IT Application Services Enterprise Applications€¦ · 25/8/2011  · • IT Educational...

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Enterprise Applications

Terry Phalen

IT Application Services Annual Assessment Report

FY 11

Linda Modiste, Assistant Vice Provost

Unit Introduction, Services, & Challenges

Welcome to

IT Application Services

Web Services

Enterprise Business Applications & Projects

Campus Applications & Database Support

Our Staff

Web Services

Jim Wyse

Lisa Berelson

Senior Web Designer

Lisa Link

Senior Web Designer

Bandhavi Kukkamalla

Web Developer

Martha Scanlon

Web Editor (M&C)

Thanh Vuong


Chao Kwok

Web Developer

Peter Tattlebaum

Web Developer

Open Position

Senior Web Developer

Enterprise Applications

Terry Phalen

Lisa Moriarty

Business Analyst

Carolyn Nelson

Business Analyst

Mary Ryan

Business Analyst

Tony Manibusan

Security Administrator

Linda Perrotto

Change Management

Tom McClennan

Security Administrator

Campus Applications

Robert Caron

Alex Policar

Application Specialist

Jeeva Arthur

DBA & Developer

Bhavesh Shah


Services we Provide

• Project management, coordination, and communications

• Business analysis and process reengineering

• Application and data integration services

• Metrics, reports, & analytics (mtd, ytd, ad-hoc) for R25,X25,HEAT,Web

• Application level change management

• Training materials, conduct formal & informal training classes

• Account provisioning & de-provisioning

• Technical advisory and assistance

• Daily application operational tasks

• Business application development, implementation, & administration

• Database administration, capacity planning, & monitoring

• Work order management

• Problem determination, isolation and resolution

Alignment to Strategic Goals

University Goals

1) Increase student access, engagement, and success

2) Attract, develop, and sustain highly effective faculty

3) Create a physical environment that supports teaching, learning, and research

4) Enhance campus-community engagement ITSD Goals

1) Communicate better, build partnerships, within IT, with customers & university

2) Continue to improve the campus infrastructure

3) Improve planning

4) Improve organizational development

5) Support teaching and learning

6) Support research

7) Improve and streamline business processes for IT and the university

How we work – It’s all about Collaboration

Application Services:

Presentation Layer

• Traditional Thick Client

• Traditional Thin Client

• Fully Web Enabled Thin Client

Application Layer

• Local

• SaaS

• Hybrid

Database Layer

• MS Enterprise SQL Server

• MySQL (Web)

Our Partners:

• IT Infrastructure &


• IT Client Services

• IT Educational Technologies

• IT Security

• Marketing & Communications

• Stakeholders across the campus

• Other UMass campus’s


• Vendors & Contractors

Now for the Real Challenges

• Proliferation of handheld technologies, at lightning speed, no end in sight

• Rate of user adoption & change is staggering, metrics gathering continual

• Speed to deliver services internally vs. those readily available in the cloud(s)

• Use of widgets, add-ons, add-ins, freeware, shareware, social networks…

• Inability to “keep up”, forces us to consider solutions (Google, Amazon…)

• Applications must be browser, device, & OS agnostic & globally available

• Content must be “fresh & refreshed often” to keep audience engaged

• Analytics value used to truly understand the audience & drive traffic

• 7 x 24 x 365 availability of applications is becoming the norm, & expected

• Global engagement is key (affect of multiple time zones, cultures, language)

• Data must be real time, available, accessible, anytime, anywhere, fully portable

• Traditional 8:00-5:00 M-F operations affected by the growth of Self Service

• Security is a growing concern, applications and layers are “loosely coupled”

Accomplishments & Goals At-A-Glance

Web Services Plan FY11

Met FY11


Web Re-Architecture Project (all Phases, & Pre/Post Launch) Yes Yes Aug ‘11

Mobile Web Rollout for Smartphones/Browser Agnostic Yes Yes Live

Campus Applications & Databases

HEAT Survey Module – Resolved Tickets for Client Feedback Yes Yes Live

HEAT Upgrade V8.4 – V9.0.2 (Cancelled), Assess SaaS Solutions Yes No Planned

HEAT Self Service Secured & Re-implemented Yes Yes Live

Expansion of MS Enterprise SQL Server Yes Yes Live

R25 Pricing Module – Event Registrations Yes Yes Live

25Live Contract Signed, Commence PeopleSoft Integration - UITS Yes Yes Dec ‘11

Enterprise Applications & Projects

PeopleSoft Student Administration, Finance, and HR projects Yes Yes UITS

Document Imaging ImageNOW - Registrars Office – Replace KeyFile Yes Yes Live

Enterprise Reporting (BI Summit) & Identity Management (IdM) Yes Yes UITS

Digital Measures (replace afrweb) Annual Faculty Reporting Yes Yes Aug ‘11

New Application Project Pipeline (DRAFT) Yes Yes tbd

Welcome to Web Services

Key Accomplishments for FY11

Jim Wyse


Accomplishments for FY11 • Web Re-Architecture Project

• Managed and coordinated all project related tasks for the campus wide replacement

of A multi-year project, nearly 3 years in the making from RFP to Go Live preparations. The project touched upon every Department & Academic Unit of the UMass Boston campus. It required solid collaboration across the University community, from a myriad of stakeholders with oversight by IT, Enrollment Management, & Communications. Limited consultant assistance was utilized beyond the initial 60 pages/18 templates. Go Live is today.

– Housed on off-site hosted server environment (development & production) using dedicated virtual servers with load balancing, GeoTrust SSL, monitoring

– Creation of a robust mobile site which is browser, device, and OS agnostic

– Established a professional CMS, EllisLab’s Expression Engine V2.0

– Procured scanning software (to assess, broken links, compliancy, accessibility, W3C, browsers, security, and code review)

– Deep integration of Google Analytics to allow significant data collection

– Completed Design, Content (Visual & Written), & Development Phases

– Assigned liaison teams to each Department & College established a collaborative, team work environment, and eased stress for our users

– Completed formal and informal training of over 100 content editors

– Creation of our first Web Governance Model, review of Branding…

– Internal build of all “pages” (over 8K) for all Departments & Colleges to simplify content entry by our numerous contributors

Welcome to Enterprise Business Applications & Projects

Key Accomplishments for FY11

Terry Phalen


Accomplishments for FY11

• Document Management & Imaging

• Managed and coordinated all project related tasks for the implementation of Document Imaging & Management (DI) with ImageNOW, a multi-campus solution hosted by UITS for Graduate Admissions (100%) and the Office of the Registrar (90 % complete), replacing Keyfile, an out-dated, out of compliance product.

– Oversaw the off site conversion of 7.5 million documents by DataBank IMX

– OCR (Optical Character Recognition) capabilities

– Increased business processing efficiency & effectiveness

– A “green” initiative, paperless with electronic signature and workflow capabilities for faculty & staff to support preparation, evaluation, and acceptance of graduate admissions applications

– Reduction of PII security risk

– Removal of “cold” storage requirements of Enrollment Services Department

Accomplishments for FY11

• PeopleSoft, BI & IdM

• Managed and coordinated all project related tasks for the multi-year, multi-campus UITS initiatives for BI (Summit Reporting) & IdM (Identity Management / Single Sign On) and all PeopleSoft ERP business systems and related modules, including Finance, HCM (Human Capital Management / HR), and Student Administration (WISER). These modules are in various stages of implementation, growth, and integration. In summary:

– PeopleSoft Student Administration module upgrade

– PeopleSoft HR, implementation of additional modules and capabilities for faculty and staff, providing Employee Self Service, Time & Labor tracking online, Manager Self Service, & eForms

– PeopleSoft Finance Upgrade to V9.1 slated for November 2011

– IdM, Identity Management Data Reconciliation and SA deployment

– BI, Summit reporting dashboards for Grants, Finance, and Human Resources

Accomplishments for FY11

• Digital Measures – Activity Insight

• Managed and coordinated all project related tasks for this UMass Boston campus initiative. This application is designed to provide all faculty the ability to easily enter their collegiate data and generate the required Annual Faculty Report. This project entailed replacement of a home grown application “afrweb”. The Annual Faculty Reports are used during the annual faculty evaluation process.

– Secure storage of faculty academic data

– Global access to the application completely web enabled

– Pre-loaded data from PeopleSoft has been integrated, supplying the faculty with departmental and course information

– Allows the association of completed (signed) Annual Faculty Report with the faculty master record

Accomplishments for FY11

• ENS, Emergency Notification System

• Managed and coordinated all project related tasks for this multi-campus vendor hosted initiative. Initial phase is designed to replace current vendor with newly selected vendor product, goals to increase our emergency response time & and rate of contact success that meets the University’s needs. Additionally, introduce a level of automation that will ensure the ENS system will always be synchronized with the authoritative data from PeopleSoft Student Administration and Human Resource systems.

– Increase efficiency & success of Emergency Notification Communications

– Ensure 99% availability of vendor hosted system

– Provide automated upload of PeopleSoft authoritative data

– Provide multi-level alert programs by class (disaster, weather, building specific)

– Provide capabilities for RSS feeds for ENS communications (website, display monitors…)

– Provide student, faculty, and staff the ability to “opt” out of non-emergency notification alerts (weather alerts)

Welcome to Campus Applications & Database Support

Key Accomplishments for FY11

Robert Caron


Accomplishments for FY11

• Deployed automated HEAT customer surveys for IT Service Desk and Customer Service Center

• Increased the use of, planning for new applications & implemented best practice capacity planning & operational monitoring for the Enterprise MS SQL Server, now housing database instances for:

– Compco

– ePo (E-Policy Orchestrator for Security)

– HEAT (IT and Customer Service Center)

– List Manager

– MS Identity Integration

– Operation Manager

– PTC – Persystent (Desktop Restore)


– Xerox (Print Services)

– SSRS (SQL Server Reporting)

– SQL Server Management Console

Accomplishments for FY11

• Signed the 25Live SaaS agreement with CollegeNET. Transition planning is in progress. This will replace our UITS hosted instance of all Series25 modules.

• Implemented the R25 Pricing module, giving the UMass Boston Campus Center the following capabilities:

– Auto Calculate the cost of an event and all items according to pre-determined criteria

– Generate a price quotation online real time, while entering the event

– Generate a printed or PDF version of the quotation for delivery to an event sponsor

– Generate a printed or PDF version of the comprehensive legal contract forms specific to the event for delivery to an event sponsor

– Split event cost items between 2 or more event sponsors on a line item basis

– Automated generation of multiple quotes / contracts to correspond

– Load price schedules as many fiscal years in advance as UMass Boston wishes

Selected Metrics for FY11

Metrics – Web Traffic Analysis Site FY10 FY11

Traditional Access–UMB Home Page

Total Hits 3,054,630 6,112,010

Unique Visitors 1,206,626 2,363,450

From Total # of Countries 174 216

Mobile Access–UMB Home Page (5/10- 7/ 10)

Total Hits 18,841 198,090

Unique Visitors 5,033 107,387

From Total # of Countries 65 125

Traditional Access-IT Home Page 9/09 – 7/10

Total Hits 453,672 1,224,158

Unique Visitors 70,901 941,796

From Total # of Countries 158 178

Metrics – Web Traffic Analysis FY11

By Countries with > 10K Hits

United States 8,623,404

Canada 37,895

China 34,364

India 29,017

Germany 12,764

United Kingdom 12,723

South Korea 10,230

Japan 10,100

Metrics – General Work Orders / Issues

Site FY10 FY11

PeopleSoft, Document Imaging, Security Training

Total Class Offerings / Students 82 / 498 88 / 355

R25 Event Management

Classes / Events Scheduled n / a n / a

Problems Reported / Resolved 3, 077 221

Web Work orders (pre- May 5 Moratorium))

Opened / Closed 314 / 175

FY12 Goals At-a-Glance

FY12 Goals At-a-Glance Initiative

Web Rearchitecture Design Post Launch Activities and Re-establishment of Normal Workload and Operations post 90 day stabilization period

Implementation of 25Live, replacement of all R25 hosted environment in UITS

Growth in the use and sophistication of Web Analytics

HEAT Replacement Feasibility Study, Goals to Decrease Cost, Increase Capabilities, possibility of SaaS solution and expansion across the campus

PeopleSoft Finance V9.1 Upgrade

IdM Identity Management Expansion (Student Administration…)

PeopleSoft HCM new modules, Candidate Gateway, Recruitment…

Document Imaging, expansions to requesting departments and colleges

Summit Reporting (BI) expansions (additional dashboard developments)

X25 expansions to assist in futures planning (Master Plan, additional University growth) and increase in user base

Integration of HEAT ticketing with Facilities TMA Work Order system

Investigation of MS Enterprise SQL Server Replication due to growth
