It's your future

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Always On Panopticon…Or Cooperation Amplifier?

pan opticon

everywhere being seen


Place where everything is being seen

to amplify cooperation


to intensify surveillance

what we know and do can minimize dangers

and maximize opportunities

Should We Refuse It?

Smart mob technologies pose at least 3 kinds of potential threats:

• Threats to liberty

• Threats to quality of life

• Threats to human dignity

Threats to liberty

Pervasive computing is converging with ubiquitous surveillance, providing the totalitarian snoop power depicted in Orwell’s 1984

Everything what we are doing is seen by others

Threats to quality of life

From individual angst to deteriorating communities, it isn’t clear whether life in the infomated society delivers conveniences faster than it erodes sanity and civility

Does using technology make us more comfortable?

Threats to human dignity

As more people turn more aspects of their lives over to symbiotic interaction with machines, the more mechanical and less humane we become

Machines, human, which is more important?

Can Discipline Evolve?

Every telephone call, credit card transaction, mouse-click, email, automatic bridge toll collection, convenience market video camera, and hotel room electronic key collects and broadcast personal information that is increasingly compiled, compared, sorted and stored by unknown and possibly unknowable assortment of state security agencies and people who want to sell something, we already know about that and let them know


• Airport Safety

• Prisoners

• Believing in God

Can discipline change in the future?

For some reason, it’s good, and the other is bad

And What Is Happening with User Interface?

Mobile Communication is dangers

• No eye contact

• No facial expression

• No tone of voice

• Communicating by e-mail can make misunderstanding because they are not in the real meeting

• Getting information from internet is less accurate than from doing own research

They are in public place but actually they are in other place which is more privately

less friendly

pass each other unsmiling

Where is your position?

You are controlling technology?

You are controlled by technology?