IS T REPORTER - · Vol.31No.3/4 July – December 2016...

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Archiving 2016Obsolete Media Award for Best Interactive (Poster) PaperFulfill Your Digital Preservation Goals with a Budget StudioYongli Zhou, Colorado State University Libraries (USA))Abstract: n order to fulfill digital preservation goals, many insti-tutions use high-end scanners for in-house digitization of histor-ical print and oversize materials. However, high-end scanners’prices do not fit in many small institutions’ budget. As digitalsingle-lens reflex (DSLR) camera technologies advance and cam-era prices drop quickly, a budget photography studio can help toachieve institutions’ preservation goals. This paper compares im-ages delivered by a high-end overhead scanner and a consumerlevel DSLR camera, discusses pros and cons of using eachmethod, demonstrates how to set up a cost efficient shooting stu-dio, and presents a budget estimate for a studio.

Quality Assurance in Mass Digitization ProjectsMartina Hoffmann, National Library (the Netherlands)Abstract: QA can vary from simple procedures to highly devel-oped workflows. Within one of the largest digitization programsin the Netherlands (Metamorfoze) the National Library has thetask to ensure the quality of digitized images for preservation. Toaccomplish that task the National Library has taken several stepsand is constantly improving its own process of quality manage-ment to ensure high speed, high volume and high standard con-trols for a huge amount of terabytes of data that will be storedpermanently and made available for papers continue on page 4

To view the full papers of these abstracts for no fee go to

* Papers were presented at Printing for Fabrication, held September 12-16, 2016, inManchester, UK.

To view the full papers of these abstracts for no fee go to

* Papers were presented at Archiving 2016, held April 19-22, in Washington, DC.

INSIDE THIS ISSUEHighlighted Abstracts: Archiving 2016 . . . . . . . . . . 1Highlighted Abstracts: Printing for Fabrication 2016 . 1Archiving 2016 Conference Report . . . . . . . . . . . 2Printing for Fabrication 2016 Conference Report. . . . 5IS&T Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Standards Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Vol. 31, Nos. 3/4 July - December 2016

Printing for Fabrication (NIP32)Newly Developed Patterning Technologies for Three-Dimensional (3D)Printed ElectronicsShizuo Tokito, Yasunori Yoshida, and Konami Izumi, Yamagata University(Japan)Abstract: We report on two newly developed patterning meth-ods for three-dimensional (3D) printed electronics applications,which are known as soft blanket gravure (SBG) and omnidirec-tional inkjet (OIJ) printing technologies. These technologiesmake it possible to print various inks directly onto non-flat or 3Dobject surfaces, and have a capability that could enable new elec-tronic applications and markets.

Measurement of Inkjet Printhead Reliability by Detecting Every SingleDroplet in FlightIngo Reinhold,1,2 Tomáš Černý,3 Maik Müller,1 Werner Zapka1; 1XaarJet AB(Sweden), 2Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Sweden), and 3Xaar plc (UK)Abstract: Inkjet printing is adapted for many digital imagingsystems including graphical, industrial and advanced manufac-turing applications. Reliability was identified to be one of the keychallenges for inkjet printheads due to their susceptibility tovariations in temperature, ink consistency, debris or externalvibration. Hence, lengthy tests with printouts on kilometers ofpapers are necessary to establish a measure of reliability, which istime-consuming and extends the development cycle for a givenapplication.

Application of Antibacterial Coatings on Resin Composite Implant MaterialsUsing Inkjet Printing TechnologyHenrika Wickström,1 Annette Anthoni,1 Mirja Palo,1 Johan O. Nyman,1

Anni Määttänen,1 Mari Nurmi,1 Niko Moritz,2 Terhi Oja,1 Maren Preis,1

and Niklas Sandler1; 1Åbo Akademi University and 2University of Turku(Finland)Abstract: Fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) implants haveshown to be a favorable option as an implant material, com-pared to titanium, in terms of papers continue on page 16

Archiving 2016 was hosted by USNational Archives and Records Ad-ministration. A short course program

on Tuesday, April 19, preceded the mainconference. Through the courses, partici-pants could take advantage of learningmore from experts participating in theconference and go into details about sub-jects including imaging techniques andperformance, quality assurance as well ascollection management and archiving.

The technical conference began onWednesday, April 20 with a fascinatingkeynote by Roger L. Easton (RochesterInstitute of Technology) and Keith T.Knox (Early Manuscripts Electronic

Library) on the spectral imaging of manu-scripts. Their talk nicely set the scene forthe proceeding talks on advanced imagingtechniques. The conference day also in-cluded a series of interesting talks on assetmanagement and preservation formatsand frameworks, each followed by timefor questions and answers.

Thursday, April 21, started by presen-tation of this year’s IS&T service awardgiven to Christoph Voges (Hochschule fürAngewandte Wissenshaft und Kunst) inacknowledgement of his chairing the

Archiving Conference in Berlin 2014.Tom Rieger (US Library of Congress)opened the technical program of the daywith a comprehensive talk on the latestactivities within the Federal AgenciesDigitization Guidelines Initiative (FADGI)Still ImageWorking Group, discussing es-pecially new initiatives in the area of im-aging quality. Further talks on imagingstandards and quality assurance followedand lead onto sessions on imaging strate-gies and workflows, dissemination, anduse.

Emily Gore, Digital Public Library ofAmerica held the keynote on the last con-ference day, Friday, April 22 on imple-menting practices that lead to (re)use ofdigital collections. This enlightening talkwas followed by sessions on metadata

standards and imple-mentation, image colorscience and analysistools, and evaluationand impact.

In addition to theoral presentations theconference featuredInteractive (Poster)Papers. Participantswere invited to dis-cuss presentationsduring special poster

IS&T Reporter2

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HIGHLIGHTS FROM ARCHIVING CONFERENCE 2016 INWASHINGTON, DCBy General Chair Kari Smith (MIT Libraries, Institute Archives and Special Collections), and Program Chair Ulla BøgvadKejser (The Royal Library, Denmark)

ARCHIVING 2016Attendees*: 207Oral Papers: 32Interactive (Poster) Papers 10Short Courses: 12Exhibitors: 8Dates: April 19-22, 2016Location: Washington, DC*includes Short Course only and guests

The use of advanced imaging techniques, including spectral imaging,was a theme of this year’s event. A joint keynote by Keith Knox (above)and Roger Easton (right) kicked off the first day of the conference.Fenella France (Libary of Congress) taught a short course on the topicas well as presented on the Library’s use of the technology (upper right).











Short courses allow attendees to develop andexpand their professional knowledge.

Interactive Papers allow attendees to delve deeperinto workflows and other process details.

sessions. They were also asked to vote forthe best presentation. This year’s winnerof the Obsolete Media Award for BestInteractive Paper was Yongli Zhou(Colorado State University Libraries,USA) for “Fulfill your Digital PreservationGoals with a Budget Studio.”

This year it was also possible for par-ticipants to join topical lunch discussions,where participants could suggest topicsthat they would like to discuss during thelunch break.

During the conference selectedexhibitors had the opportunity to presentand discuss their products.

One of the things the ArchivingConference is also famous for the tours tolocal institutions of special interest. Thisyear it was possible for participants to gobehind the scenes at the Library of

Congress, NARA,or the NationalGallery of Art,

and all tours were fully booked.The conference also provided oppor-

tunities for more informal conversationsbetween participants at the welcome gath-ering at a local bar and during the confer-ence reception featuring a Texas style bar-becue and karaoke.

Many thanks to the authors, review-ers, conference and session chairs, spon-sors and exhibitors, and cooperating soci-eties, who all worked hard to make the

conference a success. Spe-cial thanks to NARA andits staff for their supportof Archiving 2016. Allpictures kindly providedby Mogens Bech, TheRoyal Library, Denmark.

We look forward toseeing you in 2017 at theNational Library in Riga,Latvia, May 15-18, for an-other exciting event. Theprogram will be releasedin late January 2017. �


Vol. 31 No. 3/4 July – December

Archiving provides plenty ofopportunities to learn fromcolleagues, as well as aboutimaging products designedto help digital archivists.Right: Technical ProgramChair Ulla Bøgvad Keyserenjoys the reception withfellow attendees.

Society for Imaging Science and Technology

General Chair Kari Smith (MIT Libraries), below center, opened the conference thatbrought 207 participants to NARA in Washington, DC (left). IS&T President Geoff Woolfe(CISRA) presents a Service Award to 2015 Archiving General Chair Christoph Voges.











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papers continued from page 1

(online) use. In this paper you can find the questions we had toanswer in order to set up the QA workflow, the workflow we didimplement, the current status of our workflow and the lessons welearned along the way.

Making Digitization Count: Assessing the Value and Impact of CulturalHeritage DigitizationEmily Frieda Shaw, The Ohio State University Libraries (USA)Abstract: Over the past five years, the Ohio State UniversityLibraries has made a series of strategic decisions and resource allo-cations aimed at significantly increasing the creation and responsiblestewardship of digitized collections by centralizing themanagementof digital reformatting and overhauling the Libraries’ digital collec-tions infrastructure. As the digital reformatting program begins tomature and the organization prepares to migrate legacy content tonew local and remote repositories, now is an ideal time to developand implement a meaningful, achievable strategy for assessing theoutputs, values and impacts of these strategic realignments. Thispaper argues for the importance of assessing digitization and digitalcollection-building activities, explores some of the challenges asso-ciated assessing this work, and the range of methods and metricsthat have been employed. The goal of this early research is to engagewith past and ongoing work in this field in order to build a founda-tion for meaningful assessment of digitization and digital collectionbuilding at the OSU Libraries and other cultural heritage organiza-tions looking to assess their own efforts in this area.

Securing Defense Visual Information in a Commercial EnvironmentJuan Vargas-Matos and Paul Robinson, Defense Media Activity (DMA)(USA)Abstract: The Defense Visual Information (DIMOC) mission isto archive and distribute media assets to the Department ofDefense (DoD), government, non-Federal agencies, commercialorganizations, and general public. This necessitated an efficientlow-cost solution to store andmaintain records as well as to providea delivery platform accessible to these aforementioned entities.DIMOC has entrusted a commercial system to accomplish this.Leveraging commercial capabilities has been a recent governmentparadigm in order to increase efficiency and reduce cost in an in-creased level of fiscal austerity. However it is equally important toconsider how secure these systems are in handling potentially sen-sitive data. The consensus that the government needs to be morelike business is equally countered by the need for business to be

more like government in the area of cyber security. This paper dis-cusses the challenges that DIMOC encountered in ensuring the se-curity of DoD media in a commercially hosted environment.

Going Digital at the Wellcome Library: The Evolution of Digital Imaging andInnovationDanae Dracht, Wayne State University (USA)Abstract: This report focuses specifically on practices within theWellcome Library and Archives in London, United Kingdom, andwhat the Library is doing to promote andmaintain its hybrid collec-tions, both analog and digital. To remain a thriving and relevant in-formation agency in a time when the value of brick-and-mortar in-stitutions are constantly questioned, the Wellcome Library hasworked to developmethods worth sharing to other institutions whoare striving to preserve cultural and artistic heritage around theworld. In light of its creativity and innovation, theWellcome Librarywarrants further discussion, especially in countries outside the UK.

The Role of Digital Collections in Scholarly CommunicationsHarriett Green, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, andAngela Courtney, Indiana University Bloomington (USA)Abstract: This paper examines the role of digital collections inscholarly communications and the needs of scholars as they builddigital scholarship projects and scholarly networks for digital hu-manities research. Through a comprehensive analysis of the datadrawn from a survey and interviews of humanities scholars and fac-ulty, this paper explores how scholars use digital collections as partof their exchange of ideas in research and in teaching. Through dis-cussion of the needs for library-researcher collaborations, digital lit-eracies, and building shared ecosystems for inter-project communi-cations, this paper ultimately will explore how scholars need robustscholarly communications systems and virtual collaboratories inorder to advance digital humanities research. �

IS&T REPORTERExecutive Editor: Peter Burns

Managing Editor: Donna SmithTechnical Editor: Ann McCarthy

The IS&T Reporter is published quarterly by the Society for ImagingScience and Technology (IS&T). Articles and letters to the editor do notnecessarily constitute endorsement or reflect the opinions of the editors orIS&T. Advertising and copy are subject to acceptance by the editor.

IS&T is an international organization dedicated to keeping constituentsaware of the latest scientific and technological developments in the broadfield of imaging through conferences, journals, and otheractivities.

IS&T focuses on all aspects of imaging, with particular emphasis on dig-ital printing, electronic imaging, image perception, photo fulfillment, col-or imaging, image preservation, digital fabrication, and the physics andchemistry of imaging processes. For more information,visit IS&T publishes the Journal of Imaging Science & Tech-nology and Journal of Electronic Imaging (with SPIE).

Please send inquiries to:©2016 Society for Imaging Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

ISSN 2327-4395 print / ISSN 2327-4409

May 15 – 18, 2017Riga, Latvia


Vol. 31 No. 3/4 July – December

Printing for Fabrication (formerly NIP)was held at the University ofManchester in the UK, September 12-

16, 2016, with a full program of shortcourses on the first day. This is the firsttime the conference series has been heldoutside of North America since 1993, andonly it’s second time in Europe. Nearly300 delegates attended with representa-tives coming from 21 countries, including12 in Europe, 4 in Asia, and as far asBrazil, Columbia, and Australia.

The short course program was organ-ized by Patrick Smith, with 15 coursesprovided for delegates. Of these, four wereon the physics and mechanics of inkjetprinting; five covered aspects of ink andtoner chemistry; formulation and surfaceinteractions; and four presented topics inthe area of digital printing and additivemanufacturing. There were also individ-ual courses on the patent landscape andsecurity printing. All the classes were wellattended and this continues to be a popu-lar and worthwhile aspect of the confer-ence. This and future conference commit-tees are keen to extend the range of shortcourses offered to delegates and are alwaysreceptive of suggestions for new shortcourse topics and themes.

The technical sessions were support-ed and introduced by five keynote speak-ers. A highlight of these was the openingkeynote “Materials in the Flatland” byNobel Laureate Kostya S. Novoselov(University of Manchester, UK), who gavean insightful and appropriate presentationon the properties and applications of 2Dmaterials and discussed applicationswhere printing may be used to deliverthem. The other keynote speakers covereda broad area of applications for printingtechnologies including: “HP’s Jet Fusion3D Printing Technology—Enabling theNext Industrial Revolution” by TimWeber (HP Inc., USA); “Low-

Temperature Organic and Oxide Transis-tors for Printable Electronics” by HenningSirringhaus, (University of Cambridge,UK); “The Objectives of a National Projectof ‘Manufacturing Innovation throughDevelopment of Next Generation 3DPrinters’ in Japan” by Hideki Kyogoku(Kindai University, Japan); and “Materialsand Fabrication Methods for Biofabrica-tion” by Jürgen Groll, (University ofWürzburg, Germany). All the keynote

speakers gave excellent presenta-tions providing a broadoverview of their subject area.

The technical sessions pro-vided a platform for the presen-tation of research and develop-ment work across the field ofprinting for manufacture and re-lated applications with morethan 120 papers presented towell-attended parallel sessionsduring the symposium. The

technical sessions covered a wide area oftopics and they often led to active questionsand discussion after the presentations. Iwould like to mention a few of the presen-tations to give a flavour of the breadth ofcoverage that epitomises this conferenceseries (see page 1 for full abstracts):• Newly Developed Printing Tech-

nologies for 3D Printed Electronics,Shizuo Tokito et al., YamagataUniversity (Japan).• Measurement of Inkjet Print-head Reliability by Detecting EverySingle Droplet in Flight, Ingo



Attendees*: 298Oral Papers: 98Interactive Papers: 26Short Courses: 15Exhibitors: 11Dates: September 12-16, 2016Location: Manchester, UK*includes Short Course only and guests






The Demonstration Sessionallows authors to physicallyshow hardware and softwaretalked about during presenta-tions.

General Chair Brian Derby and Jim Mrvos(Lexmark) enjoy the conference reception.

5Society for Imaging Science and Technology

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Reinhold et al., Xaar (Sweden andUK).

• Application of Antibacterial Coat-ings on Resin Composite ImplantMaterials Using Inkjet PrintingTechnology, Henrika Wickström etal., (Åbo Akademi University andUniversity of Turku (Finland).

• Flexible Pressure Sensor Driven byAll-Printed Organic TFT Array Film,Shinichi Nishi et al., JAPERA,Konica Minolta Inc., Dai NipponPrinting Co., Ltd., NEC Corporation,and AIST (Japan).

• The Impact of 3D Printing on USCopyright and Trademarks, Scott M.Slomowitz et al., Caesar Rivise, PC(USA).The technical program was, as ever,

the highlight of the meeting and provideda forum for the presentation and discus-sion of exciting new results as well asbenchmarking progress in the Printing forFabrication interest area.

Two technical sessions of the meetingcovered the topic, Technologies in DigitalPhoto Fulfillment 2016, and was co-spon-sored by the Royal Photographic Society(UK). These sessions supported a furthernine presentations at the meeting.

A small exhibitor show and tabletopexhibition ran in parallel with the presen-tations for two days of the meeting. Thisallowed a good interaction between the in-dustry suppliers and delegates. The socialprogram also gave a good opportunity fordelegates to network. The welcome recep-tion was kindly sponsored by ManchesterCity Council and was held in the famousVictorian Town Hall building in the cen-ter of the city. The main conference recep-tion was held in the Manchester Museum

of Science and Industry, which is itselfhoused in the world’s first passenger rail-way station. �

The Interactive Paper Session and Exhibit enhanceopportunities for networking at the event.

IS&T Awards and HonorsA number of IS&T Awards and Honors were presented at Printing for Fabrication by IS&T President Geoff Woolfe (CISRA).Right: The Chester F. Carlson Award for outstanding work in the science or technology of electrophotography was givento Dr. Mark Enzien (Xerox) for his work as system architect and developer of workflows and control schemes for digi-tal printing presses. Below left: The Johann Gutenberg Prize for an outstanding technical achievement in, or contribu-tion to, printing technology was presented to Werner Zapka (Xaar) for leadership in the printing community and in sur-face manufacturing. Below center: Dr. Maria Cristina Rodriguez-Rivero (University of Cambridge) accepted the CharlesE. Ives/Journal Award, given in recognition of the best engineering paper published in an IS&T journal for the pre-ceding year, on behalf of her colleagues (Jose Rafael Castrejon-Pita, Queen Mary University of London, and Ian M.Hutchings, Univ. of Cambridge, for “Aerodynamic Effects in Industrial Inkjet Printing,” JIST 59 #4. Below right: IS&T Fel-lows are selected for their outstanding achievement in imaging science or engineering. Dr. Teruaki Mitsuya (Ricoh) washonored for outstanding achievement in imaging engineering of electrophotographic fusing technology and AnalysisLead Design (ALD) systems. Prof. Makoto Omodani was inducted into the list of IS&T Fellows for outstanding achieve-ment in imaging engineering, ion flow printing, and electronic paper printing.

7Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Vol. 31 No. 3/4 July – December

As I write my first annual report as president of IS&T, I amexcited to tell you about a year of change that has placedthe Society on a path of greater internationalization,

stronger financial performance, and a positive outlook for the fu-ture. The changes have required much hard work and attentionto detail from our dedicated and hardworking staff, led by Exec-utive Director Suzanne Grinnan. The staff are supported by alarge contingent of volunteer members who make up our boardof directors, governance committees, editorial boards, and con-ference committees. Without the efforts of these people, theSociety would not be able to bring you the conferences and pub-lications that are so important for your ongoing professionaldevelopment.

My predecessor, Alan Hodgson, presided over a period ofincreasing internationalization of IS&T and this has continuedduring my first year as president. The Board of Directors cur-

rently includes members from seven countries: Australia,Germany, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom,and the United States. International representation on the boardis increasingly important as imaging science and technology hasbecome globalized.

October 2015 marked the first occasion that IS&T’s Colorand Imaging Conference (CIC23) was held outside the US. Theconference began in 1993 and the first 14 CICs were held inScottsdale, Arizona. From CIC15 (2007) onward, the conferencemoved to various cities in the US. At the same time, The Euro-pean Conference in Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision(CGIV) was being held in Europe (2002-2012). As part of the So-cieties strategic vision, the two communities worked together tomerge the events and establish CIC as a conference that not onlyattracted attendees from around the world, but also would beheld throughout the world. The result continues on page 9

IS&T President’s Annual Report — July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016

Publications Annual ReportJuly 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016

Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST)by Chunghui Kuo, editor-in-chief, JIST

In the increasingly competitive landscape of scientific publica-tion, establishing a clear brand and identity is essential for ascientific journal to achieve broad recognition among academicresearchers, industry practitioners, and other readers. Such abroad-based recognition will increase citations of articles pub-lished in this journal and consequently strengthen the overallquality of journal publication. As indicated in the JIST annual re-port last year, 2014-2015 was the year of transformation,reversing the trend of publication delays. The primary objectivesin my first year as the Editor-in-Chief were twofold: First, to en-sure the timely production of every bimonthly issue.Second, to elaborate the publication philosophy and to clarifyobjectives of the Journal, i.e., emphasizing the importance of in-ter-disciplinary collaboration in tackling scientific challenges inthe field of imaging science. I am glad to report that since I tookover the editorship all issues starting from July/August 2015 havebeen published on schedule. Plus, all articles have been sent toThomson Reuters to be included in the Science Citation Index.With a healthy pipeline of manuscript submission and indispen-sable contribution from all reviewers and associated editors, I am

confident that the problem of journal publication delay is behindus and we will turn our attention to the next task of expandingreadership and recognition of the journal across the broaderresearch community of imaging technologies.

Using the Earth as a metaphor for the entire research land-scape of imaging science, each scientific and engineering journalcan be regarded as an individual satellite circling the Earth onits own specific orbit. First, most journals dedicate their pub-lished articles to a specific scientific discipline and could beviewed as Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites thatremain at the same orbiting position relative to the Earth. Im-portantly, given the interconnected nature of new technologi-cal challenges, there is underserved demand in scientific jour-nal publications to provide extensive and concurrent coverageof a wide range of imaging technology topics, including imageprocessing, remote sensing, digital manufacturing, and othersubject areas crucial for the field. This approach is similar tothe Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite that quickly scans the earthsurface in more details. This is also the differentiating approachI have adopted and plan to continue for the JIST to strengthenits recognition and contribution to the imaging science filed.For example, the newly crafted avenue of publishing JIST-firstissues for every IS&T international technical conference began

IS&T Reporter8

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to take shape in the past year. The topics of these special issuesrange from image archiving, digital fabrication and fulfillment,and color science, to electronic imaging in a cyclic order. Theseaccepted JIST-first special issue articles from a wide variety ofIS&T conferences present the latest technological advancementin different aspects of imaging science, and consequentlystrengthen the identity of the JIST as a premier scientific ideaexchange platform for the future by presenting the latest scien-tific and technological developments and promoting collabora-tion across the boundaries of many disciplines within the mod-ern imaging research community. It has also been well receivedamong potential authors as demonstrated by the increasingnumber of submitted manuscripts over the past year.

More specifically, JIST received 108 manuscripts from July2015 to June 2016, a 27% increase over last year. Among thesesubmissions, 28 manuscripts were accepted for publication; 37were rejected; and 7 were withdrawn. Importantly, more than120 reviewers contributed their time and effort to the peerreviewing process.

We expanded the family of associate editors by the addi-tiona of Dr. Steven Simske (HP Inc.) and Dr. Vien Cheung (Uni-versity of Leeds) to the editorial board. Simske, prolificauthor and contributor to JIST, currently also serves as the IS&Texecutive vice president. Cheung not only was instrumental inguiding the CIC24 JIST-first submitted manuscripts through theentire editorial process, but also continues to play a significantrole in the peer reviewing process in the field of color science.

Growing from a strong background in the photographicsciences, my vision of the publication philosophy of the Journalof Imaging Science and Technology is to further the latest scien-tific discoveries and application developments across multipledisciplines in the field of modern imaging technology. In mypoint of view, what has been achieved last year is a significantsteppingstone to bring the JIST to the right direction. With ourcombined effort, I truly believe that the JIST will continue togrow and become an indispensible research resource for allIS&T members and readers around the globe.

Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)by Karen Egiazarian, editor

In 2015, JEI received 711 submissions, including 618 con-tributed papers, 70 special section papers, and 23 letters, andpublished 215 papers, including 180 contributed papers,34 special section papers, and 1 letter in a total of 2,618 pages.This represents a continuing trend of significant increase insubmissions over past years (in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 JEIhad 278, 434, 566, and 655 submissions, respectively).

The last two issues of JEI in 2015 included special sectionson Ultrawide Context- and Content-Aware Imaging (GuestEditors: François Brémond, Ljiljana Platiša, and Sebastiano

Battiato) and Quality Control by Artificial Vision: Nonconven-tional Imaging Systems (Guest Editors: FabriceMériaudeau, Amir Malik Saeed).

JEI has several upcoming special sections planned for 2016and 2017. The first of these is on Advances on DistributedSmart Cameras (Guest Editors: Jorge Fernández-Berni,François Berry, and Christian Micheloni). Three othersplanned for 2016 are on Intelligent Surveillance for TransportSystems (Guest Editors: Louahdi Khoudour, Yassine Ruichek,and Sergio Velastin), Color in Texture and Material Recogni-tion (Guest Editors: Raimondo Schettini, Joost van de Weijer,Claudio Cusano, and Paolo Napoletano), and PerceptuallyDriven Visual Information Analysis (Guest Editors:Mohamed-Chaker Larabi, Sanghoon Lee, Mohammed ElHassouni, Frédéric Morain-Nicolier, and Rachid Jennane). In2017, JEI is planning special sections on Image Processing forCultural Heritage (Guest Editors: Aladine Chetouani, RobertErdmann, David Picard, and Filippo Stanco) and Retinex at 50(Guest Editors: Alessandro Rizzi, John J. McCann, MarceloBertalmío, and Gabriele Gianini).

The following new associate editors have joined the edito-rial board: Jenny Benois-Pineau (University of Bordeaux),Kunal Narayan Chaudhury (Indian Institute of Science), PeterCorcoran (National University of Ireland Galway), Pasi Fränti(University of Eastern Finland), Iuri Frosio (NVIDIA),Atanas Gotchev (Tampere University of Technology), Zhen He(Intel), Janne Heikkila (University of Oulu), Arto Kaarna(Lappeenranta University of Technology), Fabrice Mériaudeau(Universiti Teknologi Petronas), Christian Micheloni(University of Udine), Dmytro Rusanovskyy (QualcommTechnologies), Ivan Selesnick (New York University),Svyatoslav Voloshynovskiy (University of Geneva), and LeiZhang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University). We have also hadseveral retirements and thank the outgoing associate editors fortheir dedicated service.

Information relating to the journal, including subscriptionoptions, tables of contents of current and past issues, prospec-tive author guidelines, calls for papers, and the editorial sched-ule for upcoming special sections can be found at the journalwebsite:

Submit your latest research to IS&T journals

Updated prospective author guidelines, access to tablesof contents and past issues, and subscription informationare available at


9Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Vol. 31 No. 3/4 July – December

continued from page 7

was realized with a highly successful CIC23 held in Darmstadt,Germany. The meeting was characterized by increased atten-dance, more paper submissions, and stronger short-course en-rollment compared to the preceding few years. The Europeanimaging community strongly supported the conference and, as a

consequence of this success, the Color and Imaging Conferencewill be a truly international event going forward. The conferencelocation will now rotate between a US location and a non-USlocation each year. CIC24 was held in San Diego, while CIC25will be held in Lillehammer, Norway.

Within IS&T, conference globalization was pioneered by theArchiving conference which has been held in North America be-ginning in 2004 with a significant number being held in Europesince 2008. The Printing for Fabrication (NIP) conference hasalso returned to having a more international make-up withPrinting for Fabrication (NIP) 2016 held in Manchester, UK.This is the first time the conference has been held outside NorthAmerica since NIP9 (1993) when it was held in Japan, and thefirst time it was held in Europe since NIP1 (Venice, Italy, 1981).Positioning our conferences as global events has allowed IS&T toextend its geographic reach and better serve our members incountries outside North America. However planning, organiz-ing, and executing conferences requires strong involvementfrom our members to serve as volunteers on conference com-mittees and to liaise with local businesses and authorities in ourconference locations. I would like to appeal, particularly to ournon-North Americanmembers, to get involved as a volunteer forthe Society to help us maintain the momentum towards being atruly international imaging society.

In another very significant change concerning conferences,IS&T assumed sole responsibility for the Electronic ImagingSymposium with the February 2016 event. Electronic Imagingbegan as an IS&T conference in 1988. However, from 1989 to2015 EI was jointly managed in a partnership between IS&T andSPIE. This partnership ended after EI 2015. The planning, fund-ing, organization, and execution of EI symposia from EI2016 and


July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017President: Geoff Woolfe (Canon Information Systems ResearchAustralia Pty. Ltd.)Immediate Past President: Alan Hodgson (Alan HodgsonConsulting Ltd.)Executive VP: Steven Simske (Hewlett-Packard Labs)Conference VP: Francisco Hideki Imai (Canon USA, Inc.)Secretary: Steve Korol (Evolutionary Technology)Treasurer: Scott Silence (Xerox Corp.)Publications VP: Susan Farnand, Rochester Institute of Technology)Vice Presidents: Sergio Goma (Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.);Teruaki Mitsuya (Ricoh Company, Ltd. ); Majid Rabbani (EastmanKodak Company ); James Stasiak (Hewlett-Packard Company);Radka Tezaur (Nikon Research Corporation of America); WernerZapka (XaarJet AB)Chapter DirectorsJapan: Junichi Hanna (Tokyo Institute of Technology)Korea: Choon-Woo Kim (Inha University)Rochester: Michel Molaire (Molaire Consulting)

IS&T Executive Director: Suzanne E. Grinnan

President: Geoff Woolfe (Canon Information Systems ResearchAustralia Pty. Ltd.)Immediate Past President: Alan Hodgson (Alan HodgsonConsulting Ltd.)Executive VP: Steven Simske (HP Inc.)Conference VP: Francisco Hideki Imai (Canon USA, Inc.)Secretary: Dietmar Wueller (Image Engineering GmbH & Co. KG)Treasurer: Eric Hanson (retired, HP Labs)Publications VP: Susan Farnand, Rochester Institute of Technology)Vice Presidents: Sergio Goma (Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.);Teruaki Mitsuya (Ricoh Company, Ltd. ); Majid Rabbani (EastmanKodak Company ); James Stasiak (HP Inc.); Radka Tezaur (IntelCorporation); Werner Zapka (XaarJet AB)Chapter DirectorsJapan: Masahiko Fujii (Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.)Korea: Choon-Woo Kim (Inha University)Rochester: Michel Molaire (Molaire Consulting)

IS&T Executive Director: Suzanne E. Grinnan

Meeting: NIP30/Digital Fabrication 2015Dates: September 27-October 1, 2015 / Location: Portland, ORGeneral Chair: Masahiko Fujii (Fuji Xerox)Attendance: 351 (314 technical attendees)Oral Papers: 103 Interactive Papers: 9Short Courses: 16 Exhibitors: 16

Meeting: Color and Imaging Conference) 2015 (CIC23Dates: October 19-23, 2015 / Location: Darmstadt, GermanyGeneral Chair: JVien Cheung (Univ. of Leeds, UK)Attendance: 189 (175 technical attendees)Oral Papers: 28 Interactive Papers: 18Short Courses: 15 Exhibitors: 3

Meeting: Electronic Imaging Symposium 2016Dates: February 14-18, 2016 / Location: San Francisco, CAGeneral Chairs: Choon-Woo Kim (Inha Univ.) and Nitin Sampat (RIT)Attendance: 856 (792 technical attendees)Oral Papers: 449 Interactive Papers: 69Short Courses: 17 Exhibitors: 8

Meeting: Archiving 2016Dates: April 19-22, 2016 / Location: Washington, DCGeneral Chair: Kari Smith (MIT)Attendance: 207 (181 technical attendees)Oral Papers: 32 Interactive Papers: 10Short Courses: 12 Exhibitors: 8

Conference Data: July 2015 – June 2016

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beyond passed to IS&T. The EI2016 symposium was a majorsuccess for IS&T and reflects the organizational skills and hardwork of our office staff and the many member volunteers on theconference and symposium committees. This success also re-flects the long-term loyalty and cohesiveness of the EI commu-nity. Thank you to everyone involved for making EI2016 such asuccess. On assuming sole responsibility for EI, IS&T has begunimplementing a number of popular changes to the way the sym-posium is run, with a long term goal of continuous improve-ment in member and attendee satisfaction.

Publications are another important component of IS&T’smission. As most of you are aware, the Society publishes twotechnical journals as well as numbers conference proceedings.Over the past few years we have migrated our digital library to anew platform to better serve our members. This migration isnow largely complete and the new platform is operatingsmoothly. Many thanks to the staff members for their efforts inmaking this a successful migration.

Those of you who follow the Journal of Imaging Science andTechnology will have noticed both an increase in the number ofpapers per issue and an improvement in the timeliness of eachissue’s release. This improvement has come about as a result ofmuch hard work by the editorial board, the IS&T publicationschair, and the IS&T staff. Thank you to all involved.

Related to publications and the Electronic Imaging Sympo-sium, the Society made the bold move to allow complete onlineaccess to the full papers of the conference proceedings. Addi-tionally, the JIST-first option now being offered for all IS&Tconferences has allowed authors to present their journal papersat IS&T events and have them reprinted within the proceedings.

I would like to close this annual report with an appeal to ourmembers. An involved, active, and representative membership isvital for the successful operation and governance of the societyand I encourage all members to consider serving the society ei-ther on the Board of Directors, a governance committee, a con-ference organizing committee, or through involvement in one ofour publications as an associate editor or referee. Your involve-ment will make the Society stronger and better able to satisfymember’s needs. I would also like to encourage you to recom-mend membership of the society to your colleagues and friendsinvolved in imaging. Please continue helping us to grow the so-ciety and provide world-class conferences and publications tothe imaging community.

Respectfully submitted,

Geoff Woolfe, IS&T President

Balance Sheet Notes1. Income (Loss) from operations in 2015 was $(245,648).2. IS&T's 2015 Annual Report is available to members upon request.

Statement of Income NotesGeneral Administration and Labor allocations in 2015 (2014) were as follows: conferences 42% (37%);publications 18% (13%); membership 2% (2%); standards 2% (1%), Admin 36% (47%). These percent-ages were applied to labor expenses to determine a net gain (loss) for conferences, publications, member-ship, and standards.

IS&T's investements are administered throughMorgan Stanley inWashington, DC. The investments arecurrently invested inMoneyMarket Funds, PIMCOMutual Funds, and in the TRAK stock portfolio. Asof December 31, 2015, these investments had a market value of $1,089,192 (in 2014 valued at$1,301,570). 2014 was re-stated for the new Admin reporting method. Net Income did not change.$1,488,362).

BALANCE SHEETFiscal Years Ending December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014

2015 2014ASSETS

Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 237,228 $ 275,390Accounts Receivable, net 562 1,335Prepaid Expenses 146,284 65,399Inventory 76,113 83,468Restricted Cash 24,422 32,174Investments 1,089,192 1,301,570Property and Equipment, net 30,773 33,025

TOTAL ASSETS $1,604,574 $1,792,361

LIABILITIESAccounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $138,149 $101,309Deferred Revenue 250,328 224,349Funds Held for Others 24,422 32,174

TOTAL LIABILITIES 412,899 357,83

NET ASSETSUnrestricted $1,101,156 $1,339,268Temporarily restricted (Davis Fund) 41,671 46,498Permanently restricted (Davis Fund) 48,848 48,763

TOTAL NET ASSETS $1,191,675 $1,434,529


STATEMENT OF INCOMEFiscal Years Ending December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014

2015 2014INCOME

Conferences $1,101,307 $817,605Publications 400,667 304,035Membership 87,970 92,330Standards 154,100 135,300Other 25,825 5,366

TOTAL INCOME $1,769,868 $1,354,636

EXPENSEConference $989,433 $777,499Publications 413,818 275,227Membership 61,903 59,452Standards 102,149 83,884Other 27,517 21,975

TOTAL EXPENSES $1,594,821 $1,218,038

NET OPERATIONS 175,047 136,598Admin (374,092) (351,169)Investment Income 78,763 148,249Unrealized Gain (Loss) (125,366) (128,344)

NET INCOME (Loss) $(245,648) $(194,666)

IS&T 2015 Financial Statement

11Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Vol. 31 No. 3/4 July – December

ISO/TC 42 Photography

ISO/TC 42 Standards Working Groups and ProjectsTC 42/WG3Image quality, including understanding of attributes, and ways tomeasure them, is a key undertaking in various standards com-mittees. Often, measurements and assessments are tuned to par-ticular use cases, and to particular industries. At the May 2016meeting of TC 42/ WG 3, Image measurement, viewing, and sen-sitometry, the image quality assessments of ISO/TC 130/JWG 14,Print quality measurement methods, were reviewed in compari-son to those in various ISO/TC 42 standards. Despite differencesin the details of the methods, the chart of attributes shown wasfound applicable to both.

TC 42/ WG 3, Image measurement, viewing, and sensitometry,has proposed a newwork item,NPTS 20793,Photography—Lentic-ular print for changing images —Measurements of image quality, todescribe measurement methods and specifications of image qualityof lenticular prints that are used for changing images. The proposedimage quality attributes specific to the lenticular print technology areshown in the diagram, organized hypothetically to alignwith the tra-ditional image quality attributes. Lenticular prints are used for suchapplications as signage, display posters, business cards, multilingualmessage boards, and packages with changing images or 3D effects.

The current market size of lenticular prints is estimated to be over100 million m2and the market is growing, spurred by the improve-ments in lines per inch technology.

Also in TC 42/WG 3, the new project ISO/PWI 20792, Char-acterization of physical aspects and print quality of photo books,has been registered with an initial working draft. ISO/PWI20791, Test targets for image quality measurements on small sizephotographic prints, has also been initiated. Work on ISO/PWI20792 begins with evaluation of image quality assessment meth-ods used in the photographic industry.

TC 42/WG5While work in other TC 42 standards evaluates color differencesusing delta E related measures, the image permanence work inTC 42/WG 5, Physical properties and image permanence ofphotographic materials, has been based on density measures.Particularly in image permanence, maintaining comparison tohistorical measures is essential. Nonetheless, WG 5 is consideringthe use of delta E measures in certain of its new standards. Inpart, the challenge lies with the museum community, to deter-mine the applicability of delta E to the work of monitoring thepreservation of materials. For example, common variations ofdelta E do not convey the direction of a color change and that cancertainly impact perceptual acceptability.

Within TC 42/WG 5, the work on the overarching specifica-tions has been on hold as test standards have been developed andapproved for image permanence attributes. Three parts for ISO18940:— are defined. The plan is for three parts, Imaging materi-als — Reflection color photographic images — Specifications forimage permanence for indoor applications— Part 1: Guiding prin-ciples for specifications, Imaging materials — Reflection colorphotographic images — Specifications for image permanence forindoor applications — Part 2: Consumer home, and Imagingmaterials —Reflection color photographic images - Specificationsfor image permanence for indoor applications — Part 3: Museum.The museum case is considered to be essentially different fromthe consumer home case. In museums, the environments can beand are for the most part well controlled, while the tolerance forchange in the preserved materials is much tighter. In museums,the materials being preserved may be irreplaceable, with deepcultural significance. However, even in these settings, the de-mands of viewing bring risks as museums come under pressureto increase light levels and provide accessible displays. Currently,the museum community is in need of a degradation model thatnot only takes into account light levels, but also regards morecomplex chemical reactions. The technical report CIE 157:2004,Control of Damage to Museums Objects by Optical Radiation,summarizes many of the approaches and difficulties, notably re-

Standards News: Imaging and Graphic Artsby Ann L. McCarthy, IS&T Standards Coordinator

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porting degradations in delta E. CIE 157:2004 is also the basis forTechnical Report CEN /TS 16163 of April 2014, which is cur-rently under investigation in the EU. Be aware that if a CEN stan-dard is accepted, it is automatically adopted by all EU countriesand overrides all ISO or other standards in use. However, notethat CEN 16163 is a technical specification. The recommendedapproach for ISO 18940: — Part 3 will be to provide a more com-plete system of guidance, measurements, and specifications, con-sistently based on the current museum practices.

TC 42/WG 5 has also published edition 2 of one of the earlytest standards to be completed, ISO 18935:2016 (Ed.2), Imagingmaterials — Colour images — Determination of water resistanceof printed colour images. In comparison to the ISO 18935:2005(Ed.1), this revision incorporates an edge penetration test and al-lows for alternative liquids other than water.

TC42/WG18TC 42/WG 18, Electronic still picture imaging, has initiated a newproject ballot for ISO/NP 20954 2, Digital cameras — Measure-ment method for image stabilization performance — Part 2: Non-optical systems, to address image stabilization performance insystems that use either non-optical image stabilization or a hy-brid of optical and non-optical techniques. Such cameras maymanipulate exposure parameters, use multiple-image captureand image fusion schemes, and other image processing methods.Note that leading smartphone systems employ a combination ofoptical and non-optical methods for which a new standard willbe applicable. ISO/NP 20954 2 follows ISO/NP 20954 1, Digitalcameras —Measurement method for image stabilization perform-ance — Part 1: Optical systems, which was approved for develop-ment in November 2015.

TC 42/WG 18 has progressed work on ISO 18844, Photogra-phy — Digital cameras — Image flare measurement, to the DISballot stage. This standard method is needed in part because im-age flare can vary both locally within an image and from image toimage. It is certainly feasible to measure image flare at differentpositions in different images, and due to the variability of imageflare such measurements should not be compared out of context.This international standard provides a standard method formeasuring image flare which can be useful for cross comparison.

In TC 42/WG 18, the new work item for revision of ISO516:1999 (Ed. 3), Photography — Camera shutters — Timing,which will be ISO 516: Photography — Camera mechanical shut-ters — Timing, has been approved at the DIS stage. The key ele-ment of the revision is to clarify the applicability of the standardto mechanical shutter systems, rather than the electronic shuttersin use in some digital still cameras.

TC42/JWG 20TC 42/JWG 20, Joint ISO/TC 42-IEC WG; Digital still cameras,has approved the technical report, ISO/DTR 17321-3, Graphictechnology and photography — Colour characterization of digitalstill cameras (DSCs) — Part 3: User controls and readouts for

scene referred imaging applications, to begin publication. Theconcept underlying the term ‘scene-referred’ imaging is impor-tant in the context of photography-based color management andcolor processing workflows. In the realm of traditional visualarts, when dealing with any physical art materials, the artistworks directly in the output medium. Photography, whether cap-tured on film negatives or using a digital camera (with sufficientflexibility), provides the option to capture an extent of scene col-or and lighting that cannot be viewed through any currently fea-sible output medium. Why is such a capture desirable? From anaesthetic perspective, such capture is advantageous because it of-fers flexibility for later adaptation and artistic expression. And atthe opposite extreme of use cases, for example in scientific ormedical applications, the objective is usually an exact capture ofthe scene, without any interpretive modification. This technicalreport provides an important step in standardizing user controlsand camera readouts related to scene-referred imaging.

International Color Consortium (ICC) NewsCurrent work in the ICC is focused in four areas: Architecture,Graphic Arts, Medical Imaging, and Profile Assessment. The Ar-chitecture Working Group develops the iccMAX specificationand the ReflccMAX reference color management engine. TheiccMAX specification is now available to download on the ICC( Specifications page, along with a variety of ref-erence and tutorial materials. Essentially, iccMAX is a new colormanagement system that goes beyond D50 colorimetry and ismeant for use in cases where requirements cannot be met by ICCv4. For example, v4 color management cannot describe how col-or changes due to lighting or viewing angles, how goniophoto-metric materials interact with light, or how spectrally definedspot colors will look under a variety of observer / viewing condi-tions. iccMAX includes the capability to define specific subsetworkflows using Interoperability Conformance Specification(ICS) documents. Products can choose which ICS workflowsthey support. This mechanism also allows for adding new work-flows without invalidating earlier implementations.

The Graphic Arts Special Interest Group is currently inves-tigating conditions of common color appearance across differingprint conditions, and standardizing methods to specify N-colordata in the context of PDF and PDF/X files.

The Medical Imaging Working Group (MIWG) projects in-clude color calibration for Petri dish imaging, assessing the accu-racy of display profiles, and spectral skin imaging (e.g., scatteringin skin, assessing hemoglobin). For example, consider the chal-lenge of reading a Petri dish remotely via a display, compared toreading it in person. Specimen illumination, camera, display de-vice calibration, and display environment, must all be controlledand calibrated to provide valid information to the remote viewerassessing the sample. The MIWG plans to produce a primer onmicrobiological imaging, and white papers on spectral character-ization, spectral knowledge base, and spectral calibration.

Of course, profile suitability to the task is critical to any col-

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or management process. The ICC provides a variety of aids inthis regard. For example, tools for making, editing, and assessingICC profiles are compared in a concise chart at Note that the ICC provides the list as a con-venience to users and does not endorse or recommend individualproducts.

ISO/TC 130 Graphic TechnologyJOINT CGATS/USTAG/ IDEAlliance PPC ActivitiesWithin the US, positions and contributions for IS0/TC 130 are co-ordinated through joint meetings of CGATS (Committee forGraphic Arts Technology Standards), the ISO/TC 130/US TAG,and the Print Properties & Colorimetrics (PPC) Committee, aworking group of the IDEAlliance. CGATS Technical Reportspertaining to graphics industry color and tone are available

CGATS.5, Spectral measurement and colorimetric computa-tion for graphic arts images, is a US national adoption of ISO13655:2009, Graphic technology — Spectral measurement and col-orimetric computation for graphic arts images, which is currentlybeing revised by TC 130/JWG 8. At the April 2016 CGATS/USTAG/IDEAlliance meeting, the decision was made that if pub-lication of the ISO 13655 revision, currently registered as a DIS,is later than December 16th of this year, another extension forCGATS.5 will be submitted to ANSI. That is now expected.

It was also noted that action to reaffirm TR001, Graphictechnology — Color Characterization Data for Type 1 Printing, isrequired. In the reaffirmation, a notation will be added indicatingthat TR001 is being maintained for historical purposes, whileCGATS has recommended CRPC1 and CRPC2, in ISO 15339,Graphic technology — Printing from digital data across multipletechnologies, and in the corresponding CGATS.21, since theirpublication. Characterization data sets are available in the NPSStandards Workroom.

ISO/TC 130 Working Groups and ProjectsTC 130/WG 2Within TC 130/WG 2, Prepress data exchange, a new project bal-lot is initiated for ISO/NP 20616-2, Graphic technology — Fileformat for quality control and metadata — Part 2: Print qualityexchange (PQX). The related ISO/PWI 20616-1, Graphic technol-ogy — File format for quality control and metadata — Part 1:Print requirements exchange (PRX) will begin formal develop-ment shortly. Together PRX and PQX define the file formats thatenable the exchange of print quality requirements and print qual-ity assessment data for scoring. PQX, for transmission from theprint service provider to the brand, contains fields that are de-signed to be subject to a business agreement between the brandand a printer. PRX, for transmission from the brand to the printprovider, is intended to transmit colour aims using the same datacontainers that are defined in ISO 17972 (CxF). While PRX andCxF are different formats with different parsing requirements,

developers can use the same strategies for reading and writingcolour data in a PRX file that they use for reading and writingcolour data in a CxF file. PRX is compatible with both spectraland non-spectral colour data.

TC 130/WG 2 has also initiated work on a potential new partof ISO 12641,Graphic technology— Prepress digital data exchange,the IT8 standard. The new part is ISO 12641-2, Graphic technolo-gy — Prepress digital data exchange — Part 2: Advanced targets forscanner calibration. The work is planned to retain existing targetsand allow additional targets, with alterations in layout and size.One intention with the revision (relative to ISO 12641-1) is to of-fer improved targets for the analysis of non-linear scanner per-formance. Museums around the world are working to digitize cul-tural heritage, conducting large scale projects to digitize photos,documents, artwork, and 3D object views. Scan quality is the criti-cal underlying technology requirement in this digitization. Thenew IT8 target design is proposed to increase the number ofgrayscale steps and provide additional saturated and pastel colorsrelevant to archiving applications.Members of TC 42/JWG 26, Im-aging system capability qualification for archival recording and ap-proval, which is focused on this area, may have an interest in thisnew IT8 scanner target work. In addition to the target additions,the data definition is planned to be updated to comply with ISO17972, using the Color Exchange Format.

The ISO/TC 130 Secretariat has issued a call for experts forISO/TC 130/WG 2/TF 5 “PDF CommonMetadata”. The Nation-al Member Bodies are requested to nominate interested expertsto ISO/TC 130/WG 2 via the ISO Global Directory (ISO GD). Ifyou are an individual with expertise in this area and would like tocontribute, contact your ISO/ TC 130 national body or contactthe ISO/TC 130 Secretariat for assistance. The preliminary workitem, ISO/PWI 21812, has been registered for this work. Alterna-tively, experts are kindly requested to contact Ms. Debbie Orf( for guidance in establishing the appropriate af-filiations.

TC 130/WG 3TC 130/WG 3, Process control and related metrology, is in the ear-ly stage of considering work to standardize the assessment andvalidation of the performance of spectrocolorimeters and spec-trodensitometers. This work proposal is in response to a WG 3action item to determine and implement a plan for addressingcolour measurement errors in GA marketplace. In part, the issuearises because optoelectronic instruments have become moreprecise, and have outpaced the ability of national testing labora-tories to produce and certify standard materials suitable for test-ing. Along with this progress in instrumentation, modern graph-ic production has moved away from artistic interpretation, toreliance on objective numerical assessments. In the current mar-ket situation, color measurement instruments from differentmanufacturers, or with different design intents, may not provideadequate agreement on the determination of the colour values,suitable to meet graphic workflow expectations. With that, meth-

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ods to objectively assess such instrument performance are notsufficiently well understood.

In a related note for print color measurement quality, TC130/WG 3 is also considering the issue of ink dry back, i.e., thecolor change that occurs as ink dries on a print, and whethersteps may be warranted to address this color change in produc-tion color measurements using a prediction model. An actionitem group has been formed to investigate this topic further.

TC 130/JWG 7TC 130/JWG 7 has initiated a new work item ballot for ISO/NP20677, Image technology colour management — Extensions to ar-chitecture, profile format, and data structure. This standard willprovide specifications for extended (iccMAX) color managementprofiles and recommendations for extended color workflow do-mains based on the ICCLabs and iccMAX work that began sev-eral years ago in the International Color Consortium (ICC). Theresult of this effort is that several real world scenarios can now bedirectly addressed by iccMAX that could not be easily addressedwith previous color management solutions. For more informa-tion go to The purpose of the ICC is to promotethe use and adoption of open, vendor-neutral, cross-platformcolor management systems.

TC 130/WG 13TC 130/WG 13, Printing conformity assessment requirements, hascreated a significant body of documented preparatory work in thefour years since its formation. Currently, ISO/NP 19302, Graphictechnology — Colour conformity assessment of printed products, isproposed for standardization. This standard proposes guidelinesfor the definition of print quality requirements, and the assess-ment of tone and color print quality, for print products printedusing any printing technology — offset, digital, flexography —with any color sequence, e.g., CMYK, spot, N-color. The standardis intended for use by brand owners, print buyers, and design, pre-press, and print service providers. ISO 19302 is planned to refer-ence the required International Standards pertinent to each stageof a production print workflow, and provide details for the ex-pected setup, calibration, and process control operations requiredat each stage of the workflow according to the referenced stan-dards. ISO 19302 will be written in accordance with conformityguidelines of ISO/IEC 17007 and the "neutrality principle” of ISO19011 guidelines such that any printing workflow conformity canbe assessed by print providers (first party), customers or suppliers(second party), or by independent bodies (third party). Other re-lated new project proposals specific to particular print productionmarkets are also being considered.

ISO/TC 130 Standards PublicationsIn early May 2016, TC 130/WG 2 announced publication of ISO18620:2016, Graphic technology —Prepress data exchange —Toneadjustment curves exchange. Graphic arts raster image processorvendors all provide support for printing plate calibration and ad-

justment of tone curves for their digital presses using essentiallythe same data, using a variety of proprietary formats. As a result,companies providing tools to support print certification process-es must provide support for many different file formats. Thisstandard defines the minimum set of data required by such ap-plications and provides a format that is easily extensible so thatadditional metadata can be included when agreed on between theparties. The format is suitable for use in color management, cali-bration, and raster image processor systems.

Following ISO 17972-1, Graphic technology — Colour dataexchange format — Part 1: Relationship to CxF3 (CxF/X), pub-lished last year, TC 130/WG 2 has now published ISO 179722:2016, Graphic technology — Colour data exchange format(CxF/X) — Part 2: Scanner target data (CxF/X-2). This part pro-vides an exchange format for target input values, color, andprocess control data relating to scanner targets, with the associ-ated metadata necessary for proper interpretation, in electronicform. Scanner targets have been exchanged in digital form forsome time within the graphic arts industry. This standard mapsexisting data to the updated CxF/X encoding.

ISO/TC 130/WG 3 has published ISO/TS 15311-1:2016,Graphic technology — Requirements for printed matter for com-mercial and industrial production — Part 1: Measurement meth-ods and reporting schema, which defines print metrics, measure-ment methods, and reporting requirements for printed sheetsthat are suitable for all classes of printed products. The expecteduse is primarily with digital printing systems. This technical spec-ification was split from the earlier PWI and new work proposalsare pending for the other parts.

CIE NewsCIE PublicationsCIE 218:2016, Research Roadmap for Healthful Interior LightingApplications, delivers a research roadmap of questions in themedgroups: Fundamental Processes, Daily Pattern, Longer Patterns,Application, Application — Specific, and Individual Differences.Although light is defined as electromagnetic radiation that pro-vides the stimulus for vision, we now know conclusively thatocular detection of this signal also has many other physiologicaland psychological effects in humans and other organisms. Thisknowledge has led some to argue for rapid adoption of lightingrecommendations that incorporate “lighting for health” ele-ments, whereas others have argued that a more cautious ap-proach would be wiser. CIE TC 3-46 has outlined a researchagenda that could lead to evidence-based recommendations forhealthful interior lighting within the context of delivering goodlighting quality. Design considerations and the ethics of usinglight to influence health also receive attention. CIE 218:2016 is acollaboration of CIE members from Austria, Canada, China,France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovakia,and the United Kingdom under the auspices of CIE Division 3“Interior Environment and Lighting Design.”

CIE 219:2016,Maintaining Summer Levels of 25(OH)D dur-

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ing Winter by Minimal Exposure to Sunbeds: Requirements andWeighing the Advantages and Disadvantages, provides a timelylook at obtaining vitamin D using artificial UV radiation as emit-ted by commercial sunbeds. The cautionary note is that com-mercial sunbeds are not designed or optimized for this purpose,and provide a significantly higher UV-A burden than sunlightfor the same vitamin D potential. Sources designed specificallyfor the purpose, with a lower UV-A burden and clear applicationguidelines, would be more appropriate for those who choose togain vitamin D through artificial UV exposure, rather than byother means. The publication is written in English, with a shortsummary in French and German. It contains 29 pages with fig-ures and tables and is available through the National Committeesof the CIE or via the CIE Webshop.

CIE Tutorial and Practical Workshop on LED Lamp andLuminaire testing to CIE S 025:2015In 2015 CIE published CIE S 025, the first international meas-urement standard for LED lamps, LED luminaires and LEDmodules, which provides requirements to perform reproducibleand traceable photometric and colorimetric measurements onLED lamps, LED modules, and LED luminaires. The availabilityof correct photometric data for LED devices is essential for light-ing system design and evaluation. The standard aims in particu-lar to cover measurement methods suitable for testing the com-pliance of LED devices with the photometric and colorimetricrequirements of LED performance standards recently publishedby IEC. CIE S 025 represents a consensus between NationalMetrology Institutes, testing laboratories, and the user commu-nity to guarantee photometrically correct, while economically af-fordable, measurement results. .

To facilitate an introduction to the application and use ofCIE S 025, CIE Division 2 is hosting the CIE Tutorial and Practi-cal Workshop on LED Lamp and Luminaire testing to CIE S025:2015, May 08 – 11, 2017, in METAS Bern-Wabern,Switzerland. The focus of the tutorial and workshop is the imple-mentation of CIE S 025 in industrial test laboratories and nation-al metrology institutes. The course material will be suitable forengineers, testing-laboratory staff, and researchers in LED andsolid state lighting measurement and other related fields. Partic-ipants will learn how to characterize photometric, radiometric,and spectrometric measurement devices and establish measure-ment uncertainty budgets according to international standards(e.g., ISO/IEC Guide 98/3).

The standard, CIE S 025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires andLED Modules Test Standard, will be provided as part of thecourse materials. In addition, CIE 198:2011 Determination ofMeasurement Uncertainties in Photometry, and Supplement 1:Modules and Examples for the Determination of MeasurementUncertainties will be available for purchase by participants at adiscount, and can be ordered prior to the tutorial.

For additional program details and to register, follow thisshort link: .

In addition to the tutorial and practical workshop, meetings ofCIE Technical Committees will be held and the results of two Eu-ropean research projects related to photometry and radiometry, i.e.MESaIL ( and PhotoLED will be presented.

ISO NewsISO/IEC Directives Part 1, Part 2, and Consolidated ISOSupplement (May 2016 Edition)The following is a summary of the key changes in the new editionof the ISO directives:• Systematic review voting is now obligatory for the P-mem-

bers of the committee that developed the standard.• Technical committee chairs have been limited to two terms,

the first of six years and the second of three years. Now thisterm restriction is removed. Chairs may serve any number ofterms, however the total number of years served is still limit-ed to nine years, and the first term is limited to six years.

• Technical committees are now encouraged to select a “chairelect” one year before the end of the term of the currentchair. “Chair elect” is established as a new ISO role.

• Minor revisions must now list the changes in the Foreword.• Justification statements are no longer required with ap-

proval votes. Justification statements are still required withdisapproval votes.

• For negative votes, if justification is not submitted with thenegative vote, the negative vote is not counted. A new pro-cedure is documented for justification statements that arenot clearly technical.

• In Part 2, the revisions simplify, disambiguate, and reorganizethe material to facilitate the work of standards developers.Requirements intended to normalize the structure of stan-dards documents are added. Standards writers are encouragedto peruse the new edition. A checklist is provided to assistin adopting the new requirements.

• Concurrent with the new directives, ISO/CS has publishednew electronic forms applicable in standards developmentwork: form 4 (new work item) and form 13 (report of DISvoting).

New from the ISO Technical Management BoardISO/CS withdrawn standards procedure: Since ISO/CS starteddoing withdrawal ballots using e-balloting, they have noted anincrease in the number of objections received. The TMB Resolu-tion 22/2016 establishes a three months period in which a mem-ber body may gather information to demonstrate that the stan-dard is being used in at least 5 countries. If the member bodydoes not wish to undertake this task, the standard will be with-drawn. Note that if a standard is withdrawn, national standardsbodies can still use its content as a basis to develop a nationalstandard and withdrawn standards are still available for pur-chase.

Faster standards development: The TMB has approved theaddition of a new 18-month development track, based on short-

IS&T Reporter16

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ening the WD/CD development stage, and the comment resolu-tion stage. This development track is intended for revisions andfor use in committees able to accomplish rapid consensus. Thistrack will use a new rapid “direct publication process” throughthe editing, proofing, and publications processes.

Remote participation in meetings: The guideline for remoteparticipation in standards meetings ( hasbeen revised based on pilot studies. The TMB recognizes the val-ue of remote participation for all ISO meetings and ISO commit-tees in support of increasing stakeholder engagement, betterproject management, and better coordination of the committeework.

Promoting project management skills: Project management

for standards development is one of the key issues currently be-ing looked at by the ISO TMB. For more advice on project man-agement and the list of Do’s and Don’ts, login to the project man-agement page ( on ISO Connect.

Experts are welcome to contribute to ISO standards development throughtheir corresponding national committees. Additional information on pho-tography standards is available from the ISO/TC 42 Secretariat, Additional information on graphic technology stan-dards is available from the ISO/TC 130 Secretariat,

For questions about the activities of TC 42, for suggestions for (or in-put to) future updates, or standards questions in general, please contactthe IS&T Standards Coordinator at

papers continued from page 1

biocompatibility and mechanical properties. Furthermore, appli-cation of antibacterial coatings onto these implant material havebeen presented as a viable strategy to prevent biofilm formation.The purpose of this study was to analyse the biofilm preventioneffect on gentamicin coated fiber-reinforced composite implants,by means of inkjet technology, when exposed to Staphylococcusaureus ATCC 25923 bacteria. Scanning white light interferome-try and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterizethe surface texture and surface roughness of the pure and print-ed implant material and titanium (control) specimens. Quantifi-cation of the deposited gentamicin amount was performed usinga colorimetric assay. Statistically significant biofilm inhibitionwas seen for the gentamicin coated resin specimens and a morethan 100-fold reduction in viable cells was determined. It wasconcluded that piezoelectric inkjet technology could be a viabletechnology to precisely deposit anti-biofilm coatings onto im-plant materials. The presented work is based on results of a mas-ter’s thesis by Anthoni et al., 2016 conducted at Åbo AkademiUniversity.

Flexible Pressure Sensor Driven by All-Printed Organic TFT Array FilmShinichi Nishi,1,2 Tohru Miyoshi,1,3 Hiroyuki Endoh,1,4 and ToshihideKamata1,5; 1Japan Advanced Printed Electronics Technology ResearchAssociation, 2Konica Minolta Inc., 3Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., 4NECCorporation, and 5The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Scienceand Technology (Japan)Abstract: We have constructed a sheet-to-sheet (S2S) manufac-turing line in order to prove the possibility and reality of produc-tion technologies and integrated processes of all-printed elec-tronics devices. In our automated and continuously operatedmanufacturing line, we operated the reverse offset printer forelectrode pattern, digital inkjet printer for organic semiconduc-tor layer, slit-die coater for insulator layer, and screen printer forelectrode and inter-layer insulator.

The average mobility of organic TFT is 0.7 cm2/Vs, averageON current is 5 uA with less than 10% sigma in A4 size area, andON/OFF current ratio is ten of order 6. We have been acquiring

successful results of TFT array flexible film in a reasonable highyield.

These all-printed organic TFT array back-plane is applied tothe flexible and light-weight pressure sensor which is driven inactive matrix mode, and which is applied for a touch pad of writ-ing with pressure grey scale or a commodity inventory system.

The Impact of 3D Printing on US Copyright and TrademarksScott M. Slomowitz, Gary A. Greene, and Nicholas M. Tinari, Jr; CaesarRivise, PC (USA)Abstract: The ubiquitous use of additive manufacturing (andsubtractive manufacturing), better known as “3D Printing” hasforced intellectual property (IP) owners to re-evaluate the vari-ous types of well-known IP protections available to them, name-ly, patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. In one as-pect, by shifting the act of “manufacturing” or “making” of aproduct from a conventional industrial manufacturer to a con-sumer, the IP holder must determine which, if any, of the tradi-tional IP protections are worth the investment. Acts which havebeen the signature of infringement, both patent and copyright,have been the making, using, and selling of an IP protected prod-uct. But if the entity that is doing any of those acts by printing anIP-protected product is a consumer, the IP owner may not beable to recover any significant damages from that single con-sumer or consumers who actually print (i.e., “make”) the prod-uct. IP owners must look to see if there are any remedy(ies) in su-ing the vendors who sell the software files provided to theconsumer that are loaded into their 3D printers. From a trade-mark aspect, where a trademark identifies the source of goods orservices in commerce, IP owners need to be concerned aboutthose they license to 3D-print their products; for example, willthe end product have the same quality as when the IP owner ac-tually produced the product, since the IP owner’s trademark willappear on that printed product? With regard to copyrights, IPowners need to consider that although photographs have copy-right the moment they are created, does software of opticallyscanned 3D objects have the same benefit? �