag the result

will simply be highlighted on the right top picture. So we can simply see results

and if necessary again to analyse them.

If we have put a tag the given picture passes in the press. Having seen all

researches and having marked pictures necessary for the press with tags, we

press the button the Press. After listing of pictures press the button to Print


Print researches

So, we have held testing, have picked up preparations. It is necessary to

print results of inspection.

For this purpose we come back in the Card file and we press the button the

Print research.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

•Except testing of pathological processes and selection of corresponding

medical products, we can prepare (by means of Reprinter) or to spend necessary

Correcting techniques

Recording on disk

In the same window the Card file is the button Save to disk. She allows to

transfer the information on the spent researches on the external carrier. It is

important, if you work on different computers as allows to restore results of the

researches spent on one computer, and to enter them into memory of another.

Conclusion writing

In a window the Card file below the button New settles down a pure window.

It serves for a conclusion writing if was insufficiently epicrisis


1 variant: For a basis of a preparation we take frequencies of as much as possible similar standard (for example, a diabetes), we will transform insulin-dependent diabetes them in opposite on polarity and identical under the form (that is we make inversion) and we prepare a preparation.

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For preparation preparation the Preparation (keys serve in a window the

research Scheme), to Reprinter and to Invert (in a window of the Current

analysis and in a window of standards).

We can prepare two kinds of preparations:

preparations META-Therapy.

Scheme of investigation Current analysis

Window of etalons

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Further we enter into a window of Reprinter and once again we recheck,

whether inversion (otherwise the preparation will have opposite an effect as

does not normalise pathological wave characteristics, and, on the contrary, will

strengthen them) is made. After inversion in the right top corner of the schedule

there are letters Inv.

2 variant: We make a preparation in which wave characteristics of the most suitable medical product undertake a basis from the catalogue of standards. Here too it is necessary to invert at first the standard as medical products are written initially down in the program already in the inverted kind


Water use for correction of sharp processes, spirit – sharp and chronic, sugar – chronic is more often. Paraffin uses for external application at skin diseases and at defeat of peripheral nervous system. On one matrix it is possible to write down some preparations (for example, at sharp conditions from 2 to 4). However, the above the voltage of written down preparations, the smaller quantity can be written down them.

Further we should choose a matrix on which we will write down the transformed

and strengthened information. As a matrix can serve:

- Water,

- Ethyl spirit,

- Sugar,

- Paraffin.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

At manufacturing of a preparation on the basis of own frequencies of the

pathological centre, information carrying over on one matrix from the several

centres is possible.

For this purpose we leave in a window the Current analysis, we spend

allocation of the necessary centres by means of the button Localization, we press

the button to Estimate the centre and, upon termination of testing, we leave in a

The button Start preparation begins preparation manufacturing, Stop

preparation – stops.

By the same principle, as bioresonant copies of medical products, we can

create and nozode preparations of microorganisms and allergens.


Now we will address to a mode META -Therapy .

For this purpose we leave in a window the Current analysis and we press the

button META -Therapy.

Practically, here we deal with bioresonant influence on investigated the

electromagnetic fluctuations inverted in relation to the pathological centre.

By means of the cursor and the left key of a mouse it is brought a green

META -Therapy

window of Reprinter.

By means of the cursor and the left key of the mouse the first centre is

chosen, we invert and is pressed the button to Begin manufacturing. Then it is

similarly worked with a following centre etc.

Introspect program


Ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå

Results of a session are estimated by means of a mode the Comparative


If process carries functional or an acuity for one session strengthening

compensatory reactions to 20 % and more can be marked. In such cases usually

it is required from 1 to 3 sessions.

If process chronic or is available organic defeat improvement on 10-20 % is

marked, thus improvement goes slowly, and it is required.

label to the defeat centre, we press a key Start-up and it is visible an appearing

concentric wave. Thus there is a correction and restoration normal for the given

body of frequency fluctuations, and colours originally exposed badges,

accordingly entropy, vary.

Òål: +373 7967 6484

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"INTROSPECT EU-Office" - Chisinau