ITBHU – The missing I, Thinking Global, and more Animesh Pathak CSE03.

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ITBHU – The missing I, Thinking Global, and more

Animesh Pathak


April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

The Elephant in the Room

Official GoI press release March 28, 2008

“In addition, it is also proposed to convert the Institute of Technology of the Banaras Hindu University into an IIT. Admission to this Institute is already based on the IIT – Joint Entrance Examination.”

Thanks to Yogesh Upadhyaya CHE’77 for the info in these slides.

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet


Is the news real? Yes Announcement made by HRD Minister Confirmed that list is approved by the PM

What will be the new name of the institute? IIT-BHU, Varanasi

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet


What will the admin structure be? Similar to the IITs But: executive head be the VC of BHU.

How long will it take Complex political process Less than a year [by our estimates] If everything goes as per the plan, this may happen

before the end of next academic year (2008 – 09). Students graduating in 2009 will get an IIT-BHU


April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

Conversion Process20% Govt. announce its plan for conversion of IT-BHU

into an IIT 50% Govt. modifies IIT Act, 1963 in the parliament 60% BHU Executive Council approves separation of IT

from BHU 80% Govt. modifies BHU Act, 1969 (amended) in

parliament 80% Govt. notifies the institute and university to go

ahead for IIT status 85% University and institute complete administrative

formalities, inform govt.90% Govt. announces in parliament about IIT-BHU and

sends final notifications to university, institute, IIT board and state govt.

95% A notice is published in govt. gazette Extraordinary.

100% The institute starts functioning as an IIT.

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

More on the IIT process

Telecon tomorrow morning with the Director and VC to get their perspective

Publicity blitz in Indian media to thank the authorities involved Raising money for the above

Updates will be posted on the main page of

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

ITBHUGlobal: What and Why What is it?

“ITBHU Global Alumni Association Inc.” Registered as a non-profit in NJ Umbrella org of ITBHU Alumni

Why the new org? [the org and the website] was getting

restrictive This has a much broader base 80+ alumni [’63 – ’07] on the core volunteer list Includes nearly all the core volunteers from

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

ITBHUGlobal: Purpose and Structure

Purpose: to support alumni groups with Website/technical facilities Fundraising Mechanisms Liaising help with the institute

Structure Council of Representatives [Chapter/Batch reps] Board of Directors/Office Bearers

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

ITBHUGlobal: Next Steps

Open Bank Account Submit Bylaws Get IRS Tax exemption Hold Elections for first non-interim board

Raise $10M by 2010

Updates on Please keep your e-mail address up to date on

the database

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet The website Classic Stuff

Alumni Database IIT updates Newsletter: The Chronicle Chapter Websites Forums

New Stuff Photo Gallery Improved Forum Election System Reunions Whatever you want! :-)

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet

What you can do

Strengthen the SV chapter

Update your profile on

Wear your pride on LinkedIn

Volunteer Fundraising Website IIT

April 05, 2008 Silicon Valley Alumni Meet


Photo Credit: Vishesh Parekh (Mechanical 1983)