Issue 105 December 2019 F rom the Chair In this issue Issue 105.pdf · at Mela in October; we...

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The Moor Pool Duck

What’s On?

CIRCLE CINEMA’S Christmas film will be

Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (U) on Sunday,

December 1st.

SANTA’S SLEIGH will be visiting on Saturday

December 7th, starting at the Hall at 5pm.

SANTA’S GROTTO will be open for visitors on

Sunday, December 8th, 11am - 1pm.

CAROLS IN THE HALL performance by children

from Harborne Primary School, mince pies

and mulled wine on Sunday, December 15th.

LOG SALE on Sunday, January 12th. Builder’s

Yard, 10.30-12.30.


January 25th, 12.00.

FISH AND CHIP QUIZ on Saturday February 8th

CIRCLE CINEMA on Sunday, February 9th.

In this issue:

From the Chair .............................................. 1

Forthcoming Events ...................................... 2

Clubs & Societies ................................... 4 & 5

Heritage Trust ................................................ 6

Hall Activities ............................................... 8

Nettlefold Notes ............................................ 9

Sudoku ........................................................... 9

Education Update ........................................ 10

Prize Crossword .......................................... 12

F rom the Chair

Newsletter for the Moor Pool Garden Suburb Issue 105 December 2019

Hi everyone,

Ding dong merrily on Moor Pool! As you can tell I am

already getting into the Christmas spirit which is always a special

time of the year here in Moor Pool. As you can imagine this

edition of The Duck has a festive theme.

We have a wide range of Christmas festivities planned for all

ages. We start December with a festive Circle Cinema film

(Scrooge - A Christmas Carol) on the evening of 1st December;

Santa’s sleigh ride around the estate takes place on Saturday 7th

December starting from the hall at 5pm and finishing back there

at 7pm. Having stayed over at a secret Moor Pool location, Santa

will be back in his grotto in the Lower Hall between 11am and

1pm on Sunday 8th December. And if that wasn’t enough to get

you into the Christmas spirit we have the Moor Pool Residents’

Association carols in the main hall on Sunday 15th December -

arrival from 4pm with festivities starting at 4.15pm. This year we

are delighted to be welcoming pupils from Harborne Primary who

will be entertaining us with a nativity performance & carols

followed by a hearty festive community singalong accompanied

on live accordion and piano inside the cosy warm hall. We will be

serving mulled wine & mince pies. So get your vocal chords

warmed up and we hope you will join us.

All of our events are run by volunteers and it was lovely to be a

part of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service celebration in

October. You can read more about this very special day in

Simon’s article. On the subject of volunteering, a little reminder

of a date for your diary in January 2020. We will be holding the

Moor Pool Residents’ Association AGM starting at midday

immediately after the monthly coffee morning on Saturday 25th

January. I intend to stand down as chair after 5 years in the role as

it is time to give someone else a go. If you are interested in

getting involved as either chair or on the committee please give

me a shout.

Finally, I am sure you are all starting to dust off those Christmas

tunes and in the immortal words of Noddy’s

CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Wishing you all a very happy Moor Pool

Christmas and here’s to a wonderful 2020 for our


Best wishes,


Sally Bourner

Chair Moor Pool Residents’ Association

Happy Chris tmas

The Moor Pool Duck 2

Don’t Get in a Flap!

If your Duck does not arrive, gets eaten

by the dog, you want an extra copy or

live off the estate, then current and past

issues can be downloaded from our web

site at

Forthcoming Events

Coffee Mornings (except December)

Last Saturday of the month, 10:30-12:00

Circle Cinema Sunday, December 1st

Santa’s Sleigh Saturday, December 7th

Santa’s Grotto Sunday, December 8th

Carols in the Hall Sunday, December 15th

Log Sale Sunday, January 12th

Moorpool Reading Group Thursday, January 23rd

Residents’ Association AGM Saturday, January 25th

Fish and Chip Quiz Saturday, February 8th

Circle Cinema Sunday, February 9th

Circle Cinema Sunday, March 15th

Fish and Chip Quiz Saturday, April 25th

Circle Cinema Sunday, May 3rd

Circle Cinema Sunday, June 21st

Fish and Chip Quiz Saturday, July 11th

Fish and Chip Quiz Saturday, October 17th

Publication Dates

Closing Date Publication Date

25th January 2020 February 2020

28th March 2020 April 2020

30th May 2020 June 2020

25th July 2020 August 2020

26th September 2020 October 2020

21st November 2020 December 2020

Please send letters and articles for inclusion to by the closing date.

Starring Alastair Sim, Jack Warner and Kathleen Harrison

Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (U)

Sunday, December 1st

7:15pm (doors open 6:15 pm)

Selection of refreshments, including hot food available, so why not join us for a bite to eat and a chat before the film. B.Y.O.D.

Non-members tickets £5 (£2 under 16). Member tickets £1. Tickets can be reserved online at, or on the door (subject to availability).

See our web site for trailers and membership details.

Christmas Special


Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long

enough to make them all yourself. Groucho Marx

Moorpool News & Wine

Please support your local shop

The reverse side also has a reverse side. Japanese Proverb

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t

go away. Philip K Dick

The Moor Pool Duck 3

‘Moor Pool, Harborne’ Calendar 2020

2020 Moor Pool, Harborne calendar is now available. It features thirteen beautiful colour images celebrating the natural beauty of Moor Pool throughout the year. All images are original photographs by local resident, photographer Angela Yates.

The calendar is a full colour product, printed on quality heavyweight silk paper. It is A4 wire bound, opening to A3 size, leaving plenty of space to write appointments. It would make an ideal Christmas gift for any resident or friend of Harborne.

The calendar costs just £10 to purchase and £1 of this goes straight to fund the important work of the Moor Pool Heritage Trust. Over £100 was raised last year and this year we aim to beat this total.

Calendars can be purchased online at and also at Circle Cinema screenings.

Get in touch by email:

Limited edition Christmas cards are also available in aid of MPHT.

The Moor Pool Duck 4

Moorpool Skittles Club

The Winter season is under way with

play on Mondays for ladies and men;

Wednesdays for ladies; Fridays for men

- all sessions start at 7.30p.m ‘til

around 9p.m with a break for tea/

coffee. We do play most nights but

occasionally not, such as around

Christmas so it’s best to contact before coming along. We

are a small friendly group and would love to see new

players or visitors, first few sessions no charge but if you

would like to join and come along regularly – with the

chance of being entered into the championship then there

is a joining fee of £20 for the year. If you have not seen

the alley it’s certainly worth coming for a look – there are

two playing surfaces, one is crowned so a little more

difficult, the woods do not have any holes and the most

‘labour saving’ device we have is an inclined trough for

retuning the woods for the next player. It’s all good fun

and though there is a competitive side it’s generally fairly

light-hearted! For more information contact or Tina on 0121 250 5385.

Autumn at Moorpool Tennis Club

"So, when did your season end?" is a frequent question.

Actually, our tennis season doesn't really end, although

autumnal elements and the clocks going back have been

challenging. Otherwise, we keep calm and carry on! On

the corner of Moor Pool Avenue and Margaret Grove –

next to the wonderful Nettlefold Garden and surrounded

by trees and bushes, our centenarian club is a beautiful

location, particularly when sunshine highlights the reds,

browns, yellow and greens of the foliage.

Club events continue and tennis is never far from our

minds. We were proud to display our club’s heritage at

the Moor Pool Memories event; we enjoyed a lovely meal

at Mela in October; we visited Warstone Lane Cemetery,

Jewellery Quarter, to remember the pioneer of lawn

tennis, Harry Gem, on the anniversary of his death on 4th

November; there was a trip to the O2 to see the World

Tour Finals. We are now looking forward to the Club

Christmas Meal soon and to our Annual General Meeting

when we'll not only look back on a successful year of

competitions, coaching and community tennis, but we’ll

look ahead to an exciting 2020! Join us if you're


Circle Cinema

Our Christmas film on Sunday,

December 1st will be Scrooge: A

Christmas Carol (U). Doors open

6:15pm for refreshments, with a

7:15pm screening.

I’m sure it’s unnecessary to summarise the story, but this

is the 1951 adaptation starring Alistair Sim as Scrooge

and is thought to be one of the best.

The usual selection of hot and cold food will be on offer,

so why not join us for a chat and bite to eat before the

film? You are welcome to BYOD.

Angela Yates’ 2020 Colours of Moor Pool calendar will

be available to purchase with a percentage of the sale

price donated to the Trust.

Non-members tickets £5 (£2 under 16). Member tickets

£1. Tickets available on the door or can be reserved

online at With the new

reduced member ticket price, what better time to join, or

renew your subscription for 2019-20.

Future dates for your diary are February 9th, March 15th,

May 3rd, and June 21st. Film details to follow.


Harborne Village

Women's Institute

So you think you can't sing, well that

is no excuse! Come along and join

other like-minded-women. We don't

care if you think you cannot sing, we just like singing

whatever. Its great fun, lead by Karen from The Out of

Tune Choir, is on 10th December at 7pm in Moor Pool

Hall. We will be collecting produce of tinned and dried

food for the Quinton & Oldbury Food Bank at this


At our November meeting we had a Creative Craft Take-

away session, where members watched craft

demonstration on making Christmas decorations from

dried fruit, needle felting, origami and quilting and then

had a go themselves.

We meet on the second Tuesday of each month (except

Aug). Join us and make new friends over a cup of coffee

and a piece of cake. We discuss all sorts of topics and try

different activities throughout the year. 14th January is

our New Year Annual Membership Meet at £43 for

eleven meetings, which is great value for money. If you

haven't been to our meetings, we welcome first-time

visitors at £5 (cash paid on the door). For more

information email:

Club & Society News

The cost of the Moor Pool Duck is supported by our advertisers. If you use their services, please mention us.

The Moor Pool Duck 5

Club & Society News cont...

The Circle Tennis Club

57 The Circle, Harborne.

The Circle Tennis Club is going from

strength to strength. The courts

have been resurfaced and the

membership has grown to 146 members. This includes

adults and children and the coaching team has

increased the time allocated to juniors.

We have 3 men’s teams, 2 ladies’ teams and a mixed

team playing in local leagues, 2 of which came top in

their divisions. This year we have entered a team in the

Winter league as well.

There are social tennis sessions each week and friendly

competitions every month.

If you are interested in joining a friendly, thriving club

that values beginners as well as experienced players,

competitive and social players and members of all ages,

then please contact us via our website:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Moorpool Reading Group

In November we read ‘A Keeper’

Graham Norton (This is his second


Elizabeth Keane returns to Ireland after

her mother’s death, to clear her

mother’s house. She stumbles across

letters from her father to her mother. Elizabeth never

knew her father but the letters reveal a story she could

never have imagined. Her mother Patricia met her father

Edward Foley through a lonely-hearts advertisement she

put in ‘The Farmers Journal’. When Patricia meets

Edward and his mother, her life changes forever. She

does find love, but not where she was expecting to.

The books chapters are simply called ‘ Now’ and ‘Then’,

making it clear which events are passed and which are in

the present.

There was a lively, stimulating discussion following the

presentation of the book. Most members said that they

felt it was a good story, an engaging read, the novel

moved at speed, as well as having some tension, and the

book also had moments of humour. It was agreed, that

this wasn’t an outstanding piece of literature but rather an

enjoyable read. Some members did, however, feel that

Graham Norton was a better Television Host, than a writer

of fiction.

We do read a wide selection of books in the group. The

next Reading Group is 23rd January 2020 Starting at 19.00

hours for a brief AGM followed by a presentation and

discussion of ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath.

Anyone who is interested in joining The Moor Pool

Reading Group should contact Gillian Morgan at for more information.


Circle Cycling Club

The cycling club November ride

was on Sunday 25th - probably the

last before Christmas. The

weather forecast was cloud, an

average temperature of 7C, so an incentive to pedal hard

to keep warm! Nine resilient members, set off from the

Builders Yard on Wentworth Gate, led by Moor Pool

resident, Peter Stroud. Travelling north to the Edgbaston

Reservoir doing a 13-mile round trip via canalside to Port

Loop new housing development in Ladywood, on to

Millennium Point and Cannon Hill Park for a coffee break

to warm us up!

If you would like to join us in the New Year, please call:

Peter Stroud on 0776 340 7810 for more information. We

have several bikes you can borrow or if you need a little

extra tuition, please contact Peter.

Moor Pool Wildlife Group

One good thing about the autumn leaf

fall is that you can see garden birds more

easily! Now’s a great time to put up nest

boxes so that the birds are used to them

by the time they start looking for nesting

places in spring. The Wildlife Group still has two

specially made boxes available price £15 per box. Do get

in touch if you’d like one.

Looking forward to 2020, it’ll soon be time for the RSPB

Big Garden Birdwatch which runs from 25th to 27th

January. Register online and send in your sightings to take

part in this valuable piece of citizen science.

The Moor Pool Ecology Study is progressing. Anyone can

join in and everyone’s welcome! The study’s not limited

to the area immediately around the Pool – species you

spot in your own garden are important too. With support

from the Wildlife Trust we are using iNaturalist, a brilliant

recording site used by naturalists worldwide. Find it at where you can set up an account and start

recording. During 2020 the group will be meeting to

record species at the Pool at 10.30am on the last Saturday

of the month. We’ll be organising some special wildlife

events too so, if you’re keen on wildlife, why not follow

us on Facebook to get our latest news?

Happy Winter Wildlife Watching!

Contact Cathy Perry for more


The Moor Pool Duck 6

Moor Pool Heritage Trust Update

We have welcomed Sarah Hanson as our new

Hall Manager, covering whilst Barbara

Nomikos is away on maternity leave. Sarah is

very well known to many through her work on

Streetwatch and Neighbourhood Watch, and

has served for many years on our Nettlefold

Garden committee. She has been a lifelong

resident on Moor Pool. We very much look

forward to working with Sarah over the next


Barbara left us in mid November and we wish her the very

best – we look forward to seeing our newest supporter in

due course. Barbara has done so much for the Trust over

the last four years and I’d like to thank her once again for

all of her hard work and dedication.

We had a lovely day for the presentation of the Queen’s

Award for Voluntary Service at the Hippodrome towards

the end of October. There was very good press coverage

in The Birmingham Post and the HEM publication.

Around 100 volunteers enjoyed a post presentation

reception at the Hall, and thank you again to all of the

volunteers who have contributed so much over the past

years. We will shortly be putting the Queen’s certificate

and presentational crystal on permanent display in the


Over the last 12 months, members of Harborne Village

WI have used their craft skills and artistic talent to

collectively stitch a beautiful tapestry. We were delighted

to receive this at the QAVS party. It has pride of place

and is hanging in the alcove between the hall and the tea

servery area in the Main Hall – do pop by and have a look.

In a busy couple of months, we have also

hosted the annual Moor Pool Memories event,

held our best ever attended quiz and laid on the

last of our 2019 history talks – this one on our

the Estate’s founder, J S Nettlefold. Our

Education Manager, Rachel West, has been the

leading light behind all of these events and we

are very grateful for her imagination and hard


Looking forward, Sal Bourner outlines many of

our events in December, which promises to be another

busy and entertaining month. Look out for Santa on his

sleigh from 5pm on December 7th, come to the Grotto on

the 8th from 11am and enjoy the annual carols on 15th from

4pm. Make the most of living on the treasure that is Moor


As Trustees, we are always very open to feedback,

whether through Sarah Hanson

( (0121 426 2908) or myself

(, 07757 790539).

Simon Stirling


Moor Pool Heritage Trust

07757 790539

The Moor Pool Duck 7

The Moor Pool Duck 8

As we approach the festive season, Moor Pool Hall

welcomes all our residents to another exciting schedule

of Christmas activities at Moor Pool throughout


Saturday 7th December – Santa’s Sleigh: Starting from

Moor Pool Hall, Santa will make his way around the

Estate from 5.15pm onwards. Look out for posters on

Facebook and Twitter nearer the time detailing the road-

by-road schedule.

Sunday 8th December – Santa’s Grotto: The following

day, Santa will be back in the Lower Hall this year with

his enchanting Grotto and team of elf helpers from 11am -

1pm. Tickets will be timed and can be purchased from the

Lower Hall kitchen on the day - £3 per child.

Sunday 15th December – Carols in the Hall: Come and

join us for a rousing hour of Christmas carols at the Moor

Pool Main Hall starting from 4pm. Everyone is welcome

to join us for the catch up with friends and neighbours,

and enjoy a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine.

Other Upcoming Events

Hedge Wreath-making – Sunday 1st December 10.30am-

12.30pm and 1.30am-3.30pm (Main Hall). Make a

beautiful wreath for your home or as a gift.

Complimentary drinks and festive nibbles provided. Book

early to avoid disappointment.

Slime Workshop - Saturday 7th December 11.30-1pm

(Lower Hall). Creative fun and mindfulness for kids.

Harborne Handmade Christmas Market - Sunday 8th

December 10am-4pm (Main Hall). Showcase of the very

best local crafts people and makers, popup tea-room –


Food at Twelve – Saturday 14th December 10am-

12.15pm (Lower Hall). Rustle up some festive delights

with this pop up cookery club for 7-12 year olds. All food

and ingredients provided.

New Regular Events

Don’t forget our new FitFam Exercise Class on

Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm in the Main Hall. Fitfam is a

family friendly exercise class where you can bring your

little ones along and do respective circuit style training.

Little ones age range 3-6 years.

Our other new groups that have started include Spanish

BilinguaSing classes in the Main Hall on Tuesdays at

9.45am (toddlers and preschool) and 10.45am (babies-

crawlers) which include singing, playing instruments,

dancing, sensory play, bubbles, puppets, light shows and a

whole host more while also learning Spanish together too.

Update on Hall Activities from Sarah Hanson, Hall Manager

The first class is FREE! For more information about these

classes please visit

birmingham_south or call 07539863024, email Book your free trial now!

We have also welcomed Phonics Stars™ for 2-5 year

olds on Thursdays 1.45-2:45pm which are theme based,

focusing on learning letter recognition, formation and

sounds, developing muscle and motor strength, pencil

grip, hand-eye coordination etc. Please email for more information and to

book your place.

Other regular activities include yoga, Zumba, post-natal

fitness, tai chi, self-defence, children’s performing arts,

baby ballet, falls clinic, keep dancing and the Moor Pool

toddler group - please have a look at the website for

further information You can

also find out about other activities that go on at Moor Pool

by subscribing to our newsletter.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and happy new


Sarah Hanson

(Hall Manager maternity cover for Barbara Nomikos)

Hall Office: 0121 426 2908

Bad Idea Mr Cameron. Most UK voters now think the EU

referendum was a bad idea. A majority of UK voters now

think it would have been better never to have held a

referendum on Brexit, according to a new poll.

Researchers found that 57% of UK adults surveyed said

that they believed it would have been better not to have

had a public vote in June 2016. Just 29% of voters believe

it was the right move.

Ce n'est pas français! A 45-year-old nurse who has lived

in Paris for 18 years had her application for citizenship

rejected because she works too hard. Her 67.5 hours a

week were deemed to be in breach of France’s working-

time regulations. The standard working week is 35 hours.

She may reapply for citizenship in 2021.

The Moor Pool Duck 9

Nettlefold Notes

The Chinese say that the best time to plant a tree is ten

years ago. With this in mind a young birch has recently

been added to the stand of trees near the culvert. This is

in anticipation that in the next ten to twenty years the

tallest and oldest bitch will become unsafe and have to be

felled. By then its replacement will be a good size.

At the moment the borders in the garden may look a little

unkempt. This is in line with our nature-friendly approach

to all wildlife. Leaves have been left lying (except on the

grass and path) to act as protection to the soil and

hibernating insects. Plants and buddleias have not been

dead-headed to provide seeds for food for birds and

hollow stalks for insects to lie dormant.

The large privet bush in the western corner died and has

been removed to make way for a cherry tree. Other trees

recently planted include apple, elder, spindle, wayfaring

tree, all of which provide blossom in spring and food in

the autumn.

Follow Nettlefold gardens on Facebook and Twitter for

more updates: @Nettlefold Gdn

Our geese – a mystery(?)

Our geese parents started the year with a brood of six

which quickly reduced to five. All summer there were a

total of seven wandering the estate keeping the grass

verges cut, then suddenly in the first week of August

(when all were fully grown) there was suddenly eight


Global Warning

At the height of the 'Bitcoin Frenzy' the Judge Business

School at Cambridge University estimated the bitcoin

network was consuming more than seven gigawatts of

electricity. Projected over a year this would have

cumulated to 64 terawatt hours (TWh) – more than

Switzerland consumes in a year. Observer 17/11/19

Christmas Sudoku

Get your sunshine here! 'When you're living in a

windowless basement with only artificial light , it becomes

clear that something is lacking” but today the average

Westerner lives 90% of their life indoors. This affects us

in many ways from poor sleep patterns to our alertness in

general (sunlight is much more effective than a strong

coffee!) On the other hand too much of the 'wrong' sort of

artificial light in the evening will keep you awake late and

disrupt your living next day. Moral: optimise your

exposure to natural light – visit Nettlefold Garden

regularly!!!! (Source: New Scientist cover story Living

daylight 1/6/19 – which has a lot more detail!)


Our aim is to be as green as your garden

All aspects of garden maintenance/tree



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Enhanced CRB available

for your peace of mind.

The Moor Pool Duck 10

The weather may be colder and the leaves may have fallen

from the trees but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been

busy since the last edition of The Duck! The final den

building session of 2019 has been delivered, and I am

looking forward to delivering more free den building and

Lego sessions in the New Year for all the family to get

involved with. The Forest School area (just off The

Circle) has also been utilised for weekly sessions with a

local school, where students have had the opportunity to

build confidence and learn new skills with this new

regular education programme.

The benefits of outdoor learning are also central to the

work we are continuing to do with our Education

Allotment, which is just behind the houses on Carless

Avenue. We initially started this project with help from

Ageing Better and the Grimmitt Trust in 2018, and thanks

to their help we managed to clear an abandoned allotment

and run regular weekly sessions during the year. I am very

happy to tell you that we have now been shortlisted to

receive some Love Brum funding to support the ongoing

costs of this project. This week Roger Cobley and I have

been taking part in some filming to promote the project.

So whether or not you have an interest in the current

frenzy of political campaigning, I implore to you to watch

our ‘Non-party-political-broadcast-on-behalf-of-the-

allotment-project’ … and then vote for us … and then get

all your family and friends to vote for us too! Although

our starring role won’t be appearing on the telly, the film

will appear on the Love Brum website (https://, and I will be sharing the film on our

Facebook and Twitter pages too. It is free to vote for your

favoured project, and the process is all done online. The

film should be available to vote for from 16th December,

and your vote could make all the difference as to whether

we will be awarded £500, £1000 or £2000!

As well as outdoor learning sessions, I have been

delivering some local history sessions in the Hall and

around the Estate. Thank you to Marilyn Duggins who

helped to facilitate the hands-on activities in the Hall.

These sessions were delivered as part of an Industrial

Revolution topic with the school, and Moor Pool

education sessions are able to support a range of history,

geography and science subjects across the key stages, so if

you know any teachers who might be interested in

booking a session, please feel free to pass on my details.

Education Update from Rachel West, Education Project Officer

We enjoyed the annual Moor Pool Memories event during

October, and I would like to thank all the Moor Pool clubs

who gave their time and created displays as part of the

day. Our University of Birmingham placement student

Yael Waller had also created a display about all the Moor

Pool Clubs, which was well received by visitors. We have

booked this event into the diary again for next year, and I

would encourage all Moor Pool residents, not just the long

standing ones, to come along and get a flavour of what

Moor Pool is all about through this lovely event. I would

like to thank Alan Thornton who also delivered an

interesting talk on Birmingham in the 40s, 50s and 60s as

part of the day.

I would like to thank all our speakers who volunteered

their time to deliver sessions as part of local history talks

programme during 2019. The final talk was delivered on

Bonfire Night, as Henrietta Lockhart from Winterbourne

explored facets of John Sutton Nettlefold’s personality

using letters, diaries, photographs and objects. I think that

this talk was a fitting finale for the year, with all attendees

commenting what an excellent evening it was. Planning

for our 2020 programme is well underway, with talks

confirmed on the Spitfire, Medieval Birmingham and the

Birmingham Suffrage movement. Remember to get your

tickets early!

Talking of tickets, the final quiz of the year was a

complete sell out! It was another enjoyable evening which

contributed to the ongoing fundraising campaign for the

refurbishment of the Moor Pool toilets. Because of high

demand, I know that a few people were disappointed not

to be able to get their tickets for this event, so please do

remember to get your tickets early. All the new quiz dates

are up on the Moor Pool Residents Association website

(, and if you are not able to get to the

shop to buy your tickets, you can call or email me to

reserve your spot!

Rachel West

Education Project Officer

0121 426 2908

Log Sale

Sunday, January 12th

Builder’s Yard, 10.30-12.30

£20 wheelie


Sudoku Solutions

The Moor Pool Duck 11

James Ernest


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Steve Brain

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The Moor Pool Duck 12

Christmas Prize


by Artemonas Across:

1) First lady to pause on mountain (7)

5) Chanted tune back to drunk in Madrid (7)

10) Metal in a chair only (4)

11) Odd verse about clearing in Florida (10)

12) Kick as well (2,4)

13) I must get dry soda mix for film star (5,3)

14) Possibly down, moving here fast (8)

16) James’s friendship? (4)

17) Unlikely chance to lose weight (4)

18) Convey love and have a coffee (8)

22) Doctor has two points, Charles. He’d get soaked (8)

23) Left with new title isn’t much (6)

25) Happy chappy on the pole (5,5)

26) The pit belongs to me (4)

27) Spots endless seamless changes (7)

28) Lord Ted, an unsteady young walker (7)


2) Observe changes of many words (7)

3) Call up and circle a drummer (5)

4) Respect new staff (7)

6) Fine wool from Bangor area (6)

7) PM once happy with weight? (9)

8) Angry country we hear (7)

9) Something for starters? (5,6,2)

15) Shapes some instruments (9)

Membership of Moor Pool Residents’ Association I/We wish to join the Moor Pool Residents’ Association



Postcode Phone


The annual subscription of £5 per household can be paid by cash or cheque (payable to Moor Pool Residents' Association) delivered to the membership secretary, Maureen Mauser at 56 Carless Avenue together with this form. You can also pay by standing order (form downloadable from or through online banking to: Moor Pool Residents' Association, sort code 30-19-14, account number 03808193. Please also return this slip as above. All personal data is held securely and is not shared with any other individual or organisation in compliance with GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulations). You are entitled to know the information we hold and can opt out of any communication at any time.

Reference if paying by electronic transfer:

Completed entries should be posted in the MPHT post-box by the Lower Hall by January 11th. The first drawn correct entry will win a modest prize kindly donated by Artemonas. Solution and prize winner in the February Duck.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


10 11

12 13

14 15 16

17 18 19 20


22 23 24

25 26

27 28

17) Miser finds credit in cooked goose (7)

19) Friend exchanges Rome for Sicilian town (7)

20) The French entered since there was no sound (7)

21) The cost of an allegation (6)

24) Shy man with identification papers (5)