Is the Internet Getting You Down?

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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is the internet getting you down?

@darshancamposImage Credits: Montecruz Foto/Flickr & Julian Burgess/Flickr

@darshancamposImage Credit: Solo/Flickr

do you ever wonder where is the ‘me’ in memes?or why memes tend to be so mean?

& what it is all means – the porn, the scorn, the reddit police?

are you tired of bullies & trolls?perhaps you’re scared of the spies?

oh, how the government lies!

@darshancamposImage Credit: Kevin Dooley/Flickr

@darshancamposImage Credit:Jussi Mononen/Flickr

beware, the spies are everywhere!& it isn’t just the nsa via webcam.

even your mom’s watching your moves on’s true, boo hoo!

@darshancamposImage Credit: Sasha Diamanti/Flickr

so i ask again: is the internet getting you down?

@darshancamposImage Credit: Tau Zero/Flickr

does it feel like endgame for sister freaks & trans geeks in games?

perhaps your guild feels unsafe, peopled more by real life orcs than sweet, sexy dorks?

perhaps you’ve tweeted your last stand –

– only to find yourself doxxed by folks who claim the

anonymous upper hand?@darshancampos

Image Credit: Rachel Titiriga/Flickr

@darshancamposImage Credit: Tim Pierce/Flickr

(hey hey, anonymity isn’t Anonymous,

no way!)

@darshancamposImage Credit: Codice Internet/Flickr

if the internet is getting you down,i’ve got a remedy.

@darshancamposImage Credit: Chris and Laura/Flickr

it’s really quite simple & rather matter of fact.we’re smarter in community. & safer to boot.

@darshancamposImage Credit: JulianBleeker/Flickr

whether we wear a white hat or black, cloak or communicator,

when we form guilds of sister freaks & trans geeks,

we’re more resistant to the infection of internet sexism.

@darshancamposImage Credit: TimothyJ/Flickr

together we can more easily escape the internet’s fireswamp of sexist shenanigans.

@darshancamposImage Credit: webheathcloseup/Flickr

more swiftly avoid its swamps of sadness.more deftly detect its territorializing trolls.

@darshancamposImage Credit: Tor Kristensen/Flickr

so sister freaks & trans geeks, move up & out.

@darshancamposImage Credit: BlackGirlsCode/Flickr

because you’re right, you know –the internet is for everyone!

@darshancamposImage Credit: WOCinTech Chat/Flickr

it’s more than possible – it’s entirely true!there’s so many online communities for you!

one, two, how about a few?

@darshancamposImage Credit: Jim Balent/Hawkeye Initiative

make the decision to check out the hawkeye initiative! what’s sexism in your face but a call for sass,

satire, & sisterhood?

@darshancamposImage Credit: Flore Allemandou/Flickr

or introduce yourself to the ada initiative!

ada’s really quite awesome, she’s political too, because satire won’t unseat the senate or send trolls back to the zoo.

@darshancamposImage Credit: Free Press/Flickr

grassroots organizing, even online? yes! & beyond petition time!

@darshancamposImage Credit: Free Press/Flickr via Vanissa W. Chan/ACB Media

try padlet, perhaps, to solicit more smarts. such a pretty platform to organize, strategize, prioritize, & then mobilize.

@darshancamposImage Credit: Kathy Cassidy/Flickr

bust down the doors of the internet trolls by blogging for freedom & feminism too!

last but not least, have heart & take pride & start to strategize!

make your own stuff! mine your own turf! really. literally. digitally.

@darshancamposImage Credit: Peter Thoeny/Flickr

we can do it – & code it.that’s how we own it!

@darshancamposImage Credit: h3idi.harman/Flickr

@darshancamposImage Credit: B.C. Lorioy/Flickr

let’s take back the internet like we take back our streets ... … from rapists &

bullies & racist police.

and show how internet’s free & open for all kinds!

…. all genders …. …. all gamers …. …. all geeks ….

@darshancamposImage Credit: Nathanael VALERO/Flickr

& our tweeting, well-meaning mothers too.

@darshancamposImage Credit: Dawn Ashley/Flickr

big to all the contributorsto the creative commons.

You can find most of these images on flickr!

@darshancamposImage Credit: Thomas Hawk/Flickr

a public internet announcement : by :

darshan elena campos, ph.d.

@darshancamposImage Credit: