Ishan Seo.Ppt

Post on 08-May-2015

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ISHAN SEO EXPERT to Provide best SEO sevices.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of attracting more traffic, and therefore more business to your website…

Search Engine

A web search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the World Wide Web..

There are the so many number of search engines………..

Search Engine works

Search engines use indexing software programs, called robots or spiders.

These software programs are programmed to constantly crawl the web in search of new or updated pages.

Examples popular Search Engines:

Search Engines statistics

1 . Google – 41.6%

2 . Yahoo – 31.5%

3 . MSN – 27.4%

4 . AOL – 13.6%

5 . Ask Jeeves – 7.0%

Search Engine Marketing is important?

• 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines.

• 90% of all users don’t look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10)

• Search engine traffic is low and websites aren’t indexed because they are generally poorly optimized.

• Cost-effective advertising.

And Google is the main site you need to worry about since it receives more than half of the search traffic on the web today.

How to: • Get and maintain top 10 rankings on Google,

Yahoo, MSN and other major search engines.

• Get more visitors, more customers and more sales.

Optimize the web pages for search engines?

Search engines only list web sites that they find relevant to a special topic. You must make sure that your web site is such a site.

So the process of optimizing your web pages so that search engines find them relevant is called SEO.

Only a few web surfers look further than the first or second result page of a search engine

The best keywords for website

Keywords are the words that web surfers enter in search engines to find web sites.

It is important that your web site has good rankings for popular keywords that are related to the theme of your web site.

It's pointless to optimize your web pages for keywords that nobody uses in the search engines.

In addition, in order to get targeted visitors, the keywords must not be too broad or too general.

Right keywords for website?

The first step in choosing the right keywords is to make them very specific.

• use keyword phrases that consist of two to four words

• avoid very competitive keywords

• be specific

• only check the keywords that are important to you

The keywords you use should be relevant for

your web site and web surfers should be searching for your keywords.

Suppose the keyword of the for which website

achieve ranking is

• Accident Claim Advice• Injury Claim Advice• Taxi Car Injury• Accident Claims • Vehicle Replacements • Personal Injury.

Two Types of Search Engine Optimization Exist

SEO can broadly be divided into two types:

• On page SEO

• off page SEO.

On Site Search Engine Optimization

When you write your pages with the search

engines in mind, focusing on particular keyword that the search engines will find and index your page for, you are doing on page SEO.

On-page SEO includes:


Content is king, so be sure to have good, well-written and unique content that will focus on your primary keyword.

Search engines do not need, nor do they reward, duplicate content.

Heading Tags

People hardly ever read every word of a web page.

So when your pages have heading tags, visitors are able to quickly scan your pages and easily tell what they are about.

There should only be one of each tag per page, with your most important keyword appearing in the H1 tag and descending from there in terms of importance

Link Structure

How your pages link to one another is important.

Important pages on your site should link to one another. If you have your site broken into distinct sections, the main pages of each section should link to one another.

This image shows the proper link structure:


Metatags include a title tag that contains the primary key phrase, which best describes what the page is about.

The next important Metatag is called the description, an eight to ten word sentence that describes what the page is about.

The third Metatag is the keyword tag that contains up to six key phrases in order of priority which best describes what the page is about.

“Being listed on position 11 or beyond means that many people may miss your web site.”

Title tag

Meta description tag (or first para of text if no meta des has been added)


Alt Tags

An alt tag is the text you see when you mouse-over a photo or graphic on a website.

Alt tags are best when they contain a key phrase that describes in words what the picture is about.

Google Analytics

We generate and send Google Analytics reports to you by email that tell you exactly what keywords your visitors searched for and even which search engine they used to find your site.

We generate and add two sitemaps to the website.

Html Sitemap

It appears as a web page on your site. The html sitemap is helpful to both visitors and search engines when navigating through your site.

XML Sitemap

It is a file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL, so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.

The Other Kind of SEO

Off Site SEO

Search engine optimization that focuses on gaining incoming links from other sites of high quality is off site SEO.

Increase link popularity of website

Generally, link popularity is the number of other web sites that link to your web site.

The idea behind this concept is that search engines think that your web site must be important if many other web sites link to your site.

It is also Important that the other web sites are related to your web site. Links from unrelated web sites won't do your own web site much good.

If the links to your web site include your important keywords in the link text, the effect on your search engine rankings will be much higher.

If you want to be found for the search term "brown shoes" then it's much better to get links like

<a href="">brown shoes</a>

If the link to your site includes your search term, search engines think that your web site must be relevant for this search term.

How to increase links:

a)good content b)good outbound links c) Target a list of sites from which you can

request inbound links

“A small number of inbound links from high-quality, relevant sites is more valuable than many links from low-traffic, irrelevant sites.”

Build a network of quality backlinks using your keyword phrase as the link.

If there is no good, logical reason for that site to link to you, you don’t want the link.

When link building, think quality, not quantity.

One single, good, authoritative link can do a lot more for you than a dozen poor quality links, which can actually hurt you.

Give link love, Get link love. Don’t be stingy with linking out. That will encourage others to link to you.

If web site is not ranked?

If your web site is not ranked on search engines, take a look at the following tips.

• Search engines need some time to pick up new web pages. Most search engines need four to 12 weeks to index new web pages.

• Make sure that your web site has enough content

• Make sure that you have enough good incoming links

• Avoid Flash and other multimedia elements

• Don't use welcome pages

• Avoid special characters in your URL

The following special characters are known to be "search-engine-spider-stoppers":

* ampersand (&)* dollar sign ($)* equals sign (=)* percent sign (%)* question mark (?)


SEO is the process of Internet marketing and is the most cost-effective means of marketing to your target visitors.

A successful SEO will bring qualified customers and prospects to your website