I.The Holocaust Given the name “The Final Solution” to the Jewish problem as well as other...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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I. The HolocaustGiven the name

“The Final Solution”

to the Jewish problem

as well as other undesirables.

“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire” - From the teaching of the TalmudThe Talmud is a central text of mainstream Judaism, in the form of a record of rabbinicdiscussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs and history.

Who Would Join This Club?

The Nazi Party


A. Hitler’s Final Solution

1. 1st described in Mein Kampf (My Struggle) 1925.

Underline those items from the reading that give an indication of what Hitler’s beliefs are on the

issues of race.

B. Step #1 – Create a Scapegoat1. The challenge here becomes that of dehumanizing a race of people (the Jews) in the eyes of others (German citizens).

You place blame, create fear and indoctrinate the youth

Nazi students and SA unloading "un-German" books as fuel for a book burning on May 10, 1933 in Berlin, Germany. The SA (Sturmabteilung or "Stormtroopers") was the Nazi paramilitary organization under Ernst Röhm. The banner on the back of the

truck states, "German students march against the un-German spirit."

One way the Nazis cleansed the country of "un-German" thoughts was through censorship. A "brown shirt" (member of the SA) throws some

more fuel--"un-German" books-- into a roaring fire on the Opernplatz in Berlin. May 10, 1933.

Hitler Youth march through Nuremberg, Germany past Nazi officials.

C. Step #2 – Pass laws limiting their rights as citizens

Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws in 1935. These laws stripped Jews of their civil rights as German citizens and separated them from Germans legally, socially, and politically. Jews were also defined as a separate race under "The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor." Being Jewish was now determined by ancestry; thus the Germans used race, not religious beliefs or practices, to define the Jewish people. This law forbade marriages or sexual relations between Jews and Germans.

D. Step #3 – Terrorize and Harass1. November 9, 1938 – Kristallnacht – “Night of

Broken Glass” where 100’s of Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed and 25,000 deaths.

Nearly 200 synagogues were set afire on November 9, 1938, in an officially orchestrated evening of widespread violence and vandalism of Jewish property. In addition to the burning of synagogues, Jewish businesses and shops were severely vandalized throughout Germany. Josef Goebbels, the propaganda minister under Adolf Hitler, masterminded this Night of Broken Glass.

E. Step #4- Separation1. Jews begin to be relocated to the

Ghettos• Now that the Jews

feared for their lives and non-Jews “bought in” to their treatment they could be very easily molded and manipulated.

• This is what they deserve!

• At least it is not happening to me!

F. Step #5 – Exact the “Final Solution”

1. Forced labor camps to extermination camps. The SS under Heinrich Himmler would be in charge. Over 10 million deaths.

The Evils of the Nazis Uncovered

• The Holocaust at Auschwitz

• Arbeit Macht Frei “Work makes one Free!”

• The only escape was through the chimney.


Children: Tattooed, worked for six to nine weeks, gassed, cremated!

Worked to death by systematic starvation then gassed and cremated.

Work Makes You Free?????

Children of Auschwitz

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

SS Officer digs in a Grave site

Nazi medical experiments : a prisoner is submerged in a tank filled with cold water. The goal of this type of experiments was to check how long German pilots, who had to parachute into the cold north sea, would survive

Lucky and Unlucky?

Crematorium and Chimney:

The only escape Auschwitz

American Doctors arrive too late in order to save millions of Jews



Gas Chamber at Mauthausen: Capacity 120 People

Auschwitz Today

The Entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp in Poland


We know of the power of

Hate.But do not

underestimate the power of


Indifference is not so much a gesture of looking away – ofchoosing to be passive – as it is an active disinclination to feel.Indifference shuts down the humane, and does it deliberately,with all of the strength deliberateness demands. Indifference is as determined – and as forcefully muscular - asany blow.

The Killing Fields Cambodia - 1975 The Cambodian Killing Fields

On April 17th, 1975 the Khmer Rouge, a communist guerrilla group led by Pol Pot, took power in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. They forced

all city dwellers into the countryside and to labor camps. During their rule, it is estimated that 2 million Cambodians died by starvation, torture or

execution. 2 million Cambodians represented approximately 30% of the Cambodian population during that time.

The Khmer Rouge turned Cambodia to year zero. They banned all institutions, including stores, banks, hospitals, schools, religion, and the

family. Everyone was forced to work 12 - 14 hours a day, every day. Children were separated from their parents to work in mobile groups or as soldiers. People were fed one watery bowl of soup with a few grains of rice thrown in. Babies, children, adults and the elderly were killed everywhere.

The Khmer Rouge killed people if they didn’t like them, if didn’t work hard enough, if they were educated, if they came from different ethnic groups, or if they showed sympathy when their family members were taken away to be

killed. All were killed without reason. Everyone had to pledge total allegiance to Angka, the Khmer Rouge government. It was a campaign based

on instilling constant fear and keeping their victims off balance.After the Vietnamese invaded and liberated the Cambodian people from the Khmer Rouge, 600,000 Cambodians fled to Thai border camps. Ten million landmines were left in the ground, one for every person in Cambodia. The United Nations installed the largest peacekeeping mission in the world in Cambodia in 1991 to ensure free and fair elections after the withdrawal of

the Vietnamese troops. Cambodia was turned upside down during the Khmer Rouge years and the country has the daunting task of healing physically,

mentally and economically.

Rwanda - 1994

On April 6, 1994, Hutu extremists unleashed a genocide in which perhaps 800,000 people were murdered in one hundred days.

Never Again??

• Genocide continues to this day and will so until those in positions of power stand up against it.

• As long as indifference remains it will continue.

• “It is not so much that bad people commit unspeakable horrors, it is that good people stand by and allow it to happen!”

This child had his face bashed in, presumably with a rifle butt, during a massacre in Hamada Sudan in January of 2005!

Hatred, Intolerance, Indifference

It is important not to sugarcoat the potential human kind has to hate.

What is sometimes more disturbing is how easy it is we can be manipulated by it and

how subtle discrimination can turn into hateful acts very easily.

Additionally, how apathy can be even worse!

Stereotypes – Avoidance – Resentment – Hatred – Action?!?