Islands' Weekly, September 03, 2013

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September 03, 2013 edition of the Islands' Weekly


By Steve WehrlyJournal reporter

At almost the same time on Thursday, August 29, Island Hospital backed away from affiliating with PeaceHealth medical system and the San Juan Hospital Commission par-ried questions and com-

ments from islanders con-cerned that Peace Island Hospital services were being circumscribed by Catholic moral strictures expressed in the Bishops’ Ethical and Religious Directives for Health Care Services.

Just hours earlier,

PeaceHealth announced a reduction in force of 500 jobs as the three-state health care system struggled with revenue shortfalls of $130 million in its Washington operations.

At a meeting in Mount Vernon, the commission-ers of the public hospital

district governing Island Hospital, which operates the Orcas Medical Center in Eastsound, voted not to join Skagit Regional Health Hospital and Cascade Valley Hospital in signing a “let-ter of intent” to affiliate with the PeaceHealth hos-pital system, which oper-ates hospitals and clinics in Bellingham and Friday Harbor.

Details of the letter of intent to negotiate a con-tract were not immediately available, nor was an expla-nation of the University of Washington health care system’s participation in the new alliance. UW Medicine and PeaceHealth are nego-tiating a proposed collabo-ration involving referrals between the two systems and provision of medical

By Cali BagbyWeekly editor

On a first date over the winter, he asked me, “So do you have any plants?”

I said yes, and then he asked, “are they alive?”I wasn’t sure how to answer. Some of my plants appeared

to be more brown than green while others had what some call a “wilted look.”

I had two problems. I didn’t want to leave the heat on in my house, which was a hazard for the banana plant trying to survive in my living room. The other problem was that my deck, which housed my herbs and veggies, was not getting enough sun.

So I told my date, “yes, my plants are alive.”But the conversation made me wonder, what do plants

say about a person?Now that I live in an apartment located in a sunnier area,

my once straggly looking plants in pots have truly blos-somed, making me look like I may have a green thumb hidden somewhere way beneath the skin.

So I thought I would reach out to Weekly readers and see what advice they would have on growing a potted garden.

Lopez resident Becki Maxson lives in a condo in town with a small yard that has motivated her to “get creative.”

She said going vertical can help to utilize a small space and railings on a deck can make a perfect opportunity

for boxes to grow vegetables like lettuce that have short roots. She also has a row of white buckets with holes on the bottom that allow her plants to suck up water from a trough below. She fills the water below at least once a week.

“Everything is an experi-ment,” she says as she gives me a tour of her garden.

She also recommends Guerrilla gardening, mean-ing you find someone with property that has room and see if you can borrow some space.

Other pointers for a con-tainer garden:

A plus of having a potted garden, like mine, is that it keeps the soil nice and warm. Some of the plants that seem extra happy in containers are oregano, thyme, kale, spicy basil, swiss chard, chives, parsley, peas and tomatoes.

You have to really watch your watering because soil in smaller containers dry out much more quickly. 

Make sure the container has drain holes on the bottom or is filled almost halfway with rocks to drain the excess water.

You do have to start worrying about bringing pots indoors when winter comes around because they will freeze and crack.

Throughout my gardening experiences I have also learned that you have to be creative, persistent and patient.

So, if you’re looking for a long-lasting relationship, it turns out that asking about plants on a first date may make

perfect sense.For more info about gardening, visit the Master

Gardeners’ Program’s Information Table set up from  10 a.m-12 p.m.  on Sept. 7 at Sunset Builders to answer your gardening questions. Bring samples in a sealed plastic bag of unknown plants, plant problems or pests for identification and recommendations.





VOLUME 36, NUMBER 36 • SEptEMBER 3, 2013

INSIDE Pot Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4Dollars vs. Eelgrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5Beauty the United Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6

www.islandsweekly.com360-468-4242 • 800-654-6142




n pho


Container garden 101

Cali Bagby/ Staff photo

Scenes from Becki Maxson’s garden.

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Island Hospital spurns partnership


PeaceHealth clinics are joining a growing list of hospi-tals and clinics using electronic health records to record, retrieve and store patient health care records.

PeaceHealth’s Peace Island Medical Center in Friday Harbor will transition to Epic, a widely-used system, begin-ning Sept. 1.

“Timely information is critical to high quality patient care,” said Jim Barnhart, chief administrative officer for PIMC. “Our new EHR system is a more powerful tool to effectively help PeaceHealth clinicians better manage their patients’ care.”

PeaceHealth points out in a press release that Epic EHR is used by many health care facilities across the Pacific Northwest and nationwide, including University of Washington Health Care, Group Health and Swedish Hospital.

According to Barnhart, this makes it especially conve-nient for patients who travel and may need care outside of our community. Doctors from other health systems that use Epic EHR across the country can use Epic to easily look up notes from recent visits, as well as aller-gies, medications or other information for a patient who received care at PeaceHealth.

“Epic EHR supports better overall patient assessment and treatment decisions,” said Barnhart.

SJ man gets 60 days for cocaine sales

A San Juan Island man who twice sold cocaine to an informant working with

local law enforcement about a year ago in late autumn will serve 60 days in jail for a trio of drug-related felonies.

On Aug. 16, Trevor Kent Easterbrook, 27, was ordered to serve 60 days in jail and pay $2,830 in fines and fees as part of a sentence handed down in San Juan County Superior Court. Three weeks earlier, Easterbrook pleaded guilty in superior court to two counts of delivery of

cocaine, a Class B felony, and to one count of attempt-ed possession of cocaine, a Class C felony.

Easterbrook was taken into custody at his Friday Harbor home in mid-Febru-ary after a team of officers, armed with a search warrant, confronted the 26-year-old on the doorstep of his residence in Sunshine Alley, at about 11 p.m. Four people were inside the home, in addition

to Easterbrook, at the time. According to court docu-

ments, officers reportedly seized nearly a half-dozen electronic scales and 46 grams of cocaine - one-tenth of a pound, with an estimat-ed “street value” of roughly $4,000. An island resident of about 10 years, Easterbrook became the target of an under-cover investigation a year ago in early September after he reportedly sold several grams of cocaine on three separate occasions -- totaling $680 -- to an informant recruited by the Sheriff’s Department.

A Class B felony, delivery of a controlled substance car-ries maximum penalties of 10 years in prison, a $20,000 fine, or both; however, the standard range of sentenc-ing set by the state is 12-20 months in prison. As a first-time offender, Easterbrook qualified for a sentence below the state standard.

The Islands’ Weekly • • September 3, 2013 – Page 2

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LopezBusiness Hours

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Publisher 360.378.5696 Roxanne Angel publisher@islandsweekly.comEditor 360.468.4242 Cali Bagby cbagby@islandsweekly.comCirculation Manager 360.376.4500 Nicole Matisse Duke circulation@soundpublishing.comDisplay Advertising 360.376.4500 Cali Bagby

Graphic Designers 360.378.5696 Scott Herning, ext. 4054 Kathryn Sherman, ext. 4050 ksherman@soundpublishing.comClassified Advertising 800-388-2527 Mailing/Street Address P.O. Box 39, 211 Lopez Road #7, Lopez, WA 98261Phone: (360) 378-5696Fax: (360) 378-5128Classifieds: (800) 388-2527

Copyright 2012. Owned and published by Sound Publishing Co.

Periodicals postage paid at Friday Harbor, Wash. and at additional mailing offices.

Annual subscription rates: In County: $28/year, $18/6 months. Out of County: $52/year, $28/6 months. For convenient mail delivery, call 360-378-5696.

The Islands’ Weekly was founded in 1982 and is based on Lopez Island. The Islands’ Weekly is published every Tuesday and is

mailed to homes and businesses in the San Juan Islands.

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Lopez Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings:

Mondays - 7:30 p.m. at the Children’s CenterWednesdays - 4 p.m. - Women’s meeting at the fellowship hall at Grace Episcopal ChurchFridays - 7:30 p.m. at the Children’s CenterSaturdays - noon at the Children’s CenterContact phone number 468-2809

Al-Anon:Saturdays - 9:30 a.m. at the Children’s Center, Lopez.Contact phone number 468-4703.

weds, sept 4sports: Business League Golf, Build your own DREAM TEAM and play a fun 9-hole competition after work at Lopez Island Golf Course. Members: $5; Non-members $15. Registration 5 p.m. Tee off 5:30 p.m. Contact Esa Turunen for more informa-tion at 468-3603 or

fri, sept 6art: Lopez Artist Guild Show Opening for Mary Bywater Cross, 5 - 7 p.m., The Hamlet in Lopez

Village. Mary Bywater Cross opens her show of fine woolen quilts, which will be on display until October 31.

sat, sept 7info: The Master Gardeners’ Program Information Table, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Sunset Builders. Bring questions, samples in a sealed plastic bag of unknown plants, plant problems or pests for identification and recom-mendations.

thurs, sept 12 meeting: Lopez Garden Club meeting, Coffee and goodies at 9:30 a.m., meeting starts at 10 a.m. Madrona Murphy will be speaking on “Exploring the Mushrooms of Lopez Island - An exploration of the riotous diversity of mushrooms on Lopez, including information on mushroom ecology, their cultivation, mycoreme-diation, edible and toxic mushrooms, the use of mushroom dyes in fiber arts, and incorporating fungi into your garden.”

sat, sept 14event: Home Tour, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. This year’s Home Tour will feature eight distinctly different homes. Tickets on sale now at the Farmer’s Market. Tickets

will also be available at the Center on the morning of the tour. Lunches for sale at the Center and selected homes on the day of the tour/$5. Tickets in advance: adult $30. Available from: Community Center office, and online. Tickets at Door: Adult $3.

art: Chimera Gallery presents “Surrounded by Beauty,” 5 - 7 p.m., Chimera Gallery. Featured artists include Patie Savage (Menageria) and Summer Moon Scriver (Photography). Join us for an evening of photography, paintings & more at our opening reception from 5pm-7pm. Show runs September 14 – October 11, 2013.

thurs, sept 19meeting: OPALCO meet-

ing, OPALCO Board of Directors regularly sched-uled meeting at Woodmen Hall, 4102 Fisherman Bay Road, Lopez Island, 8:15 a.m. Members are welcome to attend. For more infor-mation, contact Bev Madan at 376-3549.

weds, sept 25music: Beppe Gambetta in Concert, 7 p.m., Lopez Center for Community and the Arts.

fri, sept 27meeting: BLM Hosts San Juan Islands National Monument Public Meeting, 6-8 p.m., Woodmen Hall. Public discussion of the newly established San Juan Islands National Monument.

sat, sept 28hike: Yellow Aster Butte,

off Hwy 542 Mt. Baker – Leader, Chris Coiley. On the north side from Mt. Baker, just east of the town of Glacier, this hike has meadows, rock tarns, ponds, wild blueberries and mountain views galore. This is an all day event that is considered moderately strenuous with an eight-mile round trip trail hike gaining 2,200 feet of eleva-tion. For more information including car pool arrange-ments and sign up call Chris at 468-4090. Also, for more info about this very popular hike check mountain guide books or the web.

sat, ongoingmarket: Farmers’ Market, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., The Market is next to the Community Center. Runs until Sept. 14.


Crime brief

Death NoticeRon Meng, founder and owner of Islands Marine

Center on Lopez Island, passed away peacefully on Aug. 22 after a three-year battle with cancer. He was 59.

Meng started IMC 40 years ago from the trunk of his car, servicing what was then a sizable fishing fleet on Lopez. Gradually, he and his wife Jennifer purchased waterfront property, developed a full service marina and shifted their emphasis to recreational boaters. IMC and Ocean Sport Boats will continue on into the future.

PeaceHealth installs electronic record system

By Steve WehrlyJournal reporter

Business owners oust-ed from the now-charred waterfront building that housed Downriggers res-taurant asked for assur-ances at a special meeting of the Friday Harbor Port Commission that they will be permitted to reopen in the same location, whether in a rebuilt or completely new building.

Debbie Rishel, owner of Downriggers, and her long-time manager Mary Ann Ragsdale were both direct. Rishel said she thought the commissioners should say now that Downriggers can reopen, while Ragsdale reminded them and Port Director Marilyn O’Connor what Downriggers means to Friday Harbor and how much it has done for the community.

A dozen frequent cus-tomers voiced support for Rishel, one of them say-ing he hoped Downriggers could reopen before his mother’s 93rd birthday din-ner, “next April.”

The crowd murmured and nodded agreement with one speaker who said, “We don’t want Anthony’s in Friday Harbor.”

Four businesses were displaced after fire swept through Downriggers res-taurant in the early morn-ing hours of Aug. 17, leav-ing a summertime crew of roughly 50 restaurant

workers without a job, and three businesses based on the ground floor of the port-owned building, Friday Harbor Marine, San Juan Excursions and San Juan Safaris, without a home.

Albert Hall reminded the crowd that the bulkhead along the whole waterfront was failing and probably in violation of Shoreline Management Act rules. The Port is already in the early planning stages for rebuild-ing the bulkhead and put-ting a boardwalk along the waterside.

Both the bulkhead and the possibility of oil contamina-tion in the area from former storage tanks will have to be addressed before construc-tion permits can be issued.

Port commissioners Barbara Marrett and Mike Arhenius were sympathetic but non-committal in their responses to the business owners and an overflow crowd of about 100 people that packed San Juan Island Yacht Club on Wednesday, Aug. 21.

“We’re doing everything we can to help the busi-nesses, but it’s just too soon to say what we’ll do or when it will be done,” Ahrenius said. “We know how impor-tant the location is to the town and to all of you here and we will move on this as fast as possible.”

Marrett was even more forthcoming. “I have a defi-nite bias in your favor,” she

said. “My heart is with you. The port’s policy favors local businesses and local people.”

Friday Harbor Town Administrator Duncan Wilson assured everyone that the town would contin-ue doing “everything possi-ble” to expedite studies and permits necessary to begin rebuilding, but urged that business owners and citi-zens “be patient” so that the complex task could be com-pleted “in the right way.”

“The town will not be an impediment to getting things done, but we have to follow the law,” he said.

Wilson confirmed that the state Department of Ecology would have to be satisfied that the site was compliant with shoreline development rules before building permits could be issued.

After the meeting, some of the departing crowd walked in front of the burned-out restaurant, where five forensic fire investigators and engineers, their faces shielded by double-sided fil-ter masks, were engaged in what one of them termed “a layer-by-layer archaeologi-cal dig” in accordance with NFPA 921, the forensic fire investigator’s “bible”.

By Friday noon, investiga-tors had finished their work, characterized as a “normal investigation” with “no sur-prises” by several people familiar with the investiga-tion. These sources, who were not investigators, inde-pendently confirmed that a preliminary report was expected to be released on Monday.

The most sobering con-clusion was offered by Mike Close, owner of Friday Harbor Marine, as he left the room. Close said that he of course wants to get back into full operation as soon as possible, “but, realistically, were talking about a two-year timetable.”

The Islands’ Weekly • • September 3, 2013 – Page 3

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Business owners seek assurances Port will rebuildContibuted photo / Carole Sue Conran

Boats and blue water bob in the background of the charred remains of the Friday Harbor waterfront building destroyed by fire Saturday, Aug. 17.

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and educational services by UW Medicine.

“Our board of commis-sioners has worked very hard to make the best deci-sion for this community to retain and grow quality health-care services for our patients,” said Vince Oliver, Island Hospital CEO. The press release did not elabo-rate any reasons the hos-pital district commission-ers and hospital executives decided not to join the affili-ation negotiations.

On San Juan Island, mean-while, hospital district com-missioners responded cau-tiously to the recent opinion of the Washington Attorney General on provision of reproductive services by public hospital districts.

None of the five commis-sioners would say what they thought the AG opinion requires of hospital districts in general or Peace Island Hospital specifically.

Commissioner Rosanna O’Donnell said the issue “comes down to interpreta-tion” of the opinion, con-cluding later that “I need to be told by our attorney what to do.” Chairwoman Lenore Bayuk said that attorney Bradley Berg, who had rep-resented the district in the negotiations creating Peace Island Hospital, was prepar-ing an analysis of the opin-ion for the hospital district association which the San Juan County commission

would be guided by.Commissioner Michael

Edwards insisted he and the hospital district would hold Peace Island accountable for the services required by state law. “When we obtain an opinion, we will act,” he said.

Under the fifty-year con-tract between the hospital district and the PeaceHealth system, about $1 million dollars in property tax rev-enues are provided to Peace Island Medical Center for health care services to islanders.

A standing-room-only group of islanders urged the commission to advocate for the islanders who elect the commissioners and pay the taxes. Charles Richardson told the commission, “I need you to represent me with Peace Health.”

Monica Harrington told the commission that the opinion, state law and the state constitution were clear that religious directives from the Catholic bishops “must not restrict access to health care services.”

Susan Dehlendorf (“Be open to doing something different”), Barbara Cox (“The death with dignity option must be available here”), Gay Wilmerding and a half-dozen other islanders expressed concern with the hospital commission’s poli-cies and actions.

All agreed with Harrington, who said “this is a bigger issue than wom-en’s reproductive services. We need to be assertive about patient rights.”

The Islands’ Weekly • • September 3, 2013 – Page 4

SudokuFill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in each row, column, and 3x3 block. Use logic and process of elimination to solve the puzzle. The dif� culty ranges from 1-5 (easy) 6-10 (moderate) and 11-15 (hard). Today’s puzzle is level 2.Sudoku and Crossword answers on page 8

Across1. Indian semi-classical

vocal music6. Brickbat10. Bust maker14. Cool15. Legal prefix16. Sundae topper,

perhaps17. Person who

interprets constitutional law strictly

20. Makeup, e.g.21. "... ___ he drove out

of sight"22. Enlarge23. Soon, to a bard25. Drop26. Horse's fast gait29. Outlaw33.,

e.g. (acronym)34. Riot36. No longer in37. "Get ___!"39. Foul41. Brain area42. Not fulfilled44. Doozie46. "China Beach"

setting47. Scenery and props

in a play49. Photo equipment51. ___ nitrate52. #1 spot53. Young offspring of

a dog56. "___ Ng" (They

Might Be Giants song)

57. Challenge for a barber

61. Instruments with parabolic antennae (2 wds)

64. Boosts65. 20-20, e.g.66. Dukes

67. High school formal dance

68. Convene69. Aegean vacation


Down1. Boor's lack2. ___ vera3. Tissue joining two

parts of an organ4. Bad way to go?5. Astern6. Brush off7. Shoestring8. "A jealous mistress":

Emerson9. Unmarried girl10. Not sanctioned by

law11. "Mi chiamano Mimi,"

e.g.12. Medical advice,

often13. Pigeon's home18. Look into again, as a

cold case19. Drunk, in slang24. "___ any drop to

drink": Coleridge25. Atlanta-based airline26. Masters27. "You ___ kidding!"

(contraction)28. Andean animal29. Change, as a clock30. Agreeing (with)31. Except32. Swelling35. Noise and confusion38. Strict adherence to

the law40. Tropical American

plants with lancelike leaves

43. Beat

45. Cap48. Modus operandi50. Autobiography52. About53. "That's a ___!"54. "Aquarius" musical55. Taro's edible root56. On the safe side, at

sea58. ___ line (major axis

of an elliptical orbit)59. Remaining after

all deductions (var. spelling)

60. "___ quam videri" (North Carolina's motto)

62. "The Three Faces of ___"

63. Ozone enemy (abbrev.)

Crossword Puzzle

Answers to today's puzzle on page 8



The Department of Justice announced its priori-ties on Aug. 29 for marijuana-related conduct in light of the recent initiatives in the states of Colorado and Washington that legalize some possession and use of marijuana by adults.

The new priorities will not preempt the new Washington law, provided the laws are implemented and enforced in a way that protects the public.

“I share the priorities announced by the Department of Justice and these will also be my priorities when mak-ing decisions about marijuana cases in San Juan County,” said Prosecuting Attorney Randall K. Gaylord. “I am pleased that the policy statement recognizes the role of local police and prosecutors in helping achieving these policies.”

The Department of Justice policies include prevent-ing the promotion or distribution of marijuana to minors

under age 21, preventing revenue from the sale of marijuana to fund criminal enterprises or gang activities, preventing the smuggling or importation of marijuana to other states, and using marijuana as a front for trafficking in other drugs.

“These priorities recognize the need for a strong partnership between local and federal authorities,” Gaylord said. “Citizens must remember, only some mari-juana activities have been legalized. It remains illegal for minors to possess or consume marijuana and for adults to provide marijuana to minors. In addition, it remains illegal to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of any drug.”

Gaylord said a big challenge for the Washington State Liquor Control Board will be to come up with a strong and effective regulatory and enforcement system.

Department of Justice issues priorities about marijuana

By Cali BagbyIslands’ Weekly editor

From red octopus to giant clam worms to bay ghost shrimp the waters around our islands are home to fascinat-ing creatures.

For Amy K. Henry, a doctoral candidate from the University of Chicago, these salty waters have enticed her to study two well-known – yet mysterious – species.

Over the summer, she has been looking at how eel grass and sand dollars compete for space and influence the ecosys-tem of Crescent Beach. This is her first time working with Friday Harbor Labs and conducting research in East Sound.

“It has been so great to work here,” she said during a talk on Wednesday, Aug. 21 at the Orcas Library, organized by the Indian Island Marine Health Observatory.

Eel grass and sand dollars are part of Henry’s desire to delve into the world of ecosystem engineers, which are animals that modify the environment by making it more beneficial to themselves or for other species. Beavers are known as great engineers because they reduce forests and increase ponds.

In East Sound, eel grass and sand dollars are the perfect subject for Henry’s research because they both drastically change their surroundings.

OverviewEelgrass is not an algae, but a grass that has re-evolved

to live in salt water, says Henry. This makes it a unique spe-cies, as this does not occur in nature often.

The grass is found worldwide, prevents erosion, creates habitat for sea life and creates a safe nursery for baby rock-

fish and crabs. The grass is not a food item for sea life in this region. But manatee and other herbivores eat eelgrass in warmer waters.

“Very few species eat the eelgrass,” said Henry. “It’s not very tasty.”

There is also an invasive Japanese eelgrass in East Sound that looks similar to the native sea grass, but is quite smaller. Henry said that the Japanese eelgrass was possibly introduced in the 1930s during oyster importing.

Sand dollars are basically flattened out sea urchins, said Henry. They can feed on particles in the sand or floating through the water. They oxygenate the sediment, but not much diversity of sea life is found around a group of sand dollars.

The good news about sand dollars is there is an abundant population stretching out on coastlines from Baja, Calif., to Alaska.

“I’ve found up to 600 sand dollars at Crescent Beach,” she said.

The population may be growing in Puget Sound, said Henry, East Sound is the only area where a large population of sand dollars exists in the San Juan Island Archipelago.

Local researchers have said that other areas in the San Juans were known for sand dollars in the 60s. Henry said it’s unclear why East Sound is currently the only home to sand dollars. It is possible that the heat and stress from low tides may cause sickness and there is data to show that sea urchin are susceptible to disease when found in large numbers. Gulls and crabs, which eat sand dollars, may have contributed to the loss of the species in certain areas.

CompetitionAt a high density, eelgrass will prevent sand dollars mov-

ing into an area because they will not easily be able to move through the sea floor. On the other hand sand dollars have the potential ability to uproot the sea grass.

Henry is currently setting up areas at Crescent Beach to observe which sea creature will prevail. In some areas she has removed the sand dollars and put in grass. In other areas she has transplanted the sea urchins where eel grass once lived. Over the next few years Henry plans to visit the eight different plots and check on the two species.

“Basically we’ll see who will reclaim its turf,” she said.

San Juan County will award grants and loans totaling up to $25,000 in 2013 for projects that help make housing available to local residents of very low income.

The Low Income Housing Fund, created by the state legislature in 2002, is funded by a surcharge on documents recorded by the county auditors office. Funds may be used for construction, operation or maintenance of projects that serve families or indi-viduals earning less than 50 percent of the areas median income.

For a family of four, 50 percent of median income in San Juan County is $32,450.

Funding is available to non-profits and developers, either as grants or loans for eligible projects in San Juan County. Funding is not avail-able for individual home purchases or home remodel or rehabilitation.

The county allocates 5 percent of its low-income

housing funds directly to the Town of Friday Harbor and 5 percent into a reserve account. The funds are administered by the county Housing Bank Commission.

The deadline to apply for funding is Sept. 30. A link to the application form is at (under notices) or contact

Melanie Rollinsfor applica-tion forms or more informa-tion at 370-7526 or

The direct link to the application form in PDF format is: o r m s / 2 0 6 0 _ F u n d s _Application_2013.pdf

A MS Word version can

be downloaded at: http://s a n j u a n c o . c o m / d o c s /health/forms/2060_Funds_Application_2013.doc

Apply for low-income housing grants

The Islands’ Weekly • • September 3, 2013 – Page 5


$95San Juan Septic Service

Licensed . Bonded . Insured

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Did you enjoy ‘the Retreat’?

Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local extension of� ce.

Cask & Schooner Chris Lawson Excavation

Saddleback Ranch Island Wholesale Products

A & A Well Drilling David & Karen Kratter

Mike GreeneBill & Maude Cumming

Milene HenleyRon Howard Construction

David Wolf JBS Farm

Ed & Mickie BretzKings Market

Libbey Oswald Drew Gislason

William Gendron

Dr. Michael Edwards Sunset Builders

Wul� & Associates Blind Bay Welding

San Juan Jewels Mark & Carmen Tompkins

Homeplace Farm Gri� n's Yard Works

Brett Miller Mike Carlson Enterprises

Roche Harbor Islanders Bank

Steve Guyer Boatworks Jim Tarte

Rose's Bakery CafeBill & Rose Shaw

THANK YOU to those individuals and businesses thatpurchased items at our 4-H Animal Auction during the Fair.

Lopez Acupuncture& Integrated Health

Julienne Battalia LAc, LMPMost Insurance Accepted


What’s the buzzall about?!…

Check out our Flyerboard online,scan and connect instantly.

Sand dollars versus eelgrassContributed photo / Tawm Perkowski

A live sand dollar.

San Juan County is re-launching its popular Transportation Voucher Program in September and will be operating through June of 2015. While the first round of the Transportation Voucher Program closed this past June, the program is now accepting applications again.

The first phase of the cprogram saw significant use by its participants over its first nine months; every month averaged 160 taxi rides, 35-45 ferry fares, and repairing and making safer six to eight vehicles. It served more than 180 of the community’s most transpor-

tation-vulnerable residents, equal to about 1.5 percent of the county’s population.

The program represents a unique public-private part-nership of transportation providers, and local social services to provide commu-nity access for participants. It offers taxi service and ferry fare assistance on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez and auto repair and parts services on Orcas and San Juan. Ferry fares are acquired through partnership with the Family Resource Centers.

Applications are avail-able online at http://w w w. s a n j u a n c o . c o m /P u b l i c T r a n s p o r t /CTPrograms.aspx or through local senior and family resource centers.

Applications and addi-tional information are also available through San Juan County’s Mobility Coordinator Christopher Aiken at 370-7512 or

San Juan County Transportation Voucher program is back

The Islands’ Weekly • • September 3, 2013 – Page 6

Why does United Way of San Juan County fund Lopez Island Conservation Corps? Our local United Way’s focus is to help meet vital needs in San Juan County, and one of the most important issues fac-ing children and youth is how to build positive life skills, avoid risky behaviors, and find positive role models and growth experiences in our community.  Molly Kohring, age 17, talks about her expe-

riences with the Lopez Island Conservation Corps.

 “At the end of the summer I feel so proud of the work I have done. I learned so much from the LICC. I learned all about trail building, using tools, and all the secrets to sustainable trails. I learned tons about Washington’s native plants and about the non-native ones too!”

“Most importantly though, I became a leader in my

community and helped to make a difference. I would not trade that knowledge for anything!”

  LICC’s Youth Summer Crew provides young adults opportunities for personal development, exposure to natural resource protec-tion, peer bonding, envi-ronmental education, and safety training. Since 2007, LICC has become a nation-ally recognized program in

the field of youth develop-ment and public land stew-ardship, and has provided local youth with education and skills they need for college, work and success-ful lives.

  Programs like SJICC need and deserve our sup-port. United Way invests in LICC and 27 other vital programs countywide, with the focus of meeting vital needs in our community to provide the building blocks of a good life. Funded pro-grams provide resources for children and youth, education and prevention programs, resources for families, and services for elderly and disabled resi-dents.

 Every donation to United Way of San Juan County makes a huge difference to these small programs. 98% of donated funds stay local. For a full list of all 28 United Way of San Juan

County funded programs and to contribute, please


United Way helps to beautify the islands

Contributed photo

Lopez Island Conservation Corps, Molly Kohring.




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LOPEZ IsLandChrist the King Community ChurCh, There’s Always a Place for You! CTK gathers at 10 a.m. in the school multi-purpose room at 86 School Road. Come as you are! More info at Email: Phone: 888-421- 4CTK ext. 819.

graCe episCopal ChurCh, welcomes you to worship with us on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Fisherman Bay Road at Sunset Lane. 468-3477. Everyone welcome!

lopez island Community ChurCh, 91 Lopez Road. Sunday School: pre-school through adult 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jeff Smith 468-3877.

lutheran ChurCh in the san juans. Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in Center Church on Davis Bay Road. Also in Friday Harbor at 11:00 a.m. in St. David’s and in Eastsound at 1:15 p.m. in Emmanuel. Pastor Anne Hall, 468-3025.

QuaKer Worship group Meetings will be Sundays at 10 a.m. at the home of Ron Metcalf, 6363 Fisherman Bay Road. Children’s program. Everyone welcome. Phone 468-2129. Email:

st. FranCis CatholiC ChurCh Come worship with us at Center Church on Davis Bay Rd. We welcome you to join us for Mass at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. Call 378-2910 for Mass times on San Juan and Orcas Islands.

Worship Services in the Islands

Elizabeth Landrum, PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Individual Counseling & Psychotherapy

30 years experience Specializing in grief & loss,

life transitions, living with illness.

317-5178Office in Lopez Village

Saturday hoursSliding fee scale available.




CREATIVE ARTISTThe Bainbridge Island Review, a weekly com- munity newspaper locat- ed on beautiful Bain- bridge Island, WA, has an immediate opening for a full-time Creative Artist. Duties include ad design, designing pro- motional materials and providing excellent inter- nal and external custom- er service. Requires ex- cellent communication skills and the ability to work in a fast paced deadline-oriented envi- ronment. Experience with Adobe Creative Suite, InDesign, Photo- shop, Illustrator and Ac- robat strongly preferred, as is newspaper or other media experience. Must be able to work indepen- dently as well as part of a team. We offer a great work environment, health benefits, 401k, paid holidays, vacation and sick time. Please e- mail your resume, cover letter, and a few sam- ples of your work

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Sound Publishing is an Equal Opportunity Em- ployer (EOE) and strongly supports diver- sity in the workplace. Visit our website atwww.soundpublishing.comto learn more about us!

Property Manager Responsible for all phas- es of operations includ- ing but not limited to di- recting and supervising on-site personnel; mar- keting and leasing, resi- dent retention; collecting rents; inspecting fa- cilities; directing con- tracts; purchasing and bill approval; recertifica- tion knowledge and oth- er duties as needed. This opportunity will pro- vide a full time competi- tive salary. EOE.

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real estatefor sale - WA

Real Estate for SaleSan Juan County


EXCEL. OPPORTUNITY for someone! 4 BR, 1.5 BA home for sale to be move locally on San Juan Island. This home has recently become available, wood sided, low roof for easy mov- ing, thermal windows, great open floor plan. Best of all, the price to buy and move this house is only $40,000 OBO. Please contact your local Nickel Bros. office for details at 1- 425-257-2097 or toll free at 1-866-920-BROS Call soon!!


SOUTH END Mini Farm. 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with beautiful brick fireplace, on 1 1/2 acres. 3 car garage/ shop plus shed. New well and drain field. $220,000. 360-468-2052


PANABODES DUPLEX- ES For Sale To Be Moved. Nickel Bros. has 3 Panabode Duplexes for sale on San Juan Is- land. The 3 units are roughly 600 SF each with 2 completely separ- ate living spaces per unit. Each living space has a 3 piece bathroom and a small galley style kitchen with a large open room. They would make a great guest cottage or summer retreat. Call our Everett office for details: 1-425-257-2067 or toll free at: 1-866-920- BROS. Call soon!

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real estatefor rent - WA

Real Estate for RentSan Juan County

Deer HarborCottage in quiet commu- nity, overlooking tidal la- goon. 1 BR + loft, hard- wood flooring, spacious bath & dressing area. Full kitchen with gas range. $850/MO, 1st & last. Includes elect, wa- ter, TV/internet. Pets OK. (360)376-6655


2 BEDROOM, 1 Bath, Jackson Beach Area. Washer, Dryer, Garage, Large Fenced Yard. Pets Considered. DSL/ Cable TV Available. Walking Distance to Jackson Beach and All Town Amenities. $895 Month, First, Last, De- posit Required. For More Info: or Call 360-378-8637

FRIDAY HARBORGORGEOUS PRIVATE 2 bedrom 6-7 month ren- tal home! Fully furnished with stained glass, washer, dryer, flat screen, etc! Gated/ fenced yard, garage, 5 miles to town. No smok- ing or pets inside. Ref. $900. 360-378-8730.

OWNERS!We want your rentals! Property management & lease services avail. Great rates. Shawn (360)378-8600

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206-728-5858, ask for Joan file #0376.


FOUND skateboard: Fri- day Harbor on August 26, a skateboard. Call Chuck 360-378-4151 to describe and claim. Ref- erence 13-005865


ISLAND PETS lost/ found. On Lopez call Jane 360-468-2591; Joyce, 360-468-2258; Sheriff’s Office 360-378- 4151. Lopez Animal Pro- tection Society, PO Box 474, Lopez, WA 98261. On Orcas call 360- 3766777. On San Juan call the Animal Shelter 360-378-2158

Find your perfect pet in the

Find your perfect pet in the



at Coldwell Banker San Juan Islands. Full time position. High level of computer skill is required plus knowledge of web- site uploading, internet navigation, office net- work management, ac- counting, ACT, publish- er, excel, Indesign and general office skills. Some telephone an- swering is included. Submit resume or call 378-2101 Merri Ann Simonson. EOE

Laborersneeded call Mike Carl- son Enterprises for ap-

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$1500 ENGLISH Mastiff pups! AKC giant security show dogs! Once in a lifetime opportunity for Mastiff lovers! World Winners are these pups family tradition! The greatest genes avail in English Mastiff history! Rare Zorba stock. Born 4/27. Whidbey Island. $2500 full breeding rights


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Garage/Moving SalesIsland County

FRIDAY HARBOR174 MOONRIDGE, off Egglake. Fri & Sat, Aug. 30th & 31st and Sept 6th & 7th, 8am-4pm. Every- thing but clothes, Crafts- man riding lawn mower, tools. Come one, come all!

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26’ OF FUN! Pilot House Dory by Clipper Craft!! 1986 factory built wood- en character tug. Fresh paint & varnish on top side. Low hours on Vol- vo Penta I/O. Electronics including GPS, Radar and more. Priced to sell at $5,500. Orcas Island. 360-376-6166.


20’ CAL Sailboat. Newer mainsail. Could use a lit- tle TLC. On buoy in Mitchell Bay, San Juan Island. $1,200 or trade. 425-356-7625


HONDA ACCORD LXi ‘86; 4 cylinder, automat- ic, grey metallic exterior, flip up headlights, good tires and moon roof. De- pendable, starts every time. Good commuter car. $2800 obo. 360- 969-3146.


‘11 MAZDA MX-5 MIATA SE, Special Edition. Only 5,000 miles. Excel- lent cond! All original, ready for customizing. Sleek “Sparkling Black Mica” exterior. Light, gray leather interior, nice for hot summers. Alumi- num racing style pedals. Great deal at only $26,500. Offers encour- aged. Bainbridge Island. Call Nick 206-399-2591.


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By Kate Yturri, Judy Winer and Gwen StammWSU Master Gardeners

Tansy ragwort is a winter annual, biennial or short-lived perennial that can grow up to six feet tall. It

is easily recognized by its bright yellow flower heads, with each flower bearing about 13 petals (ray florets), and by its soft, deeply lobed leaves. It is easy to spot when it is in bloom around this time of year. You can also see smaller plants setting up for next year’s bloom.

Tansy is toxic to horses and cattle whether fresh or dry, causing irreversible liver damage. It spreads

aggressively and seeds pro-lifically with seeds remain-ing viable in the soil for 10 years. Also, bees collect the pollen from tansy flow-ers. The honey that is made from these flowers can have an off taste. Milk collected from tansy-browsing-cows can also have an off flavor.

When dealing with the plant, be sure to wear pro-tective gloves and consider a face mask if you are sensi-tive to tansy ragwort’s aller-gens.

Small patches or isolated plants can be hand-pulled or dug with a shovel. Before bloom they can be dis-carded in the trash or left on the ground to decom-

pose. However, if plant is in bloom, the flowers and seed heads need to be bagged and taken to the solid waste facility for no charge.

Mowing is not recom-mended, as plants will just re-flower at a height shorter than the mower blade. In addition, cut plants will re-sprout in the following sea-son with even more vigor-ous and multiple stalks.

For large infestations, selective herbicides can be effective. Contact the County Noxious Weed Program for specific her-bicide information at 376-3499.

The Islands’ Weekly • • September 3, 2013 – Page 8

Islands’ W



ox 39L

opez, WA
























Puzzle Answers

For more information contact Gary Berg at Lopez Island Realty360-468-2291 • Toll free 866-632-1100 Website

Lopez Sound waterfront .91 acres view spectacular sunrises and the colors of the setting sun re� ecting o� Mt. Baker. Bring your RV there are 2 RV hookups with water, power, phone and septic. Stairs provide easy access to the beach. $311,000

Lopez Island Realty 360-468-2291

Est. 1972

(360) 468-3344 • Toll free 866-468-3344Friendly Isle Building in the Village

Website: E-mail - • Member NWMLS

$549,000 FIRST STOP FROM ANACORTES3BR/1BA home w/living area on main plus two secluded lower level bdrms – 2 spacious decks to view ferries & Mt. Baker. Approved vacation rental fully furnished. #496336

$987,500 PENINSULA HOMECustom designed home w/ deck on no-bank sandy beach. Soaring cathedral ceilings w/ exposed beams & gourmet kitchen. 2 master suites. Studio above detached garage. #529778

$264,500 HUNTER BAY HOME3BR/2BA manufactured home nestled in the woods w/ large decks & over height garage for your boat. Community water system. Adjacent lot included & old water system. #530115


(360) 360) 360 468-3344 • TollTollT freereer 866-468-3344Friendly Isle Building in the Village

WebsiteWebsiteW : http://ww: http://ww: w.ww.ww E-mail - • Member NWMLS

$549,000 FIRST STOP FROM ANACORTES3BR/1BA home w/living area on main plus two secluded lower level bdrms – 2 spacious decks to view ferries & Mt. Baker. Approved vacation rental fully furnished. #496336

$987,500 PENINSULA HOMECustom designed home w/ deck on no-bank sandy beach. Soaring cathedral ceilings w/ exposed beams & gourmet kitchen. 2 master suites. Studio above detached garage. #529778

$264,500 HUNTER BAY HOME3BR/2BA manufactured home nestled in the woods w/ large decks & over height garage for your boat. Community water system. Adjacent lot included & old water system. #530115


Tralnes Family Reunion101 Years on Lopez Island

A Potluck CelebrationSeptember 14th, 2 p.m. - ?80 Flint Rd. - Iceberg Pt.

Woodmen Hallrental info; 468-3092

Contributed photo

Rodolfo Alonso took this shot of an owl while heading to the Lopez ferry terminal.

Owl be seeing you

Noxious weed alert: tansy ragwort

Contributed photos

Tansy ragwort in bloom. A smaller plant setting up for next years bloom.

Check out our Green edition