It all had to start somewhere!

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Three vehicles left the States.

It all had to start somewhere!

Upon arrival, some had tofill their bellies,

Some others could hardly wait.

The waters were calm and beautiful,

The ground was hard as….well, Rocks!

The new lodging was quite exciting,

A new fishing hole very enticing!

All the gear and beer they needed,

And the comforts of the home.

Kept their spirits high and mighty,

Though big fishes' did not roam.

But with a little luck and a quiet night of rest,

The fishing God did smile!

And smile,

And smile,

And smile,

And smile,

And smile,

And smile,

And smile,

And smile!

If Lisa & Denny would have sent pictures and Dad didn’t drowned his camera, these ladies would have fish pictures.

But less you think this place Paradise,

There were things that we didn’t like,

Ok, the Bear’s kind of cute,

There were so many places,

And so many reasons,

How can we not go back again!

I hope you had the time of your life !