IoT Domain Naming and Pain Points

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Austin IoT Hardware Sub-Group

Overview - Naming - Pain points

1 - 03/09/2015

About The Austin IoT Sub-GroupThe IoT Hardware Sub-Group offers a more hands-on approach than it's broader based parent, the Austin IoT group.

Meetups will feature show-and-tell demonstrations, collaborative discussion, and educational presentations.

The focus is on learning how to create IoT devices, for fun or profit. Most of all, we will have fun! with IoT.

About Me, David FowlerEMail: David.Fowler@gmail.comG+: DavidFowlerEngineerLinkedIn: David FowlerTwitter: uCHobbyGitHub: uchobbyWebsite: http://www.uCHobby.comDayJob: Chief Engineer, Advanced Product Development, Raven Ind.

Applying technology in Agriculture. Entrepreneur Innovator. software, hardware, mobile, embedded and Web Engineering

About Tech Shop

A Maker’s Dream!Support for EntrepreneursMembershipToursMeetings

Internet of Things?

● Internet○ A way to communicate

● Things○ Things that can communicate

IoT Domains

● IoT Device ● IoT Server● IoT Client● IoT Security

IoT Device

● Internet connected○ Observation ○ Control○ Both

Device Example: Garage Door Node

● Observation○ Door state (open or closed)

● Control○ Presses door control button

IoT Server

● Device Communications● Data Storage● API interfacing● Applications (Web based)

Server Example: Garage Door Node● Device Communications

○ Talks directly to the device over the net(!)● Data Storage

○ Stores a history of events● API interfacing

○ Provides access to device communications or status and history data.

● Applications (Web based)○ Serves up web applications which use the API.

IoT Clients

● Applications working with devices● Mobile, Desktop, or Web● Third party systems● Other Devices.

Client Example: Garage Door Node● Application

○ Mobile iOS, Android, Web

○ PC, Mac, Linux

● Communicates with the Server○ Reads door status

○ Sends command to move door

○ Alerts User, has pretty GUI


PrivacyCrimeGriefing/HackingManufacture Tracking

IoT Pain Points● Server requirement

○ Communications proxy○ Central clearing point for data

● Device Datalink○ Configuration○ Power○ Cost

● Interoperability○ OEMs proprietary systems

● Opportunity Knocks

Device Pain Points - Datalink● Wired

○ Ethernet○ Power Line○ Custom

● Wireless○ Wifi○ Bluetooth○ Cellular○ Private - Gateway/Bridge

Wired Data-Link● Ethernet

○ Easy to use thanks to DHCP○ Requires some power and cost

● USB○ Cabled to a PC. OK for some applications○ Lame option in modern times

● Other○ Powerline○ Serial

Wifi Data-Link● Configuration - Connecting a device to a home’s wifi

○ Temp Access Point or Soft AP○ Tricky Electric Imp method with photo detector○ Temporary connection for configuration

■ Bluetooth, USB, etc…● Power

○ WiFi needs power, short battery life● Cost

○ WiFi cost more than $2 today.

Cellular Data-link

● Connects like a cell phone● Hardware Cost● Subscription Service

○ $3/month plans○ Spark Electron

Wireless Gateway/Bridge

● Low cost radio link between device and base● Cost is low● Power is low● Requires a base unit

○ AC powered○ Ethernet connected

Experimenting with IOT● Device

○ Use your PC, it’s connected to the internet■ Use an Arduino or similar

● sensors and controls○ Smart Phone○ Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, others with either wifi or

Ethernet● Server

○ Try Nodejs. ○ Use existing

Existing IoT ServersPaaS providers for IoTDweet Xively Spark Nimbits Adafruit Sparkfun zetta mbed Exosite Axeda Google FreeRTOS Pergreen ThingsSpeak

2lemetry Microsoft Azure IoT ServicesIBM Bluemix carriots Gigaom Axiros

octoblue Konekt Amazon AWS Mformation Oracle

And more, and more...

Existing DevicesArduino Raspberry Pi SparkBeagleboneFreescale LaunchpadsMicrochip boards Intel Galileo and Edision

And more, many more...

Dweet Demo● Dweet Service

○ Simple - HTTP GET○ Easy for Client Web Apps

■ JSON○ Easy for devices with TC/IP and HTTP stack

● Demo○ IPhone as device using Freeboard demo app○ Web app in Brackets on my PC for client○ Freeboard demo

Thank you for the helpGil Kloepfer Rob Gibson Rham Sriram

Robert Gatliff Antonio R Rodriquez James Roberts

Stephen Porter Lee Drennan Scott S.

Eddie Batlle Palak Shah Alberto

Bill Carter Bill Morgan Robert Zurga

Questions?● Coders?

○ Java, javascript, C/C++, Python● Sparkies - hardware people...● Servers - existing services?● Protocols?● Devices?● Sponsors?● Next Time?