
Post on 12-Jan-2015

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By: Teresa Castro

History Of Islam

In 610, an angel appears and gives a message to Muhammad.

By 613, Muhammad begins to spread the message around in Mecca.

622 is when Muhammad and his followers leave Mecca. This action marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

By the time Muhammad dies in 632, Islam begins to spread across Southwest Asia and North Africa.

The Religion

Statement of faith- Muslims must state “There is no god, but God and Muhammad is his prophet.”

Daily Prayer- Muslims must pray five times a day (Before sunrise, at midday, in late afternoon, right after sunset, and before the go to bed.

Charity-Muslims must help others and donate part of their income to charity.

Five Pillars Of Islam

Fasting- Muslims must go without food or a drink during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Hajj- All Muslims must travel to Mecca once in their lives if they can.

Five Pillars Of Islam (cont.)

This symbol is not Muslim origin, it is a polytheistic icon that was adopted in the spread of Islam.

When Islam spread to the Ottoman Turks, the symbol started to associate with the Muslims.

Islam’s Symbol

According to Islamic dates the Kaaba dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.

Some people believe that the stone is most likely a meteorite.

In the Kaaba is the "black stone", an object Muslims believe was given to Abraham by the angel Gabriel.

The Kaaba

The name Fatimah means “the one that is kept away from evil and bad character .”

She was married to Ali who was murdered in 661.

When Muhammad and Ali were in a battle she took it upon herself to heal their wounds.


Is a pilgrimage to Mecca ; largest gathering of Muslim people in the world every year.

It is one of The Five Pillars of Islam.

The word Hajj means "to intend a journey”

The Gregorian date of the Hajj changes from year to year .

The Hajj

The Arabian Peninsula is located in the continent of Asia, northeast, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman on the east.

Also located on the Arabian Sea on the southeast and south, the Gulf of Aden on the south, the Bab-el-Mandeb strait on the southwest, and the Red Sea which is located on the southwest and west.

Arabian Peninsula

Mecca and MedinaThe city holds the

holiest site in all Islam, the Sacred Mosque, and was declared a place of pilgrimage by the Prophet Muhammad in 630.

Inside the sacred mosque is the Kaaba. Muslims believe the Kaaba was built by Abraham.

Medina, where Muhammad fled in 622, is the second holiest site in Islam.

Medina is where Muhammad is buried which makes it holy.

Muslims believe Muhammad went to heaven on his horse Buraq, to receive commandments.

The spread of Islam began when Muhammad started preaching the revelation which Muslims believe had been revealed to him from God.

With some earlier conquests, it resulted in the spread of Islam from Mecca to the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and east to the Pacific Ocean.

As of October 2009, there were 1.571 billion Muslims, making Islam the second-larges religion in the world.

Spread of Islam

The single most important belief in Islam, is that there is only one God. The name of God is Allah, which is simply Arabic for “The God.”

According to the Qur'an, Allah "created man from a clot of blood” Humans are the greatest of all creatures, created with free will for the purpose of obeying and serving God.

Islamic Beliefs

There were 3 trade routes that intersected in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

These routes were called “crossroad locations.”

It spread on land and seas.

Trade In Islam

Between 1450 and 1750 continued the trading which helped spread Islam around.

The Ottoman Empire held its strength into the 17th century.

Muslim Empires

Abu Bakr , c.570 – 634 was Muhammad’s closest companion and adviser, and first convert to Islam.

Abu Bakr was the Muhammad’s companion on the journey to Medina in 622.

When Muhammad died in 632, Muslims elected Abu Bakr as caliph, or successor of Muhammad.

Abu Bakr

Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca, in Arabia in the year 570CE.

Muhammad’s father died while he was still in the womb and soon after Muhammad’s grandfather became his guardian.

Muhammad died in 632AD.


Wives of the Prophet, known as the "mothers of the faithful," are seen as role models for the other Muslim women.

The holy book says “Men and women are created from one soul to be partners to each other, and both genders will receive like rewards on the day of judgment.”

Role Of Woman