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Large Team Submission | Prepared by Emma Dickson




March 16, 2012




Welcome to our Level 1 Support Team

March 16, 2012



Welcome to our Service Desk and

Level 1 Support Team, we provide

24hr support, 365 days a year to our

HEINEKEN in the UK colleagues, the

wider HEINEKEN group and third


March 16, 2012



HEINEKEN in the UK is the country’s

leading beer and cider business and

part of HEINEKEN N.V, the world’s most

international brewer. The UK operating

company was formed in 2008 when

HEINEKEN N.V. acquired the UK

business of Scottish and Newcastle PLC.

Headquartered in Edinburgh, we

employ around 2,300 people. As well as

a brewer and cider maker, we manage

around 1,300 pubs through our S&N

Pub Company business.

We are passionate about our beer & cider

brands and the services that we offer to our

customers. Our unrivalled portfolio of brands

includes Foster's, Heineken, Strongbow,

Kronenbourg 1664, John Smith's and Bulmers

together with a full range of niche and

speciality brands. We have breweries in

Manchester, Tadcaster and Edinburgh and our

cider business is based in Herefordshire.

March 16, 2012



Our 2012 Submission:

The HEINEKEN in the UK, Service Desk team were

delighted to make it to the top three finalists of the IT

Service Excellence Awards in 2011. We have been

working hard across the last 12 months and we are

looking forward to sharing some of that work with you

in this year’s submission.

We have a few new faces this year including a new

Service Desk Manager, Service Account Manager and a

some new Service Desk Analysts too; who are all

supporting us to meet the demands of projects, support

new services and align ourselves with both the UK and

central HEINEKEN business.

The Service Desk team truly live the HEINEKEN values

and we certainly had a lot of enjoyment pulling our

submission together. We believe that the document

satisfies the SDI Award criteria and demonstrates how

our Service Desk delivers cutting edge IT service and

support making us one to watch!

Emma Dickson, Level 1 Support Manager.

March 16, 2012




Introduction to our Service Desk 2

Leadership 7

Policy and Strategy 13

People Management 19

Partnerships and Resources 25

Processes 31

People Satisfaction 34

Customer Satisfaction 39

Performance Results 47

Social and Corporate Responsibility 52

March 16, 2012




Business Alignment

A defined UK Business Engagement Strategy is in place which is set by our Business

Systems Director and Leadership Team in conjunction with our business.

Our three year IT Roadmap ensures that we deliver maximum return on our investments

and shows that we truly are an engaged and trusted business partner.

Our IT Roadmap is supported by a robust Business Requirements Management

framework and PMO (Project Management Office) and Project Management strategy and


Where and how do the Service Desk fit in? Within IT Service Delivery we have a Service

Transition Framework & Team. Service Transition ensures the successful transfer of the IT

Roadmap projects into live operation with minimum impact to the business, our

customers or the department.

The Level 1 Support Team have all played key roles in 2011 in supporting Service

Transition project delivery and ensuring that our Service Desk is aligned to the IT

Roadmap and ultimately our business needs. For each new project, we review our

processes, create knowledge documentation and workflows and roll out training or

knowledge transfer sessions to the whole Level 1 Team in advance of project go-live


In our 2011 Climate Survey, ‘Direction and Alignment’ delivered a 99% positive response

from Business Systems colleagues which is an increase of 19% from 2010!

Project Framework Business Gate Service Transition

March 16, 2012



Our ‘Underlying IT Principles’ show you ‘how’ our department works

March 16, 2012



Alignment to our business needs:

In 2011, HEINEKEN in the UK sold WTBS (joint venture);

this has resulted in less UK sites. As a result we received

feedback from our field based colleagues about their

challenges in getting to a HEINEKEN site if their laptop

requires swap-out. They advised that they couldn’t be

without their laptop for too long when posting it back to

the Service Desk.

In response to this, we scoped out and implemented a

laptop swap out pilot. This involves sending a vendor

engineer to a colleague’s home to perform the laptop


“Home visit swap-outs are a great

idea. This is a great step forward as

it keeps the Sales guys moving.

All very good news as it

reflects an increasing

understanding of the needs of the

field teams- a really good piece of

innovation from the Service Desk


Richard MacNair

Project Manager (OnTrade Sales)

In December, the Service Desk also supported the set-up a new site in London. Two of

our Service Desk Analysts took part in the project and were based in London for the

set-up and launch.

In May, we implemented our UK ‘StarBar’ in Edinburgh to provide a new flexible way

to seek IT Support for staff and visitors.

We have continued to deliver a series of IT Help Booths; taking our IT support on the

Road to all sites to meet and support our colleagues.


March 16, 2012



Interaction with Central IT

Leadership: Communications, Team work and Results

UK Managing Director, Stefan Orlowski, visits our

Service Desk, even dropping off a Christmas gift for

each of the team in December.

The Service Desk interacts with the IT Service Delivery

Team at Quarterly Team Briefs and the weekly

operational ‘Cascade’.

Quarterly ‘BSezine’ departmental newsletter.

IT Snippets (Business Systems Intranet) to share

information and successes.

Quarterly Departmental Briefings for whole


Bi-Annual departmental, HEINEKEN funded parties.

Departmental Brands Led Activities programme.

Climate Survey focus groups.

Star Port Development - Team Building activities

Business Agreed SLA’s in place.

Service Desk are given project opportunities

Cross skilling in Level 1 to support resource

optimisation and staffing.

March 16, 2012



March 16, 2012



Promoting the Service Desk

Over the last 2 years we have been developing an IT support brand and logo to promote our

Service Desk throughout the Business. We have done this via our Help Booths, IT Self Service

Portal, Corporate Inductions, new services e.g. the StarBar and our new ‘iGuides’.

IT Self Service Portal:

Our branded IT Banners for the Level 1 team area; we also them on the road with our IT Help Booths

March 16, 2012



Policy & Strategy Vision and Mission:

In 2011, the Service Desk reviewed our mission statement as a team, in line with the HEINEKEN in

the UK mission Statement. Everyone in the team gave their input and together we agreed our

2011/2012 team statement. We have put in a review date of summer 2012 to ensure it’s still fit

for purpose and business aligned.

We enjoyed working on this as a team to make sure that everyone has had their say and

therefore believes and champions our mission statement.

March 16, 2012



We have aligned our Operations and Service Desk strategy to the HEINEKEN in the UK strategy

March 16, 2012



Goals & Objectives:

The UK Management Team hold twice annual Leadership Cascades; this is attended by a number of

managers within Business Systems including the L1 Support Manager. This information is cascaded

downwards at the quarterly Business Systems team briefs and in our team meetings. We share the

key messages with our team and ensure they understand how their role and objectives fit into the

bigger picture.

March 16, 2012



All individuals in our team have goals and objectives that link into the company objectives.

These are discussed in monthly 121s and then again at the bi-annual Star Review.

Line Managers received extra help with SMART objective setting this year with the launch

of a new e-learning module.

This covers performance objectives, functional and technical competencies and learning

and development goals and objectives.

HEINEKEN support their people leaders by providing them with a specially tailored,

interactive Employment Law workshop delivered by an Employment Law Specialist. The

Service Desk Managers and Team Leaders have attended this training in 2011.

In our 2011 Climate Survey 98% of our staff said “HEINEKEN in the UK’s Business Strategy

and Goals are clear to me” (up 18% from 2010)

March 16, 2012



Business & Operational Plans:

The IT Roadmap portfolio of projects are delivered into operation via Service Transition. The

Service Transition framework ensures that all operational impacts are considered in advance.

All Service Transition projects are signed off by the Service Delivery Leadership team which

includes the Level 1 Support Manager.

In HEINEKEN in the UK we operate with an adapted ITIL v3 framework.

We review our Service Desk objectives bi-annually in line with the Star Review process to

ensure they are relevant and add value.

March 16, 2012



Stakeholder Input:

Annual Customer Surveys are undertaken for both the Service Desk and Business Systems; these

feed into our CSI initiatives and planning. Any customer who requested a call back was contacted

and their feedback was documented.

In 2011 we sought customer feedback during pilots of new kit e.g. iPads , new services e.g. our

Home visit laptop swap-out process and user training initiatives e.g. Microsoft Skills training for


We seek customer feedback via surveys at Help Booths and post visits to our UK IT StarBar.

The Service Desk have an integrated complaints process on our Ticketing tool which allows us to

mark a ticket as a compliment or complaint. This is backed up by our Service Desk Complaint

process .

We invite ongoing stakeholder input via our Service Account Manager who goes to all UK sites and

conducts IT Services Reviews.

Members of the IT operations team conducted a Marketing & IT Review to understand the real life

IT experiences of our marketing colleagues all over the country. The findings were translated into

a joint action plan.

Our Service Desk collates feedback on vendor performance and feed this into the L1 Support

Manager who attends key vendor meetings.

Our Service Desk has been invited to share our UK best practice with our HEINEKEN in Nigeria

OpCo. Martin Glancy, Service Desk Team Leader has been invited to their offices for 3 weeks in

early May.

Marketing & IT Review

March 16, 2012



People Management Job Descriptions:

All roles have clear job descriptions in place.

All roles are graded and have associated functional and technical competencies.

These competencies form part of the Star Review annual appraisal process.

The rating of the annual review drives employee pay rises.

Service Desk Analyst Job Description

March 16, 2012



Training & Development:

Team member training needs are identified via 121s, on the job observations and call quality

monitoring. These training needs are captured as L&D objectives in our bi-annual Star Review

process; this forms part of our on the job development plans.

HEINEKEN offer a range of development workshops; our team attended a number of sessions

which we captured in our training tracker- with over 300 learning activities recorded in 2011.

In 2011, Heineken launched its e-learning site; our team have completed the Brands Led Business

activity and gained a certificate.

All new staff are given a tailored on the job induction plan

All new permanent staff are invited to a 2 day ‘Open Your World’ Corporate Induction Event to

learn about the company.

A Career Development and Succession Planning process is in place in conjunction with HR.

All permanent members of the Service Desk team attended the SDI Service Desk Analyst Training,

which they thoroughly enjoyed. We followed the course up with mini in house sessions linking into

our CSI plan.

We are extremely proud of our IT Climate Survey Results for

2011! They showed substantial increases year on year across

a range of indicators. “Personal Development” delivered an

85% positive response (+15%) and “My Manager” ranked in

at 89% (+17%). Here is a taster of some of our results below!!

95% of colleagues gave a positive response to “My Line

Manager is accessible when I need him or her” (+5% on


90% of colleagues said “My Manager provides clear and

regular feedback on my performance” (+29%).

90% of colleagues said “I feel free to give feedback to my

Manager (+12%)

85% of colleagues said “My Line Manager coaches or

counsels me in my career development” (+24%)

94% “I feel part of the team” (+16%)

95% of colleagues said “There is good cooperation and

team work within my team (+16%)

March 16, 2012



Career Planning

Employee Feedback:

All of our team get regular feedback from their Manager via weekly discussions, monthly 121s and our Star

Review Process.

Service Desk Analyst’s calls are quality monitored regularly each month; this generates a score which feeds

into the monthly 121. All feedback is delivered in a coaching session with the Manager.

In the Level 1 Support Team, our leaders live the HEINEKEN values and we have developed a happy and

positive team culture which promotes two way feedback and innovation.

Our team are empowered to suggest new ways of working, suggest process enhancements and Knowledge

Base documentation. In our Climate Survey, 87% of colleagues responded positively to “I am encouraged to

be innovative in my job (i.e., come up with new or better ways of doing things” (+10% from 2011).

Call Monitoring

March 16, 2012



At HEINEKEN and on our Service Desk, our people definitely come first!

We all live the Heineken values of Passion for Quality, Respect and Enjoyment of Life!

We have a great rapport both in and out of work; meet some of my team and our colleagues below!

March 16, 2012



; Formal reward and recognition

Our Climate Survey results are collated and reviewed against historical data.

A department focus group was set-up in early 2011, with representation from the Service

Desk team.

In our 2011 Climate Survey, 96% of staff said “I feel proud to work for HEINEKEN’ (+22%) &

96% of staff said “I would recommend HEINEKEN in the UK a friend (+19%) and 93% of

staff said “I have a clear understanding of how my job performance is measured” (+26%).

At HEINEKEN we truly value and recognise our staff in a number of different ways:

Colleagues can achieve an annual pay rise; this is linked into their on the job performance.

Colleagues receive an annual bonus subject to company results.

Colleagues benefit from a monthly beer voucher to spend at the company shop.

Colleagues share a drink at the company Bar on Friday nights.

Colleagues benefit from twice annual departmental fully funded parties.

We regularly say ‘Thank You’ for a job well done!

Thanks are passed on via the Cascade and the IT Snippets intranet!

We also reward our staff with project opportunities

March 16, 2012



March 16, 2012



Partnerships & Resources

Service Desk - Financial Resources:

Across 2011, the L1 Support Team have been working hard to understand, control and measure

our performance against budget; so we can clearly demonstrate the value for money service that

we provide. The Level 1 Support Manager has accountability for the annual budget for training,

recruitment and service initiatives.

As a team we are also very focused on one of HEINEKEN in the UK’s ‘Must Win Battles’ which is

‘Hunt for Cash’. This means that we think about every penny we spend on anything from travel

and accommodation to educating our users about ‘Taking care of their equipment’

March 16, 2012



Our People- Physical Environment & Ergonomics:

Our Service Desk layout supports our


Open plan office providing a nice working

environment with personal desk.

Access to Team Leaders and robust IN &

OOH escalation process.

Plasma TVs, wallboards and Proximity to 2nd

and 3rd line teams.

Subsidised Canteen and Costa Coffee.

Friday Night staff bar & table football,

comfortable breakout areas- our site and

facilities have the WOW factor.

A real team spirit across the Service Delivery

and the wider Business Systems


Reward partnerships through HR ‘My

Heineken’ portal.

Heiport – Our company intranet keeps up to

date with latest company news; all UK and

International vacancies advertised including


Refresh magazine- Service Desk can share

their initiatives company wide.

Lots of amenities available from showers,

car spaces to bike racks and beer vouchers!

Access to HR advice, Occupational Health

and Health and Wellness checks.

Strong relationship with our current

recruitment provider – Alexander Mann


Onsite dry cleaning, car valet, weekly

massage clinic, jewellery and gift stands.

StarPort development tool and workshops!

March 16, 2012



UK Service Delivery

Our Recruitment Partner

Our 2L Colleagues – supporting our Knowledge Transfer and development

March 16, 2012



Tools & Infrastructure:

3rd party g. enhanced solar winds network monitoring

Service Desk Tools for the Job:

We have a CA Technologies Ticketing tool called Service Plus:

It provides us with the opportunity to export reports.

An Integrated Knowledge Base.

Integrated Change Calendar – view by period, priority, risk and status.

Integrated Configuration Management Base & Asset Management.

IT self service portal for our customers.

PC Anywhere Remote Access provides the opportunity for quick real time resolution.

Hi-Path Telephone System and 100% call recording.

IVR technology allows us to make emergency changes and refresh our message options.

Two mounted wallboards showing key statistics e.g. queue & available etc.

A testing environment for our analysts to ensure they have access to user systems to support


Our Build room offers the opportunity to build multiple laptops at one time.

Our 2nd Line teams are one of our biggest resources. The Service Desk supports the SAP team

overnight by monitoring batch performance.

March 16, 2012




ed on a 27 inch screen in the Service Desk area where Analysts can review UK map and spot any

site issues

Service Availability graph

Security via IT usage, SSL VPN,

Infrastructure & Security:

At HEINEKEN in the UK we have a managed WAN with resilient failover via dual links. The

Service Desk receive automated alerts and have a 24/7 network monitoring.

Our LAN is also managed via a third party supplier; again the team receive automated alerts

Our 2nd Line Infrastructure team look after the Heineken Network and support and play a key

role in transferring knowledge into the Service Desk especially our night shift team. This

enables us to monitor our enhanced Solar Winds - 27 inch screen with a UK map showing site


We have a strict IT usage policy in place that is cascaded to each new employee at induction.

We have Altiris software in place to deploy large scale applications and upgrades.

Further security is delivered via IT Web Security and monitoring and Symantec anti-virus and


March 16, 2012



Business Systems have a large number of Vendors, partners and

third party suppliers; these are all managed via our Vendor

Manager, Stuart Russell. He conducts formal monthly reviews,

manages all elements of Vendor performance and implements

Service Improvement Plans as required. The Level 1 Support

Manager attends key Vendor Reviews.

Stuart Russell - Vendor Manager

Engagement Resources:

24/7/365 Service Desk & IT Self Service Portal.

Company Intranet.

Global & UK Site Wireless and Guest wireless


UK Help Booths.

UK IT StarBar.

Desktop Help Icon with offline help documents.

Home Broadband.

3G, iPass and SSL VPN.

Password Reset Manager Tool.

User Software portal.

Home based laptop swap out for field based users.

Welcome to your kit sessions’

Feedback via portal desk or satisfaction survey.

BRAND NEW – iGuide Leaflets and corresponding

videos are currently in production – designed by

Level 1 team!

March 16, 2012




Behind every great service are robust processes. All our processes are designed

with our colleagues and customers in mind. We ensure they are available on our

Knowledge base but also at hand in desktop flipcharts. All changes to processes

are fully briefed out to our Analysts in a timely fashion and new processes are

always briefed before implementation. The Service Desk plays a pivotal role in our

department processes and meetings to ensure that we are delivering the best

possible service to our colleagues and customers. We have a great working

relationship with our ITIL Service Team within Service Delivery and continue to

support them in CSI activities and also general day to day Incident and Change


Incident Management – Weekly reports are sent to the Service

Desk Management team to ensure we are aware of any

changes to backlog, current request and incident levels. It also

gives a breakdown of the current problems and any updates.

We track and trend our incident via a dashboard process as


March 16, 2012



Change Management:

Service Desk Management attend a

weekly CAB and also sign off on any

RFCs put in place even if they are only

for information ensuring that we have a

full 360° view of changes. For weekend

changes a weekly meeting is held with

the Change Management team on a

Friday to ensure that our weekend shift

colleagues have a full view of the

schedule for the weekend and any

support tasks required from the Service


Problem Management – The ITIL team, Service Desk and Second Line discuss

problems every two weeks in a Service Line Review meeting. This allows us to

ensure that problems are updated and that the Service Desk is fully aware of any

changes to the status of problems and also any potential workarounds that are

available. We also have a robust process for ensuring we learn from any problems,

high priority incidents and also Major Incidents with the RCA (Root Cause Analysis)


Andrew Binian, ITIL Manager

and the ITIL team

Access Management:

The Service Desk champions the SML (Starters Movers Leavers) process. Every

Starter, Mover or Leaver will have Service Desk tasks to complete. Whether it is

additional access, creating of access or even moving account into a dead users group

we ensure that they are all dealt within a business agreed SLA. The L1 Support Team

also are heavily involved in the SML process as they need to ensure that equipment

requests are dealt with once the access has been created. The access requests are

then supplied back to the Manager in an email giving full access instructions.

March 16, 2012



Asset and Configuration Management:

The Service Desk and the L1 Support team

work hard to ensure that our Asset

Management database is up to date. We

ensure that with every new item of kit issued

or replaced that it is updated in Service Plus.

Each item of kit is assigned to a colleague

along with model, serial, asset tag and

warranty information. When an item of Kit is

issued to a colleague it has an asset tag

attached which has contact details for our

Service Desk. This potentially allows for the

asset to be recovered should they be lost or

stolen. We have regular ‘Environment days’

to check our CMDB environment.

Major Incident Process and Disaster Recovery:

The IT Major Incident Process has been in place for a number of years and is rehearsed

twice a year. The Level 1 Manager and also a Service Desk Team Leader are part of the

process and also make up the Major Incident Team. In the event of a Major Incident we

have a crash bag. The crash bag is a briefcase which has laptops, Major Incident

manuals, laptop chargers, network cables and an eight way hub should we need to re-

locate to our Disaster Recovery site. Even when the fire alarm rings the Service Desk

Team Leaders ensure a quick process is activated so callers are aware we have

evacuated the office and ensure we have the crash bag with us!

One of Our Asset Tags in place on an issued


Sungard – our DR Site

March 16, 2012



People Satisfaction People Feedback:

At HEINEKEN we run an annual climate survey to understand how our staff feel about their

job roles their manager, the company and a range of other indicators. Each year we collate

these results and identify improvements delivered and also gap areas. In each department

in conjunction with HR a climate survey focus group is established and using the results we

empower a team of IT representatives to collate team ideas, contribute to the focus group

and ultimately support the delivery of positive changes. We are very proud of our 2011

climate survey results as they show increases across almost every area.

Dimensions Overview

All the 2011 results show large increases from 2010; the management team +21% the

Customer Orientation +20% the My Manager is up 17% and the job is up 16%. These

really are results to be proud of and to continue to work on!

March 16, 2012



Direction and Alignment

My Manager

My Job

We also take staff feedback at monthly 121s ad hoc at the Service Desk via

Feedback boxes and in huddles and team meetings. We have created a

culture where all ideas and feedback are welcome as evidenced in our climate

survey responses!

March 16, 2012



Below is just a small selection of the positive outputs from the climate survey working party:

What we wanted….

1. ‘To improve the quality timeliness

and relevance of communication’

2. ‘To further embed “One Department”

which communicates and shares best

practice and feedback’

3. ‘To improve manager capability. In

coaching, feedback and career


4. ‘To introduce genuine recognition on

a departmental basis’ & ‘To review

and standardise the process for out

of hours working’

5. ‘To have clearly defined and

documented processes which are

consistently applied and used by all’

What Happened?

1. ‘SnipITs’ Business Systems intranet launched in November2011.

BS communication guidelines and etiquette. BS communication


2. ITIL essentials workshops. ‘Brands Led’ business team activities.

Paint London Green Event. “One Team” social events – BS

Summer BBQ.

3. Star Review launched with training for all line managers in

2011. Focus on setting ‘SMART’ objectives. StarPort’s

Development Guide has 47 development activities under the

Communicating & Influencing competency and 42 under

Improving & Learning

4. New OOH policy trialled during festive period 2010 &2011.

Regular recognition communicated in ‘BSezine’.

5. Business Analysis framework phased rollout launched in

February. Roadmap definition delivered through road shows in

March. BS Project Framework revised, refined and re-launched

in October.

2010 Business Systems Climate Survey Focus Group

March 16, 2012



Staff Attrition:

On the Service Desk we believe it is about selecting the right people from the

outset; whether permanent or contractors we complete a robust assessment


Once our staff start in their roles we give them the tools knowledge and support to

do their jobs via our internal induction plans. All staff are assigned a buddy to help

them though the initial induction.

Therefore it is important to us on the Service Desk to treat our staff with respect

and make sure they enjoy their role.

Luckily for us in Heineken over the entire year of 2011 we had only 1 permanent

leaver; and now he is back contracting for us! That delivers us a 0.2 % attrition rate-

see Graeme’s story below – his own words!

I left Heineken because I have always had a love for travel and wanted to have one last turn at hitting the trail and so, headed to Australia. I was sorry to leave as my time spent here working for such a prestigious company and an excellent team was really great. Once I had left I realised that I missed my life and work back home and so, 4 months later, I decided to come back to Scotland with hopes of returning to my old job. I got in touch with Emma and the team while in Australia and they welcomed me back with open arms. They had a job in place for me before I'd even entered the country which was a fantastic feeling. Now that I'm back I feel like I've never been away as I return to good fun and good work and hope to be here for some time to come. I can't speak highly enough of my managers as they have been great throughout the whole process. They encouraged me when I decided to leave and supported me when I came back. There's no place like home. Glad to be back- Graeme!

Glad to have you back to Graeme! Emma Dickson Service Desk Manager. Graeme Finch

March 16, 2012



Service Desk Employee Unplanned Absence days:

HEINKEN in the UK is committed to providing a healthy working environment for all colleagues. Our aim is to do this by implementing modern workplace wellbeing approaches, developing appropriate wellbeing policies and by providing excellent employee support services.

On the Service Desk we track our unplanned absence

on our online Absence Tracker. This allows us to

review each team member over the year to identify

any trends or patterns.

All staff who call in sick must report to a Team Leader

or leave their details for a call back; one hour prior to

shift start. This allows us to plan for contingency.

All Team Leaders have been on HR training and

understand how to manage attendance and have full

HRBP support. We have an excellent Occupational

Health Nurse where required.

The HEINEKEN absence policy has rolling trigger points

and erratic absence that exceeds our thresholds is

managed in conjunction with HR.

Our stats below show that we have a 99% attendance

rate at HEINEKEN in the UK.

Ultimately we care about our staff a lot and we make

reasonable adjustments if applicable to support our


2011 Total Work days 2011 Total Days of Unplanned Absence

2011 % Attendance

Core Team 1610

27 days 98.3%

Shift Team 1779

18 days 99%

Total Team 3389

42 days 99%

March 16, 2012



On an annual basis we collect year on year customer satisfaction that is aligned to our

organisation objectives and our customer expectations. We review these scores to regularly

assess the level of overall customer satisfaction comparing year on year trends and

identifying opportunities to improve, enhance or extend our services.

We were thrilled with our 2011 Operational customer survey responses; please see a

snapshot below! Our overall satisfaction was rated as 4.4/5 and we received a 15% response

rate. Our annual results show a year on year increase across all indicators from 2010 to


Customer Satisfaction

March 16, 2012



March 16, 2012



Each of our customers who requested a call to discuss their feedback was contacted

by Ross Laird, our Service Account Manager. He thanked them from their feedback

and completed a form for each one detailing any required actions to be taken. We

want our users to know that we value and use their feedback to effect process change

and increase our operational efficiency and business alignment.

We also publish our survey results on Heiport our company wide each year too and so

we ensure our users know what our overall results are; as part of promoting our

service but also importantly that we value and appreciate the time they have taken to

provide this feedback to us!

March 16, 2012








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80






Overall, how do you rate the quality of the service we provide?

Response Count

A sample of survey feedback

The speed in which you were met by one of the StarBar

team – 4.7/5

The StarBar Analayts manner – 4.8/5

The StarBar Analysts understanding of your issue – 4.7/5

Overall Satisfaction rating = 4.7/5

March 16, 2012



User Training & Educations:

In 2011, we have delivered some key user training and education initiatives:

Business Systems Corporate Induction Material developed and implemented.

‘Welcome to your equipment service’ & ‘Welcome to IT e-mail’

Microsoft Training pilot sessions

Six iGuide pamphlets developed on topics such as ‘Getting Connected’ and ‘Lotus Notes Help’ and

‘Blackberry Apps’. 6 iGuide Videos are underway.

Training sessions at IT Help Booths across 2012 – reaching an audience of 500+ users and generating a

satisfaction score of 4.4/5

IT Help Booth at Sales Conferences to provide assistance and training; in Jan 2012 we reached 100

staff and delivered a satisfaction score of 4.8/5!

The Service Desk Manager conducts a level of business engagement and involves the L1 team

appropriately e.g. attending pre Christmas planning department meetings; liaising with Sales on a

monthly basis and interfacing with HR on corporate induction and firming up the commuter process

from an IT perspective.

March 16, 2012



Complaint and Compliment Handling: Out Service Plus Ticketing Tool has an inbuilt facility to select

‘complaint’ or ‘compliment’. We have also aligned our HEINEKEN Complaint Management process

to the SDI process- why re create the wheel? Please see our complaint form below:

March 16, 2012



Service Account Manager - Ross Laird

Responsible for Service Management within HEINEKEN in the UK, he manages all service led aspects of the IT service provision life cycle.

His role is aligned to UK Business Systems Operations and he report directly into the L1 Service Desk Manager.

He visits all of our HEINEKEN in the UK customer sites on a monthly basis as part of my monthly formal service review engagement.

At each customer review he collates satisfaction ratings so we can build a picture of our service at site level from key stakeholders.

See pictures of Ross at our new site in London where we were awarded a 5/5 for our first formal IT Service Review!!

"Emma, It was a really useful service review meeting and a very good forum to discuss any issues. Thanks to both Ross and yourself for making the effort to come down and meet with us. Colin has been a great physical 'IT presence' in London and he has made a real difference to our commercial teams which has really enhanced their appreciation for IT as a support function in my opinion; he has been a suburb positive example of great service!” Phil Collard, UK Facilities Manager.

March 16, 2012



Customer Focused Support:

As part of our Service Delivery Team we have an

EDI Manager, Frank McNeil. He oversees day to

day operational support and E-commerce

development. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

is available 24/7, it replaces a paper based

purchase order system, reducing the chance of

human error, streamlining our processes,

improving quality and reducing costs. We

currently have approx 104 EDI vendor codes, 73

partners and approx. 15000 files per month.

We are proud to have this way in which to do

business! The Service Desk manage any EDI

Support queries via our Service Plus Ticketing

tool and they work closely with Frank on

specific processes e.g. our Tesco Advanced

Shipping Notification Process. The Service Desk

plays an integral role to support the EDI service

and thus delivery key business benefits!

Frank McNeil, EDI Service

Delivery Manager

March 16, 2012



Performance Results PERFORMANCE RESULTS:

Everything we do we have our Customers,

Colleagues and our Business in mind.

Whether it is configuring a Blackberry device

for a new Sales starter or re-imaging a laptop

for the Managing Director. HEINEKEN have

well publicised Business Competencies and

Must Win Battles using these we ensure that

our Performance measurements and KPI’s

align to these core principles.

Our KPI and Performance Measures are:

Clearly Defined metrics

Targets are relevant and directly aligned to

business objectives and industry best


Efficiently gathered, automated where


Presented in user-friendly, easy to

understand way

Drive specific decisions

Improve business outcomes.

Enable behavioural and cultural change

Embed concept of continuous improvement


Montly Measurement of Customer Touchpoints –

Inbound Calls, Outbound Calls, Self Service,

Helpbooths and Visits to the StarBar

SDA Tickets vs Calls – Ensuring that for every inbound

call we receive we log a ticket in Service Plus. Providing

us full IT customer experience history per user For

2011 we logged 100% of all our calls recieved.

Daily Level 1 Perfomance Reports – Inbound calls,

Outbound Calls, Abandonded Calls, Abandon Rate

using 15seconds as our buffer, Maximum Wait Time,

Customer Chase Up’s, Percentage of Calls Answered

within 15seconds and Daily Log of Major Incidents or

P1/P2 Calls .

Monthly Personal Scorecards – Personal SDA

Scorecards showing performance against objectives

and targets based on our StarReview objectives

First Time Fix (FTF Rate) at Level 1- Calls being

resolved by different L1 Resolver Groups alongside

the Service Desk – an average 77% of our Requests

and Incidents were resolved at 1L over 2011.

First Time Fix (FTF Rate) for Individual Analysts

First Call Resolution (FCR) – Resolution of Requests

and Incidents at Level 1

Percentage of Calls resolved within Business agreed


Backlog Management and Reporting – Weekly SIP

Reports and Incident Management Overviews

Monthly Service Account Management – Monthly

reporting showing RAG status for each of our Sites,

Number of Customer Complaints and New and

Ongoing Project updates

Three Year Rolling Call Handling Trends – Analysing

current call volumes against previous levels and help

provide guidance with resource management


March 16, 2012



Measurement of Customer Touchpoints

Abandoned Calls

Average Talk Time

Right First Time

Level 1

FTF Rate


Meeting Business Demands

Percentage of Calls resolved within Business

agreed SLA’s

Backlog Management and Reporting

Major Initiatives

As a Team the L1 Support Manager and L1 Team Leaders work closely with the ITIL Service Team

who help us monitor daily throughput but also support with Incident, Change and Problem


One Major initiative that was completed in 2011 along with the ITIL team was the re-alignment

of our requests and incidents. We completed workshops to ensure that we correctly categorise

break-fixes and service requests under the correct banner. The benefits achieved were the

ability to determine what our true customer IT experience was. From these we worked out that

Mean Time between Incidents (MTBI) for our HEINEKEN users is currently 40 days. With this in

mind we also began a campaign to promote the Self Service Portal. It a saw a change of culture

from calling the Service Desk towards using our portal. In 2011 we increased the level

percentage of Self Service Calls vs Inbound calls from 6% to 25%, allowing us to ensure that we

focus fully on high priority and greater business impact inbound calls to the Service Desk.

We re-launched our Call Quality and Coaching in 2011 using Passion for Brands under a new

name called ‘It’s your Good Call’. The new process is customer focused ensuring that we meet

all our objectives both at a personal level for our SDA’s but also as part of Business Systems. We

introduced a new scoring system which mirrors our current Star Review scoring system. This

allows us to recognise our SDA’s efforts in a greater way rather than a simple yes/no scoring


March 16, 2012



March 16, 2012



March 16, 2012










Jan % Feb % Mar % Apr % May % Jun % Jul % Aug % Sep % Oct % Nov % Dec %

Abandon Rate 2010 - 2012

2010 Abandon Rate ( Raw )

2010 Abandon Rate ( Normalised )

2011 Abandon Rate (Raw)

2011 Abandon Rate (Normalised)

2012 Abandon Rate (Raw)

2012 Abandon Rate (Normalised)

March 16, 2012



Social and Corporate


Community Integration Through our strategic initiative 'HEINEKEN

Cares', we focus on the empowerment of our

people and the communities in which we


Our business is one that has long been at

the heart of communities, both through

brewing and cider making as well as our

links to the pub trade, and HEINEKEN in the

UK has a strong history of contributing to

these communities.

HEINEKEN in the UK is the first ever alcohol

company to achieve the CommunityMark.

As well as opportunities to encourage

alcohol responsibility, we focus on building

long term relationships especially with

communities where we have major


During 2011 we have had two people join the

desk on Work Experience. We are firm believers

of enabling people to get their first steps onto

the IT ladder. Both really enjoyed their time

with HEINEKEN and we gave feedback on their

work experience to the schools.

“I decided last year

that I wanted to do

some charity or

voluntary work.

After looking at

various options, I

chose to start a

voluntary position

with Barnardo's of


I spend a few hours a week with a primary aged child, doing activities with them or taking them to the cinema/bowling alley etc.”

Paul Hunter one of

our Service Desk

Analysts is a volunteer

for Barnardo’s

providing help to


March 16, 2012



Charitable Activities

Environmental Protection

Service Desk Analyst Helen Robertson,

has been involved with the Beavers for

quite some time!

“I run the 12th Midlothian Beavers, and have done for 13 years. This is part of the scout movement for boys aged 6-8years. We meet each week, for fun activities, easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others.”

RECYLCING OF KIT We use BTR as our appointed UK Recycling agents and have been doing business with them for over 5 years now and have established a close working relationship. Over the years, through our various restructures, BTR have assisted us with site closures and openings and general offices moves ensuring that any IT kit movements have happened with minimal disruption to our business. Over 98% of the material that they handle is NOT consigned to landfill - a figure that significantly exceeds all targets currently promoted within the EU. They understand our needs and offer a tailored service that is both flexible and responsive which can cater for our ever changing industry. Any data contained on the hard drives is physically removed and then wiped using the latest "Blancco" software erasure programme - Blancco is acknowledged as the most effective product of its type and is the only product authorised by the Government for data erasure upto "Enhanced" and "Baseline" standards. A typical collection of old IT related kit: • Desktops 30 • Laptops 68 • TFT/CRT monitors 35 • Printers 7 • Peripherals 127 • Telecoms 15 • AV equipment 2 All equipment collected totalled 5 pallets and weighed in at just over a metric ton.

HEINEKEN support many many

charities around the world. HEINEKEN

pledge to double moneys rose for

charities by employees. In the UK one

that gets alot of attention is

Movember. Last November a group or

colleagues from Business Systems and

the Service Desk joined Movember

and proudly sported a moustache for

the fund raising! Overall they raised

£552! See the photo below!

On the 17th September,

members of the Service Desk

joined with HEINKEN

Business Proficiency Team to

take part in the Marine

Conservation Society's

Beachwatch weekend.

“We're keen environmentalists and wanted to become

involved. We've already been involved in setting up

projects in the office, including providing mugs for

staff to save on plastic cups and removing bins to

encourage recycling.” Michael Finnan, L1 Team


March 16, 2012



Brewing a Better Future

Energy and Waste

HEINEKEN UK energy use is lower than the global HEINEKEN average.

We need energy to brew and package our brands and to heat, cool and light our offices. Saving energy reduces our costs and increases our profitability.

We recycle more than 95% of our waste.

The predominant waste produced by our manufacturing sites is organic material removed from beer during maturation and recovered as a fertiliser. The remaining waste, mostly packaging, is largely recycled.


Our Manchester brewery is one of the most water efficient HEINEKEN breweries globally.

We need water to brew beer, make cider and package our products, therefore both water availability and quality are priorities.

We release water once it has been used in the brewing process with our sites producing large volumes of effluent. This requires treatment to minimise any possible environmental impact. Our Tadcaster and Manchester breweries have on-site effluent treatment plants, helping us increase business efficiency and reduce costs. Managing, treating and reducing water consumption is a high priority.

March 16, 2012



We hope you have enjoyed reading our submission as much as we enjoyed creating it.

We hope this has given you an insight into our IT Service and Support at


Thank You!