Invaluable Becoming a Leading Authority

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Invaluable: Becoming a Leading Authority with Dave Crenshaw

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00:04 Are you invaluable?

00:06 In terms of your value as a human being, clearly the answer is yes, but what

00:10 about your value to your marketplace?

00:14 Do you offer something that your market can't live without or at least doesn't

00:18 want to live without?

00:20 The people who have the greatest value in the market, the ones who earn the most

00:24 and who have by the world standards very successful careers, have used six

00:30 factors to get there.

00:32 They may not even be aware that they have been using them, but the combination

00:36 of these six factors determines one's value in the marketplace.

00:40 The first factor is savvy.

00:43 A savvy person possesses know-how, an intuition to understand what's going on in

00:49 the market and with the business.

00:51 The second factor is ability, which simply measures how well you do what

00:56 you're supposed to do.

00:57 The third factor is irreplaceability, putting yourself in a position that makes

01:04 it very difficult to find someone else to do your job.

01:07 The fourth factor of focus goes hand in hand with irreplaceability. Focus refers

01:14 to your ability to eliminate distractions to your time.

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01:18 The fifth factor is connection or your ability to build relationships with

01:22 people around you, particularly in a professional or business sense.

01:27 And finally, the sixth factor, authority refers to how strongly the current

01:32 market considers you to be the top expert in your field.

01:38 We're going to take a look at each of these in more detail throughout this

01:41 series. This course explores the invaluable factor of authority. By building

01:47 your reputation as a thought leader, both inside and outside of your company,

01:52 you will become more sought after as someone who is invaluable.

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Understanding the importance of authority

00:00 Do your peers both inside and outside of your company consider you to be a

00:05 leading expert in your field?

00:08 The invaluable factor of authority is tied to your answer to this question.

00:13 Authority is the last factor because it builds upon the other courses.

00:18 In fact, in order to get the greatest benefit from this course I recommend that

00:23 you complete the previous four courses first.

00:26 Authority is particularly important because many people overlook it.

00:31 They believe that it doesn't apply to them unless they own their own business;

00:35 they are an author or have certain credentials.

00:38 They may also feel that some of the things I suggest they do to become an

00:42 authority are too challenging.

00:45 This creates an opportunity for you. If you are willing to put in the effort,

00:50 you put yourself into an elite group.

00:53 An employee who is recognized both inside and outside of their company as a

00:58 leading authority dramatically improves their value.

01:02 This factor evaluates how strongly the current market considers you to be a top

01:07 expert in your field.

01:09 The most valuable people have found the way to leverage authority to their benefit.

01:15 Think about this for a moment. Our world is saturated with information.

01:20 Many people have so many choices that informed decision making is nearlyimpossible.

01:26 An authority helps this situation by being a decision leader.

01:31 People can make decisions with confidence by listening to the recommendations of

01:36 a legitimate authority.

01:38 Most of the decision leaders and authorities in your life aren't celebrities,

01:42 they are mentors, teachers, community leaders, friends, or perhaps even your

01:46 boss. Every person has the potential to be an authority in a unique area.

01:52 The question isn't whether you have expertise to offer, but rather what is your

01:58 best expertise and who would be most interested to learn what you know.

02:03 As you develop authority, your opportunities to serve others will increase.

02:08 In this course, I'll help you identify your area of expertise and then help you

02:13 work on strategies you can use to develop authority, both within your company

02:18 and in the community.

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02:20 As you do this, you'll make significant progress toward becoming invaluable.

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Using the exercise files

00:00 Throughout this course, I'll be asking you to fill out worksheets to better

00:03 understand how well you're progressing on the path to becoming invaluable.

00:08 These worksheets have been provided in the exercise files tab on the course

00:13 details page for all subscribers, or if you're watching this tutorial

00:18 on a DVD-ROM, the exercise files have been included there.

00:22 I suggest that you download these worksheets and print them out prior to

00:27 watching the course.

00:28 At various points throughout the course, I'll be asking you to pause the videos

00:32 and fill out a worksheet.

00:34 In order for you to get the most out of this training, I recommend you have

00:38 these worksheets on hand.

00:40 Now let's get started.

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1. Preparing to Build Authority

Determining your area of authority

00:00 Now that you understand the importance of the invaluable factor of authority,

00:05 your next question is likely what should I become an authority in?

00:09 This is an important question to answer because it's going to build the

00:13 foundation for all the work we do in this course.

00:16 To help you identify and choose one or two possible areas of authority, I've

00:22 provided a downloadable worksheet that builds upon our previous courses on

00:26 becoming invaluable.

00:28 To get the greatest benefit from this worksheet, you may want to review the

00:32 section on talents in my course on unlocking your abilities, and the section on

00:38 most valuable activities in making yourself irreplaceable.

00:43 In the authority identification worksheet, you'll see a simple chart.

00:47 The first section asks you to list three talents.

00:52 I define talents as activities where you are gifted, that you love to do, and

00:56 where you've developed skills.

00:58 When all three of those come together, you have a talent.

01:02 List your top three talents in this section of the worksheet.

01:07 Next you'll list your most valuable activities, or MVAs. These are your

01:13 activities that are worth the most per hour; that you would have to pay someone else

01:18 the most money to perform them as well as you can.

01:21 Choose your top two MVAs and list them here.

01:25 Next you'll see two columns, advice and like.

01:30 Check the advice column, if that's an area that people commonly come to you for

01:35 advice or mentorship.

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01:35 advice or mentorship.

01:37 Check the like column, if this is an area where you would like to be

01:42 recognized as an authority.

01:44 It's important that you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others in the

01:47 activities you choose, since you'll be doing more of that in the future.

01:52 Now look for talents and activities where you've put check marks in both the

01:58 advice and like columns. Also look for areas where your talents and your most

02:03 valuable activities are the same.

02:05 Wherever you have a match, between your MVA, your talent, advice, and like, is

02:11 likely the area in which you want to build authority.

02:15 Below this table, you'll complete two statements.

02:18 The first says, Inside of the company I work for I would like to be known as an

02:24 authority on... Go ahead and finish this sentence.

02:28 The second statement for you to complete is In the public, I would most like to

02:32 be known as an authority on...

02:35 Sometimes your answers to these questions will be different.

02:39 This is common when you're new to your career and haven't yet established

02:44 authority in a particular field in the public or in your company.

02:48 If the two answers are the same that will make your path to becoming an

02:52 authority even easier.

02:54 In the upcoming videos, I'll discuss how you can create a plan to build your

03:00 authority in that area, both inside and outside your company.

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Scheduling time to build authority

00:00 In other courses, I've suggested that you schedule time to focus on developing

00:05 yourself. In becoming a leading authority however,

00:08 you're going to create a time budget for sharing your knowledge with others.

00:13 Certainly, as you teach others, you'll develop yourself.

00:16 I have found that I always learn the most when I help others learn, and it's the samewith you.

00:21 Your career will progress and all the other invaluable factors will improve as a

00:27 result of your efforts to become a leading authority.

00:30 The process is fairly straightforward. Open your calendar and find some time

00:35 every week that you can budget to work on becoming an authority. Be realistic;

00:41 one hour per week is enough to start.

00:43 Look in your calendar for a regular day and time when it's most likely to be

00:49 quiet and you won't be interrupted. Then set up a recurring weekly appointment,

00:54 and when that time arrives in your schedule keep that appointment.

00:59 In the coming videos, I'll show you plenty of things you can do to make that

01:03 time meaningful. As you become more of an authority, you'll want to devote more

01:08 time in your schedule. When you get to that point just assess how much time

01:13 you're spending and then establish a revised time slot.

01:17 Setting the schedule is the foundation. By using the schedule and making just a

01:22 little progress each week, over time you'll see the accumulation of your effort

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01:22 little progress each week, over time you'll see the accumulation of your effort

01:28 and grow steadily to become an authority.

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Selecting a mentor

00:00 Perhaps the fastest way to become an authority is through the guidance of

00:04 someone who has already become one.

00:06 This concept has a long history. Centuries ago if I wanted to become a master

00:12 blacksmith, I would begin as an apprentice to another blacksmith. Working for

00:17 years alongside a master, I would gradually move up the ranks to become a

00:21 journeyman, and ultimately a master blacksmith myself.

00:25 Today we use the term mentorship. We find a mentor, someone we trust and who

00:31 has already achieved success. And by following their device and communicating

00:36 with them regularly, we progress toward ultimately becoming a master like them.

00:42 You can find a mentor in any of three settings.

00:45 The first is inside of your company.

00:48 Let's say that I want to become an authority on programming computer games.

00:53 If I'm working inside a company that programs those games, then I can identify

00:58 one person who is highly successful in that and is already an authority within

01:03 the company. I might approach them and try to develop a professional

01:07 relationship, getting their permission to ask questions regularly, so that I

01:12 can learn from them.

01:13 I might also look for opportunities to work on projects with them.

01:18 The next place to look for a mentor is outside of the company, but within your

01:23 network of friends and acquaintances.

01:26 It's usually a bit easier to get these people to be your mentor because you

01:30 already have a relationship with them, or you may have a friend who can introduce

01:35 you to someone who is a master.

01:38 You'll have to work with this person to create a structure that works with

01:42 their busy schedule and yours, so that you can meet occasionally and learn fromeach other.

01:47 The third setting for finding a mentor is what I call long-distance mentorship,

01:52 in this situation you find a master to mentor you from afar.

01:58 Using my earlier example, I might identify the world's leading authority in

02:03 video game creation and look for them online.

02:06 The good news is the nature of an authority is that they share their

02:10 information with other people.

02:13 So it may be fairly simple to gather curriculum for learning from this expert.

02:18 I might connect with them on online social networks. If they have a blog, I

02:23 would subscribe to it. If they have a podcast, I would listen to it, and

02:27 certainly if they're writing books, or delivering seminars, I would want to

02:31 participate in those.

02:33 Any opportunity you can get access to and learn from their expertise.

02:39 As you're following a mentor from afar try to discover how they rose to an

02:44 authority position, what path they followed, and try to build a history to

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02:44 authority position, what path they followed, and try to build a history to

02:49 understand that path.

02:50 While you might not be able to walk that same path, their steps may provide

02:56 helpful hints to finding your own way.

02:59 The truth is there are no shortcuts to becoming a master in your field. Becoming

03:04 an authority will take you some time, but finding another master to learn from

03:09 and consistently scheduling time to learn from them will make the process easier

03:14 to rise from apprenticeship to a master yourself.

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2. Building Authority within a Company

Becoming a systems expert

00:00 When it comes to building your authority inside of the company, the simplest and

00:05 fastest way to begin is by becoming a systems expert.

00:09 A systems expert is a bit like a mountain guide. If you want to climb a mountain

00:14 you've never climbed before, hiring a mountain guide is essential. Why?

00:19 Well, because they've been up and down the path many times and have helpedother

00:24 people walk that path as well.

00:27 A systems expert is someone in a company who best understands certain processes

00:33 and procedures within the business.

00:36 They may have documented those systems. Just like the mountain guide in our

00:40 example, they are someone who knows the path and can teach it to others.

00:45 Consider an example for a moment. Let's say a company uses a unique software

00:50 program to work with and track all of their projects; perhaps it's a specialized

00:56 program for their industry and their unique needs.

00:59 Whenever a new employee joins the company they need to be trained on how to usethat software.

01:06 The systems expert is recognized as the authority in using that software, and

01:11 because of that they are very valuable to the company.

01:14 As a systems expert, they may have already documented some of the most critical

01:20 processes that someone else needs to learn.

01:23 Documenting those processes does not make them replaceable;

01:27 in fact the opposite is true, because they are the expert who can best teach it

01:33 with authority to other people.

01:35 This is the very heart of why systems experts are so valuable.

01:40 Documentation alone is not enough.

01:43 In order for people to be truly successful in a position, they must learn from someoneelse.

01:49 A systems expert within the company is the authority, the master, the mountain

01:55 guide who can teach it to others.

01:58 Many CEOs and business owners have told me through the years that one of the

02:03 things that makes an employee invaluable is that they know a system so well

02:08 that they can teach it to others.

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02:10 This is the result that we'll be working toward in the coming videos.

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Getting company buy-in

00:00 Before we discuss how you can become a systems expert, it's important to

00:04 consider the need for getting company buy-in.

00:07 This process varies depending on the type of company or organization that you're in.

00:13 First let's consider the small or high-growth business.

00:17 These businesses depend on people being flexible and doing whatever it takes to

00:21 get results; because of that training is usually done verbally without systems

00:27 documentation and likely has been this way for quite a while.

00:31 Business owners and CEOs in these businesses usually recognize the need to

00:37 document systems, but have been so busy and caught up in the day to day that

00:42 they've been unable to work on this.

00:45 In a small business if you can approach the business owner or senior

00:49 manager and offer to document systems on behalf of the company, this will

00:54 usually be viewed favorably.

00:56 Just to make sure that you get permission and buy-in from someone before youbegin.

01:02 Now let's talk about the larger more established companies; the ones that have

01:06 been running for many years, have many levels of management hierarchy, and

01:10 probably have all of the systems documented to a degree.

01:14 In these businesses, you'll need to dig a little deeper to become a systems

01:18 expert. You may not be the one who is documenting a system, but instead be

01:23 mastering critical systems and even offering suggestions to refine them further.

01:29 For example, if I'm a sales executive within an established business like this,

01:35 I first want to learn everything I possibly can about the company's recommended

01:40 sales processes, and then use them in the field.

01:44 I test every aspect of those sales processes and make recommendations for

01:49 improvement to my manager.

01:51 I may also write documentation to support the systems, such as helpful tips to

01:57 keep in mind or top 10 customer objections.

02:01 The more invested I get in the existing company systems and the more

02:05 refinements I suggest to them, the more I will become recognized as an

02:10 authority in that particular area.

02:12 Of course, company cultural norms apply. Be careful in how you suggest theseideas.

02:19 Follow the guidelines that have been established within your company.

02:23 It may take some time to build your authority and be recognized within a largerbusiness.

02:29 But if you consistently make an effort over time in mastering these systems,

02:34 your opportunity to be recognized as a systems expert will come.

02:39 Whether you're in a small and growing company or a larger established one, there

02:44 are plenty of opportunities for you to become a systems expert.

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Documenting the "what" in systems

00:00 Let's begin the process of helping you become a systems expert by showing you

00:05 how to document a system.

00:08 I've provided you with the template called the single page system template.

00:13 The idea is to get as much information as you can about a system onto a singlepage.

00:19 If we try to document a system in too much detail, it loses its value because

00:25 people are less likely to read and use it.

00:27 We want an outline, a sketch of what someone should do when using the

00:32 system that leaves room for you as a systems expert to teach them all of the finedetails.

00:38 We'll cover this process in two videos.

00:41 We've provided an example systems template called the Washing clothes systemsexample.

00:47 This everyday example will help us illustrate how easy it is to document a companysystem.

00:54 First, I'll explain how to complete the left side of the template, what I

00:59 call the foundation.

01:00 The foundation begins with the upper left -hand corner of the template, the what.

01:06 The What section is designed to create a picture in someone else's mind of the

01:11 end result of the system.

01:13 This is a brief phrase, one or two sentences, that begins with "This system will."

01:19 In the example, the what is to ensure that our clothes are clean, fresh

01:24 smelling, without shrinkage or color bleeding and are ready to put in the

01:29 dryer. That's all we need.

01:31 Now the Why section; this is the logic or motivation behind following a system.

01:37 We want to convince in a few words someone else as to why following the

01:43 system benefits them.

01:45 In our example, the why says having fresh, clean clothes will help you look more

01:51 attractive and socially acceptable.

01:54 Next, the Who section. Here we simply list the positions responsible for

02:00 following this system.

02:02 You might list positions such as sales manager or assembly line worker,

02:07 depending on the system.

02:08 In the example we've provided, I'll just say me.

02:11 The statement the "Results are reported to" refers to the manager for that person,

02:17 such as the sales manager or production manager.

02:21 Again, for my example, I'll just write my wife. She'll let me know if I didn't do a goodjob.

02:27 Next, the when. This refers to any standards that we want to measure in terms of

02:33 time, timing, or length.

02:35 It can also include scheduled times when the system should be followed.

02:40 In our example, we put clothes should be washed every Monday,

02:45 the average light cycle is 30 minutes, and the average heavy cycle is 45

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02:45 the average light cycle is 30 minutes, and the average heavy cycle is 45

02:50 minutes, and do not allow wet clothes to sit in the washer for more than 1 hour.

02:57 Next, the How much section. Here we list anything numerical or quantifiable,

03:02 such as performance standards, results, numbers, or statistics.

03:06 In our example, we should use 1/2 cup of detergent and the washer should be atmost 3/4 full.

03:14 Finally, the With what section. Here you list any resources the system requires.

03:21 In our example, we've listed dirty clothes, the clothes washer, detergent, laundry

03:27 booster, and bleach.

03:29 Now it's your turn.

03:30 Choose one company system that you want to work on and begin filling out the

03:36 left side or foundation section of the single page system template.

03:42 You can refer to the documented example we've provided if you need help.

03:47 After you've done that, you'll be ready to move on to the right side of the

03:51 template, which is the how-to.

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Documenting the "how" in systems

00:00 Once we've established the foundation of a system on the left side, we're ready

00:05 to move onto the main part of the system, which is the how-to section.

00:09 This is where we list all of the system steps.

00:13 We don't need to provide every little detail regarding the how. We just want to

00:18 create an outline, a sketch of the general steps that someone should follow to

00:23 complete this system.

00:25 Keep in mind that this system is designed to be a training tool for use in

00:30 teaching the system to another person.

00:32 The fine details can be covered in the teaching process.

00:36 Let's begin continuing with the washing clothes system example we provided.

00:42 Step one of the how section is unique as it's not what you do but instead the

00:47 event that triggers the need for a system.

00:50 In this system, step one is "Monday morning, laundry day, arrives."

00:56 Step two is where we begin the step-by-step how-to of the system.

01:00 If you need help in coming up with this list, ask yourself this question:

01:05 What is the next step?

01:07 Write down that step, and then again, what's the next step?

01:11 In our example, you'll see "Sort clothes into white, light, and dark piles."

01:17 Then ask what is the next step?

01:20 Step three is "Place a load of laundry, all of one kind, in the washer."

01:25 What's the next step?

01:27 Step four is "Measure out the appropriate amount of detergent and add to thewasher."

01:32 What's the next step?

01:34 Well, the next is optional, but we can add a laundry booster for tough stains or

01:40 bleach in the bleach dispenser.

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01:42 What's the next step?

01:43 Step six tells us to set the washer to the appropriate temperature settings.

01:48 Notice again the use of bullet points to quickly call out different ideas, and

01:54 then the rest of the system unfolds step by step. From here just keep asking

02:00 that question what's the next step and so on until you arrive at the end result of thesystem.

02:07 You may wonder what if I have many steps that are going to make this document

02:12 spill on to more than one page?

02:15 My first recommendation is to ask if the system can or should be broken down

02:21 into smaller systems.

02:22 For instance, in this example, trying to cram both washing and drying into a

02:29 single page system is unreasonable.

02:32 So I've broken the two apart and at the end of the washing system, you'll see

02:37 the reference to begin the dry clothes system.

02:42 Create a simple outline that fits onto one page without making the text size any

02:48 smaller than is comfortable for reading.

02:51 As you experiment with documenting systems, you'll start to get more familiar

02:56 with how much material you can comfortably fit onto one page.

03:01 And now it's your turn, complete the How section for the system you chose to workon.

03:08 After you've documented your first system, you're ready to move on to the next

03:13 video where we'll discuss what to do with it.

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Formalizing systems

00:00 After you've completed the documentation of your first system, now what?

00:05 Next you will submit the document to someone for review and approval.

00:10 This is usually your manager, or if you happen to be at the top of the

00:14 organization chart, you might want to submit it to a proofreader.

00:18 We want a second set of eyes to look at the system and make sure that what

00:23 you've written is actually what takes place.

00:26 Perhaps, more importantly, we want to ensure that it's written in the voice of thecompany.

00:31 When I say the voice, I mean that it is conveying things in the manner in which

00:37 the company wants to represent itself.

00:39 For instance, has a particular voice that they use.

00:44 A particular tone of conversation that they use and a particular feeling they

00:49 want people to have, which is friendly, helpful, encouraging and simple.

00:53 So they make sure that their training matches that voice, and I hope I'm doing

00:59 a good job with that.

01:00 So have someone else review your system, and make sure that it's accurate andconsistent.

01:07 Then after they make their edits to the document, you will want to incorporate

01:12 those changes paying close attention to the edits that they made.

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01:16 Instead of just making the edits, try to learn from them.

01:19 Find out what they added or what they removed and ask yourself: Why did theymake

01:24 this change? What can I do to write more in this voice in the future?

01:29 After you make the changes, you will resubmit it back to the reviewer for final

01:34 inclusion into a company operations manual, or what many of my clients use,

01:39 which is a company wiki.

01:41 The idea is once you've created the system and once it's been approved, we now

01:47 want to make it available for everyone else to use and learn from.

01:51 Once it's finalized, you can begin using it to teach other people.

01:55 In a one-to-one or group training, you'll have the opportunity to fill in the smalldetails.

02:01 For an extended explanation on how to best teach and train other people, see

02:06 my videos on preparing and presenting development in the Effective Meetings

02:11 course here on

02:13 By reviewing, editing, and then formalizing systems you create, you will begin

02:18 to improve your skills as a systems expert within the company.

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3. Building Authority in the Public

Finding your path to authority

00:00 In the last chapter, we covered the process of how you can build your authority

00:04 within the company that you're currently in.

00:07 If you complete that process, you'll already have a significant advantage over

00:12 many people in the market.

00:14 However, you can take your career to the next level by building authority in

00:19 the general public.

00:21 Allow me to give a little perspective by sharing my background.

00:24 I began business coaching many years ago prior to even completing my degree inbusiness.

00:30 Although, I did eventually complete my degree, I first became certified by a

00:35 training company as a small business consultant.

00:38 After using their material for several years to coach small businesses, I

00:43 later went independent.

00:45 I began creating my own library of training materials, including worksheets andarticles.

00:50 I also had a mentor who was a successful business coach, and he coached me for

00:55 many years about how to build my practice.

00:58 About 10 years into this process I decided that I wanted to enhance my value in

01:04 the market, so I wrote my first book The Myth of Multitasking.

01:08 That book led me to the opportunity to be featured in Time magazine, The

01:13 BBC News, the Washington Post and many other national and international pressoutlets.

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01:19 This also led to my second book Invaluable and an increased online following and

01:25 my ability to command a better retainer fee as a business coach.

01:30 I give you this brief background because the journey that I took is to a large

01:35 degree a pattern that almost anyone can follow.

01:39 It's not that you're going to walk the exact path that I walked, but it shows

01:44 you a path that many people have followed in their unique ways successfully.

01:50 In this chapter, I want to give you ideas you can use to slowly increase your

01:56 authority in the public over time.

01:59 This will help you earn even greater respect and wages in the marketplace.

02:04 We'll begin this process in the next video where I show you how to begin to

02:09 climb the authority ladder.

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Climbing the authority ladder

00:00 Let's look at some ways you can build authority in the general public.

00:04 To help you do that I've provided you with the authority ladder worksheet.

00:09 Think of building your authority like climbing a ladder, one step at a time.

00:14 This worksheet shows you rungs in that ladder.

00:17 Bear in mind that this process may take years and that you may not follow this

00:23 exact path, but it gives you a general idea of how to improve your authority,

00:29 starting with the easiest and moving one rung at a time.

00:33 So let's start at the bottom of the authority ladder.

00:36 First is writing helpful reviews of products and services.

00:41 I recommend that you focus these reviews in the area in which you've chosen to

00:45 become an authority.

00:47 Next you can actively comment on others blogs.

00:51 You want to participate regularly so that you become recognized on those

00:55 blogs as an expert.

00:57 Next you can also create your own blog or a podcast.

01:02 In a matter of minutes, anyone can create a new blog and begin writing about

01:07 something that they're passionate about.

01:09 The trick is in creating a schedule to write on a regular basis.

01:14 Next on the authority ladder is higher education or certification.

01:19 The titles these provide communicate to people that you have a high level

01:23 of expertise and therefore your words are credible.

01:27 Next you can build your own specialized social network.

01:31 This involves going onto a popular social network, and creating a page or a

01:37 group that follows a specific topic.

01:39 For instance if I am talented in grooming dogs, then I'd create the Dog Groomers

01:43 Society Online and invite other dog groomers to participate.

01:48 By doing this, I'd become the person leading the discussion.

01:52 Moving up the ladder you can create and consistently send a newsletter.

01:57 This is something that starts gradually and grows with your subscriber list.

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01:57 This is something that starts gradually and grows with your subscriber list.

02:02 Next you can build an offline networking group, a real-world group of people

02:08 that get together to discuss their interests.

02:10 Included in this would be creating your own association.

02:15 You can also become a guest expert on other blogs and networks.

02:19 Having a third party tell others that you're an expert will very quickly

02:24 build your authority.

02:26 Self-publishing a book or a video course is another option.

02:30 While it's certainly more credible to have a book or course that's published and

02:34 distributed by a major publisher, it's fairly simple for anyone to self-publish.

02:40 Next you can even become a talk and news radio guest.

02:44 This is actually much simpler than it seems as many of these shows are

02:48 continually looking for experts to interview and to share knowledge with theiraudience.

02:54 Next you could also have someone else publish and distribute your book or videocourse.

03:01 And then possibly become a columnist for a publication such as a newspaper or amagazine.

03:07 And continuing up to the top of the ladder is national or international press coverage.

03:15 The authority ladder that I've provided is designed to be a starting point for you.

03:20 You may have your own innovations to build authority. There is a space for you

03:24 at the bottom to list those ideas.

03:27 Find where you are right now on the ladder and consider what next steps you

03:33 could take to build your authority.

03:36 As you take that step, you'll continue your journey up the ladder.

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Building a library

00:00 In the previous video, I discussed the authority ladder and how you can climb yourway up.

00:06 Let's talk about the elements of that ladder that deal with building your own library.

00:11 When I say your library, I don't mean books that you plan to read but instead

00:16 the materials that you will have built for other people to use.

00:21 By building your library of materials that you can send or perhaps even sell to

00:26 other people, you'll establish tangible evidence of your expertise.

00:31 There are three general ways in which you can build your own library.

00:35 They are articles, books, and videos.

00:39 Articles are short essays that you've created about a particular topic.

00:44 For simplicity, I'd include a short audio recordings and blog entries in this as well.

00:50 The best way to begin building your own library and helping other people make

00:54 decisions is by regularly writing an article.

00:58 You'll want to create a schedule and set aside some time at least twice a month

01:03 to create a new article.

01:05 Now some of you may think, "Dave, I'm not very good at sitting down and writing,

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01:05 Now some of you may think, "Dave, I'm not very good at sitting down and writing,

01:09 or it's very painful to me; it's not one of my talents."

01:12 The good news is there are easy ways to create articles for those of you who aremore verbal.

01:18 For instance, I can use a good quality audio recorder and dictate my thoughts on

01:24 an item and have someone else transcribe them or use dictation software instead.

01:30 Whichever way you choose, be sure to edit the transcription after it's complete.

01:35 By writing a string of short articles, you actually make it easier to create

01:40 your next item in the library, which is a book.

01:43 The more you get comfortable with writing and creating short articles, the

01:48 easier it will be for you to create a book.

01:51 The book can be an assembly of all the things that you've created up to this

01:55 point, or it can be something that delves more deeply into a popular topic.

02:01 Let's say I'm talented in creating cartoon characters.

02:05 I may start by writing articles; sharing some of the cartoon characters that I'mmaking.

02:11 Then I might compile all of those writings into a comprehensive book about how

02:16 to create cartoon characters.

02:18 As long as you have a good amount of material that can be packaged as a book,

02:23 you're ready to be an author.

02:25 There's no hard rule about how long a book needs to be or even what format it

02:31 should be delivered in. You're only limited by your creativity. And that leads us

02:36 to the third item that you can include in your library, which is video.

02:41 Video is becoming more widely accepted as a medium for teaching people, and it's

02:47 becoming more affordable for anyone to get started.

02:51 There are many resources here on that can teach you how to create

02:56 videos of professional quality, even with limited resources.

03:00 You don't necessarily need to be in front of a camera like I am now to create videos.

03:06 Using the example of our cartoon expert, you could have videos that shoot over

03:11 your shoulder as you draw pictures, or perhaps even capture the screen if you're

03:16 using digital illustration.

03:18 If you can bring your expertise to life in a video, people will hear your

03:24 voice and see your work in action, and they will become more familiar with yourexpertise.

03:31 In summary, every public authority in some way has built their own library;

03:36 you can begin building yours today.

03:39 All it takes is your first article.


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Building an online network

00:00 Now let's talk about how you can build an online network.

00:04 In becoming an authority, it's certainly nice to be invited by other people to

00:08 speak as a guest expert.

00:10 Imagine though if you were the one inviting experts to speak to the group you lead.

00:16 That's exactly what I'm talking about when I suggest that you create your

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00:16 That's exactly what I'm talking about when I suggest that you create your

00:20 own online network.

00:22 Before I go through some of the concepts behind this, here is a caution.

00:26 If you're working for a company you want to be very careful not to violate

00:30 any company policy.

00:32 When I talk about building a social network, I am referring to building your

00:37 perceived authority by becoming the leader of other leaders.

00:42 Let's say that I'm an expert in organic gardening, or least I want to become anexpert.

00:48 I can go onto a social networking site such as Facebook and create a group for

00:54 organic gardening enthusiasts.

00:56 I might even get more specific, such as creating a group for organic gardening in

01:01 Phoenix, which would focus it geographically, or organic gardening on the patio,

01:08 which would focus on a target market.

01:11 The more focused you can get your message the easier it will be to build yourauthority.

01:16 I can then invite other people who are already perceived experts in this

01:21 topic to join the group.

01:23 I can invite them to share their articles and their blog posts on the site.

01:29 By doing this, I become the curator of information and a gatekeeper of sorts,

01:35 because I'm the one inviting people, and I'm the one commenting on their posts,

01:40 I immediately build my authority because I'm associating with other experts.

01:47 This is a very quick and simple way to position yourself as a decision leader.

01:52 This technique of creating a topical group online is usually much more effective

01:58 than creating a group about you.

02:01 Unless you've already had a lot of publicity and attention, most people don't

02:06 know you well enough to seek or follow a group about you.

02:10 Yet that's not to say that you don't have valuable things to offer; it just

02:15 means you haven't built enough authority yet to have a following.

02:19 Create a group about a topic that already has a following and get people

02:25 to follow that group.

02:27 Then you put yourself as the leader of that group and begin sharing items from

02:32 your library with the group over time.

02:35 The beautiful thing about this is that thanks to improvements in social media,

02:40 it's simple for anyone to do.

02:43 So take a moment right now to decide what kind of group you want to create, then

02:49 set aside time in your calendar to begin the process.

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Building an offline network

00:00 In my course on building professional connections, I talked about how valuable

00:04 networking groups and associations can be in helping you become invaluable.

00:09 These groups can be especially helpful in building your authority, particularly

00:14 if you're the person who creates and leads those groups.

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00:18 The same principles in building an online network apply offline, in the real world.

00:23 Once you've decided on your area of expertise and you've created the online

00:27 network that you want to build, then you can create an offline group.

00:32 I recommend building the group locally as that's the easiest to get people to attend.

00:38 Begin small. Don't feel like you need to have 50, 100, or even 10 people to begin.

00:44 If you start with just three or four interested people, you have the nucleus to form agroup.

00:51 Think of it like an association, regardless of what you want to call it. Any

00:55 association you've seen, such as the Association of Accountants or Homebuilders,

01:01 all began with just a few people getting together to discuss common interests.

01:06 For instance, suppose I create an association of ski instructors in my area. I

01:12 would invite all the ski instructors in the state to join the association to

01:16 get together to discuss how to become better ski instructors or how to grow ourbusinesses.

01:21 I might even take those relationships that I'm building offline and connect them

01:26 to my online association.

01:28 If it's not possible to meet together physically, you can meet through telephone

01:32 conferencing or even web conference.

01:35 As you get people talking with each other to build connections, it also serves

01:40 you in building your authority because you can be the president.

01:44 Even if someone else becomes the president later, you'll always be the founder,

01:48 which is one more feather in your authority cap.

01:52 It's very possible that the type of group that you want to form already exists.

01:57 In this case, you have a couple of options. First, you can try to create a more

02:02 targeted version of that group.

02:04 For instance, I might try to create a group that focuses in a suburb of larger

02:09 city or that specializes in a more narrow topic.

02:12 So using my example I might focus on high-altitude ski instructors in Aspen.

02:19 The other option is to join the existing association and commit to becoming a

02:25 part of its leadership.

02:27 You'll do this by regularly being involved in volunteering time to help them

02:31 grow, with the intention that over time you'll earn a leadership position

02:36 within the association.

02:37 There is no right or wrong way to do this. The goal is to build your credibility

02:43 and your authority by either creating or actively participating in groups that

02:48 are related to your area of expertise.

02:51 It's another important step on the authority ladder.

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Gaining personal publicity

00:00 Recognition and coverage in the press can be very helpful when building your

00:05 reputation as an authority and a decision leader, not only will it give you

00:09 exposure to people who are interested in your expertise but it becomes a resumebuilder.

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00:15 In this video, I'll discuss just two ways you can begin getting publicity.

00:20 Let's talk about becoming a guest expert on other blogs and networks.

00:25 This involves finding people who are already discussing issues related to your

00:29 expertise or who are speaking to your market.

00:33 For instance, if I'm an expert in parenting techniques that nurture

00:37 children, becoming a guest expert on blogs for parents is a great outlet for me.

00:43 You start by approaching these bloggers and asking them if they ever interview

00:48 experts or have guest posts on their blog.

00:51 This also works with company or association newsletters.

00:55 You can be a guest author for an article on your area of expertise.

00:59 I've found from experience that these sources are much more likely to bring you

01:03 on as an expert if you've already been actively participating with them for some time.

01:09 If they can see that you're already a supporter and participating, they are

01:13 going to be much more likely to want to help you than someone who has not

01:18 been involved at all.

01:19 If you have something from your authority library that you can send them,

01:24 they'll also be more likely to invite you as a guest because they'll see that

01:28 you already have a body of work.

01:31 Moving up the ladder, being a talk or news radio guest is an option

01:36 especially locally.

01:38 I can tell you from having grown up around the radio industry, the talk and news

01:43 stations have a lot of time that they need to fill in their schedule and they

01:47 are actively looking for good guests.

01:50 The key is having a message that is relevant and interesting to their audience.

01:55 These shows are not interested in promoting you, although they're often very

02:00 willing to do so if you provide a meaningful interview.

02:04 What they do want is to entertain, educate, and inspire their audience.

02:09 A great place to begin is to research online who a particular show's producer is

02:15 and then approach that producer on what you have to offer.

02:19 You'll do this with what's called a hook.

02:22 A hook is something that's controversial or exciting to a potential radio listener.

02:27 If I'm an expert in parenting techniques that nurture, my hook might be the top

02:32 five mistakes parents make or how to handle temper tantrums.

02:38 These are just two ways that almost anyone can begin to get some publicity.

02:44 By being creative, you'll find many other outlets for presenting your message to

02:48 groups of people, who will be interested in learning from you.

02:52 Just keep this rule in mind, publications, blogs, radio shows, or any kind of

02:58 publicity source exists to serve their audience.

03:02 If you can show them how you can make their job easier and serve their audience,

03:07 they'll be interested in you.

03:09 Then they can become a partner in helping you build your authority and

03:14 becoming invaluable.

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Final thoughts

00:00 Thank you for investing your time in this course on making yourself invaluable

00:05 by becoming a leading authority.

00:07 Remember your goal is not to become a celebrity, but instead to build your value

00:12 by becoming a recognized leader in your area of expertise.

00:17 Also keep in mind that authority is perhaps the greatest multiplier of your marketvalue.

00:24 Although the process may take years if you can commit to it, it will pay big

00:29 dividends to your career in the long run.

00:31 This is a marathon, not a sprint.

00:34 The easiest place to start is within the company that you are working for right now.

00:39 As you build your authority there, you can began reaching out to the

00:44 general public and increasing your market value by becoming perceived as adecision leader.

00:50 No matter where you are in the process there's likely to be one step higher

00:55 that you can take up the authority ladder.

00:58 Take that step and you can see significant progress toward becoming invaluable.

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Invaluable: BuildingProfessional Connections(51m 44s)Dave Crenshaw

Invaluable: Making YourselfIrreplaceable (47m 33s)Dave Crenshaw

Invaluable: Unlocking YourAbilities (57m 27s)Dave Crenshaw

Invaluable: Developing YourBusiness Savvy (53m 59s)Dave Crenshaw

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