Ivan - BLESSED VIRGIN MARY UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC PARISH ... the Lord, the Most High, the awesome, is...

Post on 28-May-2020

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Office Hours: Tues-Fri 10:00am-2:00pm; Call before coming

Baptisms & Wedding: By Appointment Only



536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395

(at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday:

Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

“Independently owned”

1442 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7

Ph: 586-8044 www.cropo.com

Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community For over 50 Years

Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave

Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7

Tel: 334-4754

Fax: 338-3705



INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8

Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30

Sat 9:00 – 2:30

(204) 582-7891

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Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community”

950 Main St.

80-2200 McPhillips St.

1341-A Henderson Hwy.

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Ph: (204) 989-7400



Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці

Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish (EST. 1922)

Pastor Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy (204) 582-7535

Parish Executive Chair Glen Henkewich (204) 633-1502

UCWLC President Janet Kuchma (204) 582-5932

Men’s Club President John Natyna (204) 339-9366

Perogy Committee President Myron Fedoruk (204) 338-7243

Catechism Coordinator Teresa Hryndzio (204) 334-4298

Communications Director Nicholas Szun (204) 799-7656

Parish Van Coordinator Jerry Pilipowicz (204) 582-7570

College Ave Hall Rental John Kutcher (204) 589-7152

College Ave Hall (204) 586-3032

Auditorium Rental (204) 582-7535

Church Auditorium (204) 582-4466

Divine Liturgies: Weekdays: 9:00am; Saturday: 5:00pm (English); Sunday: 10:00am (Bilingual)

Bulletin Issue: #22/52 (771)

BVM Church


Tel:(204) 582-7535 Fax:(204) 582-4647

Неділя 2 червня 2019

Неділя Святих Отців

Посвяття Вознесіння

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sunday of the Holy Fathers

Post-feast of Ascension

965 Boyd Ave.

R2X 0Z9

Verse: For you are just in all you have done.

Epistle: A reading from the Acts of the Apostles.

(20: 16 -18, 28 - 36): In those days Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus so as not to lose time in Asia, for he was eager to get to Jerusalem by the feast of Pentecost if at all possible. Paul sent word from Miletus to Ephe-sus, summoning the presbyters of that church. When they came to him, he delivered this address: "Keep watch over yourselves, and over the whole flock the Holy Spirit has given you to guard. Shepherd the church of God, which he has acquired at the price of his own blood. I know that when I am gone, savage wolves will come among you who will not spare the flock. From your own number, men will present themselves dis-torting the truth and leading astray any who follow them. Be on guard, therefore. Do not forget that for three years, night and day, I never ceased warning you individually even to the point of tears. I commend you now to the Lord, and to that gracious word of his which can enlarge you, and give you a share among all who are consecrated to him. Never did I set my heart on anyone's silver of gold or envy the way he dressed. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have served both my needs and those of my companions. I have always pointed out to you that is by such hard work that you must help the weak. You need to recall the words of the Lord Jesus himself, who said: There is more happiness in giving than receiving.'"

Verse: The Lord, God of gods, speaks; he summons the earth from east to west.

Assemble my faithful before me who sealed my cove-nant by sacrifice.

Gospel: John 17:1 -13.

Instead of 'it is truly right . . .': O my soul, extol the Lord who in glory ascended bodily into heaven. O Mother of God, who in a manner beyond understand-ing and beyond words gave birth in time to Him whom time cannot contain, we the faithful magnify you with one accord.

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest.

Exult, you just, in the Lord; praise from the upright is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Instead of: 'We have seen the true light...' and 'May our mouths be filled...': Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; above all the earth be your glory.

First Antiphon: All you peoples clap your hands; shout to God with cries of gladness!

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,

O Savior, save us.

For the Lord, the Most High, the awesome, is the great king over all the earth.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,

O Savior, save us,

He brings people under us; nations under our feet.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,

O Savior, save us.

The Lord mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the Lord amid trumpet blasts.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,

O Savior, save us.

Glory be ... now and forever . . . : Only Begotten Son

Third Antiphon: Regular 3rd Antiphon but with the fol-lowing response:

Son of God, who ascended in glory, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

Tropar, tone 6: Angelic powers were upon Your tomb* and the guards became like dead men;* Mary stood before Your tomb seeking Your most pure body.* You captured Hades without being overcome by it.* You met the Virgin and granted life.* O Lord, risen from the dead, glory be to You.

Tropar of the Ascension, tone 4: You ascended in glory, O Christ our God;* You delighted the disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit.* Through this blessing they were assured that You are the Son of God,* the Re-deemer of the world.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and for ever and ever. Amen!

Kondak of the Holy Fathers, tone 8: The preaching of the apostles and the decisions of the Fathers* have established the true faith of the Church* which she wears as the garment of truth* fashioned from the the-ology on high.* She justly governs and glorifies the great mystery of worship.

Prokimen, tone 4: Blessed are you, and praiseworthy, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and glorious forever is your name.

Перший Антифон: Всі народи заплещіте руками, воскликніть Богові голосом радости.

Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Бо Господь Всевишній страшний, цар великий по всій землі.

Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Він покорив людей нам, і народи під ноги наші.

Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Зійшов Бог під оклики веселі, Господь під голос сурми.

Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Слава . . . : і нині . . . .; Єдинородний Сину .

Третій Антифон: 3-ій антифон, але з цим припівом:

Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що вознісся у славі, співаємо тобі: Алилуя!

Тропар глас 6: Ангельські сили на гробі Твоїм,* і сторожі омертвіли;* Марія ж стояла при гробі,* шукаючи пречистого тіла Твого*. Полонив Ти ад і, не переможений від нього,* зустрів Ти Діву, даруючи життя.* Воскреслий з мертвих, Господи, слава Тобі!

Тропар Вознесіння, глас 4: Вознісся Ти в славі, Христе Боже наш,* учинивши учням радість, обітуванням Святого Духа,* і скріпив їх Твоїм благословенням,* бо Ти Син Божий, Визволитель світу.

Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові: і нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак Отців, глас 8: Апостолів проповідування і Отців* догмати єдину віру утвердили церкві,* яка і, ризу істини з богословія вишнього носячи,* право править і славить благочестя* велике таїнство.

Прокімен, глас 4: Благословен єси, Господи Боже Отців наших, і хвальне і прославлене ім'я Твоє повіки.

Стих: Бо праведний Ти всьому, що сотворив Ти нам.

Апостол: Діянь Святих Апостолів Читання. (16:

16 -18, 28 - 36):

Тими днями Павло вирішив плисти попри Ефес, щоб не баритися в Азії; поспішав бо, щоб, по змозі, на день П'ятдесятниці бути в Єрусалимі. З Мілету він послав у Ефес і прикликав пресвітерів Церкви. Коли ж вони прийшли до нього, він до них промовив: "Зважайте на самих себе й на все стадо, над яким Дух Святий поставив вас єпископами, щоб пасли Церкву Божу, що її він придбав кров'ю власною. Я знаю, що по моїм відході ввійдуть поміж вас самих вовки хижі, які не щадитимуть стада. Та й з-поміж вас самих повстануть люди, що говоритимуть погубні речі, щоб потягнути за собою учнів. Тому чувайте, пригадуйте собі, що я три роки, ніч і день, не переставав кожного з вас із сльозами наводити на розум. А тепер передаю вас Богові і слову його благодаті, що може збудувати й дати вам спадщину між усіма освяченими. Ні срібла, ні золота, ані одежі я не вимагав ні від кого. Ви самі знаєте, що моїм потребам і тих, які зо мною, служили оці руки. У всьому я показав вам, що, так працюючи, треба допомагати слабосильним і пам'ятати слова Господа Iсуса, що сам сказав: 'Більше щастя давати, ніж брати." Промовивши це, він упав на коліна і з усіма ними почав молитися.

Стих: Бог богів Господь промовив, і прозвав землю від сходу сонця до заходу.

Зберуть йому преподобних його, що заповідають завіт його в жертвах.

Євангелія: Від Івана 17:1 -13.

Замість 'Достойно...': Величай, душе моя, Господа, що з плоттю во славі вознісся на небеса. Тебе вище ума і слова Матір Божу, що в часі безлітнього несказанно родила, вірні однодумне величаємо.

Причастин: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах.

Радуйтеся, праведні, в Господі, правим належить похвала. Алилуя! Алилуя! Алилуя!

Замість: 'Ми бачили світло істинне...' і 'Нехай сповняться....': Вознесися на небеса, Боже, і по всій землі нехай буде слава Твоя.

Sunday, June 2 2019 Sunday of the Holy Fathers Неділя 2 червня 2019 Неділя Святих Отців

Schedule of Services from June 2 to June 9, 2019

Sunday Services:

Sat. June 1 5:00 pm Sunday Divine Liturgy

For Health & God’s Blessings for all parishioners

Sun. June 2 Sunday of the Fathers of the first ecumenical council

9:30 am Confession 10:00 am Divine Liturgy For health and God’s Blessings for all parishioners

Mon. June 3 9:00 am Divine Liturgy requested by Mary Bernatsky

Tue. June 4 9:00 am За здоров’я і Боже благословення для Володимира і Марії Шинке від родини

Wed, June 5 9:00 am For health and God’s blessings for Alma Albright from Dr. Andrea Babick

June Devotion

7:00 pm Moleben in Honour of Sacred Heart of Jesus followed by UCWLC meeting

Thurs, June 6 9:00 am For the late + Eugene Kruk (1 year) from Victoria Kruk and family

4:00 pm Divine Liturgy followed by Men’s Club Meeting and Wind Up

Fri, June 7 9:00 am За душі у чистилищі від Дмитра Сікори

7:00 pm GOLDEYES Faith Night

Sat, June 8 9:00am For health and God’s Blessings for Dr. Taras Babick from

Orlan Ukrainian Folk Ensemble

1:00 pm Memorial Services (Panachyda Services) at Holy Family Cemetery

Sunday Services:

Sat. June 9 5:00 pm NO SERVICE

(Next service on Saturday, June 15 at 5 pm)

Sun. June 10 Pentecost Sunday - Зелені Свята

9:30 am Confession

10:00 am Divine Liturgy For health and God’s Blessings for all parishioners

Barbecue Sunday to follow. Rain or Shine!

VICHNA In loving memory of +Anastasia, +Juan & +Harry Dmytryshyn, from Anne & Glenn Rusnak

LYAMPA (ETERNAL LIGHT IN SANCTUARY): Available dates: June 23, 30

ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD VIGIL LAMP: For Health & God’s Blessings for Deanna Trudeau on the occasion of her birthday,

from John & Adeline Natyna and family

Available dates in: June 9, 16, 23, 30 ICON OF OUR LORD VIGIL LAMP:

Available dates in: June 9, 16, 23, 30

Please pray for the following sick & shut-in Parishioners from BVM:

"Oh God, Our Father we pray You restore to physical health those of our parishioners who are weakened with illness, give peace of mind to those troubled with worry and comfort to those discouraged with problems. Help them find in the days of their strength, a faith and trust in You and a love for one another to guide them through any health challenges or troubles they may face". Amen.

Shut-ins: Stella Demedash,

Holy Family Home: Stephania Demkiw, Lorraine Putasnick, Olga Dilay, Anna Kmet, Olga Palmer, Mary Popiel, Mary Doviak

Maples Care Home: Murray Balagus, Helen Trafiak, William Tomchuk, Anna Paslawsky, Irene Prokop

Fred Douglas Lodge: Olive Pollock

Date & Time Greeters Eucharistic Ministers Epistle Readers

June 2, 2019



Welcome Adeline Natyna

Simeon Rusnak

Helena Devinyak

June 9, 2019



Welcome Ruslan Bobelyak

Simeon Rusnak

Benedict Boguski

LAST WEEK’S INCOME: Sunday Collection: $1,833.00; Envelopes: 61;

Direct Deposit, Parishioners: 15 Church Donation: 200.00;

In memory of +Joe Bodnar: $50.00, +Joe Gregg: $100.00 & + Catherine Buyachok: $75.00 (To replace carpet in Sanctuary)

EXPENSES: Total: $3,150.30

Manitoba Hydro: Gas: $1,370.72 & Electric $843.01

Our next perogy making sessions are scheduled for:

Peeling Potatoes: June 12 Perogy making: June 13

Orders are filled for June. Thank you to all who have placed orders.

Perogy making will resume in September

To receive the weekly bulletin by email, scan the QR code on the right

with your Smartphone or visit http://bit.ly/bvmemail to sign up.


Donor(s) Intention $ Amount

Z. Dlugosz Church Needs $200.00

Jerry & Irene Pilipowicz Lenten Offering for Ukraine $100.00

Mrs. Sylvia Prokopanko In memory of +Catherine Buyachok $50.00

Ian & Dale Harasymiw In memory of +Joe Gregg $50.00

Mae Harasyniw In memory of +Joe Gregg $50.00

Ken & Bertha Stoyko In memory of +Joseph Bodnar $50.00

The Rusnak Family In memory of +Catherine Buyachok $25.00

The Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous Lady of Pochaiv May 19, --- June 2, Lorna Nelson

Lenten Offering - Поміч Україні Our yearly collection during Great Lent is dedicated to assist the Orphanage in the city of Vynohradiv, Ukraine run by Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate for their special project “Water Supply”. The Sisters wish to build a water reservoir to ensure that they have a safe and continuous water supply for the children, as the city supply of water is turned off for many hours daily. Use the special blue Lenten Offering envelope for your donation.

If paying by cheque please make your cheque payable to the parish.

Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish 100th Annevarsary Gala Banquet

Sunday, June 23, 2019 Hierarchical Divine Liturgy 1:30 pm Holy Eucharist Church

Gala Banquet 4:00 pm Doors open at 3:30 pm Holy Eucharist Parish Centre 460 Munroe Ave

To Purchase tickets please call our parish office (204) 582-7535

Tickets are $25 Per child (Age 3-11) & $75 Per person.

Sts. Peter & Paul Church will be celebrating Fr. Darren’s 25th Anniversary of Priesthood on

Saturday, June 8th. There will be a special Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak

at 4:00 PM, followed by an Anniversary Banquet in our Parish Centre at 6:00 pm.

To order your tickets please contact Sts. Peter & Paul’s Parish Office at 204-237-4206 or

Florence at 204-256-1568. Ticket sale deadline is May 31 2019.

The Winnipeg Goldeyes Baseball Club is hosting Faith night on June 7 at 7:00pm Faith-based groups thorough Manitoba are invited to spend an exciting evening at the ball-

park cheering on the Goldeyes. Join us before the game (6:15pm) for a gathering of Goldeyes players as they speak about how faith affects their lives and baseball careers.

The Package includes: Reserved group seating, Exclusive souvenir for each group member & welcome announcement during the game.

Tickets are $10.00 each for the Grand Slam (not on deck) Contact Teresa Hryndzio (204) 334-4298

There are 2 Tickets available

Panachyda Services at Holy Family & All Saints Cemeteries

Panachyda Services will be held at Holy Family Cemetery on Saturday, June 8 beginning at

1:00pm. Services will start at the Main Altar; prayers at private graves will commence after

the service for Deceased Religious.

Memorial Services at All Saints Cemetery for Heroes of Ukraine and the late Metropolitan

+Maxim Hermanuik & Clergy will be held on Pentecost Sunday (June 16) starting at 2:00pm.

Thank you from Teresa Hryndzio, Catechism coordinator to ~ Bernard Boguski, Stephanie & Addisyn Chen, Yaroslav Hrynda, Nataliya Skwarchuk, and Val, Paul & Matthew Szun for com-ing out on May 25 at 10am and staying till the afternoon. Catechism area, kitchen and cos-tume classroom is so much cleaner. A lot of things were purged and organized.

Addisyn & Matthew sorted ALL the crayons, scissors, pencil crayons, pens, pencils, markers and organized the puzzles & books in the bookshelf.

A LOT WAS COMPLETED, thanks to all the great helpers that were able to come out to offer

their time & lend a hand INCREDIBLE teamwork