Iran from north to south

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Persia, From North to South

A Cottage in the North of Iran

Ramsar, North of Iran

Gilaan, North of Iran

Armenian Church, North-West of Iran

Orumiyeh Lake, North-West of Iran

Latian Lake near Tehran

Marble Palace, Tehran, Iran

The Statue of Ferdowsi, Khorasan, NE of Iran

Chehel Sotoon, Esfahan, Iran

Siyose Pol, Esfahan, Iran

Vank Cathedral, Esfahan, Iran

Aali Ghapoo, Esfahan, Iran

Bird’s Park, Esfahan, Iran

White Bridge, Ahvaz, South of Iran

Sayeh Khosh, South of Iran

Traditional Persian Outdoor Teahouse