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I1 ISTOEY OF FAY ETTE COUNTS, PESXSYLVANIA. - Josep11 F. Forrc.>-, first scrgcn~lt. nmst, in .trig. 19, lSG.7; pro. to corponll

June 1, 1SC:I; tu wrfe :~ut BI:ircl~ I.lSlj4: to first sergc;i~lt r\pril 1, ISM ; n ~ ~ s t . out \vit!~ coni;wly JIny 29. 1SG.i.

1Villii1111 F. I i u r t ~ , filut s~rfi(~:r~:t , I I IUS~. iu :\up. 19: 1SG2; killed a t Fred- c3clislmr:, Val., DCC. 13, IS@.

S:u~~ncl \Vilson, scr-e;urt. must. in Aug. 19, IS?? ; \\-011nd'd a t I'etersLnrg, Va., April 1, 1SG; discl~. Gy G. 0. Jnne::, 1SW.

John V. Stoc~ffcr, serge:u~t, mnst. i n Aug. 13, 1SF2; disch. by G. 0. May 17, 1SG.i.

J;rn:r~s S. \V;rlter,sergcnnt, most. i n Ang. 10.1SG" pro. to corpi~r:d Sept. 1, ISti4; to sergeant Feb. 6, IS63; must. out \\.it11 conlpauy BIuy 24, I 86.7.

D.rvi.1 G. lIuod, scrgesnt, ;nnst. in Aug. 19,lSF.' ; discl~. on surgr.on's cer- l i t i a ~ t e 3[:1rcl1 16, 1S69.

Sa11111lel 11.1)1111. sergeaut, must. i n Auz.10, ISG? : pro. to sergcimt-major, <1:1te uukllu\vll.

Rubimtbn 13;11sl~y, sergcnnt, must. i n Ang. 10, 1SG.I; trarns. t o 1-ct. Ites. Curps JIay 1,1Sli4.

J j s q h R. Ermvn, s o l p a n t . nulat. i n An:. 10, 1%"; tmns. to I d h t t e r g , Vet. Xes. Corps. Felb.1, 1S65; disch. Ang. 19,1665.

Joscl~!~ B;~lsl~..v, sergeant, 111:lst. i : ~ Aug. 19, 1812 ; died Deccu~ber 2lt11,of ~n.~srlcllds mceircd a t Frcileric!isliu~-g, Va., Dee.. 1:3, 1Slj3.

\Villi:~nl \Vh;rley, sergcnnt, Illus:. i ; ~ :lug. 19, lSF.2; died Ju ly 27th, of \ W I I I I ~ ~ r l w i \ w l art Getr) .sb~~rg, lh., July 1, ISW.

Roniar~~ns Doll, sergeant, r~rwt . i n Aug. 19, 1SU2; ca~ptu~'cil ; died a t 1Lcl1- nruud, Va., BIarcll 4,lSGS.

Frctlcr~ck S l ~ ~ r r e r , cor~~uratl , bug . 19,1SG2; \voundcd :it Petcrs- bury, Va., April 1, lS(i5; c!iscl~. by G. 0. J n ; ~ e 3, lS(i.5. ,

J:trries U. Cmnnell, ~:orpo!xl, n~ns t . i n -411g. I!), lS(i.2; \\-ouuded a t l'eters- burg, Vn., 31:1rclr 20, 1Sti:;; disch. Ly G. 0. .Tulle 9, 1SG5.

J a n ~ c s Jli l is , corl~oral, urust. in AUK. 19, 1SG.2; pro. to cu:pxall Narc11 14, 1Sti.l; must. out \\.it11 cumpatly Nay. 29, IS65

LC\-i Kire~.Lo~~e, corl~ontl , must. it1 .tug. 19, IbG.2; wuuuded a t I'cterst~urg, Y:L, -\priI 1, ISIS ; did^. l,y G. 0. J m e :i, lSG5.

Stric1ilc.r I l eu~u t l~ , cur;ior.d, m:lst. i n Aog. 19, 1SG2; pro. to corl)nral Xarrdt 1, ISti5; mnst. out witlr conip;ruy 3Iay 23, 1SG.

l:icl~;w.l Erau~s, curpur;rl, u~o>t . iu Ang. I!', 1Stil; d i ~ c l ~ . Fcb. 26, 1EG3. \Villi:tu~ I I~II I IS , corporal, ~nns t . i u An%. 19, lSI2; !l iscl~.JL~rcl~ lib, lS6:S. EJwarr! T. \Vl~ite, corpor;rl, ~llust . i n Aog. 19, 1S6l; discli. by G. V . JIay

I.& lSG5. \Villi.rn~ 11. Sl~:t\v, corpor:d, most. in Ang. 10, ISG.2; tr:tns. t o Co. EI 4th

Reg?., Vet. R1.s. Curps, O C ~ . YO, ISG::; discli. 1iy G . 0. J u u e 2 1 , 1863. Abc t l~am Eiclw; cmyolxl, IIIIISC. ill Aug. 10, lSG'2; tr iu~s. to CU. D, 11th

I:egt., Vet. h s . Cdrlle, Ost. :3U, 1SG:l ; disc11. by G. 0. J d y 7, 1465. Uenry l i u r : ~ , cul-pural, n~i;st. ill A115 19,lSIX ; t r i l ~ ~ s . tu Vet. Res. C n q ~ s

Oct. 17, 1Sti.L \ViutielJ 9. IIoud, co rp~ ro l , n~ns t . ill Xag. 19, 1SG.2; trans. t o 2d Dn:t.,

. Vet. Bcs. Corps, Feb. 2, I S G ; disch. 1iy G.O.July %I), 1SG5. JusiitI1 r* ,Billsley, corpord, nlnst. i u Aug. 10, 1SC.L; killed a t Fredcr-

iuksbnrg, Va., Dec. 13, IS(i2. D. ,t\ld : 11. Gdlxtin, curpural, must i n l u g . 19, ISG.2.

I'cie~cles. Jarcub hrlis, must. i n bng . 26,lSG.'. \Villia~u A. Artis, nlnst. in Bug. I!), lS(i'2. \Villiam Artis, nlust. in Sapt. 10, 1SGL Darld Cdsley, most. ill Aug. 19,lYG.l. D.rvirl I3i11gl1;1m, mnl t . in 8e;rt. 10, ISW. IIusiug Cwpel; must. in h g . 19, 1SC.l. Slrs. Cul l i~~s , most. i n Sept. 2, ISGZ. J w o b Chrk , must. ill Ang. 19,186.2. Josepl~ Cunyb l l~u~ , musr. in Aug. 10, 1SG. Tl~:~dJens C I I I I I I ~ I I ~ ~ I ~ L I I I , U L I I ~ . i u -411g. 13, ISGL James Cuolry, I I I I I P ~ . in hng. 19, 1SG.L. Walter Doll, must. i n Ang. 26, 1SGZ. Ste\\':rrt Darbir~, mnst ~ I I hng . 19, IS@?. John I\*. E I ~ I ~ I I , L U ~ I . ~ . it? Ang. 19, lS02. John C. Frawcia, must. in hug. 10, 1Sli". II;~\vliins Yirestuue, must. i n h g . 14, 1SW. Lcroy W. Frerm:rn, must. in Aug. 19, lS(i2. Gilson IIclrn~, n~ust . ill Aug. 10, ISG'?. Gwr r t t Ila11, mnst. in Bept. 20, 1SG.2. S:i~nuel IIrfHiy , must. in Ang. 19, 1862. .~osi:tli I h l g ~ ~ , n i ~ ~ s t . in Au:. 19. 1562. \Villi:~m 1%. Hnrrcy, nlu-t. iu An,-. 19,lSF.Y. Joslln:~ !I. Hart, nrnst. i n Ang. 10, 1SG.2. JCJSI: I ~ ~ g r d ~ i l u l , 111ust. in Aug. 19, 1SG.I.

Lloyd Jol~nson, must. in SI:~rcli 30, l N 4 . J u s q h S. J G J ~ I I I S ~ ~ I I , :nust. i u Aug. 13, ISG4. . J<I~II I 11. Kern, I I I I I S ~ . in AI I ,~ . 10, 1SF.7. Siugletor~ Kin~nlcl, niust. ill hng. 2(i, 18FL Alvs:u~<lcr liuorer, nlwt. iu Scpt. 20, IS*'. TS:I;IC Kerr, I I I I IS~ . in .tug. I!), ISG2. 1Ienr.v Lonpl~rcg, must. in Ang. 19, lSG2. .JU!III Lon$rey. I I I I IS~ . ill Aug. %, 1SIX. Leormrd XI?., n~na t . in hog. ?I;, ISGI. J ~ I I I Nilts. I I I I I S ~ . i11 S~l>t .2 , lW7. \ViIli:t~n l l i l k r . ~uns t . in Brspl. 10, IS@?. Fre<ler:cli J h r t i n , n~nst. i u Ang. 19, 1S6.7. ~-;ltlla~ll \V. 3r,wria, nl~lst: ill All& I:), 1.302. Kul~er t 3LcLi~11gl1lin, I I I I I S ~ . i n All:. 19, lSG.2. Henry Sicl~,~lsi ,n, mnst. in Ao:. 10, 1SG.3. Jxrub Ober. 1111i<t. ill .%ng 21j, ISV?. 1Villi:1111 11. I'u?ier, I I I I IS~ . ~ I I .411g. 21;. 1862. J o l ~ n Rr~wen, nrust. in hng. ?ti, lS(i2. Willin~n Ri tc~ior~r , IIIU.;~. in An:. 2fi, 1SGL Cvnr;td F. Iiist, mu.t. in . lug. 19, lSti2. J r r l . n ~ i : d ~ Rirenunr, ~ r u ~ s t . ill hng . 2G, IS@?. K:~ttlle\v Roltbins, must. ill Sept. 2. lSG.2. Gabriel Rngg, Iuuat. in Ang. 19, IYG.2. Le r i S tmer , must. in -411g. 19, ISF.3. \Villi:~ll~ 11. 5!1(.111i:l1d, 111118t. ill .tug. 19, I%?. \Villi:iu~ Sl~irley. n~ns t . ill Ang. 19, 1SG.2. Jacob S:lyl$>r, rnnst. ill Srpt. 211, IS@. JUIIII B. Stouffilr, nmst. i n An;. 19, IS@?. L. I\'. Yl~;~llc:~borger, nui it. in Au:. 19, 156.3. Cl:ryto~~ Y:~ncr, 1:111st. in An=. 10, I W . 1Villi:1111 IVilli;t~w, rims. i n S q ~ t . 31. lSC2. Cl~arle$ 11. \Vhi t l~y , IIIIIS~. i n .\11g. I!], 1SIX. Ja~cob 0. \Vallicr. 11111~1. i n h n g . 1!l. 1SG.2. Williiun 11. \Vl~il~l;uy, 111ui.t. i u Scpt. 20, lSG2.

C H A P T E R X S .

THE Fourteenth Cxralr- , or One Hundred and F i f t y - j i i n t 1 1 Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line, ~ r a s raisccl in the 3 u n i m e r and f~!1 of 1862, L I I I C ~ ~ ~ authority given by the War Departnlent to James AI. S c l l o o n -

maker, of Pittsburgh, who was at that time n line- officer ill t l i c First A h - j l a t ~ d Cavalry-. The r e g i r l l e n t

was principally made up of n ~ e u recruited i n the counties of Fnyettc, W:~shington, Alleg!lcny, Arm- strong, L:iwrence, \ST;irren, Erie, and Philadelphin. Fayctte County contributed three companies, ~ i z . : '' B" c o n i p n n g , Capt. Zadock Walker ; " E" company,. Capt. Aaiibel I?. D u n c a l l ; aud " F" company, Capt. C : t l v iu Springer.

The regimental r e l ~ d e z r o u s v-as first at Camp Home, and afiernarcls at Camp i\Iontgomery, near t i l e city of Pittsburgh. There, on the 24th of N o v e l n b e r , the Fourteenth c o i n p l e t e d its organization under the f o l l o \ r i n g - n a m e d field-officers : Colonel, James )I. Sahoon~naker ; Lieutenant-Colonel, \Villixm Blxke- Icy: M~tjors, Thonias Gibson, S l l a d m c h Foley, and John 31. Daily. On the same day the regiment left its canlp and proceeded to Hagerstown, Md., where the men I r e r e mounted, armed, accoutred, and drilled. On the 28th of December it mored to Harper's Ferry, and encamped on the road leading thence to Charles-

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town. I n that vicinity i t passed the ivinter, e n p g e d s t r ~ ~ c t i o n of t h e bridge, a n d was supposed a t liead- in picketing, scouting, and occasionally skirniidiing [ quarters to l ~ a v e been captured. Gen. Esr ly [Con- with the e i ~ e ~ n y ' s guerrilla bands mliicli infested t h e federate] had demanded its surrender under a fliig of Shenandoall Valley a n d the passesaf the 131ue Eidge. ! truce, b u t setting fire to t h e train, which was cum-

I n Xay , 1863, t h e Fourteentll nlorecl t o Grafton, pletely destroyed, i t forded t h e strcam and made good TV. Va., where i t was attaclled to Gen. Averill's ca\-alry division, and for tn-o months succeeding was engaged in constant nlarclies and skirmisllings wit11 the forces of the enemy under "Blud\\-all" J:tclson, Jenkins, a n d other Confederate leaders, but ~ ~ i t l i o n t incurring much loss. On tlie e ~ e n i n g of the 4th of July inlbrmation of t h e great battle of Gettyslunrg was received, and the regiment t l~ereupon was morecl a t once to IPebster, W. Va., thence to Cumberlmd, Nd., and from there, nfter two c r three days' delay, to Villianispcrt, Md., where i t joined the Army of t h e Potomac. Advancing on the track of Gen. Lee's retrenting columns, on the 15th of Ju ly i t skirmished wit11 the rear-guard of the enemy near Uartinsburg, and n few days later marclled to Winchester. On t h e 4th of August i t moved with Arerill on his raid t o Rocky Gap. I t was slightly engaged a t Noorfield, K. T'a., again more hcari ly a t 'Warm Sixings, a n d on tlie 26th a n d 27th of d u g u i t took gallant part i n an action with the cavalry and infantry forces under the Confederate Gen. Jones, near Greenbrier, M711ite Sulphur Springs, holding its ground most obstinately, but a t last compelled t o retreat with :i loss of eighty in killed, wounded, a n d missing. On t h e 31st t l ~ c command re:tchcd Beverly, having been on t h e march or engaged with the enemy constantly for tu-enty- seven d:tys, traveling during that time more than s i s llundrcd miles.

After some weeks of corfiparatire rest, tlie regi- ment again moved (Sorember 1st) wit11 Gen. dveri l l on anothcr long raid to the southward. Passing through Huntersville, Poca!iontas Co., on the 411, it proccedcd to Droop 3Iouutaii1, nliere t h e enemy nns found intrenclied a n d prepared to fight, but was driven from his position with considerable loss and pursued to Lemisburg, bu t not orertaken. The regi- ment, IT-ith t h e rest of Arerill's command, returned to Xew Creek, on tlie Ealtimore and Ohio Railroad. Again, on t h e 8th of December, the Fourteenth was faced s o u t l ~ ~ w r d , bound for Salem, on t h e Virginia and Tennessee R:droad, whicll point ~ v a s reached on the 16th. There the troops destroyed railroad track, bridges, and a n in~mense quantity of a rmy stores gathered there for the use of the Confederate army, in all more t h a n three. million dollnrs in ~ a l u e . Having thus accomplished the object of the expedi- tion, and knowing that the cnenly \voulcl conceutr;ltc in force for his destruction, dverill a t once commenced his retreat nortllrvard, bu t this WIS only accomplisliecl with the greatest difficulty. " O n the 20tl1, a t Jack- son's River, thc Fourieenth, while in the rcar strug- gling wit11 the trains, mliicli could wit11 difficulty b e moved, the horses being worn out n.itll incessant nlarching, was cut off from tlie co!ui:ln Lj- the de-

its escape, rejoining the main column between Calla- hail's a n d IVhite Sulphur Springs. That night the command swam the Greenbrier, now swollen to a . perfect torrent, and crossing the Allegheny 3lountains by a n old bridle-path, and moving the artillery by hand, i t finally reached Hillsboro', a t the foot of Droop Nountain, a t midnig l~ t and encamped."' The regiment reached Beverly on tlic 25th. The regiment lost i n the expedition :tbout fifty men killed, ~vounded, and missing. From -Beverly i t mored to Webster, and thence by railroad t o Nartinsburg, where i t went into winter-qnarters. During t h e winter, hoivever, its duties were nearly as arduous as ever, being em- ployed on picket, gui ld, a n d in scouting almost inces- snntly. I t was now n part of the Firs t (Col. Selioon- maker's) Brigade of Averill's division.

JIoving from winter-quarters on t h e 12th of April, 1864, t h e command was transported to Parkeysbury, on t h e Ohio, 2nd tllcnce set out on a raid soutlirvartl tliroug11 West Virginia t o tlie Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, and having also i n view the destruction of tlie Confederate salt-works a t Saltville. Tllc latter 11-as not accomplislied, bu t a great amount of damage was clone to t h e railroad i n the vicinity of Blacl~sville. At Cove Gap, on tlie 10th of X a y , the colunin was attacked by t h e enemy, and a battle of four hours' duration ensued, in rvl~ich the Fourteenth lost twelve killed a n d thirty-seven wounded. .Joining Gen. Crook the combincd fbrccs of the commaud ixoved to Lewisbarg. On t h e 3d of J u n e they were ordered to n o r e thence t o Staunton, Va., to join Gen. Hunte r in his campaign agaiust Lylicllburg.

A t Staunton t h e regiment was rejoined by n detacli- tnent wliicli (being then dismou!~ted) was le!t behind 3t iliartinsburg when t h e command moved from its r~intcr-qunrtcrs i n April. This cletachn~ent was ullder :ommand of Ci~pt . Aslibel F. D:~ncan, of " E" conl- paq-. T h e men were soon a f ie r \n rds armed and . mounted, and assigned, b y order of Gen. Sigel, to Stahl's brigade. At Kern Market, N a y lMh, this de- :nchment was engxgcd, and sustained considerable loss. Soon afterwards i t moved wit11 Gen. Hunte r on his csm- paign. A t Piedmont, 011 t l 2 5th of June , Capt. Dun- :an's cletachment, baing i n t h e advance, suddenly en- :omtered the enemy. I n t h e battle whicl~ follon-ed it advanced, dismounted, a n d carried a n enrtt~worl;, xk ing n number o f prisoners, and afterwards receiv- ing h i g ! ~ commendation from the superior officers for its gallantry in action.

Marching from Stannton on the 9th of June , t h e forces reac!icd Lsxington on the l l t h , and Bucllanan >n t!ie 13th. On the 15th t h e colunln moved to Kern

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London, on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, and thence towards the objective-point of the espe- clition, Lynchburg. But the enemy was encountered near the city, and during the succeeding night an en- t ire Confederate corps arrived from the Army of Kortheru Virginia, which made i t impracticable to capture the place. Gen. Hunter then ordered a re-

. treat, in ~ v l ~ i c h Schoonmaker's brigade, being then the rear-guard, was attacked by the enemy a t Liberty, and sustained the assault alone for four hours, tlie Fourteenth Regiment losing twenty-four killed and wounded. I t mas again engaged north of Salem x~-ith Rosser's cavalry, losingeight killed and mounded. Finally, after an excessively toilsonle march, and being a t one time five days without food, i t reached Parkersburg, and from there moved by rail to Mar- tinsburg.

The enemy's forces undcr Early were now marching down the valley to the invasion of JIaryland. Arer- ill's troops were again put in motion, and a battle took place between them and the rebel force at Winchester on the 20th of July, the Fourteenth being engaged with some loss. On the 24th, Early's combined forces attacked Averiil and Crook, and drove them to the Potomac, which they crossed and retired to Hagers- town. When the enemy, under Gen. l\rcCausland, was retiring from the destruction of Chambershurg, Pa., he was overtaken by Averill's forces at Moorfield, TV. Va., and a severe battle ensued, resulting in the defeat of the enemy and the capture of several can- non and a large number of prisoners. I n this action tlie Fourteenth: which had the right of the first line, lost thirty-five killed and mounded. After this fight the comruand returned to 3hrtinsburg, and thence to and across the Potomac, guarding the fords.

During Sheridan's brilliant campaign in the Shen- andoah Valley in the fall of 1SG-J. the Fourteenth was active and frequently engaged. In the action of September 14th i t fought well, edpturing an earthwork and losing heavily. A t Fisher's Hill i t was again en- gaged, but with light loss. On the 27th of September i t fought with a spirit and bravery which caused an order to be issued that the name of the battle (Weyer7s Cave) be inscribed on its flag. I t was again engaged a t Cedar Creek, October 19t11, and did excellent ser- rice on tliat field. On the 24t11, in tlie Luray Valley, i t fought in a brisk encounter, taking some prisoners, and was again engaged with the forces of i\IcCaus- laud a t Front Royal on the 12th of h 'o~ember, losing fifteen killed and wounded. Soon after this i t went into winter-quarters, but was employed in constant and arduous duty through the winter. The spring campaign was opened on the 4th of April, 1S65, when the regiment with its brigade moved up the valley, but met no enemy and returned to Rerrgville on the 6th. Gen. Lee's surrender immediately after, virtu- ally ended the war, and on tlie 20th of April the regi- ment was ordered to Washington, and remained there for about six weeks, taking part in the grand re~iews

of the armies of Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan in May. On the 11th of June i t mas ordered West, and proceeded to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where i t w m consolidated into six companies, the surplus officers being mustered out. The men mere mustered out of the service at Fort Leavenworth on the 24th of August, 1865, and returned in a body to Pittsburgh, where they were discharged.



Zadock Wiilker, captain, must. in Xov. 23, 1962; discharged J u n e 5, lS(i5.

James L. Kelly, captain, must. iu Nov. IS, 1SG-2; must. out v i th conm- p:rny Aug. 241SG3.

Tllonx~s B. Torrence, first lieutenant, must. in Xor. 28, ISG?; disch. Feb. 10,1SG5.

John H. Eyers, first lieutenant, must, in h'ov. 23,1SG2; pro. from second lieirteuanl Feb 14, 1SG5; discl~arged Jnne 5, 1SG.5.

J. 13. IllcLa~ighlirl, first lieutcnaut, must. in Sor. 23, ISG?; must. out Aug. 24, 1SG.5.

Thomas 1'. Wirlker, second lieutenant, nmust. iu Sept. G, 1SG.2; pro. from qi~arteru~astcr-sergeil11t FeL. 14,lSGj; most. out with cunlpany hug. 24,lSG.

Vil l iau~ M. JIcSutt, first sergeant, mnst. in Prb. 25, 1SG4; nmust. out with conlpmy Aug. 24,lSGj; veterau.

Wil l im~ l'irrkl~ill, first sergeaut, must. iu Soy. 23, 1SG2; discl~. by G. 0. Xay 2S, lSti5.

Josej~ll A. Rilbple, first sergeant, mnst. i n S m . 23, 1562; pro. to coqmrd April 1, 1SG4; to first sergeaut Nay 25, 186.5; com. first lieutenaut Juue G, ISG.5; disch. by G. 0. July 31, ISGb

Beuj;lnlin F. Townsrnd, rlu;~rter~nnatar-sergeirr~t, must. in Narch 31, 1SG.l; con>. second Iicutenant Jnue 6 , l S G ; must. out with company AUK. 2 4 , l S G .

Henry h g e , qonrtermaster-sergeant, most. in Kx. 23,1562; disch. by 0.0. Miry 2S, lSG5.

John D. Felnmly, con1.-sergeant, must. in Feb. 23, lSG4; must. out with comltany hug. 24, ISGS.

D. B. Gillchrist, cam.-sergeant, must. i n Sov. 23, 1SG2; disch. by G. 0. 3Iay 2S,ISG9.

D. J. Arnlstroug, sergeant, must. in Nor. 23,186'7; rnust. out with com- pany Ang. ?4,1SG.5.

John McXary. sergeant, must. in Nov. 2-2,1862; nmust. out with company Aug. 24, lSG.

James J. Itmltin, sergeant, must. in Yiirclm 15, 1864; must. out xith company Ang. 24, IS65 : veteran.

Joseph l-I,,ul;, errgrant, must. in Sov. 25, 1SG" nmust. out with con- pany Aug. 24, l S 6 .

Joseph IIngi~es, selgewmt, must. in Sov. 22, 1SGB; mast. out with com- pany hag . 24, ldG.5.

Benjamin F. Iloopes, sergeaut, must. in Kov. 23, 1S62; disch. on sur- geun'b certificnte Ang. 20, 1863.

Charles Towuseud, sergrimt, must. in Nov. 23,1SG2; disch. by G.'O. Uaj- 2S, 1SG.

H. R. Brenneman, sergeant, must. in xov. 23, 1SG2; pro. to adjutant Jsu. 27, I SG5.

Jonatlmn C. K ~ ~ i g l i t , sergetint, nmust. i u Nov. 23, 1SG2; disch. 11-3 G. 0. JIiiy 2q, 1stiS.

Willianl 11. Stricliley, sergeant, must. in Kov. 23, IS@?; disch. Ly G. 0. BIaj PS, IS@.

James A. Wilson, sergeant, must. in Nov. 23,1SG2; disch. by G. 0. Nay 2S, 1SG5

Joseph IIervick, sergeaut, must. in Kuv. 23,1S62; disch. b~ G. 0. Xay 26,1SG5.

James K. Tiitcm, sergeant, must. in Nov. 23, lSG2 ; disch. by G. 0. Uay 2S, ISG.

J u l ~ u 11. Fisher, serzeant, must. in Sov. 23, 1862 ; not on muster-roll. J ~ s s e 11. McElhorr, corporal, rnust. iu Feb. 29, 1864; nmst. out vith

company dug. 24, 1SG5; veteran. Alex P. Wtlson, corpord, must. in Narch 23,lrW; must. out with conl-

pan! Bug. 24,lSGj. B o b e ~ t Jolln.ton, corporal, most. in Feb. 23, 1864; must. out with com-

pany Aug. 24, IS65 ; re term.

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James W. Sl~affer, corpnil , mnst. in Feb. 26, ISM; must. ou t wit11 com- pany Aug. 24,1865 ; vetefitn.

IIenry F. Rnssell, corpord, must. in March 3,:lSGl; must.out with com- pany Aug. 14,1865.

Samuel 31. Kennedy, corporal, must. in Feb. 27,1864; must. ont with company .41tg. 24,1SG5.

B e n j a m i ~ ~ F. nIcCreigl~t, corporal, mnst. i n Feb. 4, ISM; must. out with company Ail=. 24,lSGj.

Joseph S. E'rr, cnrpord, must. in Feb. 23, ISM; must. o n t with company Ang. 24. 1S(i-5 : veteran.

N;~rcns 11. Dart, corporal, mnst. i n Nor. 23, 1S64; disch. by G. 0. May 2G, 1FG.5.

Kill iam Smith, corporal, must. i n XOV. 23, 1864; discli. by G. 0. X a y 'Ifi.lS65.

John C. Dc\vood~, corporal, must. i n Nov. 23, ISM; disch. lry G. 0. May 26, lSli,5.

Jon.% C. Gilmorc,, must. in Sov. 23, IS@ ; discl~. by G. 0. X a y 26,lSGj.

George lIensell, corporal, must. ill NO\.. 13,1S64; discl~. by G. 0. 3h.v 16, ISG5.

Josial~ C. Stricklei-, corporal, mnst. in Sov. 23, lFG4; died a t Gallipolis, Ol~io, July 5 , IsGI; buried i n N.~tiuri;rl Cemetery, grave 133.

John Craig, coqmr;il. n~ust. in Nor. 43, ISM; c:iptured and die& a t Rich- morrd, Va., 4I:rrcIi S, 1S64.

\Viili:nn 11. Wltite, corpor;J, must.ir1 Xov. 23,1864; killed a t .4sbbjb Gap, TI%., Fub. 13, 1SG.5.

John F . Grnber, l~ugler,must. i n Feb. 24,1SU4; must. out with company A11g. 24, lSG.3.

Ru$i R. Xorrison, ltl:iclismith, must. in Fub. 11,1PG4; must. out u3th conlpany Ang. 24, 1SLi.5.

John W:rllrer, Ll:icIrsniitlr, most. in >larch 28, 1S64; mnst. ont a i t l t company Ang. 24, 1SIii.

Eobert 11. Smith, e ~ r r i e r , mnst. i n Xor. 23, 1SG" discli. 1,: G. 0. Dfny 25, 1SGL

-4ndrzw B. Davis, sddler , must. in Sov. 23, 1S62; discli. by G. 0. X a y 18, 1865.


Daniel J. Allen, mnst. in Feb. 26, ISM. George .~llsllousc, must. in bov. 22, ISGR. William :\llsliousr, must. in March 28, 1864. J m ~ e s Allison, tunst. i n Dec. 21, 1863. Daniel B. Allen, runst. ill Dec. 21, IS63. Jul1n8n1, ~nliet. i n Feb. 20, lS64. John S. Aultm:ln, ni:wl. ill Fcb. 24, 1SCE ~ e o r g e Botlrrll, must. iu Pab. 23, ISM. D n i d C. Bothrll, muit. ill Fab. '73. lSG4. Ales. Ballcntinr, mnst. in Feb. 2 3 , 1SUl. 0:lando B. Darclicli, rnnst. in Feb. 29, lSG4. John Byers, mwt. iu A+. 23, 1864. E1ij;rll Bailey, 1111ist. in Frb. 2 5 , 18134. IIrrn~ann Bul~l, 111t1st. iu Xarch 28, 1SG4. S.rluuel Btjstick, nlnst. ill Yov. 23, 1SC.2. Adam Biinn, inwt. in 3lard1 2S.lS64. A-iron Sroal, nln-t.iu 3 h d 1 29, 1SGL Wnl. Bulsinger, n~ns t . i : ~ Yeb. 24, 1PG4. Fcuikliu Bi~.llnm, mnst. in Feb. 21, ISG4. Dnrid 8. B~ers , n~uet. iu Nor. 23, 1SFZ. hbml~am [I, Elite, n ~ w t in Nov. %%, lS6.2. John F. &wet; tnn*t. in Feb. 29, ISGI Andrev Ekrg, mnst. in Sov. 53,1SG2. Clwistian Blint~, nrost. i n Narch 3, ISFL. Andrew P a r n l ~ a r t ~ must. in Nor. 23, Is=. Ju's~ph Bwul~:~rt , must. i n bov. 2.1, 1SC.I'. George C. Bidweil, must. in 3Iay 4,lSG.:. Grorgr W. Bctts, must. i n Xor. 3, ISG?. d ~ h n Bro\~n, nus st. in Scpt. %, lS6.2. David Buwnino, must. iu Oct. 1:). 1SC.I. Eli Brooks, must. i u Sept. 14, IS@?. Wlli i~m B a r ~ ~ l ~ o r t , most. in BI:~rcll?R, !S6.2. Frederick Byers, must. in Feb. 23,1502. J U ~ I I I Bauer, must. iu Sor . 23, 1S62. Janies Boyce, mnd. in A I I ~ . 25, ISTA. Peter Croase, most. in Peb. 24, ISM. J m e s C:~in, nrost. i n Feb. 2:, ISM. John A. C:tlclwell, mnst. iu i h r c h 9, 1S6&. George !V. Critzcr, murt. in Feb. 17,lSiih Peter S. Carothers, must. in Jan. 15, ISM.

loseph H. Cox, must. i n SOT. !?3,1S62. bndrew C'rise, ninst. in DIarch S, 1564. lasper D. Cornstock, must. in Yo\-. 23, 1862. I :~u~es Conrog, must. i n h'or. 23,1S6.2. John Conn, must. in Nor. 23,lNX. Eli Crawford, mnst. in Nov. 23. 1862. r. S. Cuml~erland, ninst. i n Kovov.i'3,1S@7. James Cook, must. in Dec. 2 4 1863. Jnnles Can~pbell, mnst. i n Ang. 23, lS62. John Congl~erty, must. ill Iiov. 23, 186.2. Wnl. F. Dester, must. i n Feb.24, ISM. Ebenezpr Dnniels, must. in bov. 23,1862. ran~es D I I ~ I I , nlust. in Ecr-;. 23, 186'3. Jereniial~ Dillen, must. in Oct. 10, iSlj-2. Christian Enmel, must. in March 2FI, ISM. Tames A. Edmondson, nlost. in SOP. 23, 1SG2. William Fuscll , n~ns t . i n Nov. 28, ISG.2. Kcuben Ftrrren, mnst. i n FA. 93, ISM. Samuel C. Ftsten, must. in Nor. 23, 1662. 3ulomm W. Florr-em, nlost. iu Ang. G, 1SG1. Perry Graham, must. in Marclr 28,1864. G~orge \IT. G ~ a r y , nlnst. in 3L1rcIr 7, 1SG1 1Villi:un Golden, ninst. i n Nor.23, 186". Frederick Grupp, must. i n hug. 20, lSGh B. G~llagher. must. in Feb. L?,lS64. Tosepl~ D. Giltson, must. in Sov.23, IF62 \i~illinni Gilliland, ninst. in Nov. 23,lSGP. Sams Gibson, must. in Anp. 20,1SG4. Edward G ~ ~ n i o n , must. in May 5, 1STd. Anthony IIancy, mast. i n Sov. 23, IF=. Patrick nogan, must. in nec. 5. 18C3. Milton Hrpler, most. in Fcb. 23, ISM. . W. G. Heffdfinger, most. iu Feb. 51. I W . Lnmont D. B. IIill, nlnst. in Nor. 23, IS6.2. Xicl~ael Ha~ril l , must. i n Iiw. 14, ISGP. John Ii;rmn, nlnst. in Xor. 2.1. 1S12. Eocratr.~ Fliil, nius:. in Feb. '3, 1S64. David Ilouli, mnst. in Ang. 17, 1864. I I e n q Ilart, must. ill Fcb. 2 4 ISM. Stephen A. Hnnter, must. in 3Iarcl1 30,1864. Solomon W. Hajes, nus st. in Frb. IS, 1564. Dacid Hartz, must. in b u r . 23, 1SW. John Irwin, uiest. in 31rircl1 29. 18154. S:tmliel H. Iunel, must. in Nov. 93, lSR2. S a m ~ ~ e l Johnston, inuet. in Fel,.P(;, 1S64. Simeon Jolrnstou, rnwt. ill Suv. 13, 1S6.2. \Villiam Jolrnston, tnnst. iu Feb. %, IS6.i. Jnlm Kerr, ninst.iu Wuv. 23, lSti2. John IZee~!er, mud. iuFeb. 23, 1S6L dudcew Kidd. must. in N w . P::, lSC.2. \Viliinm Iielly, must. in Sur. 2.7, 186'4. Jacob Klink, uinst. i n Sur . '23, IS@?. Richard A. King, must. in So\: '21, ISGO. Elias S. L:tran, must. in Br.1,. 29, 1864. Gcorge F. L u t l ~ r r , musr. ill 3Iarch 20, IS@. Lewis Lowr?, must. ill U:ircl~ 14, ISM. Gxntt Lillton, must. ill Frl,. 25. ISRL Thon~as Lowe, nruat. in 15, IS%. R m b m Imw, i1111st. i11 N,bv. 23, lS@. \Villi:ini 31. Lewis, nlllst. ill Xov. 2:, 1SG.3. Philip I~anclis, must. in S o r . 23, 18132. Jacob Lantz, nlnst. ill S q ~ t . 3, IS07 Daniel Llinpher~-, mud. S o r . 23,lSGP. John A. Lee, mnst. in Oct. 23, IS%. D:rvid Lafullet, nn~st. in 3larcll 25, 1Sa. T~IOUI:IS J. 3I iguel~ , mnst. in nec. 2S, 186'3. Sjl\-esrer illorton, mnst. it1 F c l ~ 53, 1864. Jacol~ I<. 3Iitcllrll, mnst. in 3lnrch 9, 1564. Ihnie l >lnlr:ly, must. in Sov. 23,lSE. Frrdcrick C. BInller, ~ i i ~ i s t . i n Nor. 2::. lSC2. \Villi;lni Xicl~nels, ninst. ilk Sov. 28, 1SW. John I,. 3Ierrills, must. in NOT. 23, 1W7. Samuel Nas~cel l , ninst. in 3Iaml1 31,1864. James Blillrr, ninst. ill KIT. OR, 1S6.7. Em:tni~el Martin, mnst. in Oct. 22, IS63. Juhu 3Ioorr. must. i n Srpt. 23, 1862. Richard DIorrison, must. in Nov. I, 1SG%

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David L. Wilson, corporal, must. in Feb. 27,1864; pro. to corporal Aug. I Juhu J. Conn, must. in Feb. 29, 1864. 15, ISGj; must. out with company Aug. 24, 1865. ) George W. Cover, must. i n Kov. 23,1862.

Robert E. Pastorius, corporal, must. iu Nov. 23, 186.2; disch. by G. 0. I George W. Crooks, must. in Sept. 13,1864. May 30,1865. Samuel A. Conn, must. in Srpt. 14,1864.

William J. Stewart, corporal, must. in Nov. 23,1862; disch. by G. 0. Jacob Conn, must. iu Sept. 19,1864. May 30, 1865. Elias Carey, must. in Sept. 13,1864.

James M. Neil, corpora1,must. in Nor. 23,1862 ; disch. by G. 0. May 30, I Conctd Cramer, must. in Sept. 2,1864. 1865. ' John Cain, must. in Nor. W, 1862.

IIenry 31. Hayden, corporal, must. in Kov. 23, 186.5 disch. by G. 0. Nay i Ch:hrles H. Comer, must. in Nov. 23,1862. 30, 1865. / John W. Crotts, Sept. 8,1864.

.John C. Pastorius, corporal, must. in Nov. 23, 1866; diach. by G. 0. May i Elijah Coleman, must. in Nov. 23,1862. 30, 1Sf5. 1 Daniel Casey, must. in April 7,1864.

Benjamin Launtz, corporal, mnst. in NOT. 23,1862; disch. by G. 0. May i -4rchibald Clarke, must. i n Jan. 14,1864. 30, ISG5. &best R. Creeks, must. iu Feb. 5.1864.

Barton S MUnson, corwnl, n~ust . in Peb.25,1864; disrh. by 0.0. bug. 1 John Deets, must. in March 28, ISM. 8, 1865. 1 Henry Dean, must. in March 24,1864.

Snmuel H. Brown, corporal, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862; trans. to Co. D July 1 Jouathair Dunlap, must. in March 24,1864. 11,lSG. Otho Darr, must. in Xov. 23, 1862.

George W. Arrison, corporal, must. in Nov.23,1862; trans. t o Co.D July 11, 1865.

James J. Gruver, corporal, must. in Nov. 23,1862; trans. to Co. D July 11, 1865.

Joseph C. Curry, wryoral, must. in March 29, 1864. Isaac H. Hall, bugler, must. in March 29, 1864 ; must. out with cam-

pans Aug. 24,1664. Frank N. Smith, corporal, must. iu Feb. 27,1864; must. out with com-

pany Aug. 24,1865. Robert Porter, blacksmith, must. in Nov. 14, 1862; must. out with com-

pany Aug. 21,1865. John 31. Bmwn, farrier, must. i n Sov. 14,186.2 ; must. out with company

Aog. 24,1865. Xathan L. Walters, farrier, must. i u Nov. 14, 186'2; must. out with com-

pauy Aug. 24, 1865. James A. Pratf, Farrier, must. i n Nov. 23,1862; disch. by G. 0. May 30,

1815. Jonatllan Grinder, saddler, must. in June 23,1864; must. out with com-

pany Aug. 24,1865. Albert Sheets, saddler, must. i n June 23,1864; disch. by G. 0. June 9,



Samnel h ~ t i s t , must. in Feb. 26, 1864. George W. Artist, must. in leb . 26, 18% Jan~cs H. Aekliu, n~ust . in Feb. 27,1864. Charles Allen, must. in dug. 31,1564. -Joseph Astan, mnst. in Sept. 22,1864. Elijah Artist, must. i n Sept. 16, 1564. Oliver hbel, must. in April 13, ISM. Jolin-H. Allison, must. in Jau. 30, ISM. Hobert Atchison, must. in Nov. 13,1861. Harvey C. Boyd, must. in Feb. 29,1864. Eli Black, must. in Feb. 2F, 1864. Corby Barrackman, must. in Narch 24,1864. George W. Brooks, must. in Dlerch 9,1864. Johu W. Beatty, must. iu April 7,1864. Johu C. Bmwu, nlust. in Xuv. 23, 1862. John Butlet; must. in Nov. 23, 1862. Caldwell G. Byers, must. iu Nov. PY, 186.2. Xilton Barnlore, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Samuel Blisq, must in Nov. 23.18Wl. John Bell, must. in Nov. 23, 1862. A. D. Browufield, must. in Nov.23, 186'2. James W.Buuner,must. in Sept 12,1S64. John A. Brown, must. in March 10,1864. Isaac Bouch, musa. in Xov. 23, 186.2. Luther Bromfield, must. in Sept. 14, 1864. John C. Brown, must. i n Nov. 23,1S62. George W. Bowers, must. in Nov. 23,1S62. Thomas H. Bower, must. in Dlsrch 50,1864. Henry C. Blauey, must. in March 9,1864. Joseph Biglow, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Snrnuel Baker, must. iu Oct. 5, 18%.

C. Blauey, must. in March 9, 1864. IVilliam F. Baulton, mnst. i l l Nov. 28, 186'2. George Bowman, must. ill Sov. 23, 1862. Dauiel Crise, must. iu Dec. 14, 1863. Edward Camp, tuust. in Frb. 1, 1864.


Joseph E. Delliner, must. in h'ov. 23,1862. John F. Darrell, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862. James W. Dooghertg, must. in Kov. 23,1862. W. C. Degmond, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Samuel E. Davis, must. in Sept. 12,1862. Lewis Davis, must. in Sept. 13, 1864. Samuel '. Dunbar, must. in Sept. 13,1864. Robert Dinsmore, must. in Sept. 3, ISM. John A. Dehaveu, must. in March 25.1864. F. H. Duncan, must. in Mareh 31,1864. David Dore, must. in Jan. 18, 1864. Alo~rro A. Everly, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Michael Emerie, must. i n Sept. 19, 1864. William Epley, must. i n April 6, 1864. William Erley, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862. Benjamin Fogg, must. in March 25,1864. Heary C. Fowler, must. in Sepf.. 19, 1864. Jasl~er C. Fox, must. iu =arch 2j, 1864. Amos 81. Frock, must. i n March 16,1864. J;icob E'arr, must. in NOT. 23, 1864.. Johtl W. Gillen, must. in Frb. 25,1564. J o h ~ r C. Green, must. in Feb. 29,1564. Ashbel F. Green, must. in March 9,1864. Lewis Gaskell, must. iu Xov. 23,1862. David Garrison, must. in Nov. 23, 1862. George Garrison, must in April 27,1864. Charles Galbraith, must. i n March 24,1864. Matthew N. Greer, must. in Feb. 26,1864. Joseph W. Green, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Moreland Gribble, must. in Feb. 29,1864. Michael Howton, niust. in Feb. 27,1864. James N. Harrison, must. in Harch 16,1864. David Heisner, must. in Jan. 15,1864. George Hays, must. iu Nov. 23,1862. William Hankton, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Ethelbert 0. Hickle, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862. Aaron B. Hickle, must. i n h'ov. 23,1562. Thomas 11. Hill, nlust. in Sept. 13, 1664. William Hopton, must. in Nor.23,lSGP. Richard Hill, must. in Sept. 18,1S64. Jacob Hull, mnst. in Narch 9,1SG4. J an~es C. Huhm, must. in Nov. 23,186'2. John Harvey, must. in April 13,1864. Levi Hays, must. in Nov. 2'3, 1862. Philip G. Hughes, must. in March 12,1864. William Hiles, must. in Sept. 1, 1864. Johu 31. Hartman, must. in Sept. 2,1864. Andrew Humbert, rnnst. in Feb. 26,1864. Robert M. Harvey, must. i n Aug. 5,1864. William Irwin, most. in March 16,1864. Nicholas Iseman, must. in Feb. 15,1864. James S. Jack, must. in Feb. 25,1864. Thomas Johnston, must. in Xor. 23, 186'2. William .I. Jaues, must. in Nov. 2.3, 1S6.2. James W. Janes, must. in Oct. 23,1864. Willianl J am, must. in Beb. 28,1864. Adrian Johnston, must. in Nov 23, 186.2. Daniel D. Krpple, mlint. in Reb. 20, 1864. Jvsiah Kiskaden, must. in Feb. 20,1864.

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Joseph Kenniaon, must. in Feb. 20,1864. Robert L. Keeuer, must. iu Nov. 28, 186'2. Henry C. Keys, must. in Nnrch 28,18CA. William Lago, must. in Jan. 4,1664. James Locliwood, must. in March 29,1864 John H. Lynch, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Charles Ludwig, niust. in Sept. 8, 1864. Noah Lape, must. in Nov. 23,1862. James W. D. Lowe, must. in Feb. 26,1864. Andrew P. Loughry, must. in Nov. 23,186'2. Andrew J. Malarky, must. iu Feb. 3, 1864. James W. Maloue, must. in Feb. 8, 1864. Abraham B. Idsuit, must. in Nov. '23,1862. M. D. mercer, must. iu Oct. 22,1863. Alpheus Maple, must. i u NOV. 23,1862. Street F.Marsteller, mast. in bug. 27,1864. William Mallaby, must. in Sept. 14, 1864. Harvey Monteith, must. in Sept. 14,1864. Elijah Nyers, must. in March 10, 1964. Thomas Nartin, niust. in Dec. 9, 186% Lewis R. Mechling, must. in Feb. 2, ISM. Reason Moore, must. in Feb. 29, 1864. Willianl Nauler, must. in BOV. IS, 1864.


Josiah Hitchell, must. in Warcli 10, ISM W~l i i am V. DIayfield, must. iu April 8, 1864. Reese J. Mosier, must. in March 9,1864. Andrew J. Nartin, must. in Bov. 23,1862. Charles A. Idesterget, must. in Nuv. 23,1862. David R. Means, must. in March 25,1864. Joseph Miller, must. in Nos. 23,1862. Samuel McCarty, must. in Novz 23,1862. John F. McCurty, mnst. in Nov. 23,1862. Joseph McCormick, mus t in Sept. i, 1864. Alexander McLain, mnst. in Feb. 13,1864. James Mcgonald, mnst. in Feb. 26,1864. 1e;cac H. Neff, must. in Nov. 14,1862. William T. Neal, must. in Dlarch 29,1864. Isaiah H. Ollinger, must. in Sept. 3,186L ugh OINeil, must. i n h'ov. 23,1862. Wilkins W. Osborn, must. in Nov. 23,186'3. Eenry I. Osborn, must. in Nov. 23, 186% Charles O'Neil, must. i n Oct. 26, 1864. John W. O'Neil, mnst. i n Xov. 23,1862. Isaac B. Osborn, must. i n Ang. 24,1864. Adolph Provance, must. in Feb. 28,1864. Oliver Parker, must. i n l a r c h 28,1864. Henry H. P~bundstone, most. i n April 7,1864. Thon~as H. Pearson, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Edward F. Pngh, must. in Nov. 23,186'2. Ashbel F. Pratt, mnst. in Sept. 20,1864. James Ii. Provance, must. in Narch 6,1864. John Pastorious, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Isaac Pratt, must. in Sept. 2G, 1864. James W. Pastorius, must. in Nov. 23,1862. John Recht, ninst. in Nov. 14,1862. George W. Reep, must. in Feb. 22, 1864. David Rumbaugh, must. in Feb. 26.1864. George W. %gem, must. in March 25,1864. Perry Robins, must. i n Nor. 23,1862. Thomas S. Rector, must. iu Nov. 23, 186'2. Alexander Rush, must. in Sept. 21,1864. John C. RuMe, must. in Sept. 12,1864. John Rodgera, must. in Sept. 19,1864. Albert H. Re& must. in Feb. 15,1864. John Rumble, must. in Nov. 23, 1862. Franklin Richard, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Wilbur F. Ritchie, must. in Xov. 23,1862. John Robinson, must. in Jan. 9,1864. Otho Dl. Rhodes, muat. in Bept. 7.1864. Elmer Snyder, mnst. in March 24,1864. H. Schiveiertering, must. in Feb. 24,1864. Adam W. Snyder, must. in Feb. 2,1564. Isaac D. Seese, must. in l a r c h 10,1864. Henry Sherer, must. in Bfarch 9. 1864. William Sturgeon, must. in March 24, 1864. Wm. M. C. K. Smith, must. i n Nov. 23.1862 George W. Shuff, must. in Nor. 23,1862. -

! Jeremiah Stewart, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Samuel N. Simonton, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Clark R. Stoner, must. iu Sept. 14,1864. Gottlieb Sterner, mnst. in Sept. 24,1864. , John H. Simpson, must-in Sept. 14,1S64.

, Natthew Sheridan, must. i n Sept. 19,1864. ) John Sntton, must. in Sept. 5, 1864. / Estep Sniitli, must. in Seyt. 22,1864. ! Joseph BX. Sangston, must. i n Sept. 24,1864. ' James S. Saiuidew, must. in Feb. 25,1564.

Winfield S. Shepard, must. i n Feb. 27,1864. 1 William Snow, must. in March 24, 1864. / George W. Stewart, must. i n Nov. 18, 1864.

Alpheus Swearingeu, most. in Oct. 28,1864. Edwnrd Seiberts, must. in Nov. '23. IY64. 1 William P. Stone, must. in Feb. '28, 1864. Woodbury Smith, must. i n Nor. 23,1862.

/ Arthur Stevens, mnst. in Nov. 23,1862. I Martin Stoner, must. in Sept. 14, 1664. ) Philip Troutman, must. in Feb. 24, 1864. 1 John Thompslln, must. in Seyt. 14,1864.

Beujamin F. Tobin, must. i u Nov. 23,1862. i And. I. Tliompson, must. i n Sept. 14, 1864. Robert Thompson, n~ust. i u Feb. 26,1864. Thomas N. \Villiamson, must. in Bfarch 31,1864. Alpheus Woody, must. in Nov. 23,1S62. Henry K. Ward, must. i n Kov. 23,1862. Thomas Williams, must. i n Nov. 23,1S62. John Williams, must. in Nor. 23, 1862. Morgan B. Wilcon, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Daniel Walters, must. in Ju ly 27, 1864. John X. Weltner, must. iu Ju ly 26,1864. Samuel Whetsler, must. i n Nov. 23,1S62. John Weaver, nlust. in March 29,1864. Thomas B. Walker, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Benjamin Woody, must. i n Xov. 23,1862. William H. Younkers, must. in Aug. 2, 1864. William F. Young, must. i n Sept. 1,1864. James W. Pager, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Utiah T. Young, must. i n Sept. I, 1864.

Calvin Springer, captain, must. i n Nov. 29,1862; disch. Jan. IS, 1864. James J. Jackson, captain, must. in Nov. 29, 1862; wounded a t White

Sulphur Springs, Va.. Aug. 26,1863; pro. from first lieutenant Jan. 14,1864; disclr. Dec. 6, 1864.

J. S. Schoonmaker, captain, must. in h-ov. 29,1862; pro. from second to first lieutenant Jan. 14, 1964; to captain Jan. 28, 1865; disch. by general order July 31,1965.

Charles W. E. Welty, captain, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862; must. out with compauy bug. 24,1865.

John H. Neamith, first lieutenant. must. in Oct. 21,1862; pro. from first sergeant to second lieutenarrt May 15,1864; to first lieutenant Jan. 28,1865; wounded a t Ashby's Gap, Va., Feb. 19,1865; disch. by gen- eral order July 31, 1865,

Wm. a. Coning, fint,lieutenant, must. i n Sept. 11,1862; must. out with company Aag. 24,1865.

N. E. Huntsman, second lieutenant. must. i n Nor. 23,1862; pro. from first sergeant Co. D Jan. 27,1865; trans. to Co. D Ju ly 31,1865.

Milton H. McCormick, second lieutenant, must. in Nov. 23,1862; must. out with company Ang. 24,1865.

Jordan M. Kesmith. first sergeant, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862; must. out with company Aug. 24,1865.

James H. Nesmith, firjt sergeant, must. i n Nov. 23,1862 ; must. out wit6 company Aug. 24,1865.

Jesse F. Core, quartermaster-sergeant, must. in Jan. 7,1864; must. oat with company Aug. 24,1865.

John J. Hertzog, qqurtermaster-sergeant. must. in Nov. 23, 1862; pro. from sergeaut Jan. 14,1864; disch. by general order Nay W, 1865.

Clark BIcLaughlin, commissary-sergeant, must. i n Nov. 23,1862; must out with company Aug. 24,1865.

Daniel W. Dull, sergeant, must. iu Feh. 23,1864; must. out with com- pany Aug. 24,1865.

Benjamin F. Siple, sergeant, mnst. in Nov. 23,1862; must-out with com- pany Aug. 24,1865.

Samuel &I. Kerr, sergeant, must. in Feb. 14,1864; m u s t out with com- pany Ang. 24,1865.

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Aaron T. CIXJ\V, sarge;cut, !lutaT. ill SN. ?::, i s~? ; prt>. i run~ c t q u r a l July Francis Caruey, must. in March 31, 1864. 31, 1FG5; niuet. out w1I1 cuu~y~rny Ang. 24, 18tij. I Andrew Cooper, must. in Nov. 23,1862.

Willianl Liston, sergeant, must. in Nov. 2 4 1862; pro. from private Xay Patrlck R. Cooley, must. i n Nov. 23,1562. 1,1665; disch. by G. 0. Nay 30,1865. 1 - 1 John Collins, must. in Nov. 23,1882.

John ill. Rolmes, sergeant, must. in Noy. 23, 166% absent in hospital a t ( Andrew E. Collins, must. i n Feb. 28,1864. must. out. I Andrew Dodson, must. in Feb. 26,1864.

Jonathan Boyd, corporal, nlust. in Nov.23,18G2; must. out with company i Stewart Durban, must. in Bug. 1,1863. Aug. 2P1 1865. Thomas Dougherty, must. in Nov. 23,1862.

Willianl Dull, corporal, must. in Nov.23.1862 ; must. out with company Abraham Evans, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Aug. 24,1865.

John A. Mikesell, corporal, must. in Feb. 4,1864; must. out with com- pany Aug. 24,1865.

William Stull, corporal, must. i n Feb. 28,1864; must. out with company Aug. 24,1865.

Joseph E. Richey, corporal, must. in Feb. 8,1864; must. out with com- pany Aug. 24,1865.

John Fleming, corporal, nlust. i n Feb. 1,1864; must. out with company Aug. 24,1865.

Samuel A. Brysun, must. in Feb. 6,1864; must. out with company Aug. 24, 1865.

Robert Hazlett, wrpord, must. in Jan. 5,1864; must. ont with company Aug. 24,1865.

Hamilton C. Inglis, corporal, mnst. in Nov. 23,1862; pro. t o corporal March 1,1864; disch. by G. 0. Nay 30,1865.

Harry Prophet, corporal, must. i n NOV. 23,1862 ; disch. by GG- 0. May 30, 1865.

Sampson B. Hart, corporal, must. in Nbv. 23,1865; disch. by G. 0. Nay 30, 1865.

Herman Detrick, corporal, must. in Sept. 6, 1664; disch. by G. 0. May 30,1865.

Theodore Mondolle, corporal, must. in Sept. 6,1864; disch. by G. 0. May 30,1865.

David XcKinney, corporal, must. i n Nor. 23,1862. Jacob Aurell, bugler, Nov. 23,1862; disch. by G. 0. May 30,1865. John G. Hart, bugler, must. in Nov. 23,1862; pro. to chief bugler June

1,1865. Abner S. Roberts, blacksmith, Nov. 23, 1862; disch. by G. 0.

Hay 30,1865. Michael Frick, farrier, must. in Xarch 31,1864; must. out with com-

pany Ang. 2 4 1865. Anderson Minerd, farrier, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Hugh C. Brown, saddler, must. i n Nor. 23,1864; disch. by G. 0. May 30,



Francis S. Altman, must. in Feb. 29, 1564. Frauk Abel, must. in Nov. 23,1862. David Brooks. mnst. in Xov. 23, 1862. Daniel Brooks, must. in Feb. 28,1864. Lewis D. Buzzard, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Samuel R. Banks, must. i n Feb. !L2,1864. George W. Bowie, must. in Dec. 2,1863. Henv Burns, must. i n Dec. 2,1863. John Baker, must. i n Oct. 7,1864. John Ball, mnst. in Nov. 23,1862. Edward N. Brynon, must. in Hov. 93, 1862. Isaac Baluinger, must. in Nov. 23, 1862. Allen Bryner, must. in Feb. 23, ISM. Andrew Brobst, must. in Ang. 24,1864. John Bierworth, must. i n Aug. 24,1864. Wm. Brownfield, mest. i n Nov. 23,1862. George W. Burner. must. in Eept. 16,1864. Joseph C. Brady, must. iu Sept. 7,1864. T. J. Buner, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Judaon Bodkins, must. i n Aug. 1,1862. W. N. Burchinal, must. in April 14,1864. John C. Bumer, must. in No'. 23,1862. Wm. T. Bun~er, must. in SOT. 23, 1862. Samuel Bumsworth, must. in Feb. 28, 1862. James K. Burgess, must. in Narch 9, 1862. Jamee Braddie, mnst. in Sept. 7,1662. T. M. Clelland, must. i n Feb. 16, 1862. 6. W. Campbell, mnst. in Feb. 25,1862. John &in, must. in Dec. 2,1863. Ewing Christopher, must. i n Xov. 23,1862. John C. Core, must. in Dec. %, 1863. John C. Cartin,must. iu Srpt. 5,1864.

John A. Early, must. in Ju ly 12,1864. A. H. Eshenbaugh, must. i n March 24,1864- Thomas W. Elliott, must. i n March 20,1864. D a ~ i d Emerson, must. in Nov. 23,1862. David T. Fry, mnst. in Feb. 25,1864. Wm. A. Fleming, must. i n Fob. 4,1864. James Fnzier, must. in Jan. 20,1864. Wm. H. Fry, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Nicholas Frishcom, must. i n Aug. 24,1864. F. 31. Fleming, must. in Jan. 4,1864. J a n ~ r s Dougherty, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Wlliarn A. Evans, must. in Beb. 24,1864. Philip Frederick, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Allison Freeman, must. in Nov. 23,1862. E d m u d Federer, must. in Aug. 26,1862. James A. George, must. in March 27, 1864. Richard German, must. in Jan. 20,1864. Henry D. Gilmore, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Leopuld Gross, must. i n Aug. 12, 1864. George P. Green, must. in Sept. 3,1864. Levi Goodwin, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Wm. B. Gowl, must. in Nov. 23,1862. John Gardner, must. in Sept. 6,1868. Eckhart Houk, must. i n Feb. 22,1864. Jacob Houk, must. in Feb. 25,1864. Willis B. HarLaugh, must. i n F&. 28,1864. Isaac R. Houk, must. in Feb. 22,1864. Henry Hair, must. in Fab. 4, 1864. John Hand, must. in Jan. 20,1864. Miles Hand, nrust. in AUK. 1,1863. Edward S. Hayden, must. iu Nov. 23,1862. Reuben Uouli, must. iu Jan. 4, 1864. -4lauson Hudson, must. in Nov. 23,1862. David L. Hall: must. in Nov. 23,1862. Abraham Hill, must. in Feb. 25,1864. Jacob Hill, must. in Nor. 25,1Sfi4. Alexander Hager, must. in Nor. 23,1862. Fred.31. Hicks, must. in Nov. 23,1862. John ILI. Hackett, must. in Nov. 23,1862. RIitchell Eamil, must. in Feb. 29, 1864. James Hagnn, must. in Frb. 26,1864. Andrew Hall, must. in Xov. 23,1862. Robert Hamilton, must. iu Nor. 43, 1862. Jesse Hall, must. i n Feb. 27,1862. Thomas Hoghes, must. in March 29,1862. Peter Ingles, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Samuel Ingles, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Peter K. Johnson, must. in Feb. 25,1862. John Johnson, must. in xov. 23,1862. William James, must. in Nor. 23, 1862. Joseph Johnson, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Wm. Kirkwood, m ~ i d . in Feb. 23,1864. Butler Kissinger, must. in Nov. 13, 1862. James W. Iienan, must. in Sept. 15,1864. John Iieiser, must. i n Aug. 24.1864. W. H. Kent, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Jacob Leonard, must. in Feb. 27,1864. Valorius Lilly, must. in NOT. 25,1862. Abntham Liston, must. in Nov. 23,1862. David tafferty, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Matthias Lilly, most. in Nov. 23, 1862. James W. Luellan, must. in Sept. 8,1862. Wm. F. Leech, must. in Nuv. 23,186'1. \Vm. C. Leasty, must. in Feb. 12,1864. Andrew Lancaster, must. in Nov. 23,1862. David Leech, must. in Xov. '73,1862. John Lowrir, must. in Sov. 23, 1862. Jacob Lowrie, must. in Nov. 23,1862.

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Xo:rh Lape, must. i n Sov. 23, 186'7. Lucius S. Marten, must. in Feb. 23, 1564. Wm. B. Mitchell, must. i n March 12,1864. Peter illitchell, must. i n Sov. 23, 1862. James H. Norrison, must. in Nov. 23,1862. Frederick R. Nartin, must. in Nor. 23,1862. Michael C. Monroe, most. in Nor. 23,1862. Conrad Myers, must. in Sept. 5, 1864. John Morrow, must. i n Aug. 29.1S64. George Miller, must. i n Sov. 23, 1862. Zachariah JIoon, must. i n March 15,1864. Joseph Miller, must. i n Nov. 23, 1862. Ilnri-y L. Maple, must. i n Nov. 23,1562. Everett Neyers, mnst. in Feb. 2,lSM. Curtis McQuillian, must. in Nov. 23,1867. Wm. A. NcDo\vell, must. in Sept. 15,- 1864. Watthew S. BlcGarvey. must. in Feb. 25,1864. Fgancis McHenry, must. in Feb. 25, 1P64. John B. illcMullen, must. in Nov. -23,1862. Robert P. McClellan, must. in Sept. 17,1864. Wm. NcCloskey, must. in Aug. 26,1862. John Neeman, must. in Nov. 23, 1S6'2. Joseph X. Olinger. must. in Feb. 22,1864. James 11'. Orr, must. i n Feb. 1, 1864. Andrew Ochnes, nus st. in Jan. 4,1864. George D. Peterman, most. in Feb. 29,1864. Martin Peterman, must. in Feb. 13, 1.364. J. W. Poundstone, must. in Nov. 23, 1862. Wm. H. Parker, must. i n Feb. 23,1864. B1i.s Palmer, must. i n Nov. 2.3, 186'2. John H. Preston, must. in Sov. 23, 1862. Jinlp S. Patterson, must. in Dec. 24, 1863. Joseph Kuw-eu, must. in Feb. 27, 1864. David Rowen, must. i n Xov.23, 1862. John Rutlege, must. in Nov. 23, 1562. John Richards, must. i n Dec. 28,1863. George Reshel, must. i n Bag. 30, 1864. John Rlloe, must. in Aug. 24, 1864. -4l~s:rlom Riggle, must. in Sept. 15, ISM. David J. Roberts, muat. in Nov. 23, 1862. Joseph Randolph, must. in No\-. 23, 1862. Newton D. Shannon, mnst. in April 2G, 1864. William Snyder, must. i n BIarch 28. ISM. Henry Shaffer, must. in Feb. 20,1S64. Jacob Siple, Jr., must. in March 23,1864. Amos Sybert, must. in Sov. 23, 1862. Sylvester C. Skinner, must. in Feb. 5 ,1864. James Staunton, must. in SOY. 23, 1862. Philip Smalley, niust, i n Nov. 2 3, 186'2. Wm. W. Shimp, must. i n Feb. 22,1164. Sa~i ior l Sidebottom, mnst. in Kov. 23, 186'2. Cyrus B. Sargent, must. in Xov. 23, 186'2. John Skelly, must. in Nov. 23, IS=. 3I;itthew Silks, must. in Kov. 2.3, 1867. George Smit11,rnust. in Xor. 23, 1862. Archibald Skyles, must. in Sov. 23,1862. hdarii Speiker, mnst. i n Nov. 23,1862. James Sherry, must. i n Sov. 23, 1862. H. F. Smallwood, must. in Dec. 24,lYG:i. Lafayette Salisbury, must. iu FeL. 26,1864. Jonathan Sheetz, must. in Kov. 23,1862. Daniel Soverns, most. in Nov. f3, 1867. John C. Stares, nlnst. in Bug. 20, 1864. John Sheyler, must. in Feb. 24, 1864. James Stockdill, must. in Varch 18,1864. John Seybold, rnllst. ill Oct. 27, 1868. Scott Spragne, must. in Oot. O-;,lSG2. John Seip, ninst. in Aug. 16, 1564. -4lexander Tam, must. in Xarch 17, 1864. Joseph Toy, must. in Nov. 23,1862. IIenry Turney, must. i n Feb. 1.5,1864. Job Thorp, must. in Sov. 24, 1862. George W. Taylor, nrust. i n KO*: 23,1862. Andrew Thorp, must. in Sov. 23,1862. Jacob Tresaler, must. i n No\.. B, 1562. Wm. Tibbq, must. i n April 14, 1862. Wm. Vansickle, must. in Sept. 17, 1862.

-- - -

I Joseph A. Wott, must. in Feb. 23,1864. i W;~llace Wattemon, must. i n July 19,1864. I Charles Wanler, must. in Sov. 2.2,1SG?.

William Warrick, must. in Jan. 7, 1564. ' illatthew Wilson, nrnst. i n Dec. 14, 1863. I Alphens Wilson, must. in Sov. 23, 1862. ! John Wannan, must. in Knv. 28,1862. i David C. Winders, must. in Soy. 23, 1862. I George Wygold, must, i n Aug. 24,1864. 1 Martin Wygold, must. in Aug. 24,1864. j Frank Woodaides, must. in Sov. 03,1S62.

saiah Wilson, must. in Pl'ov.23.1862. S. P. Waltonbaugh, Feb. 2% 1564. James Williams, most. in Sov. 23,1862. I = .

i William Willy, must. in Kov. 43, 1862. Wll iam Woods, must. i n Nov. 23,1862. Joel T. Woods, must. in Aug. 18,1&64. ' George W. Ziun, must. in Sept. 7,1664.


I C H A P T E R 9x1.

WAR OF T H E REBELLION-(Cont5ivied).

i The Sixteenth Cavalry.

/ THE Sixteenth Cavalry, numbered the One Hun- I dred and Sixty-first of the Pennsylvania Line, and

one of the most renowned cavalry regiments in the service of the United States in the war of the Rebel- ' lion, was raised in the fall of 1862, and composed of

/ men from twenty counties of the State of Peinsylva- nia. The rendezvous was first established at Camp

' Simmons, near Harrisburg, but was afterwards re- moved to Camp McClellan, where the regimental organization was ' completed about the middle of Xovember. The field-officers of the Sixteenth a t its organization were: Colonel, John Irvin Gregg, a vet- eran of the Mexican war and a line-officer in the reg- ular army ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Lorenzo D. Rodgers, of Venango County; Majors, William A. West, of Fay- ette County, William H. Fry, of Philadelphia, and John Stroap, of Mifflin. Two companies of the regi- ment were composed of men recruited in Fayette County, viz. : Company B, Capt. John T. Hurst, and Company G, Capt. John K. Fisher.

On the 30th of November the regiment proceeded to Washington, D. C., and was moved thence to a camp near Bladensburg, Md. On the 3d of January, 1863, it moved to the Rappahannock, and went into winter-quarters near the railroad bridge over Potomac Creek. being assigned to duty with Arerill's brigade, ~ h i c h was then attached to the Army of the Potomac. Its minter duty was severe, it being almost continually

1 on picket duty on a line nearly eight miles from the , regimental camp. On the 17th of March, 1863, the 1 Sixteenth fought its first battle at Kelly% Ford, on I which occasion i t occupied the right of the line and

did its duty well, though with slight loss.

1 I n the spring campaign of 1863, which culminated ' in the battle of Chancellorsville, the Sixteenth mas

constantly active, the men being almost continually I in the saddle from the 13th of April, when they left

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