ISE525: Generating Random Variables

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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ISE525: Generating Random Variables. Sources of randomness in a computer?. Methods for generating random numbers: Time of day (Seconds since midnight) 10438901, 98714982747, 87819374327498,1237477,657418, Gamma ray counters Rand Tables CEFT generator C losed Eye Finger Typing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


ISE525: Generating Random Variables

Sources of randomness in a computer?

• Methods for generating random numbers:– Time of day (Seconds since midnight)– 10438901, 98714982747,

87819374327498,1237477,657418,– Gamma ray counters– Rand Tables– CEFT generator• Closed Eye Finger Typing

Pseudo Random Numbers

• Pseudo random numbers:– Generated algorithmically.– Can be replicated with original parameters.

LCGs• A linear congruential generator (LCG) represents one of the

oldest and best-known pseudorandom number generator algorithms.

• The generator is defined by the recurrence relation:– Xn+1 = (a Xn + c) modulo m

• where Xn is the sequence of pseudorandom values, and• The period of a general LCG is at most m, and for some

choices of a much less than that. The LCG will have a full iff:– (a) andc are are relatively prime, – a-1 is divisible by all prime factors of m– a – 1 is a multiple of 4 if m is a multiple of 4.

LCGs continued

• While LCGs are capable of producing decent pseudo random numbers, they are extremely sensitive to the choice of the coefficients c, m, and a.

• Historically, poor choices had led to ineffective implementations of LCGs. A particularly illustrative example of this is RANDU which was widely used in the early 1970s and resulted in many results that are currently in doubt because of the use of this poor LCG.

Multiply With Carry Generator

• Simple to implement.• In its most common form, a lag-r MWC

generator requires a base b, a multiplier a, and a set of r+1 random seed (starting) values, consisting of r residues of b i.e. {x0, x1, x2 ,..., xr−1}, and an initial carry cr−1 < a.

Mersenne Twisters

• Mersenne primes: 243,112,609 − 1• Mersenne twisters:– It has a period of 219937 − 1– It has a very high order of dimensional

equidistribution.– It passes numerous tests for statistical

randomness.• Diehard tests

Diehard Tests

• Tests for random number generators:– Birthday spacings: The spacings between the

points should be asymptotically Poisson distributed.

DieHard Tests

• Overlapping permutations: Analyze sequences of five consecutive random numbers. The 5! possible orderings should occur with statistically equal probability.

• Parking lot test: Randomly place unit circles in a 100 x 100 square. If the circle overlaps an existing one, try again. After 12,000 tries, the number of successfully "parked" circles should follow a certain normal distribution.

Random Parking Problem• In 1958, a Hungarian mathematician, Alfréd Rényi, presented an

interesting problem: "We place at random on the interval (0, x ) unit intervals not having points in common. What is the expected number of intervals we can thus place on (0, x )?". By assuming the unit interval a car on the road, the problem is often called "random car parking problem". Rényi (1958) solved this problem analytically and has obtained the solution

• Rényi, A. (1958) On a one-dimensional problem concerning random space-filling: Publications of Mathematical Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 3, 109-127.

lim( ( ) / ) 0.747590x

M x x

DieHard Tests

• Runs test: Generate a long sequence of random floats on [0,1). Count ascending and descending runs. The counts should follow a certain distribution.

• Overlapping sums test: Generate a long sequence of random floats on [0,1). Add sequences of 100 consecutive floats. The sums should be normally distributed with characteristic mean and sigma.

DieHard Tests

• Minimum distance test: Randomly place 8,000 points in a 10,000 x 10,000 square, then find the minimum distance between the pairs. The square of this distance should be exponentially distributed with a certain mean.

• Random spheres test: Randomly choose 4,000 points in a cube of edge 1,000. Center a sphere on each point, whose radius is the minimum distance to another point. The smallest sphere's volume should be exponentially distributed with a certain mean.

DieHard Tests

– The squeeze test: Multiply 231 by random floats on [0,1) until you reach 1. Repeat this 100,000 times. The number of floats needed to reach 1 should follow a certain distribution.

– Monkey tests: Treat sequences of some number of bits as "words". Count the overlapping words in a stream. The number of "words" that don't appear should follow a known distribution.

Multiply and Carry RNG

11( ) mod , , ,n r n

n n r n nax cx ax c b c n r


Approaches for RN generation

• Inverse transform• Composition• Convolution• Acceptance-rejection• Special properties

Inverse transform methods• Suppose X is continuous with cumulative distribution function (CDF) F(x) = P(X

<= x) for all real numbers x that is strictly increasing over all x.• Step 2 involves solving the equation F(X) = U for X; the solution is written• X = F – 1(U), i.e., we must invert the CDF F• Inverting F might be easy (exponential), or difficult (normal) in which case

numerical methods might be necessary (and worthwhile—can be made “exact” up to machine accuracy)

• Algorithm:– 1. Generate U ~ U(0, 1) (random-number generator)– 2. Find X such that F(X) = U and return this value X

Inverse Transform Method

• Uniform [a,b]


• Exponential distribution:

( ) , 0xef x x

ITM (Weibull)

ITM (Weibull)

ITM (Discrete cases)

Algorithm:1. Generate U ~ U(0,1) (random-number generator)2. Find the smallest positive integer I such that U <= F(xI)3. Return X = xI

ITM (Discrete case)

ITM (Discrete case)

Simulation of a deck of cards

Composition method for generating random variables

• This applies when the distribution function F from which the RN is desired can be expressed as a convex combination of other distribution functions, F1 , F2 , F3 etc.

• Specifically, we assume for all x, F(x) can be written as:

• This also works if :

1 1

( ), 0( ,) 1j j j jj j

p F x where p pF x

1 1

( ), 0( ,) 1j j j jj j

p f x where p pf x


• In general, the composition algorithm is:– Generate a positive random integer J such that• P(J=j) = p_j for j = 1,2,…• Return X with distribution function Fj

• Example: the double-exponential (or Laplace) distribution has the density f(x) = 0.5 e|x| for all x > 0.

Laplace distribution


• We can express the density as:

• Where IA denotes the indicator function of the set A, defined by:

• So, the algorithm for generating laplacian functions is: – First, generate U1 and U2 as IID U(0,1). If U1 < .5, return X =

ln(U2 ), else return X = -ln(U2 )

( ,0) [0, )0.5 ( )( ) 0.5 x xI ef x e I x

1( )


if xI



Example using Excel

Example 8.4

• For 0<a<1, the right trapeziodal distribution has the density:

2(1 ) 0 1( )

0a a x if x

f xotherwise


• If X = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 + Y5 …• Use the following algorithm for generating X:– Generate Y1, Y2, Y1, …, Ym IID with distribution

function G.– Return X = Y1 + Y2 + …+ Ym

• Example:– Erlang: the m-Erlang random variable X with meancan be defined as the sum of m IID Random variables

with a common mean of



• Specify a function t that majorizes the density function f, i.e.

• Now,

• However,

is a density function.

( ) ( )t x f x x

( ) ( ) 1c t x f x

( ) ( ) /r x t x c

Acceptance Rejection

• The algorithm for generating random variables using acceptance rejection is:– Generate Y having the density r.– Generate U ~ U(0,1) independent of Y– If U <= f(Y)/t(Y), return X=Y; otherwise try again.

• Example: Consider the beta(4,3) distribution on the unit interval:

3 260 0(1 1( )

0)x if x

f xotherwisex

3 260 0(1 1( )

0)x if x

f xotherwisex

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 1010






Inverse Transform Method ?


Acceptance Rejection

2.0736 0 1( )

0if x

t xotherwise

0 01( ) 0 1



r x x


So, we first generate Y~U(0,1).f(Y) = 60*Y^3(1-Y)^2/2.0736If U < f(Y), return Y, else reject Y and regenerate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100








Acceptance Rejection continued

• The acceptance rejection is used mostly for generating bounded random variables – although if the variable is not bounded, it can still be used.

• The choice of the majorizing function is critical for the efficiency of the method.

• The majorizing function can be composed of segments of several functions – piecewise linear for instance.

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 1010






Acceptance Rejection continued

• Adding a minorizing function

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 1010






Pros and cons ?

Special Properties

• If Y ~N(0,1), Y2 has a distribution.• If Z1 , Z2 … Zm ~ then Y=Z1 + Z2 + … + Zm ~• We exploit the special relationships between

distributions to generate random variables.

221 2


Generating continuous RVs

• Uniform:• Exponential:• M-Erlang:• Gamma

Generating Normal Variates

• Normal: N(m,s2 ) can be obtained from N(0,1 ).

– Box and Muller method:• Generate U1 and U2• X1 = sqrt(-2 ln U1) cos(2 PI U2)• X2 = sqrt(-2 ln U2) sin( 2 PI U2)• What if an LCG is used for U1 and U2 ?

Generating Normal Variates

• Generate U1 and U2. Vi = 2Ui -1.

• W=V12 +V2

2 . • If W > 1, go back to step 1, else let

• X1 = V1*Y1, X 2 = V2*Y2

• X1 and X2 are N(0,1)• Excel comparison:

( 2 ln ) /Y W W

Bezier Distributions

• Beziers are spline curves that fit arbitrary distributions, given information about percentiles.

• They can also be constructed to match moments of a given distribution.

Bezier curves

• Given points P1 and P2 , a linear Bézier curve is simply a linear bezier curve is the straight line between the two points:

• A cubic bezier is 0 1 0 0 1( ) ( ) (1 ) , [0,1]B t P t P P t P tP t

3 2 2 30 1 2 3( ) (1 ) 3(1 ) , [03(1 ,) 1]B t t P t t t P t tt PP

Generating Bezier Variates

Triangular Distributions

0 2( ) 2


x xf x



0 0

( ) 0 241


xF x x


1 20


Triangular Distributions1 ( 2) 2 32

( ) 1 (2 ) 3 62 3


x x

f x x x



2 1

0 21 ( 2) 2 34( )

1 ( 2 32

2 4) 61




x xF x

x x


Special Discrete Distributions

• Arbitrary Discrete Distribution:– Generate U ~U(0,1)– Return the nonnegative integer X = 1, satisfying:


0 0

( ) ( )i I

j j

p j U p j

Geometric distribution

• Number of failures before a success.1( ) (1 )xp X x p p

( ) 1 (1 )xp X x p

ln( )ln( )rxq

Generating Poisson RVs

• algorithm Poisson Random Number (Knuth): init:

Let L ← e−λ, k ← 0 and p ← 1. • do:

k ← k + 1. Generate uniform random number u in [0,1] and let p

← p × u. • while p ≥ L. • return k − 1.

Example of Poisson Distribution Generation

Generating Binomial RVs

If Yi is geometrically distributed with parameter p, then the smallest integer x

for which is binomially distributed with parameters (p,n).1




y n

Random Processes

• Markov Chains• Semi-Markov Chains• Renewal Processes• Martingales

Properties of Markov Chains

Generating random transition matrices
