Intuitive Angel Card - Amazon S3 · Calling upon your angels before each and every Intuitive Angel...

Post on 24-Mar-2019

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Angel CardReader Course Guidebook





Our Private Facebook Group

Questions for Your Angel Card Readings

Angel Card Reading Spreads

30 Day Challenge

Certif ication










Every aspect of this Intuitive Angel Card Readings Course has been guided by the angels.

By going through the course in it’s entirely, listening to each of the videos in order, and then looping back to re-listen and dive in deeper to certain sessions, psychic tools, and experiences, the angels will help you to lift into a higher vibrational state of love and light.

The intention, and energy present in this course will help you to clearly connect with an-gelic guidance, heighten your intuition, and more fully align with your highest authentic truth and light.

Connecting with angels is fun, healing, powerful, enlightening and rewarding on so many levels.

Be willing to set aside your preconceived notions of what connecting with the angels should be like, or might be like so you can tune into the light, power and possibilities that are present in your authentic connection with the angels that is!

I’m honored that you’ve decided to join me in completing this course. If at any time you need assistance accessing the course components, or with anything at all, email us at

With love, light and gratitude,


Calling upon your angels before each and every Intuitive Angel Card Reading is an essential part of your set-up process that you will learn more about in the video course.

As a refresher, here is a sample invocation you can use, or come up with your own prayer or invitation which feels good to you to call in angels before your readings.

Take a moment to simply focus your awareness within. Quiet your mind and take a deep and relaxing breath. Then think or say:

“ I a sk to be sur rounded with Divine l ight and with 100,000 angel s o f hea l ing, l ove, l ight and prote c t ion.

I a sk that my team of guides , angel s and as cended master s come in and connect with me now.

Angels help me to tune into the clear Divine guidance, angel messages, healing love, and f requency that will most serve during this angel card reading.

Thank you for sur rounding me with Divine love and helping me to stay centered, present and aware so that I may clearly see, hear, sense and know

the insight, wisdom and guidance available for me now.

And so i t i s . Thank you”

Our Private Facebook Group

As an Intuitive Angel Card Readings student you are now able to join our private and secret facebook group!

This group is completely hidden from the public so only members of the group are able to see your post here, know that you’re in the group, or even know that the group exists.

Please visit the following link and submit the email address you use to login to facebook so we can add you as a member of the secret group.

Once you have been added, you will receive a notification inside of facebook that you’ve been added to the Intuitive Angel Card Readers Group.

Or depending on your facebook notification settings, the group may just “show up” under groups on your left facebook sidebar.

This group is about taking what you’ve learned and consciously co-creating positive change in your life with it. It’s a great place to connect with other likeminded individ-uals and to together, learn, grow, share, teach and empower each other to reach higher.

Facebook Group Engagement Guidelines

1. Introduce yourself ! When you gain access to the group, put up a post telling us a little bit about who you are, where you’re from, and your experience with Intuitive Angel Card Readings. Add the hashtag #newaroundhere so we can welcome you to the group!

2. Don’t insult, berate or otherwise attack someone. Negativity only weighs everyone down… Let’s keep our connections here positive and uplifting!

3. Be honest, be true to who you are and be authentic. Intuitive Angel Card Readings can help you step more fully into the truth of who you are, but for this to happen you have to be honest with the group, and even more importantly, be honest with yourself.

5. Be willing to help out other members in the group. Know how to solve a problem someone has? Chime in and share what you’ve learned. Do it, teach it or share it.

6. Connect with other members to trade private readings. This includes both giving, and receiving angel card readings!

6. Post your progress. Text or video -- which ever you’re comfortable with. We can all learn so much from each other.

7. Post your angel card readings here! Please don’t just post what the card descriptions in your guidebook say about cards though… Use this as an opportunity to be intu-itive, and share what you feel the card means for yourself, or for the group if you’ve pulled a card with that intention.

7. Please don’t pitch or promote things here, including if and when you start to charge for readings. This group is for connecting with likeminded individuals and sharing the successes and challenges you encounter on your path as an Intuitive Angel Card Reader.

8. Finally, this is your group! What do you want out of it? Keep in mind that the more you share, give and connect, the more you’ll get out of being in the group.

Questions for YourAngel Card Readings

What is it that you want to learn about yourself through your Intuitive Angel Card Readings?

You can ask about anything you would like in a reading, but don’t let this be overwhelm-ing. You can always keep it simple by asking “What do I most need to know at this time”.

If you do decide to ask specific questions, the answers and guidance you receive will be that much more specific!

Tips for enjoyable and accurate intuitive angel card readings include…

1. Make yourself the focus of your question, not someone else. You can of course ask for guidance regarding your relationship with another person… But readings do work best when you let yourself, issues and opportunities be at the center of the reading.

2. Ask about what you need to learn or recognize in a specific situation.

3. Ask what your next step is in accomplishing your Highest Purpose, Abundance, Joy, etc.

4. Ask what you need to learn to better handle a specific situation.

5. Meditating on what you would like to ask prior to your reading is very helpful, your Higher Self can help guide you to ask a question that will take you in a positive di-rection.

There are no bad questions! Your angels are ready work with you to be sure that you hear the exact message you need at that exact moment.

Through your intuitive angel card reading practice you may sense and notice this guid-ance through your emotions such as excitement, intuition, inner knowing, inspiration,

joy, love or a number of other heightened sense of vibration.

Remember, your job is to show up, and be willing to receive the unconditional love, guid-ance, healing and vibrations that are a part of every intuitive angel card reading.

Here are some questions to help you focus your readings for yourself or clients.

These are also great questions to consider when creating your own card spreads.

• What guidance do the angels have for you today?

• What do you need to know to improve a present situation?

• What do you most need to know about now?

• If you follow your current situation what is the likely outcome/ result?

• What steps can you take to improve your health?

• What do I need to know to get through this difficult time in my life?

• How can I release negativity and become more positive and happy?

• How can I increase my financial abundance?

• What do you most need to know about your relationship with…

• What is the present nature of your relationship with…

• What are the dynamics of your present relationship with…

• How does your relationship with… Look in general?

• What do you need to do to bring healing to your relationship?

• Why has your relationship fallen into a rut or pattern?

• What steps do you need to take to create your ideal relationship?

• What does the ideal relationship look like for you?

• What is standing in the way of manifesting the relationship you desire?

• What are the energetic influences of the present time…

• What does the energy look like surrounding…

• What do you ultimately aspire to in this situation?

• What is blocking you? / How can you overcome this blockage?

• What are the strengths? / What are the weaknesses?

• What are the opportunities? / What are the challenges?

• What is outside of your control?

• What hidden factors do you need to consider?

• What will be the outcome if…

• Where are you headed in the next three / six / twelve months?

• What is the best thing you can do right now to achieve a certain goal.

• How can you bring about the best possible outcome?

• How can you overcome your obstacles?

• How can you resolve these issues?

• Where do you need to focus your attention?

• Where do your greatest opportunities lie? And how can you leverage these opportu-nities?

• What steps can you take to become a better parent?

• What do you ultimately aspire to in your career?

• What is currently blocking you from achieving this?

• What can you to do reach your aspirations?

• What would be the best career path for you?

• What do you need to know about your present work situation?

• How can you overcome the feeling of being ‘stuck’ at work?

• What can you do to create a more fulfilling job, given the present circumstances?

• Where is your career heading in the next six months?

• How can you find the right job for you?

• What job opportunities exist?

• How can you leverage these opportunities?

• Overall, where is your current path or situation heading?

• What is the lesson in my current situation?

• What would bring greater joy to my relationship?

• What quality would prepare me for the love of my life?

• What can I notice in order to move forward?

• What do I need to know to attract my soulmate?

• What can I do to resolve what upsets me?

• What factors are involved in this situation?

• What would support me in being more loving?

• What do I need to be aware of when we next talk?

• What could help me handle this situation better?

• What should I consider before making up my mind about a situation?

Angel Card Reading Spreads


1 2 31. PAST



A three-card reading spread is a wonderful way to look into a specific situation or to find an in-depth answer and understanding of a challenging question.

There are a couple of variations on three-card readings depending on your question.

The first is the past/ present/ future reading in which the first card you draw is placed on the left and indicates the past energy influencing the situation. Next to this card you would draw a second card representing the energy of the present moment, and finally the third card reveals the potential future outcome regarding the situation you asked about, if you follow the guidance presently available for you.

When doing a past/ present/ future reading, know that the actual time frame may vary significantly. Remember that in the realms of spirit all time is happening now, and so while this is an effective way to tune into the patterns of energy, the future card for ex-ample could be referring to a year from now, or it could be referring to tomorrow. Honor your intuition regarding the interpretation of the cards as well as the time frame.

A variation on the three-card reading which operates completely independently of time is the situation/ challenge/ guidance reading. In this angel card reading spread, the first card you draw (which is placed on the left) represents the energy surrounding the ques-tion or situation you are asking about. The second card speaks to your present challenge regarding your question, and the final third card (which is placed on the right) reveals the guidance from the angels regarding your question or situation.

Another three card reading spread variation is best used for relationships…

For this spread the first card relates to you and your energy, what you want out of the relationship and offers insight into your true feelings. The second card relates to the other person and how they are feeling, what they want out of the relationship, and offers insight into their energy. The third card is all about the relationship between the two of you. It looks at where the relationship is or where it is heading, it may also reveal what is missing or what could improve relationship harmony.

You can also use a three card reading to pull cards to look at the present state of your mind, body, and spirit…

A five card reading builds upon the three card situation/ challenge/ guidance reading to offer additional insight.


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Card 1: Situation. This card represents the situation and general theme or energy sur-rounding your question or situation.

Card 2: Challenge. This card speaks to a present or upcoming challenge you may be fac-ing.

Card 3: Guidance. This card gives insight into the guidance surrounding your situation, as well as revealing external help you may receive.

Card 4: Focus. This card reveals what you could focus on to reach your desired outcome. It may also represent a positive intention which will help you in moving forward.

Card 5: Outcome. This card reveals the potential outcome related to your question when you act upon the angelic guidance you receive.

Card 1: Soul Essence/ Characteristics. This card reveals your soul’s strengths, positive qualities and attributes that you can use to accomplish your soul purpose.

Card 2: Soul Purpose. This card is actually looking at the big picture of your soul purpose. What are you here on Earth to be, do, and accomplish.












Card 3: Soul Development. This card looks at how you have, or how you still need to grow and develop personally to more fully step into living in alignment with your truth and accomplishing your soul purpose.

Card 4: Guidance from your angels. What guidance do the angels have for you right now regarding uncovering, and stepping into accomplishing your highest soul purpose.

Card 5: Fulfilling Your Soul Purpose. This card looks at how you already are fulfilling your soul purpose, as well as what you can do to more fully step into living in alignment with purpose, and truth in your life.

Card 1: This card looks at the present challenge and situation to discover the deeper or hidden meaning behind the challenge.

Card 2: This card reveals what can you do about the present challenge or situation.











Card 3: This card reveals what is outside of your control. It looks at what you can’t change, and what would serve you to simply accept about whatever is happening in your life.

Card 4: This card looks at the deeper lesson behind the situation. What is this challenge teaching you, what have you already learned, or what do you still need to learn from the situation.

Card 5: This is the outcome card. This card looks at how will it all turn out in the end. What does the future look like, what is the end result, and how do you feel about it all in the end.

Card 1: This card looks at how you feel about the relationship in question. It’s you’re feelings, emotions, and beliefs around the relationship and how you are playing a role in your connection with the other person.


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Card 2: This card looks at how the other person feels about the relationship . It’s their feelings, emotions, and beliefs around the relationship and the role they play in the re-lationship.

Card 3: This is the current state of the relationship card. It’s how you and they come together, and how your relationship is presently manifesting.

Card 4: This card looks at the strengths of the relationship. What you’re teaching each other, what’s working, and what is positive regarding the connection.

Card 5: This card looks at the challenges, and weaknesses of the relationship. What are your struggles, sticking points and obstacles as a couple, or as two people.

Card 6: This is the true love, happy family, or harmonious relationship card. What needs to change, be resolved or healed for the relationship to reach a happy outcome. What does the future of the relationship look like, and how to both parties feel about it?




















Card 1: Current Situation. The meaning of this card is about the heart of the matter at hand, not only the situation, but also the person’s state of mind, and perception regarding what is happening in their life.

Card 2: Challenge affecting the situation.

Card 3: The basis of the situation including subconscious influences.

Card 4: How the past relates to the situation.

Card 5: The energy and influences in the present including goals and ideas.

Card 6: What the near future will bring.

Card 7: Your power in the situation and how you influence the situation.

Card 8: This card is all about the environment, external influences, and how others are influencing the situation.

Card 9: This card shows what you need to know. It may illustrate your hopes and fears regarding the outcome of the situation.

Card 10: The final outcome.

You can also choose to only draw the first six cards for a slight variation on this compre-hensive reading.

30 Day Challenge Guidelines

The Intuitive Angel Card Readings 30 Day Challenge!

What is it?

Once you’ve completed the video course in its entirety…

Join me in a 30 day Intuitive Angel Card Readings Challenge to accelerate your progress and development as an Intuitive Angel Card Reader.

Complete 30 Intuitive Angel Card Readings in 30 days!

Can you do it?

Take the 30 Day Challenge and be rewarded with a deeper connection with your angels, a higher vibration, expanded intuition and a greater alignment with your authentic truth…

Oh and we have prizes too!

Why Do It?

Integrating Intuitive Angel Card Readings into a daily practice will allow you to expe-rience the benefits of your newly heightened intuition and connection with the angels.

Practicing angel card readings every day for 30 days consecutively will help you to take your skill as an Intuitive Angel Card Reader to the next level.

What Happens When You Complete the Challenge?

When you complete the 30 day challenge successfully…

Email us at letting us know you’ve completed the 30 Day Intu-itive Angel Card Readings Challenge and we’ll send you your prize!

You’ll then also be eligible for the optional Intuitive Angel Card Readings Certification which you can learn more about in the next section.

Challenge Guidelines

• Ready to start? Begin your 30 Day Challenge at any time… Though we recommend starting immediately upon completing the Intuitive Angel Card Readings Video Course.

• To complete the challenge you must complete an angel card reading every day for 30 days consecutively… Not 30 angel card readings in one day… 1 angel card read-ing each day for 30 days.

• If you miss a day… Start the 30 day challenge over!

• If you go out of town and forget your cards… Download an angel card reading app, and do your daily reading with that!

• Consider trying readings for yourself, friends, and other members of the Intuitive Angel Card Readers facebook group.

• Complete 5 of the 30 Intuitive Angel Card Readings for free for other people and you will be eligible for certification as an Intuitive Angel Card Reader.

• Have fun, be consistent, and let joy and love be your guide!

Intuitive Angel CardReadings Certification

Want to receive an Intuitive Angel Card Readings Certification?

This is a beautiful certificate that you can print out, frame, or display to remind you of your direct connection with the angels, and your skill and ability as an Intuitive Angel Card Reader.

Guidelines for Certification

1. Complete the Intuitive Angel Card Readings Video Course in it’s entirety. This means watching every video completely… Even if you think you already know or get what is going to be covered in that lesson.

2. Complete the 30 Day Intuitive Angel Card Readings Challenge by practicing intu-itively reading angel cards every day for 30 consecutive days.

3. As a part of your 30 Day Challenge, complete at least 5 free Intuitive Angel Card Readings for other people.

4. When you’ve successfully completed your 30 Day Challenge email us at letting us know that you’ve completed the requirements for both the 30 day challenge and the Intuitive Angel Card Readings Certification.

5. Include in your email the correct spelling of the name you would like printed on your certificate.

6. We will then email you a digital version of your Certification along with your prize for completing the 30 day challenge successfully.