Islamic Studies - May 2015. TEXTBOOK REFERENCES 1 Unit C Unit D Ch. 5: Way to Liberating Makkah-...

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Islamic Studies - May 2015


Unit D

Ch. 5: Way to Liberating Makkah- p.C58-C65, Worksheets: p.109-114Ch.6: The Great Victory Fath- p.C66-C75, Worksheets:p.115-120Ch.7: The Battle of Hunaayn p.C76-C85,Worksheets : p.121-125Ch. 3- Islamic Etiquette of clothing p.D22-D31, Worksheets: p. 137-142Ch. 4 Hijab –p. D32-D41,

W.sheets:p.143-149Ch.5 – L. 3 Surat ul Maarijj, Lessons

3 p.D52-59, W.sheets:p.157-160

TEXTBOOK REFERENCES 2Unit E Ch. 3: Sadaqah -

p.E22-E29, Worksheets: p.181-189Ch.4: Surah Qalam

Lesson 3- Greed Leeds to Destruction

p.E43-E51,Worksheets:p.199-201Lesson 4- The Reward for those who

fear Allah

p.E52-E55,Worksheets : p.203Lesson 5- Standing by Allah

p.E56-E61, Worksheets: p. 205Ch.5 – Sadaqah without money p.E62-E71, Worksheets:p.207-215

1. Explain the following Verses:

O children of Adam, We have sent down to you clothing in order to cover your nakedness, and to serve as protection and beauty; but the garment of piety is the best. These are the signs of Allah so they may be mindful.

O children of Adam, let not Shaytan trick you in the same way that he got your first parents to be driven out of the Garden and stripped them of their garments in order to expose their shameful parts before each other. He and his party see you from where you cannot see them. We have made these satans the guardians of those who do not believe.(Surah A’raf verses 26-27)

2. Explain the following Hadith:

Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Everynewborn is born with true faith in his heart, then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian." (Collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).

3. Answer the following questionsWhen did the Prophet and the Muslims march to

liberate Makkah?How many Muslims participated in the campaign

against the Quraysh?Which tribes joined the Prophet on his march

toward Makkah?What did Al-Abbas do during the events that led to

Fateh Makkah?How did the Prophet deal with Abu Sufyan before

Fateh Makkah? Did this help to put a peaceful end to the conflict?

Who among the leaders of the Quraysh embraced Islam just before Fateh Makkah?

4. Answer the following questions:When did Fateh Makkah take place?What did the Prophet do first when he entered

Makkah?Describe how the Prophet prayed in Al-Ka'bah.Who was 'Uthman ibn Talhah? Tell his story in

relation to Prophet Muhammad?What did the Prophet do with the Quraysh on the

day of Fateh Makkah?What was the pledge of the "women" all about?What things did the Prophet prohibit buying and

selling during Fateh Makkah?

5. Answer the following questions:How did the Prophet (PBUH) find out about the

letter of Hatib? What lesson do we learn from this to apply in our life (when we think of doing a sin secretly)?

What are the Islamic standards of clothing? Mention at least three.

Why is Hijab mandatory? Is Hijab only a type of clothing?What are some of the benefits of practicing hijab?What is awrah for males and females in public? What did the Prophet prohibit men to wear? Why? Since our world is just a test, how should we live our


6. Answer the following questions: How can one remove arrogance from one’s heart? What is the punishment of arrogant people? What will be the state of the arrogant people on the day of judgement?In which Surah is the story of the Garden? What did the brothers do after seeing their garden after the fire?What is the greatest lesson that you learn from the story of the garden?

6. Vocabularies: Define and identify the following (1)Hijab حجاب

Sadaqah صدقة

Al-Kibr الكبر

Jilbab جلباب

Al-Fattah الفتاح

Al-Haleem الحليم

Awrah عورة

Niqab نقاب

Khimar خمار

Ghayrah َغ�يرة

Iffah عفة

Al-Kibr الكبر

Hasanat حسنات

Sadaqah Jariyah جارية صدقة

6. Vocabularies: Define and identify the following (1)

In Sha Allah الله شاء إن

Hasad حسد

Ayn عين

Al-Amru Bil Ma’rouf بالمعرف األمر

An Nahi ‘An Al-Munkar المنكر عن النهي

6. Vocabularies: Define and identify the following (1)

One Word AnswersThis is the word used to seek

forgiveness of Allah

It means "If Allah Wills". A Muslim should always say this because he/she knows that plans only materialize if Allah Wills

One of the five pillars of Islam, which is to be paid once during the year

Arabic word for an emotion that drives a man to protect and defend all women who are related to him against evil looks and behavior of strangers

This is the word used to seek forgiveness of Allah

It means "If Allah Wills". A Muslim should always say this because he/she knows that plans only materialize if Allah Wills

One Word Answers

One of the five pillars of Islam, which is to be paid once during the year

Running charity which is one of the best deeds one can do

Whenever you see a person enjoying a gift or favor from Allah you should say ….

One Word Answers

8. TRUE OR FALSE (1)1. The Quraysh came to know of the Muslims

preparation for war by the letter of Hatib.2.  It is permissible for men to imitate women and

women to imitate men.3.  After nineteen days, the Prophet and most of the

Muslims left Makkah to return to Madinah.4. Durayd was a wise old man who encouraged Malik

to take the women and children to the battlegrounds.

5. The Prophet told Abu Sufyan to announce in Makkah that whoever entered Abu Sufyan’s house was safe, whoever shuts himself up in his house is safe and whoever enters the Holy Mosque is safe.

TRUE OR FALSE6. Sadaqah and Zakah are alike in that they are

both mandatory. 7. It is forbidden to pluck the eyebrows.8. The practice of Hijab is not something new to

Islam. It was part of everyday dress for women in ancient Christian and Jewish communities.

9. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “He will not enter Jannah who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance.

10. The main lesson that we learn from the story of the Garden is that greed is a good character.

Every good deed is a sadaqah

It is very important to do the prayers because the one who didn’t do it will not be able to make Sujood on the Day of Jundgment.

Going to the Masjid is not a form of sadaqah

Sadaqah can only be given in the form of money or food.

Jealousy can cause people to hurt each other physically.


9. Fill in the blanks• In the battle of Hunayn the Muslim army had

_________________ soldiers.   Al-Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet’s

___________, had embraced ____________ secretly almost one year before the campaign on Makkah.


The Prophet (PBUH) said: ‘Between the ______________ and ______________ is “Awrah” [for males].’

 Rasoolullah said, “If any Muslim ___________ something

or sows seed from which man, bird, or beast eats, it counts as _____________ for him.”

Rasoolullah said: “ ______________ is prescribed for each human being every day the sun rises.”

The Prophet taught everyone a great lesson in “hilm” or ________________ when he forgave the ______________ who had tortured him and the Muslims even though he had the power to take revenge after the liberation of Makkah

___________________ means lowering the gaze or looking away.

Allah’s name Al-Fattah means The________________.

9. Fill in the blanks

Surah _________ and Surah Nas should be recited to counter hasad and evils coming from other people.

The ________ refused to make sujood in their lives and will ___________ it.

Seeking ______________ brings us blessings from Allah.

9. Fill in the blanks