Ispectrum Magazine #07

Post on 06-May-2015

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Ancient civilizations… what mysteries do they hide? This issue opens with a fascinating article about Nabta Playa, a remarkable site composed of hundreds of prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and megalithic structures located in the Nubian Desert (Egypt). Following our tradition, our psychology section brings you the most interesting topics in the field. On this occasion, we approach the figure of William Tuke, the first person to view mental illness as a disease from which a sufferer could actually recover; this was reflected in his treatment of patients with sympathy and dignity rather than disgust. Our readers know that Ispectrum Magazine always has the privilege of interviewing renowned scientists and researchers from all the fields, and this time our interview was with Mona Lisa Schultz, psychiatrist and neuroscientist, who spoke to us about emotions. Do they matter for our physical health? How much? What can we do to manage our emotions? Controversial or not, Dan Winter always shoots fire with his theories like this one about the electrical origin and history of negentropic centripetal fields in blood, titled History and Physics of Fire in the Blood.


The AncienT AsTronomers of nAbTA PlAyA

William Tuke: Changing The FaCe oF PsyChologiCal Care

hisTory & PhysiCs oF Fire in The BloodThe origin oF BioeleCTriC negenTroPy

healTh and emoTions an inTerVieW WiThmona lisa sChulTZ


Issue 07/May - June 2014



03 the ancient astronomers oF nabta Playa04 The Early People of Nabta Playa 06 The stone structures of Nabta Playa10 The enigma of the table rocks11 The end of the Nabta civiliza-tion and the rise of the great Nile cities

14William tuke: ChaNgiNg ThE FaCE oF PsyChologiCal CarE17 The Quakers and the york asylum21 Tuke’s treatments22 The new form of asylum

25health and emotions aN iNTErViEW WiTh MoNa lisa sChUlTZ28 Medicine, intuition and affirma-tions31 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy34 Thought patterns 36 love yourself just the way you are

38history & Physics oF Fire in the bloodThE origiN oF BioElECTriCNEgENTroPy42 implosion in blood


38 25





Mado MartinezEditorial Director

Editorial DirectorMado Martinez,

Art DirectorRayna Copy Editing and ProofreadingMatt

Jennifer James

Charlotte Shelton

Contributing WritersApril Holloway

Rob Hutchinson

Dan Winter

ImagesCover : © Deep sky image of the constellation Orion, Mouser from Wikimedia Commons , , ,


Ispectrum magazine

Ancient civilizations… what mysteries do they hide? This issue opens with a fascinating article about Nabta Playa, a remarkable site composed of hundreds of prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and megalithic structures located in the Nubian Desert (Egypt).

Following our tradition, our psychology section brings you the most interest-ing topics in the field. On this occasion, we approach the figure of William Tuke, the first person to view mental illness as a disease from which a sufferer could actually recover; this was reflected in his treatment of patients with sympathy and dignity rather than disgust.

Our readers know that Ispectrum Magazine always has the privilege of interviewing renowned scientists and researchers from all the fields, and this time our interview was with Mona Lisa Schultz, psychia-trist and neuroscientist, who spoke to us about emotions. Do they matter for our physical health? How much? What can we do to manage our emotions?

Controversial or not, Dan Winter always shoots fire with his theories like this one about the electrical origin and history of negentropic centripetal fields in blood, titled History and Physics of Fire in the Blood.

As always, thanks for reading. Please share and comment, we want to have your feedback and to know what inter-ests you.

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Published Bimonthly ISSN 2053-1869





The AncienT AsTronomers of nAbTA PlAyA



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abta Playa is a remarkable site composed of hundreds of prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and megalithic structures located

in the Nubian Desert, approximately 100 kilometers west of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt. They are the result of an advanced urban community that arose approximately 11,000 years ago, and left behind a huge assembly of stones, which have been labelled by scientists as the oldest known astronomical alignments of megaliths

in the world. Some archaeologists believe that the people of Nabta Playa were the precursor civilization for the first Nile cities that arose in Egypt thousands of years later. to live as normal a life as possible. His courageous determination to carry on led to many studies into his condition, books being written about him and an illuminating BBC documentary of his struggles - The Man Who Lost His Body.



The ancient remains of Nabta Playa were first discovered in 1974 by a group of scientists led by Fred Wendorf, an Anthropology Professor from the Southern Methodist University in Texas. The team of research-ers had stopped for a break during the ardu-ous journey from the Libyan border to the Nile Valley when, as Wendorf explained, “we were standing there minding our own busi-ness, when we noticed potsherds and other artifacts.” It was to be the start of an incred-ible discovery.

Wendorf made sev-eral more visits to the site during the 1970s and 1980s, each time discovering something new. But the real sig-nificance of Nabta Playa was not recognised for a long time, and it was

to be several decades before researchers dis-covered the dozens of stone structures that

are known today, and began to realize the role and importance of these great megaliths.

Although Nabta Playa currently lies within a dry and unforgiving desert, it was not always this way. Scientists have been able to determine that around 10,000 BC, a climatic change occurred over North Africa caused by a northward shift of the summer mon-soons. This change brought enough rain-fall to the region to fill a number of playas (dry lakes) for at least several months of the

year, and thereby sup-port life for both ani-mals and humans.

Archaeological evi-dence appears to sug-gest that the first set-tlements of people in Nabta Playa arrived between 11,000 and 9,300 years ago. Wendorf, and ethno-linguist Christopher Ehret, have suggested that the people who occupied the region at this time were pasto-



ral nomads, who may have set up season-al camps, moving on again when the water dried up. People of this time herded cattle and made ceramic ves-sels. Although very few ceramics have been found from this time period, those that have are considered to be among the oldest iden-tified in Africa.

Around 9,000 years ago, the settlements became larger and more sophisticated and the people built huts with fire hearths, arranged in straight rows, and started to dig deep walk-in wells, enabling them to have a year-round water sup-ply, thus providing the conditions necessary for permanent settle-ment. During this time, the area was grassland and supported gazelle and hare and the peo-

ple were able to survive by hunting and eating wild plants. By around 8,100 years ago, there is evidence of domes-tication of animals, including goats and sheep, and the estab-lishment of an orga-nized labor force.

Between 8,000 and 7,000 years ago, the region suffered two major droughts which caused the water level to be significantly lowered. Nabta Playa became hyper-arid and virtually lifeless and

the settlements were abandoned. However, the droughts even-tually subsided and, after a 1,000-year hia-tus, groups of people began returning to the Playa. It was from this time onwards, that the region saw the arrival of a substantially more complex and advanced society and it was dur-ing this period that most of the major megalithic structures were con-structed. It is consid-ered to be the height of human occupation at Nabta Playa.



Over several thousand years of habitation, the people of Nabta Playa constructed numerous mega-lithic monuments, including stone circles, underground tombs, huge stone slabs, and rows of stelae, which extend over about 2,500 meters. The megalithic monuments are among some of the oldest in the world, pre-dating Stonehenge by thousands of years.

The megaliths can be found in sev-eral separate clusters, arranged in an approximately north-south direction. In the northern most area of the site, there is a group of around ten tumuli (mounds of earth and stones raised over a grave), which are made from sandstone, and have been found to contain the remains of cattle.



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“The skeleton of a young cow found in a cham

ber under a tumulus” Photo credit: R

omuald S


Most of the tumuli found in the cluster were composed of unshaped stones that contained piles of bones belonging to cattle, goats, and sheep. However, one tumulus stood out above all the others, as it was larger, and dug into the ground surrounded by a clay frame. Inside, archaeologists found the remains of an entire young cow, dating back around 7,400 years. The cow had been covered with broken rocks that formed a mound eight meters in diameter and one meter high.

The discovery was significant as the piles of cattle bones and the construction of the tumuli for the remains suggest that the animals were sacrificed and that much effort went into their burial. The practice of sacrifice is usually associated with a belief in a god or gods and so this finding, combined with the dis-covery of megalith alignments and stone circles, suggest that Nabta

Playa may have been used as a regional ceremonial centre, which was unprecedented in Africa at that time. Although similar mega-lithic structures have been found in other areas, they are generally dated much later than those found in Nabta Playa.

The skeleton of a young cow found in a chamber under a tumulus


Approximately, 300 metres south of the cattle grave is a stone circle, which is anoth-er significant feature of the site. Dating back at least 7,000 years, the stone circle is among the oldest of archeo-astronomical devices, designed as a prehis-toric calendar to mark two significant celes-tial phenomena – the summer solstice, which is associated with the onset of summer rains, and the arrangement of stars in the night sky, which they used to guide themselves across the desert.

The stone circle, which measures only four meters in diameter, is

made up of a number of stones, including four pairs of larger stones, and then a series of smaller stones. In the centre of the circle

are two rows of three stones. Using satellite technology, surveys by Wendorf and University of Colorado Professor, J. McKim Malville,



An outline of stone positions in the calendar circle

Constellation Orion

revealed that two of the pairs align to form a north-south line, while the other two pairs form an east-west line. The east-west alignment is calculated to be where the sun would have risen and set from the summer solstice 6500 years ago.

Astrophysicist Thomas g. Brophy, former NASA physicist, suggests that

the southern row of three stones inside the circle represent the three stars of Orion’s Belt, while the other three stones repre-sent the shoulders and heads stars of Orion as they appeared in the sky thousands of years ago.

Even further south, there are two flat-topped knolls, which

were naturally formed by the desert winds, and contained numer-ous megalithic struc-tures, most of which are now clusters of broken rocks. Along the north-ern hill, a 600-meter long stretch of large upright megaliths was built, some of which would have weighed several tons. Malville has claimed that the arrangement of stones on the knolls were



aligned to Ursa Majoris (a yellow dwarf star approximately 46 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Ursa Major), between 6,700 and 6,000 years ago.


Another significant feature of Nabta Playa is the series of small megalithic stone com-plexes that had been built on top of table rocks. Table rocks are large mushroom-shaped rocks that are naturally formed by erosion. Over thou-sands of years, they became buried by sev-eral metres of clay and silt, so one question

that has mystified sci-entists since their dis-covery is, how did the people of Nabta Playa find them? There would have been no visible trace of the rocks at that time. One sug-gestion is that they were discovered by accident during digging for wells, but it would seem to be somewhat of a coincidence for so many table rocks to

have been located in this way.

Once located, the peo-ple of Nabta Playa fur-ther shaped the table rocks to have convex sides and one straight edge that faced north. They then placed anoth-er large shaped stone placed horizontally on top of the table rock, which some believe had been sculpted to

“Lifting a table rock from one of the pits” Photo credit: R

omuald S




resemble a cow or other large animal. A number of other rocks were placed to hold the ‘sculpture’ in position, and the pit was then filled in with sediment. Scientists believe that the ‘sculptures’ date back to between 5,500 and 5,000 years ago.

Testing was carried out by dating char-coal found around the structures, although this is not a full-proof method.

It is not yet known why the ancient people created these unusual structures. They may

have had a practical function, like the cal-endar circle, or they may have represented something that held meaning at the time. Perhaps more excava-tion work may reveal more of the secrets of this unusual place.

Around 5,000 years ago, the civilization of the Megalith builders of Nabta Playa collapsed when there was anoth-er climatic change and the deadly desert returned once again to the area. The inhab-itants of the region

were forced to migrate to a more habitable area, but the question remains – where did they go?

Some archaeolo-gists, such as J McKim Malville, believe that the people of Nabta

made their way to the Nile Valley, stimulating the growth and devel-opment of the great Nile cities that subse-quently arose in Egypt.

“Within some 500 years after the exodus from Nabta, the step

The Big Dipper

pyramid at Saqqara was construct-ed, indicating that there was a pre-existing cultural base, which may have originated in the desert of Upper Egypt. An exodus from the Nubian desert at 5000 years ago could have precipitated the devel-opment of social differentiation in pre-dynastic cultures through the arrival in the Nile valley of nomadic groups who were better organized and possessed a more complex cos-mology.” (Malville, Wendorf, Mazar & Schild, 1998)

According to Schild and Wendorf, there is enough evidence to sug-gest that at least some of the roots of ancient Egyptian beliefs, magic, and religion, originated with the people of Nabta Playa. For exam-ple, some of the stalae at Nabta Playa are aligned with the brightest star of the pattern of seven stars known as the Big Dipper, which forms part of the Ursa Major con-stellation. records indicate that this star was also very impor-tant in ancient Egyptian cosmol-ogy. Furthermore, the row of three megaliths within the calendar circle of Nabta Playa are believed to rep-

resent Orion’s Belt, which also held an important place within ancient Egyptian astronomy. Wendorf and Schild (2004) point out another intriguing feature:

“Perhaps the most convincing tie between the myths and religion of Ancient Egypt and the Cattle Herders of the South Western Desert are the groups of Nabta Basin stelae. The stelae here face the circumpolar region of the heavens. According to



the early Egyptian mortuary texts known as the Pyramid Texts, this is a place where the stars never die and where there is no death at all”.

The series of associations between the complex and structured societ-ies that developed over thousands of years in the Nubian Desert, and the great Nile cities of ancient Egypt, suggests that the rise of the influential and powerful civilization of ancient Egypt extends back much further than initially believed.

F. Wendor and R. Schild (1998). Late Neolithic

Megalithic Structures at Nabta Playa (Sahara).

Available from:


F. Wendorf and R. Schild (1998). Nabta Playa

and its Role in Northeastern African Prehistory,

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 17,

pp 97-123.

F. Wendorf and R. Schild (2004). The Megaliths

of Nabta Playa. Focus on Archaeology,

Academia 1, no. 1, pp 10-15.

M. Gaffney (2006). The Astronomers of Nabta

Playa. Atlantis Rising, 56, pp 42-43.

J. McK Malville, R. Schild, F. Wendorf, and R.

Brenmer (2007). Astronomy of Nabta Playa.

African Sky, 11, p 2.


April Holloway, BSc (Psychol), is a writer and editor at, a website dedicated to exploring and reconstructing the story of humanity’s past. April writes hundreds of articles every year on topics relating to archaeol-ogy, anthropology, human ori-gins, unexplained phenomena, ancient technology, and myths and legends from around the world.

about:april holloway



illiam Tuke, a Yorkshire Quaker, opened ‘The Retreat’ in York,

England, in 1796. Tuke was one of the first to view men-tal illness as a disease from which a sufferer could actually recover, reflected in his treat-ment of patients with sympa-thy and dignity rather than disgust. The Retreat became

William Tuke: Changing the FaCe oF PsyChologiCal Care

so successful that it caused a fundamental shift in the laws relating to mental illness and its treatment. The following is the story of The Retreat and William Tuke, both of which played a defining part in revo-lutionizing age old attitudes to mental illness and serving as a model for how asylums should be run.






Born in 1732, W i l l i a m Tuke belonged to a leading Quaker family in york. He came from a long line of non-conformists, with his grandfather having been a support-er of the Society of Friends (later the Quakers), suffering imprisonment and losing his property because of his religious beliefs. Having the benefit of being from a well financed family William received a very strong education, later in life being taught by a clergyman which undoubtedly strengthened his reli-gious and moral idealism. Much of his early adult life was spent in the merchant business, but he always found time to pursue philanthropic

and public service. Little else is known about Tuke’s early life, but after the death of a Quaker at the york Asylum, Tuke’s name would be forever written into history and be referenced in almost all texts refer-ring to the development of moral treatment for the mentally ill.

In this era it was a common assumption (by experts and the public), that the mad were wild beasts, whose madness could not be tamed. Some were viewed as less than human or even possessed by dark forces. Although lunatic asylums did exist they were com-parable to a torture chamber, with patients far better off on the outside rather than the inside. A regime of terror reigned in the asylums, with brutal treatments such as sudden immersion in cold baths, blistering, debilitating purges and long term immobilization in manacles. With the general conception that luna-tics had lost their reason beyond recovery, it seemed to give free


reign to these tortur-ous practices. you could be forgiven for thinking that the administrators of these asylums had taken a page from the Spanish Inquisition.


In 1790 a Quaker, Hannah Mills, was interned at the york Asylum, which was no different from any of the other asylums of that day and age. Friends of Mills, living some distance away, asked acquaintances in the village to check on her. Arriving at the asy-lum they were turned away and refused access, and later on it was discovered that in fact Mills had died in the squalid conditions there. The Quakers became suspicious that she should die after only a few weeks in the asylum and on vis-iting there they found that the patients were treated inhumanely. Appalled at what he saw there William Tuke took charge of a proj-ect for a new type of asylum based upon the Quaker principles of morality and a basis that the inner light of

a person can never be extinguished. This new form of asylum would focus on treatment with the goal of recov-ery, rather than sheer brutality in the hope of beating the mad-ness out of some-one.

Although he had a strong will and a phil-anthrop-ic goal, it was not so easy to raise the m o n e y required to build a new asylum. William Tuke’s grandson, Daniel Hack Tuke, described in an account in 1885 the problems his great grandfather endured in

trying to bring togeth-er the Quakers to help bring his vision into reality.

Daniel Hack Tuke


‘In the spring of the year 1792, William Tuke made the memorable proposition to a meeting of the Society of Friends held in York, that it should have an institution under its own control, for the care and proper treatment of those who ‘laboured under that most afflictive dispensation – the loss of reason’. But the proposition was far from meet-ing, in the first instance, with a cordial response. Some of the speakers denied the want of any such institution; others maintained that it was entirely out of the province of such an assembly to enter into a consideration of the subject; and the greater part manifested (what might naturally have been expected) little acquaintance either with the extent to which insanity existed, or with the actual condition of the insane. A small number, however, including his eldest son, and the well-known grammarian, Lindley Murray, warmly seconded the proposal. At the subsequent conferences on the subject much fresh evidence, which had been collected, was earnestly put forward, and at length the non-contents were satisfied, and allowed the following resolution to be carried: ‘That in case proper encouragement be given, ground be purchased, and a building be erected sufficient to accommodate thirty patients, in an airy situation, and at as short a distance from York as may be, so as to have the privilege of retirement; and that there be a few acres for keeping cows, and for garden ground for the family, which will afford scope for the patients to take exercise when that may be prudent and suitable’ – a resolution which indicates, very clearly, the enlightened benev-olence of its authors. This was also evinced by the name pro-posed for the establishment – “The Retreat” – by which it was “intended to convey the idea of what such an institu-tion should be, namely a place in which the unhappy might obtain a refuge; a quiet haven in which the shattered bark might find the means of reparation, or of safety’’.’


Microcosm of London Plate-Quakers'Meeting(1809)

As Daniel Hack Tuke’s account shows quite clearly, his great grandfather had an encompassing vision for what the asylum should be like. In comparison to what already existed at the time it must have seemed even fanciful to

some of the Quakers, especially those who although religiously

inclined had little under-standing of mental illness

itself. It took two years for Tuke to obtain the necessary funds and garner enough support for the project. Throughout this time


Tuke never lost his passion and urgency for the project. At one point he travelled to St Luke’s Hospital, hoping to increase his knowledge on the treatment of the insane. The patients here were in a state of such mis-ery and hopelessness that it shocked him deeply, especially the case of one woman who was chained naked to a wall and left there with only dirty straw as a bed. Although he had so far faced some prob-lems in his project this experi-ence left him in no doubt that it had to succeed. Eventually Tuke had amassed the requisite money to commence building The retreat.

In 1796 The retreat opened, set in the countryside of york. Tuke had attached great importance to the idea that patients should have time to reflect and open spaces to have access to nature as part of the rehabilitation process. Although the building held 30 people at first there were only three patients. gradually this increased to eight, way below

capacity. It is likely that from the outside people viewed The retreat as some strange religious project rather than a serious attempt at curing the insane. After all, no-one had ever seen or heard of anything like it. Tuke found that many peo-ple derided it at first, even making fun of it and distancing themselves from him. There were no chains or manacles and patients were free to walk the grounds. Physical punish-ment was strictly forbidden.

Original Building of The Retreat,York(1797)


Tuke focused t r e a t m e n t s towards per-sonalized atten-tion and kind hear tedness . He believed that c o m p a s s i o n , not cruelty, could help cure those afflicted with many men-tal illnesses. Occupat i ona l therapy was introduced, with patients encour-aged to engage i n

mild labour in the fields, giv-ing them a sense of worth and reminding them of the lives they used to live. In the picturesque and tranquil settings Tuke’s treatments began to take effect.

In addition to the personal-ized therapies there was a strong community bond built within The retreat based upon trust and order. Everyone felt part of the community and could help contribute to daily life. Patients wore their own clothes and were treated as people who had temporarily lost social behav-iours but that they could recover them through moral strength and self-restraint.

Tuke focused treatments towards personalized attention

and kind heartedness. He believed that compassion, not cruelty,

could help cure those afflicted with many mental illnesses.


To begin with there was a minimal use of restraints. Doors were locked and the window frames were actually iron bars, with straightjackets employed only when absolutely necessary. Although the gardens were beautiful, at the outskirts there was a sunken wall, almost invisible at a distance, to stop patients from escaping. Medical treat-ments used in other asylums were tried and discarded quite quick-ly, with an apothecary serving as The retreat’s physician.

The success of The retreat owed much to its staff. george Jepson was the first superin-tendent and, alongside the apothecary Thomas Fowler, concluded that the use of fear tactics and threats employed

so profusely in other asylums actually made patients worse, where-as allaying the fears of patients helped them. Jepson and Tuke built a strong relationship built around their principles and together started to bring the treatment of the insane out of the dark ages. Originally there was no intention to form a new model of treatment for the mentally ill, only to give them a supportive environment in which they could regain their senses. Although origi-nally only accepting Quakers, The retreat gradually began to take in patients from all walks of life, and interest in the treat-ments used there became of interest to those involved in men-tal health care both at home and abroad.

William Tuke’s grand-son Samuel put great emphasis in his 1813 book ‘Description of The retreat’ on the importance of improv-ing morale for people in distress and how this should be achieved through a combina-tion of environmental and practical consider-ations. Samuel encap-sulated The retreat’s methods and philoso-phy as ‘moral treat-ment’. Others became inspired to try this new form of therapy and the treatment of the insane became revolu-tionized.

For all the good The retreat had done how-ever, things took a turn for the worse in its later years. By the mid-1850s, and after Tuke’s death, chang-es were afoot. 1847 marked the first for-


mal appointment of a medical superinten-dent. Moral therapy was pushed aside and medication and hydro-therapy became the forefront of treatment and practices. After such a successful start, The retreat was being converted to an asylum of the olden days. The retreat expanded and the community ethos that served William Tuke so well was quick-ly forgotten. Quaker involvement was lim-ited and the institute began to look unrecog-nizable from its early days. Statistics for The retreat between 1880 and 1884 show that the majority of patients were non-Quaker and suffering from schizo-phrenia and mood dis-orders. Drug therapy was the common pre-scription and over a third of patients had a history of assaulting each other or the staff.


Warm continuous baths were used to treat patients suffering from insomnia, those considered to be suicidal and assaultive, and calmed excited and agitated behaviour.

Cold water was used to treat patients diagnosed with manic-depressive psychoses


Everything Tuke had fought for was starting to unrav-el. The newly founded field of psychiatry contributed to this, with medicines becom-ing championed as the most effective treatment of the mentally ill.

William Tuke died in 1822 but he lived long enough to see the chang-es that The retreat had started to bring about. Not only did Tuke have a defining role in influencing the shift to more moral treatment for the insane, he also inspired his family to follow in his footsteps. His son Henry was the co-founder of The retreat and Tuke’s grandson Samuel wrote an account of the work at The retreat and its thera-peutic practices along with the need for reform. In turn Samuel’s son James wrote the important treatise ‘A Manual of Psychological Medicine’ in 1858 and was a leading physician in the study of insanity. William Tuke’s guiding hand influ-enced three generations of his fam-

ily, helping countless sufferers of mental illness along the way. Today The retreat is a registered charity operating as an independent hospi-tal with 100 beds, and has thank-fully returned to its core principles. It is still loyal to its original ethos and a number of the employees are from Quaker backgrounds. There are still no restraints used and no locked doors.


ona Lisa Schulz (Dr. Mona Lisa) received her doctor-ate in behavioral neurosci-ence from Boston University

School of Medicine in 1993. In addi-tion to her extensive background in health and brain research, Dr. Schulz has been practicing medical intui-tive since 1987. Dr. Schulz teaches us how to become aware of how our symptoms of illness are part of our intuition network, letting us know when something in our lives is out

of balance. Mado Martinez had an interview with her. They talked about emotions, the brain, health, illness-es, intuition and how all these things are connected by the power of your thoughts.

HealTH and emoTions an inTeRVieW WiTH mona lisa sCHulTZ







MM: What makes you the right person for understanding how emotions, the brain and health work?

I used to work in a brain lab doing connec-tions with certain areas of the brain.

I have a PhD. I’m a doc-torate scientist in brain connections. Why does that make me exqui-sitely skilled to under-stand Louise Hay’s affir-mations [Editor Note: Louise Hay – Author of the book ‘Heal your Body’]? Because, I understand the con-nections between the right brain and the left, between emotions, thoughts and behavior. And the connections between the brain and the body and its health.

However, in addition to going to medical school and becoming a phy-sician and examining

people, I’ve learned that only certain things could make people bet-ter. There were certain

emotional patterns that affected their capacity to get better or worse with medicines. And

why couldn’t certain people - why couldn’t you make them bet-ter with science? Or with your understanding of brain pathways?

So then, I got sick - a bit like every-body. There’s a phrase called ‘necessity is the mother of inven-tion’, or, ‘when

the going gets tough; the tough get going’.

When you get sick, and



your intellect is not available, your body speaks to you intuitive-ly and lets you know what needs to change.

So, through epilepsy and narcolepsy I used to be asleep - I used to fall asleep, I used to have seizures, walk around and fall asleep, and it was so bad I used to fall asleep whilst skiing; I used to fall asleep sit-ting in the lab on a chair - I‘d fall off the chair. I even fell asleep while running and got hit by a truck! I know, it’s a long story, but anyway the point of the mat-ter is: I’ve learned how to do readings knowing

only someone’s name and age. I could tell you what was going on in their emotional life that aggravated their health, and I used to do this in medical school to get them out of the hos-pital faster. So I wrote a book; ‘Awakening Intuition’ and, one of the things I did to get bet-ter from epilepsy was, this book fell off the shelf - ‘Heal your Body’. And it has all these lit-tle ditzy, ditzy thought patterns so this drove me crazy, and though I did this and it helped me learn how to stop seizures with Chinese herbs, with anti-con-vulsives, with medi-

cine and science; it was affirmations that really helped put everything together. And it drove me crazy. I wanted to know how they worked.

So. In medical intu-ition, there is science that suggests that, and so science actually supports Louise Hay’s mental causes and if you take all of these mental causes and you superimpose them on a chakra system they match medical intu-ition. That’s the key. But it’s not just that, this isn’t just a flakey little book; there’s actu-ally something to sup-port it. And I wanted to always show that, so I walked up to Louise about 12 years ago and said ‘if you ever want to write a book and show that there’s science to support this, just let me know.’


But nonetheless, my point is that I’ve always wanted to show that you can heal your body, with medicine, intuition and affirmations. And that you need ALL of those things to heal. And that science sup-ports affirmations. Just as much as sci-ence supports intuition. Many people want to use affirmations but they think medicine is ridiculous, well THAT’S ridiculous: If your child breaks a leg, you’re not

going to say ‘Be spiri-tual! Suffer! Do some affirmations!’ That’s ridiculous! you’re going to want to do every-thing available. And so, just like going to the fruit market and say-ing ‘what kind of fruit have you got available here?’ When you go to the restaurant you say ‘show me the menu’.

This book; ‘All is Well’ [By Mona Lisa Schulz and Louise Hay], shows you everything

OK. Tudo está bem. In Portuguese, that means ‘all is well’.

Tudo está bem’ – but everything can be bad too. your right brain

has your emotions and somebody else’s emo-tions. you can be aware

MM: yes. Ok. Let’s talk about your book. I have read it and I have high-lighted some questions. And, I know all the things that you have written but our readers, they don’t know the book, they haven’t read it yet and they don’t know anything about it yet. So they want to know: you’re a doctor and scientist - how can your emotions affect your body and your health?

that is available; ALL the things that are on the menu to make you healthy. That’s what this book is about.


of your feelings and be intuitively ‘keyed-in’ to somebody else’s. If you can take your feel-ings - fear; anger; sad-ness, bring it to your left brain and say it; respond effectively; and release: you have less capacity to get ill. Less! Every illness is in-part due to genetics, the environment, diet, inju-ry and so-on. But every illness could be precipi-tated by your feelings or intuitive awareness of somebody else’s.

If, you do not take your feelings - fear, anger, sadness or love of something, and joy, and you don’t take it to tour left brain; express it, respond to it - do something about it - and then, let it go! It will go down into your body, and your body instead will have to talk about it for you. If you can’t talk and respond to your fear, your heart

will respond instead.

If you’re angry, angry about work, or you’re near somebody else who’s angry, angry about work, and you can’t figure out how to process that it will go down into the area of the centre for work, and that anger will go to your adrenal gland and that adrenal gland - it’s a daisy chain! A domino affect of neuro-transmitters and molecules that go from emo-tion; to chem-ical; to body. E m o t i o n , to chemi-cal, to body. Emotion goes to the brain stem and to the adrenal gland, pro-duces corti-sol; estrogen; a n d r o g e n s ; changes your

immune system, blood vessels, nerve system, and it goes to the organ that needs to tell you that something in your life is out of balance.


Photo:(c) Michelle D

ennis 2008


MM: Something is wrong. It’s like an alarm?

It’s like the dashboard in your car: you have a series of warning lights. So just as if you had seven warning lights on your dashboard; one for family (oil); one for money (water); one for work (gas); one for electricity (heart - rela-

tionships, love); one for speech - you know, voice (thyroid), and so-on, each light will go on with a warning and with a symptom, let-ting you know that that area of your life: some-thing’s wrong with need to name it;

respond effective-ly and then release it. Otherwise the light will get worse and worse and worse and the symptom will get worse and worse and worse.

This is a book by a famous psychiatrist named Aaron Beck. He is the father of cogni-tive behavioral therapy. ‘CBT’. It is the classic,

state of the art way that people change thought patterns so that they can fix depression, anx-iety, anger, obsessive compulsive disorder,

bipolar too, almost any disorder now people have cognitive behav-ioral therapy for.

They show on scans



MM: you talk in your book about intuition and, how can a psychiatrist apply this intuition whilst doing his or her work? For example? Or a doctor?


that we use cognitive behavioral therapy. The other thing is there’s another kind of therapy called dialectic behav-ioral therapy, and that is

this: - and I’m getting to your intuition question - This is called ‘Skills Training for Borderline Personality Disorder’ by Marsha Linehan. It’s called DBT: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. It

teaches people how to do a skill called ‘wise mind’ based on mind-fulness. Balancing your emotional mind (which is what I call right

brain) with left brain - your thoughtful mind, to have a balance.

The thing with all of this is this DBT teach-es a person mindful-ness. To be able to sit,

observe, describe what emotion is going on for you. What the hell do you think that is? For teaching people intu-ition! Plus this person -

who I think should get a Nobel Peace Prize (Her name is Marsha Linehan) - she says that these people are raised in traumatizing, invalidating fami-lies. What’s invali-dating - someone who sees some-thing in a family and says it - look daddy’s coming home late is daddy having an affair with somebody? No he’s not; shut up, your fathers a good man! That’s

invalidating. you’re invalidating what that child says and when that child intuitively gets a perception.


No! What you see is wrong! She says those people develop post traumatic stress disor-der and then they devel-op moodiness and vol-atile personalities, but she teaches them how to observe, describe, name your emotion, but learn how to say it

at the right time with the right people and not at the wrong time so basically she teach-es you how to validate your perspective. But not abuse yourself with people who are invali-dating. So as far as I’m concerned psychia-try helps people use

emotion to make cor-rect decisions in their life. Dialectic Behavioral Therapy teaches you how to have emotion-al regulation: validate your emotion but learn how to effectively use it in relationships.

MM: I see.



I’ve learned from behavioral neurolo-gy and neuro-psychi-atry that the area for attention – for paying attention to something – it goes down to the temporal lobe and the hippocampus and the amygdala attach emo-tional relevance to it, so if you have a thought – someone puts an image in you - an image and a sound they say ‘red dinosaur’, right? And then they say ‘blue dino-saur’, and you image blue dinosaur. The problem is is that what you’ve heard and seen – red and blue dino-saur – it goes to your

temporal lobe, but I ask you! Mado, you don’t have any behavioral relevance to blue or red dinosaur! So therefore it’s not hard for you to change from blue to red because it’s not behav-iorally relevant to you. It doesn’t do any spik-ing in your temporal lobe. It doesn’t change your amygdala AND it doesn’t do anything to your autonomic nervous system; it doesn’t do anything to your hypo-thalamus, your pitu-itary and your adrenal gland and ultimately your body because the word emotion, means to create movement. It

doesn’t move you like an opera could move you or a movie could move you. The words ‘red dinosaur’ do not move you.

However, if I said Mother: you had a bad Mother, imagine it. And then I said, you have a good Mother: that’s harder to do, because you have an emotional charge – it’s behavior-ally relevant. you have a series of emotional connections and expe-riences – a network of connections to the word Mother. Because the first word that came out of your mouth was

MM: Someone told me once – a psychologist – that if you think, if you make an exercise – you and me – and I tell you; ‘think about a red dino-saur’, you would just imagine it and you would see a red dinosaur, and then I say to you; ‘now think about a blue dinosaur’ - you think about the blue dinosaur and you see it inside your mind. Changing your thoughts is as easy as that – she said. And therefore if you change your thoughts you can change your emotions. Is it that easy?



‘Mo…Mottthhher’ and that initial word; ‘bad’ or ‘good’… it’s a single word, but it’s very hard to change from bad to good. It’s easier to

say ‘bu’, ‘bu’; than ‘gu’, ‘gu’ – I’m just telling you, phonetically – so, to change the thought from ‘bu’ to ‘gu’; bad mother to good mother

is much more difficult. That’s why it’s hard for people to say; ‘I love myself just the way I am’.

MM: So it’s not that easy?

Of course not! ‘I. LOVE. MySELF. Just the way I am’. NO! Because you’ve said millions of times, you have the patterns in your brain, thought patterns all over the place: ‘I hate my hips. I hate my hips’. ‘I hate my hair! I wish I was…’ etc etc. you’ve heard it thousands of times! So you have to dilute that with ‘I love myself just the way I am’. Louise Hays says that every time you say that you might hear a

negative thought pat-tern; no you don’t. you hate your …. No you don’t. you hate your and that’s like a func-tional MrI as far as I’m concerned. Every time you say I love myself just the way I am and you hear a negative thought pattern it’s like doing a functional MrI. NO! Oh my god, I just picked another path-way! Another synapse. So, you CAN change a thought but to say it’s easy is invalidating.

But I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m saying it’s required. People say to me on the phone: ‘But that’s hard!’, I say ‘you can, and you will’. you can and you will because the most valu-able things are the ones that are hard to get. They’re called com-modities. That is a real commodity. you can and you will do this, or you don’t want to see me driving up your drive-way! Because I will!


Failure, is much more frightening than regret. Ok? This is the story. So, rIgHT NOW is the moment that you can change. you can either think of yourself as ninety thousand years old – bitter! – Or you can use the moment

now, to try it! Because you have nothing to lose! So you can and you will do this. But it’s hard: ‘I’m afraid!’ So you’re afraid?! Nobody ever died of fear. you won’t die. you will try. It’s painful. But you can tolerate it. you have

the skills. you can and you will do this. you will learn to do this with discipline. Because there are people who love you, and support you, and want you to do it.


MM: And what would be one of best exercises to change that pattern? Looking at yourself in the mirror and saying it?


That’s the intuition.

Because. you’ll notice I never ask a direct question. Know your-self. Not somebody else. Because if you know somebody else you want to be them. But if you know your-self you’ll want to be yourself so you want to love yourself just the way you are.

MM: This takes me to another point. Ok, so we want to change, we want to change our patterns, we want to do it. So, suddenly – I read in your book like I read in Plato and the Oracle of Delphos and in the old greek wisdom, that you have to know yourself. you have to explore yourself and you have to be aware of the things that are happening inside of you.

MM: Why is it so important and why does this have to be the very first step in life?



37 Photo credit: Kimberly Vohsen

MM: you have talked about chakras and about meditation. It’s very impor-tant because, the happiest man in the world is Matthieu ricard, a Tibetan monk. He’s the right hand of the Dalai Lama and he meditates all day long. So neurosurgeons studied him in a laboratory and their conclusion was that he was the happiest man in the world. A man who is in a monastery in Tibet with no cars or anything and no women - not doing anything but meditating. Maybe, this is the solution?



tively and he releases it to the universe. That’s his love. If you tried to do that you’d be mis-erable. That’s what’s behaviorally relevant to him. Know thyself. Not know thy monk. you have to follow your bliss. Each one of us has a love. We have a bliss that we’re sup-posed to do. That’s just like saying I need to be like Madonna. I want to be like that monk. What we can learn from that is not ‘do a monk’; but do you. you’ve got to do yourself. So, my point is that you go back to allowing your-self to do love. The answer to that is he

does what he loves all the time. If you can get into the flow of doing what you love all the time Or identifying love in every moment of your day: identifying love in this! Identifying love in this! Identifying love in every aspect of everything. Then your brain will be in the same way. It will be in your amygdala, in your hippocampus, in your frontal lobe, in your hypothalamus, pituitary, your adrenal gland - will all be in the nutrients of love.

No. It’s his solu-tion. It’s what his brain tells him is love. What moves to his left brain. He identifies it and he responds to it affec-


F irst a background discus-sion. It is critical to understand how the electrical cause of centripetal, negentropic (conjugate/implosive) fields are absolutely essential to the nature of life, consciousness, and the path out of chaos in general.

Let us be clear- this is all related to the stupefying tragedy, caused



The subject of this article is the electrical origin and history of negentropic (self organizing), centripetal (implosive) fields in blood (as in where does physics learn about ‘soul’).

HisToRy & PHysiCs of fiRe in THe Blood






by earth’s physics community real-ly not having a clue to the wave symmetry cause of any centripetal and negentropic field. This is why current physics also has no infor-mation as to why an object falls to the ground, or what electrical field causes life and mind and aware-ness. These are all phase conju-gate and negentropic (self orga-nizing) wave phenomenon. So if we were to survive as a species, wouldn’t you think that scientists - who clearly observed negentropy and self organization in phase con-jugate optics - would at least admit to you that the absolute most important question in all of phys-ics (how do waves emerge from chaos, and make life and mind and negentropy) desperately needed an answer? (As in - if you hadn’t noticed - right now chaos seems to be winning.)

No - those physicists also really have not a clue as to what a makes a phase conjugate mir-ror work. The ‘non-linear’ material question so artfully swept under the rug - they don’t know why certain

material makes a phase conjugate mirror work. The truth is the magic material which motorizes negent-ropy in phase conjugate mirrors, must be phase conjugate to Planck dimensions both at atomic, and molecular scales. (Again, the visual here for phase conjugation as a wave phenomenon is essentially two golden spiral pine cones ‘learn-ing to kiss noses’ animated: )


What is clear by mea-surement- is that human consciousness is electrically centrip-etal and negentro-pic (Tiller: Measuring fields compress when exposed to attention, Dossey: Measuring seed growth acceler-ated when exposed to human attention, geller: Measuring radio-active half life reduced by human attention- like it is also reduced by phase conjugate dielec-trics).The illustrations of this principle I most like- are the numerous tes-timonials about roses popping open suddenly in the hand of a saint. Centripetal fields are the essence of mak-ing bioactive healing charge( and We explained at length the wave mechanic ori-gin of ‘Flame in the

Mind’ : how brainwav-es in phase conjugate golden ratio frequen-cy signature, combined with hemispheres 180 degrees out of phase, produce the compres-sional longitudinal field effect at This is the teachable, measureable brainwave pattern of all psycho kinesis, prayer, and how you create your immortal ‘kes-jahn’/ ‘ka’(aura plasma coherence)your only vehicle through death (‘ka’ means boat to the underworld.)

So to those who under-stand how to rearrange waves so that negent-ropy happens and chaos is avoided, to them belong a path alive out of history. The only alternative ulti-mately is death of their

species. Note especial-ly the phase conjugate / negentropic hygiene which is associated with taking memory through death ( To the rest - your stub-born physicist com-munity - who smugly ignore everything we have published about implosion, we send them appropriately to their karma: chaos and oblivion.

The physics article – ‘Mathematics and wave mechanics proof: gold-en ratio’ is the solu-tion to constructive wave interference, non-destructive compres-sion and phase conju-gation /


This (lo frequency phase conjugate pump wave) is for example clear proof of what phase conjugate wave symmetry CAUSES photosynthesis . This is how you cook up life

/ negentropy among waves!This is more than just the optical frequency recipe which obviously restores attention span to your children’s class-room as in ‘shoot those

damn non full spectrum fluorescent lights will you?’ It is also the gen-eralized wave mechanic recipe to get all of life out of chaos!


How human DNA participates in the broad spectral- implosive - negentropic - phase conjugate pump wave. Summary:





The recursive braiding golden ratio molecular geometry contrib-utes to the mid range frequency component ( khz- mhz). Probably relates to the so-called psychokinetic measuring ‘BOSON 7’ or ‘Micro -chloridians in the blood’stories. Doing real power spectra of DNA to measure psycho kinesis/evolution is of course a political hot potato.

The low frequency phase conjugate component seems likely to be largely generated by the below 50 hz beautiful harmonic cascades- from the heart/brain during peak experience/coherent emotion/bliss (much of my life’s work was on this). The EKg harmonic cascade during peak emotion appears to be a linear, octave based harmonic series which, however, seems to move closer to a con-jugate .618 hz (key signature) during love/empathy etc. Whereas the EEg harmonic series, during bliss, psycho kinesis or projec-tive plasma events, appears to take on a beautiful golden ratio: precisely phase conjugate harmonic series (see BLISSTUNEr - at In addition what may be even more beautiful, as we discuss in the frequency cascade graphic at the top of this article, the key signature ALPHA EEg frequency seems to lock on to the Schumann resonance (planetary embedding) which is also profoundly phase conjugate to Planck length and time (meaning precisely atomically implosive).

The implosive geometry of hydrogen - golden ratio proven orbits - at the DNA ladder rung core, contributes to the very high fre-quency phase conjugate component.


The result is: a plasma field around DNA which is psychokinetic, negentropic, time travelling, lucid dreaming and ensouled. These are all the things that our Nephalim, Draco, Uru and Annunaki ancestors precisely could not do. To - Enlil/yalweh and the soulless cloners, we send our condolences.

To the clueless Stephen Hawking approach in which he says stem cells are the key to immortality. What he doesn’t know is that phase conju-gate dielectric (implosive charge) fields are the key to switching on and off stem cell behvaiour. What lies deeper beneath this is that the conjugate field of the stem cell, in order to have soul making con-text, requires exactly the opposite of what cloning offers in order to make the human plasma field actu-ally immortal! So Stephen Hawking- who sadly it appears is lacking the biological equipment to have a glandular bliss experience. So he advocates the soulless approach of the Nephalim and Draco. Of course those who choose a mechanical assisted form for metal life exten-

sion, for them the only form of life extension is a metal environment. Stephen Hawking’s limited under-standing represents a ‘ground-hog day’ ‘we’re going to have to repeat this mistake’ return to our soulless ancestors.Instead of maximizing the negen-tropic field effect of a geneti-cally diverse biosphere to create the ensouling negentropic charge implosion of nature, with the yoga lifestyle of charge attraction, these small minded, clueless to how DNA makes a soul types, would lead you down the literally dead-end path which took the Dracos (our part ancestors), and the greys, to their dead, metal encased, soulless agony. Our past, and their soul-less future does not have to be our future!A bit of irony here that Enki (and his Caducceus conjugator side-kick Hermes/Thoth/Tehute DaWiD) Enki’s other name Nudimid - means ‘The Cloner’(see Anton Parks). Talk about finding your job description is the problem, instead of the solu-tion! By becoming his father’s team-leading cloner, he discovered exact-ly how cloning was de-souling his bloodline, and offered the solution:


the Caducceus. In the physics of wave mechan-ics the Caducceus is the shape of a conjugate field. Naturally gener-ated by DNA, in the right (blissful) biologic context the conjugate wave (so called ‘perfect storm’ rogue) - can pro-pel our bioplasma aura

into the immortal. This becomes exactly the mechanism that makes Enki’s profession ‘The Cloner’, obsolete.

At death or bliss/kundalini/tantra – moments this ‘KHEM unto the lord’ black hole

created by the phase conjugating genetic field- is DNA’s way of attempting plasma pro-jection. If you throw the ball coherently it creates a plasma toroid which can be sustained. It becomes the door-way through death to immortality depending on coherence, whose climax form is phase conjugate.

Here we shed more light on the archetypal concept: the Ba from the Ka. Translating the Egyptian concept- the Ka is the amount of coherence in your plas-ma aura enabling your ‘boat into the under-world’ and the Ba is squeezed out from the Ka like a seed from the husk. The Ba is the part of your plasma coher-ent aura which can and does survive implosive compression accelera-


tion trhough the speed of light, enables lucid dreaming, time travel, and memory mainte-nance through death. This is where the human DNA experiment can outshine our Draco, Uru, Annunaki ‘any-one not cloned is illegal’ ancestors. The hydrogen cen-tre bond of each codon is phase conjugate/fractal/implosive/negent-ropic. The centre of each implosive codon rung on the DNA ladder is the hydrogen atom which is precisely implosive/phase conjugate in nucle-ar structure: .

Since my new equation proved that at least three radii of hydrogen

are precisely whole number golden ratio exponents times Planck length, therefore here is a corrected picture of the radii of hydrogen at the heart of DNA’s implosive braid. Phase Conjugate tornado to the soul the black hole wormhole down the centre zipper of DNA!

recursive phase con-jugate phonon pump wave braiding (EKg / EEg harmonics of bliss emotion) make this broad spectral/envelop-ing/long wave embed-ding.

We suggest the mech-anism which allows


human emotions like love and bliss to program DNA to implosive soul making is long wave piezoelectric braiding. Phase conjugate ‘pump waves’ from the frequency signa-ture of EKg and EEg during love and bliss shareable wave emotions of pure intent, measurably causing implosive braid in DNA.

So it is my view that the struc-tural and wave mechanic mecha-nism (low frequency phase conju-gate ‘pump wave’) by which DNA implodes to become negentropic and ensouled, is now fairly well understood. Consider a probable solution to why DNA- is enantio-morphic: the necessary asymmet-ric handedness of all biologic pro-teins. The direction of rotation on the surface of a torus determines whether the net gravity created is centripetal or centrifugal (simi-lar to why one pole of a magnet is more centripetal and healing than the other the physics of yin/yang). Biologic proteins have to go one way only, so that the phase direction of the phase conjugate pump waves in DNA helixes (Schumann to EKg cascades of bliss emotion), will be

necessarily in the centripetal and negetropic (self organizing direc-tion). For an example of negentro-pic handedness (how the Vimana flew) when you pump high inertia mercury liquid in the correct toroid spiral trajectory to make gravity, (Star Trek impulse powder vs the Kowsky-Frost which was their warp power), the direction on the critical trajectory determines the polarity of the gravity (independent iner-tial field) created. This is how your heart propels your aura, before and after death!


W W W . I S P E C T R U M M A G A Z I N E . C O M

“Know yourself. Not somebody else. because if you know somebody else you want to be them. but if you know yourself you’ll want to be yourself so you want to love yourself just the way you are. “ MONA LISA SCHULTZ