Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion

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  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    Postabortion Care:

    The Missing Ingredient in ReducingMaternal Mortality

    Ellen Israel, CNM, MPH

    Pathfinder International

    MCHIP Asia Regional Meeting,

    Dhaka, May 3-6, 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    What is the problem?

    Unsafe abortion is one of the

    3 leading causes of maternalmortality.. (WHO, 2011).

    In 2008, half of all abortions

    in the world were unsafe; 98%

    occurred in developing














    Other direct


    Indirect causes


    Though death from unsafe abortion

    fell to 47,000 in 2008 (from 69,000 in 2003),

    the proportion of women dying remains stagnant at 13% of maternal


    Death from unsafe abortion is highest in countries with the most

    restrictive abortion policies.

    Morbidity and disability caused by unsafe abortion affects women at,

    at least, 10 times the mortality rate.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    The problem in Asia

    Abortion rates did not decrease between 2003and 2008:

    26/1,000 in South Central (e.g., India) and

    Western Asia

    36/1,000 in Southeastern Asia(compared to 29/1,000 in Africa)

    Even in countries where abortion is not restricted,

    there are high percentages of substandardprocedures in both public and private facilities

    e.g., Nepal, Cambodia, and India; only 2/5 of services

    are considered safe in India.

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    Why is postabortion care (PAC) neglected

    to address maternal mortality?

    PAC is usually excluded from maternal health programs and

    services largely because of the pervasive stigma attached to

    abortion and women who seek them.

    PAC being sidelined leads to few or no services, or poor andlimited services, which dont address the root causes of

    unsafe abortion.

    To ensure universal access to comprehensive PAC, abortion-

    related stigma must be addressed.

    The root causes of unsafe abortion include barriers to

    obtaining and using contraception, and a broad array of

    gender and other barriers.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    Political will is fundamental to ensuring

    universal access to PAC

    Governments signed on to multiple international

    agreements over the years that reiterated the public

    health imperative and right of women to receive PAC

    services without discrimination.

    Governments need support and even pressure to live

    up to their commitments to ensure PAC as an

    integrated maternal health service for all women

    who need it.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    What are general solutions?

    Mobilize and support governments to address unsafe

    abortion and comprehensive PAC services integrated with

    maternal and reproductive health.

    Decentralize and scale-up services on all facility levels as part

    of integrated, one-stop shop services.

    Develop networks of stakeholders with interest in womens

    health and rights to engage in national assessments of need,

    develop standard training and protocols for comprehensive

    PAC services, ensure commodity supply lines, and include in


    Ensure availability ofmisoprostol for PAC, bringing services

    closer to the community (e.g., in health posts). Misoprostol

    use makes PAC provision more acceptable for some providers.

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    Global Misoprostol Registration by Indication









    Last updated: September 2011

    *Misoprostol may or may not be registered for gastriculcers









    Registered for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) & treatment of incomplete abortion*

    Registered for PPH and other ob/gyn indication*

    Registered for PPH*

    Registered for another ob/gyn indication, not PPH*

    Registered for gastric ulcers only

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    What are general solutions? contd

    Within PAC programs, recognize and address thegender constraints/barriers to womens:

    Desire to limit or space;

    Desire to exercise reproductive control; and

    Ability to effectively exercise reproductive control.

    Work to address PAC needs ofyoung women and girls.

    Emphasize attitude change for providers around thedangerous withholding of reproductive health services

    (e.g., contraception and PAC) from young people and

    unmarried youth.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    What IS being done that is effective?

    National attention to PAC and scale-up. Examples include

    Rwanda and Peru.

    Advocacy. Holding countries to the task of signed

    agreements; involvement from parliament, stakeholder

    networks, government ministries, and civil society groups.

    Integration. Integrating PAC with, as an equal component

    of, maternal health programs and services.

    Contraception/family planning (FP). Strengthening

    contraception/FP as an essential reproductive health servicein and of itself to reduce unintended pregnancy, unsafe

    abortion, and need for PAC services.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    The Postabortion Care

    Consortium (PACC)

    Pathfinder is the current Chair of the PACC

    Initially formed in 1993 by JHPIEGO, IPPF, Pathfinder, Ipas,

    and EngenderHealth, in recognition of the unsafe abortion

    toll on women and the need to promote PAC as a publichealth imperative.

    The PACC strives to ensure universal access to

    comprehensive PAC services everywhere in the world.

    The PACC is committed to assisting any and all governments,

    groups, and individuals in the development and

    implementation of PAC programs and services, including

    community engagement, that address unsafe abortion.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    The PACC, contd

    Specific priorities of the PACC for the next two years:

    Ensuring Youth-friendly PAC services everywhere

    Ensuring misoprostol for PAC to increase access and to

    bring services closer to the community

    Addressing the lack of MVA equipment, misoprostol and

    other necessary supplies for PAC services

    Working within countries, with government and civilsociety, to ensure PAC programs that address holistically

    women with incomplete abortion, including capacity

    building and scale-up of PAC nationally

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    The 5 Essential Elements of PAC

    In 2002, after much discussion and refining, the PACC

    endorsed the 5 essential elements of PAC.

    1. Community and service provider partnerships

    2. Counseling

    3. Treatment of incomplete abortion and complications

    4. Contraception and family planning services

    5. Reproductive and other health services (e.g., referrals)

    The 5 elements reflect critical areas that all PAC programs

    should address to be fully effective. Each element requires

    specific attention.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    The PACC Contd

    The PACC has and is forming Task Forces to develop resourcesto fill gaps: Youth, Misoprostol, Essential Supplies, Quality

    Service Delivery (including contraception and infection

    prevention), and Community engagement and partnerships.

    The PACC sees itself as closely allied with and complementary

    to USAIDs PAC Connection. For example, the PACC is able to

    address sustainability of MVA equipment and promotemisoprostol to complement the PAC Connections excellent

    work on improving universal post-PAC contraception within

    communities and facilities.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    Lack of policies/guidelines

    Lack of organized services to

    provide FP Limited method mix

    Lack of IEC materials

    Stock-outs of contraceptives

    Lack of counseling on FP

    methods and availability

    Additional charges for FP

    Barriers to FP Provision in PAC Services

    National Norms/Policies

    Some cadres not allowed to

    provide PAC services

    Limitations on who can receive

    FP (age, # of pregnancies)

    Poor location of PAC services

    No FP commodities in budget

    Health System Barriers

    Negative provider attitude

    Lack of knowledge about rapid

    return to fertility

    Little to no FP counseling

    Lack of referral for FP methods (if

    cannot be provided on-site)

    Religious concerns

    EMONC/BMONC training only

    focuses on emergency treatment




  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    WHO Recommendations

    Follow WHOs recommendations to prevent ill-effects of

    unsafe abortion:

    Making safe abortion services available and accessible

    where abortion is not restricted by law or policy

    Ensuring that permitted reasons for abortion are

    supported by the national legislative process and health


    Granting access to services for the management of

    complications from unsafe abortion, or PAC

    Providing post abortion counseling and provision of

    contraceptives which help avoid repeat abortion.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    Recommendations on how to ensure

    integration of PAC with maternal health

    Ensure integration by including PAC in language, protocols,programming, budgets, and data collection for maternal

    health. Dont allow it to be separated or diminished.

    Include PAC in adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive

    health and youth-friendly maternal health programs.

    Conduct values clarification and attitude change exercises

    starting at the top with policymakers, health care managers,

    providers, community opinion makers and members, etc

    Ensure post-PAC contraceptive services are of high quality, and

    provided immediately, on-the-spot.

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    Recommendations, contd

    Work with the rights and health networks in your country

    along with government to ensure maximum access to

    comprehensive PAC services.

    Ensure access to misoprostol to increase access to PAC

    Ensure access to young and unmarried women to PAC

    services without discrimination

    Work with the PAC Consortium to gain strength throughexperience and tool sharing for problem solving.

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    Resources and references Facts on Induced Abortion Worldwide, Guttmacher Inst. Jan. 2012

    Unsafe abortion: Global and regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe

    abortion and associated mortality in 2008, WHO

    Induced Abortion: Incidence and Trends Worldwide from 1995-2008, Gilda

    Dedgh et al., in the Lancet, Jan. 2012

    Unsafe Abortion: The Missing Link in Global Efforts to Improve MaternalHealth, Guttmacher Policy Review, Spring 2011

    Essential Elements of Post-abortion Care: Origins, Evolution and Future

    Directions, Corbett, M. and Turner, K, Intl Family Planning Perspectives,

    Sept. 2003

    Womens Demand for Reproductive Control: Understanding and

    Addressing Gender Barriers, McCleary-Sills, J., et al.Intl Center for

    Research on Women, Feb. 2012

    Facts on Induced Abortion in Pakistan, Guttmacher In Brief, May 2009

  • 8/2/2019 Israel_Complications of Unsafe Abortion


    Thank youEllen Israel:

    PAC Consortium:
