Istrat Recruitment and Selection

Post on 24-Oct-2014

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SENIOR MANAGER (M-FP) Enrollment No.: 07511242

SESSION 2007 – 2010



A nation’s prosperity can be judged by the progress it has made in the business sector.

This industrial sector is run by management and workers, thus there is need to have

better scientific selection of the management and workers to enable efficient running

of the business sector.

Hence the purpose of my project is to explain the concepts of Recruitment and

Selection and its place in corporate management and in particular, Personnel

department of Punjab National Bank.

In trying to do this, I decided that it was necessary briefing on Manpower planning of

which Recruitment and Selection are a part.

Because of this treatment the project may be useful to those beginning as Manpower

planning as a specialization, but the project is intended to be a complete textbook on

the Recruitment and Selection subject.

This project report is the result of my hard work and I hope it identifies with the







1.1 Overview of the Industry

1.2 Profile of the Company

1.3 Problems of the Company

1.4 Competition Information

1.5 S.W.O.T. Analysis








2.1 Significance

2.2 Managerial usefulness of the Study

2.3 Objective of the Study

2.4 Scope of the Study

2.5 Research Methodology

2.6 Limitations of the Study














Chapter 1






The software industry includes businesses involved in the development, maintenance

and publication of computer software using any business model. The industry also

includes software services, such as training, documentation, and consulting.


The software industry started in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers

('mainframes') were first sold in a more or less standardized way. Universities and

businesses began to use these computers and to seek out programs to do certain

computing tasks. Many of these programs were written in-house by full-time staff

programmers. Some were distributed freely between users of a particular machine for

no charge. But others were done on a commercial basis, and the very first standalone

software firms started in the United States in 1959-1960. Pretty soon, the computer-

makers started bundling operating systems software and programming environments

with their machines. IBM, which delivered most of the computers at the time, became

a household name in corporate businesses worldwide.

When Digital Equipment Corporation brought a relatively low-priced micro-computer

to market, it brought computing within reach of many more companies and

universities worldwide, and it spawned great innovation in terms of new, powerful

programming languages and methodologies. New software was built for micro-

computers, and others, including IBM, followed DECs example quickly, resulting in

the IBM AS400 amongst others.

The industry expanded greatly with the rise of the personal computer in the mid-

1970s, which brought computing to the desktop of the office worker. In subsequent

years, it also created a growing market for games, applications, and utilities. DOS,

Microsoft's first product, was the dominant operating system at the time.


In the early years of the 21st century, another successful business model has arisen for

hosted software, called software as a service, or SaaS; this was at least the third time

this model had been attempted. SaaS reduces the concerns about software piracy,

since it can only be accessed through the Web, and by definition no client software is

loaded onto the end user's PC.

Software sectors

There are several types of businesses in the software industry. Infrastructure software,

including operating systems, middleware and databases, is made by companies such

as Microsoft, IBM, Sybase, EMC and VMWare. Enterprise software, the software that

automates business processes in finance, production, logistics, sales and marketing, is

made by Oracle, SAP AG , Sage and Infor. Security software is made by the likes of

Symantec, Trend Micro and Kaspersky. Several industry-specific software makers are

also among the largest software companies in the world: SunGard, making software

for banks, BlackBoard making software for schools, and companies like Qualcomm

or CyberVision making software for telecom companies. Other companies do contract

programming to develop unique software for one particular client company, or focus

on configuring and customizing suites from large vendors such as SAP or Oracle.

Leading companies: mindshare and marketshare

In terms of technology leadership, the software industry has long been led by IBM.

The big blue company handed over the leadership stick to Microsoft when it helped

Microsoft become the dominant PC operating system supplier. Microsoft has never

returned the stick. Other companies that have substantial mindshare (not:

marketshare) in the software industry are SUN Microsystems, the developer of the

Java platform, Red Hat, for its open source momentum, and Google for its Google

Docs. However in terms of revenues coming from software sales, the software

industry is clearly dominated by Microsoft.



Several sources mention that most of the World's largest software companies are

located in the United States. Software Magazine's 500 list in 2005 shows the total

amount of revenue brought in by software companies per locale, with the highest

being California due to Silicon Valley and the number of Fortune 500 software

companies residing in that area.

Size of the industry

According to market researcher DataMonitor, the size of the worldwide software

industry in 2008 was US$ 303.8 billion, an increase of 6.5% compared to 2007.

Americas account for 42.6% of the global software market's value. DataMonitor

forecasts that in 2013, the global software market will have a value of US$ 457

billion, an increase of 50.5% since 2008.

The India Software Industry has brought about a tremendous success for the emerging

economy. The software industry is the main component of the Information technology

in India. India's pool of young aged manpower is the key behind this success story.

Presently there are more than 500 software firms in the country which shows the

monumental advancement that the India Software Industry has experienced.

The Indian Software Industry has grown from a mere US $ 150 million in 1991-92 to

a staggering US $ 5.7 billion in 1999-2000. No other Indian industry has performed so

well against the global competition. According to statistics, India's software exports

reached total revenues of Rs. 46100 crores. The total share of India's exports in the

global market rose form 4.9 per cent in 1997 to 20.4 percent in 2002-03.

It is expected that the India Software Industry will generate a total employment of

around four million people, which accounts for 7 per cent of India's total GDP, in the

year 2008. Today, the Software Industry in India exports software and services to

nearly 95 countries around the world. The share of North America (U.S. & Canada) in

India’s software exports is about 61 per cent. In 1999-2000, more than one third of

Fortune 500 companies outsourced their software requirements to India.


The Government has also played a vital role in the development of the India Software

Industry. In 1986, the Indian government announced a new software policy which was

designed to serve as a catalyst for the software industry. This was followed in 1988

with the World Market Policy and the establishment of the Software Technology

Parks of India (STP) scheme. In addition, to attract foreign direct investment, the

Indian Government permitted foreign equity of up to 100 percent and duty free import

on all inputs and products.

The software industry being the main component of the IT Industry in India has also

helped the IT sector in India to grow at a good pace. As per the proceedings taking

place in the software industry the future of the India Software Industry looks


Recently a lot of people have been debating about the future of Indian software

industry, whether it is a good career move for people out of college or not. More and

more students in college are asking "Should I go in software or not". In the last few

months I have been doing a research on this topic, reading the predictions and

projections of various experts on the internet, and even talking of many software

professionals about the future of Indian IT industry. In this article I will share my

thoughts with you including the pros and cons of software profession.

Positives of Indian Software Industry

Since the salaries and cost of doing software business in western countries like United

States and Britain is too high, companies have been looking at cheaper alternatives

and India certainly has a greater advantage. Outsourcing has really been the major

reason which has caused the boom in the Indian software industry.


Additional factors which are causing the I.T. sector to flourish are the visa

restrictions, which prevent companies like Microsoft, Oracle and IBM to hire the

adequate number of software professionals in their own country. Bill Gates ( founder

of Microsoft) and others have repeatedly insisted to United States government that

they need to remove the upper limits of working permits/visa's so that they can hire a

larger number of Indian software professionals in their USA offices (we know that it

is not going to happen). India has a large number of engineers and that too English


Moreover, the number of software engineers being produced in these western

countries are not enough so companies have to eventually transfer their work to India.

Most Indian software professionals are hardworking and are able to devote more time

to work than their western counterparts.

Job placements in most engineering colleges is very good with many companies like

Wipro, Infosys, Satyam and several multinationals competing to hire good students.

Even the starting salaries which are offered to Indian software professionals are

usually much more than the highest salary a regular government employee has ever

received in his 30 years career.

Additionally, software is a white collar job, meaning you are mostly sitting in a nice

air-conditioned office/cubicle and unlike many other professions you do not have to

run around to get your work done. There are plenty of jobs and you can change

companies every two years and your salary increases each time you do so.

Multinational companies regularly Indian software engineers overseas to countries

like Australia, UK and USA for a few months to many years, during which they get

paid even more.

What a relaxed life, future certainly looks bright after reading all this. Now let's see

what the critics have to say.

Negative's of Indian Software Industry


a) The falling dollar: The value of US Dollar has come down by more than 10%

and has been eating away the margins of Indian software industry. In future,

the decline will increase and the advantage of doing business in India will be

lost because of the high salaries of software engineers.

b) Time difference: Already there are issues with the difference in time zones.

There is a lack of real time communication since majority of team on

outsourced projects are at different locations. Problems are partially solved by

deploying an on-site coordinator which basically does the coordinations of

both teams to some level.

c) Quality of Indian Engineers: Many projects which came to India are taken

back to US because of difference in Indian and western accents, and

sometimes they say that the quality of engineers in their own countries is

better than in India ( which I personally do not necessarily agree, may be in

some exceptional cases but not all).

d) Salaries have peaked: Unlike the 20% salary hikes which have been happening

in past, in future the salary increases will probably be 5-10%.

e) Layoff's (job loss): Recently the layoff news in TCS and IBM made headlines.

A small percentage of low performance Engineers were laid off and it is

happening in many companies now. This process will likely increase in future

and companies will prefer hiring freshers out of college at relatively lower



f) Very Hectic and Stressful lifestyle in a long term: It is easy to devote long

hours when you are young and single. But over time when you have a wife

and children it get's tough. Software engineers do not get enough time for their

families and they lead a hectic and stressful lifestyle later in life. Workplace

politics in software offices is also common. They eventually become more like

a money making machine for family than anything else as their personal life

get's reduced to nothing. There are more software engineers in Bangalore

undergoing stress relief programs than in any other profession. In software

hubs like Bangalore and Pune, it is very difficult to get admission of your kid

in a good school and traffic overall is a nightmare.

g) International competition increasing: Countries like China, Mexico and

Philippines are slowly catching up. Several Indian companies have already

opened their offices there. Did you know that China produces more engineers

than India but they really lack ability to speak English. The upcoming Chinese

generations are much better and will certainly compete with India in future.


Regardless of whatever happens to the future of software in India, the people who are

outstanding in their profession will continue to be in demand and will keep rising. I

personally do not see any other industry in India which can offer better salaries to

such a large group of people. Software is here to stay and it is not going anywhere.


But the fact which many are missing is that software industry (like other industries) is

also about supply and demand, the demand of engineers being high as of now and

jobs are everywhere. These days almost every student in India after completing his

10th class board exam starts to prepare for engineering entrance exams so that he/she

can eventually become a software engineer. Every year hundreds of new engineering

colleges are opening up all over India and there are over 5 lakh engineers graduating

every year and the number will continue to increase. Even people from Civil and

Mechanical engineering are entering software. There are additionally lakhs of MCA,

BSC Computer Science and others from NIIT/Aptech etc comming out (not all get

good jobs). From where I stand, I DO NOT SEE A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR

SOFTWARE ENGINEERS in India, even though the companies themselves will

likely do well, they will pick and choose the people they want.

There was a time when the cost advantage in outsourcing industry was 1:6.

(Meaning: 1 engineer in USA = 6 Engineers in India), now that margin has shrinked

to 1:3, and with rising salaries and higher inflation in India, this ratio will further

decrease. There is a good chance that IT companies will relocate to smaller cities in

India where the cost of doing business decreases. But soon enough I forsee that these

software companies shift their operations in countries like China, Vietnam and other

nations where cost of doing business is even cheaper with time.

I believe the supply will overtake demand in the next 5 years and then there will be a

race of survival for people seeking software jobs. Although Indian software

companies will continue to grow they will literally pick and choose the people they

want. Software is a young blood industry, and as the software "programmers" reach

their early 40's and have not risen much higher will risk losing their job to new

candidates willing to work longer and for a lower salary. This situation is just like

when the stock market goes up, everyone thinks this is the best way to make money,

but when it comes down everyone loses.


My opinion is that it is a good option to start your career but not a life long choice. If

you have other choices which may pay slightly lower, may be it is a better choice. I

think fields like Finance, Commodities, Food, Medicine and even Government jobs

will be more desirable than software in the next 5-7 years. Also the life of a software

engineer is not all that great as it sounds to most people from outside.

Unfortunately due to our high population, there is competition in almost every field in

India. With more and more educated people in India, there will be even more

engineers in the future, and software competition will be on a rise.

Last but not least, India is prone to much more political instability - like political

parties often take advantages by increasing divide between Hindus and Muslims.

Several locations in India are prone to terrorist attacks. Huge divide between various

sections of the society, caste reservations etc .. Most of these problems are almost

non-existent in developed countries.

I was talking to one of my distant relative who has completed his engineering from a

recently opened private college (which happens to be among the better among the lot),

he told that he has got offer from a well known company, but the joining date has

been deferred by 6+ months, while other students from IIT within the same city did

not have this waiting period. So the pick and choose game by IT companies has

already started.



iStrat is a member of National Association of Software and Services Companies

(NASSCOM), the apex Indian body that formulates national information technology

policies in conjunction with the Government. It also plays an active role within the

international software community, and works towards making India a key player in

the global software market. The NASSCOM membership offers several strategic

advantages for iStrat. These include:

» Helping iStrat reach out to global markets.

» Gain valuable insights into emerging global trends in the IT space.

» Access to research conducted by NASSCOM and its associates.

» Participation in global marketing initiatives through events, seminars,

conferences, etc.

» Ensuring international competitiveness through knowledge-sharing activities.

Social Media Marketing – A Must-do For Today’s Marketers

Your online marketing strategy is incomplete without social

media. It's time to act!

Blogging, social networking, photo hosting, video sharing…

These are a few terms that have phenomenally altered the way the online population

interacts and absorbs information. They use internet as a medium for Self expression,

Socialising, Sharing and Seeking knowledge — the 4 S's that have led to the rise of

Social media.

What is social media?

By definition, social media refers to the online tools such as blogs, discussion forums,

micro blogs, bookmarks, networks, communities, wikis and podcasts, that people use

to share content, opinions and experiences in form of text, images, audio, and video.

A few prominent social media websites are Wordpress and Blogger (blogging),

Twitter (micro-blogging), YouTube(video sharing), Flickr (photo sharing), Orkut and


Facebook(social networking), Digg and (bookmarking), and Wikipedia


Why is social media important for marketers?

To comprehend the significance of social media as a marketing vehicle, we need to

first understand how influential is the user generated content today.

Recent studies indicate that social media is becoming a more important part of the

global media consumption for internet users than some of the traditional media

channels. Further, Gen Y, the future consumer for most businesses, eats, drinks and

sleeps social media. To tap into this potential consumer base, marketers need to make

inroads into the channels they thrive on, now.   

So here is the verdict — social media is here to stay and grow. Why not use it to your

advantage? After all, we all know that:

Dollars always follow the eyeballs - Act now or you will miss out

Pull advertising works better than push advertising –No point blowing your

own trumpet. Let others talk about you.

Customer participation is the route to customer loyalty – Build a relationship

today and win a customer tomorrow

Benefits of social media marketing

Now that we know social media is a critical element of the new age marketing, let us

look at the benefits this medium offers.

Customer engagement– Unlike the traditional marketing mediums, social

media generates high level of user participation and engagement.

Positive PR for the company – The interactive social media platforms offer a

higher credibility because these are open, transparent, and carry third party

opinions. A good word here goes a long way in building your company’s



Higher search engine rankings / presence — Social media has the power to

expose your website / brand to large groups of people through active

syndication. This results in higher visibility and multiple search entries.

Higher traffic to the site – Social communities can be leveraged as a great

source of web traffic through intelligent content seeding.

Assistance in brand building – Gives a boost to your online brand building

exercise by offering high visibility and an ability to tap the target audience.

Low cost high returns medium –Using social media is more cost effective than

any of the traditional marketing methods. Moreover, the benefits in store far

exceed the cost involved in setting up and executing a social media campaign.

Complements other marketing activities – Social media marketing can work in

synergy with your other offline and online advertising activities. In fact, it

actually complements your marketing programme by offering additional


We, at iStrat, specialise in offering social media marketing services that can make a

quantifiable difference to your business — target audience engagement, higher online

visibility and positive PR. Do get in touch with us to find out how social media

marketing can add value to your business.

Five Ways To Build Trust Online

Remember, Trust is a Precursor to Buying Online

Whether one likes it or not, one has to admit that Cyberspace is a

shadowy world where buyers must proceed with extreme caution

to avoid getting conned. There’s no denying that bad apples

abound on the World Wide Web, which is why it becomes imperative for the good

apples to prove that their dealings are above board. In this brief article, we will look at

five tools for evoking the trust of your online customers.


Tool #1: Security & Certifications

Whether we like it or not, we have to live with the bitter reality that the Internet is not

perceived as being a safe medium. That is why you need to reiterate the security

measures that you have taken… keep talking about them all across the site, especially

on the Add To Cart and Checkout pages.

As far as your customers are concerned, there’s no such thing as too much security, so

you are free to keep harping on your firewalls, your secure server, SSL (Secure

Socket Layering) being enabled, and every other step that you may have taken to

ensure the safety of transactions on your site. In particular, tell them to look for the

symbol of the lock (indicating encryption of data) in the bottom right corner of the

browser window. Added to these, the bank through which the online payment is made

also has its own security measures in place — some of which are visible to your

customers; for instance: the system of entering a Word Verification Code at the time

of making the payment.

Likewise, certifications are extremely important for establishing your credibility,

especially if they are widely acknowledged certifications like VeriSign, TRUSTe,

thawte and BBB Online. So if you’ve got it, flaunt it — all across your site.

Tool #2: Online Shopping Cart & Process

If there’s anything that sends a customers ‘Suspicion Index’ soaring, it’s a site that

tells you to order via email. You know, the kind that says ‘Click Here To Order’, and

it then turns out to be a mailto link.

Make it a point to build a proper Shopping Cart functionality on your site - it

convinces prospective buyers that you are serious about selling online on a long-term


Your site should clearly specify the steps in the checkout process. Research indicates

that a confusing checkout process causes buyers to drop out at without completing the


transaction. This dropout rate according to one such study could be as high as 30


Another highly effective confidence builder lies in prominently displaying the logos

of the credit cards that the site accepts: Master, Visa, American Express, etc.

Emphasise the fact that the actual financial transaction takes place on the bank’s

server and not on the server of the shopping site. Thus, the customer’s data is

processed with complete confidentiality and safety.

If your site is open to customers all over the world, it is a good idea to provide an

online currency converter. Customers are often dissatisfied when they end up paying

more than they expected to, on account of currency conversion rates. The online

converter enables them to convert all prices on the site to their currency on a real-time

basis — so what they see is what they pay.

Tool #3: Contact Information

Typically, fly-by-night operators on the web tend to hide behind email Ids, P. O. Box

numbers and suspiciously incomplete addresses. Thus, a simple way to establish your

bona fides is by clearly stating all your contact information: full postal address,

telephone numbers, fax number, email ID, etc. under the Contact Us link. Further, if

you have a presence across various countries, the complete addresses of the

representatives or offices in each country should be mentioned in the Contact Us



Tool #4: Policies

All professional online sellers have their policies upfront on their sites — especially,

their Return Policy and Delivery Policy. These go a long way in building customer

confidence by clearly indicating the terms on which goods purchased can be returned,

and the norms and time schedules for delivery of goods bought online. In fact, the

most common grievances voiced by online shoppers is that the goods were delivered

after much delay and that despite having defects or being damaged, they could not be

returned because the seller had not spelt his policies out on his site.

Tool #5: Testimonials

Internet research has clearly established the fact that online buyers rely extensively on

word-of-mouth recommendations, reviews and customer testimonials. A recent study

by the Internet & Mobile Association of India reveals that 31 per cent of respondents

had found online shopping sites through word-of-mouth information; 52 percent

attached importance to consumer reviews; and an overwhelming 93 percent said they

would recommend online shopping to others.

It is, therefore, a good idea to create a section or a functionality on your site through

which your customers can share their online shopping experience.

We started this article by stating that Cyberspace is full of shady characters. This in

itself presents a huge opportunity for serious and genuine online sellers.

By using the above tools to differentiate themselves, they can corner the lion’s share

of the opportunities that lie ahead.


Look at it this way — online shopping is huge (a report released by estatsindia puts

the size of the B2C market at INR 17 billion for 2005-06), and growing exponentially,

the CAGR being over 50 percent. The same report estimates that the figure will cross

the INR 90 billion mark by 2009. Aren’t the stakes high enough to be investing in

some basic confidence building measures?


Who we are a reflection of what we offer in terms of both intangible and

tangible value to our client.

Dependable our clients know their work will be done without them having

to step in.

Passionate to deliver path breaking work

Relationship oriented long term relationships that are built on trust and


Dependable, passionate, relationship oriented young and with it just a few

intangibles we bring to the table.

What sets us apart brilliant team, creative strategy, cutting-edge

technology, ingenious execution, integration project management

capabilities and global delver mechanism.

Strategies that are goal oriented, well formulated and deliver results


To be a frontrunner in the global digital communications industry with a reputation

for consistently delivering innovative and strategically sound solutions across the

entire gamut of new media.



Web Solutions

From web to web 2.0, the Internet has come a long way, and so have we. We don’t

just talk websites; we talk communities, rich media, widgets, dashboards, e-

commerce, blogs and wikis. We are passionate about creating online properties that

engage your customers. What’s more, the kind oF integration we offer in the digital

space is incomparable. From websites to web movies and web learning to web

marketing, you name it and we do it.

It is time you beefed up your web presence with the latest engagement tools available.

Get in touch with us.

Corporate Websites

Plush Offices, Great Brands and Lousy Corporate Website? A Corporate Website is a

round-the-clock ‘e-ambassador’. It needs to be inline with the present day web trends,

always evolving and communicating the persona of the organization. Creating a

Corporate Website entails much more than just juxtaposing designs and words. Its

about showcasing your company’s ideas, people, products and services through

elements such as Corporate Blogging, Live Webcasts, Industry News Feeds,

Response Management, Online Financial Reports and Corporate e-Newsletters. Its

about creating experiences (or your diverse stakeholders — an art we have mastered

over years.

Get in touch with us and well be happy to come back to you with a SWOT on your

corporate initiative.

Brand Websites

As per the latest internet usage trends, the net sawy, brand conscious “Millennial

Generation” is on a lookout (or your brand online.

Internet users leverage the web to Know More. And, the more time a consumer

spends on your website, the higher is the purchase intent and brand affinity.

Therefore, a brand website is a critical customer touch-point, effective in inFormation


dissemination, brand building, increasing purchase intent and streamlining marketing


In addition to your Brand Site, we work on extensive Online Visibility Campaigns,

Interactive Utilities like Widgets, FacebookApplications, Games, Flip Brochures and

Virals to make sure your brand stands out from the clutters and is truly aspirational!

e-Commerce Websites

The web today is an important channel for transacting. Little surprise then, online

retail sales are witnessing a phenomenal growth year after year. Its time all retailers

looked at integrating internet as one of their sales channels. It is all the more relevant

because a presence online makes an impact both online and otiline.

We at istrat can handle all aspects oF your online store. We can offer a robust and

engaging ecommerce storefront, well populated by product images and descriptions,

multiple payment options, response management through email and chat support,

logistics management, and online marketing through emails, search engines, portals

and social media marketing.


Wish to leverage the growing power of Internet as a popular channel or

communication, transaction and networking?

We have served Corporate houses and Entrepreneurs who want to ride this wave by

launching Web Portals such as Social Networks & Communities, e—Commerce

Portals, Enterprise Information Portals, Business Intelligence Portals & Knowledge

Management Portals.

iStrat offers a suite of services that are critical to a successful web portal. Our

deliverables include Compelling User Interface and Design. Robust Technology (we

develop across platforms in .Net/jAVA/PHP), Online Marketing and Maintenance of

your portals on an ongoing basis.


Online Marketing

According to a survey conducted by McKinsey — by 2010 the Internet will play a

crucial role in the consumer’s decision—making and buying process. No wonder,

marketers around the world are moving online Fortheir entire spectrum or marketing


Is your company’s online presence geared (or this evolving consumer behaviour?

We can help you achieve your business and visibility objectives online. Get in touch

with us ror customised internet marketing solutions that deliver enhanced reach, better

visibility, higher click through rate, more conversions, high customer engagement and

better ROl.

Search Engine Optimisation

Approximately 85% of all websites are found via search engines. Are you

discoverable online7 Think about it. It is a proven platform to gain competitive edge

without spending millions.

Our search engine optimisation (SEO) services can help you leverage the lull potential

of your website by giving it maximum exposure on search engines, driving more

qualified traffic to your site, generating more sales leads and eventually enhancing

your company’s ROI.

Customer Benefits

# Get listed on leading search engines and directories - Google, Yahoo, MSN,

AOL, dmoz

# Attain higher search engine ranking - we optimize your website & your

content on an ongoing basis

# Generate more traffic to your website - monthly submission & ongoing link

building activity


# Maximise online lead conversion potential we research, identify and use the

most effective keyword phrases relevant to your target market

# Achieve online brand recognition— higher search ranking places you as an

industry leader

# Stay Informed - get regular reports tracking your website traffic and ranking

PPC Campaign Management

By 2010, online marketers will spend $7 billion dollars on PPC advertising (paid

search) ** (Jupiter Research). This explains why the PPC programs are becoming

more competitive by the day. Therefore, it is critical For you to use expert help to

create an effective PPC campaign strategy that ensures best possible return for every

buckyou spend.

Being a Coogle Adwords recognised agency with rich experience of working with

search networks, we can handle your PPC advertising campaign From end to end. Our

guarantee — a phenomenal increase in qualified leads for your business.

Customer Benefits

# Set up effective PPC campaigns - we undertake keyword generation, analysis

& search term targeting, copywritinq, creative development, ad group

creation, deep- linking specification and submission to major search engines

# Generate instant results - be visible at the right place, right time to the right


# Maximise ROI From the campaign — we manage and monitor bids to ensure

high returns

# Get measurable data (or evaluating the campaign –track the campaign through

web analytics and regular reporting


Viral Marketing

Wouldn’t it be a great idea to let your customer spread the word (or you?) This is

exadly what we achieve (or your brand through viral campaigns that spread like wild

fire). We create engaging messages, videos, applications and contests that are

designed to be propagated by their recipients. Further, we trigger the viral propagation

of the campaign by using Social Networking sites (like: MySpace & Orkut), Video

Sharing sites (like: YouTube), Social Bookmarking sites (like: Digg) and e YOU


The results are extraordinary. Just to give you an idea - the open rates of viral

campaigns average over 65% compared to a dismal 15% (or the corporate

communications targeted towards end-users.

Customer Benefits

# Build a buzz self propagating vehicle for your brand

# Cain immediate visitors - linkto your website! microsite

# Achieve long term benefits - message spreads on an ongoing basis

# Achieve high returns — low initial investment

# Reach a large audience — unlimited numbers of people can be reached

Social Media Marketing

Out of the 17,000 Internet users surveyed across 29 countries (‘repo# byanoted

research firm1

# 83% watch video clips # 78% read blogs # 57% are members of a social


All these figures indicate just one thing — internet has evolved from being an

information hub to a large community. To reach this new breed or internet users,


marketers need to engage them on social media platforms such as blogs, Forums,

social networking sites, video broadcast sites, social bookmarking sites and

We, at istrat, specialise in offering social media marketing services that can make a

quantifiable difference to your business target audience engagement, higher online

visibility and positive PR.

Keen to know how? Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to explain.

Customer Benefits

# Customer engagement — active presence on all relevant communities and


# Generate positive PR (or the company — product and service reputation


# Higher search engine rankings I presence — multiple search entries of user

generated content

# Hiqhertratlicto the site embedded links propagated through content sharing


# Assistance in branding — community buzz, moderation and managed content

Online Display Advertising

Display Advertising is the by far the oldest and the most popular form of online

advertising amongst marketers worldwide. Even today it is one o(the largest spending

categories, making the internet space a clutter or similar looking banners. The

tricktherefore, is to stand out and attract your target audience. Does your banner ad

give you the right ROl? We, at iStrat, can help ensure maximum online reach and

optimal results (or your banner ad campaign. Our evolved targeting process involves

studying your target audience and their online behaviour, identifying their preferred

online destinations and activities and thereby arriving at a display ad strategy to

engage them.


Get in touch with us; we will make sure that your message reaches the right audience

at the right time in the way they want to receive it.

Customer Benefits

# Maximise reach and ROI - well targeted and optimized banner ad campaigns

# Cenerate sales leads — dynamic sales—targeted campaign

# More clicks through enhanced interactivity - compelling banners and

shoshkeles in (lash & video formats

# Generate brand awareness — online branding through ads displayed at the

right places

# Track the campaign performance — campaign monitoring and reporting

Online Reputation Management

In this age of Internet, blogs and social networks, consumer’s perception about your

company is heavily influenced by what is being discussed online. Even a small

rumour can snowball into a major negative campaign.

Therefore, it is imperative For you to know what is being said about your product and

company. While you can use constructive criticism to your advantage, it is critical to

nip false rumours in bud.

Our buzz monitoring and social network mapping tools let you keep a track of the

buzz around your brand and maximise the results From your online image.

Customer Benefits

# Trackthe buzz - track what’s being said and where it is being said

# Prevent negative brand publicity - address negative views and reviews

# Control rumours - counter the rumours and stop their propagation


Interactive Kiosks

Interactive Kiosks as a medium has come of age and caters to a very diverse array of

applications ranging from customer engagement at retail outlets to supporting HR

initiatives at workplaces. In particular, its ability to deliver information and content on

an on—demand basis, and in a non—intrusive manner, has made it a popular medium

for accessing various kinds of information — product availability, new arrivals,

special offers, product demos, DIV instructions, tips, training modules, etc.

At iStrat, we have been at the forefront of touch screen solutions, leveraging the

technology right from the days when all it had was novelty value. Today, we offer

solutions spanning a very wide swathe of applications like:

# Customer engagement at retail outlets

# Customer education at company/dealer premises

# Customer Loyalty Programmes/e-CRM Initiatives

# Visitor engagement at tradeshows and expos

# Delegate registration at events and conferences

# Employee engagement and education

# Gaming & Contests

The Strat Advantage

# Evolved strategies and thought processes emanating from a learning

experience spanning more than 1 2 years

# Hands—on experience in handling large projects for discerning Indian and

global clients

# Full cycle service portfolio offering support right from concept to deployment

# Integrated services spanning both software and hardware

# Ability to handle scalable projects, ramping up from a single kiosks to



Online Reputation Management

In this age of Internet, blogs and social networks, consumer’s perception about your

company is heavily influenced by what is being discussed online. Even a small

rumour can snowball into a major negative campaign.

Therefore, it is imperative For you to know what is being said about your product and

company. While you can use constructive criticism to your advantage, it is critical to

nip false rumours in bud.

Our buzz monitoring and social network mapping tools let you keep a track of the

buzz around your brand and maximise the results From your online image.

Customer Benefits

# Trackthe buzz - track what’s being said and where it is being said

# Prevent negative brand publicity - address negative views and reviews

# Control rumours - counter the rumours and stop their propagation




It has to create credibility in the public.

It has to compete with the wide range of products that its competitors offer.

It has to decide on the strategies to be adopted which will help to counter


It has to increase its no. of offices and also enhance its network of agents so that it

can compete with other companies.

It has to focus on providing effective training to its employees so that the

customer base can be increased and moreover customer satisfaction can be



CE Info System Pvt. Ltd.

CE Info Systems (P) Ltd, an ISO 9001-2000 Company, is India’s leader in providing

services and solutions based on Internet & Mobile Applications, GIS and turnkey

projects, and Location-based Business Intelligence. With core competency in software

and data product development, the company has been acknowledged as the single

largest repository of digital spatial data of India. The company’s innovative GIS

Internet initiative to launch, India’s first interactive online

map portal led NASSCOM to acknowledge CE as one of the showcase company for

IT innovation India 2004.

Established in 1992, CE has been providing services at various levels of the value

chain from data collection from the field, customised map preparation, making the

database intelligent to providing location based services, Internet and Mobile


Application Development, ready-to-use internet and intranet GIS applications,

Integrated software and hardware solutions , Legacy Data Conversion, Consumer

Indexing, Photogrammetry, market research, Website development, Vehicle Tracking

Solutions and navigation systems.

Digitek Software Private Ltd.

Digitek Software Private Ltd. provide professional services and support to private

enterprises and public agencies focused on delivering IT solutions.

Digitek adheres to proprietary processes, methods and disciplines that deliver High

Quality services. Digitek stands for “QUALITY that is MEASURABLY


Primary driver for IT consulting or outsourcing is value and we firmly believe that the

delivery of this value must be through measurable business results. We have

consistently exceeded customer expectations by delivering on calculable parameters,

be it lower costs, quicker time-to-market or greater productivity.

Digitek provides its clients with a pre qualified pool of systems talent from our

superior talent pool of professionals from around the world. As a result, we are

capable of deploying resources rapidly with virtually no overhead expense.

Divas Software

Divas Software specializes in building & implementing business centric innovative

software application products. These are built on top of our extensive service industry

exposure through multiple engagements in Banking, Insurance, Financial, Travel,

Hospitality and Telecom domains.

Each of our three application products, Enterprise-Wide Compliance & Risk

Management (EWC&RM), PushPax and CRM have all been architected in such a

way that they are simple for the end-users. At the same time to make these products


comprehensive, complex functionalities have been pushed to a level, which is only

available to the power-users.

JK Technosoft

JK Technosoft (JKT) is a global software & solutions company that is driven by the

simple yet powerful tenet of providing ‘total customer satisfaction’. A valuable asset

of the JK Organization, one of India's largest industrial groups with an annual

turnover exceeding US$ 4 billion, JKT is at the leading edge of comprehensive IT

services & solutions.

JKT offers a wide breadth of services across the entire Information Technology

spectrum including Enterprise Solutions, Progress Consulting, Application

Management, Product Management, Independent Testing and Professional Services.

Its exceptional and exhaustive domain expertise in verticals such as automotive,

healthcare, consumer goods and cement has nurtured an exclusive client roster spread

across Europe, US, Australia and Asia-Pacific.

Since its inception in 1988, JKT has achieved exceptional growth. Over 650 top rung

professionals, ISO 9001 certification, development centers in Noida (Delhi/NCR) and

Bangalore, a sales office in Mumbai, and 100% subsidiary companies based in UK

and US – are testimony to this.

JKT has established a separate subsidiary, JKT Consulting (JKTC) to provide

consulting and implementation services to selected industry verticals. JKTC provides

end-to-end business solutions to both Indian as well as global clients, bringing in high

value consulting, technology implementation & education solutions. The focused

industry verticals are Retail, Consumer Goods, Healthcare and Cement. JKT is SAP




The SWOT analysis of the company refers to the strengths & weaknesses

inherent in the organization & the opportunities & threats faced by them from the

environment, internal as well as external. This analysis is the foundation stone of the

strategic planning process as well as short-term plans needed to attain the strategic

objective of the organization.

The analysis has been done in order to have a better understanding of the

organization. The information given by the organization has been used to carry out the

analysis. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats identified are enumerated

as follows:

A) Strength:

State-of-the-art infrastructure

Qualified and skilled professionals

Products in conformation with the international standards

Wide distribution channel

Premium pricing, no discounts Timely delivery schedules

Quick order processing

B) Weakness:

Lack of production centers in Delhi makes the product costlier as most of

the parts have to be imported.

Lack of R & D centers also makes it difficult to launch new products over


Focus on niche segments

C) Opportunity:

With the fast growing economy the pricing strategy needs to be tackled

with care as it can decide upon long term decisions of the company.

Globalization is yet another opportunity, if followed effectively &



Convert image into market share

D) Threats:

It is natural that threats from the existing as well as new entrants will

affect the present turnover & Market share. The nearest competitors

having the identical product range are the greatest threat to the company.

Nothing unique about strategy

Highly competitive market


Chapter 2






The study provides a complete knowledge of various fundamental concept

related to recruitment & selection process.


The study helps in finding the weaknesses, if any in the organization and the steps

taken to avoid them

The suggestions from the employees will help management to make changes in

the desired field


To collect and maintain relevant information regarding manpower planning

Familiarization with the recruitment policies of Istrat Software Pvt. Ltd.

To highlight the selection process

To have knowledge and understanding of job specification and job description of

different positions in different grades

To study the strengths and weaknesses of present manpower planning, recruitment

and selection of the organization


Scope of the study is to collect information regarding the manpower planning,

recruitment & selection process of the Istrat Software Pvt. Ltd.

To analyze the level of satisfaction of the employees in respect of the process

followed in the organization



Instrument used to measure the system in Istrat Software Pvt. Ltd. was of primary and

secondary kinds. The primary source of data was through questionnaire schedule. The

secondary source included brochures, annual reports, magazines, employee’s

handbook, magazines and journals





Primary data is that kind of data which is collected by the investigator himself for the

purpose of the specific study. The data such collected is original in character. The

advantage of third method of collection is the authenticity. A set of question s was put

together in the form of questionnaire with. Question. The method of sampling was the

random method as it is unbiased.

Basic methods of collecting Primary Data:

1) Questionnaire Method: The questionnaire used by us for the purpose of data

collection were of structured type( Non-disguised as well as Disguised)

2) Contact Method: In order to derive information from the intended organization,

it was elementary for us to search for a link, which could enable us to conduct a

research in that organization. The personal contact of one of the group members in

the aforesaid organization helped us in getting an appointment soon.



When an investigator uses the data that has been already collected by others is called

secondary data. The secondary data could be collected from Journals, Reports and

Various Publications. The advantages of secondary data can be economical, both in

the term of money and time spent. The researcher of the reporter also did the same

and collected secondary from various Internet sites like, and

many more. The researchers of the reporter also visited various libraries for collection

of the introduction part.

Basic methods of collecting secondary data:

1) Magazines

2) Books

3) Brochure

4) Web Sites


Sample size is 100


It is very difficult to have detailed knowledge of employees working in Istrat

Software Pvt. Ltd. So the surveyor has taken 100 samples due to limited resources and

time factor. The management ranks are working in different categories of different

department. Thus it becomes equally justified to plan in such a way that it covers all



Pie chart

Bar diagram

Text and statements



The questionnaire was served to senior manager, managers and employees. The liked

scale was used for calculating scores, which is shown in every question immediately

after the table. The points given for each scale are as follows

Strongly agree (5)

Moderately Agree (4)

Strongly Disagree(3)

Moderately disagree(2)

Can’t say(1)


Points assigned to each 5-point scale*No of responses / Sample size. The remark is

given at the end of each question which is based on following calculation, if the score


4 and above = Excellent

3 to 4 = Average

Below 2 = poor

Interpretation is also made in each question on the basis of the table and graph shown

in analysis chapter


Questionnaires are one of the most important and commonly used research

instruments to collect primary data.

It Is self-administered process whereby the respondent himself reads the questions

and records his answers without the assistance of an interviewer

Multiple choice questions were asked from the interviewer as it consumes less time

and gives us the exact answers. The main objective of choosing such question was to

extract the clear picture from the customers like what they actually expect from a

good banking system.



Sample element: The members selected from the population for doing the

survey constitute the sampling element. A sample of 50 customers was taken

as a sample element.

Extent: The survey was conducted in the Delhi region only.

Time frame: Total time duration for the survey took almost two months.

Sample size: 100 was the sample size of the survey.


The main source of data is primary data

100 samples does not reflect the opinion of employees as whole

Time limit was another limitation and there may be possibility of committing a

general error

Due to change in time ,policies may change


Chapter 3





Having the right person, in the right place, at the right time, is crucial to

organisational performance. Recruitment is a critical activity, not just for the HR team

but also for line managers who are increasingly involved in the selection process.

This factsheet gives outline guidance – it doesn’t replace legal advice. All those

involved in recruitment activities should be aware of all relevant legislation and the

latest legal position on issues such as discrimination, asylum and immigration and

data protection among others.

The recruitment process

The figure below gives an overview of the main stages in recruiting and selecting for

a post.

Recruitment is the process of discovering potential applicants for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. It is a “linking activity” bringing together those with jobs

and seeking jobs.


It is a process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirements of staffing

schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate

numbers to facilitate effective selection of efficient working force.

The recruitment process has two major goals:-

Generate a large pool of applicants

Providing enough information for individual to self select out of the



Before recruiting for a new, or existing position, it is important to invest time in

gathering information about the nature of the job. This means thinking not only about

the content (ie tasks) making up the job, but also the job’s purpose, the outputs

required by the job holder and how it fits into the organisation’s structure. It is also

important to consider the skills and personal attributes needed to perform the role


Ways to gather this information include observation, questionnaires, interviews or

work diaries.

This analysis can form the basis of a job description and person specification.

Job Description

Carrying out a job analysis will form the basis of a written job description. This

benefits the recruitment process by:

providing information to potential applicants and recruitment agencies who

may be recruiting on your behalf

acting as an aid in selection; eg when designing assessment activities and

making decisions between candidates.

The analysis can also be used to communicate expectations about standards to

employees and managers to help ensure effective performance in the job.


Person specification/job profile

A person specification or job profile states the necessary and desirable criteria for

selection. Increasingly such specifications are based on a set of competencies

identified as necessary for the performance of the job.

In general, specifications should include details of:

skills, aptitude, knowledge and experience

qualifications (which should be only those necessary to do the job - unless

candidates are recruited on the basis of future potential eg graduates)

personal qualities relevant to the job, such as ability to work as part of a team.

Competency frameworks may be substituted for job or person specifications but these

should include an indication of roles and responsibilities.

The document formed from the person specification can then be used to inform the

criteria you use to shortlist applicants.

Attracting Applications

Internal methods

It is important not to forget the internal talent pool when recruiting. Providing

opportunities for development and career progression is an important factor for

employee retention and motivation. The CIPD survey Recruitment, retention and

turnover 20041 found that 87% of UK organisations had a policy of advertising all

vacancies internally – using tools such as notice boards and their intranet.

Some organisations operate an employee referral scheme. These schemes usually

offer an incentive to existing employees to assist in the recruitment of family or


External Methods

There are many options available for generating interest from individuals outside the

organisation. These include placing advertisements in trade press, newspapers and on

the web. However, it is found that despite the increasing popularity of the internet-


based methods in recent years, local newspapers currently remain the most frequently

used means of attracting candidates.

Advertisements should be clear and indicate the:

outline requirements of the job

necessary and the desirable criteria for job applicants (to limit the number of

inappropriate applications received)

nature of the organisation’s activities

job location

reward package

job tenure (eg contract length)

details of how to apply.

Advertisements should be genuine and relate to a job that actually exists. They should

appeal to all sections of the community using positive visual images and wording.

Other ways to attract applications include building links with local colleges, working

with the jobcentre and holding open days.


Managing the application process

Applications can be made by form or by curriculum vitae (CV). Application forms

allow for information to be presented in a consistent format, and therefore easier to

assess objectively the candidate’s suitability when shortlisting applicants.

Application forms should:

be realistic and appropriate to the level of the job

use clear language

be piloted for readability and ease of completion

not request detailed personal information unless relevant to the job

state the procedure for taking up references, how these will be used and at

what stage in the recruitment process they will be taken

be accompanied by details of the job and clear information about the

application and selection procedure.

Any information collected for equal opportunity monitoring should be used only for

this purpose and be kept separate from information on which selection decisions will

be based (for example using a separate piece of paper or detachable slip from the

main application form).

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 it may be necessary to offer application

forms, if used, in different formats. The use of e-applications (Internet, intranet and

email) has moved into mainstream recruitment practices, again see our factsheet on

Recruitment on the Internet.


Dealing with applications

All solicited applications (eg responses to advertisements) should be acknowledged,

and where possible all unsolicited applications. Prompt acknowledgment is good

practice as it presents a positive image of the organisation. Increasingly candidates are

being treated as customers, and in a tight labour market the recruitment process works

both ways.

All applications should be treated confidentially and circulated only to those

individuals involved in the recruitment process.

Selecting the candidates

Selection decisions should be made after using a range of tools appropriate to the time

and resources available. The most common techniques are described below. Care

should be taken to use techniques which are relevant to the job and the business

objectives of the organisation. All tools used should be validated and constantly

reviewed to ensure their fairness and reliability.


The first stage in the selection process is the creation of a list from the pool of

applications received of those to be invited for interview or other assessment activity.

The process should be informed by the person specification created earlier - if time

has not been spent planning an accurate person specification this process can be

overwhelming if a high volume of applications is received.

The expansion of the use of Internet raises the opportunity for online screening. Care

should be taken in this area, see recruitment on the internet factsheet for further

details. Many companies also now make use of telephone hotlines to provide an intial

screening service by asking candidates a series of questions reflecting essential

requirements for the job.

Selection interviews

Although they remain the most commonly used selection technique according to

CIPD surveys, interviews have very poor predictive ability of suitability if conducted

by untrained individuals in an unstructured way. To have any value they should:


always be conducted or supervised by trained individuals

be structured to follow a previously agreed set of questions mirroring the

person specification or job profile

allow candidates the opportunity to ask questions.

In some instances these may be carried out over the telephone.

Candidates should be given as much information as possible prior to interview, for

example about terms and conditions, to allow them to prepare and to minimise the

risk of job offers being rejected.

Organisations should be prepared to discuss reimbursing reasonable travel costs for

attending interviews with the candidates prior to any interview.

Assessment centres

According to the CIPD survey1, 43% of organisations in the UK use assessment

centres. They are most frequently used when recruiting for managers, professionals

and graduate trainees.

Assessment centres test candidates on a range of work-related activities as individuals

and in groups. Studies have shown that they have higher validity than interviews

when predicting future job performance.

Psychological testing

Psychological or occupational testing is also a widely used selection technique.

Making the Appointment

Offers of employment should be made in writing. It is important that employers are

aware of the legal requirements of what information should be given in the written

statement of particulars of employment.

Joining the organisation

Well-planned induction enables new employees to become fully operational quickly

and should be integrated with the recruitment process.


Other points to consider

Reference checks

A recruitment policy should state clearly how references will be used, when in the

recruitment process they will be taken up and what kind of references will be

necessary (eg from former employers). These rules should be applied consistently.

Recruiters should always obtain references to check factual information such as

qualifications. But they should not ask former employers to supply a subjective

opinion as to an applicant's likely future performance. Such data is unreliable and can

be misleading.

Medical examinations

It is reasonable to require completion of a health questionnaire where good health is

relevant to the job.

Any particular physical or medical requirement should be made clear in the job

advertisement or other recruitment literature. Organisations should pay for any

medical examinations required.

When it is necessary for medical records to be obtained, the requirements of the

Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 must be observed. Care should be taken with

regard to the Disability Discrimination Act before making selection decisions relating

to employee’s mental or physical health.


The process should be documented accurately and access limited to recruitment staff.

Information should be kept for sufficient time to allow for any complaints to be


Unsuccessful candidates should be notified promptly in writing, giving feedback if

possible. As a minimum, feedback on any psychometric test results should be given.



Monitoring is not mandatory but it is good practice to ensure that all groups have an

equal chance at all stages of the recruitment process. Data collected for monitoring

should not be used for any other purposes.

External recruitment services

Many organisations make use of external providers to assist in recruitment. A range of

services are available including attracting candidates, managing candidate responses

(for example by via a call centre response service) screening and shortlisting, or

running assessment centres on your behalf.

In order to ensure an effective working relationship, remember the following:

Examine the market carefully before selecting an agency or consultancy.

Different services are provided by different agencies. It is important that an

organisation selects one which reflects its aims and objectives and has

experience of its labour market.

Be clear about what is required from an agency. Provide a brief in writing,

ensure it is fully understood and that all information given is current and


Provide an accurate and up-to-date job and/or person specification.

Agree, in writing, the responsibilities of the agency and the organisation (for

example, who will be responsible for checking qualifications or handling


Agree the selection tools to be used and the criteria against which applicants

will be selected from the initial approaches, to the short-list stage. Ensure

these are consistent with the organisation's recruitment policy.

Ensure equal opportunities standards are adhered to consistently and are in

line with the requirements for in-house recruitment.

It is important that an agency has as much information as possible about the

organisation and its requirements. It is also important that the organisation continues


to monitor standards and the service provided by the agency. This will ensure they

meet the best practice requirements set out by them.

My Viewpoint

Effective recruitment is central and crucial to the successful day-to-day functioning of

any organisation. Successful recruitment depends upon finding people with both the

necessary skills, expertise and qualifications to deliver organisational objectives and

the ability to make a positive contribution to the values and aims of the organisation.

Recruitment is not only carried out to fulfil current needs. Recruiters should always be

aware of and refer to future plans that have implications for organisational resourcing.

Recruiters also need to be fully aware of equal opportunities legislation and

understand how discrimination can occur both directly and indirectly in the

recruitment process. For example, untrained interviewers can make subjective

judgements based on non job-related criteria and some forms of advertising may

discourage or fail to reach potential applicants from certain groups. A diverse

workforce which reflects customer groups within the local community is to be


Organisations should monitor their recruitment processes continuously to ensure their

validity, and that they are non-discriminatory.

It is believed that selection processes should be based only on a candidate’s:

ability to do the job

ability to make a contribution to the organisation's effectiveness

potential for development.




Each year, typically in connection with the annual budgeting process, Department

Heads/ Process Owners must systematically review the structure, skills and

capabilities of their current organisation/employees against the requirements

necessary to effectively carry out future business plans. Based on the outcome of such

reviews, the organisation can more efficiently:

Prepare recruitment schedules and recruitment budgets.

Prepare salary and fringe benefit budget.

Prepare training schedules and budget.

Update position descriptions to account for new responsibilities.


Department Heads/Process Owners are responsible for review of their

departments and making recommendations for future requirements.

Divisional Heads/ Process Owners in consultation with the President are

responsible for providing position descriptions to HRM. HRM is responsible for

assisting Department Heads/ Process Owners in their reviews, organisational

charts, information on employee’s backgrounds and/or any other pertinent

information requested.

President in consultation with HRM and Corporate Office is responsible for

reviewing, amending and approving final manpower plans.

Application of Approved Manpower Plans

HRM will refer to the manpower plan while preparing recruitment, salary, fringe

benefit and training budgets.

Process Owners/ Divisional Heads shall ensure that job descriptions are updated if

the responsibilities of positions are altered during the manpower planning process

and providing these updated job descriptions to HRM.



The five broad levels identified in the organization are as follows:

Segment Grade Designation


Senior Management




All Positions above General Manager.

General Manager.

Deputy General Manager/ Assistant

General Manager.


Middle Management





Sr. Manager/ Manager

Deputy Manager

Section Manager

Assistant Manager


Executive Core




Sr. Engineer/ Sr. Executive

Engineer/ Executive/ Graduate Engineer

Trainee/ Management Trainee

Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Executive/

Diploma Engineer Trainee/ Graduate



Operative Core





Senior Supervisor/ Assistant

Supervisor/ Technician


Associate/ Helper


Utility Core

U-1 & U-2

U-3 & U-4






For President/ MD/ CEO

Corporate HR to prepare Manpower Requisition Form highlighting desired profile

of the candidate along with a brief Job profile.

For all new positions, approval of Chairman will be sought before filling the

vacancy. For the replacement position the note would be sent to the Chairman

after the short listing.

Recruitment will be initiated by Corporate HR. The various avenues used by

Corporate HR to look for candidates will be:

1. Looking for prospective candidates through existing data bank.

2. Internet recruitment through the various job portals on the internet.

3. Manpower requirement through the recruitment consultants.

Short listing of CV’s - Screening of the CV’s will be done by the Corporate HR

and the short listed candidates details will be forwarded to the Sr. V. P. –

Corporate. Based on the feedback, a final shortlist will be prepared for the

interview. The short listed candidates will have to fill up an application for


Interview Process - The interview procedure will be as under :

Preliminary interview - The short listed candidates will be invited for a

preliminary interview. The interview panel will consist of Head of Corporate

HR, Sr. V. P. – Corporate and a Senior Management Representative from one

of our group company.

Final interview – The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the

Chairman / Joint Venture Partners.


Reference check - Reference checks of the final short listed candidates will be

conducted by Corporate HR.

Letter-of Intent the Letter of Intent will be issued to the successful candidate, once

his salary fitment is finalized.

Employee Declaration Form (EDF) – This shall be obtained from the candidate at

the time of making an offer of intent.

Medical check up - All recruitments are subject to the candidate being found

medically fit (based on the physician report). The selected candidates will be sent

for medical check up at company approved hospitals at the discretion of the

company before final selection/ issue of letter of intent or after final selection/

issue of letter of intent.

Letter of Appointment – Appointment letter specifying the terms and conditions

of the appointment will be issued to the candidate subject to his medical fitness on

the day of joining. The letter of appointment will be issued by the Director /

Authorized Signatory of the Company.

For Vice President / General Manager

Unit HR to prepare Manpower Requisition Form highlighting desired profile of

the candidate along with a brief Job profile. Manpower Requisition form has to be

approved by the President of the Company. Manpower Requisition Form

complete in all respects will be forwarded by Unit HR to Corporate HR for

necessary action.

For all new positions, approval of Chairman will be sought by the respective

company before filling the vacancy. For the replacement position the note would

be sent to the Chairman after the short listing.

Recruitment will be initiated by Corporate HR. The various avenues used by

Corporate HR to look for candidates will be:

1. Sourcing internal candidates from group companies.

2. Looking for prospective candidates through existing data bank.


3. Internet recruitment through the various job portals on the internet.

4. Manpower requirement through the recruitment consultants.

Short listing of CV’s - Screening of the CV’s will be done by the Corporate HR

and the short listed candidates details will be forwarded to the President of the

Company. Based on the feedback, a final shortlist will be prepared for the

interview. The short listed candidates will have to fill up an application for


Interview Process - The interview procedure will be as under :

Preliminary interview - The short listed candidates will be invited for a

preliminary interview. The interview panel will consist of Head of Corporate

HR, Sr. V.P. - Corporate and President of the Company.

Final interview – The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the

Chairman/ Joint Venture Partners.

Reference check - Reference checks of the final short listed candidates will be

conducted by Corporate HR.

Letter of Intent - The Letter of Intent will be issued to the successful candidate,

once his salary fitment is finalised.

Employee Declaration Form (EDF) – This shall be obtained from the candidate at

the time of making an offer of intent.

Medical check up - All recruitments are subject to the candidate being found

medically fit (based on the physician report). The selected candidates will be sent

for medical check up at company approved hospitals at the discretion of the

company before final selection/ issue of letter of intent or after final selection/

issue of letter of intent. Standard tests to be carried out under Pre employment

medical check up.

Letter of Appointment – Appointment letter specifying the terms and conditions

of the appointment will be issued to the candidate subject to his medical fitness on


the day of joining. The letter of appointment will be issued by the President of the


For Rest of the Positions :

Recruitment for the new positions is guided by the Approved Departmental

Manpower Plan, which is derived through the objectives and business plan of the


Sanctioning authority for the annual manpower plan or any kind of additional

manpower requirement over and above the annual plan is the Chairman.

Manpower recruitment request has to be sent by the concerned department to


For all new positions, approval of President will have to be sought before filling

the vacancy. For the replacement position, the note would be sent to the President

after the shortlisting.

Recruitment will be initiated by HRM. Depending on the nature of the vacancy,

job responsibility & the lead time to fill the vacancy, the various avenues used by

HRM to look for the candidates will be :

a) Sourcing internal candidates within the group.

b) Employee referrals.

c) Campus placements.

d) Looking for prospective candidates through existing data bank.

e) Internet recruitment through the various job portals on the internet.

f) Manpower requirement through the approved recruitment consultants.

Shortlisting of CVs - Initial shortlisting of CVs will be done by HRM & the short

listed candidate details will be forwarded to the Department Head. Based on the

feedback, a final shortlist will be prepared for the interview. The short listed

candidates will be required to fill up an application for employment. Short listed


candidates in Associates & Utility Core are required to fill up the application for


Interview Process - The interview procedure will be as under :

Preliminary interview - The short listed candidates will be invited for a

preliminary interview. The interview panel will consist of a HRM representative,

a functional expert & the Department Head.

Final interview – The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the President

of the Company.

Reference check - Reference checks of the final short listed candidates will be

conducted by HRM.

Letter-of Intent the Letter of Intent will be issued to the successful candidate, once

his salary fitment is finalised.

Employee Declaration Form (EDF) – This shall be obtained from the candidate at

the time of making an offer of intent.

Medical check up – All recruitments are subject to the candidate being found

medically fit (based on the physician report). The selected candidates will be sent

for medical check up at company approved hospitals at the discretion of the

company before final selection/ issue of letter of intent or after final selection/

issue of letter of intent. Standard tests to be carried out under Pre employment

medical check up.

Letter of Appointment – Appointment letter specifying the terms and

conditions of the appointment will be issued to the candidate subject to his

medical fitness on the day of joining. The letter of appointment will be issued

by the President of the Company.




TRA 18~25 10th / 12th Standard.

ITI Apprentice 18~25 10th /12th Standard + Two years full

time course of ITI.

Diploma Engineer – Trainee

(DET), Apprentice Diploma


20~ 25 Three years Engineering Diploma

Course from a recognised institute.

Graduate Engineer – Trainee

(GET), Apprentice Graduate


21~ 25 Four years Graduate Engineering

Course from a recognised institute.

(B.E./ B.Tech. /B.Sc. (Engg.)/ AMIE)

Management Trainee 21~ 26 Post Graduate Course in Management

(MBA / PGD (Mgmt.)/ MCA/ ICWA/


Graduate Trainee 20~ 25 Graduate Degree (B.A./B.Com/ B.Sc.)



Candidates are required to bring along with, the following documents on the date of


1. Copy of the Letter of Intent.

2. All Testimonials in Original.

3. Four Passport Size Photographs.

4. Relieving Letter from the Last Employer (wherever applicable).



It is the duty of HRM to ensure that induction is dealt with in an organised and

consistent manner. The induction process starts with the framing of the induction

schedule by HRM, which is sent to all the concerned departments informing them

of the date, and time when the new incumbent shall be visiting the respective

unit/department. Adequate thrust is given to the areas where the employee shall be

dealing frequently during the course of his/her operations within the organisation.

The responsibility for induction is demarcated & all the people whom the new

incumbent needs to know are identified.

During the process of induction, the new member is briefed about the following :

1. Company Profile / Company Product

2. Geographical familiarization

3. Organisational Climate

4. Policies & Procedures

5. Socialisation with department rituals.

6. Work Systems

7. Employee Involvement activities

Once the induction process starts it is the duty of all the concerned departments to

ensure that the programme is a success.


Any change in induction schedule is to be informed to the concerned individuals

to avoid any confusion.

The immediate supervisor is responsible for :

Arranging for work area for the new employee before he/she commences work.

Detailed discussion on the job responsibilities.

Providing support and encouragement to the new employee for transition into the

company and his/her work position.

Closely monitoring the employee’s performance and providing feedback during

his/her probationary period.

Arranging for appropriate training, as needed.

Process Owners/ Divisional Heads shall ensure that job descriptions are updated if

the responsibilities of positions are altered during the manpower planning process

and providing these updated job descriptions to HRM.


The five broad levels identified in the organization are as follows:

Segment Grade Designation


Senior Management




All Positions above General Manager.

General Manager.

Deputy General Manager/ Assistant

General Manager.

LEVEL II R-4 Sr. Manager/ Manager


Middle Management




Deputy Manager

Section Manager

Assistant Manager


Executive Core




Sr. Engineer/ Sr. Executive

Engineer/ Executive/ Graduate Engineer

Trainee/ Management Trainee

Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Executive/

Diploma Engineer Trainee/ Graduate



Operative Core





Senior Supervisor/ Assistant

Supervisor/ Technician


Associate/ Helper


Utility Core

U-1 & U-2

U-3 & U-4




Chapter 4





1. Does a system of manpower planning exits within the organization?

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of

total respondents

No 5 17%

Yes 25 83%

Total 30 100%

INTERPRETATION: - 83 % of respondents confirmed that they are of the knowledge

that planning of manpower is done before the recruitment process starts. The

respondents, which answered no (17%), were of the view that it is not an important

for them to have knowledge about the same. Thus we can say that even though

company is making its efforts to make everybody knowledge savvy but some

employee don’t acknowledge it.

Does system of manpower planning

exists within the organization






2. Is your role defined in your organization: -

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of



yes 30 100%

no 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Is your role defined in your organization?

yes, 30, 100%

no, 0, 0%



INTERPRETATION: - All the employees, who were questioned, were clear about

their roles and were of the view that company is very much concerned about the fact

that everybody should have a clearly defined role for him/herself.


3. Is there a defined career plan for you?

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of

total respondents

yes 30 100%

no 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Is there a defined career plan for you?

yes, 30, 100%

no, 0, 0%



INTERPRETATION: - All the 30 employees were aware of their career plan and they

said that it is clearly expressed to them when they joined the company.


4. The selection process at Istrat Software Pvt. Ltd.?

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of



Lengthy 0 0%

appropriate 30 100%

insufficient 0 0%

total 30 100%





INTERPRETATION: - All responded affirmatively, and said that process is

appropriate and serve the purpose of recruiting the best talent in the market. One

officer & one engineer, however, shared couple of instances when wrong people were

got selected / recruited and who had to be shunted out after following due process &

paying compensation as stipulated. Considering that the Company have reasonable

large workforce, 2 instances of the nature referred to above were negligible & could

have happened in any situation.


5. How are the individuals sourced?

Reply of respondents No. of


Percentage of

total respondents

referrals 23 17%

placements 2 30%

advertisements 5 53%

total 30 100%

INTERPRETATION: - From the responses it is found out that the major source of

individuals to the company is through the references of the present employees. They

were of the view that the present employee know the culture of the and has got some

fair idea about the job requirement. They also know the prospective employee. So

they can match the required job profile and person specifications and could refer to

best employee. This process helps reducing the cost as compared to other sources of



6. Tools used in the selection process

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of

total respondents

Written test 2 0%

group discussion 3 100%

interview 2 0%

Psychometric test 0 100%

All the above 23

total 30

Tools used in the selection process

2, 7%

3, 10%

2, 7%

0, 0%

23, 76%

written test

group dis


psycho test

all the above

INTERPRETATION: - Respondents were quite aware of the selection processes used

by the company.


7. What is the lead time to hire the right candidate

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of

total respondents

2 weeks 2 0%

4 weeks 13 100%

5 weeks 4 0%

6 weeks 11

total 30 100%

What is the lead time to hire the right candidate

2 weeks, 2, 7%

4 weeks, 13, 43%

5 weeks, 4, 13%

6 weeks, 11, 37%

2 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

6 weeks

INTERPRETATION: - Respondents were divided on this question and answered both

4 and 6 weeks as the lead-time to hire the right candidate. Lead time is the time

starting from the planning for manpower requirement to the issue of appointment

letter to the candidate.


8. Do you carry out reference checks

Reply of


No. of


Percentage of

total respondents

YES 23 0%

NO 7 100%

total 30 100%

INTERPRETATION: - Reference checks are very important for the company to know

about the background of the selected candidate. And employees seem to be aware of

the importance of reference checks. They knew that reference checks are done within

the company.

Do you carry out reference checks?

Yes, 23,


No, 7, 23%









In the end, it may be concluded that: -

1. The Company has an effective & time-tested system of selection &

recruitment, which is working satisfactorily.

2. The employees are very much aware of the policy. guided by the organization

for recruitment and selection.

3. The employees are satisfied with the current selection procedure. The present

method of selection/recruitment is providing the company with effective &

efficient manpower, which is getting reflected in the performance of the

Company & is its market image as also its reputation, which has improved

significantly over the years.

4. The present system & process of selection & recruitment followed by the

Company, in the view of the forgoing, does not warrant any change. .



1. The present system of manpower planning is working efficiently and does not

require any change right now but keeping in mind the future needs of

organisation, changes should be incorporated to maintain the level of

efficiency and effectiveness. It is more so since the company have to recruit

employees for specified activities with some basic educational qualification

and experience related to the core business area of the company.

2. The awareness level is satisfactory at executive and employee level but

unsatisfactory at worker level. Therefore, management should ensure that a

high level of awareness should be there among all workers so that every body

in the company contribute towards hiring the best candidate for a particular


3. Recruitment and selection process in the organisation is appropriate because

candidates are hired through referrals generally, but other sources like

placements and advertisements should also be considered.













20-25 = 5

25-30 = 6

30-35 = 9

>35 = 10


MALE = 27









0-2 YRS = NIL

2-4 YRS = 3

5-10 YRS = 7

10 YRS = 20





2. AGE:-

20-25 YRS25-30 YRS30-35 YRSABOVE 35








1. Does a system of manpower planning exits within the organization?


2. Is your role defined in your organization?


3. Is there a defined career plan for you?


4. The selection process at Istrat Software Pvt. Ltd. is

Lengthy appropriate insufficient

5. How are the individuals sourced?

Referrals placements advertisements

6. Tools used in the selection process?

Written test group discussion interview

Psychometric test all of the above

7. What is the lead time to hire the right candidate?

2 weeks 5 weeks

4 weeks 6 weeks

8. Do you carry out reference checks?








MAMORIA, C.B, Personnel management, Himalaya publishing house

Mumbai, 1982.

T.N CHHABRA, Principles & practices of management, Dhanpat Rai and co.

(p) Ltd, Delhi, 2000.

Personnel management by Dale Yoder.