Is your health being affected by the environment? By: Ali Murray.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Is your health being affected by the environment?

By: Ali Murray

Human Health and The Environment

Pollutants In Your Home

There are thousands of pollutants in our environment that can affect our health, so I chose to focus on a couple that you would most likely find in your home. If you live in a older house, you should be aware of the many different types of pollutants that may be harmful to your health. These pollutants can be found in the air, as well as within the structure of your home.

Air pollutants: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) can be caused by ventilation systems, wood/coal stoves, and water heaters. Carbon Monoxide (CO) can be caused by the same sources as Nitrogen Dioxide but a main source of this gas occurs when a gas engine runs in a enclosed space, like your car in a closed garage. Formaldehyde (HCHO) is found in resins from the construction of your home and it can also be found in cigarette smoke and some pressed wood products.

What’s within your walls: There are many types of Mould that is caused by trapped moisture and mould spores in musty areas. It can also be found in old food as well as places where a lot of bacteria collects, like bathrooms. Lead Poisoning is caused by the use of lead paint in older homes and is also found in the water of older plumbing systems.

Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide is a very deadly gas that takes thousands of lives each

year. You can’t see it and it has no odour. Symptoms from carbon monoxide poisoning are as such; headache, dizziness, confusion, chest pain, nausea, difficulty breathing, which could lead to a coma, and or even death, if you don’t get medical attention immediately.

The most common sources of carbon monoxide are from cars and other

gas motors running in a enclosed spaced, burning charcoal, and some water heater, dryers and ventilation systems also give off carbon monoxide. Annual tests are advised if you have any of these appliances in your home because you may not even be aware that the levels of carbon monoxide when at dangerous levels.

Mould There are many different types of moulds. Some of these moulds can be harmful

yet some can beneficial to your health. Penicillin is an antibiotic that is made from penicillin mould and is used by doctors everyday to treat a variety of illnesses and infections. But other moulds could affect your health in a negative way if inhaled for a long period of time.

Mould is categorized into 3 classes, Class A,B, and C. Classes B and C are harmful to your health but don’t affect you as much as Class A, which could eventually lead to an illness or infection that might later result in death if the mould isn’t taken care of.

Moulds cause people with respiratory illnesses and asthma to have more serve symptoms than normal and those who don’t already have asthma or a respiratory illness may develop one. Some other signs that mould has had a affect of your health are; depression, dizziness, headaches, bloody noses, coughing, seizers, fatigue, irritation of throat, loss of hearing, sight, and memory, trouble breathing, and irritability.

How Do The Pollutants Get To Us?

The pollutants can get into our system in a few different ways. Air pollution that is inhaled affects our respiratory system.

We can also ingest pollutants like those found in water like heavy metals and dangerous bacteria.

For things like UV rays from the sun and similar pollutants we absorb it through our skin, which can cause rashes as one of the symptoms. It could even lead to skin cancer if the proper precautions aren’t taken.

Usually when your exposed to a pollutant it enters your body in more than just one way. For example if you are swimming in polluted water you may ingest it as well as absorb it through your skin.

How To Protect Yourself

Air pollutants: When working on projects that has airborne particles or possible toxic characteristics, make sure to wear protection for your eyes, as well as gloves and a mask. When it comes to your home make sure you test your air quality by checking your ventilation system and try to have some type of detector in your home, for example a carbon monoxide detector.

Water pollutants: Check your local paper or website in case there are high levels of algae, heavy metals or other pollutants that could affect your health if you go swimming.

UV Rays: Always remember to wear sunscreen when you go out. Stay out of the direct sunlight if you can, and check the weather channel before leaving.

Moulds: Look out for symptoms and signs and make sure that you keep your home moisture free, if you do find some mould get it taken care of right away. Your health is not worth the risk.

Who’s Most Vulnerable? When it comes to any population, anywhere, the elderly and young are

affected the most because their immune system aren’t as strong.

Air pollution affects those who live in large populated cities that have numerous industrial factories and cars that create a huge amount of smog. For example in China and Asia the air pollution is so bad the land is covered by a huge dark cloud of smog.

Water pollution affects those who live in poverty and can’t afford clean water. People like those who live in Africa. It is one of the reasons most of their population is sick.

Government Initiatives The Government is doing a lot to try and improve both water and air

quality in Canada. The standard has been raised and the government won’t stand for any thing less than what is expected.

Water: The government is keeping a closer eye on our water, both in the lakes and rivers as well as our drinking water. For example the LAMPS, (Lakewide Management Plans) monitors the water quality, wildlife, fish, and plants. Goals are set to repair or improve the ecosystem so that future generations can experience it’s many wonders.

Air: Cities have grown and so has the amount of air pollution. It has started to affect our health so the Government has stepped in to fix it. The first step to clean air is in the Southwest where a task force has been set up to develop an action plan to reduce the amount of pollution that comes from industries, cars, and residents by making timelines, strategies and reporting requirements.