is back!...- It is always good and right to tell the truth/admit our mistakes - Telling the truth...

Post on 29-Aug-2020

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301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 1

. . . . . . . From School to Home

2020 Term 3 Week 8

Dear Parents

is back!

We commenced our Fun & Movement program this week.

The children were so excited working out different parts of their body.


Balancing ……

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 2

Fun @ games….

We introduced the story of “Pinocchio” to the children

English Language & Literacy

- Info Time

Joy & Peace

a) Story of “Pinocchio”

b) Moral of story: Making good and bad choices / Being truthful

Love 2

a) Introduction to the story – “Pinocchio”

b) Learning points:

- Lying can lead us to trouble

- It is always good and right to tell the truth/admit our mistakes

- Telling the truth takes courage

- Phonics

Love 1

a) Every letter has a name and sound

b) Words that start with letter P

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 3

c) Song: “Pp is for popcorn, P,P,P “

d) Activity: Tear and crush yellow paper to make popcorn. Paste the ‘popcorn’ on the empty popcorn box

Love 2

a) Letter recognition Pp

b) Words starting with the letter P

c) Activity: Cut out a peacock’s tail feather, then fasten the different parts to create a peacock with fanned


d) Activity: Cooking using a pot and a pan


a) Introduction to -in word family (bin, fin, pin, tin, win, spin, chin)

b) Activity: Unscramble the letters to form the correct -in word.

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a) Introduction to long vowel “o” words

b) Worksheet: read the word and fill in the correct letters

- Learning Corners


a) Find the correct punctuation marks

b) Use of has / have

c) Reading comprehension

d) Use of capital letters in sentences

e) Use of This / These, That/ Those

f) Worksheet: Use of this/these

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a) Find the correct CVC word

b) Sequence the months of the year

c) Identify the animal and fill in the correct word

d) Sort the good choices vs bad choices

e) Identify the action verbs

f) Find the opposite words

- Worksheet: Find the rhyming word

Love 2

a) Match small letters to capital letters (E, Y, T, U)

b) Identify the starting letter

c) Match the weather

- Worksheet: Write letters Aa & Bb

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 6

Love 1

- Activities:

a) Find and fit the letters into the correct puzzle pieces

b) Sequence A – Z with the completed puzzle pieces

c) Letter recognition: point to the letter that is called with the long stick

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Chinese Language


- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

- 阅 yuS

读 dV

:《爱 Di

丢 diU

东 dKng

西 xF

的 de

小 xiCo

猴 hLu

子 zi

- 故 gX

事 shi

: 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

奇 qG

遇 yX

记 jI

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 木 mX

偶 Mu

、木 mX

匠 jiang

、 玩 wBn

具 jX

、 长 chBng

鼻 bG

子 zH

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 今 jFn

天 tiAn

是 shI

__ 月 yuS

___日 rI

星 xFng

期 qF


b) 排 pBi

序 xX

(字 zI

/句 jX

): 小 xiCo

白 bBi

兔 tX

很 hRn

骄 jiAo

傲 Do

, 半 bDn

路 lX

上 shDng

睡 shuI

着 zhBo

了 le

c) 排 pBi

序 xX

(字 zI

/句 jX

): 小 xiCo

乌 wU

龟 guF

哈 hA

哈 ha

笑 xiDo

, 小 xiCo

白 bBi

兔 tX

羞 xiU

死 sH

了 le

d) 排 pBi

序 xX

(儿 Qr

歌 gP

):龟 guF

兔 tX

赛 sDi

跑 pCo

e) 书 shU

写 xiR

( 填 tiBn

空 kNng

): 乌 wU

龟 guF

慢 mDn

慢 mDn

爬 pB

,白 bBi

兔 tX

蹦 bSng

蹦 bSng

跳 tiDo

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 8


- 故 gX

事 shi

: 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

奇 qG

遇 yX

记 jI

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 木 mX

偶 Mu

、木 mX

匠 jiang

、 玩 wBn

具 jX

、 长 chBng

鼻 bG

子 zH

- 作 zuN

业 yS

:配 pSi

对 duI

(木 mX

偶 Mu

、木 mX

匠 jiang

、 玩 wBn

具 jX

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 今 jFn

天 tiAn

是 shI

__ 月 yuS

___日 rI

星 xFng

期 qF


b) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 十 shG

一 yF

到 dDo

二 Sr

十 shG

c) 数 shW

数 shX

: 七 qF

和 hQ

九 jiW

d) 配 pSi

对 duI

:乌 wU

龟 guF

慢 mDn

慢 mDn

爬 pB

、兔 tX

子 zi

蹦 bSng

蹦 bSng

跳 tiDo

e) 找 zhCo

字 zI

游 yLu

戏 xI

( 圈 quAn

一 yF

圈 quAn

):乌 wU

龟 guF

、兔 tX

子 zi

、 猪 zhU

、蚂 mC

蚁 yH

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 9

f) 书 shU

写 xiR

:木 mX

Love 2

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 木 mX

偶 Mu

、木 mX

匠 jiang

、 玩 wBn

具 jX

、 长 chBng

鼻 bG

子 zH

;一 yF

到 dDo

十 shG

(复 fX

习 xG

- 作 zuN

业 yS

:拼 pFn

图 tV

( 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 10

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 数 shW

数 shX

:七 qF

和 hQ

九 jiW

b) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 一 yF

到 dDo

七 qF

c) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 乌 wU

龟 guF

和 hQ

兔 tX

子 zH

Love 1

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 五 wW

、 小 xiCo

木 mX

偶 Mu

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 11


- Math is Fun


a) Introduction to multiplication: (n) groups of 2

b) Multiplication of 2

c) Activity: A sum will be written on the board. Use the manipulatives to form (n) groups of 2, then count in 2s

to find out the answer to the sum.


a) Introduction to counting in 10s (up to 100)

b) Activity: Use 10¢ coins and fingers to count in 10s

Love 1

a) Colour recognition (yellow, green, purple) & rational counting

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 12

b) Activity: Pick out 5 beads according to the colour asked for

Love 2

Activities: Which number is bigger?

a) Race to smack the bigger number

b) Count and compare the dominoes in the two boxes and tell teacher which is the bigger number

- Learning Corners


a) Number words – Feed the animals

b) Count in 5s

c) Pictograph – look at the graph and fill in the correct answers

d) Solve the addition problem sums

e) Solve the subtraction problem sums

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 13

- Worksheet: Multiplication of 2


a) Read the number words. Place the correct number of eyes on the monster.

b) Subtraction sums

c) Match the correct answers (Addition, subtraction, number words)

d) Place the correct math symbols in the boxes.

e) Sort the odd and even numbers (numbers, number words, addition, subtraction)

f) Identify and count the number of shapes

- Worksheet: Fill in the missing numbers (1-20)

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 14

Love 2

a) Sequencing – fill in missing number

b) Count and identify the correct number

c) Shapes/Spatial Awareness – triangle, circle, rectangle

Love 1

- Activities

a) Rote count 1-10: Count out loud as you jump from number to number

b) Number recognition 1-10: run to the numbers called

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 15

Discovery Corner

It was all about

Pinocchio’s Nose!

Joy & Peace

Colouring, cutting and folding

Check out our NOSES!

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Love 1

The Love 1 noses were made from toilet rolls … and

they decorated their noses with colourful stars.

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Show, Tell & Share

Love 1

Left to right:

Jonathan showed us his gun. He placed the bullet inside and pressed the trigger. The bullet flew out!

Matthew built a super long car. He counted the wheels on it.

Daniel pointed out the colours on his train. He said “my train is made of Lego”.

Manya brought Pinky Pie and that she is all pink.

Love 2

Left to right:

Zechariah brought a drill, bolts and nuts. He was excited to show how he screwed and unscrewed the nuts.

Sarah brought a huggable bear dressed in a white hoodie. She made it “walk” on the floor.

Lorraine decorated a wooden box with paint & glitter glue. She opened & shut the cover to make a sound.

Claire showed how she placed the Play dough inside the food moulds and made some food for her classmates.

She made a yellow banana with a brown stalk and a brown cookie.

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Fun & Movement

Love 1 & 2

The Love children enjoyed the animal walks that also serve to help their gross motor development.

Some thought of the different animals for the class to follow!

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 19

Cultivating their balancing skills as the walk along the domed-shape foam noodle.

The Love 2 children were then challenged to balance as they walk in a zig-zag fashion!

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Joy & Peace

Starting with some running and sliding activities…

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Game Time!

The children were divided into 2 teams -

‘Cones up’ and ‘Cones down’

Team ‘Cones up’ has to ensure that all cones are faced up while team ‘Cones down’ has to do the opposite.

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The children were reminded to be aware of their surroundings,

avoid bumping into their friends.

As both teams are moving at the same time,

the children would have to be very attentive to their surroundings

as the cones that they had just turned

could be overturned

by their opponents very quickly.

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Aesthetics (Cooking)


All set to go … utensils and ingredients (rice, sliced sausages, cream of chicken, cheese)


foil bowl

for baking


turns to

collect the


301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 24

Give it a good mix and in it goes into the aluminium foil bowl for baking

…. only after topping it with the cheese…..

Interesting observation how each tops the cheese (whole slice, tearing into bits, strips; etc.)

Cooking class

in session

Into the oven

with extra

for more


301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 25

Aesthetics (Music & Movement)

With repetitive lyrics and movements,

the children sang along and moved their limbs

like the puppet boy, Pinocchio!

It was great watching them learn to keep their balance while they coordinated their limbs 😊

Scarves were whipped out for the children to have a jiggly good time!

Its soft, flowy feel helps them to develop spatial awareness as they move about with it.

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301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 27

Song: “Rain Rain Go Away”

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Kindy Family News

Victoria Cheng turns 6 years old on 30 July 2020.

Thank you for the yummy cake and presents for the Peace class.

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Amelia Tan joins the Peace class