Island B r e e z e s - Razor Planet · 2016-02-18 · Island B r e e z e s ... Speaker Dr. Fred...

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B r e e z e s

February, 2016 Vol. 4, No. 6

“Thank Goodness It’s Not Me!” Overheard in the Foyer

“What’s this about senior adults organizing?”

“Didn’t you get an invite to their Valentine Gather-


“I’m too young.”

“Well, try to make it to their St. Patty Gathering on

March 18.”

“Don’t have anything green.”

“It’s at Kay Patterson’s; details on page 3.”

“Will I need a birth certificate?”

“Just some snack food will do, thank you.”

Oak Harbor Church of the Nazarene 1100 W. Whidbey Ave. O.H., WA 98277

Sitting in a dentist’s waiting room is not one of the

ways I’d choose to spend a gloomy upper northwest

morning, but it’s the way I’m spending this one. It

could be worse though, if I were waiting to have my

own root canal, and not here to give moral support

to my son-in-law.

Scene two: I’m in an examining room with my

nurse son at my side, daughter and son-in-law in the

waiting room, and an earnest doctor of oncology

passing on news that causes me to ask, “Why me,

Lord, why me?”

Such exclamations and questions may sneak

into everyones musings on occasion--I suspect it’s

only human nature to express them, but, as I am

currently learning, the question mark is the hard one

to live with.

When I was a kid one of the hymnal songs that

I’d often request on the fifth Sunday night of the

month, came to my mind the other day after my

doctor’s visit. The chorus sings like this:

But I know whom I have believed,

And am persuaded that He is able

To keep that which I’ve committed

Unto Him against that day.

“That day” for me will be/was Monday, February 22.

But not for surgery alone, but for the whole rest of my

life. By the way, that gospel song is based on 2 Timo-

thy 1:12. Read it for yourself. Then make sure that

your commitment is current. Pmm

Did You Know That. . .

“More things are solved by prayer

than this old world dreams of.”

OHNaz Prayer Gathering

Sunday, February 21st, 5:00 p.m.


The narrative of Mark, like that of all the gospels, climaxes with the cross and resurrection, but we should not speed toward the conclusion with such haste that we overlook the gospel’s centerpiece, the pivot around which the revelation of the central character turns. That centerpiece is Mark 8:22-10:52. It is framed by two healings of blind men, the only such healings in Mark, and within that frame is a threefold prediction of Jesus’ death and resurrec-tion.

Jesus encounters the first blind man in Bethsaida, just north of the Sea of Galilee (Mark 8:22-26). Perhaps the most memorable part of that story is the two-phase healing of the man. A first touch from Jesus results in blurry vision: the man sees people, but they look like trees walking. A second application of Jesus’ hands yields clear vision. Any-one who has had an eye exam knows the refrain, “Better first? Better second?” when the optometrist is clicking through various lenses to find the best correction for one’s vision. The blind man of Beth-saida opted for “Better second.” Immediately following the healing, the scene shifts to Caesarea Philippi and Peter’s declaration of Jesus as the Messiah. A story of sight is followed by a story of insight; physical vision by spiritual vision. The blind man eventually saw clearly. It remains to be seen just how clear Peter’s spiritual vision is. What follows for the next two chapters is an assortment of revelatory events, like the transfig-uration, and teaching moments on topics like Elijah, divorce, and riches. But the structure of this center-piece is a threefold pattern repeated three times. There are three predictions of Jesus’ death and resurrection, immediately followed by three


blundering missteps by the disciples, culminating in three repetitious lessons by Jesus. The overall picture is depressing … perhaps depressingly familiar. The disciples take two steps forward, one step back. A board game that was pop-ular decades ago and can still be purchased is called “Chutes and Ladders.” Players roll the dice and advance around the board hoping to land on a ladder and quickly ascend toward the finish, while avoiding the chutes, which send the player sliding back down to a lower level. It is a child’s game but also a metaphor for life, and sometimes for Christian discipleship. A moment of revelation and insight is followed by a tragic slide into darkness and failure. Anyone who has struggled with habitual sin or substance abuse knows the pattern. In Mark’s centerpiece it is a struggle for understanding, to see Jesus as he is, not as we would remake or distort him for our own pur-poses. Flashes of insight come, but a dark pattern of corrupting self-interest returns. Two steps forward, one step back.

What made the difference between Mark chapter 8 and chapter 10? Perhaps Jesus is getting better with practice? Or perhaps Mark is talking about more than one kind of blindness and one kind of sight! The disciples, represented by Peter in 8:29, had fig-ured out that Jesus was the Messiah, but in their blurry vision they still thought the Messiah couldn’t suffer and die, would certainly want a hierarchy of assistants, and would indulge their cravings for pres-tige and privilege. But they couldn’t tell the Messiah from a tree walking. Only with a second touch, with further instruction, and especially with the example of Jesus’ own suffering and death, could the disci-ples gain clear vision and follow Jesus in the way.

PRAYER OF THE DAY—Lord Jesus, it was hard for your disciples to hear that they would have to suffer in order to follow you. Give us faith and courage to follow you when following is painful or frightening. Amen.

HYMNS—I’m so glad Jesus lifted me Remember, you are loved! See you soon!

Pastor Ben

PB’s Current

An Apology. Yes, this editor is fully aware that your

February newsletter is a few weeks late. Please

accept my apology. So far, this has been an

extremely jam-packed month. (Almost all good

stuff.) Promise I’ll do better come March. Pmm

BAG Was a Big Success. The 40 or so OHNazers

who gathered at Jim Creek Lodge and Campground

February 12-14 agree that other than rain-scuttled

activities, like the traditional faith walk, everything

met everyone’s expectation—especially the Todd

and Annie Martin food: “Loved the stuffed pork

chops,” “Who knew a sloppy joe could be so


Speaker Dr. Fred Fullerton of Northwest Nazarene

University provided words of biblical wisdom that

spoke to the heart, as well as the intellect. The real

guy-athletes played Frisbee golf in the pouring rain,

the Liggetts/Wafford musicians played their hearts

out (“Well, it was Valentine’s Day”), and the scaven-

ger hunt “was a hoot.”

For those not in the know, BAG stands for Break

Away with God.

Senior Adults Get Organized. Well, it’s about time!

It took four seniors (Kay Patterson, Marian Smith,

Karl Steele, and Pmm) to decide that OHNaz should

organize and support a senior adult fellowship and

activity ministry for any of us who don’t mind being

considered mature adults in years and experience,

not necessarily brain power.

On Friday, February 12 the group had it’s first Sen-

ior Friendship Gathering—a dinner at China City.

The thirteen gathered in the restaurant’s private


News from the pews

dining room thoroughly enjoyed getting acquainted,

laughing, playing a ridiculous game, eating plenty of

sodium glutamate, and sharing some heart-felt

needs. Besides the four mentioned above, present

were JoAnne Sherrod, Joe/Shirley Racette, Marie

Hamilton, Chuck/Jacque Fye, Skip Townsend,

Fred/June Forester.

Next month’s Friendship Gathering will be a 7:00

pm game night at the Kay Paterson home (443 SW

10th). Let Kay know you’ll be there (675-4875).

Bring a favorite table game, some munchables, and

in honor of St. Patrick (one day late), some canned

green veggies for Help House.

Did You Know That . . . The Jim & Sandi Murdy’s

are in Japan visiting daughter Jessie, whose Air

Force husband Willie is stationed there? . . . Speak-

ing of Japan, sort-of-new OHNazers Fred & June

Forster served the church as missionaries in the

Land of the Rising Sun for 30 years. It was there

they worked with Ivan & Virginia Lathrop. You can

find the Forsters in Coupeville at 1203 NE Parker

Rd, 98239; Phone 360-678-2190. . . . Another BAG

report: J.D. & Kendra Richter didn’t let rain stop

them from fishing in Jim Creek. They caught noth-

ing, except, maybe, a cold. . . .

BAG Group Photo 2016 Jim Creek WA


For Your Quiet Time

The A B C’s of the Word

Consider these 26 scripture verses.

Look them up and make them a part of your life.

A. John 15:4 B. Romans 1:7

C. Psalm 55:22 D. Psalm 37:4

E. Psalm 63:1 F. Mark 11:22

G. Psalm 87:3 H. James 4:10

I. Luke 17:5 J. Isaiah 45:21

K. Psalm 34:13 L. 1 Corinthians 13:8

M. Psalm 100:1 N. Matthew 7:14

O. Psalm 27.4 P. John 14:27

Q. 1Thess. 5:19 R. Psalm 33:1

S. Matthew 6:33 T. 2Corinthians

U. Psalm 127:1 V. Ecclesiastes 1;2

W. Romans 6:23 X (ex) Zechariah 7:9

Y John 3:7 Z Haggai 2:23.

Fred & Karen

Fullerton, NNU

BAG Speaker

Sandi Murdy has

another question

about the game.

PB patiently

answers her.


March Birthday’s

2nd Nicole & Lindsey Laxton

5th Alex Murdy

6th Brandon Randall

7th Brenda Hattaway

8th Emily Hills

9th Josh Ford Jr.

10th Rickie Higbee

10th Heidi Kuzina

12th Jim Murdy

14th Chris Chastain

19th Sarah Eisner

21st Chelsee Walden

28th Sarah Randall

29th Morgan Hamilton

30th Gavin Harasti

March Anniversaries:

15th Tony & Kay Winterrowd

29th Brian & Joyce Wafford

Amazing food!

Thank you

Todd & Ann!

Getting ready to

worship. Dennis

& Jerry, part of

the band. OHNaz Online!

For Sunday Sermons & Info