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Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia

Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia

Carnivora Carnivora Carnivora Carnivora

Canidae Canidae Felidae Felidae

Canis Canis Felix Panthera

lupus familiaris domestica tigris

Kind People Can Ordinarily Find Good Seats.

Wolf Dog Cat Tiger

Taxonomy: Ancient System of Classification

(Aristotle (384-322)

2. Plants:

herb, shrub, or tree

The science of grouping and naming organisms on the basis of their similarities

1. Animals: air dwelling, land dwelling or water dwelling

Modern System of

Classification (Carolus Linnaeus) Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

variety, breed or race

Animalia Animalia Chordata Chordata Mammalia Mammalia Primates Primates Hominidae Pongidae Homo Pan sapien troglodyte

C. Binomial Nomenclature: system of naming organisms using “2” names

1. The scientific name of an organism consists of its GENUS name (capitalized) followed by its species name

(both underlined or italicized)

2. Examples: Human Homo sapien or Homo sapien ??? Canis familaris ??? Canis lupus ??? Felix domestica

D. Five Kingdom ClassificationMonera (Bacteria)

Protista (Protozoa, Algae)

Fungi (Mushrooms, mold, mildew…)

Plants (Flowering, Non-Flowering)

Animals (Invertebrates,Vertebrates)


Major Phyla:

Porifera Coelenterata Mollusca Echinodermata

Platyhelminthes AnnelidaNematoda Arthropoda


Porifera Once thought of as

being plants because they are sessile, these porous animals filter the water for food particles.

Sponge can be found both in freshwater and in saltwater.

Coelenterata Most of the animals

in this phylum have hollow, sac-like bodies and stinging tentacles.

Members include coral, sea anemones, jellyfish and hydra.

MOLLUSCA These are the soft-bodied

animals. Besides being known for their fleshy bodies, mollusks usually have protective outer shells.

Examples include the bivalves such as clams and the univalves such as snails.

ECHINODERMATA These are known as

the Spiny-Skinned Animals

This phylum includes starfish, brittle star, sand dollar and sea urchin.

All echinoderms are marine animals.

Platyhelminthes Better known as

Flat Worms Some may be free-

living while others are harmful parasites

Examples include tapeworms, flukes and the harmless planaria

Nematoda Better known as round

worms, many nematodes are important as decomposers while others are dangerous parasites in humans and our pets.

Nematodes include heartworms, hookworms, trichina worms, guinea worms...

ANNELIDA These are the

segmented worms. Examples include

earthworms, marine sand worms, and leeches.

Arthropoda The largest group of

animals in the world “Arthropoda” means

jointed-legged The 5 main clases of

arthropods include insects, arachnids, crustaceans, millipedes and centipedes.