Iterative Decoding of Concatenated · then move onto...

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Iterative Decoding of ConcatenatedCodes

By Kjetil Fagervik

June, 1998

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Thesis submitted to the University of Surrey for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Centre for Communications Systems Research School of Electronic Engineering, Information Technology and

Mathematics University of Surrey

Guildford, Surrey United Kingdom

© Kjetil Fagervik, 1998


I would like to direct some deep-felt gratitude to a wide range of people and institutions who have m ade the work described in this thesis possible. Firstly I would like to thank Professor Barry Evans, Professor Ahmet Kondoz and my advisor Tony Jeans a t the Centre for Communications Systems Research (CCSR) a t the University of Surrey, as well as CCSR itself, for providing funding and facilities for this PhD study, for their continuous faith in this research project, and for allowing me the freedom to define and carry out the research in the way I thought m ost suitable. I would particularly like to direct gratitude to my advisor Tony Jeans for fruitful discussions a t tim es when the future direction of the project appeared diffuse. I also thank Dr. Roger Seebold for his friendship, and for first suggesting to me the possibility of undertaking a PhD.

I would also like to thank the Norwegian Research Council (Norges Forskningsrad) for funding the la tte r 1.5 years of this project, enabling financial freedom to fully pursue the research.

I would also like to thank other researchers and PhD students a t CCSR for great friend­ship, invaluable discussions and critical comments on the research. In particular, I thank Stephan W esemeyer for meticulously reading and commenting upon this thesis, Hai Pang Ho for discussions on hard-decision decoding algorithms of block codes, John Paffett of Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. for discussions concerned w ith practicality issues of Turbo Codes and Philipos Psilionis for providing H-263 coded video sequences for 'real- life' testing of Turbo Codes.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife Liz for all her support and encouragement through­out the work on this PhD research project.

Summary of Thesis

This thesis is concerned with the area of decoding techniques of concatenated, error cor­recting codes using various soft-in /soft-out decoding algorithms, as well as with the construction of these codes.

Initially, we consider in some detail the theory behind a communications systems, whereby the transm itter, channel and receiver are quantified and analytically defined. We use these definitions to define soft-decision decoding algorithms of error correcting trellis codes, after having considered the theory behind the construction of such codes, where both of the common classes of convolutional and block codes are trea ted . We then move onto concatenated coding schemes, considering both traditional, serially con­catenated coding schemes whereby the outer code is decoded by means of hard-decision decoding m ethods, as well as new soft-decision decoding schemes. We trea t in some detail the construction of parallel concatenated codes, decoded by means of iterative de­coding algorithms, also denoted Turbo Codes. We then extend the principles introduced in this part to also apply to serially concatenated codes of Reed-Solomon and convolu­tional codes. Finally, we consider spectrally efficient coded m odulation techniques using iterative decoding techniques.

The main research achievements resulting from this work include:

• The reduction in complexity and decoding delay latency of iterative decoding schemes involving traditional, parallel concatenated Systematic Recursive Convo­lutional (RSC) codes, as well as several novel code and decoder configurations using these codes.

• The developm ent and application of soft-in /soft-out decoding algorithms of seri­ally concatenated convolutional and Reed-Solomon codes. Non-iterative and ite ra­tive decoding algorithms are investigated and presented in this thesis, for both the AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. A major finding of this research is th a t serially concatenated coding schemes appear more suitable for systems in which very low Bit Error Rates are required than do parallel concatenated schemes. These results apply for both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.

• The proposal and investigation of spectrally efficient coded m odulation schemes in­volving binary BCH and non-binary Reed-Solomon codes for which very high spec­tra l efficiency may be obtained, even when used w ith m odulation schemes w ith a small alphabet. This work has also resulted in a novel, low complexity dem odu­lation algorithm for giving soft outputs a t the bit level for non-binary m odulation schemes.


1 Preface 1

1.1 Thesis O u t l i n e .......................................................................................................... 2

2 System Definitions 5

2.1 The M o d u la to r .......................................................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Representation of M -ary Phase Shift Keying (M-PSK) Signals . . . 7

2.2 The C h a n n e l ............................................................................................................. 10

2.2.1 The Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel ....................................... 10

2.2.2 The Fading C hannel..................................................................................... 12

2.2.3 Characterisation of the M ulti-Path Fading C h a n n e l............................. 14

2.3 The Optimum Receiver In The Memoryless Channel .................................... 16

2.3.1 The Optimum D e te c to r ............................................................................... 17

2.4 C o n c lu s io n ................................................................................................................. 20

3 Channel Coding Fundamentals 21

3.1 The Channel E ncoder............................................................................................... 21

3.2 The Channel D e c o d e r ............................................................................................ 24

3.3 Finite Fields .............................................................................................................. 26

3.3.1 Definition of a Field .................................................................................. 26

3.3.2 Definition of a Finite F i e ld ........................................................................ 27

3.3.3 Creating a finite field G F ( Q ) ..................................................................... 28



3.4 Convolutional C o d e s ................................................................................................ 30

3.5 Linear Block C o d e s ................................................................................................... 40

4 Soft-In/Soft-Out Decoding Algorithms 55

4.1 Statem ent of p r o b le m ............................................................................................ 55

4.2 The Viterbi A lg o r ith m ............................................................................................ 57

4.3 Performance Bounds on Convolutional Codes ................................................ 60

4.4 BCJR algorithm d e s c r ip t io n .................................................................................. 62

4.4.1 The Log-BCJR a lg o r i th m .......................................................................... 65

4.4.2 The algorithm over the Rayleigh fading ch an n el................................. 67

4.4.3 BCJR decoding - an e x a m p le .................................................................... 70

4.4.4 Decoding on a continuous b a s i s ........................................... 76

4.5 The Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm .................................................................... 77

4.5.1 SOVA Decoding E x a m p le .......................................................................... 81

4.5.2 The statistics of the Soft-Decision Outputs of the S O V A ................ 82

4.6 The Probability Density Functions .................................................................... 87

4.7 C o n c lu s io n ................................................................................................................ 97

5 Concatenation of Codes 100

5.1 Traditional Concatenated Coding S c h e m e s ...................................................... 102

5.1.1 The inner Convolutional C o d e ................................................................ 102

5.1.2 The outer Reed-Solomon C o d e ................................................................ 103

5.1.3 The Interleaver and D e - in te r le a v e r ..................................................... 104

5.1.4 Performance of concatenated coding s c h e m e s ..................................... 106

5.2 Soft-Decision Concatenated C o d in g .................................................................... 107

5.2.1 Description of Constituent c o d es ............................................................. 108

5.2.2 Simulation R e s u l t s ......................................................................... 109

5.2.3 Serial Concatenation of Convolutional C o d e s ..................................... 112


5.3 Parallel Concatenation of C o d e s ........................................................................... 114

5.4 Concluding R e m a rk s ................................................................................................ 116

6 Iterative Decoding 118

6.1 Turbo C o d e s .......................................................................... .................................. 119

6.1.1 Decoding Algorithm for Iterative D e c o d in g ........................................ 120

6.2 Interleaver structures for Turbo C o d e s .............................................................. 123

6.2.1 Performance of convolutional interleavers in Turbo C o d e s .............. 124

6.3 Suitability of RSC codes for iterative d e c o d in g ................................................ 126

6.4 Performance of Turbo C o d es .................................................................................. 129

6.4.1 Identical codes in e n c o d e r ....................................................................... 129

6.4.2 Lowering the error floor of Turbo C o d es ............................................... 130

6.4.3 Effects of puncturing in Turbo Codes . . ............................................ 132

6.4.4 The m etric multiplication fac to rs ............................................................. 134

6.5 Low Complexity Turbo C o d e s ............................................................................... 136

6.6 Trellis Termination of RSC C o d e s ....................................................................... 137

6.6.1 Trellis term ination through non-stationary e n c o d e r s ....................... 138

6.6.2 Simulation of Turbo Codes using non-stationary c o d e s ................... 138

6.7 Hybrid Parallel and Serial Concatenations of c o d es ......................................... 139

6.8 Concluding Remarks on Turbo C o d e s ............................................................. . 142

6.9 Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated C o d e s ......................................... 142

6.9.1 Decoding A lg o rith m s................................................................................. 144

6.9.2 Simulation R e s u l t s ..................................................................................... 144

6.10 Performance of iterative decoding schemes with C S I ...................................... 147

6.11 C o n c lu s io n ................................................................................................................. 149


7 Spectrally Efficient Coding and Modulation 151

7.1 A bit-by-bit soft ou tput dem odulation a lgo rithm ............................................. 153

7.1.1 B ack g ro u n d ................................................................................................... 153

7.1.2 The optim um bit by bit soft output d e m o d u la to r .............................. 154

7.1.3 The sub-optim um bit by bit soft output d e m o d u la to r .................... 155

7.1.4 Comments on the nature of the a lg o r i th m s ........................................ 157

7.1.5 Performance of the a lg o r i th m ................................................................. 159

7.2 Iterative decoding of high rate block c o d e s ....................................................... 159

7.2.1 Encoder D e s c r ip t io n .................................................................................. 160

7.2.2 Decoding algorithm d e s c r ip t io n .............................................................. 161

7.2.3 System Considerations and Simulation R e s u l t s ................................. 163

7.3 C o n c lu s io n ................................................................................................................. 166

8 Conclusion 168

8.1 R e s u l t s ........................................................................................................................ 168

8.2 Future R e s e a rc h ....................................................................................................... 170

A Case Study: The DVB-S standard 173

A .l In tr o d u c tio n ............................................................................................................. 173

A.2 Overview of ETS 300 421 ........................................................................................ 174

A. 3 Transmission S y s te m ............................................................................................... 174

A.3.1 System D efin ition ......................................................................................... 174

A.3.2 Data F o r m a t t in g ......................................................................................... 176

A.3.3 Outer Code (RS), interleaving and framing ......................................... 177

A.3.4 Baseband Shaping and M o d u la t io n ....................................................... 178

A.3.5 Performance R equirem ents........................................................................ 179


B RSC Codes Suitable For Use In Iterative Decoding 182

B .l i/ = 2 ............................................................................................................................ 182

B.2 i/ = 3 ................................................ 183

B.3 i/ = 4 ............................................................................................................................ 184

B.4 v = 5 ............................... 185

B.5 v = 6 ............................................................................................................................ 185

C Publications 187

List of Figures

2.1 Elements of communications system. Filtering of the signal is inherent in both modulator and demodulator...............................................................................................

2.2 M-PSK signal g en era tio n ..................................................................................................

2.3 Frequency response of the VRC filter and the RC filter...............................................

2 .4 The pdf of the Rayleigh fading envelope re(t) and its accumulated distribution . .

3.1 Illustration of code p a r a m e te r s ...........................................................................

3.2 Illustration of decoder p a r a m e te r s ................................................................................

3.3 Illustration of convolutional c o d e ....................................................................................

3 .4 Convolutional encoder of code with [G(E>)] = [7 5] ...................................................

3.5 State Diagram of code with [G(£>)] = [7 5] ..................................................................

3.6 Block diagram of R = 2/3 convolutional code. [G(D)] as defined in equation (3.35).

3.7 Trellis derived from the state diagram of Figure 3.5 of the [7 5] convolutional code

3.8 Trellis derived from the state diagram of the R = 2/3 convolutional code depicted in Figure 3.6 . . .............................................................................................................

3.9 Block diagram of the RSC(7,5) c o d e .............................................................................

3.10 BCH encoder with g(D) = 1 3 ............................. ..............................................................

3.11 Block diagram of polynomial division circuit ..............................................................

3.12 Block diagram of encoder of systematic cyclic c o d e s ...................................................

3.13 Equivalent systematic encoder of the code drawn in Figure 3 . 1 3 ..............................

3 .14 RS encoder constructed over GF(23) .............................................................................

3.15 Systematic RS encoder constructed over GF(23) ...........................................................


3.16 State diagram of BCH code with g(D) = 1 3 .................................................................. 52

3.17 Trellis of BCH code shown in Figure 3 . 1 0 ...................................................................... 53

3.18 State diagram of systematic BCH code with G(D) = 1 3 ................................................ 53

3.19 Trellis of BCH code shown in Figure 3 . 1 3 ..................................................................... 54

4.1 Illustration of code p a ra m e te rs ........................................................................................ 55

4.2 Trellis of the considered c o d e ................................................................................... 56

4.3 Trellis of code to be d e c o d e d ................................................................................... 70

4 .4 Branch metrics as seen in the tre l l is ................................................................................ 72

4.5 Values associated with each state after forward recursion ..................................... 74

4.6 Values associated with each state after backward r e c u r s io n ..................................... 75

4 .7 Path through trellis of the decoded s e q u e n c e .............................................................. 76

4 .8 Example of notation in trellis. Decoding depth is given by the parameter S. . . . 78

4.9 Trellis of code to be decoded using SO V A ............................................................. 81

4.10 Trellis of code after receipt of the first 2 channel s y m b o ls .......................................... 82

4.11 Trellis of code at time i = 2................................................................................................. 83

4.12 Trellis of code at time i = 3................................................................................................. 84

4.13 Trellis of code at time *' = 4................................................................................................. 85

4 .14 Trellis of code at time * = 5................................................................................................. 86

4.15 Trellis of code at time *' = 5 with decoded sequence h ig h lig h te d ............................... 87

4.16 Trellis configuration when the mean of the reliability value, A(-) = AEcb................. 88

4.17 Trellis configuration with A(-) = Y lE cb, but yielding wrong d e c is io n ...................... 90

4.18 State Diagram of [G(£>)] = [7 5]s code.............................................................................. 91

4.19 The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf’s of the reliability values before trace-back at Eb/No = OdB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decoded bits........................................................................................................................... 92

4.20 The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf’s of the reliability values before trace-back a t Eb/No = 3dB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decoded bits........................................................................................................................... 93


4.21 The pdf’s of the reliability values before trace-back at E b /N 0 = O d B ..................... 94

4.22 The pdf's of the reliability values before trace-back at Eb/No = 3 d B ..................... 95

4.23 Trellis configuration showing trace-back operation of S O V A ........................................ 96

4 .24 The pdf's of the reliability values after trace-back at E b /N 0 = O d B ........................ 97

4.25 The pdf’s of the reliability values after trace-back at Eb/No = 3 d B ........................ 98

4.26 The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf’s of the reliability values after trace- back at Eb/No = OdB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decodedbits.......................................................................................................................................... 99

4.27 The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf’s of the reliability values after trace- back at Eb/No = 3dB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decodedbits.......................................................................................................................................... 99

5.1 Block diagram of serially concatenated channel coding scheme.................................. 101

5.2 Block diagram of non-systematic, v = 6 convolutional c o d e ................................... 103

5.3 BER performance of non-systematic, v = 6 convolutional c o d e ................................ 104

5.4 BER performance of RS (255,223) and RS (204,188) c o d e s ....................................... 105

5.5 8 x M Block In te r le a v e r .................................................................................................. 106

5.6 Configuration of the Forney convolutional in te rle a v e r............................................... 107

5.7 BER performance of DVB-S system using the un-punctured, v = 6 convolutional code.108

5.8 RS encoder constructed over GF(23) ............................................................................ 109

5.9 Performance of SOVA and BCJR algorithms in concatenated schemes........................ 110

5.10 Performance of bit and symbol interleaving in the concatenated coding schemes.. I l l

5.11 Performance of concatenated v = 6 convolutional code and RS (7,5,3) code over the Rayleigh fading channel....................................................................................................... 112

5.12 Performance of concatenated v — 6 convolutional code and RS (15,13,3) code overthe Rayleigh fading channel................................................................................................ 113

5.13 Performance of concatenated convolutional codes using soft-in/soft-out decoding 114

5.14 Performance comparison of concatenated convolutional codes with and without in­terleaving............................................................................................................................... 115

5.15 Block diagram of effective code formed by concatenation of Ri — 1/2 and Rn = 2/3 code with no interleaver...................................................................................................... 116


5.16 Block diagram of P codes in parallel concatenation. ........................................ 117

6.1 Block diagram of 2 parallel concatenated RSC c o d e s ........................................ 120

6.2 Block diagram of decoding algorithm for parallel concatenated RSC codes.... 121

6.3 Block diagram of iterative decoding algorithm of two parallel concatenated convo­lutional codes. Al(di) denotes the soft outputs of the first decoding stage of the pth iteration, whereas A£(<&) denotes the soft outputs of the second decoding stage ofthe same iteration................................................................................................................. 121

6 .4 Block diagram of p iterations of a pipe-lined iterative decoding algorithm of two parallel concatenated co d e s ............................................................................................... 122

6.5 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleavers (2 iterations) 125

6.6 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleavers (2 iterations) over the fully interleaved Rayleigh fading ch an n e l....................................................... 126

6.7 State diagram of RSC code with generator polynomials g(D)RSc(7 ,5) = [1 5/7]s . 128

6.8 Performance comparison of R = 1/2 Turbo Codes with differing number ofdecoder iterations. The constituent encoders both had generator polynomials9 (D) r s c (3 7 ,21) = [1 21/37]s - Interleaving: Convolutional with N = 13 and J = 3. . 130

6.9 Performance comparison of R = 1/2 Turbo Codes with encoders of differing com­plexity. Interleaving: Convolutional with N = 13 and J = 3. 131

6.10 Performance comparison of R = 1/2 Turbo Codes of the conventional scheme with that of a scheme using two different codes...................................................................... 132

6.11 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleaver puncturing rates.The constituent encoders had generator polynomials gi(D) r s c (37 ,21) = [1 21/37]sand 9 2 (D) r s c (31 ,27) = [1 27/31]s........................................................................................ 133

6.12 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with differing multiplication factors. All curves are for a decoder consisting of 12 iterations..................................... 134

6.13 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleaver sizes. The con­stituent encoders were gi(D)RS0 (37 ,21) and 9 2 (D)Rsc(3 i,\27) .......................................... 135

6.14 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with SOVA, gi(D)RSc(3 7 ,2 i) = [1 21 /37]sand 9 2 (D)rsc(31 ,27) = [1 27/31]s........................................................................................ 136

6.15 Simple iterative decoder using S O V A ............................................................................. 137

6.16 Non-stationary encoder of RSC code g(D)RSc(7 ,5) = [1 5/7]s and non-systematicfeed-forward convolutional code g(D)FF(7i5) = [7 5 ] g ................................................ 139


6.17 Performance of trellis terminated Turbo Codes



6.18 Performance of hybrid concatenated coding schemes. Interleaver for inner Turbo Code: Convolutional with J = 53, N = 33. Interleaver between outer and inner code: Convolutional symbol interleaver with J = 17, N = 12...................................... 141

6.19 Iterative decoding algorithm of serially concatenated c o d e s ..................................... 144

6.20 Performance of iterative decoder of RS (7,5,3) and RSC[37 ,2i]8 codes......................... 145

6.21 Performance comparison of parallel and serially concatenated schemes, decoded iteratively. ........................................................................................................................ 146

6.22 Performance comparison of parallel and serial concatenated schemes, decoded it­eratively. The inner RSC code is punctured to have rate Rn = 2/3............................ 147

6.23 Performance comparison of iterative decoders of parallel and serially concatenated schemes over the Rayleigh fading channel....................................................................... 148

6.24 Performance comparison of Turbo Codes over the Rayleigh fading channel with CSI available ............................................................................................................................ 149

6.25 Performance comparison of concatenated RS and RSC code over the Rayleigh fading channel with CSI available.................................................................................................. 150

7.1 Encoder and signal mapper of pragmatic Turbo Coded m odu lation ......................... 151

7.2 Decoder of pragmatic Turbo Coded m o d u la tio n .......................................................... 152

7.3 Signal Constellation Diagram for Gray Coded 8 P S K .................................................. 158

7.4 Performance Comparison of the a lg o rith m s................................................................. 160

7.5 RS codes in parallel c o n c a te n a tio n ............................................................................... 161

7.6 Iterative decoding algorithm of parallel concatenated RS codes ............................. 162

7.7 Performance of some selected Turbo Coding schemes with QPSK modulation. . . 164

7.8 Performance of coding schemes with high spectral efficiency using 8PSK modulation. 165

7.9 Performance of coded 8PSK systems in Rayleigh fading. The number before the # denotes the number of iterations used............................................................................. 166

A .l Block diagram of DVB-S transm itter . . ................................................................. 175

A.2 DVB-S framing structure after MPEG-2 and RS encoding............................................ 176

A.3 Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator/decoder................................................... 177


A .4 QPSK Symbol Constellation

List of Tables

4.1 BCJR decoding example: Channel O u t p u t s ...................................................... 71

4.2 BCJR decoding example: Branch M e t r ic s ......................................................... 71

4.3 Transfer f u n c t io n s .................................................................................................. 89

A .l Inner convolutional code r a te s ............................................................................. 180

A. 2 Performance R e q u ire m e n ts ................................................................................. 181


Chapter 1


The invention of Turbo Codes, the description of which was first published in [1], m arked a significant step forward in the area of Forward Error Correction coding and inform a­tion theory. Prom inent researchers have even gone so far as to say th a t the advent of Turbo Codes is the m ost im portant event since the publications by Claude Shannon of the founding papers of the area of information theory, e.g. references [2], [3] and [4]. The initial reaction to Turbo Codes was one of scepticism and disbelief, making Turbo Codes prone to criticism based on practicality issues. It is a fact th a t the scheme presented in [1] imposed substantial processing and memory requirem ents on the decoders, yielding a very high overall delay in the decoding process. However, soon after this initial paper on Turbo Codes, articles started appearing in conference proceedings and journals on a global scale, in which the results of [1] were validated, often w ith less complex decoders.

This study in the area of Turbo Codes was initiated in the beginning of 1995, and to our knowledge there were only a handful of papers available on Turbo Codes a t th a t tim e, comprising [1], [5], [6], [7], [8] and [9]. However, the concept of Turbo Codes sparked off nothing less than an explosion in term s of research undertaken in this area, and som e 3 years afterwards there are literally hundreds, possibly thousands, of papers available on iterative decoding and related subjects. At the tim e of writing, there is a w ell-kept database of papers related to this area a t the In ternet site of the Communications, Con­trols and Signal Processing Laboratory (CCSP), University of Virginia, w ith the WWW address http://w w w SL/turbo_codes/.

The invention of Turbo Codes was apparently a gradual and experimental process. To quote Battail [10], who worked closely with the team who invented Turbo Codes:

'The invention of Turbo Codes has been an unprecedented event in the field of communication [1]. The design of these codes did not indeed consist of optimising some given criterion, as usual, but was the result of an experi­



m ental process where sim ulation was used in order to jointly adjust several param eters so as to optim ise the final target, namely, the b it-error rate (BER).

[ . . . ] .

Since Turbo Codes did not actually result from applying a preexisting theory, m ost of their outstanding features remain to be explained.

This la tte r statem ent remains true, although ground-breaking, theoretical work was un­dertaken by Hagenauer e t al., and presented in [11] and Benedetto and M ontorsi, which was presented in [12] and other papers by the same authors, perhaps the m ost im por­tan t of these being references [13], [14], [15], [16] and [17], and [18]. Researchers, notably Divsalar and M ontorsi, have also contributed immensely in the field, som e of the more im portant publications being [19], [20], [21] and also [18].

All these publications have resulted in an improved understanding of Turbo Codes. How­ever, several aspects of Turbo Codes remain unclear, and m ost schemes appear to have been designed heuristically, w ith incomplete theory to back up the performance, which is in general obtained experimentally through simulations. In this work we have, in gen­eral term s, taken the sam e approach. Whenever theoretical developments are m ade, we will also use sim ulation results to back up this theory.

In this study, we will aim for a general approach when treating the subject of iterative decoding, or Turbo Coding. We will not aim to cover all the different variants of coding schemes which have been invented - if such treatm ents are desired, it will be of value to refer to reference [22] and the JSAC journal on concatenated coding techniques, ref­erence [23]. However, the aim is to place iterative decoding into the context of already known theory by showing th a t iterative decoding algorithms are a simple extension of al­gorithms th a t have been known for alm ost 30 years. Having taken th is general approach, we are thus in a position where iterative decoding may be undertaken for literally any concatenated coding scheme, and several such schemes will be presented in this thesis.

1.1 Thesis Outline

The thesis is organised as follows:

In Chapter 2 we define and quantify the transm itter and receiver of the communications systems th a t we have used in the modelling and simulations of later chapters. Here, the channels over which we have obtained sim ulation results are defined, as well as the issues of soft decision channel information. This analysis forms the basis for further analysis undertaken in Chapters 3 and 4.

Chapter 3 trea ts conventional error correcting codes using a general approach. Initially, the theory behind the construction of these codes is considered, and thereafter we focus


on the trellis and finite sta te machine structures of these codes, which is crucial for the decoding operation. This will be defined in Chapter 4. Both block and convolutional codes will be considered in Chapter 3, as we will use both these classes of codes in sub­sequent chapters.

In Chapter 4, the corresponding (probabilistic) decoding algorithms of the codes de­scribed in Chapter 3 are considered, again from a general point of view. We will focus on soft ou tpu t algorithm s, as this class of algorithms is crucial to the operation of iterative decoding schemes. First, the Viterbi algorithm is briefly explained, paving the way for the derivation the optim um , soft output, symbol by symbol decoding algorithm , denoted the BCJ R algorithm after the authors of [24]. Then we will show how the Viterbi algo­rithm may also be modified to deliver soft outputs. This algorithm was first introduced in [25], and was denoted the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA). Here, we will consider this algorithm in considerable detail, and a complete derivation of the algorithm will be given. Decoding examples will be given for both the BCJR and the SOVA, and for the SOVA we will also derive approxim ate expressions for the pdf's of wrongly decoded and correctly decoded data bits.

Chapter 5 is concerned with concatenation of codes. We consider both conventional con­catenated coding schemes, whereby the inner code is a soft-decision decoded convolu­tional code and the outer code is a hard-decision decoded Reed-Solomon code. M ore im portantly, some novel schemes will be introduced, whereby the decoder of the ou ter Reed-Solomon code performs soft-decision decoding. We will show th a t substantial cod­ing gains may be achieved using this approach.

Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 contain the major results of this study. Chapter 6 initially consid­ers conventional Turbo Codes, and we subsequently dem onstrate performance variation of these schemes if certain code param eters are varied, as for instance the interleaver size of the codes, the decoding algorithm, or the code complexity. We will present novel solutions in order to lower the error-floor effect in Turbo Codes. We will show how the performance of these schemes may be improved by increasing the complexity of the codes. In Chapter 6 we also design entirely new iterative decoding schemes of serially concatenated convolutional and Reed-Solomon codes. We will show th a t these schemes may be favourably compared to conventional Turbo Codes.

In Chapter 7, we investigate coding and m odulation schemes where the intention has been to design these schemes with high spectral efficiency in mind, trading th is off w ith the synchronisation problems associated with m odulation schemes w ith a large symbol alphabet. We will argue the case th a t it may be of in terest to use a low alphabet m odula­tion scheme, but to increase the rate of the codes, thereby concluding th a t high rate block codes may be a suitable choice for the constituent encoders in iterative coding schemes. A wide range of novel coding schemes will be considered, including the use of high rate Reed-Solomon and binary BCH codes in parallel concatenation, the concatenation en­abling the use of iterative decoding algorithms. The results of these schemes will be


compared with th a t of conventional Turbo Coded modulation.

In Chapter 8 we draw some conclusions about this study, and we indicate som e new directions in which future research would be beneficial.

Chapter 2

System Definitions

In this chapter we will define and quantify the param eters w ithin a communications sys­tem which will directly affect the performance and characteristics of the channel coding system . This implies th a t the channel encoder, the m odulator and dem odulator as well as the decoder will be described in the following sections. We will quantify w hat is m eant by a ‘soft input' or 'soft ou tpu t’, enabling us to give a complete description of some code decoding algorithm s in another chapter.

The block diagram of the elements in a communications system th a t will be trea ted here are shown in Figure 2.1. It is assumed th a t the source is binary, outputting a sequence of 0's and l 's w ith equal probability. This sequence is then applied to a channel en­coder, whose task it is to transform the source data into a new binary sequence w ith a one-to-one relationship betw een the input and output sequence. The purpose of this transform ation is to enable the signals to better w ithstand the effects of channel im pair­m ents, such as noise, fading and jamming. The original inform ation can then be decoded in the receiver by means of a decoder. Usually, the aim of channel coding is to reduce the probability of bit error, or to reduce the required Eb/N0 for a given Bit Error Rate (BER), where Et is the transm itted energy per bit of inform ation and N 0 is the noise power spec­tral density. The price to be paid for this is usually an increase in the required system bandwidth. Channel coding may be divided into two main classes, namely waveform coding, which transform s signal waveforms into m ore robust waveforms, and structured sequences, which transform data sequences into more robust sequences by adding re­dundancy bits (parity bits) which will be used to correct or detect errors in the received sequence. It is the last class of channel coding which forms the area of this research, and the term used for this type of coding is normally Forward Error Correction Coding (FEC).

The task of the m odulator is to map the encoder output sequence into a se t of analogue channel symbols with characteristics tha t enable propagation through the communica­tions media. This mapping may take a variety of different forms, but in Section 2.1 and




ChannelEncoder ModulatorSource


Figure 2.1: Elements of communications system. Filtering of the signal is inherent in both mod­ulator and demodulator.

2.3 we will seek to generalise this mapping, as well as to give examples from specific types of mapping. In practical systems, the class of mapping used will depend on the characteristics of the medium through which the signal propagates. In Section 2.2 we will consider two types of channels, namely th a t of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and th a t of the memoryless Rayleigh fading channel. The following analysis may be found in a range of standard text books, including [26] and [27].

2.1 The Modulator

In the m odulator, the encoder output sequence is mapped into a set of analogue channel symbols. This means that, a t any tim e i, a sequence of m binary symbols is transform ed into one of a set of M = 2m channel waveforms. We denote this set of channel waveforms {si(t)}, I e { 1 ...M } . We shall assume th a t this mapping is m em oryless in the following, i.e. th a t the m apping of information sequence into a channel waveform does not depend on previously transm itted waveforms.

A channel waveform is characterised by being a sinusoidal signal able to propagate through the radio channel. In order to represent one of M possible, tim e-discrete bi­nary inform ation sequences, one or more param eters of this sinusoid has to be varied according to a decision rule which depends solely on the input sequence. This param eter could be frequency, so th a t we have frequency modulation, it could be am plitude, im ­plying am plitude modulation, or the phase of the signal could be varied, implying phase m odulation. The choice of m odulation scheme would depend heavily on the channel


characteristics. In order to lim it the am ount of analysis, we will concentrate on M -ary Phase Shift Keying (M-PSK) systems. These m odulation schemes are attractive in many applications, e.g. G eo-stationary satellite transm ission [28], as all channel symbols have equal energy, thereby reducing imperfections associated with non-linearity in the satel­lite amplifiers.

2.1.1 Representation of M-ary Phase Shift Keying (M-PSK) Signals

We will in the following consider a 'one-shot' scenario, i.e. th a t only one symbol is being transm itted . This is done in order to simplify the calculations. In M-PSK systems, the M channel waveforms are represented by [27]

where g ( t ) is the signal pulse shape and the transm itted phase 8t = ^ ( l - 1) + 0, I e ( 1 . . . M}, where 0 is a phase bias, e.g. the DVB-S standard [28] which defines Q uadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) m odulation, i.e. M = 4, w ith 0 = 7t/4. f c is the carrier frequency, Ts is the duration of one channel symbol and

s i ( t ) J{27T(l-l)/M+4>) j 2 i r f c t

(2 .1)

I, = cos + (2.2)


Q* = s in t j (1~ 1) + < (2.3)

We notice from the above th a t all of the M possible channel symbols have equal energy, namely


Assuming for simplicity th a t / 0T" g(t)2dt = 1 , the signal energy is given by E s = m E cb.

Also, equation (2.1) represents a two dimensional signal as defined by two orthonorm al signal waveforms f i ( t ) and f 2(t), so th a t

si(t) = s n f i ( t ) + s i2f 2(t), (2.6)


f i {t ) = 5 (^ y |- c o s (2 7 r /ct), (2.7)


f2(t) = - g ( t ) i j ^ s m ( 2 7 r f ct), (2.8)

where the orthogonality arises because

t5J f i ( t ) ■ f 2{t)dt = 0. (2.9)o

and the orthonorm ality arises from (in addition to equation (2.9))

t 3 t s

J = J {f2{t))2dt = 1. (2.10)0 0

We also observe th a t sn and s/2 are given by

sn = V m E cbIi (2.11)


si2 = \ j mEcbQi (2 .12)

Figure 2.2 shows how an M-PSK signal may be generated in a straightforw ard m anner. The binary inform ation sequence first enters the mapper, which maps th e input sequence into a symbol, defined by the Cartesian coordinates // and Qi, which are then scaled, filtered and m odulated independently.

The pulse shaping filter

The role of the pulse shaping filter is two-fold: Task one is to lim it the frequency range over which the filter input signal exists. Secondly, the role of the filter is to shape thesignal so th a t Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) is minimised. To avoid excessive ISI, thepulse shaping filters should be of such a nature th a t a t the optim um sampling point of one pulse, all signal pulses apart from the current should have value zero [27, 26]. As ‘brick-wall' filters w ith the theoretical sinc(^-) impulse response are not viable in practice, the


J t ? c o s (2 tt/ c ()


g(t) 2 ^ ^ ^ cos [2nfct 4- j j ( l — 1)Input data SymbolM apper

/ / i C . a = 0.35

sin (27rfct)

Figure 2.2: M-PSK signal generation

raised cosine, RC, pulse shape is widely used. The frequency response of such a filter is given by

f 1 : | / | < f N ( 1 - a)H r c U ) = < | + : f N ( l - a ) < | / | < / w(l + a ) , (2.13)

[ 0 : | / |> / j v ( l + a)

where f x = 1/2TS is the Nyquist frequency, and a is the roll-off, or excess bandw idthfactor. This is the standard R C form at [27, 28, 26]. Our aim is th a t the signal shouldundergo this frequency response in the end-to-end transm ission, i.e. from source to sink. Often it is assumed th a t the channel itself has unit gain for all frequencies, i.e. a pure AWGN, or a memory-less fading channel, and hence the frequency response of the RC may be split into the transm itter filter and the receiver filter only. Thus we have

H r c V ) = H t ( f ) ■ H r ( f ) , (2.14)

where H t ( f ) is the transm itter filter and H r ( f ) is the receiver filter. The other condition we would like to impose on the filter is th a t the receiver filter should be matched to the pulse shaped signal. Hence,

H r { f ) = (2.15)

where the * denotes complex conjugacy. As in our case, the I and Q channels are filtered independently as purely real signals, we can simply equate H r (f ) and H t ( f ) . This implies th a t the filters in both transm itter and receiver should be

H r ( f ) = H t (S) = v ' H n c ( f ) - (2.16)

We will denote this filter the y/RC filter. Figure 2.3 shows the frequency response of both the RC and the V R C filters for an excess bandw idth figure a = 0.35, as defined in the ETSI DVB-S standard [28], as well as the responses w hen a = 1.0. It is noticeable from the Figure, or by inspection of equation (2.13), th a t the higher the a , th e m ore


bandwidth is used. The advantage of using a higher a is th a t the synchronisation issue becomes considerably easier [29]. A high value of a implies th a t the impulse response of the y/RC filters decays quickly, thus reducing the IS1 if the receiver sampling clock is slightly out of synchronisation.


c 0.6 'co (D

0.4 RG (1;,0) i RRC (1.0) RG (Q.35) RRC.(0.35.)0.2

0.0-0.5/T 0.0/T 0.5/T 1.0/T

Normalised Frequency

Figure 2.3: Frequency response of the y/RC filter and the RC filter.

2 .2 The Channel

In this Section, we will define two types of channels, namely th a t of the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Channel, and th a t of the Rayleigh fading channel. Both these types of channels are widely used in the evaluation of communications system s.

2.2.1 The Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel

As the name implies, the AWGN channel causes white noise w ith a Gaussian am plitude probability density to be added to the signal. The noise arises from the ever present th e r­mal noise in the transm itter and receiver equipm ent. The term ‘W hite’ is given because the noise is un-filtered, and hence it has a frequency spectrum which, when averaged


over tim e, has a constant power over all frequencies. The probability density function of a Gaussian random variable n x is given by

PAWGn Os) = ^ ^ f e"(X‘"/iz)2/2<72’ (2'17)

where n x is the m ean and a2 is the variance of the Gaussian random variable, x is the dimension along which n x may vary; in this case this would be the am plitude of the noise.

The received signal will thus be given by

r(t ) = s(t) + n(t), (2.18)

where s(t) is the band-lim ited transm itted signal, typically defined by the square-root of the filter definition given in equation (2.13). The noise in the channel theoretically exists over an infinite range of frequencies, and the to ta l noise power is thus given by

implying th a t the un-filtered noise has in fact infinite power, assuming the noise power spectral density N 0 ^ 0. However, this is not so in the receiver. The signal and noise will be filtered, and in term s of am plitude response vs. frequency, the overall filtering of the signal is th a t of RC filtering, whereas the noise is only filtered w ith a y/RC filter. At the ou tpu t of this filter, the noise is not 'w hite' w ithin the given bandw idth of the signal any longer, which is to say th a t it will have a roll-off region as defined by th e filter. It is convenient to define an equivalent noise bandwidth B neq over which the noise spectrum is white, and which gives the same noise power as the actual system . It is straightforw ard to find B neq w ith knowledge of the receiver filter characteristics. The receiver filter am plitude response is given by H r ( f ) and the white noise a t the input to the filter has a power spectral density of N0/2 over all frequencies. The m ean square noise power a t the output of the filter is thus given by


K = j ^ \ H r(f)\2df (2.20)—oo

We w ant to define the bandwidth B neq as the frequency range over which the noise can be thought of as having the noise spectral density N0/2, but still give the sam e m ean square power as defined in equation (2.20) [26]. The power of this noise would be equal to

K = B neq ■ ^ ■ \Hr(fo)\2, (2.21)

w here \Hr( f0)\2 is the square of the gain of the filter a t the centre frequency / 0 of thefilter. For a baseband, symmetric, double sided filter, th is implies th a t H r(f0) = Hr(0).




B neq

+ 00

/ I“ CO (2 .22)

| t f r ( / 0) | 2

It is of in terest to define the equivalent noise bandwidth of the system when the receiver filter is the square root of the filter defined in equation (2.13). This filter gives zero gain a t / > /w( 1 + a), and |iTr (0)|2 = 1 for this filter, implying th a t

f N( l - a ) / jv ( l+ a )

= 2 < I df+ /B neq1 1 .

2 + 2 Sm0 f N ( l - C t )

= 2/jv(l — o) + /at( 1 + o;) — / / / ( l — a) + 2 a/iv

* _ ( I n - f %fN a


+ - 7r[c° s ( _ ^ a ) ) - cos( ^ Q)]

= 2 /at


This means th a t the (double sided) equivalent noise bandwidth of the y/RC filter is equal to the symbol rate, independently of the excess bandwidth Figures. As the filter is sym ­m etric around its centre frequency, the equivalent noise frequencies are in th e range "257 < / < afc- The to ta l noise power is thus equal to

p - = i ^n Tc 2 (2.24)

The to ta l power of zero-m ean Gaussian noise is also given by a2. From this, we get the relationship

No2 XJneq

= Tsa2 W/Hz. (2.25)

For the case of modelling the communications system, it is convenient to assum e the symbol period Ts = 1, so th a t iVo = 2cr2.

2.2.2 The Fading Channel

In this section a short trea tm ent of the Rayleigh fading channel will be given, which will su it the purpose of defining the models used in simulations of codes and decoders, results of which will be presented in subsequent chapters. For a more general approach to the issue of fading communications media, references [30] and [31] could be referred to .


Also, reference [27] trea ts the subject of fading communication media in considerable detail.

The use of natural, i.e. not m an-m ade media for radio communications implies unavoid­able involvem ent w ith the random fluctuations which often accompany natural phenom ­ena. Thus, the attenuation experienced in propagation may fluctuate, or the propagation path length may change. M oreover, several different transm ission paths may exist and it may be unavoidable to excite the several different paths simultaneously. Nature may not be the only source for the occurrence of such difficulties; e.g. reflections in buildings, aeroplanes or even satellites will cause considerable fluctuations in the communications media.

Variations in the channel which take place in a tim e interval much shorter than the sho rt­est duration of in terest to the communications application, i.e. much shorter than the symbol duration in digital transmission, will, depending on the front end of the receiver, usually be evidenced in some averaged form. At the other extreme, fluctuations may also take place relatively slowly. These changes could occur in fractions of an hour, daily, m onthly or seasonally. The communications system will evidently have to be designed to cope w ith the w orst case scenario, but it is unavoidable th a t these fluctuations im pose varying signal to noise ratios.

Of particular in terest in the design of the communications system are the fluctuations which occur in tim e intervals in-betw een the two extremes described above. This type of fading is dom inated by m ulti-path fading. The meaning of m ulti-path is implicit in its name: The propagation medium contains several distinguishable paths, or beam p a t­terns, so th a t som e fraction of the to tal received energy unavoidably arrives over each path. For the purpose of simplicity, it is best to view this dispersiveness of the beam patterns as a set of ray paths along which the electro-magnetic energy propagates. The differentiation betw een several paths implies th a t these paths are resolvable, i.e. th e ir lengths are sufficiently different th a t signals starting out sim ultaneously on each ray can be distinguished as arriving sequentially. Accordingly, the communications receiver is faced w ith superpositions of ‘echoes' of current and previous symbols, which is w hat is m eant by the term m ulti-path fading. The super-positioning of the symbols may add constructively or destructively, depending on the values of the echoes and the tru e sym ­bols.

If such changes occur random ly and continually, the observed resultant carrier will corre­spondingly change random ly in the envelope and phase relative to som e fixed reference phase. A statistical model of these random fluctuations is the Rayleigh fading m odel, and will be dealt w ith in the following Sections.


2.2.3 Characterisation of the Multi-Path Fading Channel

Using a complex envelope approach, a transm itted signal Si(t) a t some carrier frequency f c can be expressed as [27]

8i(t) = Vt [ui(t)ej2nfct] , (2.26)

where Ui(t) denotes the envelope of the signal. Ignoring any AWGN, the received band­pass signal will then take the form

s(t ) = Y , a p(t)si(t - t 0 - t p ) , (2.27)p

where t0 is some conveniently chosen representative value of the average propagation tim e, rp is the additional relative delay on the pth path and the real num ber ap is the path a ttenuation factor for the pth path. Substituting equation (2.26) into equation 2.27 yields the following expression for s(t ):

s(t) = (2.28)Y a p(t)ui(t - Tp ) e j 2 n f c ^ Tp)

. p

where the average transm ission tim e t0 has been ignored. The equivalent low-pass re­ceived signal r(t) is given by

r W = Y f aP ^ Ui^ ~ Tp)e~j2wfcTp• (2.29)p

If Ui(t) is an impulse 8{r,t), r(t) denotes the tim e variant (varying with r) impulse re­sponse h(r, t) of the channel, i.e.

h(r ,t ) = Y / ap(t)fi{r ~ Tp)e~i2nfcTp. (2.30)p

If we set Ui(t) = 1, i.e. the transm itted signal is a sinusoid with am plitude 1 and frequency f c, r(t) becomes

r(t) = Y * P(t)e~j2nfcTp- (2.31)


p(t) cos($p) - j ^ a :p (£ )s in ($ p ), (2.32)p p

where the phase $ p = 2n fcTk

It is evident th a t the phase is a random variable which will have a uniform distribution in the interval {—7r.. .7r}, as it is assumed th a t the rk are uniformly distributed around t0, and the frequency f c is a constant and f c ^ 0.

We use the notation X = a p(t) cos($p) and Y = Z)Pa pW sin(^p)» and in the lim it w hen the num ber of propagation paths N , say, approaches infinity, we may apply th e


central lim it theorem , so th a t the sums in expression 2.32 become two Gaussian random variables w ith zero mean. Hence, X and Y are independent Gaussian random variables. When this is the case, and also when the X and Y are independent from sample to sample, the channel through which the signal propagates is denoted the fully interleaved Rayleigh fading channel. The envelope of the signal at any one tim e instant will be given by

r,(«) = V x 1 + r 2,

and the phase of the received signal a t any tim e instant is given by


tan ' ( £ )

tan -1 ( y ) + fsg n (y )0

ifX > 0 ifX < 0ifX = 0, r ^ 0 i fx = o, r = o


The distribution of re(t) is related to the central x 2 distribution with 2 degrees of freedom, and has been named the Rayleigh distribution.

If X and Y have non-zero m ean values, the distribution of re{t) is related to the non­central x 2 d istribution w ith 2 degrees of freedom. The resultant signal will then be biased in a certain direction, which will often be the case in a real communications system , since it is likely th a t one particular propagation path will dom inate the scenario. In th is case, the distribution of re(t) is th a t of the Rice distribution. We will not be concerned w ith this in this work, instead concentrating on the limiting cases of the pure AWGN and the fully interleaved Rayleigh fading channels, as these two channel models will indicate the best and w orst case scenarios respectively.

The Rayleigh Probability Density Function

Starting w ith equations (2.33) and (2.34), we set R = r e(t) and 0 = 6(t). Because X andY are independent Gaussian random variables, the jo in t distribution of X and Y is

P x r ( x , y ) = (2-35)

where X and Y have the same variance a2. To find the distribution of the envelope of the signal, we have to transform the pdf’s from the Cartesian dom ain involving X andY to the polar dom ain and then re-express the density in this new co-ordinate systeminvolving R and 0 , (R > 0, 0 < 0 < 2tt), w ith the transform ations given in equations(2.33) and (2.34). The inverse transform ation is given by

X = R cos(0) and

Y = jRsin(0), (2.36)

The jo in t density of R and 0 is

P R e ( r , 6 ) d r d d = P{r < R < (r + dr) ,6 < 0 < ( 6 - 1- d9)), (2.37)


and it may easily be shown, e.g. [32], tha t

P{r < R < (r 4- dr), 6 < 0 < (6 + dd)) = p x y (r cos(6),rsin(9))rdrd9 (2.38)

and, combining w ith equation (2.37),

Pr o (r,9) = rpx y (r cos (9), r sin (9)). (2.39)


PR&(r,e) =

r e -(r2)/2- 2 (2.40)2ira2

The distribution of r is found by averaging PR&(r,9) over all values of 9 from 0 to 2n. Thus,


Pr {t) = J PRe(r ,9)d9 = ^ e -7"2/ 2 , (2.41)o

which describes the Rayleigh distribution. The variance of the distribution is a* = (2 - 7r/2)or2 [33]. In order to preserve the to ta l transm itted power of th e signal, a 2, the variance of both X and Y m ust be equal to 1/2.

The distribution and the cumulative distribution may be seen in Figure 2.4. As may be deduced from the figure, the expected value of r, E[r], is not equal to 1. This implies th a t in a Rayleigh fading channel, the average signal to noise ratio E cb/N 0 in the receiver is not given by the transm itted energy per bit over the noise spectral density - rather, one has to take into account this fading to measure the signal to noise ratio per bit. In the sim ulations to be presented in subsequent chapters, we have first m easured the signal energy per bit (time averaged) and set the noise level in accordance to the desired received E cb/N 0.

In reference [34] many of these issues are addressed, including the optim um design of Turbo Codes over the Rayleigh fading channel.

2.3 The Optimum Receiver In The Memoryless Channel

In this section the design of the optimum receiver will be considered when the chan­nel through which the signal has travelled is memoryless, which is the case for both the AWGN channel and the fully interleaved Rayleigh fading channel trea ted in the preced­ing Sections. We will assume optim um matched filter receivers. Then, the subject of maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori decision rules will be trea ted , thereby defining a soft decision output. The treatm ent will be restricted to concern only the de­tection of (I Q) modulated signals, as is the case for the general M-PSK signal defined in equation (2.1), although in the initial section we will consider the general case.



0.8Rayleigh distribution Cumulative distribution




0.00 1 2 3


Figure 2.4: The pdf of the Rayleigh fading envelope re(t) and its accumulated distribution

2.3.1 The Optimum Detector

Treatm ents of the optim um detector is given in both references [26] and [27]. Here we will use the main results of these.

At tim e t = Ts, the outputs from the matched filters are

ri = VsiiTs) + yni(Ts), (2.42)

where ySi(Ts) represents the signal component and yni(Ts) represents the noise compo­nent of r i . Equation (2.42) is the output th a t maximises the output S / N ratio. The ou tpu t S / N ratio is defined as

So_ _ _ f s (Ts) ,2 43xNo E[yl(Ts)Y

where E[*] denotes the expectation operator. Thus, since the noise is assum ed to have zero mean, E[y2(Ts)] is simply the variance of the noise, a 2, where a 2 = N 0/2, if we assum e unit symbol duration. We denote the symbol signal energy to be E s, or in term s of the previous definitions of the M -ary PSK signal, Es = mEb. Thus, in line w ith previous results, th e maximum signal to noise ratio obtainable a t the output of the dem odulator


(assuming no am plitude fading, i.e. th a t p = 1 for all signals) is given by

k = ( 2 M )2 Es N0 ’

where Es is the energy of the original signal in the interval 0 < t < Ts


We shall define the output from the channel, as given in equation (2.42), the so ft decision channel outputs.

A matched filter dem odulator produces a vector r = {ri r2 . . . rn } in a way th a t maximises the output S /N of the dem odulator [27]. In this section we will consider the optim um decision rule based on the observation of this vector r. Our aim is to design a signal detector th a t makes a decision on the transm itted signal in each signal interval based on the observation of the vector r in each interval, so th a t the probability of a correct decision is maximised. Thus, a decision rule based on the com putation of the posterior probabilities is appropriate, where the posterior probability is defined as

P(signal si was transm itted | r), I = 1,2 , . . . , M, (2.46)

which is normally abbreviated as P(si | r). Using Bayes’ rule, the posterior probabilities may be expanded into the full form of the M aximum a Posteriori (MAP) decision rule.

p { s i , r) = g f rL f f i W , (2.47)

where p(r | si) is the conditional pdf of the observed vector given sj, and P(sj) is the a priori probability of the Ith signal being transm itted. The MAP algorithm thus works on choosing the set of signals th a t maximises the probability of equation (2.47).

The denom inator of equation (2.47) may be expanded into


P(r) = ^ P ( r I si)p (*i)- (2-48)i=i

This is essentially a normalising factor, so th a t the sum m ation of all the probabilities

E p (s' i r) = 1- (2 -49)i

may be om itted from the calculations, as it is common for all I.

Thus, the decision rule from equation (2.47) may be re-expressed as choosing the signal set si which maximises

P (s, I r) = p(r | si)P(si). (2.50)

We notice th a t the evaluation of the posterior probabilities P(s/ | r) requires knowledge of the a priori probabilities P(si) and the conditional pdf p(r | si) for all /. The conditional


pdf p(ri | su ) depends on the characteristics of the channel. As stated previously, we will consider the memoryless channel only, and we will assume th a t the am plitude fading coefficients are constant over an entire symbol period. Thus, p(n | su) may be expressed as

p{n I su) =V2


in - psu)21

2 O-2 (2.51)

where a2 is the variance of the noise, and a2 = \N 0 in the case of normalised bandwidth. Also, since


P(r I si) = Y [ p ( r i | su), Z = l ,2 ,. .. ,A f2 = 1


I \ p (si)P(r I si) = N expV27T<T


-E1 = 1

(n - p su f2 a 2

/ = 1 , 2, . . . , M



The am plitude fading coefficients will be the same for all /, as this is a uniquely defined variable, which only changes w ith tim e. We recall th a t the sum m ation param eter N is the num ber of basis functions.

When the {st} are equally likely, the probability P(si) is of no importance as far as the decision rule is concerned, and may thus be om itted in equation (2.53). The decision rule we end up with, is th a t of the M aximum Likelihood algorithm, namely th a t by choosing the signal th a t maximises p (r | si), we have also chosen the signal th a t maximises p {r | s*). The maximum likelihood rule is thus given by choosing the signal set si th a t maximises


p(T | si) =x/2

- N exp7T<7


in - psuy 2cr2


It is easier to work w ith the natural logarithm of equation (2.53), and as the natural logarithm is monotonically increasing with its argum ent, this will not affect the decision rule. By taking the natural logarithm of equation (2.53), we end up with

1 1 Nlnp(r | s t ) = - - N l n 2 n a 2 - — - p su ) 2 + ln P (s /) , Z = 1 ,2 , . . . ,M (2.55)

2 = 1

Since th e first term of equation (2.55) has no effect on the decision, i.e. it is a constant, th e decision rule for maximising p { r | s{) becomes one of choosing the signal th a t minimises the square of the Euclidean distance w ith the natural logarithm of the a priori probability subtracted from it, i.e.


si) = ^ 2 in - psu)2 - In P(si). (2.56)


This decision rule is denoted m inim um distance detection. Equation (2.56) may be ex­panded further, thereby achieving additional reduction in complexity:


D(r,si) - 2 p 'Y ^ r isii + ^ 2 p 2s2ii - \n P { s i) , l = (2.57)i=1 i=l i= 1

NOnly the three last term s of equation (2.57) have any effect on the decision, since X) rl

2 = 1will be equal for all /. Therefore our decision rule becomes th a t of the correlation detec­tion, i.e. we w ant to minimise


D (t, si) = -2 p J 2 r iS u + J 2 p 2sli - ln P (» i) . (2.58)2 = 1 2= 1

In the case when all st have equal energy, as is the case for an M-PSK signal, the middle term may also be om itted, and reversing the signs of equation (2.58), the decision rule for these m odulation schemes becomes one of maximising


D (r,st) = 2p 'Y ^risu + lnP(s/). (2.59)i= 1

Also, for the Maximum Likelihood case, when all the P(si) are equal, the final decision rule may be further simplified to be


D (r,si) = 2 p ^ n s n . (2.60)i—1

In this work we shall generally assume th a t this is the case in the channel, i.e. th a t all si are equally probable.

2.4 Conclusion

In this chapter, im portant param eters in a communications system have been identified, and quantitatively and qualitatively described. We have considered the general case of memoryless channels, including the AWGN and the Rayleigh fading channel. We have also considered the optim um detector on the basis of these system param eters.

Chapter 3

Channel Coding Fundamentals

In this chapter we will consider the channel codec, comprising both the encoder and the decoder. Initially, we will generalise some system param eters for both encoder and decoder, thereafter giving some examples of codes. In the examples we will only consider codes w ith characteristics from which a state diagram may be obtained, and hence a trellis. We will initially trea t the codes in general term s, so th a t the sam e system m odel may be used for both these two classes of codes. After these initial definitions we will tre a t the subjects of convolutional and block codes separately.

3.1 The Channel Encoder

Figure 3.1 shows the block diagram of a general encoder configuration, the param eters of which will be defined in the following paragraphs. This m odel will be illustrative for a range of binary and non-binary convolutional and block codes. This trea tm en t of channel coding is based on a nnum ber of books, and similar developm ents may be found in e.g. [35], [26] and [27]. The encoder is defined by the function E (d) whose task it is to transform an input sequence d into an output sequence c. The code param eters are defined as follows:

1. The ith input word d* of the input sequence d is given by

^ = [ 4 4 . . . 4 % d i 6 {o) . . . , ( 2 ‘- * - i ) } , ' (3.1)

where we th ink of the input d* as a num ber in binary form at, and where q is the num ber of bits used to represent a symbol and k is the num ber of input symbols. The input data df are binary, i.e. df e (0,1}, a e { 1 ... A; • q}.

2. The p th input symbol at tim e i, represented by a set of q bits, will be given the notation {dpi q}.




Figure 3.1: Illustration of code param eters

3. d is the code input sequence:

(a) If E( d) is a block code, then


d; = d. (3.2)

ii. The to ta l num ber of encoder binary input bits is

i f in = kq (3.3)

and the num ber of possible input words is 2kq.

(b) If E(d) is a convolutional code, then

i.N N + l + L

d = d ii3i- l + 2 (3.4)i = l i = N + 1

where D is the delay operator, corresponding to z _1 in sam pled-data th e ­ory, and N is used to annotate the length of the code inform ation sequence. The symbols ini are optional and are used to reset the encoder to som e final condition, or state . The length of this resetting sequence is L. Normallythis sequence would be a series of zeros in order to flush the m em ory ofthe convolutional encoder to the zero state. The num ber of zeros requiredwould thus be v, where v is the number of memory elem ents in the en­coder. Hence, the relationship between L, k, q and u is such th a t

v — L - k - q . (3.5)

ii. The to tal num ber of encoder binary input information bits is

K[n = qkN , (3.6)

although there are qk(N+L) encoder binary input bits all in all, the last qkL of these being the resetting sequence. The num ber of possible information input sequences is 2qkN.


4. The ith ou tput code word c* of the output code sequence c is given by

Ci = [cj cf . . . 4 % Ci € { 0 ,..., (2n'q - 1)}, (3.7)

w here n is the num ber of encoder output symbols. The code ou tput data c“ arebinary, i.e. c“ e {0,1} and a e {1 . . . q - n ) .

5. The pth ou tput symbol a t tim e i, represented by a set of q bits, will be given thenotation {c?9}.

6. c is the entire ou tput code sequence:

(a) If E (d) is a block code, then


Ci = c. (3.8)

ii. The to ta l num ber of encoder output bits is

N out = nq- (3.9)

The num ber of possible output words is equal to the num ber of possible input words, i.e. 2kq, as the ou tput sequence is defined uniquely by the input word.

(b) If E (d) is a convolutional code, then


N N+l+Lc = J 2 ci ° i~1 + Y , (3 -10)

i= 1 i=N+1

where o* is the encoded version of in*.

ii. The to ta l num ber of encoder output bits is thus

N 0Ut = qn(N + L). (3.11)

The num ber of possible output words is equal to the num ber of possible input words, i.e. 2kqN, as the output sequence is defined uniquely by the input word.

7. The rate R of the code is given by the to ta l num ber of input information by th e to ta l num ber of encoder output bits, i.e.

r = w s lN 0\Xt

(a) For a block code, the rate is given by

bits divided



(b) For a convolutional code, the rate is given by

qkN kNqn(N + L ) ~ n{N + L ) ' (3' 14)

It is possible to set L = 0 and N = oo, so th a t .E(d) operates on a continuousbasis. Then the rate for the convolutional code becomes

R = - (3.15)n '

Even if L ^ 0, in all cases of interest, L < N , so th a t equation (3.15) gives a good approxim ation.

The function E (d) defines uniquely the code characteristics and will be the subject of Sections 3.4 and 3.5.

3.2 The Channel Decoder

As in Section 3.1, we first define some param eters, this tim e with reference to Figure 3.2. We will assum e a binary m odulation scheme in this section, as non-binary m odulation schemes will be treated separately in Chapter 7.

1. The i th decoder input word y* of the received code sequence y is given by

y* = [y] v? • • • yfnL y< g {o,. . . , (2n-<? - 1)}. (3.16)

The symbols y f represent the encoder output bits c f , and are the outputs from the matched filters as defined in equation (2.42), where the notation r was used, and we will denote each y f as a binary channel output symbol. In the case of binary m odulation schemes, there is a one-to-one relationship betw een th e value of c f

and the m odulation waveform s f ( t ) . Hence, y f is the output of the m atched filter, sam pled a t the optim um sampling tim e Ts . The signal to noise ratio for this channel symbol was shown to be 2p2E Cb/N0 in Section 2.3.

2. y is th e entire channel output sequence. These outputs have characteristics de­term ined by the channel characteristics. Here, we will assum e a Rayleigh fading channel w ith AWGN added. Hence:


y = ps + n, (3.17)

w here s is the vector of transm itted waveforms, p is the vector of am plitude fading coefficients and n is the vector of additive white Gaussian noise.


3. If F?(d) is a block code, then

y = y i (3.18)

4. If E {d) is a convolutional code, then

N N + l + L

y = ' £ y iD i- 1 + (3 -19)i- 1 i = N + 1

5. The i th decoder output word d* of the input sequence y is given by

di = [d\ d? . . . d f ‘ ], di e { 0 ,.. . , (2‘-« - 1)}, (3.20)

where q is the num ber of bits used to represent a symbol and k is the num ber ofinput symbols. The output data d? are binary, i.e. d? e {0,1}. This definition of diimplies hard-decision output decoding.

Figure 3.2: Illustration of decoder parameters

The codes to be considered in this work are linear. Linearity is defined by two properties, namely superposition and scalability:

Axiom 3.1 (Superposition) Let d i and d 2 be two different input sequences. Then the super-position o f the corresponding output codewords o f these input sequences, i.e. E (d i) + E{d 2), is also a code word.

Axiom 3.2 (Scalability) The encoder output sequence scales with the input sequence, i.e. E (ad i) = a:I2(di), where a e GF(-).

GF(-) denotes the finite field over which the code is defined (see Section 3.3).

In the next sections we will discuss the basic theory of convolutional and block codes. Common for both these classes is th a t they use redundancy bits to transform the infor­m ation sequence into a new sequence, implying th a t the rate R < 1. We will s ta rt w ith convolutional codes in Section 3.4, defining the function J5(d) used for the transform ation


of the input sequence d. Thereafter we will move on to algebraic block codes in Section 3.5. We will concentrate on cyclic block codes in this section, and how these may be rep­resented, as may convolutional codes, by a trellis. In order to obtain a good foundation for discussing specific codes, it is necessary to consider the theory of finite fields . This will be dealt w ith in the next section, as finite fields are also applicable to convolutional codes, although the codes may be well understood w ithout resorting to the theory of finite fields.

The final part of this chapter will be the treatm ent of trellis structures. This section will be of importance for the developments in Chapter 4 as all of these algorithms make extensive use of the Markov properties of the code sequences, these being illustratively represented in a trellis.

3.3 Finite Fields

This trea tm en t of finite fields will be largely dealt with on the basis of references [35], [36] and [37]. In this section we aim to define formally the m ost im portant properties of finite fields, in order to be able to generalise the treatm ent of both convolutional codes and block codes to be given in subsequent sections. Finite fields are dealt w ith in a variety of books on coding theory and algebra. In this work we will tre a t finite fields on a ‘need-to-know ’ basis, and we will aim to show the practical relevance of finite fields w ithout going too deeply into the algebra. We will s ta rt w ith some definitions, thereafter giving some examples.

In order to differentiate betw een a finite field and other types of fields, we will first define a general field in term s of some axioms describing the field's properties.

3.3.1 Definition of a Field

Let F be a field. Then F is defined by the following axioms:

Laws of addition

• Axiom 3.3 (Associative Law) For all elem ents a, b and c in F , (a + b) + c = a + (6+c).

• Axiom 3.4 (Existence of zero) There exists a zero elem ent 0 in F, so tha t for every elem ent a, Q + a = a + Q = a.

• Axiom 3.5 (Commutative Law) For all elem ents a and b in F , a + b = b + a.

• Axiom 3.6 (Existence of negatives) For every elem ent a in F , (—a) exists, so tha t a + (—a) = 0.


Laws of multiplication

• Axiom 3.7 (Associative Law) For all elem ents a, b and c in F , (a-b) - c = a - ( b -c).

• Axiom 3.8 (Existence of identity element) For every elem ent a in F there exists an id en tity e lem ent 1, so tha t a • 1 = 1 • a = a.

• Axiom 3.9 (Commutative Law) For all elem ents a and b in F , a • b = b • a.

• Axiom 3.10 (Existence of inverses) For every elem ent a in F , a~l exists, so tha t a •a -1 = a -1 • a = 1.

Mixed Laws

• Axiom 3.11 (Distributive Laws) For all elem ents a, b and c in F,

a - (b + c) = (a • b) + (a ■ c) and (a + b) • c = (a • c) + (b • c).

This ends our definitions of a field. By testing Axioms 3.3 through to 3.11 we find th a tthe real num bers form a field with the usual operations. However, the integers do notform a field, as they fail Axiom 3.10. To find inverses for the integers, one has to resort to real num bers or fractions. We extend our definitions further to appropriately define a finite field.

3.3.2 Definition of a Finite Field

Let GF(<2) be a finite field w ith an alphabet of size Q, Q being a prim e num ber or an integer power of a prime. Then GF(Q) has the properties of Axioms 3.3 through to Axiom 3.11 as well as the following:

Axiom 3.12 (Arithmetic Operations) There are two defined operations over G F (Q), nam ely addition and multiplication.

Axiom 3.13 (Field Confinement) The result o f performing arithm etic operations on any num ber o f elem ents in G F (Q) is itse lf an elem ent o fG F (Q ).

This is our definition of a finite field, namely a field with a finite alphabet whose proper­ties match the axioms described above. A finite field is normally denoted GF(Q), where Q denotes the num ber of elem ents in the alphabet.


3.3.3 Creating a finite field GF (Q)

The properties given in Axioms 3.3 through to 3.13 cannot be satisfied for a finite field of any size Q. However, if, and only if, Q is a prime number, or perhaps more im portantly, any integer power of a prime [35],[37], these properties may be adhered to . This means th a t we can create a finite field on the basis of the prime 2, which is naturally suited for digital communications. In GF(2), the binary case, all arithm etic is done modulo 2. For GF(<2), Q = 2q, where q is any positive integer, all arithm etic will be done modulo som e polynom ial defined over GF(2) [35]. In order to do this, we need to find a prim itive elem ent over the field th a t we wish to create, where a primitive elem ent is defined as an elem ent a of the finite field GF(29) whose integer powers represent all o ther elem ents of th a t field. Formally,

Definition 3.1 (Primitive elem ent of a finite field GF(<2)) A prim itive e lem ent o f a field GF(Q) is an elem ent a e G F (Q), so that for every non-zero elem ent (3 e G F (Q), (3 — a k, for som e k e (1 .. .p - 2}

This is a very useful property of finite fields, which is obviously not shared by infinite fields, such as the rational numbers Q or the real numbers R . In practical term s, this means th a t we can represent all elements of a field G F (p) in term s of the prim itive elem ent a and the set of powers, k, which represents the other elem ents of G F(Q ). Naturally, for this to be useful, the mapping p = a k has to be one-to-one.

In order to proceed with our design of a finite field, we need to use a famous and im por­ta n t theorem due to Fermat, often called Ferm at's little theorem [36] in order to dis­tinguish betw een this theorem and Ferm at's ‘last theorem ’, which rem ained unproved until 1995.

Theorem 3.1 (Ferm at’s Little Theorem) I f Q is a prime or an integer pow er o f a prim e, and a is an integer not divisible by Q, then aQ~1 = 1 (mod Q). From this i t also follows tha t a® = a (mod Q).

Two different proofs of this theorem may be found in [37]. Here we shall simply accept this, but an example is appropriate to clarify and illustrate both Definition 3.1 and Theo­rem 3.1. Consider GF(5). We wish to find a primitive elem ent a as defined in Definition 3.1. We try for a = 2. Then

2° (mod 5) = 1

21 (mod 5) = 2

22 (mod 5) = 4

23 (mod 5) = 8 (mod 5) = 3

24 (mod 5) = 16 (mod 5) — 1


Clearly, a = 2 is a primitive elem ent of GF(5). Also, we have illustrated Theorem 3.1 since 24 = 1.

To create our finite field defined over 2q, we will use the property th a t a Q_1 = cc0 = 1, where a is a prim itive elem ent over GF(29), and we s ta rt w ith the following equation (since Q = 2q):

a2*-1 = 1

a 2’-1 + 1 = 0 (3.22)

Clearly, a is a root of the polynomial x29_1+ l . The polynomial x 2q~l + l will factorise into one or more polynomials for sensible values of q, and in order to satisfy this equation, one or m ore of the factors of this polynomial m ust be zero. We set out to find these polynomials in order to obtain a better definition of a. The polynomial we w ant to find should be irreducible, i.e. it can not be factorised, and should not be a factor of a n + 1 for any n < 2q - 1, otherwise the powers of a will repeat before all the non-zero elem ents of GF(<2) have been generated, implying th a t a will not be primitive. A polynomial which satisfies these properties is denoted a prim itive polynomial. Such polynomials are publicised extensively in standard text books on digital communications. We will consider the example of the field GF(8) = GF(23). This example has been taken directly from [35].

The factors of x 7 + 1 are

x 7 + 1 = (x + l)(rr3 + x + l ) ( x 3 + x 2 + 1) (3.23)

The first polynomial on the right hand side of equation (3.23) is clearly not equal to zero with a substitu ted for x, unless a = 1 = a 0, the identity elem ent. However, it tu rns out th a t both the o ther two polynomials are primitive, and hence they could both be zero. We choose arbitrarily the first of these, substitute a for x, and get

a 3 + a + l = 0 (3.24)

We are now in a position where we can express all o ther elem ents of the finite field in term s of a, the primitive elem ent, since the powers of a represent all o ther elem ents of GF(8). We can modify the equation given in equation (3.24) to be

ck3 = a + 1. (3.25)


Hence, all the elem ents of the field GF(8) are now given by




a 2

a 3 — a + 1

a 4 = a 3 • a = a 2 + a

a 5 = a4 ■ a = a:3 + a 2 = a 2 + a + 1

a:6 = a;5 • a = a2 -f a 2 + ol = a 2 + 1 (3.26)

At the sam e tim e we can define addition over the field: Since the polynomial itself is defined over GF(2), addition of the powers of a will simply be modulo 2. M ultiplication is also easily seen to be a simple addition of the powers of a of the different elem entsth a t are to be m ultiplied, and then locating the equivalent elem ent corresponding to th a tparticular power of a, perhaps by using a look-up table stored in a ROM.

3.4 Convolutional Codes

This class of codes were first introduced in [38], and were initially term ed recurrent codes e.g. [39], and several decoding algorithms were subsequently invented, the first gener­ation of these being sequential decoding algorithms on which descriptions may be foundin [40], [41], [42] and more recently in [43]. The nature of these algorithms is largelyheuristic, as suggested by the title of reference [42], and it appears th a t convolutional codes were not well understood before the ground-breaking work undertaken by Viterbi [44], [45] and Forney [46], [47].

As the name indicates, convolutional codes perform the encoding by a continuous con­volution of the inform ation bits by means of the encoder's impulse response, which is defined by the function E (d). As the input data have a finite data range, e.g. the binary case when df e {0,1), the resulting code forms a finite sta te machine. Expressed differ­ently; although the input sequence is entirely random, the encoder output sequence is a structured sequence, implying th a t we can use our knowledge about the nature of this structure in the decoding process to minimise the decoder ou tpu t error rate.

Figure 3.3 shows the block diagram of a feed-forward convolutional code, in its m ost general form. The code consists of k shift registers, i.e. the num ber of shift registers is equal to the num ber of code input symbols.

Each shift register from I = 1 . . . k consists of qvi memory elem ents, where q is the num ber of bits used to represent one symbol, so tha t the to ta l num ber of m emory elem ents u in


the code equals

jfcv = (3.27)


We will define v to be the constraint length of the code. Some authors define v as being the num ber of effective, past data inputs which take part in forming the outputs of the encoder, so th a t this would yield


v = ^2 q (v i + l) (3.28)i=i

However, we prefer to use the definition of equation (3.27) as this simplifies the notation used in the following sections. This definition of v is in line with the definition given by Forney in [46]. It should be noted th a t the constraint length has been defined on a bitlevel, rather than a symbol level. In order to describe the code of Figure 3.3 analytically,




Figure 3.3: Illustration of convolutional code

we need to define a generator polynom ial as a function of the delay operator D, where this generator polynomial is defined over the finite field GF(29). As in Section 3.1 we define the data input sequence to be d, with the input data word a t tim e i being d*. Similarly, the code output word is given by c;. Hence, referring to figure 3.3, d* may be expressed as a vector of symbols, i.e.

di = [ W (3.29)


Now we are interested in the content of the shift registers a t tim e i, which we denote [di+i (£>)]. We express the content of shift register I as 1 { d ^ D ^ K Then, by analogy of equation (3.29), we can express [di+i(Z))] as a k dimensional vector, the elem ents of which being polynomials w ith D as the variable, i.e.

i+v iE


i+v 2 _E


i+Vk ,



Not all of the individual symbols residing in the shift registers are used in calculating the encoder output word a t tim e i, and it is the generator polynomial which uniquely describes which symbols are to be used. The form ation of the output code word can in fact be viewed as a m atrix m ultiplication betw een the input matrix [d;(jD)], now including the current input symbols as well as the content of the shift register, and the generator polynomial m atrix [G(£>)], i.e. the output code word a t tim e i is given by

c, = [di(O)] • [G(D)]

The param eters in equation (3.31) are given as

C i=[{c?} {<?}•••{<:"’ }],

i.e. th e output code word is the vector defined in Section 3.1.

The generator polynomial m atrix is simply



[G(P)] =

9 l l 912 • • - gin

921 922 - - - 92n

. 9kl 9k2 ’ ' " 9kn _


i.e. [G(D)] is a k x n m atrix whose elements are polynomials defined over some finite field G F(29).

Examples of convolutional codes

Figure 3.4 below shows the encoder of the convolutional code

[G(£»)] = [ 9ll p12 ] = [ D 2 + D + 1 D 2 + 1 ] , (3.34)

where the operator D denotes a delay elem ent, and the exponent of D th e num ber of delay elem ents th a t the original data bit has gone through. Here, as opposed to Figure 3.3, the shift registers are drawn as separate delay elements, denoted by a T. For this code, we have q = 1, k = 1 and n = 2. di is the information bit a t tim e i, and cj is the ou tput bit formed by the D 2 + D + 1 part of [G(D)], whereas cf is the ou tpu t formed by the D + l part of [G(T>)], all a t tim e i.


D D l


<+>D l

Figure 3.4: Convolutional encoder of code with [G(D)] = [7 5]

The encoder operates over GF(2), i.e. it is simply a shift register with some modulo 2 adders, i.e. exclusive OR gates, whose configuration is defined by the generator poly­nomials [G(jD)]. If we convert [G(D)] into a binary format, we get [G(£>)] = [111 101]2, which in octal becomes [G(£>)] = [7 5]8, the most common way of describing the gener­ato r polynomial of a code. The constraint length, v is 2 for this code.

Another example of a convolutional code is shown in Figure 3.6. This code is defined by the generator polynomial m atrix

[G(JD)] = 011 012 013 " 7 1 4 "__1 022 023 2 5 7


This code has q = 1, k = 2 and n = 3, i.e. the rate R = 2/3. The constraint length v = 4.

The convolutional encoder forms a finite state machine which can be exploited in the decoding of the code. A sta te is defined as the binary content of the shift register of the encoder, and the num ber of possible states in the convolutional encoder is hence given by

5max = 2" (3.36)

The sta te diagram of the encoder shown in Figure 3.4 is given in Figure 3.5. The sta te diagram may also be converted to a trellis, by taking the discrete tim e instances i , i + 1 etc. into account. The term trellis was first introduced by Forney in [48]. The corresponding trellis of the sta te diagram of Figure 3.5 is shown in Figure 3.7. We assume th a t the trellis begins in a known state (typically the zero state, when the binary content of the shift registers is 0) a t tim e 0. This implies th a t a certain am ount of tim e will elapse before the trellis becomes periodic. Often it is assumed th a t the trellis also ends in a



1/01( JND)

1/10( JND)







Figure 3.5: State Diagram of code with [G(D)] = [7 5]

known state; we shall make no such limiting assum ptions here. Each node in the trellis represents a distinct state a t a given tim e, and each branch represents a transition to som e new sta te a t the next instant of tim e. For each branch a t tim e i, an input symbol di is given (for the binary case), causing an output c\ and cf. In Figure 3.7 this has been illustrated by labelling each branch di/c}cf. The encoder output depends only on the previous sta te and the current input symbol, thereby defining the M arkov properties of the trellis. The m ost im portant property of the trellis is th a t to every possible s ta te sequence s there corresponds a unique path through the trellis, as well as a unique input sequence d, and vice versa.

For a convolutional code defined over GF(29) and of rate R = k /n , there will be 2kq branches leaving and merging into each state. Hence, for the R = 1/2 code of Figure 3.4, there are 2 branches leaving and merging into each state , whereas for the R = 2/3 code illustrated in Figure 3.6, there will be 4 branches leaving and merging into each sta te . The trellis of the la tte r code is shown in Figure 3.8. For the general case after tim e 0, the num ber of allowable states in the convolutional encoder before the trellis becomes periodic is given by

JV,(i,<r,k) = (2«*)i (3.37)

where i is the discrete tim e index. Hence, for the trellis of Figure 3.8, the num ber of allowable states 1VS(1,1,2) a t i = 1 is 4, a t i = 2, iVs(2 ,l,2 ) is 16. The to ta l num ber of sta tes of the convolutional encoder is defined in equation (3.36), where u is as defined in equation (3.27). The num ber of clock cycles needed before the trellis becomes periodic




Figure 3.6: Block diagram of R = 2/3 convolutional code. [G(D)] as defined in equation (3.35).

will thus be given by p when the following equality holds:

2 ^ VI = (2 qky

Solving this for p gives us the following expression:


p =



k (3.39)

Hence, the the tim e taken before the trellis becomes periodic is independent of the size of the finite field over which we operate, it depends solely on the num ber of symbols, not bits, contained in the shift registers and the num ber of shift registers, or input symbols.

Convolutional Codes in Systematic Form

This section will be concerned with convolutional codes in system atic form, and specif­ically codes which have been denoted [1] Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) Codes. First we define the term systematic code:

Definition 3.2 (Systematic Code) A system atic linear code is a linear code in which the first k com ponents o f each code word c satisfy

[{c31} {c32} • • ■ {c3*}] = [{d31} {d32} • • • {d3*}] (3.40)

i.e. the original information forms part o f the code word.


0/000/00 0/00





1/10 t)/10



Figure 3.7: Trellis derived from the state diagram of Figure 3.5 of the [7 5] convolutional code

Although potentially useful, systematic convolutional codes received little atten tion for many years, as, when im plem ented in feed-forward form, they possess worse perfor­mance characteristics than non-system atic convolutional codes. Systematic codes are in general useful for the front end of a receiver, e.g. the dem odulator, as in this case the dem odulator may use data aided synchronisation techniques in the dem odulation task. However, an even more im portant advantage w ith th a t of system atic codes is their su it­ability for iterative decoding, which is to be described in Chapter 6.

Costello [49] was apparently the first to notice th a t every non-system atic convolutional encoder is equivalent to a systematic encoder th a t may contain feedback. To form a system atic code, we s ta rt w ith the code shown in Figure 3.4, w ith generator polynomials [G(T))j = [7 5]8. Dividing the m atrix by the highest of the polynomials, 7, we get the polynomials

[G(jD)j = [1 5/7]8 (3.41)

We see th a t this code forms a systematic code, as one of the polynomials is 1. This will now be illustrated w ith an example.

Figure 3.9 shows the binary R = 1/2 code which we will denote the R SC (7,5) code. As may be seen, the original information sequence Y*Lo diD1 forms part of the coded sequence, in the sense th a t

£ > £ > ‘ = £ 4 ^ (3.42)i=0 i=0


Trellis for Convolutional code, R=2/3, generator matrix =

- - - - .

7 1 42 5 7

(XVMOV 00/011- - ^ _ 01 A) 11


\ KVI10


M/111 00/10100/110


M /m 11/000

Figure 3.8: Trellis derived from the state diagram of the R = 2/3 convolutional code depicted in Figure 3.6

Figure 3.9: Block diagram of the RSC(7,5) code


The parity bit is generated recursively, and are actually produced by multiplying the input sequence w ith a ratio of two polynomials. As may be deduced from the figure (using notation from digital filter theory),

which forms the basis of the derivation of the second generator polynomial. Substituting a(i) from equation (3.45) into equation (3.46) gives

It is of in terest to point out the infinite impulse response of this encoder, as this has som e relevance to iterative coding techniques. By performing a long division of g2(D)/gi (D) , we get

This is of considerable interest, as it appears th a t the encoder output sequence is a result of an infinite num ber of input symbols, albeit the constraint length is finite. The subject of system atic convolutional codes will be revisited in Section 6.3, in order to define their suitability for coding schemes in which the decoder works on an iterative basis.

To understand why we get a better performance of a communication system when em ­ploying convolutional codes, compared to an uncoded system, it is necessary to consider the distance properties of the codes.

a(i) = d(i) + a(i)D + a{i )D2 = d{i) + a(i)(D + D 2), (3.43)

or equivalently


so th a t


We also have

c(i ) 2 = a(i) + a{i )D2 = o (i)(l + D 2) = a(i)g2 (D) (3.46)


The generator polynomial for the code in Figure 3.9 therefore becomes

9{D)r s c p ,5) (3.48)

g2{D) _ 1 + P 2

9 1 (D) l + D + D 2= 1 + D + D2 + D 4 + D 5 + £>7 + D8 + D 10 + D n ■ ■ ■


= 1 + Y , (£)i + D i+1) (3.49)i = 0 , i + = 3


Distance properties of convolutional codes

The Hamming distance of two binary sequences is given by the num ber of differing chan­nel symbols, e.g. when referring to Figure 3.7, the Hamming distance betw een the se­quences si and s2, where si = 000000 and s2 = 110111, is 5. s2 corresponds to the path through the state diagram given by the transitions from state 0 -»• 1 ->• 2 -» 0 whereas si corresponds to the sequence given by the state transitions 0 -> 0 ->■ 0 -»• 0. Since convolu­tional codes are linear, we can m easure the distance from the all zeros codeword to all the other code words to evaluate the performance of the codes. For this code, the Hamming distance 5 also corresponds to the free distance (dfree) of the code, since the Hamming distance betw een any two paths leaving a state a t any one tim e, and re-merging into the same sta te some tim e intervals later, cannot be less than 5. Thus, the reason why we are able to decode the original information with fewer errors than for the uncoded case, is because we are now able to consider a sequence of channel bits before we can make a decision, whereas in the uncoded case, we consider only one symbol a t the tim e.

The dem odulator can give either a hard decision or soft decision ou tput to pass on to the decoder. Hard decision means th a t the dem odulator makes a hard decision on the individual channel bits, by sending only one bit/channel bit on to the decoder. Soft decision means th a t the dem odulator does not make a fixed decision on the particular channel bits, but gives an output which is quantised to more than 1 bit/channel bit. It is well known th a t E b/N 0 gains of around 2dB [26, 27] can be achieved by using soft decision decoding compared to hard decision decoding, so in the following we assume we have a soft decision receiver.

To evaluate the performance of a convolutional code, we have to consider the transfer function. The transfer function describes all possible paths which a t som e interval leave the 0-state, and then re-m erge w ith it a t some tim e later. We denote the 0 s ta te X a when a path leaves this state , and X e when it re-merges with it. State 1 is called X b, sta te 2 is called X c and sta te 3 is called Xd. We can then set up an array of sim ultaneous equations by using the transfer characteristics per branch as given in Figure 3.5, namely the J iN j D k, w here J , N and D are indeterm inates, and i denotes the num ber of inputs causing a certain path, j denotes the num ber of these inputs being different from 0 (0 being the input th a t causes a path being the all-zero path), which we will also denote the input weight of the coded sequence, k denotes the Hamming distance of the particular path from the all-zero path, also denoted output weight. Thus, J iN j D k will describe uniquely a certain path through the sta te diagram. We set up the 5 sim ultaneous equations as follows:

X b = J N D 2X a + J N X C

X c = J D X b + J D X d

X d = J N D X b + J N D X d

X e = J D 2Xc.






Solving the equation for X e in term s of X a, we obtain the transfer function X e/ X a = T( J , N, D) . In this case

J 3N D 5

- J N D - J ’ N D - <3-54>

The transfer function T( J , N, D) is simply a measure of all possible paths th a t left sta te X a a t som e tim e i and then re-merge with it, now being called sta te X e a t a later tim e p. Performing a long division yields

T(J, N, D) = J 3N D 5 + J 4N 2D 6 + J 5N 2D 6 +oo


where df ree is the free distance, which in this case is 5. From equation (3.55) we see th a t there is one path consisting of 3 branches which has output weight, or distance, 5 and input weight 1 from the all zeros path, there is one path consisting of 4 branches a t input weight 2 and distance 6, whereas there is 1 path consisting of 5 branches of input weight 2 and ou tpu t weight 6 . This expression for T(J, N , D) forms the basis of the calculation of an upper bound on the BER as a function of Et,/N0. This derivation can be found in any standard text books, such as [26], or in the article by Viterbi [45]. We will repeat this in Section 4.3 of Chapter 4 for completeness, after the appropriate decoding algorithms have been defined.

3.5 Linear Block Codes

Block Codes are a class of channel codes comprising many different sub-classes. Common for all of these sub-classes is th a t they transform a block of inform ation with k elem ents into a new, coded block of size n, constructed from a given alphabet of elem ents. Block codes were the earliest type of codes to be investigated and have until recent years re­mained the subject of the overwhelming bulk of the coding literature. This may be a t­tribu ted to the rigorous algebraic structures which form the basis of block codes, which to some extent has attracted a considerable am ount of m athem atical theorists to work in the field of block codes, as well as application oriented engineers.

Although block codes are well defined codes, they are in general only well defined w hen hard decision decoding is employed in a system. The reason for this is th a t there has been relatively little work done in soft-decision decoding of block codes, mainly because the complexity of the decoder increases trem endously if soft decision decoding is used instead of hard decision decoding. As this work is only really concerned with trellis based soft decision decoding, we will not consider hard decision decoding. This approach makes, to som e extent, th e theory of the underlying algebra redundant. However, it is this algebra th a t enables the construction of the code, and hence it m ust be included.




We shall only be concerned with a class of linear block codes called cyclic block codes, agroup of codes which is widely used in practice. Moreover, we will particularly address a class of codes denoted BCH codes. BCH codes get their names from the first letters of the names of their inventors, and were originally discovered by Hocquenghem [50], and independently by Bose and Chaudhuri [51]. The codes form a sub-class of cyclic block codes. Before going into the details of these codes, however, a short section about polynomials as related to channel coding is appropriate.


A polynomial of degree n, denoted f {D ) , is represented in the form f nD n + f n- \ D n~l + h /o- The coefficients are, in this context, all elements of GF(<3), where Q could be aprime, or an integer power of a prime (see Section 3.3). Clearly, the leading coefficient /„ m ust be non-zero for the polynomial to be of degree n. Thus, it is convenient to consider the coefficients f j associated with an n degree polynomial to be defined for all j > 0, but to satisfy f j = 0 for j > n. A polynomial, therefore, may be seen to represent an infinite sequence of field elem ents /o, A , • • •, even though only a finite num ber of term s in the sequence are non-zero. The degree of the polynomial is then the largest n for which

The symbol D used in the representation is called an indeterm inate [52]. Strictly speak­ing, it does not need to represent anything; in the context of error correcting codes, it could however be thought to be a place holder in tim e for the code symbols, as was done for the convolutional codes. In general, the coefficients fc will be of more concern to us than the indeterm inate D { and the powers thereof.

Two polynomials are said to be equal if they each correspond to the same sequence of coefficients. The sum of two polynomials f ( D ) and g(D) over a given field is another polynomial over the same field, defined by the rule

The degree of f ( D ) + g(D) is given by the largest n for which f nD n + gnD n ^ 0, and is a t m ost equal to the maximum degree of f (D ) or g(D). The product of two polynomials defined over a certain field is also a polynomial over the same field, and is defined by

As an example, consider f ( D ) = a 2D 2 + a i D a 0 and g(D) = (32D 2 + p iD + /30. Equation

/ » # 0.


f ( D ) + g(D) = y j J j + g s)D> (3.57)3=0

f (D)g(D) = Y , [ Y , t o p - n DP (3.58)


(3.58) hence gives

f ( D) g ( D) =

(p = 0) a 0po D° +

(p = 1) + ( a 0/3i + a 1p0 )D 1

(p = 2) +(ao/?2 + + a2(3o)D2

(p = 3) +(ao/03(= 0) + a l@2 + &2 Pi + &zPo)D*

( p = 4 ) + (Q !o /3 4 (= 0) + O L i f i z { = 0) + OL2P 2 + ( = 0) + Q !4 /3 o ( = 0 ) ) D 4

The elem ents th a t are denoted to be zero are so because one or more of the polynomial coefficients are zero.

The m ultiplication of a polynomial f ( D ) over a field by an elem ent a of the field is defined to be

a f ( D ) = Y , ( a f j ) Di (3.59)j

There is also an im portant theorem regarding polynomial division, or equivalently, fac­torisation.

Theorem 3.2 (Euclidean Division Algorithm) Let f (D) and g{D) be polynom ials over GF(<2), and le t g{D) have degree a t least 1. Then there exist unique polynom ials h(D) and r(D) over G F (Q) for which

f ( D ) = g ( D ) h ( D ) + r ( D), (3.60)

where the degree of r(D) is less than that ofg(D).

The proof of Theorem 3.2 may be found in [52], page 216. The expression in equation (3.60) may be interpreted to be an incomplete factorisation of f ( D) , i.e. g(D) divides f ( D ) w ith result h{D) and rem ainder r(D) /g(D) . We denote this rem ainder, as in [52], R g(D)[f(D)]- If Rg(D)[f(D)] is zero» then f ( D ) is called reducible, if a t the sam e tim e h(D) and g{D) have degree a t least one. If f ( D ) is not reducible, then f ( D ) is said to be irreducible.

When factoring a polynomial into irreducible factors, one may encounter som e am biguity concerning the factors, because, given one factorisation, we can always m ultiply one factor by an arbitrary field elem ent and multiply the other polynomial by the inverse of th a t field elem ent, thereby not changing the product even though we have tam pered w ith the factors. We will include one more definition regarding polynomials which will be used to elim inate this ambiguity; namely th a t of a monic polynomial:

Definition 3.3 (Monic Polynomial) A monic polynom ial is defined as a polynom ial whose leading non-zero coefficient is 1 , i.e i f the polynom ial is given by

f ( D ) = a nDn - F a n - 1 D n~l + • • • + a 0, (3.61)


then an = 1.

Cyclic Block Codes

Cyclic Codes are a very im portant sub-class of linear block codes, easily im plem ented in a similar m anner to th a t of convolutional codes. Excellent treatm ents of cyclic block codes may be found in [35] and [26].

An (n, k ) linear block code C is called a cyclic code if whenever

Co [co > Ci j . . . , Cji—p—i j Cjx_p, , . . . , Cjx_i] (3.62)

is a codeword in C, so are all the cyclic shifts of c0 i.e. the pth shift cp of c0 is also a codeword given by

Cp [Cfi—p, Cji—p-^- i , . . . , Cfi—i , c q , C i , . . . , Cfi—p —i ] . (3.63)

The codewords can also be described by means of a polynomial, i.e.

co{D) = cn—\ D n 1 + cn_2jDn 2 + • • • + C\D + Co, (3.64)

i.e. we have a polynomial of degree n - 1.

As w ith convolutional codes, the code itself is described by a generator polynomial, which determ ines the characteristics of the code. The output codeword c(D) of the encoder is then given by the product of the information sequence d(D) and the generator polynomial

9(D), i-e.

c(D) = g(D)d(D). (3.65)

d(D) is a polynomial of degree k - 1, since it consists of an information sequence of k symbols, and thus the generator polynomial m ust be of degree n - k for the product given in equation (3.65) to yield a codeword of degree n - 1. A cyclic shift of the code word implies multiplying a code word by D \ where i is the num ber of shifts, and then taking the result modulo (Dn + 1), as will be shown in the next section.

Algebraic Structure of Cyclic Codes

If we have a code word c(D) and shift it i times, the cyclic property means th a t the bit,or symbol for the non-binary codes, representing the coefficient of the D n~x part of thecode word, wrap around to the D° position. To achieve this, every tim e we get a te rm in D n, we m ust add D n -f 1 to cyclically shift the coefficient in the D n position to th e D° position. By expressing the code word in polynomial form, the cyclic nature of the code manifests itself in the following way: If c(D) is an (n - 1) degree code word polynomial, then c^ ( D ) , the rem ainder resulting from dividing D'ciD) by D n + 1, is also a code word.


We illustrate this by considering c{D) as a code word, th a t is, the coefficients of c(D) form a code word. Now we shift the code word by multiplying through by D, so th a t we have Dc(D):

Dc(D) = cn- iD n + cn- 2D n- x -\ b cqD (3.66)

adding and subtracting cn_i, or in modulo 2 notation, adding cn_i twice, we have

Dc(D) = cn- i ( D n + 1) + cn—2Dn 1 + ■ • • + cqD -b cn—i (3.67)

Taking the expression in equation (3.67) modulo D n + 1, we get the rem ainder, namely

R Dn+1 [Dc(D)] = cn- 2 D n~l -I-------b cqD + cn_i (3.68)

D n + 1 clearly does not divide R Dn+1[Dc(D) \ , as the degree of R Dn+ 1[Dc(D) \ is n - 1 . We generalise this by taking the i th shift of a code word c (D) and then dividing by D n + 1:

D^ i D ) cW(D) = q(D) -I (3.69)D n + l ’ D n + 1 K J

M ultiplying through by D n + 1 yields

D'c^D) = q(D)(Dn + 1) + c®(D), (3.70)

or, by rearranging (using modulo 2 arithmetic)

cW(jD) = D ic{D) + q{D){Dn + 1) (3.71)

i.e. the ith cyclic shift of the code word c(D) is equal to the code word m ultiplied by D l w ith the polynomial q(D)(Dn + 1) added to it. This result may also be described in term s of modulo arithm etic. The formula for the ith cyclic shift of a code word c{D) is thus given by

cw (D) = D ^ iP ) (mod D n + 1) (3.72)

Now we consider the case when g(D) is the lowest degree monic polynomial which forms a code word in a cyclic code, w ith the exception of the all-zero code word. Also, we letm be the degree of g(D). It follows that, if a 0 is an elem ent of GF(<2), then a 0g(D) isa code word because of the linear properties of the code. From the cyclic property, we also find th a t aiDg(D) is a code word for all ai in GF(<2), and ai Dlg(D) is a code word for i < n - 1 - m. Adding all these code words together we see tha t, for any polynomial a(D) in GF(<3) w ith degree a t m ost 77, - 1 - m, a(D)g(D) is also a code word.

From Theorem 3.2 we know th a t any polynomial c(D) may be expressed in the following form:

c(D) = a(D)g(D) + r(D). (3.73)

Since a(D)g(D) is a code word, it follows from linearity tha t, if c(D) is a code word, then so is r{D) . Since r(D) is a polynomial of lower degree than g{D), r(D) can be m ultiplied


by an elem ent of GF(<3) to get a monic polynomial which is a code word of lower degree than g(D). However, g(D) was the lowest degree code word available, and hence this is not possible. Hence r(D) = 0. Thus, c(D) is a code word if, and only if, there is a polynomial a(D) with degree a t m ost n - m - l satisfying

Another im portant property of g(D) is th a t it must be a factor of D n + 1. Since g{D) is a monic polynomial of degree m, we have

The '1 ' comes in because of c(D) being monic; in equation (3.67) we assumed the general case w ith cn_i taking on any value within the field GF(Q). Now r{D) = Rd*+i [Dn~mg(D)\ and is thus a cyclic shift of a valid code word. Hence, it must contain g(D) as a factor. Equation (3.75) then implies th a t g(D) m ust also be a factor of D n + 1.

g(D) is called the generator polynomial for the cyclic code, and, as has been shown in equation (3.73), has the im portant property th a t it is a factor of all possible code words. The set of code words is the set of linear combinations of g(D) and its first n - m - l shifts.

The encoding operation of cyclic codes could take one of many forms. We will initially concentrate on the multiplication between the generator polynomial and th a t of the input inform ation word, as this will serve our purpose. This encoding form was also used in [43], and will be illustrated in the next section, considering BCH codes.

Encoding of cyclic codes and binary BCH Codes

In the following sections we will define a block code in term s of its output block length n, its input block length k and the num ber of bits q used to represent the symbols. The symbol dmin is used to denote the minimum distance, and the code will thus be described using the notation (n, k, dmin). If the code in question is binary, we will use only (n, k ) to describe the code.

Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) Codes are powerful, m ultiple error correcting cyclic block codes. For any positive integers m and t < n / 2 , where n is the dimension of the ou tpu t code word, there exists a binary BCH code with block length n = 2m - 1 and minimum distance dmin > 2 t + l having a t most m t parity bits [27], [36]. Such a code is a t error correcting code when hard-decision decoding is used. Figure 3.10 shows the (7,4) BCH code w ith generator polynomial g(D) = 13 given in octal, or g{D) = D 3 + D + 1 given as a polynomial.

For this code, n = 7, so th a t m = 3, t = 1 and dmin = 3 using 3 parity bits. The encoder is operated by first inputting the 4 information bits in d(D) and then flushing th ree 0 's into

c(D) = a(D)g(D) (3.74)

D n- mg{D) = D n + 1 + r{D) (3.75)


d (4 information bits + 3 Os)

Figure 3.10: BCH encoder with g{D) = 13

th e shift register to generate the three parity bits. The other effect these three 0 's have is to reset the shift register content to the 0 state, which has the effect of term inating the code length.

However, there are o ther ways of encoding, and we shall now consider this m ore for­mally. Let g(D) be an irreducible polynomial g{D) = D n~k + D n~k~l b D + 1 overGF(2). The field defined by g{D), consists of 2n~k elements, which was exemplified in Section 3.3 w ith the irreducible polynomial D 3 + D + 1, having substitu ted x for D. Also, let a be a root of g{D). Now we wish to use g(D) as a generator polynomial for a cyclic code.

Let d(D) be the code input word, d(D) = /3k- i + Pk-2 D k~2 d b We shift thissequence n - k places, so th a t we have D n~kd(D) = /3fc_i H n_1 -b j3k-2 D n~2 b fi0D n~k.We divide D n~kd(D) by g(D):

M ultiplying through by g(D), we get

D n- kd(D) = q(D)g(D) + r{D) (3.77)

w here the rem ainder r(D) has degree < deg g(D) (from Theorem 3.2, the Euclidean Division Theorem). Then

r(D) = 'y„-k- l D n- k- 1 + 7 „ - * - 2 D n~k~2 + •• • + 7 0 (3.78)

Since - 1 = 1 in GF(2), we get

g(D)q(D) = D n~kd(D) + r(D) = c(D), (3.79)

which forms our code word. As stated in previous sections, g(D) is a factor of the finalcode word. Also, the code word, when evaluated a t D = a, is equal to zero, as g(a) = 0,i.e .

g(a)q(a) = c(a) = 0 (3.80)

This forms our encoder. As may be seen, the encoder is systematic, whereby the origi­nal inform ation sequence is also transm itted as well as the redundancy inform ation. In


summary, the encoder works by transm itting the original information symbol, perform the polynomial division of D n~kd(D)/g(D) and then transm itting the rem ainder of this division.

A circuit for performing polynomial division is given in Figure 3.11, and as may be seen, it is simply a shift register circuit w ith feedback. Given two polynomials


Figure 3.11: Block diagram of polynomial division circuit

d(D) — dmD m + dm- iD m 1 + • • • -F do (3.81)


g(D) = grD r + gr- iD r 1 + - - -+go (3.82)

such th a t m > r , the divider circuit of Figure 3.11 performs the division of d(D) by g(D), thereby determ ining the quotient q{D) and the rem ainder r(D):

& . - „ ( D \ + ! M 13 S3)g(D) 9{D) + g(D) (3'83)

The shift register content is initially all zero. The first r shifts in the register en ter the m ost significant coefficients of d(D). After the rth shift, the quotient ou tput is g ^ d m , which is the highest order term in the quotient. For each quotient coefficient the polynomial qig(D) m ust be subtracted from the dividend, which is perform ed by the feedback connections. The difference between the leftm ost r term s remaining in the dividend and the feedback term s qig{D) is formed on each shift of the circuit and appears as the content of the shift register. At each shift of the register, the difference is shifted one stage, the highest order term is shifted out, while the next significant coefficient of d(D) is shifted in. After m - f l to ta l shifts into the register, the quotient has been serially presented a t the output and the rem ainder resides in the register.

Some simplifications may be possible. In this context, we are only interested in monic generator polynomials. This implies th a t we can set the highest order coefficient gr of the generator polynomial equal to 1, and consequently, g7 1 = 1. Also, as we will assum e all subtraction is done over GF(2), and hence the operations of adding and subtraction are


equivalent, th e minus signs of the generator polynomial coefficients may be om itted. For encoding in system atic form, we may achieve further simplifications [39]. The encoding of a cyclic code in system atic form was shown to be a m atter of up-shifting the message polynomial by n - k places, and then dividing this by the generator polynomial. The transm itted code word was then the original message polynomial and the rem ainder of the polynomial division. Relating this to Figure 3.11, we can feed the message polyno­mial into a n n - f c stage shift register circuit, perform the division (ignoring the quotient outputs) by the generator polynomial and then take the rem ainder from the shift register after n shifts. However, the first n - k shifts are simply filling the registers; no feedback is possible until th e rightm ost stage has been filled. It is possible to shorten the shifting cycle by loading the input data to the output of the last stage as shown in Figure 3.12, thereby autom atically multiplying the input message vector by D n~k. As in Figure 3.11, the ou tpu t of the adder a t the rightm ost stage a t the first tim e instant, is equal to the first input symbol.

The following steps describe the encoding procedure undertaken by the encoder in Figure 3.12:

• All switches are in position 1 during the first k shifts, to allow for the transm ission of the message bits into the n - k shift register and to make sure th a t the message polynomial forms part of the output code word.

• After transm ission of the kth symbol, all switches move to position 2. This opens the feedback loop, and the input symbols to the shift register are now 0's only. This m eans th a t the output code word is now formed by the content of the shift register.

• The to ta l num ber of shifts is equal to n and the contents of the output register is th e code word polynomial D n~kd(D) + r(D).

The equivalent system atic code of the code shown in Figure 3.10 thus takes the shape shown in Figure 3.13.

Reed-Solomon (RS) Codes

In all examples so far, only binary codes have been considered, i.e. th e codes have been defined over GF(2). However, there is nothing stopping us from defining a code over a non-binary field, where both the generator polynomials, the input symbols and the ou tpu t code words are formed by elements defined over a non-binary finite field. RS codes are a special sub-class of non-binary (cyclic) BCH codes, constructed over non­binary finite fields, w ith the attractive property th a t they are m axim um distance codes, i.e. they achieve the largest possible minimum distance for any linear code w ith the sam e encoder input and ou tput block lengths. RS codes are popular codes, because of their very good burst-erro r correcting capabilities as well as the existence of efficient, hard decision


---------------K+>-c (D )


Figure 3.12: Block diagram of encoder of systematic cyclic codes

decoding algorithms. RS codes are often used as an outer code in a concatenated coding system, where the inner code is normally a convolutional code which corrects random errors, whereas the outer RS code is left to decode the residual burst errors a t the output of the Viterbi decoder. O ther configurations are possible, for instance, all compact disc players employ a concatenated RS coding scheme called Cross Interleaved Reed-Solom on Coding (CIRC). A trea tm en t of CIRC may be found in [26]

The generator polynomial for a Reed-Solomon Code is always given by [52]

r+d—29 (d) = n (D - a') (3.84)

i —v

where, as before, a is a primitive elem ent of the finite field defined over G F(29). Reed- Solomon codes have block length n = 2q - 1, dmin - 1 parity check symbols and input block length k = n - 2 t , where t the num ber of correctable symbol errors in hard decision decoding. We will define the codes using the notation RS (n ,k ,d min , or simply RS (n, k).

For RS codes, the minimum distance is given by

d m i n = n - k + 1 (3.85)

This minimum distance is measured in symbols and not bits. However, it follows fromthe above th a t the minimum distance dbmin of an RS code in term s of bits will be given bythe following inequality

dmin — dmin, (3.86)

since it takes a t least one bit within a symbol to change the symbol value.




Figure 3.13: Equivalent systematic encoder of the code drawn in Figure 3.13

RS codes are capable of correcting t symbol errors in hard-decision decoding, where t is given by

t = dmin 1 n — k2 2


and where the symbol [-J denotes the integer part of its argum ent. A t - e rror correcting RS code w ith an alphabet of 2q symbols, where q is the num ber of bits used to represent one symbol, has

n = 2q — 1 (3.88)


k = 2q - l - 2 t = n - 2 t (3.89)

To illustrate the advantage of using a non-binary code, consider the following codes:

1. A binary (n ,k ) code. The entire n-tuple space of this code is defined by 2n, whereas we can only have 2k code words. With knowledge of the possible code words, we thus have a ratio betw een known code words and possible n-tuples of

o kW = — = 2k~n


2. A non-binary (n, k) code w ith q bits per symbol. The n-tuple space for this code is given by 2nq, whereas we have 2kq possible code words. Thus, the ratio betw een known code words and possible n-tuples is given by

2kqy / — = 2«,(fc-n)2 nq (3.91)


From this, we can easily deduce th a t we would need a binary code which is q tim es longer than a non-binary code in order to get the same performance as a non-binary code. In [53] it was described how some codes may be defined over multiple finite fields.

Non-binary codes may be encoded in a similar m anner to th a t of binary codes, the only difference being th a t all arithm etic operations are now defined over G F(29) instead of GF(2). A non-system atic RS code is exemplified in Figure 3.14, showing the n = 7, k = 5 and q = 3 code. As may be seen, or deduced from equation (3.84), the code generator polynomial is now defined by

g{D) = a D2 + a 3D + 1, (3.92)

where a is a primitive elem ent over GF(23), i.e. GF(8).

7 code symbols of 3 bits each

5 information symbols of 3 bits + 2 0’s

Figure 3.14: RS encoder constructed over GF(23)

RS codes can also be encoded in systematic form, and the encoder circuit will be similar to th a t of Figure 3.12, as is shown in Figure 3.15. This is the equivalent system atic encoder of the encoder shown in Figure 3.14, in the sense th a t this code is also defined overG F(8).

It is to be noted th a t the encoders given in Figures 3.14 and 3.15 may also be used for any n = 2 q - 1 and k = n - 2 code, although the actual value assigned to the prim itive elem ent a would vary from field to field.

Finite s ta te machines and Trellis structures of BCH codes

In the early days of coding theory, algebraic codes would normally be decoded by means of algebraic decoding algorithms due to their simple structures. However, the in tro ­duction of the Maximum Likelihood Viterbi Algorithm in [44], originally designed for convolutional codes, generated an interest in using this algorithm for Block Codes. The work described in [24] enabled a construction of a trellis for block codes, as well as an optim um decoding algorithm, and in [54], Wolf described block codes in a very sim ilar m anner to th a t of convolutional codes, enabling a straightforward maximum likelihood



d; k symbols of q b its each

Figure 3.15: Systematic RS encoder constructed over GF(23)

decoding of linear block codes similar to th a t of convolutional codes. As was noted by Wolf, it is straight forward to create a sta te diagram similar to th a t of convolutional codes, where as before, a sta te is defined as the content of the encoder shift register. As an example, th e sta te diagram of the non-system atic BCFI code used by Shin in [43] (the block diagram of which is given in Figure 3.10), w ith g(D) = 13 is given in Figure 3.16.



o/o 000 010 1011/00/0

0/0 1/0 0/00/1

001 0110/1

Figure 3.16: State diagram of BCH code withp(D) = 13

From Figure 3.16, we can easily create a trellis structure similar to th a t of convolutional codes, and this is shown in Figure 3.17. As has been indicated w ith the dotted lines in Figure 3.17, the trellis enters a term ination pattern after k symbols, since the encoder is gradually filled w ith zeros. Also, we notice from the trellis th a t the minimum distance of


Trellis of (7,4) non-systematic BCH Code


Figure 3.17: Trellis of BCH code shown in Figure 3.10

this code is 3, corresponding to the state transitions 0 - > l - » 2 - * 4 - > - 0 .

011 101

000 110 001o

100 010

Figure 3.18: State diagram of systematic BCH code with G(D) = 13

We can also create the trellis diagram of the systematic BCH (7,4) code which was shown in Figure 3.13. Figure 3.18 shows the state diagram of this code, whereas Figure 3.19 shows the trellis of the code. Again we notice th a t the free distance of this code is 3, corresponding to the state transitions 0 - » 3 - ^ 6 - » 4 - > 0 . We should note the following differences betw een the convolutional code described previously and this BCH code:

• The BCH encoder is reset to the 0 state after each encoding block. This could also be done to the Convolutional encoder, but requires additional redundancy bits. We will denote this property inherent self-termination.

• The BCH code has only one generator polynomial, resulting in only one ou tpu t bit


Trellis of (7,4) systematic BCH Code


Figure 3.19: Trellis of BCH code shown in Figure 3.13

per branch of the sta te diagram.

The trellises for non-binary codes, like the RS code of Figure 3.15, are also generated in a straightforw ard manner: We denote the state s* a t any tim e i, where Si is given by


«< = X ^ W P} -2 9'(f"-I) (3.93)p = 1

where {diP} denotes the symbol located in the pth memory cell a t tim e i. p = 1 denotes th e leftm ost memory cell, q is the num ber of bits used to define a symbol. As an example, consider the RS (7,5,3) code of Figure 3.15: If {d;i} = 1 and { d i 2 } = 3 and q = 3, then th e Si = 25. The maximum state is given when { d n = 7} and { d i 2 } = 7, yielding sta te 63. The num ber of states in the trellis for any un-shortened RS (n, k, q) code when using this approach, is given by

= (3.94)

Hence, smax(7,5,3) becomes 64, smax(15,13,3) becomes 256 and smax(15 ,11,5) becomes65536. Since the characteristics of the code change after k clock cycles, two differenttrellises have to be kept in memory in the decoder, unless the second trellis is derived during the initial m etric com putation in the decoder. However, the trellis for the last n — k clock cycles may easily be derived from the initial trellis.

Chapter 4

Soft-In/Soft-Out Decoding Algorithms

In this chapter we will consider the algorithms for decoding the codes described in Chap­te r 3. In the trea tm ent of these algorithms, one has the choice of starting with the m ost general approach to the decoding problem and then move on to simplifications of this. However, due to the simplicity involved with the algorithm known as the Viterbi Algo­rithm , we will s ta rt w ith this, after we have appropriately defined the decoding problem . Thereafter we will consider the algorithm now commonly known as the BCJ R algorithm, thereby also defining a soft ou tput decoder. Finally, we will consider a simplified version of this algorithm, namely the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA), which is similar to the Viterbi algorithm, yet delivers soft outputs.

4.1 Statement of problem

We will assume th a t the front end receiver, i.e. the dem odulator, is in the form described in Section 2.3.1. Figure 4.1 illustrates the encoder and decoder, separated by the m odu­lator, channel and dem odulator. We shall assume a memoryless channel in the following




Figure 4.1: Illustration of code parameters



analysis, and th a t the information is transm itted block-wise, i.e. th a t N, the input word length, is finite. All codes dealt w ith in Chapter 3 may be characterised as tim e-discrete M arkov processes, but we will specifically deal with convolutional codes of rate 1/n in order to reduce the problems with notation when considering both block and convolu­tional codes, implying th a t k = 1 in figure 4.1. We shall further assume, for the m om ent, th a t the first state , s0, of the encoder is the 0 sta te (denoted s§), and th a t the final sta te s n is the 0 sta te (denoted s°N) i.e. th a t the last u code input bits are predeterm ined in order to reset the code to the 0 state . This is illustrated in Figure 4.2.

di/yi d i- im - i dN/YN

r 1 2"—1 xl — 1 xSl

o — o

Figure 4.2: Trellis of the considered code

The tim e-discrete property follows on from the sampling process, where the outputs from the m atched filters are sampled a t the optim um sampling point a t one sample per symbol w ith spacing Ts, the symbol duration. The state s? a t tim e i is one of a finite num ber A of states, where 0 < a < A - l , A = 2I/. The state sequence through the trellis from tim e 0 to tim e N may thus be represented by a vector of states s = [s0 s i . . . s^v]. The process is M arkov in the sense th a t the probability of being in a s ta te a t a certain tim e i +1 depends only on the sta te a t tim e i and the input symbol of the encoder. There is a one-to-one relationship betw een the vector of states s and the encoder input data vector d . Hence, the task of the decoder is to estim ate the vector of states s, or equivalently, d, on the basis of the outputs from the matched filters, the vector y . The samples y are in the form of equation (2.42), where r* represents the individual samples of the received vector y, which is defined by equation (3.19). Since we assume a binary convolutional code of rate R = 1/n, the branch symbols a t tim e i , given by the vector y it may be represented by


y{ = [yj yj . . . y f ] . The individual samples at tim e i may also be represented by

V i = P i \/^&(2c? — 1) + n\ , (4.1)

where c( is an encoder output bit taking the value 0 or 1, Ecb is the energy of the channel symbol, is the am plitude fading coefficient and n{ is a sample of additive white Gaussian noise w ith noise power spectral density of N0/2 in the frequency range- l / 2 T s < f < 1/2Ts .

The decoding problem may thus be formulated similarly to the definitions in Section 2.3.1: Find the sta te sequence s for which the posterior probability p(s|y) is maximised, where p(s|y) may be factored, using Bayes rule, to give

as was done in equation (2.47).

The denom inator of equation (4.2) may be expanded into

zp ( y ) = 'I~2p(y\si)p(si)> (4-3)


where Z is the num ber of possible sequences th a t may occur in the trellis.

This divisor of equation (4.2) may be om itted from the calculations, as it is common for all I. Thus, the decision rule from equation (4.2) may be form ulated to be one of choosing the sta te sequence si which maximises

p{si\y) =p(y\si)p{si). (4.4)

This is the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) decision rule, for which, as will be shown in Section 4.2, the Viterbi algorithm is a solution.

4.2 The Viterbi Algorithm

Because of the memoryless nature of the channel, and because of the Markov properties of the code, we may factor p(s) • p(y|s) to become

p{s) -p(y |s) = n M 4 l ^ i ) I I ^ I sU - i ) (4.5)i=l i=l

We can thus assign each branch transition at tim e i from to s£ the transition proba­bility P f 6

P i b =p(s<|5<-i)p(yi|«i,»i-i) (4.6)


and perform our decoding on the basis of this. Fora Rayleigh fading channel w ith AWGN, this is given by

/ - (vi - dVETb ( 2 4 ~ i ) ) 2^\°b = p{s\ is-_i) n ^ ^ exp

V27TO-2 2<72V )


For a particular path through the trellis, the probability of this sequence to have taken place is thus proportional to the product of all the different branch metrics from i = 1 to i = N . At each discrete tim e instant the accumulated metric for each sta te marks the forward probability of being in th a t state . The sum over all states of all the accumulated metrics should be equal to 1.

This is the essence of the Viterbi algorithm in its m ost general form. By starting a t the left hand side, i.e. a t i = 1, of the trellis shown in Figure 4.2, the branch metrics of each branch are calculated one by one using the expression in equation (4.7). The path metrics will be the product of all branch metrics th a t form part of the appropriate paths through the trellis, and there will be as many path metrics a t each tim e interval as there are sta tes in the trellis. Calculations are simplified by the revelation tha t, whenever two paths merge into one state, the path with the smaller metric may be ignored/rem oved from m emory, as the future path through the trellis depends only on the current sta te and the future input symbols. The path with the higher accumulated m etric is normally denoted the survivor. The expression in equation (4.7) is however a rather complex expression to calculate, and may be substantially simplified.

As in Section 2.3.1, we take the negative of the natural logarithm of equation (4.7), an al­lowable operation since the natural logarithm increases monotonically w ith its argum ent, and get

- ln P ? b = -lnp(4|<_i) + 2 ^ 2 i t , { y i - P i V ^ d , ( ^ 4 - l ) ) + n \n V 2 7 r a 2 (4.8)j=l

Clearly, the last term of this expression is independent of the input sequence, and may be rem oved. Also, the term a 2 is common for all branches, and may also be ignored. The decision rule therefore becomes th a t of minimum distance detection, i.e. the branch m etric becomes

M f = - \ n p { s \ \ s U ) + j ^ ( v i - (4.9)j=l

By taking the negative and expanding the above expression, we get

M f = I n s i s t , ) + J 2 + M V K i ( H - l ) vi - ( p i f E d ) (4.10)j=1

Here, th e term s (y{ ) 2 and are common for all branches and may be ignored aswell. The branch metric to be calculated for each branch is hence


Aff1' = ln p (4 |S?_1) + ^ ( 2 ^ V ^ ( 2 4 - l ) W ) (4-11)3 = 1


This metric is denoted the correlation metric, and the path whose sum of branch metrics is highest, will be the Maximum a Posteriori path. Since the term s y/Etf, and the constant 2 are common for all branches, we may also ignore these in this expression, i.e. we can set = 1. Also, the the fading am plitude coefficients may not be known, and may also be set to 1.

Often it is assumed th a t all input symbols are equally likely, and by considering only the sta te transitions th a t are actually allowed in the trellis, we may also ignore the a priori information, i.e the te rm p (s j |s“_1), of equation (4.11). Such a decision rule would conform to the Maximum Likelihood (ML) decision rule. Also, if we have no side in­form ation from the channel about the amplitude fading coefficients and we assum e the channel is pure AWGN, the metric calculation may be simplified to be


M f = £ ( 2 c f - 1 )yl (4.12)3 = 1

Hence, all states a t i = N would have a path metric associated with them , given by

M(s%) = Y , i t v 4 - W , (4.13)i=1 j =1

for all a e {0 . . . 2 U - 1}, where 2" is the number of states in the trellis, as defined in equation (3.36). We initially assumed th a t the trellis re-merges w ith the 0 sta te again a t tim e N; this then implies th a t the metric M(s%) should be higher than all o ther path metrics.

In practice, we may have to make certain modifications to the algorithm. For instance, if N is very large, or even infinite, it is necessary to truncate the 2" survivors to som e m an­ageable length. This implies th a t the decoder makes decisions regarding the inform ation data in position i - S a t some tim e i. If all the survivors a t tim e i merge a t a tim e interval i - C, and ( < 8 , then this truncation causes no degradation in performance. For 6 being 5-6 tim es the constraint length of the code, it is well known [35, 26] th a t the perfor­mance loss is negligible. It is also clear from equation (4.13) th a t if N is very large, the path metrics will grow very high and may cause problems with overflow. One solution to this is to subtract a constant from all path metrics a t each tim e interval i in order to keep them under control. This constant could be taken to be the best of all path metrics, so th a t the maximum path metric is always 0, whereas the worse ones are always < 0. This could, however, cause problems with underflow, and perhaps a be tter solution is to subtract a constant so th a t the sum of all path metrics a t any one tim e is equal to zero. However, this does not solve the potential problem regarding the range of the values to be represented in the accumulators, i.e. the range between the value of the maximum m etric and th a t of the minimum metric. Only 2m values are allowed in this range, where m is the num ber of bits used to represent the metrics. This problem may be solved by introducing a non-linearity, so th a t values are truncated, or the decoder may be designed w ith sufficiently large accumulators, thereby avoiding the problem altogether, assum ing th a t the trellis is periodically reset.


Also, it may be required for the algorithm to sta rt w ithout knowledge of the initial s ta te a t t = 0. This does not cause difficulties for the algorithm, as the leading survivor will always merge w ith the correct path after some tim e. Both references [26] and [35] may be referred to for a more comprehensive trea tm ent of the Viterbi algorithm, as they both give worked examples of Viterbi decoding.

4.3 Performance Bounds on Convolutional Codes

As was pointed out in Section 3.4, we can use the all-zero path of the trellis to evaluate the performance of the codes. In the following we will trea t the all-zero path as the correct sequence and the differing sequences as error sequences. We shall further assum e a pure AWGN channel and th a t a binary phase shift keying m odulation scheme is used.

The correct path consists of a series of 0 as inputs, which in the encoder also produces zeros as channel bits. In the receiver, these channel symbols appear as Gaussian random variables w ith m ean - y / E ^ and variance a2. From equation (4.13) we see th a t the m etric for the all zero path will be equal to

^ ( 4 ) = - E X > < - (4 -14)i= 1 j =1

If we make a wrong decision in the decoding process, this implies th a t we choose a path th a t is not the all-zero path, which differs in d positions from the correct path. This can only happen if this wrong sequence has a higher metric. The probability of choosing the wrong sequence is thus equal to the probability of the path metric of the wrong sequence being higher than th a t of the correct path. By subtracting the metrics of these tw o paths from each other, we find th a t the difference betw een them will be

i= l j =l i= l j=ld

= - 2 E ^ > (4 -15)r = 1

where r are the indices in which the two sequences differ. The probability of choosing a wrong sequence is thus equal to the probability of the above expression being less th an zero, i.e.

d dP { - 2 E > r < 0 } = P { - E j / r < 0 } = P { Z < 0 } (4.16)

r=l r —1

Since the received channel symbols are samples of independent Gaussian variables, the sum m ation in equation (4.16), which we denote Z , has the properties th a t the m ean willbe dyfEtf, and the variance will be given by da2. The error probability in equation (4.16)


may therefore be computed as given by the following integral


Substituting N0 = 2a1 and x = (Z - ky/E^)/^/dN0/2, we get

P { - ^ yr < 0} = / ) J ^ e x p ( - x 2/2)dx = Q (^j2dEcb/N ^j ,



Noting th a t the the channel symbol energy Ecb is equal to REb, where R is the rate of the code and Eb is the inform ation bit energy, we set the probability of choosing a wrong sequence equal to

Equation (4.19) gives the exact probability of choosing a path which has distance d from the correct path. However, this is not the complete story in term s of convolutional codes, as there will always be many possible paths with different distances th a t will merge with the all-zero path at a given node. In Section 3.4 we considered the transfer function of convolutional codes, and this is a tool we can use in the calculation of error events in the decoding, as the transfer function T (J ,N ,D ) provides a complete description of all the possible paths th a t merge with the all-zero path a t a given node, including these sequences' distance properties. We can thus form an upper bound on the first event error probability, by summing the error probability given in 4.19 over all possible distances. Hence,

Here, denotes the num ber of paths which re-merge with the all-zero path w ith a certain distance d.

The reason why equation (4.20) is an upper bound on the first event error probability, is th a t the events tha t cause the error may not be mutually exclusive, which may easily be seen from the trellis, i.e. an error event caused by a path w ith distance di may contain m ultiple paths which have already been taken into account in the error probability cal­culation. However, as Q (y /2dEbR/Noj decreases exponentially w ith d, these will have very little effect on the final result. Also, we have assumed th a t N, th e code input length is infinite. If the code is truncated, the summation in equation (4.20) should also be truncated.

dP { Y ,V r < 0} = Q ( y 2 d B bR / N 0) ■ (4.19)


We are particularly interested in the bit error rate a t the output of the convolutional decoder. To obtain this, we need to consider the input weight properties of the wrongly chosen paths. Now, the input weight of the wrongly chosen sequence is readily available


from T ( J , N , D ) as the exponent of N. Hence, we can multiply the probability of error given in equation (4.19) by the exponent of N in order to find the probability of bits being in error, rather than the probability of a sequence being wrong. Hence, to obtain the upper bound on the bit error probability, we can multiply the sum m ation term s in equation (4.20) with the num ber of bit errors th a t each of the wrong decisions would cause.

As was exemplified in equation (3.55), the transfer function T(J, N, D) may be expressed as


T ( J , N , D ) = ] T adJ f ^ N 9^ D d (4.21)

where f{d) and g(d) are some appropriate functions of the sum m ation param eter d. In order to compute the bit error probability, we differentiate T(J, N, D) with respect to N, so th a t th e exponent of N, i.e. g(d), becomes a factor in the new expression, and then substituting J = 1, N = 1 and D d = Q {^/2dEbR/N<^j into the expression. Hence, we get for the bit error probability


P b e r < E adg(d)Q ( V 2dREb/N 0) . (4.22)d— df f ' £ £

Often it is convenient to use an approxim ation for the Q(-) function, as it involves nu­merical com putation. A good approxim ation for Q{-) is given by exp(-(-)2/2), so th a t

Q [y/2dREb/ N ^ < e~E Rd/No (4.23)

Hence, we can express the upper bound on the bit error rate asOO

P b e r < E adg(d)e-EtRd' N°. (4.24)d—dj rec

It should be emphasised th a t this is the BER for any 1/n convolutional code. If k is larger than one, the same technique could be used, however, by using k indeterm inates in the transfer function, N i . . . N k , say, which can be made to track the different inputs separately, so th a t the exponents of the N if gi(d), mark the input weight for each input bit separately. Finally we can differentiate w ith respect to all Ni in the equivalent expression of equation (4.21). Alternatively, one could approximate this by dividing equations (4.22) or (4.24) by k.

Although convolutional codes have been used as the example in this section, we could also obtain similar bounds on the soft decision trellis decoding of the linear block codes described in Section 3.5, as we have also viewed these codes as finite state machines.

4.4 BCJR algorithm description

In this section a description of the BCJR algorithm will be given. The algorithm was de­scribed in [24], although the algorithm appears to have been independently reinvented


several tim es by others from a wide variety of research backgrounds. Reference [55] contains a short survey of these. The algorithm has been given a series of names, includ­ing the MAP algorithm and /o r the Bahl algorithm [1], the Forward-Backward algorithm [56] etc., depending on the application. A comprehensive description of the algorithm is also to be found in [11].

The curious issue is th a t we have already derived and defined one algorithm th a t is th eo ­retically optim um, namely the Viterbi algorithm, where this may be designed to be both Maximum a Posteriori and Maximum Likelihood. One im portant difference betw een the Viterbi algorithm and the BCJR algorithm to-be described in this section is, however, th a t the Viterbi algorithm is a MAP or ML sequence estim ator - the algorithm is not partic­ularly concerned w ith the individual symbols making up these sequences, as minimising the sequence error rates should also in general minimise the symbol error rates.

The BCJR algorithm was derived to minimise the symbol error rate, and it does so by extensive use of the trellis structure of the coded sequences. The task of the BCJR algo­rithm is to compute the a posteriori probabilities (APP) of the transm itted inform ation symbols given the received sequence y and the knowledge of the Markov properties of the trellis, and then compute the log-likelihood ratio

for each i from 1 to N . The summ ations in the fraction above are over all connected pairs of states and sj a t tim e i - 1 to i respectively, given th a t the data value of di corresponding to the state transition is either 0 (denominator) or 1 (numerator).

We split y into a sum of three vectors, e.g.


( 5® — 1(4.26)

(s“_i )|d«=0


y = J 2 y p + y i + yj (4.27)P=i j=i+1

To compute ^ (s f .^ s - jy ) , we make use of the fact tha t

1. s£ and y* depend only on state and the current input di.

N - l2- 1 2 y j depends only on state sj and the inputs dj.


We thus obtain

p (si- i.S i.y )


i - 1 TV-1

P = 0 J = i + 1

i - 1 N

p(s“-i.Eyp)p(y<' S yj>s?ls“-i)P = 1 J = * + 1

i-1 TVp^i-i^ypMyi.sJlsLiM Y yjk-)

P = 1 j = i + l

«(«“- ! )7(«“- i , 4 )(3(sbi ),

1— 1

P = 1



We notice th a t


P(4) - p ( Y y M ) *j=i+1

“(4) = T ,a(s‘- M si-i ’**') » * - !

« » ? -!) = £ 0 ( 4 b ( « ? - i ,« f ) .









We also notice th a t the com putation of the a is a forward recursion in the trellis, whereas the com putation of the (3 is a backward recursion in the trellis. The desired log-likelihood ratio is thus given by

A (di) = In (s“-l>Sf)|di=1

(s“_i >si) |<if =0


If we assum e th a t the encoder starts in state s§ and is reset to the s% s ta te a t tim e N, th en a(s§) and /3(s%) m ust be initialised to 1. For a Rayleigh fading channel w ith AWGN, we find th a t

7 « - i ,«,•) = p(yi\sbi,si-Msi\si-i) (4 -37)

- (vi - f i V K i (2c? - 1)) '= Pfriw-,)iix V27raz 2a2


i.e. it is the same metric com putation as th a t of the general Viterbi algorithm of equation4.7. Like the Viterbi algorithm, the path metrics, i.e. the a(-) and the /?(•) param eters may be normalised at any one tim e i. This could be done by making sure th a t the sum of a (s“_ 1) over a and the sum of /3(s\) over all b is equal to 1. This causes no degradation in the performance of the algorithm.

The algorithm of equation (4.36) may be simplified similarly to the simplification of the metric computations in the Viterbi algorithm, without loss in performance. This is done by operating in the log domain during the computation of the metrics, instead of waiting until the final calculation of A (di).

4.4.1 The Log-BCJR algorithm

To our knowledge, the LOG-BCJR simplification of the BCJR algorithm was first in tro ­duced in [11], where it was denoted the LOG-MAP algorithm, as a simplification and sub-optim um version of the BCJR algorithm, and later improved by Benedetto, M ontorsi, Divsalar and Pollara in [18] to be equivalent to the BCJR algorithm, a point re-iterated by Viterbi in [57].

We s ta rt off by taking the natural logarithms of all param eters in question, and introduce the following notation:

where the / stands for forward and r stands for reverse recursions. With this notation, the equivalent log domain versions of equations (4.33) through to (4.36) become

/(•) A Ina(-)

r ( - ) = l n / 3 ( . )

<*) = ln7(0,









In the sam e way as the original algorithm, we initialise the forward and reverse recursion param eters:

/ ( sq) = 0, and /(sq) = — oo for a ^ 0 (4-45)

r(s°N ) = 0, and g(s%) = -oo for a ^ 0 (4.46)

The above equations describe the operation of taking the natural logarithm of a sum of exponentials. In order to save computational burden, we use the identity:

ln(ex + ey) = max ( x , y ) + ln (l + e~\x~y \) = L ( x , y ) (4.47)

This may be proved by expanding the equation, by raising both sides to the power of e as follows:

ln(ex + ey ) = m a x ( x , y ) + ln(l + e~\x~ y \)

$e x + e V = e m a x (x ,y )+ ln ( l+ e - |ir ~ y |)

= (14- e- |* -y |)emax(x,y)

_ e m ax(x,y) _j_ e - |x - y |+ m a x ( x ,y )

_ e m ax(x,y) + e m in(x,y) _ g x + g y ( 4 4 g )

When more than two exponentials are involved in the summ ation, then we geti

In ^ e Xi = L ( x I , L ( x I - 1, - - ( L ( x 3, L ( x 2, x l ) )) )) (4.49)i =l

There will in general be one dom inant term in this nested operation, and it is justifiable to approxim ate the operation by setting

inE e*‘ “ ( T c) (:ti) (4-50)

If this approxim ation is used, it is notable th a t the forward recursion of equation (4.41) becomes exactly th a t of the Viterbi algorithm recursion, and equation (4.42) becomes ex­actly th a t of the Viterbi algorithm recursion but in the reverse direction. Hence, although the BCJR algorithm initially appears rather daunting, it may be intuitively understood by thinking of equation (4.44) as consisting of one forward Viterbi recursion, one reverse Viterbi recursion and a final stage involving the com putation of the transition probabil­ities. The accumulated metrics for each state a t any tim e i are kept in memory, so th a t the final stage of computing A ( d i ) (using the approxim ation of equation (4.50)) becomes:

m ) = ln = l ) ( ^ W- ' )+S(4- ‘ 'S?)+ ,)

- b ( ( « - ! , 5 ) 1 * =max

M U , = l ) 0 ^ - 1’sV + r (*W

(s? i ^ di = 0) ( /M U ) + « M -,. 4 ) + rM )) (4.5D


4.4.2 The algorithm over the Rayleigh fading channel

We now look at the nature or the algorithm over the Rayleigh fading channel, w ith the AWGN channel being a special case of this, as p = 1 over all tim e. We first refine the expression in equation (4.43). Since there is a one-to-one correspondence between the state transition from state sf_x and sj and the encoder input symbol corresponding to th a t transition, we define the equality

P(sbi\s i - i ) = P(di) (4.52)

We also wish to define the log-likelihood ratio of the a priori probability p(di); this is be­cause we wish to get the a priori probability in the same form at as the output a posteriori probability, for reasons th a t will become clear in Chapter 6. The a priori log-likelihood ratio is given by

*. , j \ 1 P(di = 1) , P{di = 1) , l - p ( d i = 0) „Ain(di) = l n — — = In ------—-----— = In- f - ----- -4 (4.53)p{di = 0) 1 - p{di = 1) 1 - p(di = 1)

Next, we express the a priori probability of the input bit being a 1 in the following way:

p(di = 1)p{di = 1) =p(di = 1) + p(di = 0)

p ( d i = 1)p ( d j = 0 )________

p { d j —1 ) , p ( d j = 0 )p ( d i = 0 ) p ( d i = 0 )

exp(Ain {di)) exp(Ain (di)/2)exp (Ain (di)) + 1 exp(Ain (di)/2) + exp(-A in (di)/2)

= Ci • exp(Am(di)/2) (4.54)

We tre a t the term Ci as a constant, as we are only interested in the bit a t tim e i, and this term will hence be common for all branches. We obtain a similar expression for p(di = 0), namely

p(di = 0)p(di = 0) =

p{di = 1) +p{di = 0)P ( d j = 0 ) p ( d i = 0 )

p ( d j = 1 ) , p ( d , = 0 )p ( d i = 0 ) p { d i = 0 )

exp(-Ain(d»)/2)exp (Ain (di)) + 1 exp(Ain (di)/2) + exp(-A in(d i)/2)

= C\ • exp(-A in (di)/2) (4.55)

Following from these results, we define the logarithm of the a priori probability to be

lnp(di) = (2di - 1)|Ain(di)|/2. (4.56)


Next, we consider the branch metrics as calculated by In (p(yi|si>s?-i))

- (yl ~ pjy/^cb (24 - l ) )

j=1 2a2n In v Zko2

= 2^ E ( ~ ( y 3i) 2 + 2p 3i V E j > ( M - 1 ) y Ji ~ (P i ) 2E cb)j = 1

2 \ / E ^ A2<r2 X ;p f ( 2 c ? '- l ) ! / / + C2 + C3, (4.57)


where the constants C2 = ]Cj=i - 0/i)2 an^ C3 = Z)”=i ~(Pi)2Ecb have been introduced as they are common for all branches transition probabilities. The final branch transition m etric from equation (4.43) thus becomes (combining equations (4.56) and (4.57))

9(‘ U , ‘ i) = (24 - l)A in(4)/2 + j T f l i (24 - l ) v{ (4.58)3 = 1

This is the m etric th a t should be used in equations (4.43), (4.41) and (4.42). Substituting the expression in equation (4.58) into equation (4.44), we get

A (di) = In J 2 eAin(di)/2e 2- i=i

- i n i e (4.59)

Since the term e±Ain(d0/2 is common for all term s, we can place it outside the sum m ation sign. Thus, the expression in equation (4.59) may be parted into two different expres­sions, namely

A (di) = Ain (di) + A e(d{)

where we denote Ae(di) the extrinsic information , given by


Ae(di) = In ^ 2 e\(s“<=1

- I n f E e\(s“_i>S;)l<4=0

.e(/(s“_i)+r(s£)) (4.61)

If the code in question is a systematic code, then the above expressions may be split up further. Assuming there are k systematic channel symbols, then the metric com putation


of equation (4.58) takes the form

»(«?-1.*?) = £ ( 2 d { - l ) A in(<4)/2i = i

i = i

E fi(24-i)vi (4.62)J—fc+1

The 'system atic' term s - l ) thus become positive when dj = 1 and negative when

dj = 0. Hence, the expression for A(d*), where we now denote the input bits as a vector,as we for reasons of generality consider k > 1, may thus be expressed as

A(di) = Ain(df) + ^ ( r f j / J ) + Ae (di)j=i

= Ain (dj) + As (di) + Ae (di) (4.63)

^ J + / H - M M e (/w _i)+r(sS)A

In I Y , (4.64)


A e ( d i ) = I n ^ e e

\ ( s ? - l ’s i ) \ d i =1



As(di) = ] T ( plvl), (4.65)3=1

where we denote this the systematic output from the decoder.

When k > 1 for a convolutional code, or if the code in question is a non-binary block or convolutional code, equation (4.44) is still valid, i.e. we can still perform the log- likelihood computations per bit w ithin the symbol. However, we do have a choice, in the sense th a t it is possible to obtain a reliability value on the non-binary symbols cor­responding to a certain state transition in the trellis, i.e. a particular branch.

With the simplifications given above, the algorithm becomes roughly 2.5 tim es as complex as the soft-decision input Viterbi Algorithm in term s of com putation. However, the m emory requirem ent is considerably higher due to the storage of the a(-) and /?(•) values.

Some aspects of the algorithm over the Rayleigh fading channel should be emphasised: We have consistently included the param eter p, the am plitude fading coefficients, in the metric com putation expressions. The param eters p are often referred to as the Channel Side Inform ation (CSI) [34], [58]. In reference [58], it was shown th a t the inclusion of


the CSI in the decoding of a R = 3/4, v = 4 convolutional code using the Viterbi algorithm resulted in a variable coding gain of 0.24 dB a t low Eb/N 0 to 0.52 dB a t higher E b/N 0

compared to th e case when there was no CSI available. We have hence included the CSI, or the p param eters to illustrate how this information should be used if such inform ation is indeed available. In the case of concatenated codes whereby the outer code performs soft-decision decoding using the soft outputs of the inner code's decoder (see Chapter 5), or in the case of iterative decoding techniques (see Chapter 6), the inclusion of the p param eters in the algorithm will have an even greater effect, because of the im pact it will have on the generation of soft outputs of the decoders, i.e. the log-likelihood ratios of the a posteriori probabilities. Reference [34] treats this topic in more detail, and performance results are given for decoders when this channel side inform ation is known and not known.

4.4.3 BCJR decoding - an example

In this section we will consider the decoding of a particular sequence over the AWGN channel (pi = 1 for all i , j ) . In order to do this, we consider Figure 4.3, which shows a trellis of a ftctive, truncated convolutional code. The code has five input bits, and, being a

0/00 0/000/00 0/00 0/00

"1/11 '1/11 '1/11

4/11 4/114/11


1 /1 0 1/10 1 /1 0

'0/01 '0/01

,0/01 ,0/01

1/10i = 2 i = 3i = 0 1 5I I

Figure 4.3: Trellis of code to be decoded

R = 1/2 code, 10 output bits. These 10 bits will be represented by a particular waveform and then transm itted over the channel. We assume th a t the m odulation scheme used is th a t of binary phase shift keying, so th a t each bit is uniquely represented by a particular waveform. The waveforms are subjected to noise, and we sample the noisy signal after matched filtering. Table 4.1 shows the values available a t the output of the dem odulator:

This sequence of channel values form the basis for the decoding. We calculate the branch


i = 1 i = 2 * = 3 i = 4 i = 5

y\ y\ y\ y\ y\ 2/3 2/i y\ vl yl+1.2 +0.8 -0 .1 +0.1 -0 .5 -0 .8 +1.4 - 0 .8 +0.5 + 1.3

Table 4.1: Channel Output.

metrics corresponding to the set of possible values at tim e i according to equation (4.58), w ith some modifications, since we now have an AWGN channel and not the Rayleigh fading channel. Also, we assume all bits to be equally likely, which implies th a t we do not need to use the a priori information, since it would be the same for all bits. Thus, the metric calculations are based on the expression:

9 (4 - 1, 4 ) = ( 2ci ~ X) y 3i ( 4 - 6 6 )3 = 1

If we assum e th a t -2^ F = 2, then the actual branch metrics are calculated using

9(«f-i.«i) = 2 ^ ( 2 4 - l ) » J (4.67)3 = 1

We tabulate the metrics as calculated from equation (4.67) in table 4.2.

Branch m etrics as function of tim e and code symbols

CJ i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4 i = 5

0(so>«i) 9(S2>4) 0(*3>S4) 0(S4>4)0 0 -4.0 0.0 + 2.6 -1.2 -3.60 1 -0.8 +0.4 -0.6 -4.4 + 1.61 0 + 0.8 -0.4 + 0.6 +4.4 -1.61 1 +4.0 0.0 + 2.6 + 1.2 + 3.6

Table 4.2: Table of branch metrics

The branch metrics thus appear in the trellis as shown in Figure 4.4.

The next task in the decoding process is to undertake the forward and backward recursions in order to calculate the probabilities of being in any one state a t any one tim e. For clarity, these values will be calculated without normalisation a t any level, according to equation 4.41. At tim e i = 0, there is only one possible state, namely the 0 state , so th a t

fS = 0 (4.68)

We then use the branch metrics from table 4.2 to calculate / f and f}:

f i = ln e ^ o • = l n ( e ° • e ~ 4 ) = l n e - 4 (4.69)


-1.20.0-4.0 +2.6 -3.6

■2.6- 2.6 +3.6.+1.2.+4.0 0.(7


-0.6+0.4 -4.4


i = 20 5ii

Figure 4.4: Branch metrics as seen in the trellis


f \ = lne^° • e5 s°,Sl = ln(e° • e+4) = ln e 4 (4-70)

In a sim ilar m anner, we move forward in the trellis, rem embering levels of /f_ x from the previous tim e instant, and using the branch metric values together with these to com pute the current values.

i = 2 :

fS fl fl fl

i = 3:

/° = In (e /2° • e*(«S.*8) + ef l . = ^ ( e " 1 ’4 + e1'0) (4.75)/ 31 = In (e f* • eff(s°’s3) + e& • e = ln ( e - 6 -6 + e6’2) (4.76)

f i = In (e** • es *2 >s3) 4 - e/f . eff(s2 >s3 )^ — ln (e- 3 ' 4 + e3'8) (4.77)

/ | = In (e** • e5 (s2 >s3 ) + ef i . = ln (e- 4 -6 + e5-0) (4.78)

= \nef ° • = ln(e~ 4 • e°) = ln e “ 4 (4.71)

= lne^° • e5 81’82 = ln(e“ 4 • e°) = ln e - 4 (4-72)

= ln e tf • e ^ 8 J>82) = ln(e4 • e“ 0-4) = ln e 3 ' 6 (4.73)

= I n • e5(8' >82) = ln(e4 • e0-4) = ln e 4 4 (4.74)


i = 4:

f2 = In + e** •

= In ((e - 1 - 4 + e1'0) • e~ 1-2 + ln(e - 3 - 4 + e3-8) • e1'2) (4.79)

/ | = In • e ^ s3 -s4 ) + ef* • e ^ 3’5') )

= In ((e " 6 -6 + e6'2) • e4 '4 + ln ( e - 4 ' 6 + e5 0) • e " 4 4) (4.80)

We do not need to move further into the trellis, as / J will not be used in the calculationof the log-likelihood ratios. Now we need to do the same calculations for the backwardrecursion, calculating the values of r f .

i = 5:

r°5 = 0.0 (4.81)

i = 4:

i = 3:

i = 2:

i — 1:

r f = lne*"5 • e9 S4,s^ = lne 3-6 (4.82)

r 2 = ln e r° • e5^ > ss) — ln e 3-6 (4.83)

r° -I o — Iner° • e9^ 3 = ln (e- 3-6 • e " 1'2) = ln e " 4’8 (4.84)

r\ = ln e7"2 • e9 {s\,s\) _ in (e3-6 . e4-4) = in e 8-0 (4.85)

3 = ln e r° • e5 s3>s4) = ln(e-3 '6 • e1-2) = ln e -2-4 (4.86)In er* • = in (e3.e . e-4.4) = ln e -o.s (4 87)


r3 -/ q —

r® = In (e r3° • e^ s°’s°) + er3 . = ln (e"2-2 + e5*4) (4.88)

r j = In (er32 • e9^ ' 3 + er% • = l n ^ " 1’8 + e " 1*4) (4.89)

r 22 = In (e r3° • e9^ ' 3 + er3 • e ^ ’s3)) = ln(e~7-4 + e10*6) (4.90)

r% = In ^er3 • es(sh4) + erl . es(si>si)^ - ln (e_3-0 + e-0-2) (4.91)

r° = In (er° • e9^ 8 + er* • e

= In (e2 2 + e5-4 + e - 1 - 8 + e-1-4) (4.92)

r\ = In (er% • e ®(*i.*a) + e r2 • e9('\>4) )

= In ((e" 7 -4 + e10'6) • e " 0 4 + (e" 3 0 + e” 0 2) • e0 4) (4.93)


«o = i = e

, - 4.0a j = e “2 =

9 / - 9 9 , Ia | = £ — + e1«2 %

i = 0 t = 1 i = 2 » = 3 i = 4

Figure 4.5: Values associated with each state after forward recursion

For the purpose of clarity, Figures 4.5 and 4.6 show the position of the various values of / f and rf respectively, as calculated above. In Figure 4.5 and 4.6 we have used the <*(•) and /?(•) notation, operating in the exponential domain.

Now we are in a position to calculate the log-likelihood ratios as defined in equation 4.44. As equation (4.44) states, the calculation of the A values involves the natural logarithm of the sum of a series of exponentials, corresponding to state transitions where the input data bits are equal to 1. Then the natural logarithm of a sum of exponentials is subtracted from it, this la tte r sum corresponding to state transitions where the input data bit is equal to 0. We will s ta rt from i = 1 and move on to i = 5.

i = l:

X(di) = In

= In


<*ofl7( «80?7(*8>*!) (‘

, - 7 . 8 + e10-2 + e-2.6 + e02)( g 2 . 2 e 5 . 4 _J_ g - l . f

1468934.95355+ e - 1 . 4 ) e - 4 . 0

4.228043= 12.76 (4.94)

Thus, the BCJR algorithm has decided th a t the first input bit was a 1, since A(cfi) is positive. Next, we consider tim e i = 2:


$ = e2-2 + e5-'1 + e-1-8 + e ~ 1A $ = e-2-2 + e5'4 $ = e-4'8 /$ - e_3 G ($> = 1

+ e ;

i = 2 3i = 0 1 t = 4 5ii i

Figure 4.6: Values associated with each state after backward recursion

\{d2) = l n a ° ^ 7 ( s i 54 ) + a\p% j(s \ ,4 )

= In

= In

ai/3°7(si>52) + a i P h ( sL 4 )(e-4 '0(e-1-8 + e-1,4)e00 + e40(e“ 7-4 + e10-6)e- 0-4) (e-4 -°(e“ 2-2 + e5-4)e°-° + e4-°(e-3-0 + e-°-2)e0-4)


= 9.885 (4.95)

Again, the decoder makes the decision th a t d2 was in fact 1, however w ith lower confi­dence than was the case with d i .

i = 3:

w > x _ , <4Ph(st 5s) + ®2ph(sh4) + <4Phi4, 4) + alPh(sh4)A[a3) ln alPUsl 8%) + alPl^sl s\) + S|) + aS$7(*!,«!)

( e - 4 - ° e 8 - ° e - 2 -6 + e 3 -6 e - 4 -8 e - 2 -6 + e - 4 -0 e - 2 -4 e 0 -6 + e 4 -4 e - ° - 8 e 0 -6 )

l n ( e _ 4 - ° e _ 4 -8 e 2 -6 + e 3 -6 e 8 - ° e 2 -6 + e - 4 . o e - o . 8 e - o . 6 + e 4 .4 e - 2 . 4 e - o . 6 )

(e1.4+ c -3.8+ c -6.8+ c 4.2\= In

= ln

( e - 6 - 2 _f_ e 1 4 . 2 _|_ g — 5 . 4 g l . 4 ^


= -9.9406 (4.96)

Thus, the decoder has decided th a t the third input bit was a 0.


i = 4:

W . x _ 1 a l P h j s l + a l P h ( s h 4 ) a W h ( s l s ° ) + a l P h ( s l s l )

|(e~ 3-4 + e3'8)e~3'6e1'2 + (e"6-6 + e6-2)e3-6e4-4)

= ln

( ( e - 1-4 + e l - 0 ) e - 3 . 6 e - 1 . 2 + ( g - 4 . 6 + e 5 .0 ) e 3 .6e - 4 . 4 )


9.9996 (4.97)

* = 5:

- In a °P°7(Sl S°) ^ (0 5 ) — In 0 0

= ln

= In

< *2#7 ( s °4 , s °5 )(e-2.2 + glO.6 + g—9.0 + g0.6) g0.0g3.e-2.6 + e - 0 -2 + e(e


- 1.2 + e 5-0 ) e5.ON oO.Oo—3.6

4.0878= 12.792 (4.98)

Thus, the final decoded sequence yields the bit vector d = 1 1 0 1 1. The path through the trellis for this bit sequence is shown highlighted in Figure 4.7.

0/00 0/000/00 0/00 0/00

'1/11 '1/11 ri/nA(rfi) = 12.76

4/11 4/11

)/00A(d2) = 9-885A(d4) = 9.9996

'/10 1 /1 0 1 /10

'0/01 0/01



i = 2 i = 3i = 0 1 i = 5I

Figure 4.7: Path through trellis of the decoded sequence

It should be noted, however, th a t it is not the path th a t is im portant in the BCJR algo­rithm; it is the individual symbols.

4.4.4 Decoding on a continuous basis

In the preceding BCJR algorithm description, we have treated the algorithm as working on a block of data, i.e. th a t the decoder reads in an entire block of channel symbols,


and then performs a complete decoding operation of this block. However, we can also decode on a sliding window basis, using the m ethod suggested in [1] or [18]. This may be achieved by:

1. For the first block of received data, a(s§) = 1 and a(sg) = 0 for all a e {1.. .2" - 1}.

2. Perform the forward recursion, i.e. the forward calculation of the probabilities of being in a particular state . Then, for all blocks of received data, se t 0(s%) = a(s%), for all a e {0.. .2" - 1}. Note th a t this implies also calculating the cc(-) values for the states a t level N , which is not necessary for the block based BCJR algorithm.

3. For all subsequent blocks of received data after the first block, the initialisation of a(«o) of the current block is set to a(s%) of the previous block, for all a e {0. . . 2 " - l } .

In this way we avoid having to reset the trellis, and continuous decoding similar to what may be achieved with the conventional Viterbi algorithm is ensured. The result is a slight gain in the data throughput over the channel. A similar approach was also described in the original paper on Turbo Codes [1]. Here, yd[s^] was set to 1/2", implying th a t all states a t level N are equally likely.

A nother recent contribution to continuous decoding using the BCJR algorithm is given in reference [59], which treats the area of tail-biting codes, following concepts introduced in [60].

4.5 The Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm

The BCJR algorithm is relatively complex, both in term s of com putation and memory usage, but the soft outputs, i.e. the log-likelihood ratios of the decoded bits, are essential for undertaking iterative decoding. The question then arises w hether we can modify the sim pler Viterbi algorithm to compute log-likelihood ratios of the decoded symbols, and if so, w hether or not we will save on computation relative to the BCJR algorithm . In [25] such an algorithm was introduced, and will be the focus of this section.

The starting point here is equation (4.7), expressing the branch transition probabilities, and the fact th a t this is also the basis of the calculation of the forward state probabilities a(-) of the BCJR algorithm. We repeat from Section 4.4 th a t the path metric calculations of the Viterbi algorithm are identical to the calculation of the a(-) values of the BCJR algorithm , with the simplification introduced in equation (4.47). Equation (4.7) may be simplified using equation (4.11), so tha t the metric associated with one particular sequence a t any one tim e i, or equivalently, the metric associated w ith a particular sta te s f a t tim e i is the sum of all the branch metrics of the branches contained in a certain



M.i = J 2 eM'b = 12 ( ( p ( s i \ s i - i ) + 12 ( 2 P i ^ c b ( % 4 - l ) V i ) ) , (4.99)3 = 1

where the sta te variables a and b denote the particular sta te transitions from sta te a to sta te b at tim e i.

Now we denote the path metric of the survivor arriving into state a at tim e i as and th a t of the concurrent path (assuming a binary trellis) M £. This is exemplified in Figure4.8, where the Viterbi algorithm is truncated to a path length of S. Then we can state

Ms°vH-2H-6 ‘. - 1

M 1-JV1Sl

M 2-

Mht = i - 2 t = i — 1t = i — 5 + 1 tt = i — 5 t = i —j i

Figure 4.8: Example of notation in trellis. Decoding depth is given by the parameter 5.

th a t the probability of being in state a at any tim e i is approximately equal to

p(*t)eM*i + eM“i

eMti + eMoi + £ ( e Mh + eM«) ’ b

b ^ a , (4.100)

where it is explicitly understood th a t we have used the approxim ation of equation 4.50. Also, it follows th a t the probability of one particular sequence being the correct sequence is approxim ately equal to

„M?SP ( S ? )

eM“i + eM“i + E (e M-' + eM'-) ’b

b ^ a , (4.101)

Furtherm ore, if we have a great deal of confidence in our decision about the selected path, the sum m ation in the denom inator will be dom inated by the term eM“<. Therefore, we om it the term s within the sum m ation sign, and approxim ate the probability of one


particular sequence being correct as:

+ 1

eA? + 1(4.102)

Then it follows th a t the log-likelihood ratio of one particular path is given by


where s? denotes the sequence of states contained in the path leading back in tim e from sta te a at tim e i, and d? denotes the encoder input sequence uniquely defined by the same path. Thus, we now have a m easurem ent of the correctness of a path. However, we are particularly interested in the reliability of the decoded bits being correct, and we w ant to use the simple log-likelihood ratio in equation (4.103) to do this, which is simply a measure of the difference in reliability between the surviving path and the concurrent path. Hence, it is instructive to consider the encoder input sequences which correspond to the two sequences merging into state s f . Define the encoder input sequence of the survivor d s and the input sequence of the concurrent path d c. Then, the vector of po­tential errors made when choosing the survivor instead of the concurrent path is given


i.e. if an error occurs in position i - j if we choose the wrong sequence, then the error is flagged by th a t particular e8^- j) = 1.

Now we need to split esi into a form at which identifies single errors, not a sequence of errors. If the error occurrences are independent, we can split esi into a sum of vectors, the sum defined over GF(2). Hence


Gsi — d s © d c 6

— ds(i-j) ® (4.104)

— &si © l) © • • • © 6 s( i—<5+l)> (4.105)

where the vectors e7n contain the error flag in position n and contains zeros in all o ther positions. As an example, consider the case when £ = 5, and we have an error vector


esi = 1 0 1 0 1. Then

esi = 1 0 0 0 0

© 0 0 0 0 0

© 0 0 1 0 0

© 0 0 0 0 0

© 0 0 0 0 1 (4.106)

Subsequently, we can also say th a t any one of these error vectors may be represented by


f ' s ( i - n ) — ®si © ^ ' f ' s ( i - j ) i 7 ^ ( 4 . 1 0 7 )

G2o)All the above vectors will have some reliability values associated with them , and initially we assum e th a t this reliability value will be given by A(es(;Tn)) = oo. This reliability value will be associated with the bit in position i - n. Since we already have the reliability ofthe error sequence esi, defined in equation (4.103), we need to find what the operation oftaking the modulo 2 operation betw een different error vectors has on the individual log- likelihood ratios. Hence, we define the log-likelihood of the sum of two binary variables as

. . . , . . P(di © d2 = 1)A (dl0d2) = l n p U © d 2- o)

P(d1 = l)P(d2 = 0) + P(d1 =0)P(d 2 = l) n P(di = 0)P(d2 = 0) + P(di = l)P (d2 = 1)

P (d i= l) , P (d2= l)'= In p(dl=0) p (d2 =o)

, P (d i= l)P (d a= l) x ^ P ( d i = 0 ) P ( d 2= 0 ) eX(d1) + eX(d2)

InJ g A ( d i ) + A ( d 2)

fa max [A(di), A(d2)] - A(c?i) - A(d2)

= — min[A(di), A(d2)] (4.108)

Hence, the log-likelihood ratio of the sum of two binary variables is approxim ated by the negative of the minimum of the two separate log-likelihood ratios. In the case of the present problem, all log-likelihood ratios will be positive, so we can simply use the approxim ation th a t the log-likelihood ratio of the sum of two binary variables is equal to the minimum of the two. This is a result th a t will be used in producing the soft outputs on the bits of the Viterbi Decoder. It can also be shown th a t the log-likelihood ratio of the sum of multiple binary variables is equal to the minimum of all the log-likelihood ratios of the individual bits.

Since any one bit error may be produced as defined in equation (4.107), It follows from equation (4.108) th a t the log-likelihood ratio of the error vector es(7Ln), say, is equal to the minimum of all the other error vectors, including the m ost recent one, namely th a t of


esi. Hence, considering one path at a tim e, the soft outputs on the bits may be obtained by taking the minimum of all log-likelihood ratios along th a t path if an error flag has been set.

It may also be shown th a t the soft decision outputs of the SOVA take the same form as defined in equation (4.60), and (4.63) if the code in question is systematic.

This concludes the derivation of the SOVA.

4.5.1 SOVA Decoding Example

In this section an example will be given, using the same code as in section 4.4.3. How­ever, in this example we will 'cold-start' the algorithm, i.e. we will not have prior knowl­edge of the initial sta te of the encoder. The trellis, including the metrics, as calculated in table 4.2, is shown in Figure 4.9

/i-1.2 N . >4-3.6

s+ 1 .2 / N + 3 . 6

-A2. \ \ / A - 3 . 6

s + 0 .8 A s ( X o . 4 A A . N f O .6 A A N t 4 . 4 A A \ 1 . 6

X i r \ > 2 ' \ \ > 1 / \-0 .8 \ a o j 8 \ A 4 A \ y + i . 6

\-0.8 A X + 0 .4 / ' \ o . 6 > \ 4 A s ' \ + 1 . 6Vm / Vn\\o / luJ

-0 .4 w + 0 .6 + 4 .4 - 1 . 0 ^1 = 1 i — 2 i = 3 i = 4 i = 5

Figure 4.9: Trellis of code to be decoded using SOVA

We will trea t the decoding process as a sequential process, and Figure 4.10 shows the trellis after receipt of the first 2 channel symbols. At each sta te a t tim e i = 1, the log- likelihood ratios are shown in the form of A f, and also shown is the sta te transition th a t the A values correspond to. These values are denoted A“~6, where the sta te transition takes place from state a to state b. The surviving paths are drawn as a solid line, whereas the concurrent paths are drawn as dotted lines. The accumulated path metrics are also shown a t the state symbols a t tim e i = 1.

Next, we consider the trellis a t tim e i = 2, as shown in Figure 4.11.

The trellis a t tim e i = 3 is shown in Figure 4.12. Now the branch reliability values A^-1


_/i nA? = 8.0


V A| = 8.0

/ -4.0

A? = l.G

\ ' 8/ A?~3 = 1.0 \+0.8 Af = l.C

1 = 1

Figure 4.10: Trellis of code after receipt of the first 2 channel symbols

and Ag 3 have been updated, due to smaller values for the new path reliability values calculated a t s ta te 2 and sta te 3 respectively.

Figures 4.13 and 4.14 show the trellis a t tim es i = 4 and i = 5 respectively, whereas Figure 4.15 show the final decoded sequence highlighted, the same as was shown in Figure 4.7. The decoded sequence differs considerably in term s of their reliability values. This is of course understandable for the first few bits, since the SOVA was cold-started. It is interesting to note th a t the state transition a t tim e i = 2 gives very low reliability in the case of the SOVA, whereas the BCJR algorithm is still quite confident.

It is also of in terest to make some observations about the statistics of the soft decision outputs of the algorithm s. We will consider the case of the SOVA.

4.5.2 The statistics of the Soft-Decision Outputs of the SOVA

We will consider a binary convolutional code, i.e. a code of rate R = 1/n, and whose branch metrics are calculated using the norm of the received channel symbols a t tim e i and the nominal branch symbols. This was suggested in equation (4.9). Furtherm ore, we will assum e th a t the data input bits di are equally probable, so th a t the a priori inform ation may be om itted from the branch transition metrics. Hence the branch transition metrics a t tim e i are given by


'y y (Vij ~ Xij) 5 (4.109)j=1

and, relating back to equation (4.9), xij = y/E^(2ci — 1).


A'2» = 3.2

A 2 = 3.2

= 2.4

Ag = 4.0

Figure 4.11: Trellis of code at time i = 2.

Thus, the accumulated path m etric for this soft decision Viterbi algorithm is based on the squares of the Euclidean distance between the received signal and the trellis symbols, and is given by

V nM (y) = E E ^ ' _a:^ 2> (4 .110)

i=l j —1

w here p is the num ber of branches over which the metric is calculated and n is the num ber of channel bits according to the rate of the code, i.e. the rate is given by 1/n. Xij are the channel symbols corresponding to a particular branch and ytj are the actual received channel symbols after dem odulation. Assuming BPSK or QPSK m odulation, the output of the dem odulator is given by

U i j = y/D ci) (2 iC ij 1) 4* f i f f i j , (4.111)


Xij = y/E/b(2cij - 1), (4.112)

The variable a j and a j represent the encoded bits and take on the values 0 or 1. n a are the noise samples with variance avoiding confusion with the previously defined variable n. E cb is the energy per channel bit.

We will assum e th a t the winning metric is subtracted from each of the 2V metrics a t each branch, where v is the code constraint length. If we assume th a t the correct path has

A 2)-l) = 3.2 +4.00-1

,A2-1 = 3.2/+0.82-0




X~3 = 4.0

k+4.4i?~3 = 1.6

+0.4l i = 2i = 0 I




/ x 1,4, / ID A] = 4.!


Aj-2 = 0-8 \+ 4 ^ X

.A-2 = 2.4

■3.4A|~3 = 1.6

= 1.6+5.0i = 2t = l i = 3i = 0

Figure 4.12: Trellis of code at time i = 3.

been chosen up to tim e t = k in the decoding process, the winning metric, accumulated over one branch only, is thus given by

nMw(na) = ^ n l j , (4.113)


and the corresponding concurrent path metric is given by

n dM c{Ecb,n a,d) = 4Ecbd + + 4y/Ecb'^ 2 ± n (Ti, (4.114)

j=1 i=l

where d is the num ber of differing channel symbols from the true, and in this case, w in­ning path, and d > d free, where d free is the minimum distance of the code. The sign of the noise sample within the last summ ation sign takes on the opposite sign of the Xij.

The basis for the SOVA is to use the difference betw een Mc(n, d) and Mw(n) as a m easure of the confidence in the decoding decision [25]. This was shown in Section 4.5, where we used the correlation and not the norm in the metric com putation. The reliability value as calculated in the SOVA is then given by

dAy{EcbiYLff, d) = M c(Ecb,n ,j,d) M w{na) — 4Ecbd 4~ 4 E cb ^ dryiq-j. (4.115)

i= 1

If the noise samples are Gaussian random variables with variance aJ, the reliability value is also a Gaussian random variable with mean 4Ecbd and variance = 42E cbda2. How­ever, the distribution of A (Ecbln a,d) will actually be a truncated Gaussian random vari­able, as by the nature of the Viterbi algorithm, the chosen winning metric will always be sm aller than the metric of the concurrent path, thus always yielding a positive reliability value.


5.4k8 -° = 5.G -¥ 4.4.= 3.2


J>,_1 = 0.8 -» 0.4l2_1 = 4 .4

,+7.8= 4.4


10.21 - 3

\+1.8A ^- 3 = 7.6

z = 4

Aj~3 = 1.6

21 30 II II

Figure 4.13: Trellis of code at time i = 4.

For a great num ber of the sequences the concurrent path will differ from the survivor in d free positions, and hence we would expect an average for A (£cb,n a ,d) of 4E cbd free when the survivor is actually the true path. The number of sequences with distances of dfree will increase with increasing signal to noise ratios. For incorrect paths, A (E Cb,na,d) assumes different statistical properties.

For an example, consider Figure 4.16, showing a snapshot in tim e of the trellis of the code from Figure 3.4, w ith generator polynomial [G(D)] = [7 5]s- We assume th a t the all-zero path is the true path, whereas the actual chosen path is given by the sequence 0-0-1, ending up in sta te 1 a t the current point in tim e (k). Its concurrent path is given by the sequence 1-0-1. The Hamming distance between the two sequences is 5, i.e. dfree• We name the Hamming distance between the true path and the survivor di, and the Hamming distance betw een the true path and the concurrent path d2. The m etric for the survivor is then given by:

2 2M s(Ecb,n <T,di) = 4 E cbdi + - 4y/E /h (4.116)

i= 1 i=l

The metric for the concurrent path is given by

2 6M c{Ecb,n a,d2 ) = 4 E cbd2 + ^ n l j + 4 y / E / b ^ 2 (4.117)

i=l J=3,i^4

where the indexing term 1 denotes the most recent noise sample and the indexing term 6 denotes the oldest noise sample. A (E cb,n aid i,d2), the reliability information, is then


+2.:= 3.2

'= 0 .4= 0.4 = 2.:


A>, = 2.24.! +7.2

= 2.4

Ag = 4.!1.6

,+9.4= 1.6

+7.2 i = 310 4 5iii i t

Figure 4.14: Trellis of code at time i = 5.

given by

A{Ecb > cr j ^1 j ^2) = M c{Ecb 5 Tia j ^2) -^s (-®cf>5 5 ^1) (4.118)6

— 4Ecbd2 — 4Ect>di + 4 \ /E ci 'y ' nai (4.119)i = l , i ^ 4

6= 4£/C6 + 4 \ /E cb fieri. (4.120)

i = l , i ^ 4

A (E Cb, rier, d i ,d2) is a truncated, Gaussian random variable of mean 4i£c& and variance erf., and we have a difference of 16Ec6 between the mean of the reliability value of this wrong sequence and the mean of the reliability value of the correct sequence. However, this is only one way out of several of choosing the wrong path, and the mean of the reliability value will vary according to the sequences chosen. Consider Figure 4.17 for an example.

Both the concurrent and the survivor paths s tart in state 1 and end up in sta te 1 after 3 branches, hence the Hamming distance betw een them is d free. The survivor has a Hamming distance of 2 from the true path, the all-zero sequence, whereas the concurrent path has a Hamming distance of 5 from the true sequence.

The survivor will have a metric M s of

5 2

M s(Ecb)Ticr,d\) — AEcbd\ 4 \ /E cb y ' 'rigj ~F y ' p-i? (4.121)i—1 i = l

w hereas the concurrent path will have a metric M c of

6 2M c(Ecb,na,d2) = 4jEcbd2 — 4\J E cb (4.122)

i = l


0-1 15-° = 12.2


t 2 = 2.4i - 2 = 10.2

+ 11.0


21 i = 30 4 5II

Figure 4.15: Trellis of code at time i — 5 with decoded sequence highlighted

In this case the reliability value turns out to be 5

A (Ecb,n a) = 12Ecb — Ay/Ecb ^ nai + 4y/Ecbn(XQ. (4.123)

This is also a truncated Gaussian variable with variance but has a mean of 12E cb.Clearly, this is a reliability value more likely to indicate th a t a correct decision has beenmade although the reverse is true.

In general, the Gaussian random variable for the paths will be characterised by the fol­lowing probability density function

P ( z , a 2T,N ) = L = e-<*-">!/2<4 (4 .124)\/27r 07,


z = 4Ecb(d2 - di), (4.125)

a^ = dEcb42al, (4.126)


N = 4^/E7bJ 2 ±nai. (4.127)i=i

4.6 The Probability Density Functions

In the above analysis, 2 is a discrete random variable whose expectation values E[z\ ared4Ecbl where d is an integer between 0 and 3 for this example. In the following section


0/00 0/00 0/00

1/11 \ 1/11

0/01 1/00

® ® ® ®t = i — 3 < = i — 2 t = t — 1 / = i

Figure 4.16: Trellis configuration when the mean of the reliability value, A(-) = AEcb.

a statistical description of the reliability values will be derived for one particular code.Consider the sta te diagram of the R — 1/2, [G(D)j = [7 5]8 code drawn in Figure 4.18:

Following conventional m ethods [45], [44], let the exponent of D k be the Hamming dis­tance from the all-zero path for a particular digit, let the exponent of N j be the branch se­quences caused by a binary 1 data bit and let the exponent of J l be the branches involved in a particular sequence through the trellis. The transfer function of the convolutional encoder is then given by

t 3 n d 5T ( J ,N ,D ) = 1 _ J N D (i + j y (4-128)

This transfer function describes all sequences th a t leave state 0 a t one particular point in tim e and re-m erge with state 0 a t a later point in tim e. This way of describing the path through the trellis may be used to find an approximate expression for the pdf of z. To simplify the work, we assume th a t the survivor and the concurrent paths a t one particular point in tim e have left the same state 3 branches before the current tim e, so th a t they are a t a Hamming distance of dfree from each other. By dividing TC(J,N ,D ), the transfer function of the concurrent path, by TS(J,N ,D ), the transfer function of the survivor, the exponent of D will indicate the value of z for th a t particular transition. Table 4.3 below gives an overview of all possible alternative sequences a t a distance of dfree from each other when assuming th a t the all-zero path is the correct path.

It is to be noted th a t the decoder can still make a correct decoding decision although the wrong sequence has been chosen, and the symbols (w) and (c) in the third column denote th a t wrong or correct decoding decisions have been made respectively in the sta te transition where the reliability value is being placed.


Table of transfer functions

Leave State Merge State Path T(J,N,D) TC(J, N,D) T„( J , N, D) E[z]

0 10-0-0 -1 (c) J3N D 2

N D ±1 ±AEcb0-1 -2 -1 (to) j 3n 2d 3

1 11-3-2 -1 (to) j 3n 2d 2

7V£>±3 ±12 Ecb1-2-0-1 (c) j 3n d 5

2 12-1-2-1 (to) j 3n 2d

N D ±3 ±12 Ecb2-0-0-1 (c) j 3n d 4

3 13-3-2 -1 (to) j 3n 2d 2

N D ±3 ±12 Ecb3-2 -0 -1 (c) j 3n d 5

0 20 -0 -1 -2 (c) j 3n d 3

N D * 1 ±AEcb0-1 -3 -2 (to) j 3n 2d 4

1 21 -2 -1 -2 (c) j 3n d 2

N D * 1 ±AEcb1-3-3 -2 (to) j 3n 2d 3

2 22-1-3 -2 (to) j 3n 2d 2

ND*3 ±12JE?cb2-0 -1 -2 (c) j 3n d 5

3 23-2 -1 -2 (c) j 3n d 2

N D *1 ± 4 £ cb3 -3 -3 -2 (to) j 3n 2d 3

0 30 -0 -1 -3 (c) j 3n 2d 3

N D *1 ± 4 £ cb0 -1 -3 -3 (to) j 3n 3d 4

1 31-2 -1 -3 (c) j 3n 2d 2

N D * 1 ± 4 £ c61 -3 -3 -3 (to) j 3n 3d 3

2 32-1-3 -3 (to) j 3n 3d 2

N D *3 ± 1 2 £ c62-0-1-3 (c) j 3n 2d 5

3 33-2 -1 -3 (c) j 3n 2d 2

N D * 1 ± 4 S c63-3 -3 -3 (to) j 3n 3d 3

Table 4.3: Table of transfer functions for the possible paths through trellis


0/00 0/00 0/00




t = i — 3 t = i - 2

Figure 4.17: Trellis configuration with A(-) = 12Ecb, but yielding wrong decision

E[z] can take on 4 different values, namely ±4E ch and ±12E cb. The following points should be noted:

1. None of the sequences with E[z\ = 4E cb will yield wrong decoding decisions. Five sequences will be a t a Hamming distance of 2 from the true sequence and two sequences will be a distance of 3 from the true sequence.

2. Five sequences with E[ ] = 12Ecb will yield wrong decoding decisions. Four of these sequences will be a t a Hamming distance of 2 from the correct sequence, whereas one sequence will be a t Hamming distance 1 from the correct sequence.

3. All sequences with E[z] = - 4 E Cb will yield a wrong decision. Five of these sequences will be a t a Hamming distance of 3 from the true sequence and two sequences a t a distance of 4.

4. All sequences with E[z] = -1 2 ECb will yield correct decisions. Four of these will be a t a Hamming distance of 5 from the true sequence and one will be a t a distance of4.

The reliability values of wrongly decoded bits are thus made up of sequences w ith E[z] being 12E cb and - 4 Ecb, whereas the reliability values of the correctly decoded bits are made up of sequences with E[z] = 20Eci (true sequence), E[z] = 4Ecb and E[z] = -1 2 E cb. To find the distribution of the reliability values of the wrong decisions and th a t of the reliability values of the correct decisions, we first have to find the distribution of z for both of these cases.


1/01( .J N D )

1/10( J N D )

0/10( J D)

0/001/00( J N)


0/01( J D)

0/11( J D 2)


Figure 4.18: State Diagram of [G(£>)] = [7 5]s code.

The correct pa th ’s accumulated metric is given by


M-w ijJ'c) — y j ngji j=1


i.e. follows a x 2 distribution with n degrees of freedom. In our case, n = 2. The accu­m ulated m etric for any wrong path is given by

M c{Ecb, <£) — 4E cbd 4- ^ T* ^ y /E cb ^ ^j=l

(4.130)i = l

where d is the Hamming distance from the true path. The probability of choosing this wrong path is then given by the area of the density function of the negative side of the function

A-Ar(£'c&, Tier, d) — {Ecb, Tiff, d)

The probability of E[z] taking on a certain value A is then given by


P[EW = X ]= £2— tfm in


/ Qi exp7T(7?


4Ecii 4Ecb, j=1

2cj? (4.132)

where i is the Hamming distance from the true path, qi is the num ber of paths which would yield reliability values with E[z] = A a t the Hamming distance i from the true


path, and of is the variance of the sum m ation of the i noise samples. It is of in terest to trea t the cases of wrongly decoded bits and correctly decoded bits separately, so th a t the two different distributions can be normalised to have unity area.

The distributions of the reliability values will be a sum of the positive values of the Gaussian random variables centred around the possible values of E[z]. Figure 4.19 and Figure 4.20 show the theoretical distributions of the reliability values of the wrong and the correct decisions a t Eb/N 0 = 3dB respectively.

O . 0 - 3

0 . 0-2

O . O-L

l O 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0

Figure 4.19: The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf's of the reliability values before trace-back at Eb/No = OdB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decoded bits.

Figure 4.21 and Figure 4.22 show the experimentally obtained distributions a t Eb/N 0 = OdB and E b/N 0 = 3dB respectively.

This is a great simplification of the problem, since longer sequences have been ignored. However, m ost sequences will have the distance d free, and the above will approxim ate the real situation w ith little error. As can be seen, the error is larger for the pdf of the reliability values of the correctly decoded bits than for the wrongly decoded bits, and hence the reliability values of the correctly decoded bits are more sensitive to the fact th a t the longer sequences have been ignored. However, for larger Eb/N0 this pdf also approaches the theoretical distribution.

The SOVA reliability updating algorithm is a simple trace-back operation over the entire decoding depth, whereby the branch information bits of the concurrent path and the survivor path are compared. If these differ, and if the current reliability value A(-) is sm aller than the reliability value currently held in th a t position, then A( ) replaces the


O . 0 - 3

O . O-L

5 l O 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0

Paije 1

Figure 4.20: The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf’s of the reliability values before trace-back at Eb/No = 3dB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decoded bits.

previous reliability value. See Figure 4.23 below for an illustration:

The dashed line indicates th a t the information bits of the two paths cannot differ to the right of this point.

The impact of this trace-back operation may a t first seem surprisingly effective. The pdf of the reliability values of the correct decisions essentially remains the same as w ith­out trace-back, whereas the reliability values of the wrong decisions now form a sharp negative exponential distribution as is shown in Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25 below.

Some points can be noted about this trace-back operation:

• One particular reliability value obtained at one point is likely to experience more comparisons if the decoder is in a bursty period compared to in a low noise period, since bursty periods are likely to extend the length of the concurrent sequences relative to the survivor.

• Many comparisons are likely to remove m ost of the reliability values of the wrongly decoded bits with E[z] = 12E cb, so tha t there are virtually only reliability values w ith E[z] = - 4 E cb left. This will in itself cause the final distribution of the reliability values of the wrongly decoded bits to have a distribution equal to the positive valued tail of a Gaussian distribution with mean 4Ecb.

• As the num ber of comparisons and replacements go up, we would experience an accumulation of reliability values of the wrongly decoded bits around the zero value.


pdf’s of reliability values before trace -b ack a t OdB

0 .0 6 -\ H - \ Wrong decisions

I 1 Correct decisions

0 .0 0 -

I ' ‘ ' I I ' ' ' • I '0. 10. 20 . 30. 40.

signal value

Figure 4.21: The pdf’s of the reliability values before trace-back at Eb/No = OdB

• The pdf of the reliability values of the correctly decoded bits will remain essentially unchanged, since

- The replacem ent is only performed if the concurrent path and the survivor differ in the data bit.

- The mean of the reliability values of the correctly decoded bits will m ost likely be positive, since the probability of E[z] = -1 2 E Cb is vanishingly small.

- The trace-back operation will not be performed in "quiet" periods, since the concurrent path and the survivor are then likely to re-m erge after only 3 branches and w ith Hamming distance d free.

Some simplifications are necessary to complete the statistical model of the SOVA algo­rithm . We will assum e th a t all the reliability values with E[z] - 12E cb have been replaced by reliability values with E[z] = - 4 E cb, and th a t we thereafter experience n trials. We thus have n samples of a truncated Gaussian random variable w ith mean E[z] = -4 E cb. We denote these reliability values, or random variables by */*, i = 1, • • • ,n. We assum e th a t these random variables are independent, an assum ption which is not entirely true, but will be true if the num ber of branches betw een the reliability values th a t are com­pared is a t least 3. If this is not the case, then the reliability values will contain the sam e noise samples. However, as the sign of these noise samples will vary as well, we do not risk much by declaring the variables as independent. The final value we will end up w ith from all the n samples is then given by 7 , the minimum of all the yit keeping in mind th a t all th e yi are positive.


pdf’s of reliability values before trace-back at 3dB


0 .0 8 -

0 .0 6 -


0 .0 2 -

0 . 0 0 -

I— I Correct decisions f- -1 Wrong decisions

■ i • i10. 20. 30.

signal value40.

Figure 4.22: The pdf’s of the reliability values before trace-back at E b /N 0 = 3dB

The distribution of the variables is given by

p(z) =y/2l exp [-

(4 E cb- z flai

Z < 0

z > 0 ’(4.133)

where q is some scaling factor to normalise the area under the distribution to unity and 2 is the zero-mean noise super-im posed on the mean.

The cumulative distribution function of a 1, the minimum of n independent samples of y is given by

P r (a > 7 ) = P r (min {?/*} > 7 )

= P r (all j/i > 7 ) = [Pr(jz > 7 ) ] 1




=4- P r (a < 7 ) = 1 - P r (a > 7 )

= 1 -

OOJ p{z)dz






Taking the derivative of the above expression with respect to 7 yields the density function

Gratitude is expressed to Dr. Paul Marriot of the Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, University of Surrey, for providing his expertise and help with this analysis.


0/00 0/00 0/00 0/00 0/00 M,

1/11N Different 0/11,

0/101/10 \Different


( = t - 2

Figure 4.23: Trellis configuration showing trace-back operation of SOVA

of 7 , namely

P(7) =n —1

np( 7) I P(z)dz

7 < 0

7 > 0(4.139)

The lower limit of integration will have to start from - 00, since the noise samples are part of a non-truncated pdf which goes from -00 to + 00, although the reliability values in question will be positive only.

The density is then given by the derivative of equation (4.133), i.e.

Q (-4Ecb- ^ f <*> 1 (-4Bct,-z)2 ] n_nP (7) = { 2<tt t - ^ =J a/27rcr|

e 2crT dz 7 > 0. (4.140)

and p {7 < 0) = 0. Q is a scaling factor to normalise the area under the pdf to unity.

Figures 4.26 and Figure 4.27 show the theoretically obtained curves for E b/N 0 = OdB, n = 2 and Eb/N0 = 3dB, n = 3 respectively, and as may be seen, give a good fit to those obtained experimentally.

This finalises the treatment of the SOVA algorithm. The statistics of the processing in the algorithm have been analysed, and some theoretical models have been derived. A general formula for the final distributions of the reliability values has been explained and theoretically derived for one specific code.


pdf’s of reliability values after trace-b ack a t OdB

0 . 1 2 5

I— I Correct decisions F - \ Wrong decisions0 . 100 -

0 . 0 7 5 -

0 . 0 5 0 -

0 . 0 2 5 -

0.000 -

10 . 20 .

signal value3 0 . 4 0 .

Figure 4.24: The pdf's of the reliability values after trace-back at Eb/No = OdB

4.7 Conclusion

In this chapter we have derived decoding algorithms th a t will be extensively used in the following chapter on concatenated coding schemes, and they will be particularly im por­tan t for iterative decoding schemes. Many of the expressions and equations arrived at here will be revisited in subsequent derivations and theoretical developm ents. We have expressed the fundamentals of the Viterbi algorithm in its most general Maximum a Pos­teriori form, in order to build on these results to proceed directly with the derivation of the BCJR algorithm. The BCJR algorithm was /:hown to be the optim um symbol by sym­bol decoding algorithm, also giving as outputs the natural logarithm of the a posterior probabilities of the original data sequence. We also derived a simplified version of the BCJR algorithm, which was shown to be equivalent to the original algorithm. Thereafter we showed how the BCJR algorithm may be modified to operate on a sliding window ba­sis, in a similar m anner to th a t of the Viterbi algorithm. Then we derived the Soft O utput Viterbi Algorithm. We gave decoding examples of both the BCJR and SOVA algorithm s. We also considered one specific code decoded by means of the SOVA in order to obtain expressions of the probability density functions of the soft outputs of the algorithm.

Some im portant results from these theoretical developments are

• The BCJR algorithm may, with certain simplifications, be viewed as two Viterbi algorithms, one running forward as well as one running backwards in the trellis.


pdf s of reliability values after trace -b ack a t 3dB

0 . 3 -

I— I Correct decisions h - \ Wrong decisions

0 .2 -


0 .0 -

10 . 20 . 3 0 .

signal value

Figure 4.25: The pdf’s of the reliability values after trace-back at E b /N 0 = 3dB

• The soft outputs of the BCJR algorithm may be split up into a sum of a priori term s and extrinsic term s. If the code in question is systematic, we also have available one or m ore system atic term s.


o . i s

O . 1-4 \

O . 1-2

O . 0-3

O . 0-5

O . 0-4

O . 0 -2

lO 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0

Figure 4.26: The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf's of the reliability values after trace- back at Eb/No = OdB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decoded bits.

O . 2-5

O . 1-5

O . 1

O . 0 5

2 O >c 2 5 3 O 4 01 5 3 5l O

Figure 4.27: The theoretically obtained estimates of the pdf's of the reliability values after trace- back at Eb/No — 3dB. Solid line: Wrongly decoded. Dotted line: Correctly decoded bits.

Chapter 5

Concatenation of Codes

Coding schemes involving concatenations of codes were first introduced by Forney, treated in some detail in [61]. In Chapter 4 of reference [61], a scheme consisting of an inner ‘m aximum-likelihood-decoded' code and a Reed-Solomon outer code, decoded by means of hard-decision decoding methods, was proposed - a class of coding schemes th a t has later been extensively used in a wide variety of communications systems, e.g. the European Space Agency (ESA) telem etry standard [62] and the range of European Telecommunications Standardisation Institution (ETSI) Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards, e.g. [63] and [28].

Also, in [64], a class of concatenated coding schemes were described th a t has been term ed Generalised Concatenated Codes. These schemes are similar to those described in [61], but differ in the sense th a t they use a num ber of different outer codes in parallel. The output from these codes are then applied to an interleaver and thereafter to the inner convolutional code.

The attractiveness of concatenated coding systems arises from the fact th a t certain ap ­plications within digital communications require very low Bit Error Rates in order to operate satisfactorily, e.g. MPEG-2 applications, where the MPEG-2 requires a BER of < lO-10 in order to function, due to e.g. the Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform in the MPEG-2 decoder as well as the sensitivity of the m otion estim ation param eters and the variable block length nature of the encoder. Convolutional codes and Trellis Coded M od­ulation (first introduced in [65], and thoroughly explained in [66]) schemes are hence not suitable for these applications when used alone, as the decline in BER as a function of increasing E b/N 0 is relatively slow. In order to minimise the E b/N 0 required, it is ad­vantageous to use an FEC scheme with a very sharp roll-off in the BER curve, of which concatenated coding schemes present a solution.

This chapter will trea t this subject in some detail, giving sim ulation results where ap ­propriate. We will s ta rt w ith the traditional schemes, involving serial concatenation of



codes, whereby the inner code is decoded by means of soft-decision decoding methods, and the outer code is decoded by means of hard-decision decoding m ethods. We then present some novel schemes whereby the inner code delivers soft-decision decoding in­form ation to the outer code's decoder to investigate what gains may be obtained if also the outer code is decoded with soft-decision decoding methods. Finally, we will consider the case of parallel concatenated coding schemes, first introduced in [1], paving the way for iterative decoding, which is the subject of Chapter 6.

Figure 5.1 shows the configuration of two serially concatenated codes. The term serial stems from the fact th a t the codes follow each other in a serial m anner - the encoded sym bol/bits from Code I, denoted the outer code, are applied directly to Code II, denoted the inner code, after interleaving, which is undertaken by the block labelled w ith the symbol n, where interleaving denotes the operation of perm uting the encoded sequence from Code I. In the receiver, the reverse process takes place; the decoded sequence from the decoder for Code II is de-interleaved and input to the decoder for Code II.


Encoder for Code IISource Encoder

for Code I

Decoder for Code II


Sink Decoder for Code I Demodulator

Figure 5.1: Block diagram of serially concatenated channel coding scheme.

The coding scheme in Figure 5.1 may be extended to consist of any number, P say, codes and P - 1 interleavers. If we denote the rate of the constituent codes R it then the overall rate of such a scheme is given by the product of all individual code rates, i.e.

pj? = n > (5.i)

i= l

In this work, however, we will consider only coding schemes with two concatenated codes. We assume the channel depicted in Figure 5.1 is memoryless, i.e. it conforms with the trea tm en t in Chapters 2 and 4. This implies th a t the am plitude fading coefficients pi and the additive white Gaussian noise n, are independent for different i, where i is the (discrete) tim e index.


In 1987 the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) recommended th a t the inner code, Code II, should be a convolutional code, whereas the outer code, Code I, should be a Reed-Solomon code, which was also proposed in [67] as early as 1970. These two classes of codes complement each other, in the sense th a t the convolutional code, operating directly with the channel outputs, generally has a low rate R n and low complexity soft-decision decoding algorithms may easily be applied to this class of codes, typically the Viterbi algorithm. On the other hand, Reed-Solomon codes may be designed to have very high rate Ri, and being a non-binary code, may correct large bursts of binary errors. The channel produces random errors, and the convolutional code, having high performances in the correction of isolated errors, is therefore very suitable as an inner code. Also, since the errors occurring at the output of the soft-decision Viterbi decoding algorithm, designed for Code II, tend to be bursty due to the sequence estim ation nature of the Viterbi algorithm, the codes give a very good overall performance.

As the bursts a t the output of the decoder of Code II may be very long, an interleaver is needed in order to random ise the errors. However, in these traditional schemes, the symbol errors should be randomised and not the bit errors, as the RS hard-decision decoding scheme operates on symbols consisting of q bits, the code being defined over GF(29). Consequently, in the encoder, the output symbols from the RS encoder are symbol interleaved, and thereafter split into bits which are used in the encoding process defined by the convolutional encoder. At the output of the decoder of the binary convo­lutional code, one has to re-build the symbols, de-interleave and apply the symbols to the RS decoder. Hence, if the decoded sequence a t the output of the decoder of the con­volutional code contains m ultiple bit errors within one RS symbol, then all these errors are concealed in the sense th a t it only causes one symbol error to occur.

5.1 Traditional Concatenated Coding Schemes

In this section we will exemplify the class of traditional concatenated coding schemes by considering a small selection of codes. We also explain the concept of interleaving.

5.1.1 The inner Convolutional Code

The standard convolutional code used (e.g. the DVB-S standard, [28], Appendix A) has constraint length v = 6 and consequently 64 states in the trellis diagram. The standard code w ith generator polynomials


[g m = 9i (D ) 9 2 (D)

D 6 + D 5 + D 4 + D 3 + 1 D 6 + D A + D 3 + D + 1

171 133 1J 8 (5.2)

is depicted in Figure 5.2.

■0 0

Figure 5.2: Block diagram of non-systematic, v = 6 convolutional code

The performance of this code over the AWGN channel is shown in figure 5.3 The re­sults were obtained experimentally. The decoder input samples were represented by a 32 bit floating point num ber. The decoding algorithm used was the sliding window BCJR algorithm described in Section 4.4.4, with a block length of 16384 data bits, giving near-optim um performance. Similar results would also be obtainable w ith the Viterbi algorithm.

5.1.2 The outer Reed-Solomon Code

The outer RS code, which is naturally suited for correcting multiple bit errors, is very suitable as an outer code in a concatenated coding scheme. A commonly used code is defined over GF(256) = GF(28). As an example, the ETSI DVB-S standard [28] specifies the outer code to be the RS (204,188) code, shortened from the RS (255,239) code. Also, the ESA telem etry standard [62] specifies the outer code to be the very powerful RS(255,223) code, which is capable of correcting 16 symbol errors.

Figure 5.4 shows the performance of the RS (255,223) and the RS (204,188) codes over the AWGN channel using hard-decision decoding. The notable difference between the performance curve of the RS codes and the convolutional code of figure 5.3 is th a t the roll-off of BER vs. E b / N 0 is very steep for the first class of codes, but relatively slow for the convolutional code. On the other hand, the BER is considerably lower for the convolutional code than the RS code a t low values of E b / N 0 .


Perform ance of (171, 133) convolutional code


2.5 5.0 7.5 10.C0.0

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 5.3: BER performance of non-systematic, v = 6 convolutional code

5.1.3 The Interleaver and De-interleaver

Given that, the RS code can only correct a finite num ber of errors, and th a t decoding failures of the inner decoder of the convolutional code may generate long error bursts, it is necessary to break the potentially long error patterns a t the output of the inner decoder. This is achieved by means of interleaving. Figure 5.5 shows a block interleaver consisting of 8 rows and M columns. The interleaver input sequence is shuffled by writing the source symbols row by row, and then reading the output column by column, so th a t if the interleaver input sequence is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • • -M8, then the ou tput sequence would be 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 • • • (M8 - 7) 2 • • • MS. Hence, the ou tput distance, in term s of tim e, betw een neighbouring input symbols in the interleaver ou tput becomes M , whereas neighbouring interleaver output symbols will be a t distance 8 from each other. In general, if we have an IV x M block interleaver, the tim e distance in the interleaved output sequence becomes N , and the distance betw een neighbouring input symbols a t the interleaver ou tput becomes M .

The corresponding de-interleaver would be the 'inverse' of the interleaver of Figure 5.5. It would be the same matrix, but the symbols would be w ritten column-wise, and read row-wise, thereby re-ordering the coded sequence.

Relating to the coding scheme of figure 5.1, the design of the interleaver would depend heavily on the characteristics of both the outer and the inner code, whose decoding errors are to be broken up. If Code I is a block code of length n, blocks of coded symbols are


Performance of RS codes

, -2


- EE3 U n co d ed BPSK/QPSK

,-4 J.EE3 RS (255 ,223 ) C oded BPSK/QPSK

: EE3 RS (204 ,188 ) C oded BPSK/QPSK

2.0 4 .0



Figure 5.4: BER performance of RS (255,223) and RS (204,188) codes

independent from each other. Hence, one should design the interleaver such th a t the nearest distance betw een code symbols from Code I is at least n. Hence, the length N should be chosen to be such th a t N > n .

Interleaving and de-interleaving will inevitably cause some encoding and decoding delay, due to writing and reading of the interleaver memory blocks. For the above type of interleaver, the memory requirem ent in the interleaver will be given by IV x M . However, since the N x M array needs to be mostly filled before it can be read out, a m emory of 2N M symbols is generally implem ented a t each location to allow for the emptying of one N x M array while the o ther is being filled, and vice versa. The delay through such an in terleaver/de-interleaver pair is approximately 2N M symbol periods. However, only N ( M - 1) + 1 memory cells need to be filled before reading can start, and hence the minimum delay through such an interleaver/de-interleaver pair is given by 2 N M - 2 N + 2 .

Another class of interleavers also exists, generally denoted Convolutional Interleavers, and is due to Forney [68] and Ramsey [69]. Consider Figure 5.6.

In convolutional interleavers, the code symbols are sequentially shifted into the bank of N registers, where each successive register provides J symbols more storage than did the previous one. The com m utator switches between the registers for each new input symbol, and when it reaches the (N - 1 / '1 register, the com m utator returns to the zeroth register and starts again. The zeroth register is w ithout memory, i.e. the symbol input to this register is transm itted immediately.


O utput sym bols read colum n by colum n

1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 M N - 7

2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 74 82 90 98 106 114 122 130 M N - li

3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 83 91 99 107 115 123 131 M N - 5

4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 84 92 100 108 116 124 132 M N - 4

5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 77 85 93 101 109 117 125 133 M N - 3

6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 86 94 102 110 118 126 134 M N - 2

7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 103 111 119 127 135 M N - 1

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 M N

Figure 5.5: 8 x M Block Interleaver

Considering the 0 delay branch, we see that, since the interleaver needs to write N sym ­bols before returning to this branch, the nearest distance, in term s of tim e, betw een ou tput symbols periodically read from and w ritten to this branch will be N . Also, con­sidering the tim e space betw een symbols read from two consecutive branches, the in­terleaver needs to write N J - 1 symbols before they may be read, and hence the tim e distance betw een neighbouring interleaver output symbols will be N J - 1. Hence, if the outer code is of length n, the convolutional interleaver should be designed to have N J - 1 > n, and N > n to ensure independence betw een neighbouring channel symbols.

The performance of a convolutional interleaver is similar to th a t of the block interleaver, but the num ber of memory elem ents which are required is considerably reduced. For a block interleaver of M rows and N columns, the minimum num ber of memory elem ents required is M N , although normally an interleaver w ith 2M N memory elem ents would be im plem ented [26]. The delay imposed by the block interleaver would be M (N - 1) + 1, as only this am ount of memory cells needs to be filled before one can s ta rt reading out again. In comparison, a convolutional interleaver has a to ta l delay of J N ( N - 1 ) through an interleaver and de-interleaver pair [26]. The num ber of memory elem ents required in one interleaver is given by J N ( N - l)/2 .

5.1.4 Performance of concatenated coding schemes

In this section we will exemplify the performance obtainable w ith coding schemes of the nature described in the preceding sections, by considering one particular scheme only. Figure 5.7 shows the simulated performance of the coding scheme described in the DVB- S standard [28] over the AWGN channel using the un-punctured convolutional code, and w ith un-quantised matched filter outputs. The main issues of the standard are described in Appendix A. The performances of the individual codes are shown in the sam e figure.


From encodei To decoder



Figure 5.6: Configuration of the Forney convolutional interleaver

The performance is rather impressive, achieving a BER of 5 x 10-6 at an E b/N 0 of 2.5 dB. The performance when using a more powerful RS code as an outer code, like the RS(255,223) code, will not be substantially better. Reference [70] may be referred to for a more comprehensive trea tm ent of high-performance concatenated coding schemes over the AWGN channel, including the performance of the ESA and NASA telem etry standards. It should be pointed out th a t in [71], it was shown that performance improvements over the ESA telem etry standard was possible by using the ideas from Generalised Concate­nated Codes [64], and it may be possible to obtain similar improvements over the DVB-S standard if such schemes are used.

5.2 Soft-Decision Concatenated Coding

In the previous sections we have seen th a t excellent performance may be obtained by using a concatenated coding scheme using one inner convolutional code and an outer RS code. It is a characteristic of these schemes th a t the inner, binary code is decoded by means of soft-decision decoding, whereas the outer code is decoded by means of hard- decision decoding m ethods.

In this section we will present some novel schemes, devised as part of this study, whereby the inner code delivers soft-decision outputs to the decoder of the outer code, also en­abling this decoder to perform soft-decision decoding. We will show th a t considerable coding gains may be achieved using such systems compared with the traditional approach. This work has built on results from recent years, e.g. in [43], [72], but also on work un­dertaken some decades ago, e.g. [24]. To take advantage of the soft-decision decoding in the outer code, the inner code has to deliver log-likelihood ratios of the binary in-


Perform ance of DVB-S system

1-1EE3 Uncoded BPSK/QPSK EE3 RS (204,188) Coded BPSK/QPSK 1- — E /171.133) Convolutional Code I 1 Contatjenated System





2.0 4.0



Figure 5.7: BER performance of DVB-S system using the un-punctured, v = 6 convolutional code.

put sequence to the outer decoder, which may be achieved with the algorithm proposed by Bahl e t al. [24], which we denote the BCJR algorithm, and which was derived and exemplified in section 4.4, and the simplified version of this, namely the Soft O utput Viterbi Algorithm, SOVA [25], originally proposed by Hagenauer et al. and re-derived in section 4.5. We will show results for both the AWGN and the Rayleigh fading channels, comparing these schemes with th a t of hard decision decoding of the outer code.

5.2.1 Description of Constituent codes

For the inner convolutional code, we have used the industry standard v = 6 convolutional code, w ith 64 states, as shown in Figure 5.2. The generator polynomials are given in equation (5.2). As seen in Appendix A, this is also the code defined by the DVB standards, e.g. [28], and a wide range of puncturing rates may be applied to this code, c.f. Table A .l on page 180. This code may be decoded with e.g. the BCJR algorithms or the SOVA to give soft outputs to the outer RS code, where we recall from Chapter 4 th a t the soft outputs are the log-likelihood ratios of the a posteriori probabilities of the decoded bits. As will be shown, the BCJR algorithm is superior to the SOVA in a concatenated system .

For the outer RS code, we experiment with 2 different codes. We use the system atic versions of the codes, as explained in section 3.5 of Chapter 3. In order to perform soft decision decoding of this code, we use trellis decoding. The trellis is generated in a straight forward manner, where the method was described in equation (3.93) of


section 3.5. For interleaving between the outer and inner code, we use convolutional interleavers, as described in [68]. Figure 5.6 shows the block diagram of the interleaver. It is conventional in hard decision decoding of the outer code to let each memory elem ent in the row store the whole symbol: In this context, when the inner decoder delivers binary soft decision outputs to the outer code, it is better to perform the interleaving on a ‘bit by bit' basis, and then perform the decoding in the RS code on the bit level. In this way we obtain interleaving for the bits within an RS code symbol, thereby fully exploiting the trellis structure of RS codes, as each branch in the trellis of the RS code consists of q log- likelihood ratios. Since there will be some correlation between subsequent decoded bits at the output of the decoder of the convolutional code, we effectively make the decoding of the RS code conform more to the memoryless conditions described in Chapter 4.

7 code symbols

5 information symbols of 3 bits + 2 0’s

Figure 5.8: RS encoder constructed over GF(23)

5.2.2 Simulation Results

All results below were obtained by using QPSK as the modulation scheme, with square- root raised cosine pulse-shaping and matched filtering. The excess bandw idth/roll-off figure, a was 0.4. The Synopsis COSSAP simulation package was used for the sim ulations. All interleaving was undertaken with the N = 12, J = 17 convolutional interleaver, which is also specified in the DVB-S standard [28]. We repeat, however, th a t we use bit interleaving and not symbol interleaving.

AWGN channel. In order to illustrate the difference in performance of the SOVA and BCJR algorithms, we employed the RS (7,5,3) as the outer code and the R = \ , [171 133]8 convolutional code as the inner code. Figure 5.9 shows the BER curves for both these system s. The decoding depth of the SOVA algorithm was 5z/, i.e. 30. The window length of the sliding window BCJR algorithm was 16384. As may be noted from figure 5.9, the performance of the concatenated scheme, using the BCJR algorithm for decoding the in­ner code gives a considerably better performance than does the SOVA. A coding gain of around 0.5 dB is experienced a t a BER of 10-5 , which is also in line with th a t experi­enced in Turbo Codes [11]. In the same figure, we have also shown the performance


of a hard-decision system, where the inner code accepts soft decision inputs but deliv­ers hard-decision outputs to the outer decoder. In this system, symbol interleaving was perform ed. As may be seen, the performance is considerably worse than th a t of both the soft-decision systems, and if the BCJR algorithm is used, we obtain a coding gain of 0.8 dB relative to the hard-decision system at a BER of 10“ 4. This extra gain will increase with increasing Eb/N o .

Concatenated Coding: RS (7,5,3)


1-2 EE3 SOVA ■:EE) BCJRh - \ Hard-Decision Decoding



Eb/No [dB]

Figure 5.9: Performance of SOVA and BCJR algorithms in concatenated schemes.

The overall rate of the code is relatively low, R 0 = and the spectral efficiency is thus relatively poor. To increase the spectral efficiency, we use the RS (15,13,3) code as the outer code, resulting in an overall code rate of R 0 = 13/30. Figure 5.10 shows the performance of this scheme. We have also shown the difference betw een using symbol interleaving and bit interleaving in this figure. As may be seen, we obtain about 0.5 dB coding gain a t a BER of 10- 5 by using bit interleaving. The performance of the equivalent hard-decision scheme is also shown, using symbol interleaving. The gain obtained by using soft-decision decoding is shown to be around 0.7 dB a t a BER of 10-3 . Again, this extra gain will increase w ith increasing Eb/ N 0. We have also included the results of a Turbo Code in this figure. The Turbo Code used the SOVA as the decoding algorithm, and 2 iterations were used. The interleavers were considerably smaller though, with J = 3 and N = 13, but the overall delay is similar. The Turbo Code would perform better if the BCJR algorithm were used, but with the SOVA we get a gain of 0.2 dB at a BER of 10~5 with the concatenated scheme vice compared with this particular im plem entation of Turbo Codes, which will be described in more detail in Section 6.5 of Chapter 6 .


Concatenated Coding: RS (15,13,3)




_4 • I- - \ Symbol interleaved1 1 I--- 1 Bit interleaved

: I....\ Hard Decision Decodingi~5 I---1 Turbo code with SOVA. 2ft

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 5.10: Performance of bit and symbol interleaving in the concatenated coding schemes..

Rayleigh fading channel. The nature of a fading channel will cause am plitude variations in the signal as well as changes in the signal phase. In order to te s t the FEC scheme, we have assumed perfect phase recovery in the dem odulator/equaliser. The sim ulated am ­plitude fading was constant over one symbol period, often denoted as 'slow ' fading, and the fading amplitudes from symbol to symbol were statistically independent. The fading am plitudes followed the Rayleigh distribution, and no a ttem pt was m ade to estim ate these am plitudes.

A loss of roughly 2.25 dB is experienced relative to the AWGN channel both in case of the RS (15,13,3) code and the RS (7,5,3) code. This is shown in figure 5.11, which shows the performance of the RS (7,5,3) scheme, and 5.12, which shows the performance of the RS (15,13,3) scheme. We have included the performance of the R = \ Turbo Code over the Rayleigh fading channel in figure 5.12. As was the case for the AWGN channel, the RS coding scheme outperform s this Turbo Code, now by about 0.75 dB a t a BER of 10~5.

Better performance may be expected if the inner decoder is designed more closely to match the channel characteristics, i.e. if we have knowledge about the am plitude fading coefficients, because the soft outputs created by the soft output decoding algorithm will deliver better quality soft outputs in this case. We also note th a t the RS (15,13,3) soft- decision scheme gives about 1.5 dB coding gain compared to the hard-decision scheme, whereas the gain for the RS (7,5,3) code is about 1 dB. All gains/losses are for a BER of around 10~5.


Concatenated Codes: RS (7,5,3), Rayleigh fading.



E3 SDD, AWGN \1.... 1 SDD, Rayleigh\h - \ HDD, Rayleigh



2.0 4.0 6.0



Figure 5.11: Performance of concatenated v = 6 convolutional code and RS (7,5,3) code over the Rayleigh fading channel.

5.2.3 Serial Concatenation of Convolutional Codes

We have now considered soft-decision decoding of concatenated coding schemes using RS outer codes and convolutional inner codes. We have compared the performance of these new schemes w ith th a t of standard hard-decision decoding schemes. The gains obtained using this approach are considerable, both in the AWGN channel and the Rayleigh fading channel. However, it would also be of interest to consider the concatenation of binary convolutional codes, as these are more suited for soft-decision decoding, e.g. their struc­tu re is considerably less complex than th a t of the non-binary RS codes. In this section we will present results which were obtained using these schemes.

The potential problem with convolutional codes is th a t the rate R is generally low. Hence, since the overall rate in a serially concatenated coding scheme is the product of the con­stituen t codes' individual rates, the overall coding scheme gives rise to relatively low spectral efficiency. However, in some applications this may not be a critical issue, e.g. CDMA system s, where the channel coding can contribute to the spectrum spreading.

Figure 5.13 shows the performance of concatenated coding schemes using convolutional codes. Three different constituent codes were experimented with, chosen on the basis of their performance in single code schemes. The first scheme, of overall rate R = 4/9, consisted of 2 identical codes of R j = R n = 2/3, whose generator polynomial is given in equation (3.35), and whose encoder block diagram is shown in Figure 3.6, w ith the corresponding trellis shown in Figure 3.8. The second scheme, with overall rate R = 2/9,


Concatenated Codes: RS (15,13,3). Rayleigh fading



E E 3 AWGN, SDD \ sI.....i Rayleigh, SDDI----1 Rayleigh, HDDI— 1 Turbo Code with SOVA, Rayleigh. 2ft




2.0 4.00.0 6.0


Figure 5.12: Performance of concatenated v = 6 convolutional code and RS (15,13,3) code over the Rayleigh fading channel.

was made up of Code I being the same R i = 2/3 rate code, but with the inner code being the R n — 1/3, v = 6 code with generator matrix

[G(£>)] = [ g i(D) g2(D) p3(D) ]

= [ 117 127 155 ] (5.3)

The third scheme, of overall rate R i = 1/3, consisted of the same R — 2/3 outer code, and with the familiar R n = 1/2, v = 6 code, with generator polynomial as given in equation (5.2). In all these schemes, binary, convolutional interleavers w ith N = 12 and J = 17 were used.

As may be seen, the codes perform very well, and the performance gets better the lower the rate of the scheme gets. However, the R = 2/9 scheme has a relatively slow roll-off, and appears not to be better than the scheme with R = 1/3 a t higher E b/N 0. Also, the highest rate code suffers only a loss of around 0.75 dB a t a BER of 3 x 10-5 relative to the R = 1/3 scheme.

It is also of interest to consider the effect of the interleaver in concatenated coding schemes, and figure 5.14 shows the performances of two different coding schemes, where one of the schemes uses no interleaving and the other uses the IV = 12, J = 17 convolu­tional interleaver. The outer code was the R i = 1/2 convolutional code from Figure 3.4, w ith generator polynomials [G(£>)] = [7 5], whereas the inner code was the R n — 2/3 code from equation (3.35). The overall rate of the scheme is thus R = 1/3.


Perform ance of concatenated convolutional codes

EE3 U n co d ed QPSK

E 3 R = 4 / 9

EE3 R = 2 /9





5 .0 10.C2.5 7 .50.0


Figure 5.13: Performance of concatenated convolutional codes using soft-in/soft-out decoding

The difference in performance between these two different schemes is considerable, showing a coding gain of around 2.5 dB a t a BER of 10“ 5 for the interleaved scheme compared w ith the scheme with no interleaving. Figure 5.15 shows the block diagram of the underlying code of the scheme with no interleaver present. It is clear th a t a trellis may be formed from this code, and hence Maximum Likelihood or MAP decoding could also be undertaken for this code.

It is clear from these results th a t concatenated convolutional codes form attractive coding schemes, particularly if the low rates of the resultant codes are of little importance. Also, the corresponding decoders are considerably simpler than th a t of trellis decoded Reed- Solomon codes.

5.3 Parallel Concatenation of Codes

Parallel concatenation was first introduced in [1], and has been the subject of consid­erable research since then. In this section we will trea t this subject in general term s, w ithout considering the performance of these codes, as this will be treated in detail in Chapter 6. A block diagram of a parallel concatenation of P codes is shown in Figure 5.16.

Each constituent code JE7/(d), I e { 0 ... ( P - l ) } , is excited by a unique input sequence Ifi(d) due to the use of different interleavers II;. However, all of these P different sequences are


Concatenated Convolutional Codes

F=1 U n co d ed QPSK.

I I No In te r le a v in g .

.h- - I In te r le a v in g : N = 12, J


r 2




2.5 5 .00.0 7.5 10.0

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 5.14: Performance comparison of concatenated convolutional codes with and without in­terleaving.

formed by the sam e input sequence d, which makes the corresponding coded sequence particularly suitable for iterative decoding, which is the subject of Chapter 6.

If we assume th a t the constituent codes Ei(d) are binary convolutional codes w ith rate Rt = l /m , the rate of the overall parallel concatenated code will be given by

1R = p -1

E ni 1=0


We also notice th a t we can form a special class of parallel concatenated codes when the codes are systematic. Again, we assume th a t the constituent codes are all binary convolutional codes with rate R t = 1/ni, but now we assume they are also system atic. By transm itting the original data bits d (or any perm uted version 13/(d)) only once, and not o ther perm uted versions of it, then the rate of the code becomes

1R = p -1

E (ni - 1 ) + n F1=0,l ^ F


eV/)-(p - i)’1=0


where the code Ep{d) is the code whose (permuted) data input sequence is transm itted .



Figure 5.15: Block diagram of effective code formed by concatenation of Rj = 1/2 and Rn = 2 / 3 code with no interleaver.

5.4 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter we have considered the subject of serially concatenated codes. We first considered traditional schemes, where the inner decoder is a convolutional code, de­coded by means of the standard Viterbi algorithm, and the outer code is a burst-error correcting RS code, which is decoded by means of hard-decision decoding. Thereafter we w ent on to consider some novel schemes, in which the decoder of the outer RS code gets soft-decision inputs delivered by the decoder of the inner convolutional code. We showed th a t considerable coding gains resulted from this, and hence the traditional schemes may thus be improved upon. We showed th a t bit interleaving gave superior results to symbol interleaving in these coding schemes. For long outer RS codes, however, these soft de­cision concatenated coding schemes may become prohibitively complex. For example, in the m ethod used here to generate the trellis for RS codes, the RS (255,223) code would yield a trellis of 2256 states, w ith 28 branches merging and leaving each state . For the foreseeable future, such a trellis is far too complex. However, work still continues in the field of designing algorithms which are capable of performing soft-decision decoding of very complex codes, e.g. [43], and it is to be expected th a t some of these efforts will succeed. Also, a considerable am ount of work is being undertaken in simplifying trellis structures, an area trea ted by reference [73]. If will be of trem endous in terest if efforts like these succeed for very long block codes, as this implies th a t current standards do not need to be modified in order to improve the performance of the schemes - only the decoding algorithms need to be changed.

We have also considered some novel concatenated coding schemes involving convolu­tional codes, and employing soft-decision decoding a t all stages. These schemes are of low complexity, and may be of considerable interest if the resulting low rate of the overall scheme is of little importance.



Figure 5.16: Block diagram of P codes in parallel concatenation.

It is a conclusion from this chapter that, although novel and promising results have been dem onstrated for relatively low complexity RS codes, the performance of trad i­tional schemes using very long, hard-decision decoded RS codes is still better. Improve­m ents of these traditional schemes, through soft-decision decoding of the outer code, is currently not practical as the decoders would be of too high complexity. The issue is therefore if performance improvements are a t all possible through using sim pler codes than th a t of traditional schemes, combined with soft-decision decoding. This will be the topic of Chapter 6. Building on the results from this chapter, we will show th a t such im provements are indeed possible.

Chapter 6

Iterative Decoding

This chapter will contain the major results of this study, and will be concerned w ith the issue of iterative decoding of both parallel and serially concatenated coding schemes. Iterative decoding was first introduced in the now famous paper by Berrou, Glavieux and Thitimajshima [1] a t the ICC conference in Geneva in 1993, and the coding schemes used was denoted Turbo Codes.

Initially, it was unclear what the name 'Turbo Codes' actually m eant and referred to , as some authors thought of the encoder as being the 'tu rbo ' item of the scheme. However, it is clear from [1] th a t the name 'Turbo Codes' was given because the principle of the decoder resem bled th a t of the turbo engine, and th a t the encoder, in this case two Re­cursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) codes in parallel concatenation, simply enabled the iterative decoding to be undertaken. Later, as will also be shown here, schemes were invented w ith different encoding structures, yet still yielding schemes whereby iterative decoding could be undertaken. We have therefore opted, in order to preserve generality, to use the notation 'iterative decoding' in a similar m anner to the way the term 'Turbo' was used in [1], i.e. the term Turbo Codes refers to a wide class of different coding and decoding schemes, whereby the common factor is th a t iterative decoding may be undertaken. Also, common for all these schemes is th a t they will comprise two or more codes in concatenations, although recently the concept of self-concatenated codes has been introduced e.g. in [74], [14] and [21], where self-concatenation implies th a t only one code is used to encode a data input sequence twice. In order to differentiate this original scheme from configurations of coders and decoders which have been invented as part of this study and which will be presented here, we give the name Turbo Codes to iterative decoding schemes of parallel concatenated codes.

In this chapter we will start with presenting the original Turbo Coding scheme. There­after, we will consider a range of novel, simplified and improved coding schemes. Also, we will consider certain difficulties with the original Turbo Coding scheme and show some viable solutions to these problems. Finally, in w hat is the major contribution of



this study, we will apply iterative decoding techniques to serially concatenated coding schemes of convolutional codes and RS codes and investigate the performance of such schemes. These schemes take their foundations in lessons learnt from Turbo Codes, but use similar concepts to those used in this latter class of codes. We will argue th a t such schemes, in term s of performance, are more attractive than the original Turbo Codes.

The encoder of the original Turbo Coding scheme presented in [1] is shown in Figure 6.1. As may be seen, it consists of two Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) codes in a parallel concatenation, where the two codes are separated by an interleaver. Both of these codes have generator polynomial

In the original paper, a special kind of block interleaver was used, which was term ed pseudo-random, or non-uniform. The code is thus a special case of the code depicted in Figure 5.16.

As is suggested in equation (5.5), the rate of this code is R — 1/3. However, by puncturing the code, i.e. periodically deleting some of the encoder output bits, this rate may be increased. For instance, as was indeed done in the original scheme reported upon in [1] and [75], all the system atic bits were transm itted, i.e. all cj for all i were transm itted , but only every second of both cf and cf were transm itted. Thus, the code has R = 1/2.

In order to decode this code, we make use of two different decoders, D0(d) and D i(d), as illustrated in Figure 6.2. The first decoder, D0(d), is used for providing a Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) or Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimates of the data input bits. Pro­vided we use a Soft Output Decoding Algorithm (SODA), w ith decoder outputs being proportional to the log-likelihood ratios of the information sequence, it is beneficial to use these outputs from D0(d) as inputs to the second decoder D i(d). The decoding algo­rithm may be th a t of the BCJR algorithm described in Section 4.4, which is the optim um algorithm, or th a t of the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA), described in Section 4.5. This may be achieved by interleaving the decoded sequence using the same interleaver th a t was used in the encoder. The second decoder thus has m ore inform ation available than the first decoder, and if we assume th a t the decoded sequence of D0(d) is suffi­ciently interleaved and independent from the original channel ou tput y 1, it follows th a t the estim ates, or log-likelihood ratios of the data sequence, denoted Aj(dj), may be used as a priori information in the second decoder.

6.1 Turbo Codes

9 ( D ) R S C (37,21) 1 l + D + D2 + D3 + D* [1 21/37]8

1 + D 2 + D4

(6 .1)


Figure 6.1: Block diagram of 2 parallel concatenated RSC codes

If the second decoder also delivers soft outputs, it would be beneficial to feed these back, after de-interleaving to the first decoder, which can then use these as a priori inform ation in the decoding of the first code, which again can deliver soft outputs to be used by the second decoder. In this way, the combined decoder will repeatedly perform decoding, in w hat has been term ed iterations, continuously improving on the estim ate of the original encoder input sequence. This is the major result from the research by Berrou et al. and which subsequently formed the basis for trem endous research activities on a global basis.

6.1.1 Decoding Algorithm for Iterative Decoding

In order to formalise the general idea given above, we need to consider the decoding algorithms again, similar to the treatm ent given in Chapter 4. We consider the BCJR al­gorithm. The results given in the subsequent paragraphs are mainly heuristically derived argum ents, to a large extent based on simulation results. A comprehensive trea tm en t of similar issues is given in [11].

We recall from equation (4.63) th a t the output Ai(dj) of the BCJR decoding algorithm , in the case of a system atic code, may be seen as a sum of three different term s, namely the a priori term Aiin(di), the systematic term Xis(di) and the extrinsic term Aie(di). If



Figure 6.2: Block diagram of decoding algorithm for parallel concatenated RSC codes.

this ou tput from one decoder were to be used as a priori information in the decoding algorithm of a second code, the resultant output from the next decoder would thus be given by

A2 (di) = Ai (di) + A2s(dj) + A2 e(di)

— A i in (d i) + A is(d j) + A ie (d j ) + A2s(di) + A2e(di)- (6 -2 )

Clearly, Xis(di) and A2s(dj) are identical. We will formulate the central argum ent in the case of iterative decoding to be th a t each piece of information th a t is available about the correctness of a certain decoded bit di should only be used once in each decoder. Hence, the system atic term s Xps(di), scaled versions of which are available a t the input of the pth decoder, should be subtracted from Xp(di), where we use p to denote the pth iteration. In addition to these systematic term s, we notice th a t the a priori input term to one decoder also forms part of the output of the same decoder. In order for this term not to propagate any further, we therefore subtract also Aiin(di) from Ai (di). The resulting iterative decoding algorithm for the code in Figure 6.1 is shown in Figure 6.3, where feedback loops are used to show the interaction between the second decoder and the first decoder.

m ake HD for final ite ra tion

Figure 6.3: Block diagram of iterative decoding algorithm of two parallel concatenated convolu­tional codes. Ap(di) denotes the soft outputs of the first decoding stage of thepth iteration, whereas Xp(di) denotes the soft outputs of the second decoding stage of the same iteration.

This feedback loop is not a practical solution, and in general the decoder is im plem ented as shown in Figure 6.4, where the decoder consists of p iterations. Here, each block


consists of two stages, as was indicated in Figure 6.2. Delay elem ents are needed to delay channel inform ation so th a t each decoder is synchronised. The delay Di corresponds to the delay caused by the first decoding stage, including the interleaving, and the delay D2 corresponds to the decoding delay of the second decoder, including interleaving. Thus, the decoding latency of an iterative decoder would hep- (D1 + D2). In general, Di would be set to be the same as D2, due to the use of the same interleavers and same decoding algorithm.

D elay D\ + D2Delay D\ + D2

D elay D\ + D2

V* —* D elay D\ Delay D\ + D2

-*■ D elay D\ + D2

Delay D\ + D2

2nd iteration p iteration1st iteration

Figure 6.4: Block diagram of p iterations of a pipe-lined iterative decoding algorithm of two parallel concatenated codes

It should be noted, however, th a t if the processing power of the decoder is sufficiently high, one may undertake several decoding iterations in the same am ount of tim e as it takes to receive one block of channel bits, by including a buffer a t the decoder input. In other words, if each block length corresponds to N data bits, 2 buffers of length N • .ft-1 , ft being the rate of the code, may be used in the decoder. When the first buffer has been filled w ith channel symbols, the decoding operation of this block may commence, and while p decoding iterations are undertaken on this block, the second buffer is filled w ith channel symbols, making this second block ready for decoding.

We have now presented the concept of Turbo Codes, and the novel features of Turbo Codes as presented in the original paper may be summarised as follows:

• Introduction of parallel concatenation

• The use of RSC codes

• Iterative decoding

• Pseudo-random interleaving, which will be covered in Section 6.2.

In the following section we will consider the interleaver structure for Turbo Codes.


6.2 Interleaver structures for Turbo Codes

In [1] and [75], the concept of non-uniform interleaving was introduced, sparking off a considerable am ount of research in finding good interleavers for Turbo Codes. We will not consider all these in detail, but we will describe the scheme originally used, whose design was largely based on empirical and heuristic arguments. Thereafter we will consider the Turbo Codes when convolutional interleavers are used.

The task of the interleaver in parallel concatenated codes is to

1. maximise the spreading of data, as in usual interleaving in concatenated codes.

2. maximise the disorder in the interleaved data sequence in order to generate an independent code output sequence from the subsequent encoders.

In [1] and [75] an interleaving procedure was chosen in which the reading of the column index of a block interleaver was a function of the line index. The interleaver was chosen to be in the form of the one depicted in Figure 5.5, but having M rows and M columns, where M is a power of 2. Letting i and j be the line and column write indices respectively, and ir and j r be the line and column indices for reading, the non-uniform interleaving procedure may be described by

ir = (M /2 + l ) ( i+ j ) (mod M)

£ = ( i+ j ) (mod 8)

jr = [ P ( 0 'U + 1 )1 -1 (mod M ), (6.3)

where P(-) is a num ber relative prime to M , and a function of line address £ = (i + j ) (mod 8). To our knowledge, however, this function has not been specified in the open literature. M ore information about this type of interleaver may be found in [75] and [7]. In [1], huge block interleavers of size 256 x 256 were used, yielding a block size of 65,536 symbols and an added tim e delay of 65,281 symbol intervals per interleaver. The to ta l delay latency of the scheme presented in [1], using 18 decoder iterations, was consequently in the order of 2 million information bit periods. Hence, much a tten tion has been given to the structure of the interleaver in the work which has been undertaken in the field of iterative coding, and different types of block interleavers have been pro­posed, e.g. non-uniform, or pseudo-random interleavers explained in [7] and odd-even interleavers introduced in [76], and the block helical simile interleaver introduced in [77], which has the additional advantage th a t it causes the two encoders to be term i­nated in the same state after interleaving has taken place. Such interleavers improve the performance of the decoder, as more spreading of the information sequence is achieved, as well as increasing the weight of the decoder input sequences. This will thus enable a possible reduction in size of the interleavers. There is also a considerable am ount of papers available on other interleaver structures, some recent ones being [78], [79], [80]


[81], [82], [83], [84] and [85]. In [85], an interleaver design algorithm was proposed, where the interleavers are optimized for the given constituent codes of the overall coding scheme. Using these designs, it was shown th a t good performance may be obtained com­pared to o ther interleaver structures of the same size. In [84], building on the argum ent th a t input weight two sequences dom inate the error performance of Turbo Codes (see section 6.3), interleavers were designed which maximised the minimum Hamming dis­tance which is generated by input weight two sequences. A procedure to add random ness to the interleaver was also described. In [82], another interleaver optim isation proce­dure was proposed based on breaking low weight input sequences, and it was shown th a t good coding gains were obtained compared with random interleavers when using this optim isation scheme. In reference [81], two classes of algebraic interleavers were described, which perform ed equal to or better than the average of a set of random ly chosen interleavers. The term algebraic interleaver implies th a t this class of interleavers has a relatively simple algebraic structure, which is of great interest for the theoretical evaluation of the characteristics of the overall coding scheme.

It is a conclusion from the am ount of literature available on the design of interleavers for turbo codes th a t several types of interleaver structures have proven to give very good per­formance of the overall code, but in the literature, these interleavers have also tended to be very large, requiring a substantial am ount of m emory in the decoder, as well as caus­ing a large delay in the decoding process. However, in the open literature, no atten tion has been given to convolutional interleavers [68], [69], although this type of interleaver is well suited for use in convolutional coding schemes due to the continuous read and write operations. In the following, we will consider coding schemes and show sim ula­tion results when the interleaver used is th a t of the convolutional interleaver depicted in Figure 5.6. We will show th a t the delay may be halved in the decoder compared w ith a scheme which uses uniform block interleavers, yet w ith no loss in performance.

6.2.1 Performance of convolutional interleavers in Turbo Codes

All the results presented in this section will be based on the sim ulation of a complete transm ission system, using QPSK as the m odulation scheme, pulse-shaping according to equation (2.13), w ith the excess bandwidth factor a = 0.4.

The iterative coding scheme was simulated using RSC encoders w ith 16 states and gen­erator polynomials for the first encoder gi(D)RSC(37 ,2 i) = [1 21/37]8 and for the second encoder g2 {D)Rsc (31,27) = [1 27/31]. The encoders were punctured to yield an overall rate of 1/2.

The aim was to investigate the performance for small interleaver sizes, thus minimising memory requirem ent and the delay through the decoders, and the performance of the Turbo Codes using a uniform block interleaver of size 16 x 16 was taken as a reference, yielding a delay of 241 symbol intervals. We report on the performance of two different


convolutional interleavers, namely the J = 2, N = 12 interleaver, yielding a delay of 132 symbol periods per interleaver, and the J = 3, N '= 13 interleaver, yielding a delay of 234 symbol periods per interleaver. In the first case the delay is roughly halved compared with the block interleaver, whereas in the second case the delay is kept more or less the same as in the case of the block interleaver. The scheme was simulated using COSSAP and the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) [25] as the decoding algorithm. Results for two iterations are given.

As can be seen in Figure 6.5, the smallest convolutional interleaver actually gives some coding gain compared with the block interleaver, even though the delay has been reduced by a factor of 1.8. At a BER of 10-5 the coding gain is about 0.15 dB. In the case of the larger convolutional interleaver, a coding gain of about 0.4 dB is dem onstrated relative to the block interleaver, which yields a slightly larger delay. Only four interleavers are used in this scheme, yielding a to tal delay latency of 936 symbol intervals due to the interleavers, compared with a delay of 964 symbol intervals in the case of the block interleavers.

Perform ance comparison of interleavers

r i



Block i n t e r l e a v e r , 1 6 x1 N6 - X C o n v o l u t i o n a l I n t e r l e a v e ^ N C o n v o l u t i o n a l I n t e r l e a v e r , Tsf1-4


Eb/N0 [dB]

Figure 6.5: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleavers (2 iterations)

We also sim ulated the coding scheme over a slowly fading, non-selective Rayleigh chan­nel. The model of the Rayleigh channel is based on the theory given in Chapter 2, Section 2.2.3, i.e. the infinitely interleaved fading channel. We also assume perfect phase recov­ery in the receiver, i.e. the phase errors due to the fading change sufficiently slowly so th a t the dem odulator is able to track the phase. Thus, the model is based on am plitude fading only. Figure 6.6 shows the results obtained with a 16 x 16 block interleaver as well as those obtained with a convolutional interleaver with N = 13 and J = 3. Again, the


block interleaver yields a delay of 241 symbol periods, whereas the convolutional in ter­leaver yields a maximum delay of 234 symbol periods. However, a t a BER of about 10“ 6, the scheme with the convolutional interleaver achieves a gain of about 1 dB compared to the scheme with the block interleaver.

Perform ance comparison over Rayleigh channel



I I Block interleaver, 16 :x r€I— I Convolutional interleaver,1-3



2.0 4.00.0


Figure 6.6: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleavers (2 iterations) over the fully interleaved Rayleigh fading channel

We have thus given sim ulation results of iterative decoders when using convolutional interleavers. The results show th a t convolutional interleavers are well suited for the in­terleaving task in the Turbo Codes, and th a t one can achieve the same, or even better, performance w ith half the delay compared to a scheme using block interleavers. These are positive results, as the inherent advantage of convolutional interleavers when used in conjunction w ith convolutional codes makes them attractive compared to block-based interleavers. In the sequel, all sim ulation results which will be given have been obtained with convolutional interleavers. It should, however, be noted th a t the interleaver struc­tu re in Turbo Codes is of considerable importance, and it is expected th a t interleavers optim ised for particular constellations of Turbo Codes will be available in the future, as research efforts continue to be undertaken in this area.

6.3 Suitability of RSC codes for iterative decoding

In this section the im portant feature th a t Turbo Codes use RSC codes as constituent codes will be dealt with. We will base this section mainly on heuristically derived argum ents


which have resulted from this study, but also on work by other researchers, e.g. [86], [87], [15] and [11]. There are several reasons why RSC codes are a natural choice for use as constituent codes in Turbo Codes:

1. A non-system atic code consisting of P codes in parallel concatenation would yield a code of considerably lower rate than th a t of a code consisting of system atic codes, since, in the latter case, the systematic bits need only be transm itted once.

2. Codes in system atic and non-systematic form give equivalent codes.

3. Systematic convolutional codes in feed-forward form produce less powerful codes than those in feedback form.

The interesting issue here is not only the performance of a Maximum Likelihood decoding operation of a single RSC code, which would give similar results to th a t of the decoding of a non-system atic code, w ith the exception of low values of Eb/N0, where systematic codes in general are marginally better than non-systematic codes. In iterative decoding, one m ust also consider the effects of the interleaving on the codes, and also the fact th a t in the decoders, we make repeated use of the channel inform ation to build the extrinsic information, which we defined in equation (4.61) of Chapter 4. This would call for a maximisation of the input weight of the codes, since maximisation of the input weight will maximise the overall distance properties of the codes when using the extrinsic information as a priori information in the decoding operation. The term s input and output weight of a code were both defined in Section 3.4 of Chapter 3. It is also of in terest to consider how long the sequences are in the constituent encoders, as long sequences should in general increase both the input and output weight of the codes. We also recall from equation (3.49) in Chapter 3 th a t the recursive nature of RSC codes appear to increase the effective constraint length of the codes, as the encoders have an infinite impulse response (HR), which again will cause long sequences to occur. In order to formalise these argum ents, it is of interest to consider the transfer functions of the codes, as defined in Section 3.4 of Chapter 3. We recall th a t the transfer function of a convolutional code defines all possible sequences th a t leave and re-m erge with the zero- state some tim e intervals afterwards. Consider Figure 6.7, showing the sta te diagram of the RSC code with generator polynomials g(D)RSC(7,5) = [1 5/7]8.

It may be shown th a t the transfer function of this code is given by

m, T AT ^ _ J aN 2D 5 + J 3N 3D 5 - J 4N*D6( A , ) r s c ( 7,5) - 1 _ J N D _ j z j y i _ j 2 N D + J 3N 2 D 2

j 3N 3D5 + J AN 2D6 + J 5N 3D7 + J 5N 4D 6 + . . . (6.4)

We now define two param eters, namely N free and N free\dfree.




0/10(.J D )







Figure 6.7: State diagram of RSC code with generator polynomials g(D)RSC(7,5) = [1 5/7]s

Definition 6.1 (N free) N f ree is the minimum input weight o f all data sequences.


Definition 6.2 (N free\dfree) N f ree\dfree, read N free given d free, is the input weight o f the data sequence whose output sequence has minimum output weight, i.e. the output weight is d free.

For the code in discussion, the param eter N f ree\dfree = 3, whereas d free = 5. N free = 2. Traditionally, the task would be to find a code which maximises d free to secure the best possible performance of a code. However, based on the heuristic argum ents given above, for iterative decoding, it would be desirable to

• Maximise d free.

• Maximise N f ree and N f ree\dfree to ensure good distance properties when using a priori inform ation in the decoder.

• Use codes whose weights (both input and output weights) increase rapidly with length of input sequences.

These argum ents were initially heuristically derived, but similar argum ents were used in [87], and essentially the same, good codes were found using these slightly different approaches. In [87] it was argued th a t the effective free distance of RSC codes when used


in Turbo Codes corresponds to the minimum code output weight caused by an encoder input sequence of input weight 2. This argum ent was based on the fact th a t a code input weight of 1 would yield an infinite output weight due to the HR property of the RSC codes and hence could be ignored, and th a t code input weights > 2 could be ignored because of the interleavers involved in the encoder, as it is argued th a t the interleaver would break up input sequences of weight higher than 2. Appendix B contain listings of binary RSC codes of rate R = 1/2 which have been selected on the basis of our argum ents. The codes are sorted after the constraint length v, and whenever there is more than one good code to choose from, a t least two good codes are included for th a t particular constraint length.

6.4 Performance of Turbo Codes

In this section we will consider the performance of Turbo Codes, and some of the codes given in Appendix B will be investigated.

As is clear from the BCJR decoding algorithm, where the branch metrics are calculated as per equation (4.58) of Chapter 4, the decoding algorithm varies with varying values of E b/N 0. In this work we shall assume a fixed E b/N 0, so th a t the metric m ultiplication factor 2y/Erf/2cr2 = 2y/Ed,fNQ does not change. This implies th a t the decoder is only optim ised for one particular E b/N 0. The relationship between E cb/N 0, the channel signal to noise ratio, and E b/N 0 is given by

E b _ E cbN0 N0R (

where R is the rate of the code to be used. In all our simulations we have taken E cb = 1, from which it follows th a t y/Ecb = 1 as well.

6.4.1 Identical codes in encoder

Performance curves for the Turbo Code employing two identical codes with generator polynomials g(D)RSc(37,2i) = [1 21/37]8, and the convolutional interleavers with N = 13 and J = 3, are shown in Figure 6.8, for the case when the code is punctured to have rate R = 1/2. This was also the code considered in [1], albeit different interleavers were used. The sliding window BCJR algorithm, described in Section 4.4.4 of Chapter 4, was used in the sim ulations. The value of 2Ecb/N 0 was set to be 4.0 in the metric computation, and hence th e decoder is optimised for an Eb/N 0 & 6.0 dB. In the decoder one thus needs to scale the channel symbols by a factor of 8.0 before subtraction from each decoder output. As is clear from Figure 6.8 , a considerable coding gain is obtained from the first to the second iteration, after which the gain gets considerably smaller. In particular, increasing the num ber of iterations from 4 to 12 gives only an additional coding gain of 0.25 dB a t a BER of 2 x 10-5 . It is also of interest to observe the ‘error-floor’, or 'knee', effect of


Turbo Codes, which has also been noted by many other researchers, although it is not very well understood. Typically, this phenomenon occurs a t a BER of around 10“ 5.

Turbo Code: 2 RSC (37,21) Codes






Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.8: Performance comparison of R — 1/2 Turbo Codes with differing number of decoder iterations. The constituent encoders both had generator polynomials g(D)RSc(3 7 ,21) — [1 21/37]8. Interleaving: Convolutional with IV = 13 and J = 3.

6.4.2 Lowering the error floor of Turbo Codes

Here we will consider two different ways of lowering the error floor of Turbo Codes, namely th a t of increasing the code complexity, as well as using different codes as con­stituen t encoders in the parallel concatenation.

Varying constraint length

In Figure 6.9 we show results for Turbo Codes of varying constraint length and hence code complexity, using some of the codes listed in Appendix B. The sim plest code used constituent encoders with a 4 sta te trellis and v — 2, w ith generator polynom i­als g(D)RSC(7 ,5 ) = [1 5/7]8- As may be seen, this code performs well a t very low Eb/No, but the error floor is relatively high. The Turbo Code with constituent encoder of con­stra in t length v = 3 and generator polynomials g{D)RSC( 15,13) = [1 13/15]8 gives very promising results, however, w ith only a slight loss compared with Turbo Codes w ith v = 4 constituent encoders, the generator polynomials being g(D)RSc(37,21) = [1 21/37]8.


The performance of the Turbo Code with v = 5 constituent encoders, generator poly­nomials g(D)RSc(53A7) - [1 47/53]8, is also of considerable interest. For this code, the error floor was not encountered in the range of E b/N 0 the code was tested over, and the performance a t higher Eb/N 0 is thus superior compared to all other codes. From these results, it is can be concluded th a t the longer the code, the lower the error floor of the Turbo Code performance.


Perform ance with varying encoder complexity

10"1 -=

1 0 " z - s' V / \iyj : \nn •.: \ Vv\

] EE3 4#, RSC (7,5) Code's'o\x10 -3 _ EE3 4#, RSC (15,13) Code's'N '

! EE3 4#, RSC (37,21) Codes \ \W : EE3 4#, RSC (53,47) Codes \

1(T4 -4

10 " ° -

1. 2 .

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.9: Performance comparison of R = 1/2 Turbo Codes with encoders of differing complex­ity. Interleaving: Convolutional with N = 13 and J = 3.

Different constituent encoders

In the area of Turbo Codes, it has been argued th a t Cross Entropy in the soft outputs of the decoders is a good measure of how much subsequent decoding iterations will improve on the decoder performance [11]. If p and q are two discrete distributions, P = {pi ,P2 , - ’ ' 5P n } and q = {qi ,q 2 r • • ,<7n}» where, in this case, n is the num ber of levels used in the soft outputs, then the cross entropy of p and q is defined as


H(p\\q) = J2pi ln(pi /qi ) . (6.6)i— 1

Hence, the cross entropy is a measure of similarity between two different distributions. If we let q be the distribution of the outputs of one encoder and p be the distribution of the following decoder, we expect better performance if the cross entropy is high in term s of its magnitude. In an a ttem pt to improve on the performance of Turbo Codes, we have reasoned th a t the cross entropy would be higher if we use two different encoders


in the parallel concatenation of codes, as the nature of the decoder would be different for the different codes. Hence, we would expect better performance for the decoder, provided the two codes used are both good codes. The performance curves of Figure 6.10 indicates th a t this reasoning holds true. Moreover, the error floor is lowered when using two different codes.

Lowering the erro r floor




EB 4# , two RSC (37 ,21 ) c o d e s \ EE3 12#, two RSC (3 7 ,21 ) codes ' E 3 4# , RSC (3 7 ,2 1 ) and (31 ,27 ) EE3 12#, RSC (37 ,21 ) and (31 ,27)



E b /N o [dB]

Figure 6.10: Performance comparison of R = 1/2 Turbo Codes of the conventional scheme with that of a scheme using two different codes.

6.4.3 Effects of puncturing in Turbo Codes

We also need to consider the effect th a t puncturing has on Turbo Codes. We will only consider the difference in performance of codes of different rates, by using arbitrarily chosen puncturing matrices, and not the optim isation of these. Figure 6.11 shows the performance of th ree different Turbo Codes using different puncturing matrices and rates. For the R = 1/2 Turbo Code, the first encoder, E0(d) is punctured using the puncturing matrix

1 1 1 0


where the left hand column denotes the system atic code bits (cj) and the right hand column denotes the coded bits (cf). The second encoder I2i(d) is punctured using

0 0 0 1

(6 .8)


as was also the case in the results shown previously.

The R = 2/3 Turbo Code is punctured using

iW c?'21) =


0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


(6 .10)

Performance of Turbo CodesPuncture rate variation, RSC (37,21) and RSC (31,27)



E=3 B ..= 1 /3 E E ] R = 1 /2 F I R = 2/3




Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.11: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleaver puncturing rates. The constituent encoders had generator polynomials gi(D)RSc(37,2i) = [1 21/37]s and 9 2 ( D ) R S C (31,27) = [1 27/3l]8 •

It is of in terest to observe th a t the R = 1/3 scheme obtains only 0.6 dB in coding gain compared to the rate R = 1/2 scheme at a BER of 10-5 , yet the spectral efficiency is considerably reduced. However, the loss from using a R = 2/3 code compared to a R = 1/2 code is around 1 dB a t a BER of 5 x 10- 5 . Also, it appears th a t the error floor is lowered by using lower rate codes.


6.4.4 The metric multiplication factors

Another question of interest is what happens in the Turbo decoder if the scaling factors used in the decoder metric com putation change, i.e. we do not perform decoding in exact agreem ent w ith equation (4.58). Also, how will the decoder perform if we use correct scalings, but optim ised for a different value of E b / N 0? Figure 6.12 illustrates this. Here, the le tte r A refers to the m ultiplication factor 2 E cb/ N 0 and B refers to the multiplicative factor used to scale the system atic channel symbols before subtraction of the decoder soft outputs is undertaken. We recall that, in the derived algorithm, B should be 2 - A in order to rem ove completely the systematic information As(dz)- For two of the schemes whose performance is presented in Figure 6.12 this is indeed the case, i.e. for the scheme where A = 2 and B = 4, as well as the scheme where A = 4 and B = 8. As is expected from these schemes, the first performs better a t lower E b / N 0 , whereas the latter performs be tte r a t higher E b / N 0 . Perhaps surprisingly, the scheme where A = 4 and B = 4 performs best of all schemes a t low E b / N 0 . This is attributed to the fact th a t we now put m ore tru s t into the decoded inform ation and hence the system atic information, which in general implies be tter performance a t low E b / N 0 . However, the error floor for this scheme is higher than th a t of the others.

RSC (37,21) and (31,27) Turbo Code






1.0 1 .5 2.00 .5 2 .5

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.12: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with differing multiplication factors. All curves are for a decoder consisting of 12 iterations.

It should be concluded, however, th a t despite the differences in performance when using these different sets of m ultiplication factors, the codes appear robust, in the sense th a t the performance does not vary to any major extent if these factors are changed. This is certainly a desirable feature, as the knowledge about the channel S / N may not be known,


and it may be tim e varying.

Effects of interleaver size. We have also tested the codes using different size in ter­leavers. In general, the performance of Turbo Codes is expected to improve using larger interleavers, as the spreading and disorder of decoded soft outputs is increased. This also appears to be the case from Figure 6.13, where we have compared the reference scheme using the N = 13 and J — 3 interleaver with schemes using larger interleavers. All schemes using these larger interleavers perform better than the reference design, al­though no single scheme is clearly superior to others for the case of a decoder consisting of 4 iterations. However, one would expect the performance of a decoder consisting of a lot more iterations to perform better if large interleavers are used, as one would expect the increased random isation of samples to improve the decoding capability of a decoder. This is shown to be true for the sim ulation employing the large interleavers with J = 53 and N = 33, where 12 iterations were used in the decoder. However, the code still encounters an error floor.

Perform ance vs. Interleaver size


1 -2

13, N = 13

r 3 J.E 3 ..Afli.l =33, N = 13

43, N = 13

53. N = .13

33, N = 53

= 53, N = 33.

0.5 1.0

Eb/Noo.o 1.5 2.0


Figure 6.13: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with different interleaver sizes. The con­stituent encoders were gi(D)RS0 (37,21) and 9 2 (D)R S C (31,27)-

A conclusion from this is th a t the use of larger interleavers will certainly improve on the performance a t lower Eb/N 0, but this is not necessarily so a t higher Eb/N 0.


6.5 Low Complexity Turbo Codes

Although m ost of the schemes presented in the preceding sections are of relatively low complexity due to small interleaver sizes and the use of the log-BCJR algorithm, it is possible to reduce the complexity further. In Figure 6.5 one example was given of such a scheme, as the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm was used in the decoder. In this section we will investigate this topic further, and compare the results with those obtained when using the BCJR algorithm.

Consider Figure 6.14, showing the sim ulation results obtained when using the SOVA as the decoding algorithm . Also shown, are the results of the same code using the BCJR algorithm as the decoder, and it is noticeable th a t for 4 iterations, the code decoded with the BCJR algorithm acquires a coding gain of 0.5 dB a t a BER of 10-5 relative to the SOVA . Interestingly, to obtain similar performance with the SOVA, 8 iterations are needed for this particular im plem entation.

Perform ance comparison of turbo decoders



1-3 t E 3 Uncoded QPSK 'V lEB 4#, BCJR s-E3 4#, SOVA

r 4 TEE] 8#. SOVA

r 5

Eb/NO [dB]

Figure 6.14: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes with SOVA, gi(D)RSc(37 ,2 i) = [1 21 /37]s and 9 2 (D)Rsc(si,27) = [1 27/31]s •

We have also investigated the use of alternative decoding m ethods in iterative decoding, by not using the m ethod of subtracting the system atic channel inform ation from the ou tpu t of the individual decoders. The scheme shown in Figure 6.15 was one of the first schemes devised in this study, based on empirical data. Here, the system atic channel inform ation y\ is not applied to the second decoder, but instead the soft outputs from the first decoder, X\(di), is scaled, interleaved and applied directly to the second decoder. No subtractions take place, implying th a t a scaled version of y\ is actually part of Aj(dj),


and hence a separate interleaver for the systematic channel information is not needed. By appropriately choosing the multiplication factors, very good performance is obtained, and the performance curves shown in Figures 6.5 and 6.6 were indeed obtained using this scheme, with the multiplication factors Qi, Q2 and Q3 set to 2, 4 and 2 respectively. This scheme was also implem ented by K. H. Thompsen on a Digital Signal Processing system, and the scheme is more comprehensively discussed in [88].


A?(d.)SOVA 1.2SOVA 1.1

Demodulator^ - * ( 9 ) — {n }— * SOVA2.2SOVA 2.1


Figure 6.15: Simple iterative decoder using SOVA

6.6 Trellis Termination of RSC Codes

In this section we describe how trellis term ination of RSC codes can be achieved by m ak­ing the encoding process non-stationary, i.e. by changing the encoder configuration a t se t intervals. We show th a t frame synchronisation may now be accomplished in Turbo Codes in a similar way to th a t of conventional convolutional codes.

RSC codes have an infinite impulse response, implying th a t the term ination of the tre l­lis becomes non-trivial, since the required resetting input sequence will vary according to the present s ta te of the encoder. In a parallel concatenation, the term ination of the trellis is further complicated by the fact th a t the constituent codes are separated by in­terleavers), the encoders thus needing separate resetting sequences. The m otivation for term inating the trellis is two-fold: The optim um symbol by symbol MAP decoding algo­rithm [24], commonly used in Turbo Codes, requires knowledge of the initial and final states of the encoder; also, frame synchronisation schemes may require a trellis of finite duration. Several schemes have been proposed to accomplish the task of trellis term i­nation. Both [89] and [90] suggested methods which, in summary, consist of encoding twice. Thus, in a parallel concatenation of two codes, four encoders are actually needed, thereby increasing the complexity. In [77], an interleaver was designed, which enabled the two constituent encoders to be term inated in the same state, the scheme thus only needing one term ination sequence. However, this interleaver design jeopardises certain parts of the coding scheme. For instance, it may be desirable to use a type of interleaver


with a certain performance feature in the design, as for example pseudo-random in ter­leavers [7] or low delay convolutional interleavers. Common for the schemes proposed in the literature is th a t the resetting sequence will vary according to the sta te of the en­coder, and the decoder thus has less information available compared to the case when term inating the trellis of feed-forward codes.

6.6.1 Trellis termination through non-stationary encoders

In this section we present a novel scheme which overcomes the above problems.

We define a stationary code to be one which does not change with tim e, i.e. the transfor­m ation from inform ation bits to channel bits is obtained through one fixed set of gener­ator polynomials for all tim e. In general, there would not be a need for a non-stationary code, i.e. one th a t does change with tim e, but in the case of Turbo Codes we can take advantage of such a concept to term inate the trellis. Figure 6.16 shows how a non- stationary code may be easily obtained from an RSC code with generator polynomials g(D)RSC(7,5) = [1 5/7]8. If both switches S i and S2 are in position 2 and S 3 and S 4 are in position 1, the code is simply the RSC code g(D)RSc(7,5) = [1 5/7]8. However, if the switches S 3 and 54 are in position 2, and S i and 52 are in position 1, we obtain the op­tim um , non-system atic, feed-forward convolutional code g(D)FF(7)5) = [7 5]8. Each of these codes has constraint length u of 2. The advantage of such a code when used as a constituent code in Turbo Codes is th a t we can use the RSC code when normal transm is­sion takes place, and when trellis term ination is to take place we can simply configure the code so th a t the encoder becomes a feed-forward code, enabling trellis term ination in the same m anner as w ith general feed-forward convolutional codes. This may be achieved by transm itting a fixed num ber of zeros, where v zeros are required to reset the trellis to zero. Such an encoder requires no prior knowledge about the current state, nor does it need a signal processing unit calculating the sequence which is to be input to the encoder to enable a trellis term ination.

It should also be noted th a t a similar scheme, in the sense th a t the encoder characteristics are tem porarily changed in order to term inate the trellis, was independently proposed in [20].

6.6.2 Simulation of Turbo Codes using non-stationary codes

We have sim ulated the proposed scheme in the sim ulation package COSSAP w ith very positive results. Figure 6.17 shows the BER for the non-stationary code treated above, compared to th a t of the stationary RSC code g(D)RSc(7,5) = [1 5/7]8 - Two iterations were used, and we used the SOVA [25] as the decoding algorithm. We assumed perfect synchronisation in the system. A frame size of Wc = 100 and a resetting sequence equal to



Figure 6.16: Non-stationary encoder of RSC code g(D)RSc(7 ,5 ) = [1 5/7]s and non-systematic feed-forward convolutional code g(D)FF(7)5) = [7 5]s

the code constraint length, u = 2, was used, implying th a t the rate of the non-stationary Turbo Code was R ns = 25/51, whereas the stationary code had rate R = 1/2. We also simulated the scheme with v = 4 codes, where we used two RSC codes with generator polynomials gi(D)RSC(3 7 ,2 i) = [1 21/35]8 and g2 (D)RSc (2 7 ,3 1 ) = [1 27/31]8 in the window period, and the feed-forward convolutional code g(D)FF(27,31) = [27 31]s was used as the interm ediate code in the trellis term ination period. As may be seen from Figure 6.17, the non-stationary, trellis term inated schemes perform similarly to the stationary Turbo Codes in both cases.

6.7 Hybrid Parallel and Serial Concatenations of codes

Thus far in this chapter we have considered iterative decoding of serially concatenated codes, and we have dem onstrated the error floor effect of these schemes. In this sec­tion we will consider some novel schemes which we have denoted hybrid concatenated schemes.

For services like e.g. voice and MPEG-4 video services, this error floor may not be of importance, as the source coders are relatively robust and will certainly be able to operate satisfactorily w ith a BER o f » 10-5 , as has been dem onstrated in e.g. [91]. Also, in some


Perform ance of windowed turbo codes

io_1 -

10-"- \: \

\ \ - s N

\ . X \r •• X N

: \ * x ■

K 1 0 " 3 ....................................... ......................................... ..............V , s > N............

pq : I.........H S la lion ary RSC cod es (37,21) and (31,27) / N' \ v

1 I-----1 N o n -sta tio n a ry cod es. RSC (37 ,21) and (31,27), fe e d fo r w a r d (31,27)- \\ \ \: I 2 sta tion ary RSC co d es (7,5) \ '

l f ) - 4 ....... V..........................I I----- N o n -sta tio n a ry cod es. RSC (7 ,5), feed -fo rw a rd (7,5)

- Vj , . . . | . . . . | 'i

0. 1. 2. 3.

Eb/NO [dB]

Figure 6.17: Performance of trellis terminated Turbo Codes

services, the quality issues may not be the m ost im portant design criteria, as the m ost critical issues in these systems may be to reduce the transm itted power an d /o r bandwidth usage. For such systems the coding schemes presented in the previous sections may be suitable candidates. However, the error floor of parallel concatenated codes will be highly un-desirable for systems in which there is a maximum, allowable BER in order for the system to function properly, e.g. MPEG-2 services. Here, we will present a viable solution to this problem, by using ideas presented in Chapter 5 in conjunction w ith ideas from this chapter.

It is our argum ent th a t a serial concatenation of an outer RS code and an inner Turbo Code is a very good match of codes. This argum ent follows the same lines as was discussed in Chapter 5, whereby the inner convolutional code produces bursts of errors, and a non­binary outer code is very suitable for correcting these. In the case of the inner code being a Turbo Codes, this argum ent still holds, perhaps w ith even more obvious validity:

• By using large interleavers in Turbo Codes, the error rate may be made very low a t very low Eb/N0, but in our experience, the error floor still occurs. A non-binary code, decoded by means of hard-decision decoding, is hence ideally suited for cor­recting the remaining errors, as it will deliver Quasi Error Free (QEF) data if the inner code is able to keep the error rate below a certain threshold before outer de­coding. As an example of this, we again m ention the DVB-S standard, whereby the outer RS (204,188) code will deliver QEF data if the inner code keeps the error rate a t the outer decoders input below 2 x 10~4 [28]. The task for the designer of the


inner, iterative decoding scheme, would thus be to ensure that the error floor

1. is below the threshold for overall QEF service.

2. is reached at a very low E b/N 0.

• The errors at the output of the Turbo Decoder occur in long bursts, and it is our experience that these bursts are longer than those of convolutional codes decoded by means of the Viterbi Algorithm. A long, non-binary code is therefore a good choice as outer code.

• The delay in these services may not be of importance. Typically, services that re­quire QEF will be data communications services or broadcasting, where the data rate is likely to be high. Hence, the use of large interleavers may be viable, both because of the high data rate and the reduced need for real-time, duplex commu­nications.

Figure 6.18 shows the performance of a scheme with the inner code being a Turbo Code consisting of the codes gi(D)RSC(3 7 ,2 i) = [1 21/35]8 and g2(D)RSC(2 7 ,3 i) = [1 27/31]8, separated by a convolutional interleaver with J = 53 and N = 53. This code was decoded iteratively, where eight iterations were used in the decoder. As an outer code we used the code specified in the DVB-S standard, namely the RS (204,188) code, which was decoded by means of hard-decision decoding.

Hybrid Parallel and Serial Concatenation Interleaving in parallel concatenation: J = 53, N = 33




I 1 Turbo Code, Bff iEE3 Turbo Code, 8#. Outer RS (2 0 ^ lB 8 )^ co d e EE3 U ncoded QPSK i



0.50.0 1.0 2.0

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.18: Performance of hybrid concatenated coding schemes. Interleaver for inner Turbo Code: Convolutional with J = 53, N = 33. Interleaver between outer and inner code: Convolu­tional symbol interleaver with J = 17, N = 12.


The decoding delay latency in the inner code is given by

5c11 = 8 iterations x 2 interleavers x J N ( N - 1) = 895488, (6-H )

As an example, consider a DVB-S signal, where the QPSK baud rate over the channel is typically 27.5 M Baud/sec, i.e. 55M bit/sec. For the R = 1/2 code, the delay through the decoder is then given by only a few tenths of a second, which would be quite acceptable for broadcasting. This also assumes th a t the delay, in term s of actual tim e, increases linearly w ith the num ber of iterations, instead of using buffers and very fast processors, as suggested in Section 6.1.1.

As may be seen from Figure 6.18, the system performs extremely well. A QEF service would be experienced a t Eb/N0 < 1.5 dB in the AWGN channel, due to the extremely steep roll-off in the BER curve. At first sight, however, it is slightly surprising th a t the scheme is not be tter a t lower Eb/N0. This is due to the very long bursts of errors a t the ou tput of the iterative decoding scheme, and hence the RS code is not capable of correcting the errors until the threshold is m et. The performance could however be improved if a larger interleaver betw een outer and inner code is used, or if a more powerful RS code is used as an outer code.

6.8 Concluding Remarks on Turbo Codes

In the previous sections we have considered sim ulation results of Turbo Codes. We have shown th a t very good results are achievable with relatively low complexity and low delay codes, and we have introduced some empirically based m ethods on how to improve the performance of Turbo Codes. Im portant design optim isations have been to use different constituent codes in the encoder, or to use higher complexity codes if a low error floor is required. We have shown th a t convolutional interleavers are well suited for Turbo Coding, and we have given a novel scheme through which trellis term ination of the RSC codes is achievable. We have also considered hybrid coding schemes, where we showed th a t the error floor effect of Turbo Codes is easily removed by using an outer RS code. The trade off betw een performance and complexity in the area of Turbo Codes is naturally an interesting topic; should smaller interleavers be used, but more iterations, should a reduced num ber of iterations, but a more complex code be used etc. In general, these issues depend very much on the BER which has been targeted, as well as on the available energy in the channel.

6.9 Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated Codes

In this section, we will again consider serially concatenated codes as discussed in Chapter 5, and we will show th a t iterative decoding may also be undertaken for these configura­


tions of codes. In Chapter 5, we argued th a t the role of the interleaver in concatenated coding schemes is to random ise the errors occurring at the output of the inner decoder. This has been the traditional way of viewing the role of the interleaver in serially con­catenated schemes. However, w ith the introduction of Turbo Codes [1], a whole new meaning has been given to the interleaver. It is generally recognised th a t the interleaver forms a much more integral part of the code, and tha t in fact, the three elem ents of the encoding section (outer code, interleaver and inner code) jointly form a single code th a t itself could be decoded by means of a single decoder by the construction of a so-called hyper-trellis, a term originally introduced in [12]. This would in general imply an ex­ceedingly complex decoder, and a sub-optim um approach is to apply iterative decoding of the constituent codes using soft-in /soft-out algorithms, by letting the two different decoders exchange inform ation about the decoding operation. Much a tten tion has been given to parallel concatenated codes, but in [92] and [17] results were given on iterative decoding of serially concatenated convolutional codes which suggested th a t such schemes are in fact superior to iterative decoding of parallel concatenated convolutional codes.

A potential problem with serially concatenated coding schemes is th a t the rate R of the overall code decreases very rapidly, as R = R i - R j j , where R i is the rate of the outer code and R j j is the rate of the inner code. Parallel concatenated codes may be designed to be of very high rate, by puncturing the RSC codes or by using very high rate block codes as constituent codes, as was done in [93]. However, in turbo coding, convolutional codes suffer in performance when heavily punctured, whereas block codes in general may be constructed as very high rate codes. Here, we will present results on novel serially concatenated schemes of the traditional approach, with an inner convolutional code and an outer RS code. We will show th a t excellent performance may be achieved, a t the same tim e as keeping the overall rate of the code high, both by puncturing the inner convolutional code and by employing a high rate outer RS code. The results will be compared with those of a reference design consisting of a single concatenation of an inner convolutional code with generator polynomial [G(.D)] = 171 133 J and the RS (7,5,3)code as the outer code, as was also considered in Chapter 5. For iterative decoding, it is beneficial to use system atic codes, as the creation of the 'extrinsic' information [1] in each decoding stage relies on removing correlated information by subtracting the input metrics from the output metrics (the soft outputs). As the inner convolutional code, we therefore use the RSC codes generally used as constituent encoders in parallel concatenated coding schemes, described in Section 6.1. The code, for which results will be shown, is the same as is generally used in Turbo Codes. The code has generator polynomial [G(D)] = [ 1 21/37 . As was done in Chapter 5, we will consider 2 different RS codes as theouter code, namely the RS (15,13,3) code and the RS (7,5,3) code.


6.9.1 Decoding Algorithms

The individual decoding algorithms for the convolutional code was based on the sliding window BCJR algorithm, as described in [18] and in Section 4.4.4 of Chapter 4 of this document, for both the iterative decoder and the non-iterative decoder. Due to the inherent self-term ination of the trellis in the RS code, the original BCJR algorithm as described in [24], was used for the RS decoding, with the modification introduced in [11], implying th a t the decoder operates in the log-domain.

For the non-iterative reference design, the Viterbi Algorithm was employed for the outer RS code, due to increased decoding speed. The iterative decoding algorithm is illustrated in figure 6.19. In this figure, y\ denotes the channel outputs of the system atic input symbols of the inner code, whereas y\ denotes the channel outputs of the parity bits of the inner code, n and II-1 denote interleaving and de-interleaving respectively. It is to be noted th a t both the decoder for the convolutional code and the decoder for the RS code produce the log-likelihood ratios, Adit of the parity bits as well as th a t of the inform ation bits of the outer RS code. The RS decoder operates on a bit by bit basis, and not symbol by symbol. This implies th a t bit interleaving is used in the decoder, and it was shown in [94] and in Chapter 5 th a t bit interleaving is superior to symbol interleaving. For the reference design, a J = 17, N = 12 interleaver was used, as is the case in the DVB-S standard [28]. The end to end delay through an interleaver/de-in terleaver pair is thus 2244 bits. In the iterative decoding algorithms the J = 5, IV = 15 convolutional interleaver was used. The end to end latency through an interleaver/de-in terleaver pair is thus 1050. It is to be noted th a t no attem pt is made to estim ate the input S N R .

k ■ q (make HD)

BCJR Module, Code II


Module, Code I

Figure 6.19: Iterative decoding algorithm of serially concatenated codes

6.9.2 Simulation Results

All results below were obtained using QPSK as the m odulation scheme, with square-root raised cosine pulse-shaping and matched filtering. The excess bandw idth/roll-off figure, a, was 0.4. The Synopsis COSSAP simulation package was used for the sim ulations. No


optim isation of the decoder was undertaken, in the sense th a t the multiplication factors for the branch metrics were not varied with varying Eb/N 0.

Un-punctured Inner Code Over the AWGN Channel. The results obtained with the RS (7,5,3) code are shown in figure 6.20 for different num ber of decoding iterations. The performance of the reference design with a serial concatenation of the RS (7,5,3) code and the convolutional [171 133]8 code is also shown. A coding gain of 2.5 dB is obtained after 8 iterations in the iterative decoding scheme compared to the reference design, despite the fact th a t the inner convolutional code of the reference design is 16 tim es more complex than th a t used in the iterative decoding scheme.

Iterative decoding of serially concatenated codes

1-2EEJ i f EB 2# EE3 4# EH 8#1-3

Single: conqatei\ation \


Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.20: Performance of iterative decoder of RS (7,5,3) and RSC[z7i2i]8 codes.

The overall rate R = 5/14, and hence the bandwidth efficiency is relatively poor. How­ever, similar results are obtained with the RS (15,13,3) code as the outer code, yielding an overall rate of R - 13/30. This may be seen in figure 6.21, where we have also included the performance of a parallel concatenated scheme with 4 iterations in the decoder, i.e. a traditional Turbo Code. The interleaver used in this scheme was the N = 13, J = 3 convolutional interleaver, and as before, two different RSC codes were used, namely the RSC [1 21/37]g and the RSC [1 27/31]8 codes. At a BER of 5 • 10-5 , a coding gain of around 0.2 dB is achieved for the serially concatenated scheme. The overall rate of the trad i­tional Turbo Code was R = i.e. this scheme gives a slightly higher spectral efficiency than the serially concatenated scheme. However, no puncturing was used in the serially concatenated scheme, and hence the spectral efficiency may be increased substantially by puncturing.


Serial vs. Parallel concatenation


I— < p a ra l le l c o n c a te n a te d RSC, 4#

E 3 s e r ia l RS .(7 ,5) + RSC, 8#

E 3 s e r ia l (15 ,13 ) + RSC, 4#


\ \\ \

\ \\


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.21: Performance comparison of parallel and serially concatenated schemes, decoded iteratively.

Punctured Inner Code Over the AWGN Channel. As is generally done for the case of Turbo Codes, the convolutional code may be punctured, thereby increasing the data throughput, or equivalently, the spectral efficiency. We will show the performance of the schemes described above, this tim e with the inner code being punctured to have rate r it = 2/3. The puncturing matrix was

where the left hand column denotes the system atic code bits (cj) and the right hand column denotes the coded bits (cf). The overall rate when the RS (7,5,3) code is used thus becomes R = 10/21 and R = 26/45 when the RS (15,13,3) code is used as the outer code. For the la tte r case, the increase in spectral efficiency compared with the R = l / 2 Turbo Code is thus « 15.6%.

The performance is seen in figure 6.22. The performance is still excellent, and only about 0.5 dB is lost compared to the un-punctured case, when comparing schemes using 4 iterations in the decoder.

Performance Over the Rayleigh Fading Channel. We also simulated these coding schemes over the Rayleigh fading channel, and as before, we assumed perfect phase recovery. The am plitude fading remained the same over one symbol period. The fading am plitudes from symbol to symbol were statistically independent. Figure 6.23 shows the results of



Serially concatenated turbo codes P u n c tu red in n e r code, R = 2 /3



EE3 (7.5,3), 1#EE3 (7,5,3), 2 §E 3 (7,5,3), 4#EZ3 RS (15,13,4), 4#



Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.22: Performance comparison of parallel and serial concatenated schemes, decoded iter­atively. The inner RSC code is punctured to have rate R n = 2/3.

the scheme using the RS (7,5,3) code as the outer code, as well as th a t of the R = 1/2 Turbo Code. 4 iterations were used for both decoders. We notice th a t the coding gain a t a BER of 10-5 , which was roughly 0.2 dB over the AWGN channel, now has increased to about 0.75 dB. This coding gain increases with increasing E b / N 0 . This increase in cod­ing gain over the fading channel is attributed to the fact th a t the serially concatenated schemes effectively do not re-use the channel information to the same degree as paral­lel concatenated schemes. Rather, serially concatenated schemes rely m ore on the soft outputs from the individual decoders. Also, the capability of the outer code to provide estim ates of the redundancy bits, in addition to the data bits, trem endously increases the available inform ation for the inner code. The serially concatenated scheme thus has more resistance to fading. The BER at 5 dB for the (7,5,3) code is extrapolated to be 5 • 10~7, a value th a t was conservatively chosen, as 5 • 106 bits were tested w ithout encountering errors.

It is to be noted th a t no attem pt was made to estim ate the fading am plitudes, and th a t better results would be expected if such estimates were available.

6.10 Performance of iterative decoding schemes with CSI

In the presentation of sim ulation results over the Rayleigh fading channel thus far, we have not included the Channel Side Information (CSI) in the decoding algorithm s. The


Serially Concatenated Schemes. Rayleigh Fading.




1-4E 3 RS (7,5,3) and R = 1/2 RSC:I 1 R = 1/2 Turbo Codeh - 1 Uncoded QPSK, AWGN channel



2.0 4.00.0 6.0

Eb/No [dB]

Figure 6.23: Performance comparison of iterative decoders of parallel and serially concatenated schemes over the Rayleigh fading channel.

CSI was included as the p param eters in the derivation of the decoding algorithm s of Chapter 4. We will now illustrate the performance of iterative decoding schemes of both parallel and serially concatenated codes if these param eters are known.

The decoder branch metrics, w ith knowledge of the CSI, were computed according to equation (4.58) for both serially and parallel concatenated coding schemes.

The code used for the parallel concatenated coding scheme, was the R = 1/2 Turbo Code of Section 6.4.2, using two different encoders. CSI was used for all channel symbols for the first decoding stage of each iteration, whereas the CSI was only used for the parity bits of the second decoding stage of each iteration. Figure 6.24 shows the results obtained using this technique for various num ber of iterations. In all cases, we experience a 0.5 dB coding gain a t higher values of E b/ N 0 compared to the case when no CSI is available, which is in line with the results given in reference [58]. Also, comparing the performance of the decoder consisting of 4 iterations with th a t of the same decoder over the AWGN channel of Figure 6.10, we notice th a t a loss of only 2dB is experienced in the case of th e fading channel.

Similar results were obtained for the serially concatenated coding schemes. In this case we used the RS (7,5,3) code as the outer code and the RSC37 , 21 code as the inner code. The CSI was only used for the decoder of the inner code. These results may be seen in Figure 6.25. Also in this case, a coding gain of around 0.5 dB is experienced compared to the case when no CSI is available. It is also noticeable th a t the scheme where no CSI is


Rayleigh fading. Interleaving with N = 13, J = 3



I- - I 1 #, without-CSI F I 2 1. without:CSI I— I 4 #, without;CSI E 3 1 #. with CSI p q .2 .1, with. CSI 0 4 | , with CSI EE3 8 §, with CSI





Eb/Noo.o 4.0


Figure 6.24: Performance comparison of Turbo Codes over the Rayleigh fading channel with CSI available

available experiences a higher error floor than the scheme for which the CSI is known.

Clearly, it is advantageous to use CSI if such information is actually available, and al­though these gains appear rather small, it was pointed out in [58] th a t a coding gain in the range of 0.5 dB may extend the life tim e of a mobile phone battery by about 20%. However, the CSI has to be estim ated in one way or another, and this may be a rather complex operation. One should keep in mind th a t the computation involved in this may consume just as much power as is saved through the additional coding gain obtained by using CSI.

6.11 Conclusion

In this chapter we have considered iterative decoding techniques for both parallel and se­rially concatenated coding schemes. Several novel coding schemes have been presented, including the hybrid schemes consisting of an inner Turbo Code and an outer Reed- Solomon code and Turbo Codes with low delay convolutional interleavers. The main results from this work, however, has been the proposal of iterative decoding of serially concatenated Reed-Solomon and convolutional codes. Our findings may be sum m arised thus:

• Turbo Codes using convolutional interleavers perform well, and the delay and m em -


Rayleigh fading, interleaving with N = 15, J = 5


EE3 1 #. with CSI■ R - 1 #: without CSI Q 4 # . with CSI I— \ 4 §,without CSI




Figure 6.25: Performance comparison of concatenated RS and RSC code over the Rayleigh fading channel with CSI available.

ory requirem ent of the decoder may be halved compared to schemes using uniform block interleavers.

• We have defined a novel, low complexity trellis term ination scheme for Turbo Codes.

• If very low BER are required, an outer code should be used, thereby forming hybrid concatenations of codes.

• Serially concatenated schemes may outperform parallel concatenated schemes, par­ticularly for fading channels.

• If puncturing of the inner convolutional code is undertaken, the spectral efficiency may be made high also for serially concatenated schemes, w ithout significant loss in performance.

• In the work with both serially and parallel concatenated schemes, we have noted th a t the BER convergence is considerably faster for the serially concatenated schemes than is the case with parallel concatenated schemes.

• The error floor th a t often characterises the BER curves of parallel concatenated schemes appears to be lower in the serially concatenated coding schemes, as was also pointed out in [92].

Chapter 7

Spectrally Efficient Coding and Modulation

The focus of this chapter is spectrally efficient coded m odulation schemes employing iterative decoding techniques. The design of spectrally efficient m odulation schemes has been an area of intensive research in recent years, and Trellis Coded M odulation (TCM), invented by Ungerboeck [65], has traditionally formed the basis for this research. The objective behind such research is to design coded m odulation schemes w ith high coding gain and high spectral efficiency. The principle of Turbo Coding was first applied to non­binary m odulation schemes in [95] by Le Goff et al. The term 'pragm atic approach' was used to describe the m anner in which the code symbols were m apped to the signal constellation of the m odulator, i.e. by mapping output bits from a binary encoder to non­binary channel symbols. The subsequent de-mapping in the receiver needs to convert the non-binary, demodulated symbols into binary, soft-decision symbols. Figure 7.1 shows the encoder and signal m apper of the coding and modulation scheme presented in [95].

Zp(i)' i + m —m

Source Turboencoder


p { i )





Figure 7.1: Encoder and signal mapper of pragmatic Turbo Coded modulation

The encoder is simply two parallel concatenated RSC codes, as was exemplified in Figure



6.1. The encoder output bits a t tim e i are, as previously defined, given by c) , which is the system atic bit, cf, which is the parity bit from the first encoder, and c f , which is the parity bit from the second encoder. These bits are then de-multiplexed, and for an M -ary m odulation scheme, the encoder output bits i n m - m tim e intervals are used to form the binary version of the m odulator symbols, where rh is the num ber of parity used bits per channel symbol. Thus, when the systematic bits are not punctured, m - rh system atic bits are used to form a symbol, whereas the 2(m - rh) parity bits are punctured w ith the puncturing function p(i), so th a t the num ber of parity bits used to define one m odulation symbol is only rh. The resulting binary sequence, consisting of m bits, uniquely define one out of M symbols, which is selected by the signal mapper. This symbol is transm itted in term s of U and Qi, which are used to m odulate two different carriers.

The corresponding decoder is shown in Figure 7.2. The notation Xi and Yi is used to denote the in-phase and quadrature-phase channel outputs. It is of importance th a t this is the decoder of a binary code, implying th a t the decoder receives samples which are the channel ou tput y\ corresponding to the encoder output bit cj. However, when using higher order m odulation schemes in order to retain spectral efficiency, this may not be the case, since, in (I, Q ) m odulated schemes, the two-dim ensional signal set defined by Ii and Qi may be used to represent an encoder output bit vector of more than two dimensions. Hence, a dem odulator is needed, which is capable of delivering soft bit inform ation for m ultidimensional bit vectors, given th a t only a two dimensional vector is available a t its input. We present such an algorithm in Section 7.1.

m — m




Bit by bit Soft

Output Demodulator

Figure 7.2: Decoder of pragmatic Turbo Coded modulation

In [95], this pragmatic approach of spectrally efficient m odulation was utilised, and im ­pressive results were obtained for a wide range of coded m odulation schemes, including 8PSK and various QAM m odulation schemes. Results were subsequently shown in e.g. [96] and [97] for similar, real tim e im plem entations. However, one should also be aware th a t a different philosophy in term s of iterative decoding of coded m odulation schemes has been proposed, by utilising traditional Ungerboeck codes [65] in parallel concate­nation. References [98], [99] and [100], being papers by the original inventors, give excellent treatm ents of this class of schemes.


Although the approach used by Le Goff et al. was shown to give very good results, there are some problems associated with these schemes, which should be addressed. For instance, RSC codes in parallel concatenation rapidly suffer in performance when heavily punctured, as well as requiring a trellis term ination scheme for synchronisation purposes. Here, we will present new coding and m odulation schemes, using a similar approach to the one proposed by Le Goff et al., but our contribution will be to investigate the performance of novel schemes using high rate binary and non-binary block codes as component codes in order to obtain high spectral efficiency. The advantage of these new schemes is th a t the rate of the overall code is very high. This reduces the need for large alphabet m odulation schemes, thus easing the synchronisation problem in the dem odulator, as well as being inherently self-term inating codes. The performance of these schemes will be presented, and we will draw some conclusions in term s of the advantages and disadvantages w ith these schemes compared to the scheme presented by Le Goff e t al. in [95].

In order to design these schemes, we first need to consider the issue of the b it-by-b it soft output dem odulation algorithm of non-binary m odulation schemes. The algorithm which is derived in the following section resulted from this research, and was first introduced in [101].

7.1 A bit-by-bit soft output demodulation algorithm

It is well known th a t soft decision decoding performs considerably better than hard deci­sion decoding, dem onstrated e.g. in [26]. Trellis coded m odulation exploits the advan­tages of soft decision decoding by using the dem odulated channel symbols directly in the decoding process. However, for binary codes, soft decision decoding is not straight for­ward when higher order m odulation schemes are being used, since a binary code works on an estim ate of the individual bits and not the channel symbols. An optim um algorithm exists which gives a soft estim ate of each individual bit for any higher order m odulation scheme, but this is a rather complex algorithm whereby the num ber of arithm etic opera­tions increases exponentially with the number of bits per channel symbol. In this section we present a sub-optim um , low complexity bit by bit soft output dem odulator which has negligible performance loss compared to th a t of the optimum, yet the complexity is dramatically reduced. The num ber of arithmetic operations for this algorithm increases linearly w ith the num ber of bits per channel symbol.

7.1.1 Background

For the case of M -PSK the output of the dem odulator will be a two-dim ensional sample set corresponding to the 7* and Qi values transm itted. We have denoted the received,


in-phase component Xi and the received quadrature-phase component Yi. Then, the received signal vector, denoted R i ( X , Y ) is given by

where I = 0..M - 1 and m is the num ber of bits making up the symbols, i.e. M = 2m, and E Cb is the energy per channel bit. n x and nY are the in-phase and quadrature noise components respectively. Clearly, R i ( X , Y ) cannot be used as an input to a binary code decoder in a straight forward manner.

7.1.2 The optimum bit by bit soft output demodulator

The dem odulator chooses the symbol set (Xi,Yi) which minimises the norm, i.e. the square of the Euclidean distance, ||X, Y|| between the received symbols (Xi, Yi) and the nominal M symbol sets perm itted, assuming th a t all symbols are equi-probable, where \\X, Y\\ is given by

This decision procedure is unaltered in the bit by bit soft output dem odulator. However, we w ant to compute the log-likelihood ratio

where cu is the Ith data bit corresponding to the ith (in time) symbol set which has the lowest norm calculated from the received channel values, and cu is the inverse of cu . We recall from Chapter 4, equation (4.56), tha t the (natural) log-likelihood ratio is p ropor­tional to the natural logarithm of the a priori probability of a particular bit, and hence this may be used in the decoding algorithm of the channel code in the sam e m anner as is normal w ith binary channel information.

We note th a t

R i ( X , Y ) = (Xi ,Yi ) — (7.1)

\\X,Y\\ = ( Xi - X if + (Yi - Y i? (7.2)


P(cu = alXi.Ki) = -P ( d — a, Xi, r )

P ( X u Yi)(7.4)

and th a t

P(cu - a, Xi , Yi) = P(Xi ,Yi \cu = a)P(cu = a), (7.5)

where a in this case would be either 1 or 0.

The probability P(Xi ,Yi ) is given by

M —l

P(X UYi) = Y , P(Xn,Yn)P(XUYi\Xn,Yn) (7.6)


where X n and Yn denote the n th set of nominal channel symbols. In words, P(X i ,Yi ) , the to ta l probability of receiving the samples Xi and Yi, is given by the sum of the proba­bilities of receiving this particular signal set given a particular transm itted vector, where the sum is taken over all possible transm itted vectors ( X n ,Yn).

We trea t the event of (.X n ,Yn) being transm itted as one single event. Collecting term s, we end up with

P{cu = a\Xi,Yi) = <P(Xi ,Yi \cu = a)P(cu = a)

M - 1E P { X n,Yn) P { X u Yi \Xn ,Yn)


> . (7.7)

The conditional probability P(Xi,Yi \cu = a) has to be conditioned on the values of X n and Yn which comply w ith a = a, so th a t the above equation becomes

M - 1E P { X i ,Y i \X n,Yn,cu = a)P(cu = a)

P{cu = a\Xu Y$ = { -------------------------------------------E PiXn'YjPiXiMXntYn)

n= 0


The denom inator is independent of cu and will disappear in the log-likelihood ratio test. This ratio is then given by

A (cu) = In <

f M - 1

E P ( X i , Y i \ X n,Yn ,cu = cii)P(cH = cu)n= 0______________________________________________________M —lE P ( X i ,Y i \X n ,Yn ,cu = cu)P(cu = cu)

v n=0


which for the additive white Gaussian noise channel, following Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, turns out to be

A (cu) = In <

M —1E P(c u = i ) ~ A

n = 0, c/,-=lM —lE P (c u = 0 ) ^ exp

k n = 0, c/i=0

r-(Xj-xn)2+(yf-yn)21L ^ J


where cr2 = N 0/2, the variance of the noise, or the double sided noise spectral density.

This optim um algorithm has certain disadvantages. It requires knowledge of the noise level, and because there is a sum m ation sign within the brackets, calculations of powers of the natural exponential cannot be avoided. Similarly, the natural logarithm has to be used in the calculations. Also, the num ber of calculations increases as a power of 2 w ith increasing num ber of M , since M is a power of 2. A sub-optim um algorithm w ith little performance loss will now be derived.

7.1.3 The sub-optimum bit by bit soft output demodulator

We sta rt w ith the log likelihood ratio given in equation 7.9, and notice th a t m ost of the term s within the summ ations in the above expression will have a minor impact on the


final result, and to simplify the expression we ignore all but the m ost im portant symbol sets in the log-likelihood ratios. We assume the dem odulator has already chosen the maximum likelihood symbol set (X it'Yi) a t tim e i, which will correspond to a certain bit pattern c ,f


If we now invert bit j of the sequence ci; the new sequence we end up w ith is a new bit pattern , c*, which can be expressed as

where cji represents the negation of bit dji. The bit pattern c* will then correspond to a symbol set (Xi ,Y i ), which we will use in the log-likelihood ratio for the bit of the maximum likelihood bit pattern c*. The expression we end up with is then given by

This log-likelihood ratio is computed for each of the m bits corresponding to one symbol set, and will thus give us a soft output for each of the m bits. For the additive white Gaussian noise channel, the expression from equation (7.13) is evaluated to be

since the symbol sets all have the same power.

We notice th a t also this algorithm requires knowledge of the signal to noise ratio. How­ever, setting the constant 2 a2 = 1, we end up with an expression for A (cji) of

Described in words, this sub-optim um bit by bit soft ou tput dem odulator works by first finding the symbol set (X i , %) closest in distance to the received channel symbols {Xi, Yi) in the traditional way. Secondly, it finds the symbol set {Xi, Yi), which is the symbol set corresponding to the same bit pattern as {Xi,Yi), w ith the difference th a t one bit j of this pa ttern is reversed. It then computes the reliability value of each bit making up this symbol in a sequential manner, according to the expression given in (7.16).

This algorithm offers a considerable reduction in the computational effort compared to the optim um algorithm . For each symbol, the sub-optim um algorithm will perform

mCi — C[(. (7.11)


Ci — C ji -}- ^ Cu

1 = 1 , l ^ j




Expanding and simplifying, we get

A(c,i) = [(X, - X i f + (Yi - Yt)2 - ( I , - X i f - (Fj - F ) 2] , (7.15)

A(cji) = 2(X;Xi + F F - X jX i - F F i) (7.16)

77i[4 multiplications + 3 additions ] (7.17)


whereas the optim um algorithm, as seen in equation (7.10), has to perform

m2m [4 multiplications + 6 additions] (7.18)

as well as m2m calculations of the natural exponential and m calculations of the natural logarithm.

7.1.4 Comments on the nature of the algorithms

In the following we will assum e we have a Gray coded binary sequence a t the input to the m odulator. The different bits making up one channel symbol will then suffer different protection levels against the noise. This is reflected in the outputs of both the described dem odulators, as the least significant bit will have a confidence level much lower than the other bits. For the case of 8PSK, the expectation of the outputs of the sub-optim um dem odulator will result in two distinct confidence levels. These levels will vary w ith the signal power. The constellation diagram of Gray coded 8PSK is shown in Figure 7.3 below, where th e least significant bit is shown as the rightmost bit. The lines drawn betw een two points indicate the distance which will be used when calculating the reliability value on the individual bits. Lines marked with the letter a stretch betw een the two points used to calculate the reliability value of the least significant bit, lines w ith the le tte r b are used for the reliability value of the middle bit and lines marked with the le tte r c are used for the m ost significant bit.

As can be seen, the least significant bit is more vulnerable to noise, and the reliabilityvalue will in every case take on the minimum value. The m ost significant bit and themiddle bits will, depending on the values of X i and Yif be given a low reliability value identical to th a t of the least significant bit or a higher value. The expectation of the two values described above will be given by

BIA,] = 2 ( Ecb - 4 = \ / ^ i ) , (7-19)

E [ \2] = 2 [ E ci + ~ ~ / E A . (7.20)

In general, including the noise samples, the outputs of the sub-optim um algorithm are given by

A, = 2 ( b cI> - + 2 (nx {Xi ~ -?>) + n r ( £ - ? ( ) ) , (7.21)

A2 = 2 ( s c6 + ^ = \ / ^ ) + 2 ("X (Xi - Xi'j + n Y ( i ) - y ) ) . (7.22)

Here n x and n y denote the independent AWGN samples added to the in-phase symbol X and quadrature phase symbol Y respectively. The expectation of the ou tput of the



010 001




Figure 7.3: Signal Constellation Diagram for Gray Coded 8PSK

optim um algorithm will give three possible reliability values in the case of 8PSK. If no noise is added to the signal, these values will be given by

JE[Ai] = In


1 + exp ( - 2 + y/2) + exp ( -4 ) j f c + exp ( - 2 - y/2) ^

exP (~ 2) f r f + exp (~ 2 + exp + exp (_2 +E cbNo

E[ A2] = In (—2 + \/2) + exp (—2) jfjj- + exp ( - 2 -

exp ( - 2 + V2) § £ + exp ( -2 ) + exp ( - 2 - V§)

1 + exp Ecb

B[A3] = In1 + 2exp ( - 2 + V2) f * + exp ( -2 ) § *

exp ( -2 ) + exp ( -4 ) + 2 exp ( - 2 - V3) _


( - 2 - V 2 ) mT+ exp (—4)



where N 0 is the single sided noise spectral density, i.e. N 0 = 2a2. The least significant bit takes on the Ai value only, whereas the middle bit and the m ost significant bit take on the values A2 and A3. Clearly, the complexity involved in the calculations in the optim um algorithm are substantially higher than those of the sub-optim um algorithm.


7.1.5 Performance of the algorithm

To investigate the performance of this new algorithm, both of the two algorithms de­scribed in this section were used in computer simulations over the AWGN channel us­ing the m odulation scheme 8PSK (Gray coded). In order to assess the performance of the algorithm, two different convolutional codes were tested in conjunction with the modulation scheme, the soft outputs of the dem odulator being passed on to a soft de­cision Viterbi Algorithm. In one case the R = 1/2 code with generator polynomials [G(D)j = [7 5], shown in Figure 3.4, was used, and in the other case the R = 2/3 rate code* whose block diagram is shown in Figure 3.6 and whose generator polynomial is given in equation 3.35 was used. The signal to noise ratio per channel bit, E cb/ N 0f was known exactly in the case of the optim um algorithm.

Figure 7.4 shows the performance of the different algorithms in term s of BER vs. E b/ N 0l where E b is the energy per information bit. Simulation results of a scheme using a hard output dem odulator are also given. As may be seen, the sub-optim um algorithm suffers only slightly in performance compared to the optim um algorithm. It is to be noted th a t the coding gain compared to the hard output dem odulator is greater than 3dB a t a BER of 10~5. In particular it is to be noted th a t the rate 2/3 code, having the same spectral efficiency as uncoded QPSK, has a coding gain of about 3dB compared to uncoded QPSK a t a BER of 10-5 .

In the following sections, all results shown relating to iterative decoding of coded 8PSK will be based on the use of this sub-optim um algorithm.

7.2 Iterative decoding of high rate block codes

In order to secure the desired Quality of Service (QoS) in term s of Bit Error Rate, one generally has to form a compromise between the order of the m odulation scheme and the underlying coding rate. If a large alphabet m odulation scheme is used, a low rate code may be used w ithout the overall scheme suffering too much in spectral efficiency, but the front end dem odulator synchronisation may become a difficult task to perform if the channel conditions are of such a nature th a t fading is present, or Doppler shifts are present and tim e varying [29]. On the other hand, the synchronisation task may be made easier by using lower order m odulation schemes such as QPSK, although this implies th a t the code rate m ust be kept very high in order to obtain a spectrally efficient scheme.

Based on these argum ents, we now present some recent results in this area, obtained using novel coding schemes consisting of high rate block codes as constituent codes in parallel concatenation. As was discussed in Chapter 6, parallel concatenations of codes are well suited for iterative decoding. The advantage with using block codes in this


BER for 8PSK and binary codes with soft output demodulators


10_1 - -


1(T3 4


v/V,I 1 sub-optim um algcn^m .'SI^SK +

Uncoded QPSK \V ..

h — 1 Hard output 8PSK demoiiijMator + 'R^=;

1 I Optimum algorithm, 8PSK^iK^R = 1/2^

jq - 4 _ I"—"1 Sub-optim um algorithm, 8PSK^+ R =;

10 - 5

I— 1 Optimum algorithm, 8PSK + R j'V ^ /3 ;c o d e \\ ’v \ \ \ N





E b/N o [dB]

Figure 7.4: Performance Comparison of the algorithms

context, is th a t block codes may in general be designed to be of very high rate, i.e. w ith a minimum of redundancy, and as will be shown, such codes are excellent choices for bandwidth efficient coding and modulation.

7.2.1 Encoder Description

We apply parallel concatenation between two encoders, these encoders being separated by an interleaver. This is shown in figure 7.5. In this example, we have used a system atic RS (n, k, dmin) code, where k = (n - 2) in this example, and dmiTl is the minimum distance of the code, q is the num ber of bits used to represent an RS code symbol. These codes were also described in Section 3.5 of Chapter 3. The interleaver, denoted w ith the symbol n , could be of any type; however all results here, as in Chapter 6, are based on the use of low delay convolutional interleavers.

In the above example, k • q bits make up the system atic bits. These are used to encode the two parallel concatenated codes. However, the input sequence differs in the two encoders because of the interleaver. The code output symbols are the n symbols from the first interleaver, {ci}1, multiplexed together with the (n - k ) parity symbols {c*}2 from


{di}\ k symbols of q bits each0’s



©— ,<V „ fa } 1 <D



(n — k) • q bits

KD {Ci}: Demux


Figure 7.5: RS codes in parallel concatenation

the second encoder. The overall rate of the code is thus

kR = n + (n — k)


2 n — k

The equivalent encoder for binary BCH codes, say, would be similar, however w ith q = 1.

7.2.2 Decoding algorithm description

In general, block codes are decoded by means of hard-decision decoding (HDD), but soft-decision decoding (SDD) approaches may also be applied to these codes [43],[102], [94], and which was also discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. However, in order to be Used for iterative decoding, an algorithm capable of delivering soft-decision outputs on the basis of the soft-decision inputs has to be employed. For binary codes, the Soft O utput Viterbi Algorithm, SOYA, [25] could potentially be used, but this algorithm suffers considerably


in performance compared to the optim um symbol by symbol decoding algorithm, which we have denoted the BCJR algorithm. We have described this algorithm in Section 4.4 of Chapter 4. M oreover, the SOVA is not designed for non-binary codes, and may thus not be used for such codes. In this research, we have opted for the version of the BCJR algorithm operating in the log domain, as described in [11] and in Section 4.4.1. This algorithm gives no loss in performance compared with the algorithm described in [24] or [1], but it is considerably easier to control in term s of preventing overflow, particularly for non-binary or low rate binary codes. Other algorithms may be applied, provided they are suitable for non-binary codes.

In the decoder, we have the choice of performing symbol decoding or binary decod­ing, by treating the symbols as a sequence of binary num bers. We will apply the la tte r m ethod, giving the advantage th a t we then obtain interleaving of the bits making up the individual symbols. This was shown to be superior to symbol interleaving in Chap­te r 5, where serially concatenated coding schemes were investigated. The use of bit- interleaving rather than symbol interleaving implies th a t the decoding algorithm com­putes the log-likelihood ratios for bits rather than symbols. We have assumed th a t all bits are equally likely in the following sections.





BCJR Module, Code II

BCJR Module, Code I

Figure 7.6: Iterative decoding algorithm of parallel concatenated RS codes

In Figure 7.6, the first decoder, or BCJR module, receives the soft channel outputs corre­sponding to the first encoder outputs {c^}1. We denote these {yi}1. On the basis of these, the BCJR m odule creates estim ates of the bits making up the original input symbols {di}. These estim ates may be used, after interleaving, as a priori information in the second BCJR module. However, in order to reduce the correlation with, and to avoid re-use of, the original channel outputs, we subtract the first k • q channel outputs corresponding to the system atic bits of the encoder from the estim ates, as was pointed out in Chapter 6. These estim ates are denoted the extrinsic information in the literature [1], [18], [11]. These k ■ q channel outputs are then interleaved, and are used as inputs to BCJR m odule 2 together w ith the ( n - k) -q channel outputs corresponding to the parity bits from the second encoder. In the same m anner as for BCJR module 1, extrinsic inform ation is then built in BCJR m odule 2 by subtracting all ‘system atic’ inputs from the outputs. This ex­


trinsic information is then applied to BCJR module 1 again, shown by the feedback loop containing a de-interleaver.

It is to be noted th a t the system atic block codes described above are inherently self­term inating. This has considerable implications on the other code param eters. When Recursive Systematic Codes (RSC) [1] are used in Turbo Codes, one m ust force the en­coders to be reset by either tem porarily changing the code characteristics as was done in Section 6.6 of Chapter 6, and which was also done in [20], albeit slightly differently, or one can use one of the techniques described in [89], [77]. In [1], no resetting was un­dertaken, implying decoding of the entire sequence. In the system described above, no resetting sequence is necessary, thereby increasing the data throughput. Perhaps more im portantly, the need for the traditionally large interleavers is considerably reduced, as data in one block are completely independent from data in another block. Thus, a de­coder w ith a considerably lower delay than decoders employing RSC codes may result. BCH codes may thus be particularly suitable for systems in which short frame sizes are necessary.

7.2.3 System Considerations and Simulation Results

We will now present some novel coding schemes th a t perform very well, yet retain high spectral efficiency, even when QPSK and 8PSK are used for m odulation. We first consider the case of QPSK.

QPSK modulation. As an example, we have used 2 RS (15,13,3) in the parallel concate­nation, resulting in an overall code rate of R = 13/17, giving a data throughput of 26/17 per symbol, i.e. more than 1.5 data bits per channel symbol. Also, of the RS (7,5,3) code is used in parallel concatenation, and QPSK is used for the m odulation, the data throughput is 10/9 data bits per symbol. These may be quite acceptable figures for some systems.

Figure 7.7 shows the performance of some selected schemes over the AWGN channel. In this figure we have also shown the performance of the R = 1/2 'conventional' Turbo Code, using RSC codes as constituent codes. We have also shown results of the Turbo Code made up of 2 parallel concatenated (63,57) binary BCH codes. This scheme forms a Turbo Code with overall rate R = 57/69, and the data throughput is thus 38/23 bits per symbol. From the graphs, it is evident th a t both the RS (15,13,3) code and the BCH (63,57) codes are attractive in an iterative decoding context. They are both of very high rate, yet the performance is excellent. Compared to the conventional Turbo Code, a loss of around 1.75 dB is experienced at a BER of 10~5 for the RS (15,13,3) code, but compared to the Turbo Code, this RS scheme gives a 53 % increase in data throughput. The BCH (63,57) code suffers a loss of around 2.5 dB, this code offering a « 65 % increase in data throughput. It is also clear that, although good a t very low E b/ N 0, the RS (7,5,3)


Turbo Block Codes and QPSK



S RS (7,5), 4# \EB RS (15,13)v 6# :E3 BCH (63,57), 4# F B Uncoded Q SK: EE3 1/2 rate RSC, 4# EE3 BCH (127,120),: 4#





Eb/Noo.o 4.0


Figure 7.7: Performance of some selected Turbo Coding schemes with QPSK modulation.

code suffers in performance due to the relatively slow roll-off in BER performance w ith increasing Eb/N0. However, the code is considerably sim pler than the RS (15,13,3) code. Also shown in the same figure is the BER curve of the BCH (127,120) Turbo Code. The overall rate of this code is R = 120/134, offering a throughput of 120/67 bits per symbol. The loss compared w ith the conventional Turbo Code is about 3 dB a t a BER of 10~5, however w ith alm ost 80 % increase in data throughput.

8PSK modulation. A higher data throughput rate may be achieved by using 8PSK as the m odulation scheme. 8PSK has the advantage th a t it is a constant envelope scheme, implying th a t linearised IF amplifiers may not be critical, yet this m odulation scheme offers a throughput of 3 channel bits per channel symbol. In 8PSK, only the in-phase (J- channel) and quadrature-phase (Q-channel) data are received, whereas for the schemes described above, one needs a soft reliability value from the channel for each of the th ree bits making up the symbols. We will use the algorithm described in Section 7.1 to perform this task of producing these soft outputs. We have performed a straight forward binary mapping to the signal constellation, using Gray coding. No interleaving was applied before the mapping, but investigations have shown th a t such interleaving will in fact improve the performance.

When 8PSK is used for the modulation, the data throughput is 39/17 if the RS (15,13,3) code is used, and 15/9 if the RS (7,5,3) code is used. For the BCH (63,57) code, the data throughput is 57/23 bits per symbol. Figure 7.8 shows the performance of all these


Turbo Block Codes and 8PSK

... E3 ' Uncoded QPSK EE3 Uncoded 8PSK

. EE3 RSC, 2 #";;EE3 hs (7,5,3), 4#

EB RS. (15,13,3), 8# k EE3 BCH (63,57), A#





2 .5 5.0

Eb/No7.5 10.00.0


Figure 7.8: Performance of coding schemes with high spectral efficiency using 8PSK modulation.

schemes. We have included the performance of our im plem entation of the scheme pre­sented in [95], using a R = 2/3 conventional Turbo Code and 2 iterations in the decoder. The data throughput for this scheme is thus 2 bits per symbol. The performance of this conventional scheme may be slightly improved by using more iterations in the decoder. The RS (7,5,3) code gives excellent performance a t lower Eb/N0, but due to slow roll-off, it will suffer a t higher Eb/N0. Still, this scheme is the best scheme a t error rates higher than 5 • 10-5 . The RS (15,13,3) scheme gives excellent performance, with a slightly better performance than the conventional scheme, yet the spectral efficiency is also higher. 8 iterations were used for this scheme.

The BCH (63,57) code also performs excellently, giving a 24% increase in spectral efficiency compared with the conventional scheme, yet suffering a loss of only 1.3 dB compared w ith the conventional scheme.

We have also simulated the 8PSK m odulated schemes over the Rayleigh fading channel, assuming perfect phase recovery. The results are shown in figure 7.9, showing consider­able resistance to the fading. For all schemes, a loss of 4-5 dB is experienced relative to the AWGN channel.


Turbo Block Codes and 8PSK in Rayleigh fading


1 -2

E 3 Uncoded 8PSK, AWGN E 3 RSC, 2#F-T RS (7.5), A# 'F F RS (15,13,3), :4#



5 .0



Figure 7.9: Performance of coded 8PSK systems in Rayleigh fading. The number before the # denotes the number of iterations used.

7.3 Conclusion

In this chapter we have presented several novel coding and m odulation schemes designed to obtain spectrally efficient coded m odulation, where the decoder works on an iterative basis. We have focused on lower order m odulation schemes, i.e. QPSK and 8PSK, as we believe this is of considerable interest due to the substantial synchronisation problem s associated with higher order m odulation schemes. However, the m ethods discussed here may also be applied to higher order coded m odulation schemes. Excellent results were shown for the non-binary RS (15,13,3) code and som e very high rate BCH codes. It is however a conclusion that, although the schemes are novel and of theoretical in terest, the Turbo Code involving the RS codes are of such a high complexity th a t the performance is unlikely to justify the very high complexity associated with the decoder. However, it is of considerable interest to use the schemes presented here th a t involve very high rate binary BCH codes in parallel concatenation to obtain spectrally efficient m odulation. The reasons for this may be summarised thus:

• Being a block code, the codes are inherently self-term inating, implying th a t no extra bits are needed to reset the trellis.

• The decoding algorithm is kept relatively simple, since the codes are binary. Also, the Soft O utput Viterbi Algorithm may be applied to these codes.


• The need for large interleavers in encoder and decoder is reduced, as again, the codes are block based with no correlation between subsequent blocks.

• Very high rate constituent codes may be used, implying high spectral efficiency even when QPSK, say, is used for the m odulation.

• The roll-off in BER vs. E b / N 0 is very steep when using these high rate BCH codes, and from our research, the coding schemes also appear very robust when varying decoding algorithm param eters.

Chapter 8


This thesis has described a range of new coding schemes involving concatenations of two or more codes and the iterative decoding techniques for these, as well as a considerable am ount of background m aterial in order to understand the concept and operation of iterative decoding algorithms.

8.1 Results

We started w ith defining the system param eters in Chapter 2, in which models of the AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels were given. We also briefly described M-PSK m od­ulation schemes. We also derived the optim um dem odulator decision algorithm for a memoryless, fading channel.

In Chapter 3 we gave a trea tm ent of channel coding in general term s. Both convolutional and block codes were considered, and we showed how both of these classes of codes may be viewed as finite sta te machines from which state diagrams and consequently trellises may be obtained.

We derived the optim um decoding algorithms of the codes in Chapter 4, using the defini­tions and derivations from Chapters 2 and 3. The Viterbi algorithm was briefly explained, and the optim um BCJR algorithm was subsequently derived. We showed th a t the soft- outputs of this algorithm were log-likelihood ratios of the a priori probabilities of the decoded bits. We also showed th a t these soft outputs are sums involving the a priori term , the extrinsic term , and, in the case of a system atic code, the system atic term . We also showed th a t the log-likelihood ratio of a certain encoder input bit is proportional to the logarithm of the probability of an input bit. After the treatm ent of the BCJR algo­rithm , we considered the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm, for which a complete derivation



was given. We also analysed the soft outputs of this algorithm, and derived approximate expressions for the probability density functions of these.

In Chapter 5, we considered concatenated codes. Results were given for serially concate­nated coding schemes involving an inner convolutional code and an outer Reed-Solomon code. We showed th a t considerable coding gains may be achieved if the decoder of the inner convolutional code delivers soft information to the outer Reed-Solomon code. We also showed th a t bit interleaving gives better performance than symbol interleaving in these schemes. We concluded, however, th a t soft-decision decoding of very long Reed- Solomon code is not realistic due the high complexity involved, and th a t schemes which use such long outer codes, decoded by means of hard-decision decoding, still give better performance than the new schemes presented here, which involved relatively low com­plexity Reed-Solomon codes. We also gave results for concatenated convolutional codes using soft-in /soft-out decoding a t all stages. We pointed out th a t these schemes are of high in terest in cases where low decoder complexity is desirable, and in cases where the channel code rate may be kept low.

In Chapter 6 we considered iterative decoding techniques of both parallel concatenated codes and serially concatenated codes. We used results from Chapter 4 to define the decoding algorithms for these coding schemes.

We gave results of Turbo Codes using low delay convolutional interleavers, showing th a t such schemes give excellent results. We showed that such schemes give similar results to schemes in which uniform block interleavers are used, with half the delay and m em ­ory requirem ent compared to the latter case. We also considered schemes whereby the decoder operates with the low complexity SOVA as the decoding algorithm. A low com­plexity solution to the trellis term ination problem was given, involving w hat we term ed non-stationary codes.

We also considered methods of lowering the error-floor of Turbo Codes, where the use of two different codes in parallel concatenation and the use of more complex (with higher constraint length u), constituent codes were shown to achieve this. Certain attractive features of RSC codes were heuristically identified which make them suitable for iterative decoding, and on the basis of this, a selection of good RSC codes are listed in Appendix B.

We also devised coding schemes which effectively remove the error floor effect of Turbo Codes, by using a Turbo Code as an inner code and a Reed-Solomon code as an outer code. Further research in this area should be undertaken, perhaps with specific appli­cations in mind. For instance, it is possible to use erasures in the outer code, whereby these erasures are flagged by the soft outputs of the inner Turbo Code by e.g. setting a threshold for erasure indication, thereby potentially improving on the overall perfor­mance. Also, the interleaver between the outer and inner codes should be optim ised to the error patterns of the inner Turbo Code, thereby calling for research in both the nature of the burst errors of Turbo Codes as well as the interleaver structure to spread


these errors in order for a hard-decision decoded outer code to manage to correct the residual errors.

We also designed iterative decoding algorithms for the serially concatenated Reed- Solomon and convolutional codes, and rem arkable coding gains were achieved compared to non-iterative decoders for both the AWGN and the Rayleigh fading channel. We com­pared the performance of parallel concatenated schemes with these serially concatenated schemes, and we showed th a t these serially concatenated schemes appear more suitable for use in fading channels. We also pointed out th a t serially concatenated coding schemes appear to have a lower error floor than parallel concatenated schemes.

In Chapter 7 we designed spectrally efficient coded m odulation schemes. We argued th a t the front end synchronisation is a substantial problem for m odulation schemes w ith a large alphabet, and hence it is of interest to use high rate codes in conjunction w ith a sm all-alphabet m odulation scheme instead of a lower rate code together w ith a large- alphabet m odulation scheme. We then designed and analysed iterative coding schemes of high rate, parallel concatenated BCH and Reed-Solomon codes, using QPSK and 8PSK as m odulation schemes. We also derived a low complexity, bit by bit soft ou tpu t de­m odulation algorithm to be used for higher order m odulation schemes, and all results involving 8PSK were obtained using this algorithm. All schemes were shown to give good results for both the AWGN and the Rayleigh fading channels, for varying degrees of spec­tra l efficiency. On the basis of complexity, we concluded th a t binary BCH codes are of more in terest for iterative coding schemes rather than Reed-Solomon codes. These codes are of relatively low complexity and they are self-term inating, which implies th a t they are suitable for short frame transmissions and short interleaving sizes. They are also of very high rate, giving a substantial increase in spectral efficiency compared w ith parallel concatenations of RSC codes.

8.2 Future Research

We have pointed out th a t the iterative decoding of serially concatenated convolutional and Reed-Solomon codes is the m ost im portant contribution of this study, and we see a clear case for continuing this research, e.g. in the area of applying soft-ou tpu t algo­rithms to lower complexity trellises than those which were used in this study, to use pseudo-random interleavers with these coding schemes and to potentially simplify the BCJR algorithm even further. It would also be of considerable in terest to investigate the performance of this class of schemes using higher complexity inner codes, e.g. som e of the RSC codes listed in Appendix B.

As has been repeatedly shown, using Reed-Solomon codes in iterative coding techniques has great potential, and we have considered two different structures for this, namely parallel and serial concatenations. However, an area in which future research would be


beneficial, is the area of iterative decoding, using soft-in /soft-out decoding techniques, of the recently invented Diamond Codes, described in [103], [104] and [105]. These schemes involve two Reed-Solomon codes in serial concatenation, separated by a con­volutional interleaver, but with feedback from the inner code to the outer code, so th a t the coded sequence of the inner code forms part of the outer code's input sequence. This implies th a t the overall coding scheme gets an infinite impulse response, although this may be avoided by using shortened Reed-Solomon codes. The concept of feedback from the inner code to the outer code is indeed an interesting one, and may also be applied to serially concatenated convolutional and Reed-Solomon codes. It is believed th a t such schemes will perform very well when decoded iteratively.

As far as has been thought necessary, references have been included in this thesis which relate to this work, but the bibliography is by no means exhaustive. However, as has been shown in this thesis, the understanding of iterative decoding techniques takes its base in existing technology and theory, although we have also made a case for continuing, theoretical research into the operation of iterative decoding algorithms. Lately, a clear trend has been seen th a t untraditional approaches have been taken in order to under­stand, assess and potentially improve on the iterative decoding schemes. For instance, the topic of neural networks has been brought in, as the algorithms which have been used in this area strongly resemble those used in iterative decoding. Reference [106] gives a treatm ent of this, and references [55] and [107] trea t the topics of codes and decoding on general graphs, also to some extent relating to neural networks. This area of 'graphs' is predicted to be a topic of substantial research activities in future years. The need for such research is evident: We still do not have a complete understanding of the underlying theory of iterative decoding techniques and the algorithms used for the decoding, and this clearly needs to be improved upon.

The 'Turbo Principle', involving iterative decoding, enabled by concatenations of several encoder elem ents, has also initiated a considerable num ber of novel ideas th a t go far beyond the channel coding in the front end receiver of digital communications system s. For instance, Glavieux et al. introduced the idea in [108] th a t a similar concept may be applied to the equalisation algorithms, whereby the equaliser communicates w ith the channel decoder in a similar manner as iterative decoding of serially concatenated codes, as was described in Chapter 6 of this document. A similar idea was also put forward in [109], and a very recent contribution in this area was also given in reference [110], and it would be expected th a t similar schemes may be invented in the future, possibly even schemes where the channel decoder communicates with the dem odulator synchronisation algorithms. This would indeed form very im portant research, as a m ajor difficulty w ith Turbo Codes is th a t the codes perform 'too well' in a sense, since the signal to noise ratios over which the codes may operate are so low that the synchronisation is made substantially more difficult than is normally the case.

This thesis has, although some practicality issues have been discussed, largely dealt w ith iterative decoding w ithout particular applications in mind. This is a ttribu ted to the fact


th a t iterative decoding techniques were only recently invented. However, the area has m atured immensely since this work was first initiated, and it would be beneficial to undertake research with specific applications in mind, in order to optimise the coding schemes on the basis of other known param eters of the communications system. Some research efforts have already been put into this, exemplified by [111]. Also, in the work carried out here, the samples obtained from the channel and the decoder soft outputs have been of an analogue-like nature, as 32 bit floating point representation has been used throughout. However, the issue of quantisation in iterative coding schemes should be addressed in future research, as strategies need to be found regarding the num ber of bits used for the soft channel outputs, the soft decoder outputs and also how this quantisation is best undertaken, e.g. linear or logarithmic quantisation.

Appendix A

Case Study: The DVB-S standard

This appendix will consider the ETSI DVB-S standard in a detailed m anner in order to illustrate a concatenated channel coding system that is currently in use, and to investigate the performance of such a system.

A.l Introduction

The ETSI DVB-S standard ETS 300 421 [28] was finalised in December 1994, and unifies the digital transm ission of television, sound and data under one standard. This Euro­pean Telecommunication Standard (ETS) was produced under the authority of the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). The EBU/ETSI JTC was formed in 1990 to co-ordinate the drafting of ETSs in the specific field of radio, television and data broad­casting. The EBU is a professional association of broadcasting organisations (e.g. SES, owning the ASTRA satellite system and Eutelsat, whose DVB broadcasting satellites have been named Hot Bird 1,2 etc.) whose work includes the co-ordination of its m em bers' activities in the technical legal, programme-making and programme-exchange domains. The EBU has active members in about 60 countries in the European broadcasting area, and its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.

This standard was prepared by the project team PT-55V, and describes the framing struc­ture, channel coding and m odulation format for digital television transm ission via satel­lite. The work of this project team was based on the studies [112] carried out by the European DVB Project under the auspices of the Ad hoc Group V4/MOD-B. This jo in t group of industry, operators and broadcasters provided the necessary inform ation on all relevant m atters to the project team .

The ETSI DVB-S standard is part of the complete 'M ulti-vision system ', which covers the



baseband image coding, baseband sound coding, baseband data service coding, m ulti­plexing, channel coding and m odulation for satellite services, channel coding and m odu­lation for cable distribution and common scrambling system.

The following sections will trea t the standard in a detailed manner, largely duplicating the original standard for the sake of completeness of this document. Where applicable, we will add our own notes and sim ulation results to illustrate certain aspects of the ETS, and to clarify certain concepts and term s used in the standard.

A. 2 Overview of ETS 300 421

This ETS describes the m odulation and channel coding system for satellite digital m ulti­program me Television (TV) and High Definition Television (HDTV) services to be used for prim ary and secondary distribution in Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) (ASTRA 'Lower Band') and Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS) bands (ASTRA 'Upper Band'). The system is intended to provide Direct-To-Home (DTH) services for consumer Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD), as well as collective antenna systems (Satellite M aster Antenna Television (SMATV)) and cable television head-end stations, w ith a likelihood of rem odulation. For more information, refer to the ETSI standard for digital cable TV, ETS 300 429 [63].

The transm ission system uses Quaternary Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) m odulation and a familiar concatenated error protection strategy based on convolutional code and a sh o rt­ened Reed-Solomon (RS).

Due to a wide range of possible transm ission rates and convolutional code rates due to different possible puncturing matrices, the system is suitable for use on different satellite transponder bandwidths. Compatibility with Moving Pictures Expert Group - 2 (MPEG- 2) coded TV services [113] is provided. The transm ission structure of the MPEG-2 is synchronous w ith the packet multiplex, and allows for the use of a variety of TV service configurations, including sound and data services, through appropriate exploitation of the multiplex flexibility. All service components are Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) on a single carrier.

A. 3 Transmission System

A.3.1 System Definition

The system is defined as the functional block of equipm ent performing the adaptation of the baseband TV signals, from the output of the MPEG-2 transport multiplexer [113] to the satellite channel characteristics. The following processes shall be applied to the data stream:


• Transport multiplex adaptation and random isation for energy dispersal.

• Outer coding (i.e. Reed-Solomon coding).

• Convolutional Interleaving [68].

• Inner Coding (i.e. punctured convolutional code).

• Baseband Shaping for m odulation.

• M odulation format.

DTH satellite services suffer from power limitations due to the the satellite transponder and the small dishes used in the receivers. Hence, ruggedness against noise and in ter­ference are the main design criteria, rather than spectral efficiency. To achieve a very high power efficiency w ithout excessively penalising the spectral efficiency, the system is defined to use QPSK (2 bits/sym bol) and the concatenation of convolutional and Reed- Solomon codes. The convolutional code may be configured in a flexible manner, allowing the optim isation of the system performance for a given satellite transponder bandwidth.

Although the system is optimised for a single carrier per transponder Time Division M ul­tiplex (TDM), it may be used for m ulti-carrier Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM) type applications.

The Forward Error Correction (FEC) technique is designed to provide Quasi Error Free (QEF) signalling (Bit Error Rate (BER) less than 10-10 a t the input to the MPEG-2 de­multiplexer, provided the Carrier to Noise ratio (C /N ) and Carrier to Interference Ratio (C /I) are above certain defined thresholds.

Refer to figure A .l for an illustration of the system.

The DVB-S S ystem

V ideo C oder

D a ta C oder

A ud io C oder

S w


M PEG -2 Source C oding S a te llite C hannel A dapter& C hannel M ultip lexing

Figure A .l: Block diagram of DVB-S transm itter


A.3.2 Data Formatting

Transport multiplex adaptation and randomisation for energy dispersal

The system input data stream is organised into fixed length packets after the MPEG-2 transport multiplexer. Referring to figure A.2, the to tal packet length of the MPEG-2 transport multiplexer is 188 bytes. This includes 1 synch-word (1 Byte) with the binary value Si = 01000111, i.e. 47h e x • The processing order a t the transm itting side starts with the MSB, i.e. the 0 of the synch-word. The outputs of the MPEG-2 encoder are denoted I ( t ) in figure A. 2.

1 S y n ch B y te §i

187 In fo rm a tio n B y te s [ R\[/(f)] ] a.)

/ 1504 B ytes

Si [ « * ) ] ] S2 [ « * ) ] ] S's [R sm w Si [ « * ) ] ] b.)

2 04 B y te s

1 S y n ch

< *----------------------- 1- _

187 S c ra m b le d In fo rm a tio n B y tes 16 R S -C ode B y te sB y te [ « ) ] ] W ) ] l


Si [[*![/(<)]]+ [C,[/(<)]]]T S2 [ [ « ) ] ] + [Cfe[/(t)]]f S's d .)

1632 B ytes

Figure A .2: DVB-S framing structure after MPEG-2 and RS encoding.

The data of the MPEG-2 is randomised to ensure adequate binary transitions in accor­dance w ith ITU regulations by means of a Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) gen­erator. The resultant bit vectors are denoted J R n[I(t)] j in Figure A.2. The Generator Polynomial of the Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator is

1 + X 14 + X 15 (A .l)

The PRBS registers are loaded with the binary sequence ‘100101010000000’ a t the s ta rt of every eight transport packets. The synch-word of the first transport packet in the group of eight transport packets is bit-wise inverted from 47h e x to B8h e x , as indicated in figure A.2. Also, possibly of importance to the dem odulator, Viterbi decoder, de-interleaver and RS-decoder, the 7 other synch-words in the group of eight transport packets rem ain un-random ised, so th a t these may be used for o ther synchronisation purposes. Thus, the period of the PRBS sequence is 1503 Bytes (8 packets • 188 Bytes - first synch-word).


Figure A.3 shows the PRBS generator.

Initialization Sequence

1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



data output

Enable Clear/randomiseddata input

Figure A. 3: Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator/decoder.

A.3.3 Outer Code (RS), interleaving and framing

The Reed-Solomon Outer Code

The Reed-Solomon RS (204,188,8) shortened code is derived from the original RS (255,239,8) code, and is applied to each randomised transport packet (188 Bytes) of figure A.2 to generate an error protected packet of 204 Bytes, including the synch-word. RS- coding is also applied to this synch-word, but as the code is system atic (original sequence also transm itted), the synch-words remain unchanged.

The Generator Polynomial for the RS code is:

g(x) = (x + X°)(x + X1)(x + A2) . . . (x + A15), (A.2)

where A = 02h e x - The Field Generator Polynomial is:

p(x) = x8 -f x4 + x3 + x2 -I-1 (A.3)

The shortened RS code may be implemented by adding 51 bytes, all se t to zero, prior to the information symbols a t the input to a (255,239) encoder. After the RS coding procedure, these null Bytes are to be discarded.


The Convolutional Interleaver

The convolutional interleaving is based on the work undertaken by Forney [68], and figure 5.6 shows the general configuration of such an interleaver.

For this particular case, N = 12 and J = 17. Each branch is a First-In — First-Out (FIFO) shift register, where each of the cells in the shift register contains one Byte. The first branch contains no shift registers, and the synch-words are to be routed through this branch. The interleaving latency of the interleaver and de-interleaver is given by:

S = J N ( N - 1), (A. 4)

i.e. in this case the to ta l delay is 2,244 Bytes.

In the de-interleaver, the configuration is reversed, and branch 0 contains the longest de­lay. Synchronisation may be achieved by routing the first recognised synch-word through this branch.

Inner Convolutional Code

The inner code is the well known, rate R = | , convolutional code of constraint length v = 6, where we define constraint length as the num ber of memory elem ents in the encoder shift register. The generator polynomial vector of the code is as given in equation (5.2), and the code block diagram is given in Figure 5.2.

The code may be punctured in a variety of ways to achieve different bandwidths and transm ission rates. It is of importance for the QPSK dem odulator design th a t the synch- words are encoded in the convolutional interleaver, thereby making a potential data- aided dem odulation impossible. However, for Viterbi decoder synchronisation purposes, the synch-words may still be used.

Table A .l on page 180 shows the different puncturing matrices for the convolutional code, as well as the mapping to the I and Q symbols in the QPSK transmission.

A.3.4 Baseband Shaping and Modulation

The system employs conventional Gray-Coded QPSK m odulation with absolute mapping, i.e. no differential encoding takes place. The symbol constellation is shown in figure A.4.

The baseband V R C (Square Root Raised Cosine) filter has a theoretical function defined by the equation given in 2.13, which is repeated in equation (A.5) for the sake of com-


Figure A.4: QPSK Symbol Constellation

I/I < I n ( 1 - a)

f N (l - a ) < | / | < f N {l + a) , (A.5)

I/I > I n ( 1 + a)

a = 0.35 is the roll-off factor. This is the

A.3.5 Performance Requirements

Table A.2 gives an overview of the performance th a t is required from the system , includ­ing the outer RS code, the interleaving and the inner convolutional code.

These requirem ents allow for an im plem entation loss of 0.8 dB in the m odem /V iterbi decoder. This would leave a maximum allowable im plem entation loss in the m odem of about 0.5 dB, as the im plem entation loss in the Viterbi decoder, due to the 4 bit quantisation, would be in the order of 0.2-0.3 dB.


f N 1/12 2 2f N

where fN = 2f j is the Nyquist frequency, and standard \fR C format.






0?10<udos<u-aoo ft?

f t?










<> ro"05




rH t-o





rH 1Co

C Mo


r—1 r-H

i- ( rHo


C Ho



<N H O '


r H o rH LO

O tH O

tH orH CO

oO r H (M rHi— 1 r H O



CJ o *

T T 10



c c

rH rHo

H Mo

C Ho

f t ,rH

o oII II

Q 4


CMO Oc c '"i?5 O


•-< G*

H H 1 \o ^II II

^ Q»



■m tj^ g,T3 •oor P.



ccs aJ -d4-> <4-1ocod <u d oft6 o o

*s bs g^ 5iS dt? £s £ 3 ensto OJ<u ti

§ 1•g QJ^ *^ 04 ^ -a

d rs

Table A .l: Puncturing matrices, the free distance df and code rates for the DVB inner convolutional code


Performance Requirements

Inner Code Rate R Required E b/N 0

R = \ 4.5

R = i 5.0

R = i 5.5

R = l 6.0

R = l 6.4

Table A.2: Maximum E b/N 0 required for error rate of 2 • 10~4 after Viterbi decoding, and Quasi Error Free after RS decoding, as a function of the rate of the inner convolutional code.

Appendix B

RSC Codes Suitable For Use In Iterative Decoding

B .l v = 2

General Characteristics of Code

9 ( D ) r S C ( 7 ,5) — [1 5/7]sRec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial d f r e e N f r e e N f r e e | d f r e e V

7 5 5 2 3 2

T(J, N , D ) = J 3N 3D 5 + J 4N 2D 6 + J 5N 3D 7 + J 5N 4D 6 +

+ J 6N 3D 7 + J 6N 4D8 + J 7N 2 D 8 + J 7N 4D 8 +

+ j 7n 5d 9 + j 7n 5d 7 + j 8n 3d 9 + j 8n 4d 8 +

+ j 8n 5d 9 + j 8n 6d 10 + j 9n 3d 9 + • • • (B.l)



B.2 is = 3

General Characteristics of Code

9 {&) R S C {13,15) — [1 15/13]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree Nfree Nfree | dfree V

13 15 6 2 3 3

T (J ,N , D) = J 4N 3D 6 + J 5N 4D8 + J GN 4D 8 + J GN 3D 6 +

+ J 7N 3D 10 + j 7n 4d 8 + J 7N 7D 10 + J 8N 2D8 +

+ j 8n 5d 10 + J 8N 6D8 + j 8n gd 12 + j 9n 3d 10 +

+ J 9N 6D 12 + J 9N 4D 12 + J 9N 5D 10 + J 9N 4D 8 +

+ J 9N 7D 10 + J 9N 8D 12 + J 10 5^ 10 + J 10N 4D 12 +

+ J 10N 5D 14 + J 10iV3.D10 + J 10N 6D 12 + • • •

General Characteristics of Code

9(D )rsc{ 13,17) — [1 17/13]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree Nfree Nfree \ dfree V

13 17 6 2 3 3

T(J, TV, jD) = J 4iV3£>7 + J 5N 4D G ^ j gn 4d 8 + J gN 3D7 +

+ J 7N 3D7 + J 7N 4D 10 + J 7N 4D8 + J 7N 7D U +

+ J 8N 2D8 + J 8N 5D9 + J 8N GD 12 + J 8N GD 10 +

+ j 9n 3d 9 + J 9N 6D 12 + j 9n 4d 8 + • • •

General Characteristics of Code

g(D) R S C {15,13) = [1 13/15]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree Nfree Nfree \ dfree V

15 13 6 2 3 3

T( J, iV, £>) = J 4N 3DG + J GN 4D8 + J GN 3D G + J GN 4D8 +

+ j 7n 4d 8 + J 7N 3D 10 + J 7N 7D 10 + J 8N 2D8 +

+ J 8N 5D 1 0 4 - J 8N GD 12 + J 8N GD 8 + j 9n 5d 10 +

+ J 9N 4D 8 + J 9N 3D 10 + J 9N 6D 12 + • • •


General Characteristics of Code

9 (D) r s c ( 1 5 , 1 7 ) — [1 17/15]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree Nfree Nfree \dfree V

15 17 6 2 3 3

+ J 7N 4D 8 + J 7N 3D7 + J 7N 4D 10 + J 7 N 7 D 11 +

+ J 8N 2D 8 + J 8N 5D9 + J 8N 6D 10 + J 8N 6D 12 +

+ J 9N 5D n + J 9N 4D 10 + J 9N 3D 9 + ■ ■ • (B.5)

B.3 v = 4

General Characteristics of Code

9 ( D ) r S C ( 2 7 , 2 5 ) ~ [1 25/27]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree Nfree Nfree \ dfree V

27 25 6 2 4 4

T( j , w, r>) = j 5n 4d 7 + j 6n 4d 10 + j 7n 4d 6 + j 7n 4d 9 +

+ J 8iV2£>7 + J 8N 6D 12 + J 8N 6D 10 + J 8N 6D U +

+ J 9N 4D 10 + j 9n 6d 9 + j 9n 4d u + j 9n 6d 10 +

+ J 9N 6D U + J 9N 8D 15 + J 9N 6D 12 + • • •

General Characteristics of Code

9 (D) R S C ( 3 1 , 2 7 ) — [1 27/31]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree -ATfree Nfree\dfree V

31 27 7 3 3 4

T(J, N, D) = J 5N 3D7 + J 6N 4D8 + J 7N 5D 9 + J 7N 6D 10 +

+ J 8N 4D 10 + J 8N 5D n + J 8N 5D7 + J 9N 5D n +

+ J 9N 4D8 + J 9N 3D n + j 9n 6d 12 + j 9n 4d 10 +

+ J 9N 7D U + J 9N 8D 12 + J 9N 7D 13 + • • •

General Characteristics of Code

9 { D ) r S C ( 37,21) — [1 21/37]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial dfree Nfree Nfree | dfree V

37 21 6 2 2 4

T(J, N, D) = J 5N 5D7 + J 6N 2D6 + J 7N 5D n + J 7N 4D 8 +

+ J 8N 5D n + J 8N 4D 12 + J 8N 6D 10 + j 9n 5d 9 +

+ J 9N 4D 10 + J 9N 5D 13 + J 9N 6D 12 + J 9N 8D 10 +

+ J 10N 5D 9 + J 10N 4D 8 + • • •





B.4 l/ = 5

General Characteristics of Code

d(D)RsC(53,47) — [1 47/53]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial d f r e e N f r ee N f r e e \ d f r e e V

53 47 8 4 4 5

T (J ,N ,D ) = J 6N 4D 8 + J 7N 6D 10+ J 8N 4D 10+ J 9N 4D 8 +

+ j 9n 6d 12 + j 9n 4d 10 + J 9N 8D 12 + j 10n 6d 12 +

+ J 10N 4D8 + j 10n 6d 10 + j 10n 6d 14 + j 10n 8d 16 +

+ J n N 4D 14+ J 11N 4D 10+ J UN 8D 14+ ■■■ (B.9)

General Characteristics of Code

9 { D ) r S C { 53,55) — [1 55/53]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial d f r e e N f r e e N f r e e \ d f r e e V

53 55 8 4 4 5

T( J, N, D ) = J 6N 4D8 + J 7N 6D 12 + J 8N 4D 8 + J 9N 4D 10 +

+ J 9N 6D 10 + J 9N 8D 14 + J 10N 6D 10 + J 10N 4D 8 +

+ j 10n 6d 14 + j 10n 6d 12 + j 10n 8d 12 + J u N 4D 10 +

+ J n N 4D 12+ J UN 8D 12+ J n N 6D 10+ ■■■ (B.10)

B.5 v — 6

General Characteristics of Code

9 (.D') R S C (123,167) — [1 167/123]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial d f r e e N f r e e d df re e | d f r e e V

123 167 10 4 4 6

T(J, N , D) = J 7N 4D 10 + J 8N 6D 10 + J 9N 6D 12 + J 9N 6D 10 +

+ J 10N 6D 10 + J 10N 6D 14 + J 10N 4D 12 + J u N 6D 14 +

+ J UN 4D 10 + J n N 6D 12 + J n N 8D 14 + J u N 8D 12 +

+ J n N 10D 18 + J 12N 4D W + J 12N 6D 14 + ■■■ (B .ll)


General Characteristics of Code

9 ( D ) r s c (123,171) ~ [1 171/123]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial d f r e e N f r e e N f r e e \ d f r e e V

123 171 9 4 4 6

T( J, N, D) = J 7 N 4D 9 + J 8N 6D 10 + J 9N 6D 12 + J 9N 6D 13 +

+ J 10N 6D n + J 10N 6D 12 + J 10N 4D 10 + J n N 6D n +

+ J n N 4D 14 + J n N 6D 14 + J n N 6D 13 + J n N 4D n +

+ J n N 8D 14 + J UN 10D 13 + J 12N 4D 10 + ■■■

General Characteristics of Code

9 (J -)') R S C (123,17 5) — [1 175/123]8Rec. Polynomial Forw. Polynomial d f r e e N f r e e N f r e e \ d f r e e V

123 175 10 4 4 6

T( J, N , D) = J 7N 4D 10 +. J 8N 6D 10 + J 9N 6D 10 + J 9N 6D 12 +

+ J 10N 6D 14 + J 10N 6D 12 + J 10N 4D 10 + J 10N 6D 10 +

+ J n N 6D 12 + J u N 4D 10 + J n N 6D 14 + J u N 8D 14 +

+ J n N 8D 16 + J UN 10D 14 + J 12N 4D 12 + ■ • •



Appendix C




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